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    1. 本试卷第Ⅰ卷和第Ⅱ卷共10页,全卷150分,考试时间120分钟。
    2. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上指定的位置。
    3. 全部答案在答题卡上完成,答在本试卷上无效。考试结束后,将答题卡交回。
    第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共95分)
    1. What time is it nw?
    A. 7:25.B. 7:35.C. 7:45.
    2. What did the wman think f the game?
    A. Fantastic.B. Bring.C. Interesting.
    3. What’s prbably wrng with the wman?
    A. She has a stmachache.B. Her leg is brken.C. She has a fever.
    4. Hw did the wman get back?
    A. She rde her bike hme.
    B. She drve her car hme.
    C. Smene picked her up.
    5. What des the wman lk like?
    A. Shrt, wearing glasses.
    B. Tall, wearing n glasses.
    C. Shrt, wearing n glasses.
    6. What d the speakers think is flying in the sky?
    A. A plane.B. A UFO.C. A rcket.
    7. What will they d later?
    A. Take phts.B. Call the plice.C. Bard the flying bject.
    8. What happened t the man?
    A. His car hit a dg n the rad.
    B. He was kncked dwn by a car.
    C. His car was hit by anther ne.
    9. Hw did it happen?
    A. The driver was drunk and speeding.
    B. The driver was trying t avid the dg.
    C. The driver didn’t see the light turn red.
    10. What time did the wman get t the party?
    A. 6:30.B. 7:30.C. 8:30.
    11. What did the wman d when she met Daisy’s mm?
    A. She hugged her. B. She kissed her.C. She shk her hand.
    12. Why did the wman think the party went terribly?
    A. She failed t fllw the lcal custms.
    B. The guests didn’t wear the prper clthes.
    C. The fd and activities were disappinting.
    13. When wuld the man prefer t fly?
    A. Nv. 11B. Nv. 12C. Nv. 13
    14. Why is the man ging t Ls Angeles?
    A. T g n vacatin.B. T visit a friend.C. T attend a meeting.
    15. Hw much des the man pay fr his ticket?
    A. $170.B. $300.C. $470.
    16. What’s the man’s phne number?
    A. 52338655B. 52558633C. 53328655
    17. Why is a bicycle smetimes better than a car in twn?
    A. It is gd fr utings.B. It saves a lt f mney.C. It is ften easy t park.
    18. What happened ne day while the speaker was shpping?
    A. Her bicycle went missing.
    B. Her daughter went missing.
    C. A wheel f her bicycle went missing.
    19. What des the speaker’s husband think f the bicycle?
    A. It is t dangerus.B. It is better than a car.C. It is smetimes useful.
    20. What can we learn frm what the speaker says?
    A. Riding saves her a lt f mney.
    B. Riding des her a lt f gd.
    C. Cycling is her favrite sprt.
    Beijing was the first Chinese city t be equipped with a subway statin in 1971. By the end f 2020, Beijing subway had had 24 subway lines in peratin, 428 subway statins, and cvered a ttal rute length f 727 kilmeters.
    Quick Facts abut the Beijing Subway
    The Beijing Subway is the wrld’s secnd-largest subway system by rute and length, fllwing the Shanghai Metr.
    By the end f 2019, the Beijing Subway has been equipped with autmatic ticket machines that can scan smartphnes fr payment.
    Subway lg: The Beijing Subway lg, lcated at subway access pints, is a white ‘G’ with a ‘B’ inside it n a square blue backgrund.
    Beijing Subway Tickets Price
    Dwntwn Subway Prices
    The prices f Beijing subway tickets are based n distance traveled, starting frm 3 yuan fr the first 6 kilmeters (4 miles) except the Airprt Express. After 6 km, the price increases by 1 yuan fr each further 6 km until the trip distance reaches 30 km (20 miles). S, a 40-km (25-mile) trip wuld als cst 7 yuan.
    Airprt Express Subway Ticket Prices
    The Capital Airprt Express ticket price is fixed at 25 yuan per ride. The prices f Daxing Airprt Express are divided int different classes. The rdinary class price varies with distance frm 10 yuan t 35 yuan and the business class price is fixed at 50 yuan per ride.
    Hw t Buy the Tickets
    In Beijing, mst passengers pay fr their tickets by Transprtatin Smart Card (Yikatng). Passengers can buy the card r tickets at ticket cunters r vending machines in every statin. If yu are ging t stay in Beijing fr a lng time, the Smart Card is much better fr yur transit in Beijing. Since 2017, single-trip tickets can be purchased with a mbile phne app.
    The subway tickets are valid fr nly ne day.
    Children shrter than 1.3 meters (4.3 feet) cannt take a subway train alne.
    Children belw 1.3 meters (4.3 feet) travel fr free when accmpanied by an adult.
    21. Which statement is right abut the Beijing Subway?
    A. The first Beijing Subway statin was built in 2019.
    B. The Beijing Subway is the largest subway system by length in China.
    C. Yu can nly purchase tickets thrugh a mbile phne app in advance.
    D. The mst ppular way t buy tickets is using Transprtatin Smart Card.
    22. Hw much will be paid if a mther with a 1.2-meter-tall child travels 8 kilmeters in dwntwn?
    A. 3 yuanB. 4 yuanC. 6 yuanD. 10 yuan
    23. Where is the passage mst prbably frm?
    A. A pster.B. A newspaper.C. A guidebk.D. A reprt.
    When peple wanted t find their way t a place in the past, they used t have t buy a map. They dn’t have t d that any mre. Nw they can either buy a GPS, r g nline and find maps fr just abut anywhere.
    Is this an imprvement? Perhaps, but sme peple think sme f the nline cmpanies are ging t far, because they have been sending ut cars with phtgraphic equipment n their rfs, t phtgraph every street and huse in the cuntry.
    One f these cars arrived n a Wednesday mrning in the quiet English village f Brughtn. The camera was n a metre-high ple n tp f the car and culd see ver walls and int peple’s gardens. Sme f the villagers came and std arund the car, and asked the driver and phtgrapher t g away. Jurnalists quickly arrived n the scene, and sn the event was news all ver the cuntry.
    Of curse, the nline cmpany in questin claims that it is simply cllecting infrmatin that peple n the Internet want. But Brughtn residents feel differently. “We used t have privacy in this cuntry. Nw cmpanies just cme and take phtgraphs f ur hmes withut even asking,” said ne resident. “It’s nt right. We mustn’t let this happen. We mustn’t lse ur right t live privately.”
    There is, f curse, n law t prevent peple frm taking phtgraphs f huses, s the residents cannt g t curt. But many peple are asking the questin: OK, it’s legal, but is it right? This is a questin that wn’t g away very quickly.
    24. Why did the car with a camera n the car rf cme t Brughtn?
    A. T test whether their GPS wrks in the village.
    B. T investigate fr a law case fr the cuntry.
    C. T spy n villagers and their life in Brughtn.
    D. T cllect infrmatin fr their nline maps.
    25. What can be inferred abut the incident in Brughtn?
    A. The incident drew peple’s attentin all ver the wrld.
    B. The incident made nline maps ppular amng the lcal residents.
    C. The lcal residents were curius abut what these peple were ding.
    D. The lcal residents were upset abut their privacy nt being respected.
    26. What can we learn frm the last paragraph?
    A. The law shuld be changed t prtect the residents.
    B. The incident will remain a ht tpic fr peple t discuss.
    C. The residents accept what the cmpany was ding in their neighbrhd.
    D. The residents can sue (控告) the cmpany fr vilating their privacy.
    27. What can be the best title f the passage?
    A. A strange car!B. It’s legal, but is it right?
    C. Say gdbye t paper maps.D. Privacy gives way t technlgy.
    There are tw ways t frget abut trubles in life: music and cats.
    At the Hey Cat Cafe in Wuhan, Hubei Prvince, yu can have bth. Abut 30 furry creatures, each wearing a red burp clth with its name n it, welcme and “serve” the guests. The “emplyees” are all stray (流浪的) black cats, mst f whm were rescued by caring peple after being abandned by their wners.
    Opened in September 2021, the cafe is ne f the first nnprfit cat cafes in China. Manager Du Fan tld China Daily that all the prfits are used t help hmeless animals.
    The 41-year-ld said he pened the black cat cafe t dispel (消除) the myth that such cats are “inauspicius”, as described in sme mvies and TV dramas. Over the past 17 years, a lt f peple have cme t Du t adpt cats, but many said they didn’t want black cats. “Actually, in traditinal Chinese culture, black cats can drive away evil spirits and bring luck. They shuld be mascts (吉祥物),” he said. S are black cats as reserved and mysterius as flk tales suggest? Well, perhaps nt.
    Hearing tw yung wmen pen the dr, six r s passinate “cafe wrkers” waited and greeted them. When the visitrs sat dwn, ne cat rubbed against the bttm f ne wman’s pants, while anther climbed nt her knee. Sme f the cats simply fell asleep against the guests’ legs.
    While these cats are rescued, they als help peple with develpmental r scial anxiety disrders learn t pen their hearts. “Cats pssess certain qualities that humans dn’t have,” Du added. “Many peple with psychlgical prblems can find cmfrt in cats.
    28. Hw d the cats “serve” guests at the Hey Cat Cafe?
    A. They can bring cffee t custmers.
    B. They can really serve the guests.
    C. They can help reduce peple’s anxiety.
    D. They can wear a red burp clth.
    29. Which f the fllwing wrds can best describe Du Fan, the wner f the cafe?
    A. Lving and charitable.B. Cat-addicted and strange.
    C. Creative and mdest.D. Mdy and generus.
    30. What des the underlined wrd “inauspicius” mst prbably mean?
    A. Stupid.B. Lvely.C. Unlucky.D. Lazy.
    31. What’s the purpse f the passage?
    A. T make an intrductin t a cat cafe.
    B. T call n peple t prtect hmeless animals.
    C. T infrm peple that black cats can be mascts.
    D. T intrduce what peple can d with hmeless cats.
    Five mnths ag, a new species f bx jellyfish was discvered in Hng Kng. It is a relative f the deadly Australian bx jellyfish, ne f the mst venmus (有毒的) animals n Earth. One sting (刺伤) frm it can kill a persn in minutes.
    A university team in Hng Kng, led by Qiu Jianwen frm the Hng Kng Baptist University, discvered it at the Mai P Nature Reserve, a lcal wetland area. It was the first discvery f a new bx jellyfish species in Chinese waters.
    But it’s nt the first time bilgy prfessr Qiu has discvered a new creature. He’s made mre than 30 discveries in abut 20 years spent explring new marine (海洋的) animals.
    Qiu desn’t g lking fr new species n purpse. In 2014, he did research n the health f cral in Hng Kng waters. T learn mre, Qiu and his team needed t find all f the cral species invlved. And in ding s, they discvered fur new cral species.
    Finding new species reminds Qiu f hw bilgically diverse Hng Kng’s waters are. Hng Kng takes up just 0.03 percent f China’s ttal marine area, yet it is hme t mre than 25 percent f all marine species recrded in China, a reprt by the University f Hng Kng shwed.
    Hwever, Hng Kng’s marine animals face threats, due t factrs including habitat lss, climate change and veruse f natural resurces.
    Althugh actin is being taken, it fcuses mre n bigger creatures, like dlphins and birds. “Many marine species are small and they are ften verlked. If these species were t becme extinct, few peple wuld ntice r care. But fr me, each ne has its rightful place,” said Qiu.
    He hpes everyne can recgnize the imprtance f the cean. “When mre peple shw cncern fr the cean, we are, in fact, acting fr ur wn benefit,” he said.
    32. Where was the new species f bx jellyfish fund?
    A. In a university lab f HK.B. In the cean f Australia.
    C. In a nature reserve f HK.D. In a wetland f Australia.
    33. What was Qiu’s task in 2014?
    A. T find new species f cral fr the study.
    B. T study the health cnditin f cral.
    C. T study the living envirnment f cral.
    D. T find all cral species in the wrld.
    34. What can we knw abut the marine animals in HK?
    A. All f them are dying ut.
    B. N actin is being taken t prtect them.
    C. Habitat lss is the biggest threat t them.
    D. Sme f them were discvered by chance.
    35. What can be inferred accrding t the last tw paragraphs?
    A. Small marine species aren’t prtected as they deserve.
    B. Bigger creatures like dlphins and birds shuld be better prtected.
    C. Peple are nw taking actin t better prtect small marine species.
    D. Mre and mre peple are aware f the extinctin f small marine species.
    There are many requirements that need t be fulfilled when students apply t cllege, but the applicatin essay can be the mst difficult. Many students wnder: “ 36 ” Here are sme elements that shuld be included in yur essay.
    What makes yu unique?
    Yur essay r persnal statement is yur pprtunity t shwcase what makes yu stand ut. This is yur chance t humbly brag abut yur life. Admissins fficers lk fr unique experiences beynd traditinal educatin such as vlunteer wrk, travel, r vercming persnal adversity. 37
    Can yu write?
    In cllege, yu are ging t be spending a tremendus amunt f time writing. Yur essay prvides insight int yur ability as a writer. 38 Als, make sure that yur essay desn’t have any grammar and spelling mistakes.
    Yur writing shuld be meaningful and appealing t yur reader. The vice f yur writing shuld be similar t the way yu speak.
    Admissins fficers want t knw hw yu will enhance (改善) yur cmmunity if accepted. Clleges are increasingly aware f the value f cultural diversity in the student bdy. 40 Hw will yu bring yur culture t the cmmunity and share it with students? This ties int what makes yu unique.
    A. What will yu cntribute t the cmmunity?
    B. What d admissins fficers lk fr in my essay?
    C. Make sure t pick ne specific experience t write abut.
    D. Yur writing shuld be rganized well with prper structure.
    E. Add yur academic perfrmance in yur high schl t yur essay.
    F. If yu are an internatinal student, simply saying yu are nt frm “here” is nt enugh.
    G. Yu’d better stress in yur essay that yur dream is t becme an utstanding writer in the future.
    第一节 完型填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    When I was 19, determined nt t spend my last teenage year stuck in a suburb in Buckingham, I 41 with an Australian friend and we traveled arund Eurpe fr mnths. As budget travellers, we stayed in the 42 accmmdatin we culd find and live n bread, cheese and the 43 bttle f red bull.
    This was 1990, a time befre mbile phnes and the 44 , when the primary cntact with hme was the cllectin f mail frm the general pst ffice.
    Befre I left, Mm had made me a mney puch (荷包) t wear arund my neck. She’d als made me a sleeping sheet s I culd 45 unclean bedding. While she didn’t want me t g, these gifts were her way f telling me t have a wnderful time.
    It’s nly nw, as my 18-year-ld daughter is preparing t leave n her wn 46 year trip, that I have mre sympathy fr what Mm felt.
    Wrking 47 jbs and saving mney, my daughter has researched where t stay, hw t get arund and what t d when she arrives. She 48 asks fr my pinin and I find myself desperately 49 f whether I shuld wade in (介入) r back ff. I want t be 50 but nt t invlved. . I want t be cl but nt alf (漠不关心的). I want t be like the perfect guide.
    When she first mentined gap year travel, I was encuraging, wanting her t have her wn experiences that 51 her. As I had mine, I didn’t let myself dwell t lng n the idea f her nt being here. Our huse has already gt smaller in size and sn it will just be me, my sn and the cat. And I’m nt quite 52 fr that.
    But this trip is abut her.
    This is nt 1990 and I am nt 53 at hme waiting fr a letter. I have prmised nt t 54 her with messages, but 55 I knw she can cntact me when she wants t.
    41. A. brke dwnB. set ffC. shut dwnD. std ut
    42. A. dearestB. prettiestC. shiniestD. cheapest
    43. A. usualB. nrmalC. regularD. ccasinal
    44. A. cameraB. museC. netwrkD. equipment
    45. A. avidB. enjyC. shareD. dnate
    46. A. funB. gapC. cllegeD. ease
    47. A. simpleB. meaningfulC. multipleD. stressful
    48. A. rarelyB. alwaysC. usuallyD. frequently
    49. A. certainB. unsureC. pleasedD. aware
    50. A. happyB. discuragingC. supprtiveD. satisfied
    51. A. shapeB. trainC. destryD. disappint
    52. A. matureB. helpfulC. psitiveD. ready
    53. A. hidingB. stuckC. wrriedD. cmplaining
    54. A. btherB. cnfuseC. mnitrD. regulate
    55. A. at leastB. at mstC. at lastD. at best
    第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共55分)
    It has been ver 500 years 56 the first jurney arund the earth in 1521. Lng befre the inventin f trains and planes, many thught it was impssible. It nearly was. The jurney 57 (start) by a Prtuguese explrer, Ferdinand Magellan, but he never saw it finished.
    Magellan was fllwing in the ftsteps f explrers like Christpher Clumbus. He’d traveled frm Spain t America in 1492 and encuraged thers 58 (take) t the seas. But Magellan’s jurney was even mre daring. It was a jurney arund the whle wrld that wuld 59 (cmplete) shw the still-questined idea that the wrld was nt flat, but rund.
    In 1519, Ferdinand Magellan set sail frm Spain, 60 he gt supprt frm the Spanish King, Charles V. But Spanish sailrs didn’t feel like 61 (lead) by a Prtuguese man.
    After fighting strms, lsing ships and many f his men turning against him and returning hme, Magellan was killed in the Philippines by lcal peple.
    After Magellan’s 62 (die), his grup cntinued in the nly ship that was left. Alng the way, they traveled acrss a new cean and 63 (map) new paths fr Eurpean trade. Fr better r 64 (bad), they had made the way fr mdern wrld trade and prved that the earth was rund.
    The passage Magellan’s team went thrugh, between the Atlantic and Pacific ceans, was named after him: the Strait f Magellan, which is 570 kilmeters lng. His influence n the wrld did nt end there. In 1989, NASA named 65 spacecraft after the explrer and sent it t Venus (金星).
    第一节 书面表达(满分15分)
    1. 开幕式的时间地点;
    2. 开幕式的内容安排;
    3. 期待他的到来。
    注意:1. 词数80左右;
    2. 开头与结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
    Dear Peter,
    Li Hua
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    It was time t g hme. “Remember t wrk n yur class speeches fr hmewrk,” Miss Walker called, as everyne started talking and packing their schlbags. Jenny felt sick. She hated having t read alud in class. She was sure everyne gt really bred listening t her. Once, when Jenny was reading ut her hliday diary, Lee was even lking at his watch, a silver and blue ne which seemed just magical.
    Jenny watched Lee walk ahead f her as they left schl. He seemed s clever, and he had a certain srt f shining cnfidence. He was ne f thse peple wh were gd at everything. Jenny sighed. As she turned the crner, she saw Lee’s watch lying right in the middle f the path.
    Jenny knew she shuld just pick it up and return it t him, but she didn’t want t run after him. Jenny bent dwn quickly, picked up the watch and ran hme. On arriving hme, Jenny put it n almst withut thinking. She was surprised it fitted s well. She walked t the mirrr and started practicing her speech. Wrds just flded ut f her. “I’m ging t talk abut swimming. I have been lucky. I’ve wn lts f cmpetitins. But when I’m in a race, I’m nt really thinking abut winning. I’m just lving the feeling f being in the water…” Jenny laughed with excitement. She walked acrss the rm. She suddenly seemed t have a certain srt f cnfidence. Turning back t the mirrr, Jenny saw a flash f light frm the watch in the glass. The flashes f silver seemed almst magical. S maybe Lee’s watch really did have smething magic abut it.
    The next day, as the lessn began, Miss Walker asked wh was ging t be brave and g first. Nbdy mved. Jenny slwly raised her arm. Befre Miss Walker culd say anything, there was a shut frm behind. “She’s stlen my watch!” Lee said angrily. “It went missing at schl yesterday.”
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式作答。
    Everybdy was fixing their eyes n Jenny, waiting fr an explanatin. __________________________________
    At that pint, Miss Walker smiled and asked the class t listen t Jenny’s speech first. ______________________

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