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    1. What des the wman want frm the café?
    A. Chclate ckiesB. a cld drinkC. A sandwich.
    2. Wh is the game designed fr? C
    A. TeenagersB. Old peple.C. Yung kids.
    3. What des the wman decide t d?
    A. Cal back laterB. Write an emailC. Leave a message
    4. When was the wman suppsed t arrive hme?
    A. At 5: 00 p.m.B. At 6: 00 p.m.C. At 7: 00 p.m.
    5. Where did the speakers knw abut the sng?
    A. Frm a mvieB. Frm a theater play.C. Frm an English friend.
    6. Hw des the man keep track f his schl wrk?
    A. With a hmewrk diary. B. with a paper calendar. C. with a phne app
    7. What d we knw abut the wman?
    A. She has a pr memry.
    B. She is really bad at studying
    C. She likes t write her exam schedule n paper.
    8. Why is Michael tired?
    A. He stayed up late.
    B. He gt up really early
    C. He has wrked fr a lng time
    9. When did Michael have breakfast tday?
    A. At arund 4: 00 a.m. I
    B. At arund 6: 00 a.m.
    C. At arund 8: 00 a.m.
    10. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In an fficeB. In a caféC. In Michael's huse
    11. What will the wman d n Friday night?
    A. Catch a fight.B. Wrk vertime.C. Attend a party.
    12. Hw des the man feel abut the wrk cnference?
    A. Bred.B. ExcitedC. Hpeless.
    13. What will the man d fr Sally?
    A. Take her ut fr dinner. B. Buy her sme flwers. C. Give her a gift card.
    14. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Musician and fan B. Hstess and guest.C. Directr and actress.
    15. What will happen in the next ten minutes?
    A. A cmpetitin will be annunced.
    B. A special guest will give a shw.
    C. A musical play will start.
    16. What des the new shw cllect mney fr?
    A. Prtecting mnkeys. B. Supprting the elderly. C. Lking fr lst children.
    17. What d the audiences think f the new shw?
    A. It's great.B. It's crazy.C. It's bring.
    18. Where des the speaker prbably live?
    A. In Italy.B. In FranceC. In the UK
    19. What majr des the speaker want t study at cllege?
    A. Cmputer science.B. Histry. C. Latin
    20. What is the speaker mainly talking abut?
    A. The benefits f learning Latin.
    B. The intrductin t a Latin club
    C. The influence f Latin n English.
    As yu can imagine, there are many types f advertisements in different mediums, n different channels, and with different gals fr their business.
    Print advertising
    The first print advertisement ran in England in 1472. Since then, this type f advertising has becme available in newspapers, magazines, and similar mediums f carrying a brand's message t its ideal users. In this advertisement methd, the advertiser pays the publisher t place their advertisements in the publicatin
    Radi advertising
    Radi advertising dates back t 1920, when the first cmmercial radi statins were launched in the United States. In this advertisement medium, the advertiser pays the radi statin t play their advertisements during selected breaks between music r a radi shw.
    Televisin advertising
    Televisin advertising riginated in the 1940s with the prmtin f practical items and plitical campaigns. In this advertisement medium, the advertiser pays the lcal r natinal TV netwrk t shw their advertisements during selected breaks in the netwrk's regular prgramming
    Internet advertising
    Internet advertising tk rt in the middle f the 1990s. In this advertisement methd, the advertiser pays the website's wner t place their advertisements in expsed spaces that are minr t the website's wn cntent. Internet advertising includes vide, search engine marketing, and mre.
    Hwever, as yu knw, the advertising types abve have develped dramatically since the irrespective rigins. Sme advertisements have been memrable years after they first ran.
    S hw d yu create an advertising strategy that wrks fine? Please dick here t knw mre abut the advertisements and campaigns we learn frm.
    21. Which type f advertisement served plitics besides gds at the very beginning?
    A. Print advertisingB. Radi advertising
    C. Internet advertisingD. Televisin advertising
    22. Which f the fllwing statements is TRUE fr Radi advertising and Televisin advertising?
    A. Bth served the same functins B. Bth are shwn during selected breaks.
    C. Neither first appeared in the U.S.D. Neither develped much ver years
    23. Where will yu prbably read this article?
    A. In a textbk.B. In a newspaper.
    C. On a websiteD. In a magazine
    I was driving when my phne alerted me t a new email. Filled with eager anticipatin, I pulled ver, turned n my hazard lights, and pened it. My emtins quickly changed as I learned, fr the sixth and final time, that I had been denied a prmtin t full prfessr. My institutin didn't seem t value what I brught t the table. But when I tld my family that night, my children ffered a surprisingly psitive respnse. They were excited t see what I was ging t d next, they said. They apparently knew lng befre I did that lsing my bid fr a prmtin wuld tum ut t be the best thing that culd have happened fr me.
    This had been the final step in a lng prcess spanning 15 mnths and invlving s much effrt. I had started by studying successful prmtin bids and asking senir schlars fr frank discussins abut my readiness. I had carefully prepared my applicatin packet, summarizing everything I had achieved in my career. Fr mre than a year, I had spent hurs every day trying t prve my wrth t my university.
    T my surprise, having a final answer' brught a welcme sense f clsure. As a first step tward healing, I decided t priritize my wn values and fllw my wn internal cmpass. I discnnected frm peple in my life wh vilated my values, cultivated my relatinships with thse wh share my pririties and bring ut the best in me, and spent mre time with my family. I funded a nnprfit that helps first-generatin and lw-incme students and yung prfessinals advance in the wrkfrce while serving their cmmunity. The initiative had lng been a dream f mine, but I never pursued it because typical academic hiring and prmtin dn't reward such effrts. Nw, such cnsideratins were n lnger my Nrth Star.
    Five mnths after that email frm tp leadership, I fund myself in the car again, experiencing anther career-defining mment. I may have lst my bid fr a big prmtin, but in the end, it brught me t the right place.
    24. What did the authr feel after he read the email?
    A. Anxius and annyedB. Embarrassed and ashamed
    C. Relieved and peacefulD. Disappinted and srrwful
    25. What is the secnd paragraph mainly abut?
    A. What cntributins the writer had made
    B. What preparatins the writer had made
    C. Hw successful the career had been
    D. Hw tiring the prcess had been
    26. Which f the fllwing wuld the writer prbably agree with?
    A. Success is mre than a title r a rank
    B. One's internal cmpass is t be develped
    C. Serving the cmmunity may heal a brken heart.
    D. One's real value first lies in his family interactin
    27. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Emails: my Nrth Star
    B. Full prfessr: a duble-edged swrd
    C. A career setback becmes a great pprtunity
    D. An academic career witnesses a failed prmtin
    Mn dust is the abslute wrst. Nt nly des electrstatics (静电) cause it t stick t virtually everything, but it als has the cnsistency and feel f finely grund fiberglass. It was a genuine prblem fr the six Apll crews wh visited the mn' s surface-mn dust cvered their suits wrked their way int engines and electrnics, and even ruined a few f their extremely expensive spacesuits
    These are all serius issues t cnsider ahead f NASA'S planned return t the mn s surface in 2025, but a team f cllege undergraduates at Washingtn State University just develped a slutin t mn dust-spraying liquid nitrgen (氮) nt mn dust. The team develped a new spray that takes advantage f the Leidenfrst effect. Named after its discverer, an 18th-century German dctr Jhann Gttlb Leidenfrst, it ccurs when a liquid cmes int clse cntact with a significantly htter surface, causing it t quickly frm a prtective layer f vapr (蒸汽) that briefly keeps it frm evaprating, such as when water frms int drps and runs acrss a very ht frying pan. The same principle wrks similarly in space. In this case, a liquid nitrgen spray (typically arund -320℉) cmes int cntact with a surface's relatively warmer lunar dust cating, causing the particles t tum int things like drps and flat away n the nitrgen vaprs.
    T test their spray, the research team first dressed a Barbie dll wrapped with a material used t make spacesuits. They then sprayed it with liquid nitrgen in a nrmal atmspheric cnditin as well as the circumstances similar t uter space. Nt nly did the liquid nitrgen spray perfrm better in the latter circumstances, but als it nly resulted in minimal damage t the spacesuit material. In past lunar missins, astrnauts' specialized brushes fr the mn dust task ften caused damage t spacesuits after a single use. In cmparisn, the liquid nitrgen spray tk 75 uses befre similar issues ccurred.
    Ging frward, the team hpes t further research the cmplexity that makes the cleaning prcess
    s effective, as well as secure funding t cnstruct testing rms mre clsely resembling the lunar surface's gravity. With any luck, maybe a can f their Mn-Dust-Gne will be abard a future Artemis missin, ready t help astrnauts avid ne f the lunar surface's annying things.
    28. Why des the authr mentin “Apll” in the first paragraph?
    A. T prve mn dust is a real headache.
    B. T cmpare past and present mn prgrams
    C. T shw the achievements in mn explratin.
    D. T ffer readers insights int the Apll prgram.
    29. What des the underlined wrd “particles” in Paragraph 2 refer t?
    A. Liquid waste.B. Mn dust.C. Nitrgen spray.D. Prtective cating.
    30. What did the research team find abut their spray in Paragraph 3?
    A. It belnged t single-use items fr astrnauts.
    B. It perfrmed better in nrmal atmspheric cnditins
    C. It increased the strength f the material f spacesuits.
    D. It prtected spacesuits better cmpared with the brush.
    31. What may the fllw-up research f the spray fcus n?
    A. Test subjects.B. Cmplex lunar surface.
    C. Other applicatins.D. Reasns fr efficient cleaning
    Televisin has transfrmed plitics in the United States by changing the way in which infrmatin is spread, by altering plitical campaigns, and by changing citizen's patterns f respnse t plities. By giving citizens independent access t the candidates, televisin reduced the rle f the plitical party in the selectin f the majr party candidates. By centering plities n the persn f the candidate, televisin accelerated the citizen's fcus n character rather than issues
    Televisin has altered the frms f plitical cmmunicatin as well. The messages n which mst f us rely are briefer than they nce were. The stump speech, a plitical speech given by traveling pliticians and lasting 1 t 2 hurs, which was ppular in the nineteenth-century, has given way t the 30-secnd advertisement and the 10 secnd “sund bite" in bradcast news. Increasingly the audience r speeches is nt that standing in frnt f the plitician but rather the viewing audience wh will hear and see a shrt vide f the speech n the news.
    In these simplified frms, much f what cmprised the traditinal plitical speech f earlier ages has been lst. In 15 r 30 secnds, a speaker cannt establish the histrical cntext that shaped the issue in questin, cannt detail the prbable causes f the prblem, and cannt examine alternative prpsals t argue that ne is preferable t thers. In shrt vides, pliticians assert (断言) but d nt argue.
    Because televisin is an intimate (亲密的) medium, speaking thrugh it requires a changed plitical style that is mre cnversatinal, persnal, and visual than that f the ld-style stump speech. Reliance n televisin means that increasingly ur plitical wrld cntains memrable pictures rather than memrable wrds. Schls teach us t analyze wrds and print. Hwever, in a wrld in which plitics is increasingly visual, infrmed citizenship requires a new set f skills.
    Recgnizing the pwer f televisin's pictures, pliticians craft televisual, staged events designed
    t attract media cverage. Much f the plitical activity we see n televisin news has been crafted by pliticians, their speechwriters, and their public relatins advisers fr televised cnsumptin. Sund bites in news and answers t questins in debates increasingly sund like advertisements.
    32. What d we knw abut " stump speech in paragraph 2?
    A. It's an event created by pliticians t attract media attentin.
    B. It's an interactive discussin between tw pliticians.
    C. It's a kind f plitical presentatin typical f the nineteenth century.
    D. It's a style f speech cmmn t televised plitical events
    33. It is suggested in paragraph 4 that _______.
    A. pliticians need t learn t becme mre persnal
    B. attractive pliticians are favred by citizens
    C. citizens tend t favr a plitician wh analyzed issues
    D. citizens need t learn hw t evaluate visual plitical images
    34. What can we infer frm the passage?
    A. Plitical presentatins tday are mre like advertisements than in the past.
    B. Pliticians tday tend t be mre familiar with the views f citizens than in the past
    C. Citizens tday are less infrmed abut a plitician's character than in the past.
    D. Plitical speeches tday fcus mre n details abut issues than in the past
    35. What's the best title fr the passage?
    A. Televisin: an Agent f Change in Plitics
    B. Televisin: a platfrm fr Plitical Debate
    C. Televisin: an Alternative t Stump Speech
    D. Televisin: a New Medium fr Cmmunicatin
    Frm minr challenges t majr crises, stress is part f life. And while yu can't always cntrl yur circumstances, yu can cntrl hw yu respnd t them. When stress becmes strng, it can affect yur well-being. 36 .
    Fcus n breathing. Just fcusing n yur breath r changing the way yu breathe can make a bi difference t yu verall stress level. Breathing techniques can calm yur bdy and yur brain in just a few minutes. 37 S whether yu're in a stressful meeting r yu’re sitting in a crwded theater breathing exercises culd be key t reducing yur stress.
    Take a walk. 38 Taking a walk allws yu t enjy a change f scenery, which can get yu int a different frame f mind, and brings the benefits f exercise as well. S whether yu just need t take a strll arund the ffice r yu decide t g fr a lng walk in the park after wrk, walking is a simple but effective way t refresh yur mind and bdy.
    Get a hug frm a lved ne. 39 Hugging a lved ne can be especially beneficial When yu hug smene, xytcin (后叶催产素) is released .It is assciated with higher levels f happiness and lwer levels f stress. S dn't be afraid t ask a lved ne fr a hug if yu need it. It's gd fr bth f yu.
    40 If yu aren't int drawing r painting, cnsider clring in a clring bk. Adult clring bks have risen in ppularity, and fr gd reasn--clring can be a great stress reliever. One study fund that anxiety levels decline in peple wh were clring cmplex gemetric patterns, making it a perfect utlet fr stress reductin.
    A. Create art wrk.
    B. Develp a new hbby.
    C. Physical tuch can d a lt t relieve yur stress.
    D. It reduces stress and prduces a sense f relaxatin.
    E. That's why it’s essential t have effective stress relievers.
    F. Besides, n ne arund yu will knw yu're ding them.
    G. Exercise is a fantastic stress reliever that can wrk in minutes.
    A typical lin tamer (驯兽师) in peple's mind is an entertainer hlding a whip (鞭) and a chair. The whip gets all f the attentin, but it's 41 fr shw. In reality, it's the chair that des the imprtant wrk. When a lin tamer hlds a chair in frnt f the lin's face, the lin 42 . all fur legs f the chair at the same time. With its fcus 43 , the lin becmes cnfused and is 44 abut what t d next. When faced with s many 45 the lin chses t freeze and wait instead f attacking the man hlding the chair.
    Hw ften d yu find yurself in the same 46 as the lin? Hw ften d yu have smething yu want t achieve (e.g. lse weight, start A business, travel mre) nly t end up cnfused by all f the ptins in frnt f yu and 47 make prgress?
    This 48 me t n end because while all the experts are busy 49 abut which ptin is best, the peple wh want t imprve their lives are left cnfused by all f the 50 infrmatin. The end 51 is that we feel like we can't fcus r that we're fcused n the wrng things, and s we take less actin, make less prgress, and stay the same when we culd be 52 .
    It desn't have t be that way. Any time yu find the wrld waving a 53 in yur face, remember this: All yu need t d is fcus n ne thing. Yu just need t get started. Starting befre yu feel 54 is ne f the habits f successful peple. If yu have smewhere yu want t g, smething yu want t accmplish, smene yu want t becme... take 55 actin. If yu're clear abut where yu want t g, the rest f the wrld will either help yu get there r get ut f the way.
    41.A. rarelyB. mstlyC. nearlyD. merely
    42.A. stand up B. raise up C. rely n D. fcus n
    43.A. divided B. limited C. extendedD. strengthened
    44. A. serius B. unsure C. curius D. skeptical
    45.A. bnds B. ntices C. ptins D. desires
    46.A. emtin B. reputatinC. psitin D. generatin
    47.A. never B. always C. ften D. already
    48.A. upsets B. relieves C. impresses D. mves
    49.A. speaking B. wrrying C. cmplainingD. debating
    50.A. exchangingB. encuragingC. damagingD. cnflicting
    51.A. effectB. result C. study D. prblem
    52.A. defending B. cnfusingC. imprvingD. weeping
    53.A. whip B. meat C. chair D. hand
    54.A. readyB. pleasantC. regretfulD. frzen
    55.A. rderlyB. preciseC. rigidD. immediate
    Zhang Guimei, wh has dedicated her 40 years t educatin at China's suthwestern brder. 56 (be) a mther fr mre than 170 children and a principal mtivating yung girls frm impverished families in 57 (muntain) areas.
    Teaching at a middle schl in Huaping cunty, she saw many girls drp 58 f schl due t pverty. It saddened her very much and made her realize that an educated female is able t cut the intergeneratinal 59 (transmit) f pverty and change the future f three generatins. In 2002, Zhang started her preparatin t build a free all-girls high schl, in hpe f changing the destiny f the girls in the muntain 60 lifting them ut f pverty.
    In 2007, Zhang went t Beijing fr the 17th Cmmunist Party f China (CPC) Natinal Cngress as a deputy. Her reprt, 61 title was "I have a dream" made her dream f building a free all-girls high schl knwn t all. Later, bth the Lijiang and Huaping gvernments 62 (spnsr) her with a millin yuan, Zhang's schl was cmpleted, becming the first free all-girls high schl in China.
    The schl, 63 (bear) t fight against pverty, is a shelter fr a number f girls in that area. During the past 13 years, the schl has nurtured ver 1, 800 students wh have made it 64 universities.
    Zhang suffers frm 23 diseases, including heart disease and emphysema, but she is still wrking selflessly. She gets up at 5:00 am and is always the first ne amng all the stuff 65 (arrive) at schl. She als checks hw the classes are ging three times a day. Zhang has made ver 1,600 family visits annually fr the past 12 years, cvering a ttal distance f 110,000 kilmeters.
    46.假如你是李华,你的学校召开英语征文大赛。你提交了你很满意的文章,结果在获奖名单中却没有你的名字。你打算写信给大赛的评委Lucas ,了解具体情况,内容包括:
    Dear Lucas,
    Li Hua
    I was awakened by the sund f heavy bts hitting the flr as my grandfather walked acrss the wden flr t the fireplace. He added wd t the fire. Sn, the small wden huse felt warm.
    It was 5: 30 n a cld January mrning, deep in the muntains f central Pennsylvania.1,a 12-year-ld by, was here with my grandfather and fur ther men n an annual deer-hunting trip. My grandfather wanted me t take the adventure t increase my curage and fun.
    Lking at me, he smiled, " Culd yu make sme cffee? T prve that I was qualified t jin this male club, I gt up and sated the wrk.
    After breakfast, we left the warm and safe huse and headed ut int the dark, snwy mrning, walking thrugh deep snw. When we climbed ver a muntain and crssed frzen streams, my grandfather tld me t be mindful f where we had been and where we were headed. I tried t keep track f ur rute, but later had n idea.
    Abut mid-afternn, we made ur way dwn the side f a new muntain t the stream bed belw. My grandfather tld me t head t the tp f the next muntain, walk alng the ridge (山脊) fr a few hundred feet, and then cme back dwn. If there were any deer n that part f the muntain, I wuld need t threaten them dwn t the bttm where my grandfather waited. S, ff I went with a gun.
    It tk me 20 minutes t climb t the tp. I walked alng the ridge and then headed back dwn. I didn't realize I had crssed ver the tp and had started back dwn the ther side f the muntain. I headed in the wrng directin. After walking fr 45 minutes, I realized I was lst in the wds. I was shcked
    After finally calming myself, I sat dwn and wrked ut a plan. I wuld first fire the gun and then start a fire, hping my grandfather wuld knw where I was by the sunds and smke I lked at my watch. It was 4: 00. The sun wuld set dwn sn.
    听力:1-5 BCBBA 6-10 CCBAA 11-15 CBCBA 16-20 BACAA
    阅读:21-23 DBC24-27 DBAC 28-31 ABDD 32-35 CDAA 36-40 EFGCA
    完形:41-45 BDABC 46-50 CAADD 51-55 BCCAD
    语法填空:56. is57. muntainus 58. ut 59. transmissin 60. and
    61. whse 62. having spnsred 63. brn/brne 64. t65. t arrive
    Dear Lucas,
    Burdened with the bldness t bther yu, I am ne f the participants f the English Cmpsitin Cntest, wh has sme cnfusin fr yu t shed light n
    Puring my heart int the cntest, I exerted myself t cme up with a barely-satisfying draft. After days f dedicatin f revising, mdifying and plishing, it was eventually transfrmed int a flawless masterpiece t me Nevertheless, the absence f my name in the scrll f winners shattered my eager anticipatin. Swallwed by disappintment, self- dubt and depressin, I d nt have alternatives but t turn t yu.
    If yu culd spare my pain by unveiling sme details f the cntest r enlightening me with the feedback f my essay, I wuld highly appreciate it. Thanks fr yur kind attentin.
    Li Hua
    I held my gun and immediately fired three shts. The lud sunds quickly spread. Then, I ccked my ears Immediately, I heard three answering shts, and I was pretty sure which directin they had cme frm. But I didn't leave, thinking, Stay put. It's easier t find a lst persn wh is sitting still " I just stayed there, gathering dry leaves and branches nearby, and sn started a fire. Later, I added wet branches and leaves t it. It caused big smke, which flew int the sky. I sat by the fire, lking arund
    Finally, I fund my grandfather and ther men walking in my directin hurriedly. Excited, I rushed t them Seeing me, my grandfather sighed with relief and hugged me tightly. Then, we headed back twards the huse. On the way, my grandfather didn't blame me fr being lst. Instead, he praised me fr knwing hw t handle such an emergency. Besides, he explained hw t avid being lst again. The next mrning, I went hunting with my grandfather again. I wuldn't be scared away by the previus accident. I was determined t be brave and make prgress in tracking my rute and telling directins.注意事项:
    I held my gun and immediately fired three shts.
    Finally, I fund my grandfather and ther men walking in my directin hurriedly.

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