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    必修第一册 Welcome Unit-2025年高考英语大一轮复习(课件+讲义+练习)

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    Welcme Unit
    sex n.性别female adj.女(性)的;雌的n.雌性动(植)物;女子male adj.男(性)的;雄的n.雄性动(植)物;男子guy n.小伙子;男人;家伙
    flash card 教学卡片;识字卡strategy n.策略;策划persnality n.性格;个性
    exchange n.交换;交流vt.交换;交流;交易;兑换lecture n.讲座;讲课;教训vi.(开)讲座;讲课vt.训斥campus n.校园;校区
    senir adj.级别(或地位)高的n.较年长的人utging adj.爱交际的;外向的experiment n.实验;试验awkward adj.令人尴尬的;难对付的
    junir adj.地位(或职位、级别)低下的n.职位较低者;(体育运动中)青少年frward adv.向前;前进adj.向前的;前进的flash n.光;信号vi.闪耀;闪光;发出信号vt.使闪耀;发出(信号)
    gal n.目标;球门;射门partner n.同伴;配偶;合伙人cmpany n.公司;陪伴stylen.方式;作风
    registratin n.登记;注册;挂号→register vt.& vi.登记;注册natinality n.国籍;民族→natin n.国家;民族;国民→natinaladj.国家的;民族的
    designer n.设计者→design vt.设计;筹划 n.设计;设计方案frmal adj.正式的;正规的→frmally adv.正式地→infrmal adj.非正式的
    anxius adj.焦虑的;不安的→anxiusly adv.焦虑地→anxiety n.焦虑
    annyed adj.恼怒的;生气的→anny vt.使恼怒;打扰→annying adj.令人恼怒的→annyance n.恼怒
    frightened adj.惊吓的;害怕的→frightening adj.令人害怕的→frighten vt.& vi.(使)害怕;(使)惊恐
    impressin n.印象;感想→impress vt.使钦佩;给……留下深刻的好印象 vi.留下印象;引人注目→impressive adj.令人印象深刻的
    cncentratevi.& vt.集中(注意力);聚精会神→cncentratinn.集中;专心explrevt.& vi.探索;勘探→explratinn.探索→explrern.勘探者;探险家
    cnfident adj.自信的;有把握的→cnfidence n.信心;信任rganis(z)e vt.组织;筹备;安排;组建 vi.组建;成立→rganis(z)atin n.组织;团体;机构→rganis(z)er n.组织者
    imprve vi.& vt.改进;改善→imprvement n.提高;改善curius adj.好奇的;求知欲强的→curiusly adv.好奇地→curisity n.好奇(心);求知欲
    revise vt.& vi.修改;修订;复习→revisin n.修订;复习
    [拔高词汇] 背选修词汇
    magnificence /mæɡ'nɪfɪsns/ n.景色壮观→magnificent /mæɡ'nɪfɪsnt/ adj.壮丽的;宏伟的; 值得赞扬的blm /bluːm/ vi.开花;变得健康 n.花;健康有精神的面貌
    eternal /ɪ'tɜːnl/ adj.永恒的;不朽的;无休止的slitude /'sɒlɪtjuːd;NAmE'sɑːlətuːd/ n.独处;独居infinite /'ɪnfɪnət/ adj.无穷尽的;无限的;极大的n.无限的事物;无穷尽的事物hrizn /hə'raɪzn/ n.地平线;眼界;范围
    slitary /'sɒlətri;NAmE'sɑːləteri/adj.独自的;孤僻的transparent /træns'pærənt/adj.透明的;清澈的;显而易见的presence /'prezns/ n.存在;出席;在场awaken /ə'weɪkən/ vt.唤起;(使)醒来
    senir high schl(美国)高中at last终于;最终make an impressin留下好印象cncentrate n/upn集中精力于不打扰;不惊动
    junir high schl(美国)初级中学lk frward t盼望;期待take ntes记笔记make friends交朋友cme ut出现,露出
    What if n ne talks t me?(What if...?)要是没人和我说话怎么办呢?I fund mst f my classmates and teachers friendly and helpful.(find+宾语+宾补)我觉得我的大多数同学和老师都很友好,而且乐于助人。
    believe I will make new friends here,and there’s a lt t explre at senir high.(省略that的宾语从句)……我相信我在这儿会结交到新朋友,而且高中会有好多东西去探索。Tim writes his parents an email every week and tells them what happened n the ship.(动词+双宾语)蒂姆每周给他的父母写一封电子邮件并且告诉他们船上发生了什么事。
    There’s always smething exciting t d.(不定式作后置定语)总有一些刺激的事情要做。Studying and ding hmewrk seem much mre fun when yu are at sea!(动名词短语作主语)当你在海上的时候,学习和做作业似乎有趣得多!
    1.female adj._______________ adj._______________ n.___________
    1. n.交换;交流vt.交换;交流;交易;兑换2. n.讲座;讲课;教训vi.(开)讲座;讲课vt.训斥3. n.校园;校区
    4. adj.级别(或地位)高的n.较年长的人5. adj.爱交际的;外向的6. adj.令人尴尬的;难对付的7. adj.地位(或职位、级别)低下的n.职位较低者;(体育运动中)青少年
    8. n.目标;球门;射门9. n.同伴;配偶;合伙人10. n.公司;陪伴
    1. n.登记;注册;挂号→ vt.& vi.登记;注册2. n.国籍;民族→ n.国家;民族;国民→ adj.国家的;民族的
    3. adj.正式的;正规的→ adv.正式地→ adj.非正式的4. adj.焦虑的;不安的→ adv.焦虑地→ n.焦虑
    5. adj.惊吓的;害怕的→ adj.令人害怕的→ vt.使害怕;使惊恐6. adj.自信的;有把握的→ n.信心;信任7. vt.& vi.修改;修订;复习→ n.修订;复习
    1. n.景色壮观→ adj.壮丽的;宏伟的;值得赞扬的2.blm vi._______________ n.___________
    4. n.地平线;眼界;范围5. n.存在;出席;在场6. vt.唤起;(使)醒来
    1. (美国)高中2. 终于;最终3. 不打扰;不惊动4. (美国)初级中学5. 出现,露出
    senir high schl
    junir high schl
    1.It is nrmal fr children t be abut everything.They will ask many questins and we shuld answer them patiently t meet their .(curius)2.Facing such an prblem,I was quite and my was beynd wrds.(anny)3.The wrld-famus is a nursing hme fr the elderly nw.(design)
    4.Their perfrmance left me a deep .In ther wrds,I was deeply by their perfrmance.(impress)5.The kind-hearted f a scial has been several charity activities in the past few mnths.(rganise)6.My English level gt and I wed my t my frmer English teacher.(imprve)
    7.The curageus had the unfamiliar regin and their led t many new discveries.(explre)8.I have been n my learning and it is my _____________that leads t my success.(cncentrate)
    1.It is widely acknwledged that in class is a gd way t revise what yu have learnt after class.2. what yur teachers say,yu will make steady prgress sner r later.
    make an impressin,cncentrate n,lk frward t,take ntes,make friends
    taking ntes
    Cncentrating n
    3.I being a vlunteer s far,s I am writing t apply fr the psitin.(应用文写作之申请信)4.Knwing that yu have truble in yur new schl,I am willing t ffer yu sme gd tips.(应用文写作之建议信)
    have been lking frward t
    making friends
    5.The China-Ireland Culture Festival n me and the festival entirely held me in its pwer.(2022·浙江1月,应用文写作)
    made an impressin
    1.我真诚地希望你可以发现我的建议对你的英语学习有益。(建议信之结束语)(find+宾语+宾补)I sincerely hpe that t yur English learning.
    yu can find my prpsals beneficial
    2.这对双胞胎认为他们的妈妈会非常喜欢他们精心准备的母亲节早餐。(省略that的宾语从句) (2021·新课标Ⅰ,读后续写)The twins believed _____________________________________________ they carefully prepared.3.我想给你写封信,告诉你一些下周六要举行的音乐节的相关信息。(动词+双宾语)I’d like t and _________________________________abut the music festival t be held next Saturday.
    their mther wuld like the Mther’s Day breakfast
    write yu a letter
    tell yu sme relevant infrmatin
    4.我认为这是一个很好的到处欣赏美妙的风景和品尝美味食物的机会。(不定式作后置定语)I cnsider it a gd chance _______________________________________ here and there.5.读英文报Yuth上的各种各样的文章进一步激发了我学英语的兴趣。(动名词短语作主语) (2021·新课标Ⅰ,应用文写作) in the English newspaper Yuth further aruses my interest in learning English.
    t enjy the wnderful scenery and taste the
    delicius fd
    Reading varius articles
    Max is an exchange student frm the UK.The first day,after a welcme speech in the lecture hall,he went t the registratin ffice 1. the aim f registering his persnal infrmatin,which included name,sex,natinality,email address,etc.He was curius abut everything new n campus,2. style f design was very special.There was a lt fr him 3. (explre).Thugh he was utging,he was quite annyed because he didn’t knw hw t greet thers in a frmal way.He felt awkward and anxius.
    And he was frightened that he wuld make a bad 4. (impress) n thers.When ding 5. experiment in the schl lab at eight a.m.,he almst lst cnfidence cmpletely,fr he culdn’t perfrm it wnderfully.After all,6. (learn) at senir high schl was different frm that in junir high schl.What if he fell behind ther guys? 7. (frtunate),he had an amazing female partner wh tld him t cncentrate n the meaning f whle sentences while listening t the lectures.
    Anther strategy was t take ntes and regularly revise 8. had been learnt.With the cmpany f the partner,he set a new gal at last.He lked frward t jining an rganisatin 9. (establish) by Student Cuncil t imprve 10. (he).He was cnfident that he wuld sn adapt t the new schl life with the generus help f bth his fellw classmates and teachers.
    n.交换;交流 vt.交换;交流;交易;兑换
    ·in exchange fr作为对……的交换 exchange student交换生·exchange A fr B 用A来换取B exchange sth with sb 和某人交换某物
    (1)The frightened girl stepped up t me cautiusly,whispering,“Culd I exchange sme f the milk yur bread and butter?” Upn this,I willingly gave her half f my prtin exchange fr her milk.(读后续写之动作和语言描写)
    (2)最近,学生们就如何在课外学好英语相互交换看法,其结果如下。(2022·全国乙,书面表达)Recently,students ______________________________________________ beynd the classrm and the results are as fllws.
    have exchanged ideas with each ther abut hw t
    learn English well
    (3)我真诚地邀请所有的交换生加入这个俱乐部,此俱乐部将组织各种各样的活动,如听讲座和练习中国书法。(应用文写作之邀请信)I sincerely ,which will rganise varius activities,such as listening t lectures and practicing Chinese calligraphy.
    invite all the exchange students t jin the club
    n.设计(方案);图案;构思vt.设计;筹划;构思(designer n.设计者)
    (1)What annyed the female (design) was that her partner spke ill f her latest wrk design.
    ·by design=n purpse故意地·be designed fr sth/sb为……而设计 be designed t d sth为做……而设计;旨在做……;目的是……
    (2)特殊图案的剪纸被张贴来庆祝春节。(话题写作之传统文化) are put up t celebrate the Spring Festival.
    Paper cuttings f special designs
    (3)英文报Yuth中的许多专栏是专门为高中生设计的,旨在丰富我们单调的校园生活。 (2021·新课标Ⅰ,应用文写作)Many clumns f the English newspaper Yuth ____________________ senir high schl students and they ur bring campus life.
    are specially designed
    are designed t enrich
    adj.焦虑的;不安的;渴望的(anxiusly adv.焦虑地 anxiety n.忧虑,担心;渴望)
    (1)S anxius his sn’s safety that the frightened mther turned t a vlunteer rganisatin fr help.
    ·be anxius abut/fr为……担忧 be anxius t d/that...渴望(做)……·with anxiety(=anxiusly)焦急地
    (2)去年的这个时候,我如坐针毡,正焦急地等待着录取通知书。(读后续写之心理描写)This time last year I was n pins and needles ________________________ .(3)大卫渴望参加越野赛,但是他害怕被别人嘲笑,他是如此不安以至于焦急的泪水顺着脸庞流了下来。 (2022·新课标Ⅰ,读后续写)David the crss-cuntry run,but he was afraid f being laughed at by thers.He was _______________ rlled dwn his cheeks.(be anxius t d;)
    waiting fr the admissin
    letter with anxiety/anxiusly
    was anxius t participate in/take part in
    s anxius that
    tears f anxiety
    adj.恼怒的;生气的(anny vt.使恼怒;打扰;使烦恼;使生气 annying adj.令人生气的 annyance n.恼怒)
    (1)My partner’s behavir me s much that my vice trembled with extreme .(anny)
    ·be annyed with sb对某人生气 be annyed abut/at sth为某事生气·It annys sb that/when/hw...……使某人恼怒。·t ne’s annyance令某人生气的是
    (2)令我们恼火的是,这家伙因为没有足够的信心,在足球比赛中又丢了一球。 ,the guy lst anther gal fr having n enugh cnfidence in the ftball game.(3)我因为他粗鲁的餐桌礼仪对他感到恼火,他满嘴食物就大声说话使我很恼怒。I rude table manners._____________ he talked ludly with his muth full f fd.
    T ur annyance
    was annyed with him abut/at his
    It annyed me
    adj.惊吓的;害怕的[frighten v.(使)惊吓;(使)惊恐;使害怕 frightening adj.令人恐惧的;可怕的]
    (1)听说你害怕在公共场合做演讲,我非常遗憾。(应用文写作之慰问信)I am terribly srry t hear that yu _______________________________ a lecture in public.
    ·be frightened f (ding) sth 害怕(做)某事 be frightened t d sth 害怕做某事 be frightened t death 害怕得要死;非常害怕·frighten sb int/ut f (ding) sth 吓得某人做/不敢做某事
    are frightened f delivering/are
    frightened t deliver
    (2)当我看到一头可怕的熊张着血盆大口时,我害怕得要死。我吓得站在那里,头发都竖起来了。(读后续写之恐惧心理描写)When I saw pening its bldy muth,I ______ .I there,with my hair standing n end.
    a frightening bear
    frightened t death
    was frightened int standing
    vt.使钦佩;给……留下深刻的好印象;使铭记 vi.留下印象;引人注目(impressin n.印象;感想 impressive adj.给人深刻印象的;令人钦佩的)
    ·impress sb with sth=impress sth n/upn sb某事/物给某人留下深刻 的好印象;使某人铭记…… be impressed by/with (某人)对……印象深刻 What impressed sb mst was sth/that...让某人印象最为深刻的是……·leave/make a(n) n sb给某人留下……的印象
    (1)What is the mst (impress) abut Jiuzhaigu Natinal Park is its many multi-level waterfalls and clrful lakes.(话题写作之旅游景点介绍) (2)The utging guy impressed the interviewers his persnality.→The utging guy impressed his persnality the interviewers.
    (3)这次活动给我们学生留下了深刻的印象,激发了我们对各种植物的热情。 (2023·浙江1月,应用文写作)The activity and arused the enthusiasm f us fr varius plants.
    made/left a deep impressin n us students
    (4)在“中国-爱尔兰文化节”中让我印象最深刻的是文化沙龙,文化沙龙帮助我短暂体验了这两种文化的多样性和丰富性。(2022·浙江1月,应用文写作) was culture saln at the China-Ireland Cultural Festival,which helped me gain a glimpse int the diversity and richness f the tw cultures.
    What impressed me mst
    adj.好奇的;求知欲强的(curiusly adv.好奇地 curisity n.好奇心)
    (1)Out f (curius),the little by peered int the ffice thrugh the windw.(读后续写之动作描写)
    ·be curius abut sth 对……感到好奇 be curius t d sth 好奇地做某事;极想做某事·with curisity(=curiusly)好奇地 ut f curisity出于好奇
    (2)如果你对我们学校的历史感到好奇,你一定不要错过这个黄金机会。(话题写作之学校生活)If ,yu mustn’t miss the glden pprtunity.(3)听到奇怪的声音,人们都围了过来,好奇地想知道发生了什么。我也停了下来,好奇地使劲向前看。Hearing the strange nise,peple gathered arund,________________what was happening.I als stpped,lking frward hard ______________ .
    yu are curius abut the histry f ur schl
    curius t knw
    用leave短语的正确形式填空(1)“Just mind yur wn business and me ,” said the guy impatiently.(2)Take ntes,therwise sme imprtant pints will be .(应用文写作之建议信)
    leave ut删掉;漏掉;不理会;忽视遗留;把……甩在后面leave fr动身去(某地)
    (3)In the five-kilmeter crss-cuntry running race,s fast did Sarah run that she sn the rest f us .(2020·新课标Ⅰ,应用文写作)(4)Tmrrw we’ll gather at the schl gate at 8 a.m. and the campsite tgether.(应用文写作之活动安排)
    lk frward t
    (1)The day he had been lking frward t (cme)—he was finally admitted t his dream university.
    ·lk frward t作 “盼望、期待”讲时,t是介词,后跟名词或动词-ing形式。 类似短语还有: get dwn t 着手做,pay attentin t 注意,date back t起源于,apply neself t致力于,cntribute t 为……作贡献;有助于,stick t坚持。·lk frward可表示“向前看”,后面跟t d表示目的。
    (2)Out f curisity,I managed t squeeze int the crwd and lked frward (see) what happened.(读后续写之动作描写)(3)谢谢你考虑我的建议。我期待听到你对此事的看法。(2023·新课标Ⅰ,应用文写作)Thank yu fr cnsidering my suggestin.I __________________________ n this matter.(4)拼车不仅有助于和拼车者建立积极的关系,而且有助于减轻压力。(话题写作之社会现象)Nt nly des carpling help t build up psitive relatins with the carplers, .
    lk frward t hearing yur
    but als it will cntribute t reducing stress
    · find+宾语+ 温馨提示:该结构中宾语是neself时,常表示主语“不知不觉发现自己……”。·find+it+adj./n.+t d(it作形式宾语,t d是真正的宾语)
    I fund mst f my classmates and teachers friendly and helpful.我觉得我的大多数同学和老师都很友好,而且乐于助人。
    (1)The father fund his children (prepare) a Mther’s Day breakfast,s he tipted int the kitchen. (2021·新课标Ⅰ,读后续写)(2)我发现儿子沉迷于网络游戏,这使我怒火中烧。 ,which made me bil with anger.
    I fund my sn addicted t nline games
    (3)随着时间的推移,越来越多的人觉得海洋保护对人类来说是有益的而且是有必要的。 (2022·全国甲,书面表达)With time ging by,mre and mre peple _________________________ .(4)我发现适应新的学校生活很难,因此我真诚地寻求你慷慨的帮助。(应用文写作之求助信) ,s I sincerely ask fr yur generus assistance.
    find cean cnservatin
    beneficial and necessary t human beings
    I find it difficult t adapt t the new schl life
    (1)What makes me angry is that he is always lecturing me abut my behavir.(2)I feel greatly hnred t deliver a lecture which is designed fr senir high schl students.(应用文写作之演讲稿)
    (3)As a senir high schl student,I knw I must stp playing nline games—dn’t give me a lecture abut it.
    (1)It’s imprtant t impress yur senirs if yu want t be prmted.(2)“ fr that t happen,we als need t prtect nature s that we can interact with it,” said Peter Kahn,a senir authr f the study. (2023·新课标Ⅱ)
    (3)Many experts have given talks here that have fcused n the medical care,and the develpment f public services fr senir citizens. (2022·全国乙)(4)Last Sunday,ur schl held a five-kilmeter crss-cuntry running race.All students in Senir 3 tk part in it. (2020·新课标Ⅰ)
    (1)Adult as he is,he is still awkward with chpsticks.(2)He is an awkward guy wh is always finding fault with thers.(3)The meeting was at 9 ’clck,which was an awkward time fr many peple.
    (4)If yu’re faced with an awkward silence at a dinner party,the nly thing that always gets everyne talking again is t give the hst a cmpliment. (2021·全国乙)
    4.快速阅读下列句子并猜测句中加颜色词汇的汉语意思(1)The ftball player scred a gal and their team wn the match.(2)I’m cnfident we’ll have a wnderful time and enjy each ther’s cmpany.(3)Marriages usually break dwn as a result f the shrtcmings f bth partners.
    (4)T avid further misunderstanding,we need a brief exchange abut the matter.(5)In a wired wrld with cnstant glbal cmmunicatin,we’re all psitined t see flashes f genius wherever they appear.(2021·全国甲)
    1.Walking in ur new campus,yu will find yurself (attract) by the amazing was ur teacher’s (cncentrate) and ptimism that impressed us mst.(话题写作之人物描写)3.On seeing the scene,the junir high schl student was s that she burst ut crying.(frighten)4.Althugh my elder sister is nly senir me by tw years,she always behaves as if she culd rganise everything prperly.
    5.The designer gt (anny) with his assistant wh always made the same mistakes again and yu want t jin an (rganise),yu shuld first register yur persnal are cnfident that the missin will imprve ur understanding f the universe and help prepare ur cuntry fr future human (explre) n Mars in the players all have (cnfident) in their captain and believe that he will lead them t achieve their gal.
    9.My partner shws (curius) abut the peple wh live upstairs.He is very curius everything.10.I am lking frward t (get) yur advice n hw t imprve my ral English.(应用文写作之求助信)
    1.我写信邀请您参加我们学校的节目“Talk and Talk”,这个节目旨在拓宽我们的视野。(be designed t;定语从句)_____________________________________________________________2.因为对西方的传统节日充满好奇,我们认为您的访谈一定会有趣且令人愉悦。(curius;形容词短语作状语;find+宾语+宾补)_____________________________________________________________3.访谈结束后,两名学生代表将和您面对面地交换他们的想法。()_____________________________________________________________
    4.我相信您的访谈会给我们所有学生留下深刻印象。(be cnfident that;leave a deep impressin n)_____________________________________________________________5.我们都期待您的参与。如果您能在方便的时候尽快回复,我们将不胜感激。(lk frward t)_____________________________________________________________
    Dear Carline,I am writing t invite yu t attend ur schl prgramme “Talk and Talk”,which is designed t braden ur hrizns.The talk is scheduled t take place frm 6 8 June 10,whse fcus is mainly abut the traditinal Western culture.Curius abut the traditinal festivals in the West,we will surely find yur talk interesting and enjyable.After the talk,tw student representatives will exchange their wn thughts with yu face t face.I am cnfident that yur talk will leave a deep impressin n all f us students.
    All f us are lking frward t yur participatin.We wuld appreciate it if yu culd reply at yur earliest cnvenience.Yurs sincerely,Li Hua
    学校生活(2022·浙江1月,读后续写改编)①___________________________ (分词短语作状语),we were all waiting fr the annuncement f ur experiment partner.②_____________________________________ wh was utging and easy t get alng with.T my disappintment,I was assigned t wrk with an extremely serius guy wh always wre dark clthes and was always nt satisfied with thers’ wrk.Learning that,③ (无灵主语句).
    Having butterflies in ur
    I had been lking frward t a female
    a fld f fear welled up in me
    T be hnest,s frightened was I that ④__________________________ whenever speaking t him.⑤________ (形容词短语作状语),I had n chice but ⑥_____________ ur prject with him.Hwever,I gradually fund he actually had an amazing persnality,⑦_________________________ (定语从句).I ⑧ ur effrts wuld pay ff.
    my thrat tightened and my
    knees trembled uncntrllably
    t cncentrate
    n/upn designing
    which erased my anxiety and
    was cnfident that

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