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    必修第一册 Unit 4 Natural Disasters-2025年高考英语大一轮复习(课件+讲义+练习)
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    必修第一册 Unit 4 Natural Disasters-2025年高考英语大一轮复习(课件+讲义+练习)

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    Unit 4 Natural Disasters
    trnad n.(pl.-es r -s)龙卷风;旋风drught n.旱灾;久旱landslide n.(landfall)(山地或悬崖的)崩塌;滑坡tsunami n.海啸vlcanic eruptin火山喷发
    magnitude n.(地)震级;重大evacuate vt.疏散;撤出vi.撤离helicpter n.直升机crack n.裂纹;裂缝vi.& vt.(使)破裂
    brick n.砖;砖块metal n.金属unify vi.& vt.统一;(使)成一体vlcan n.(pl.-es r -s)火山erupt vi.& vt.(火山)爆发;(岩浆、烟等)喷出
    typhn n.台风hurricane n.(尤指西大西洋的)飓风whistle vi.吹口哨;发出笛声vt.吹口哨n.哨子(声);呼啸声
    kit n.成套工具;成套设备first aid kit急救箱
    disaster n.灾难;灾害slide vi.& vt.(slid,slid)(使)滑行;滑动fld n.洪水;大量vi.淹没;大量涌入vt.使灌满水;淹没
    rescue n.& vt.营救;救援damage vt.损害;破坏n.损坏;损失destry vt.摧毁;毁灭affect vt.影响;(疾病)侵袭;深深打动
    shelter n.避难处;居所;庇护vt.保护;掩蔽vi.躲避(风雨或危险)gas n.气体;燃气;汽油ruin n.& vt.破坏;毁坏
    percent n.百分之……adj.& adv.每一百中trap vt.使落入险境;使陷入圈套n.险境;陷阱effrt n.努力;艰难的尝试;尽力
    cntext n.上下文;语境;背景supply n.供应(量);补给;[pl.]补给品vt.供应;供给tap vi.& vt.轻叩;轻敲;轻拍n.水龙头;轻叩;轻敲
    pipe n.管子;管道emergency n.突发事件;紧急情况calm adj.镇静的;沉着的vt.使平静;使镇静aid n.援助;帮助;救援物资vi.& vt.(frmal)帮助;援助
    crash vt.& vi.碰撞;撞击n.撞车;碰撞sweep vt.& vi.(swept,swept)打扫;清扫wave n.海浪;波浪vi.& vt.挥手;招手
    strike vi.& vt.(struck,struck/stricken)侵袭; 突击;击打n.罢工;罢课;袭击
    death n.死;死亡→dead adj.死的→deadly adj.致命的→die v.死亡
    shck n.震惊;令人震惊的事;休克 vt.(使)震惊→shcking adj.令人震惊的→shcked adj.感到震惊的
    electricity n.电;电能→electric adj.电的;用电的→electrnic adj.电子的bury vt.埋葬;安葬→burial n.埋葬;葬礼
    breathe vi.& vt.呼吸→breath n.呼吸→breathless adj.气喘吁吁的revive vt.& vi.复活;(使)苏醒→revival n.振兴;复苏
    wisdm n.智慧;才智→wise adj.明智的→unwise adj.不明智的
    suffer vt.遭受;蒙受 vi.(因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等) 受苦→suffering n.痛苦→sufferer n.患者;受难者
    survive vi.生存;存活 vt.幸存;艰难度过→survival n.幸存;生存→survivr n.幸存者;生还者
    pwer n.电力供应;能量;力量;控制力→pwerful adj.强有力的;有影响力的→pwerless adj.无力的deliver vt.& vi.递送;传达 vt.发表→delivery n.投递;送交
    summary n.总结;概括;概要→summaris(z)e vt.& vi.总结;概括effect n.效果;结果;影响→effective adj.有效的
    length n.长;长度→lng adj.长的→lengthen v.(使)变长
    [拔高词汇] 背选修词汇
    breeze /briːz/ n.微风;和风;轻而易举的事vt.轻盈而自信地走becme jaded with对……感到厌倦endw /ɪn'daʊ/ vt.捐赠;资助array /ə'reɪ/ n.大量;大群;阵列vt.布置;排列
    thread /θred/ n.线;思路;线状物vt.& vi.穿(针);穿过beam /biːm/ n.光线;束;梁vi.& vt.照射;发光;发热weave /wiːv/ vt.& vi.(wve /wəʊv/r weaved,wven /'wəʊvn/r weaved)编织;编纂;编造
    web /web/ n.蛛网;网络,错综复杂的事物prey /preɪ/ n.猎物;受害者vt.捕食;欺凌;敲诈
    deliberately /dɪ'lɪbərətli/adv.故意;蓄意;从容不迫地→deliberate /dɪ'lɪbərət/adj.故意的;蓄意的 vi.& vt.深思熟虑
    as if似乎;好像;仿佛in ruins严重受损;破败不堪in shck震惊;吃惊in the pen air露天;在户外n hand现有(尤指帮助)
    sweep away消灭;彻底消除refuse t d sth 拒绝做某事as usual像往常一样cme t an end告终;结束the number f……的数量
    Chickens and even pigs were t nervus t eat,and dgs refused t g inside buildings.()鸡甚至猪都焦躁不安,不愿进食;狗拒绝进入屋内。It seemed as if the wrld were cming t an end!(as if引导的虚拟语气)仿佛世界末日即将来临!
    Water,fd,and electricity were hard t get.(主语+be+adj.+t d)没有水和食物,电也停了。
    Sn after the quakes,the army sent 150,000 sldiers t Tangshan t dig ut thse wh were trapped and t bury the dead.(thse wh...)地震发生后不久,部队派出了15万名士兵奔赴唐山,将受困群众从废墟中挖出,并掩埋死者。
    The mst pwerful earthquake in the past 40 years caused a tsunami that crashed int castlines acrss Asia yesterday,killing mre than 6,500 peple in Indnesia,India,Thailand,Malaysia,and at least fur ther cuntries.(现在分词短语作结果状语)昨日,40年来最为强烈的地震引发海啸,重创亚洲沿海地带,造成印度尼西亚、印度、泰国、马来西亚和其他至少四个国家的6 500多人死亡。
    I was having breakfast with my three children when water started filling my hme.(be 正在做……突然……)当时我和我的三个孩子正在吃早饭,海水开始灌入屋内。
    1.trnad n.___________vi.& vt._________
    6.brick vi.& vi._________________vt._______n.________________
    1. n.& vt.营救;救援2. vt.摧毁;毁灭3. n.& vt.破坏;毁坏4. vt.使落入险境;使陷入圈套n.险境;陷阱5. n.灾难;灾害
    6. n.努力;艰难的尝试;尽力7. vt.影响;(疾病)侵袭;深深打动8. n.供应(量);补给;[pl.]补给品vt.供应;供给9. adj.镇静的;沉着的vt.使平静;使镇静
    10. n.避难处;居所;庇护vt.保护;掩蔽vi.躲避(风雨或危险)11. n.海浪;波浪vi.& vt.挥手;招手12. vi.& vt.侵袭;突击;击打n.罢工;罢课;袭击
    1. n.效果;结果;影响→ adj.有效的2. n.震惊;令人震惊的事;休克 vt.(使)震惊→ adj.令人震惊的→ adj.感到震惊的
    3. n.电;电能→ adj.电的;用电的→ adj.电子的4. n.电力供应;能量;力量;控制力→ adj.强有力的;有影响力的→ adj.无力的
    5. vt.& vi.递送;传达 vt.发表→ n.投递;送交6. vt.& vi.复活;(使)苏醒→ n.振兴;复苏
    1. n.微风;和风;轻而易举的事vt.轻盈而自信地走2. 对……感到厌倦3.beam n._____________vi.& n.___________________________
    becme jaded with
    5. adv.故意;蓄意;从容不迫地→ adj.故意的;蓄意的 vi.& vt.深思熟虑
    1. 似乎;好像;仿佛2. 严重受损;破败不堪3. 震惊;吃惊4. 露天;在户外5. 拒绝做某事6. 像往常一样7. 消灭;彻底消除
    in the pen air
    refuse t d sth
    1.The man has much and can handle varius matters .(wisdm)2.We measured the f the area and fund it was just three meters and thus,we needed t it.(length)3.He takes a deep and in the sweet smell f fresh flwers.(breathe)
    4.Mastering sme basic skills wuld greatly increase yur chances f .Thanks t the swimming skills,he and his friend succeeded in the terrible fld and they were the nly tw .(survive)5.The disease has affected many peple and has caused at least 30 up t nw.(dead)6.When yu write a f an article, the main idea f each part is the first step.(summary)
    7.She has been frm the lss f memry since she had that car accident and her is beynd descriptin.(suffer)
    1.The summer vacatin at last and we wuld return t the develpment f China, peple studying Chinese in the West is increasing made us frustrated was that the flds all the huses.
    sweep away,n hand,in ruins,cme t an end,the number f,in the pen air
    came t an end
    the number f
    4.It was because f an unexpected rain that we culdn’t g n a picnic wants t see me nw,but I have s much wrk that I wuld rather he came tmrrw than many years f fighting have left the area .
    1.看到凶猛的熊,埃莉吓呆了,害怕得一动不动。(读后续写之心理描写)() (2020·浙江7月,读后续写)At the sight f the fierce bear,Elli frze with terrr,________________ .
    t scared t mve
    2.他伸出胳膊和腿,好像在飞似的,兴奋得睁大了眼睛。(as if引导的虚拟语气) (2022·浙江6月)He thrws his arms and legs ut ,his eyes wide with excitement.3.我的头很难从大南瓜里拔出来。(主语+be+adj.+t d)(2021·浙江1月,读后续写)My head .
    as if he were flying
    was difficult t pull ut f the huge pumpkin
    4.想参加此次采摘活动的人被要求明天早晨7点到学校门口集合。(thse wh...) are required t gather at the schl gate at 7:00 am tmrrw.5.当我在浏览我们学校的网站时,我注意到了英文报纸Yuth。(be ) (2021·新课标Ⅰ,应用文写作) I nticed the English newspaper Yuth.
    Thse wh want t participate in the picking activity
    I was surfing ur schl’s website when
    Disasters such as trnades,drughts,flds,landslides,vlcanic eruptins,typhns,hurricanes and earthquakes have cme ne after anther,1. (cause) great damage t many cuntries.In summary,the earthquake has the 2. (bad) effects.The 1976 Tangshan earthquake caused mre than 240,000 3. (die).90 percent f hmes lay in ruins and peple suffered a lt.Fd,water and electricity were hard t get.
    Everywhere 4. shcked survivrs saw destryed bricks,deep cracks in village wells and useless metals as if the wrld were at an end.Rescue teams wh were in shck dug ut the trapped,5. (bury) the dead,and built shelters in the pen air.With unified effrts and wisdm f all peple,the city revived 6. (it) and began t breathe again.Earthquakes under the sea can als cause tsunamis.The tsunami 7. struck Asia in 2004 crashed int castlines.
    Huge waves swept away many peple.Freign cuntries aided these areas by delivering fd and supplies by helicpters.Thugh these natural disasters can nt be avided,we can take sme prtective measures 8.___ (lwer) their damage.When 9. (trap) in an emergency we shuld keep calm,tap n a pipe r whistle fr help,stay away frm pwer lines and survive n what yu have n hand.Last but nt least,always keep first aid kits at hme 10. case.
    n.休克;震惊;令人震惊的事 vt.(使)震惊(shcked adj.感到震惊的 shcking adj.令人震惊的)
    ·in shck吃惊,震惊 t ne’s shck令某人震惊的是·be shcked at sth/that...对……感到震惊 be shcked t d sth 因做某事而感到震惊
    (1)All f us were at the news that many deaths had been caused by the fld.(shck)
    (2)汤姆在马拉松比赛中赢得了冠军,这对我们大家来说非常震惊。Tm wn the champinship in the marathn,_____________________ .(3)听到家乡被飓风摧毁的消息,她吓得脸色苍白。(读后续写之恐惧心理描写)She that her hmetwn was destryed by the hurricane.
    which was a great shck
    t/greatly shcked us all
    paled with shck at the news
    (1)Peple with weak cntrl pwer are likely t be trapped buying useless gds by the webcast.
    ·be trapped in 被困在…… trap sb int ding sth 诱使某人做某事·fall int/get ut f a trap 落入/摆脱圈套 lay/set a trap (fr)(为……)布下陷阱/设置圈套
    (2) (trap) in the ruins fr tw days,the girl cnstantly held a psitive attitude,firmly believing that smene wuld cme t her rescue.(3)这位可怜的幸存者设下了一个简单的陷阱,试图抓住一只兔子来充饥,但却是白费力气。 ,attempting t catch a rabbit t satisfy his hunger,but in vain.
    The pr survivr laid/set a simple trap
    (1)自毕业以来,她一直埋头于文物保护和修复工作,在这一领域做出了巨大贡献。(话题写作之人物介绍)Ever since graduatin,she relic prtectin and restratin wrk,making great cntributins in this field.
    bury sth in把某物埋在……bury neself in=be buried in埋头于,专心于bury ne’s face in ne’s hands双手掩面
    vt.埋葬;安葬;掩埋;隐藏(burial n.埋葬;葬礼)
    has been buried in/buried herself in
    (2)Hearing the bad news,she buried her face in her hands and burst int tears.(读后续写之动作描写)→Hearing the bad news,she burst int tears,_____________________ .(现在分词作状语)→Hearing the bad news,she burst int tears,_____________________ .(with复合结构)→Hearing the bad news,she burst int tears,_____________________ .(独立主格结构)
    burying her face in her
    with her face buried in
    her face buried in her
    vt.遭受;蒙受 vi.(因疾病、痛苦、悲伤等)受苦(suffering n.受苦,遭难;苦楚,苦难 sufferer n.受难者;患者)
    ·suffer frm患……病;受……苦·suffer作及物动词时,意思同experience(体验;经历),其后可跟pain, defeat,hardship等词作宾语;suffer frm中的frm表示原因,意为 “因……而受苦”。
    (1)得知我的搭档得了重病,我非常焦虑,所以我冲向了医院。(2022·浙江1月,读后续写)Knwing that my partner was ,I was burning with anxiety,s I darted twards the hspital.(2)我的老师感叹道:“在写作的过程中,你一定经历过失败和艰辛。正是这些痛苦使你的意志更加坚强。” (2023·新课标Ⅰ,读后续写)My teacher exclaimed,“In the prcess f writing,yu ____________ .It is make yu mre strng-willed.”
    suffering frm a serius illness
    suffered defeats and hardships
    the sufferings that
    vi.生存;存活 vt.幸免;幸存;艰难度过;生还;比……活得长(survivr n.幸存者 survival n.幸存;生还)
    survive n靠……存活下来survive sth 幸免于;从……中活下来A survives B (by+时间) A比B活得长(……)
    (1)The wed his t a TV prgram,which taught what t survive when trapped in the wild.(survive)(2)Althugh the ld lady suffered frm a serius illness,she still survived her husband 5 years.
    (3)生活不在于如何从暴风雨中幸存,而在于学会在雨中翩翩起舞。(读后续写之升华句)Life isn’t abut ;it’s abut learning t dance in the rain.
    hw t survive the strm
    ·be struck with/by被……所打动/袭击 It strikes sb that...某人觉得……;某人突然想起…… sth strikes sb 某人想到……·n strike罢工·表示“突然想到”的词汇还有hit,ccur t等。
    vt.& vi.(struck,struck/stricken)击打;(时钟等)敲响;擦(火柴);撞击;侵袭;给(某人以……)印象;突然想起 n.罢工;罢课;袭击
    (1)The wrkers are cming ut strike fr higher wages,which is a shck t the gvernment.
    (2)我的朋友们都被一只小鸟和它的救命恩人之间的深厚联系深深打动了。(2023·浙江1月,读后续写)My friends the prfund bnd between a little bird and her saver.(3)我突然想到一个好主意,我们可以在即将到来的教师节送给老师一份手工制作的礼物。 that we culd give a handmade gift t ur teacher fr the cming Teachers’ Day.→ we culd give a handmade gift t ur teacher fr the cming Teachers’ Day.(用it作形式主语改写)
    were all deeply struck by/with
    A gd idea struck/hit/ccurred t me
    It struck/hit/ccurred t me that
    ·as if/thugh引导表语从句时常放在lk,seem等系动词之后。·as if/thugh可以引导状语从句,表方式,如果从句所描述的情况是真实的或 极有可能发生的,从句谓语用陈述语气;如果从句所描述的情况是不真实的或 极少可能发生的,从句谓语用虚拟语气: 与现在事实相反,用一般过去时(be动词一般用were); 与过去事实相反,用过去完成时; 与将来事实相反,用wuld/culd/might+动词原形。
    It seemed as if the wrld were cming t an end!仿佛世界末日即将来临!
    as if引导的虚拟语气
    (1)Listen,the whistle f an ambulance!It seems as if there (be) an emergency.(2)When a pencil is partly put int water,it lks as if it (be) brken.(3)At the bad news,Mary frze with shck,as if (rt) t the grund.(4)我一走进房子,它就发出了高兴的喵喵声,好像是在告诉我它以前住在这里。The mment I stepped int the huse,it let ut a mew f delight ________ it previusly lived here.(拟人表达)
    were) telling me
    用法点拨 当as if/thugh引导方式状语从句时,如果从句的主语和主句的主语一致,且从句中含有be动词的某种形式,则可以省略从句中的主语和be动词。
    句中when用作并列连词,意为“这时突然”。when表示“这时突然”之意,还常用于以下句型:·be abut t 正要做……突然……·had (just) 刚做完……这时突然……
    I was having breakfast with my three children when water started filling my hme.当时我和我的三个孩子正在吃早饭,海水开始灌入屋内。
    (1)我们刚从着火的房子里逃出来,房子就倒向地面,我们吓得魂不附体。(读后续写之恐惧心理描写) it fell t the grund and we were frightened ut f ur wits.
    We had just escaped frm the burning huse when
    (2)手里捧着罐子,我正匆忙上楼梯,突然我的一只脚被楼梯绊住了。我失去了平衡,努力想稳住自己,但是没用。罐子从我的手指间滑落,摔在了坚硬的泥土地上。我刚要去捡起碎片,就听到妈妈的声音,“发生了什么事?”(读后续写之片段描写)With the jar in my hands,I ne f my feet was caught n ne stair.Lsing balance,I tried t steady myself,but in vain.The jar slipped thrugh my fingers,and smashed n the hard-as-rck mud flr.I I heard my mm’s vice,“What’s happening?”
    was walking upstairs in a hurry when
    was abut t pick up the pieces when
    (1)The princess had been delivered f a healthy baby by,which made the handsme prince wild with excitement.(2)The sn f a grcer,he’d spent the summers f his childhd delivering fd in Bernardsville,New Jersey. (2021·新课标Ⅰ)(3)Gd evening,everybdy.Prfessr King will be delivering his lecture in a mment,but let me intrduce him first. (2021·天津3月)
    (1)Deeply affected by the film,we culdn’t hld back tears.(2)Indeed,the researchers fund that face-t-face interactins and cnversatins affect the creative prcess. (2021·全国乙)(3)Learning that yu are affected with a serius disease and have t return t Ireland,I am terribly srry abut it. (2020·浙江7月)
    (1)It was in the year 1843 that he came t pwer with his wife’s assistance. (2)The electric car,pwered by the latest battery,can drive 600 miles n a single charge.(3)The patient is left with the pwer t chse what he wants t talk abut. (2021·天津3月)
    (4)Agriculture gave peple their first experience f the pwer f technlgy t change lives. (2020·浙江7月)(5)Since lighting is ften far remved frm the pwer lt f energy is lst during transmissin. (2020·全国Ⅰ)(6)The United States rse t glbal pwer n the strength f its technlgy,and the lifebld f that technlgy has lng been electricity. (2022·浙江1月)
    4.快速阅读下列句子并猜测句中加颜色词汇的汉语意思(1)When we visited the ld family hme,past sweet memries came flding back.(2)Much f the cast has been ruined by the turism.(3)Birds singing in the tree,the bright five-star red flag waved in the breeze.(4)Weiner starts each chapter with a scene n a train ride between cities and then frames each philspher’s wrk in the cntext f ne thing they can help us d better. (2023·全国甲)
    1.He made a great effrt t save the girl (trap) in the burning event will supply yu a precius pprtunity t wrk with experts in this thusands f years,peple have tld fables t teach a lessn r t pass n (wise). (2023·全国甲)4. (bury) in reading the legend f a master in basketball,he didn’t make it t schl n time.
    5.As I (sweep) up the mess,I wndered why we had been breaking s many things ver the mnths. (2021·天津3月)6.Cmpared with thse wh are engaged in manual labr,teachers experience mre mental (suffer).7. struck me that I was cheating myself by pretending t knw what I didn’t stadium and the gym laid ruins after the big fire caused by careless smking.
    9.She speaks English s fluently as if she (stay) in America fr a lng win an hnur fr his cuntry,he didn’t give up even if he gt injured in the race, (set) a gd example t thers.
    1.我在网上冲浪时,一篇关于00后消防员和00后志愿者的报道吸引了我的眼球。(be )_______________________________________________________________2.在重庆山火和泸定地震中涌现出了许多00后的榜样,他们表现出了勇敢和责任感。(emerge;定语从句)_______________________________________________________________3.在一些人眼中,00后似乎是最叛逆(rebellius)的一代。(as if)_______________________________________________________________
    4.然而,当面对自然灾害时,他们冒着生命危险营救被困在废墟或洪水中的人们,完全把他们自己的安全抛在了身后。(be trapped in ruins;be faced with;分词作状语)_____________________________________________________________5.深受他们故事的影响,我呼吁所有年轻人向他们学习,并承担起我们的责任。(be affected with/by;分词作状语)_____________________________________________________________
    We Shuld Shulder the RespnsibilityI was surfing the Internet when a reprt abut pst-00s firefighters and pst-00s vlunteers attracted my eyes.The reprt shwed that many pst-00s rle mdels emerged in the muntain fire in Chngqing and the Luding earthquake,wh shwed their bravery and sense f respnsibility.
    In sme peple’s view,it seems as if the pst-00s were the mst rebellius generatin.Hwever,when faced with natural disasters,they risked their lives t rescue peple trapped in ruins r flds,ttally leaving their safety behind.They really live up t the sciety’s expectatin and deserve ur respect and admiratin.Deeply affected by their stries,I call n all the yung peple t learn frm them and shulder ur respnsibility,making ur cntributins as individuals.
    火灾救援The fire started t spread all ver the htel,and peple fleeing ut f it in time ① .Just at that mment,a sharp scream came ut f the crwd.A yung mther ② (定语从句) cried that her baby was still in the htel rm.Hearing that,③____ (无灵主语句),and they didn’t knw what they culd d in that situatin.They tried t cmfrt the wman ④ ,but wrds just failed them.
    were still in great panic
    wh was dead with fright
    fld f fear welled up in the crwd
    wh had been scared ut f her wits
    They almst lst hpe when a yung man quickly ran t the pl in frnt f the htel,pured water n his jacket and then rushed int the burning rm.Seeing the scene,everyne ⑤ ,wishing he culd successfully bring the baby ut.⑥_________________ until they heard sme cry f a baby.
    was numb with fear
    Everyne’s heart
    was stuck in their thrat

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