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    上外版2020必修第三册 高一英语下学期 Unit2.Art and Artists单元过关检测
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    上外版2020必修第三册 高一英语下学期 Unit2.Art and Artists单元过关检测

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    Unit 2 Art and Artists一、基础巩固I.单词拼写She showed considerable t___________(天资)for getting what she wanted.Great risks ___________(存在)in online shopping despite its convenience.Adam Smith is d___________(卓越的)for his knowledge of economics.He had changed to such an extent that I could no longer ___________(辨认出)him.He takes the road of collective __________(繁荣)instead of trying to build up family fortunes. Whatever the scientists u_________(最终)conclude, all of their data will immediately be disputed.Motherhood didn’t stop her dream and she continued to _______(追求)her goal of becoming an actress.He knew she was a resourceful, ________(精力充沛的)and dynamic woman and would get things done. His research has made a series of international leading results and has ___________(象征性的)significance.It also stresses sustainable development and the _______________(和谐的)co-existence between humans and nature.【答案】1.talent 2.exist 3.distinguished 4.recognize  5.prosperity 6.ultimately 7.pursue 8.energetic 9.symbolic 10.harmoniousII.单元语法(不定式复习)But I decided _________ (give) them another try because I’m in London. You are not allowed __________(stay out) late at night. A red light is a warning to drivers and staff that another train is dangerously close and that adjustments need _____(make) . Many farmers in the countryside have gone to cities to look for work and left their children behind ______ by their grandparents. (raise)_______ (earn) enough money, they finally could move from their two-bedroom home to a seven-bedroom home in a rich neighborhood. The little girl showed no anxiety before the competition. She seemed ______ ( prepare )for it pretty well.The plan ________(accomplish) by 2022 will expand the city’s telephone network to cover as many users as possible. The “magical apple”, which we wish not to be the last one _____ (fascinate)us, has inspired the imagination and passion of millions of people. The flu is believed _______(cause)by viruses that like to reproduce in the cells inside the human nose and throat. Although parents seem _______(give)good advice to their sons and daughters, their kids have marked them poorly on being good role models when it comes to dealing with life’s difficulties.【答案】1. to give 2. to stay out 3. to be made 4. to be raised 5.To earn 6. to have prepared 7. to be giving 8 to be accomplished 9.to fascinate 10.to be caused III. 词汇填空(本单元词汇巩固)Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases from the box below. Change the form where necessary.1. The price of oil should remain ____________for the rest of 1992.石油价格在1992年余下时间里应该保持稳定。2. The walls were painted in two ____________of green.这些墙壁被涂成了两种色调不同的绿色。3. The single is ____________"White Love."这支单曲名为《白色之恋》。4. It will not be long before the inflation ____________starts to fall.过不了多久,通货膨胀的数字就会开始下降。5. No ____________of the discussions have been given.会谈的细节尚未透露。6. She smiled again in a friendly ____________.她又友好地笑了笑。7. The latest____________ is gardening.最新的时尚是园艺。8. She filled the containers, ____________them with a cork, and stuck on labels.她装满那些容器,用塞子封了口,然后贴上了标签。9. The main stem will ____________to around 12 ft, if left to develop naturally.如果让其自然生长,主干会延伸到12英尺左右。10. She's the ____________editor of the "Sunday Review."她是《周日评论》的文学编辑。【答案】1.stable 2.shades 3.titled 4.figure 5.details 6.manner 7.trend 8.sealed 9.extend 10.literary IV. 翻译完成句子(注意不定式用法)你真的忙到抽不出一点时间给父母打个电话吗? (too)你很有可能在这次考试中取得好成绩。(likely)这些广告旨在吸引消费者购买商品。(appeal)在寒冷的冬日喝杯热饮真是惬意。(It)现在在会议上讨论的问题过两周表决。(vote)你给予我们这么多的帮助,真难为你了。(It)他们似乎已成功地做完了试验。 (appear)他的计划是要对他们的教学方法进行改革。(plan) 9. 经过热烈讨论,我们一致同意再为那所小学捐赠一台电脑。(agree)10. 发现学生下午昏昏欲睡的样子,老师竭尽所能来激发他们的兴趣。(arouse)【参考答案】1.1.Are you too busy to spare a little time to make a phone call to your parents?2. You are most likely to achieve good results in this examination. / It’s most likely that you will achieve good results in this examination.3. The aim of these advertisements is to appeal to customers to buy goods./ These advertisements aim at appealing to customers to buy goods.4. It is pleasant having / to have a hot drink on a cold winter day / on cold winter days.5. The problem being discussed at the meeting now is to be voted in two weeks’time. 6.It is very kind of you to have given us so much help .7.They appear to have accomplished their experiment. 8. His plan is to make a reform in their teaching methodology. 9.After a heated discussion, we all agreed to donate another computer for the primary school.10. Finding students sleepy in the afternoon, the teacher did everything he could to arouse their interest. 二、拓展提升语法填空There is a tendency to think of each of the arts as ___1___ separate area of activity. Many artists, however, would prove ___2___ there has always been a warm relationship between the a warm relationship areas of human activity. For example, in the late nineteenth century the connections between music and painting were especially close. Artists ___3___ (invite) to design clothes and settings for operas and ballets, ___4___ sometimes it was the musicians who were inspired by the work of contemporary painters. Of the musical compositions as responses to the visual arts, perhaps the most famous is Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition.Mussorgsky composed the piece in 1874 after the death, at the age of 39, of the artist Victor Hartman. ___5___ their friendship had not been a particularly long-lasting one, Mussorgsky was shocked by Hartmann’s unexpected death. The following year the critic, Vladimir Stasov, ___6___ decided to told an exhibition of Hartmann’s work, suggested that Mussorgsky ___7___ (try) to relieve his grief by writing something in memory of Hartmann.The exhibition served as Mussorgsky’s inspiration. The ten pieces that make up Pictures at an Exhibition ___8___ (intend) as symbols rather than representation of the paintings in the exhibition. Between each is a promenade (舞曲中行进), as the composer walks from one painting to ___9___ The music is sometimes witty and playful, sometimes almost alarming and frightening. Thought a range of surprising contrasts, Mussorgsky manages ____10____ (convey) the spirit of the artist and his work.【答案】1. a 2. that 3. were invited 4. but 5. Though 6. who 7. try 8. are intended 9. another 10. to convey【解析】【1题详解】考查冠词。句意:人们倾向于认为每种艺术都是独立的活动领域。activity是可数名词,此处是单数,泛指一种活动,需用冠词a修饰,故填a。【2题详解】考查宾语从句。句意:然而,许多艺术家认为,在人类活动的各个领域之间总是存在着一种温暖的关系。这是个宾语从句,从句做prove的宾语,从句中不缺少任何成分,用that引导。故填that。【3题详解】考查时态和语态。主语artists与invite之间是被动关系,用be done,根据时间状语in the late nineteenth century可知,用一般过去式的被动语态。故填were invited。【4题详解】考查连词。句意:艺术家们被邀请为歌剧和芭蕾舞剧设计服装和布景,但有时是音乐家们受到了当代画家作品的启发。根据句意可知,前后之间是转折关系,用but连接。故填but。【5题详解】考查状语从句。句意:尽管他们的友谊并不是特别长久的,穆索尔斯基对哈特曼的意外死亡感到震惊。根据句意可知,前后两句之间是让步关系,用though引导,位于句首,首字母大写。故填Though。【6题详解】考查定语从句。句意:第二年,评论家弗拉迪米尔·斯塔索夫决定在哈特曼的作品展览上发表自己的看法。这是个非限制性定语从句,先行词是Vladimir Stasov,指人,从句中缺少主语,用who引导。故填who。【7题详解】考查固定用法。suggest表建议时,其后跟宾语从句使用虚拟语气,即suggest that sb should do sth。故填try。【8题详解】考查时态和主谓一致。句意:在一个展览中组成图片的十件作品是作为展览中绘画的象征而不是代表。be intended as目的是作为,根据下文可知,用一般现在时,主语是The ten pieces,be用are。故填are intended。【9题详解】考查代词。句意:两者之间是一条长廊,作曲家从一幅画走到另一幅画。根据句意可知,此处是指从一个到另一个,因此用another。故填another。【10题详解】考查固定结构。句意:通过一系列令人惊讶的对比,穆索尔斯基成功地传达了艺术家和他的作品的精神。manage to do sth 成功的了某事。故填to convey。【点睛】定语从句是复合句考查的重点之一,对于定语从句,要做到四点:一是准确判断出该句是定语从句;二是找准先行词;三是分析出从句所缺少的成分;四是掌握关系词的基本用法。只有做到这三点才能准确的判断出该使用哪个关系词。本题中的第6小题考查的是个非限制性定语从句,先行词是Vladimir Stasov,指人,从句中缺少主语,从而判定用who引导。选词填空Considering how much time people spend in offices, it is important that work spaces be well designed. Well-designed office spaces help create a corporation’s image. They motivate workers, and they make an impression on people who visit and might be potential or 41 customers. They make businesses work better, and they are a part of the corporate culture we live in.As we move away from an industrial-based economy to a knowledge-based one, office designers have come up with 42 to the traditional work environments of the past. The design industry has moved away from a fixed office setup and created more flexible “strategic management environments.” These 43 solutions are meant to support better organizational performance.As employee hierarchies(等级制度)have flattened, or decreased, office designers’ response to this change has been to move open-plan areas to more desirable locations within the office and create fewer formal private offices. The need for increased flexibility has also been 44 by changes in workstation design. Office and work spaces often are not 45 to a given person on a permanent basis. Because of changes to methods of working, new designs allow for expansion or movement of desks, storage and equipment within the workstation. Another important design goal is communication, which designers have improved by lowing the walls that 46 workstations. Designers have also created informal gathering places, and upgraded employees’ 47 to heavily trafficked areas such as copy and coffee rooms.Corporate and institutional office designers often struggle to resolve a number of competing and often 48 demands, including budgetary limits, employee hierarchies and technological innovation (especially in relation to computerization). These demands must also be balanced with the need to create interiors (内饰) that in some way enhance, establish or promote a company’s image and will enable employees to 49 at their best.All these 50 of office design are related. The most successful office designs are like a good marriage — the well-designed office and the employees that occupy it are seemingly made for each other.【Keys】IBHDC JAEGF【解析】41.根据划线部分前面的单词potential (形容词,潜在的)和or(表并列,意为或者),可以知道答案是一个形容词且意思和潜在的是相近的。结合备选答案及单词意思,只有prospective (adj. 未来的; 预期的; 可能的; 有希望的;)符合。42.本局的意思是随着我们从以工业为基础的经济转移到知识为基础的经济,办公室设计者已经想出了一些替代传统工作环境的事物。根据划线部分前后的介词知道该填名词。43. 根据划线部分后面的名词solutions(解决办法)可以知道该空应该是填一个形容词,又根据划线部分前面的代词These可以知道,后面所说的内容其实是指代前一句话的内容“设计工厂已经把一个固定的办公室转变为一个创造性地灵活环境”。备选答案中能够和创造性同义的词就只有这个选项innovative革新的44.根据划线部分前面的has also been以及划线部分后面的by changes,这是典型的被动语态的结构形式have/has been done by sth.所以可以知道答案选项应该是过去分词形式。备选的答案有assigned(分派);confirmed(确认),根据句意可以知道答案是confirmed.45.根据划线部分前面的are及主语offices and work spaces(物作主语),也可以判断是过去分词表被动。通过句意,办公室及工作空间不是分派给一个人永久使用,选assigned。46.该句意为另一个重要的设计目标就是交流,这意味着设计者已经通过降低分割工作空间的墙来改善。根据划线部分前面的employees'这个名词所有格及划线部分后的介词,可以知道这个空格要填名词形式。如果从搭配的角度来看,基本可以确定答案为access, access to 的意思是进入。如果按照意思来排除,也可以知道答案是access。本句意为“设计者也创造了一个非正式的聚会地方,同时也更新了员工进入如复印室和咖啡屋之类的地方。”根据划线前面的结构competing and,可以知道应该填一个结构类似的词,动名词有conflicting和supporting。综合分析能得出答案。49.本句意为“这种要求要注意均衡内饰的需要和使得员工起到最好的作用,内饰在一定程度上,可以加强,建立或促进公司的形象。”根据划线部分前面的to,结合搭配enable sb to do sth可以知道空格填动词形式,而且是原形。到现在的备选答案只有function,所以答案就是它了。另外,要注意function可以做不及物动词动词及名词。50. 根据划线部分的前面是these,后面是of可以知道空格要填的是一个名词形式。再根据these 的指代作用,知道这个名词应该是一个还有概括意义的词。综合上面的题目,剩下的备选答案是elements(要素)和supporting(支持),其中supporting 词性不对,这也表明supporting是多余的那种选项。所以答案是elements. 本句意为“所有的这些办公室要素都有关联”III、阅读理解AWhen little kids line up for school picture day,there’s the typical nervousness and joking as they get ready to show off their brightest smiles.Maybe they’re wearing their best clothes or even sporting a new haircut.But the children who sit in front of the camera as part of Project Picture Day are a special kind of subject.They’re kids in low-income communities who get to be the focus of attention for maybe the very first time.Jules Alonzo brainstormed with his professional photographer friend,Jen Campos,about a way they could combine a love for photography and working with children in poor areas around the world.They came up with a concept and,in 2015,they had a trial run in Africa,taking photos of kids at school. “I had gone on a five-week volunteer project a few years back and still had connections there.We got in touch with a school director there who spoke English well and was happy to have us,”said Alonzo.“It turned out to be a huge success.” Since then,the non-profit organisation has reached 1,765 students in 14 schools in three countries.The Project Picture Day team of four to six members goes into a school and sets up two stations with a camera,a tripod(三脚架),and so on.Campos decides where the best spots will be — whether inside or outside the classroom or school.Then the team spends two or three days photographing the students and editing and printing their photos.They also take a class photo and faculty pictures.On the final day,each student receives a 4×6 school portrait.“The majority of the students laugh.It’s funny and maybe even embarrassing seeing a photo of yourself.They love to show their peers and everyone gets a good laugh,” said Alonzo.“There’s a sense of pride.What we didn’t expect and love to see is,sometimes the students will exchange photos with their best friends.It’s actually really cute.Others run to their parents to show them.Honestly,the reactions are the best part of all of this.”4.In what aspect are children lining up for Project Picture Day special?A.They are too nervous.B.They are smiling happily.C.They are from poor areas.D.They are informally-dressed.5.What do the underlined words “a concept” refer to?A.A project to help poor kids complete their education.B.A project to help children know the world more and better.C.A project to help children dreaming of becoming film stars.D.A project to help children who have few chances to take a photo.6.What do we know about their trial run of Project Picture Day?A.It lasted five days.B.The place was in Asia.C.It was not very successful.D.They chose a school whose director spoke English well.7.What does the author intend to tell us in Paragraph 5?A.What they do in a school.B.Who are to be taken photos of.C.Why the organization is not for profit.D.How they are warmly received in schools.答案与解析:【语篇解读】本文为新闻报道。作者及其朋友创办了一个名叫Project Picture Day的非营利组织,旨在帮助那些很难照上相的贫困地区的孩子。4.【答案】C【解析】细节理解题。由第二段中的“They’re kid ...”可知。5.【答案】D【解析】推理判断题。根据语境可知,画线词语指代的是上句的内容,也即创办Project Picture Day组织,帮助那些很难照张相的贫困地区的孩子体会到照相的滋味。6.【答案】D【解析】细节理解题。根据第四段中的“We got in touch with...”可知D项正确。7.【答案】A【解析】推理判断题。第五段主要讲述作者一行到达所选学校后做些什么。(B)Operation Green Sweep(For teens currently in 6th 12th grades)Operation Green Sweep is a volunteer program organized by the Alameda Recreation and Park Department for teens who want to earn community service hours by assisting with the cleaning of our city parks and community centers. Teens will be supervised while cleaning up various local parks, doing light trash removal and learning a thing or two about our parks and surrounding environment.◎ Fridays, April 17 to May 29,2019◎ 3:30 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.◎ Cost: $45— covers ths uniform shirt, the training book and transportationHow to register:◎ You may register in person or mail your completed form and payment to: Alameda Recreation and Park Department, 2226 Santa Clara Avenue, Alameda, 94501.◎ Phone registrations are accepted Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with MasterCard or VISA payment only. Please have your credit card ready before calling (510) 7477566.◎ Save time and register online at www.Arpdeplay.com at your convenience.Cancellation and refund policy:If the program is cancelled by the Alameda Recreation and Park Department, your fee will be fully returned to you.Cancellations put forward by the client must be requested digitally at least five business days in advance of the start of the program. Well charge a $15 administration fee,Note:If you miss more than two days, you may be dropped from the program without earning your hours. Please bring a snack, wear work clothes (no skirts or open-toed shoes) and sunscreen.Teens are expected to act quickly, learn communication skills and learn to plan ahead. All volunteers must meet at the Veteran’s Memorial Building. Do not be late as transportation is provided to take teens to their destinations.40. What can we learn about the Alameda Recreation and Park Department?A. It offers free community service.B. It spreads knowledge on nature.C. It provides volunteer activities for kids.D. It takes care of kids for busy parents.41. What can you do if you’re interested in Operation Green Sweep?A. Mail the park where you want to do the cleaning jobB. Call (510)747-7566 at 5:00 p.m. on Saturday.C. Fax your registration form and American Express card number.D. Apply online at www.Arpdeplay.com at any time.42. If you give up 7 days prior to Operation Green Sweep,____A. $30 will be returned to your accountB. there is no need to make a request for cancellation.C. no extra fee will be chargedD. you must hand in your request form in person【答案】40. C 41. D 42. A【解析】本文是一篇应用文,主要介绍了Alameda娱乐公园绿色清扫行动的相关信息。【40题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Operation Green Sweep is a volunteer program organized by the Alameda Recreation and Park Department for teens who want to earn community service hours”可知,阿拉梅达娱乐公园管理部门向儿童提供志愿活动,故答案为C。【41题详解】细节理解题。根据第二部分最后一点 “Save time and register online at www.Arpdeplay.com at your convenience.”可知,如果对该活动感兴趣,你可以随时在www.Arpdeplay.com进行在线申请,故答案为D。【42题详解】细节理解题。根据第一部分最后一点“Cost: $45— covers ths uniform shirt, the training book and transportation”及第三部分中的“Cancellations put forward by the client must be requested digitally at least five business days in advance of the start of the program. Well charge a $15 administration fee,”可知,正常的费用是45美元,包括制服、训练手册和交通费,客户提出的取消要求必须在项目开始前至少5个工作日提出,需要扣除15美元的管理费,所以如果你在绿色行动前7天放弃,那么45减去15,即为退还30美元,故答案为A。IV、阅读六选四Directions: Read fee passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.Throughout the centuries, pink has assumed a range of guises (表现形式). The way it is sensed by society has also changed over the years.In the West, pink first became fashionable in the mid-1700s, when European aristocrats (贵族) were dressed in pink as a symbol of class. Madame de Pompadour loved the color so much that, in 1757, French porcelain manufacturer Sèvres named its new shade of pink “Rose Pompadour” after her.Pink was not then considered a girls’ color — infants of both genders were dressed in white. ____47____ The color’s more recent association with femininity (女性气质) started around the mid-19th century, according to Valerie Steele, editor of the book Pink: The History of a Punk, Pretty, Powerful Color. She explained, “Men in the Western world increasingly wore dark colors, leaving brighter options to females ____48____. ”By the turn of the century, pink had entered the mainstream — and its status shifted in the process. The advent of industrialization and mass production led to comparatively cheap dyes (染料). Pink went from luxury to working class.Its guises continued to change throughout the 1900s. ____49____ By the 1950s, pink had become more gender-coded than ever. The branding and marketing in post-war America that used it as a symbol of super-femininity, strengthened a “pink for girls, blue for boys” stereotype.Pink did not regain its popularity until the 1960s, when public figures such as Jackie Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe adopted it as a mark of luxury. In more recent decades, pink has also been accepted as a color of protest and awareness for various communities. For example, it has become internationally equivalent to the fight against breast cancer, in the form of a pink ribbon.“Pink is going through a generational shift,” Steele said. “____50____ There’s a shared recognition that pink can be pretty and powerful and feminine. We’re redefining pink.”【答案】47. B 48. A 49. E 50. D【解析】本文是说明文。文章说明了社会对粉色认识的变化。【47题详解】B项“The color was in fact, often considered more appropriate for little boys because it was seen as a paler (浅的) red, which had manly implications.(这个颜色实际上通常被认为是更适合小男孩,因为它被视为苍白的红色,暗示有男子汉气概。)”,下文提到 “The color’s more recent association with femininity started around the mid-19th century(这种颜色与女性气质有关出现在19世纪中期)”;其中“the color”与B项中“the color”词汇重复,空后一句是顺承B项的话题;空后一句中的“association with femininity(与女性气质有关)”与B项中“manly implications(男子汉气概的暗示)”相呼应。故选B。【48题详解】空前一句提到“Men in the Western world increasingly wore dark colors, leaving brighter options to females. (西方国家的男性越来越多地穿深色衣服,让女性选择明亮的颜色。)”;A项“Pink became an expression of delicacy.(粉红色成了娇弱的表示。)”,与该段的首句“Pink was not then considered a girls’ color”相对应。该段是说明粉色成为女性的颜色的来源。故选A。【49题详解】空前一句提到“Its guises continued to change throughout the 1900s.(在整个20世纪,它的表现形式一直在变化。);E项“French designer Paul Poiret created dresses in pale pinks, pushing the shade back into the field of high fashion.(法国设计师Paul Poiret设计了淡粉色的裙子,将这种颜色重新推向了高端时尚领域。)”,其中“pushing the shade back into the field of high fashion”与空前一句中的“continued to change”相呼应。 故选E。【50题详解】空前一句提到“Pink is going through a generational shift(粉色正在经历代际转变)”;D项“Society is increasingly moving away from the idea of it as a childish color.(社会正逐渐远离它是一种幼稚的颜色的想法。)”;空后下文提到“There’s a shared recognition that pink can be pretty and powerful and feminine. We’re redefining pink.(人们都认为粉色可以很漂亮,很有力量,也很有女人味。我们重新定义粉红色。”)”其中“pink can be pretty and powerful and feminine”, 说明粉色所代表的意义,与D项中的“as a childish color”相对;“redefine pink”与该段首句中的“a generational shift”相呼应。 故选D。V、Translation Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.1. 提到5G技术,华为在全世界遥遥领先。(come to)2. 如果温室效应持续恶化,可以预见沿海城市面临的威胁。(foresee)3. 应该好好对待为国家做出突出贡献的人才,不能让他们寒心,这样他们才能全身心投入 到工作中去。(in order that)4. 这本书封面设计精美,价格合理,而且内容迎合了新一代年轻人,因此登上了销售榜的 首位。(It…)【答案】1. When it comes to 5G-tech, HuaWei is considered as the leader in the world. 2. If the green-house effect is still worse, the threat to cities near seas can be foreseen. 3. People who make contributions to the country should be well treated good, we can’t let them disappointed, in order that they can fully devote themselves to the work. 4. It is the nice decoration, reasonable price and the topic to the young that help this book become the best-selling.【解析】本题考查翻译,注意按括号内的要求翻译。【1题详解】考查固定句型。When it comes to表示“当谈及、提到”,be considered as表示“被认为是”,陈述的是客观事实,应该用一般现在时,翻译为:When it comes to 5G-tech, HuaWei is considered as the leader in the world。【2题详解】考查语态和状语从句。根据句意可知此处应该用if引导条件状语从句,表示“如果……”,从句中用一般现在时表示将来的动作,the threat to表示“对……的威胁”,主句主语threat与foresee之间是被动关系,应该用被动语态,故翻译为:If the green-house effect is still worse, the threat to cities near seas can be foreseen。【3题详解】考查定语从句和目的状语从句。make contributions to表示“为……做出贡献”,in order that表示“以便、为了”,devote oneself to表示“致力于、献身于”,根据句意可知用People作主语,定语从句who make contributions to the country修饰先行词People,用in order that引导目的状语从句,表示“为了、以便”,故翻译为:People who make contributions to the country should be well treated good, we can’t let them disappointed, in order that they can fully devote themselves into the work。【4题详解】考查强调句型。根据要求可知此处使用强调句型,其基本结构为it is+被强调部分+that+其余部分,本句强调的是三个并列主语the nice decoration, reasonable price and the topic to the young,陈述的是客观事实,用一般现在时,故翻译为:It is the nice decoration, reasonable price and the topic to the young that help this book become the best-sell in . title extend shade detail mannerseal literary stable figure trendA. access B.alternatives C.designed D. confirmed E. conflictingF. elements G. function H.innovative I.prospective J. separate K. supporting A. Pink became an expression of delicacy.B. The color was in fact, often considered more appropriate for little boys because it was seen as a paler (浅的) red, which had manly implications.C. Pink was regarded as simple, because of its association with women, who have been traditionally looked down upon.D. Society is increasingly moving away from the idea of it as a childish color.E. French designer Paul Poiret created dresses in pale pinks, pushing the shade back into the field of high fashion.F. Society decides what colors mean.






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