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    2024秋鲁教版(五四制)初中英语六年级上册Unit 4 My name's is Gina 单元整体教案+课时教案(8课时)
    2024秋鲁教版(五四制)初中英语六年级上册Unit 4 My name's is Gina  单元整体教案+课时教案(8课时)01
    2024秋鲁教版(五四制)初中英语六年级上册Unit 4 My name's is Gina  单元整体教案+课时教案(8课时)02
    2024秋鲁教版(五四制)初中英语六年级上册Unit 4 My name's is Gina  单元整体教案+课时教案(8课时)03
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    2024秋鲁教版(五四制)初中英语六年级上册Unit 4 My name's is Gina 单元整体教案+课时教案(8课时)

    这是一份2024秋鲁教版(五四制)初中英语六年级上册Unit 4 My name's is Gina 单元整体教案+课时教案(8课时),共14页。

    Unit 4 My name’s Gina. 【教学目标与要求】 话题:结交朋友(Making new friends)功能:1. 能够介绍自己的姓名(Introducing yourself ) My name is.../ I’m.... My first/ last name is... 2. 能够简单问候初识的朋友。(Greeting people) Hello!/ Hi! Good morning! Nice to meet you! 3. 能够询问和告知电话号码(Asking for and giving telephone numbers) A: What’s your / his/ her phone number? B: It’s ....语法:1.能够正确使用be动词的一般现在时用法(Present tense to be) I’m Gina. My name’s Gina. A: Are you Tony? B: Yes, I am./ No, I’m not.What引导疑问句,询问对方的姓名和电话号码。 What’s your name? What’s your telephone number?能够正确使用下列形容词性物主代词。(Possessive pronouns) My, your, his, her词汇和常用表达: 1. 能够正确使用下列词汇 name, telephone, phone, number, friend, China, school, your, her, his, he, she, nice,frist last, middle, zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, meet, too, not, and, yes, no,to, Ms. 2. 能够正确使用下列常用表达 first name, last name, middle school, telephone/ phone number Nice to meet you!语音: 1. 能够辨别3组元音因素: /ɪ/和/i:/、/e/ 和/æ/ 、/ ɜ:/和/ə/。 2. 能够理解下列缩略形式的意义并掌握其发音: what’s, name’s, I’m, she’s, he’s学习策略:初步学习在听力和阅读过程中把握具体的信息;常见英语人名和电话号码文化知识:1. 了解英语姓名小常识 2. 了解西方初次见面的礼节课时安排:8课时Period 1教学目标:1. 能够辨别3组元音因素:/ɪ/和/i:/、/e/ 和/æ/ 、/ ɜ:/和/ə/ 。2. 复习单词: my, name, nice, to, meet, too,Ms, clock, window, door, book, schoolbag, basketball, map, cap, cup, baseball3. 语法: 1)能够介绍自己的姓名 My name is.../ I’m.... 2) 能够简单问候初识的朋友 Hello!/ Hi! Good morning! Nice to meet you! 3)能够正确使用What引导的特殊疑问句,询问对方的姓名 What’s your name?教学内容:Section A 1a—1c单词:my, name, nice, to, meet, too, Ms短语:Good morning! Nice to meet you.认读词汇:Alan, Brown,Cindy, Dale, Gina, Jenny重点句:What’s your name? Nice to meet you! 句型:A: Hello, I’m... What’s your name? B: My name is... A: Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you, too. 教学步骤Step 1:语音学习能够辨别3组元音因素:/ɪ/和/i:/、/e/ 和/æ/ 、/ ɜ:/和/ə/Step 2:词汇点拨单词复习:my, name, nice, to, meet, too,Ms 教师领读单词,学生齐读单词,然后听写,根据读音写出单词及汉语意思。 Step 3:口语训练 1. 头脑风暴,导入新课 出示图片1a,请同学们找出能用英语表达的物品,看谁在规定的时间内说出或写出的单词多。clock, window, door, book, schoolbag, basketball, map, cap, cup, baseball 2.“进入新学校,认识新同学,结交新朋友”你会怎么说? A: Hello, I’m... What’s your name? B: My name is... A: Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you, too.教师领读,学生跟读:学生结对试读,教师点拨存在的语音语调Step 4 听力练习 Activity 1b学生听第一遍录音,整体感知三组对话的语境,完成1b的任务。学生听第二遍录音,关注对话中两人是如何打招呼及询问和介绍名字的相关句子:I’m... My name’s...学生听录音跟读并模仿对话。Step 5让学生假设自己是图片中的人物,两人一组分角色练习1b的对话两人一组分角色互致问候,相互介绍,用下面的句型: A: Hello, I’m... What’s your name? B: My name is... A: Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you, too.3. 请学生表演对话,模仿1b的语音语调。Step 6:课堂练习(针对性训练)1.1.What's ____________ name?(you)2.His ____________Boris.(name)3.Nice to ____________ you.(meet)4.____________ name is Gina.(I)5.____________ this?It's a book.(what)Step 7:课后作业1. 背诵并默写单词my, name, nice, to, meet, too,Ms 2. 用本课所学句型与同学打招呼。Step 8:教后反思Period 2 教学目标:1.熟练记忆单词,并学会灵活运用。2. 学习人称代词和物主代词。3. 学会询问名字并准确做出回答。 What’s your/his/her name ? My /His/Her name is …… . 4.熟练掌握缩略词。教学内容:Section A 2a—Grammar Focus单词: your, Ms. his her she he no not短语:Nice to meet you!认读词汇:Mike Jack Mary Miller重点句:What’s your name? Alan./ I’m Alan./ My name’s Alan.What’s his name ? He’s Eric./ His name’s Eric.What’s her name ? She’s Mary./Her name’s Mary.Is he Jack? Yes,he is./No,he isn’t.His name’s Mike.Are you Helen? Yes,I am../No,I’m not.I’m Gina.句型:What’s your/his/her name ? (特殊疑问句) My /His/Her name is …… . Is he Jack?(一般疑问句) Are you Helen? (一般疑问句)教学步骤Step 1:词汇点拨1. 单词复习:单词:my name nice to meet too短语:Nice to meet you! 给予学生时间背诵 。同伴提问检查。(或听写)2.知识拓展一些必须记住的缩写形式:What’s = what is what’s 是what is 的缩写形式name’s = name is name’s 是name is 的缩写形式I’m = I am I’m 是I am 的缩写形式he’s = he is he’s 是he is的缩写形式she’s = she is she’s = she is 是she is的缩写形式3. 词汇解读your his her my 是形容词性的物主代词,必须与名词一起使用。比如: my pen ;his bike ;her room Step 2:语音训练 1. 创设情境,导入新课 新学期开学,你会认识很多新同学,与他们见面,你会如何去打招呼? (1)Nice to meet you! My name is Jack . Nice to meet you,too! My name is Mary .What’s his name ? (2)Hello, My name is Mike . What’s your name ? My name is Gina . 结对练习: 对话展示: 2. 课本P20 2a中的对话:听录音,为图片编号。学生结对试读,教师点拨存在的语音语调。翻译一下,看谁译的准。结对对话练习。结对对话展示。 3.听2b录音,圈出所听到的名字。对答案。Step 3:对话练习根据2a 2b 内容,两人一组进行对话练习。Step 4:阅读2d,分角色表演对话。Step 5:语法归纳: What’s your name? Alan./ I’m Alan./ My name’s Alan.What’s his name ? He’s Eric./ His name’s Eric.What’s her name ? She’s Mary./Her name’s Mary.(特殊疑问句 :询问名字)Is he Jack? Yes,he is./No,he isn’t.His name’s Mike.Are you Helen? Yes,I am../No,I’m not.I’m Gina. (一般疑问句及回答)课堂练习(针对性训练) 1. His name is Tom .(划线提问) 2.He is my sister .(变成一般疑问句并作出回答) 3.把下列句子翻译成英语。她叫什么名字?她叫玛丽 。Step 6:课后作业1. 熟练读出并能背诵单词my name nice to meet too2. 熟记语法归纳当中的句子4. 做配套练习册Section A中的习题。Step 7:教后反思: Period 3教学目标:帮助学生使用目标语言进行准确的自我介绍。用目标语言进行听说训练。--What’s your\his\her name?--My\His\Her name’s…--Is he\she…?--Yes, he\she is. No, he\she isn’t..--Are you…?--Yes, I am.. No, I’m not.教学内容: SectionA 3a—3c 教学步骤:Step1 词汇点拨 1、单词复习:zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, telephone, number, phone 范读 齐读 赛读 根据汉语读出单词并拼写 把听到的单词翻译成汉语。 听写Step2 语音训练创设情境,导入新课。班上来了新同学,你想认识他\她,了解他\她的相关信息,你会怎么做?(与一名同学进行结对练习)For example: --Hi, I’m Cindy! What’s your name? --My name is… --Nice to meet you! -- Nice to meet you, too!Step 2: Learn by themselves. Students: 1. Choose learning aims.2. Learn the new content. 1) Learn the new words and read and spell them correctly.2) Read through the conversations in 2d and try to practice in pairs. Make new conversations.3) Practice introducing yourself and others in a group like 3c.Teacher: Watch the students and help them whenever necessary. Gather questions.Step 3: Discussion Talk about the problems together. Step 4: Practice: 1. 3a Put the words in order to make conversations. Then practice them.2. 3b Complete the conversation and practice it with your partner.Step 5: Summary and TestStep 6: Show students how to preview for next class. Homework:Preview the numbers 0-9, learn to read and spell them.Preview the content in 1c, learn to ask for others’ telephone number.选做 配套 P18 II, P19 VI, VII Step7: 教后反思 Period 4教学目标:1、知识目标:1)Master these key words: zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, telephone, number, phone2)Target Language: --What’s your phone number? --It’s 587-6275.--Is this your number?--Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.2、技能目标:1) Be able to get correct information from the listening.2) Be able to ask for and give telephone number.3、情感态度价值观目标:Learn to solve problems on your own or ask others for help.教学重点:教学难点:To use the useful expressions freely.学情分析:本课,学生将学习10个数字及介绍或询问电话号码。通过前一课的学习学生已经掌握了互相介绍自己的名字或询问对方的名字,这些都有利于学生进一步学习本课内容。本节课的难点在于正确运用所学疑问句知识,新增添的一般疑问句及问答需要重点练习。准确记住10个数字的读音及拼写很关键。教学内容:Section B1a—1f教学准 备: ppt Multi—medium computer教学过程: Step 1: Show the preview works (exercise books and text books) in layers. Teacher: 1. Draw a check table on the blackboard. 2. Watch the students and guide them to do better. 3. Show the aims for students to choose.(At the same time, students step into the second step slowly, some by some.)Step2: Learn by themselves. Students: 1. Choose learning aims.2. Learn the new content. 1) Learn the new words, try to read and spell them correctly.2) Read through the conversations in 1c&1f, and try to practice in pairs.3)Listen and finish the exercises in 1b.4) Practice introducing yourself and others in a group, use the drills learnt from Section A and Section B 1c.Teacher: Watch the students and help them whenever necessary. Gather questions.Step 3: Discussion Talk about the problems together. Step 4: Practice: Listen and match the names and the numbers, then complete the phone numbers in 1d.Step 5: Summary and Test Step 6: Show students how to preview for next class. Homework:1. Preview 2a, tell first names and last names.2. Do exercises.配套 P20 IX, P21 II, III(选做) Step7:教后反思:Period 5教学目标:学会单词first —— middle school认读人名Green ,Smith掌握询问人名和电话号码的句型。教学内容:SectionB 2a-2c句型: - your first name? My first name is…---What’s his last name ? His last name is … her first name ? Her first name is… your telephone number? My telephone number is …what’s her Her his His 教学步骤:Step 1: 温故知新复习数字one ---ten 熟背单词 first -----middle school认读人名。Step 2: 学习新句型。 your first name? My first name is…1.What’s his last name ? His last name is … her first name ? Her first name is… your telephone number? My telephone number is …2.what’s her Her his His Step 3 :Pairwork .Step 4: 阅读训练学生自读(5分钟)回答问题what’s Jenny’s telephone number?Is Dale’s phone number 232—4672 ? Is Eric Mary’s friend?What’s Mary Brown’s last name ?Step5:Homework:1. Preview the content on P24, finish off the exercises.2. 配套 22页 V(选做)Step:6:教后反思:Period 6教学目标: 1、知识目标:1) Master the new words in this unit. 2)Target Language: Hi. My name’s Gina.-I’m Jenny. Nice to meet you!-Nice to meet you, too. -What’s your name? -Alan.-What’s your telephone number? –It’s ...2、技能目标:1) Be able to introduce names and telephone numbers.2) Be able to get information from ID cards and express it in English.3、情感态度价值观目标:Learn to ask for and give name information.Learn to solve problems on your own or ask others for help.教学重点: 1. To master the new words and drills.2. To use the useful expressions freely.教学难点: To use the useful expressions freely.学情分析: 本节课,学生将进一步操练本单元所学重点内容,学生证的话题贴近学生的实际生活,容易引发他们的共鸣。通过前面的学习学生很容易掌握本课内容。本节课的难点仍然在于正确运用所学代词和数词,尤其是分清I/my, you/your, his/her。老师要创造真实环境,引领学生模仿练习,学生很容易达成学习目标。教学过程: Step One: Show the preview works (text-books and note-paper) in layers. Teacher: 1. Draw a check table on the blackboard. 2. Watch the students and guide them to do better. 3. Show the aims for students to choose.(At the same time, students step into the second step slowly, some by some.)Step2: Learn by themselves. Students: 1. Choose learning aims.2. Learn the new content. 1) Read through the content in 3a&3b. Finish off the exercises.2) Do the exercises in self-check. 3) Read the passage and answer questions.(配套 P23 VI)Teacher: Watch the students and help them whenever necessary. Gather questions.Step 3: Discussion Talk about the problems together. Step 4: Summary and Test Step 5: Show students how to preview for next class. Step6:Homework:1.Review the words and target language learnt in this unit.2.Finish off the exercises in the workbook.(配套P19 V,VIII)3.选做 配套 P20 VIII书面表达. 选做:4.选做 配套 P20 VIII书面表达.Step7:教后反思:Period 7一.完成句子 (11分)嗨,我是玛丽。嗨,玛丽,我是吉姆。Hello! ________Mary.Hi, Mary. My ________ Jim.2你叫什么名字? ________ 有人那么?他叫托尼。 ______ name _______ Tony.他姓史密斯。 His ______ ______ is Smith.5. 见到你很高兴。 _____ to ______ you.6.我朋友的电话号码是293-5485.My friends _____ ______ is 293-5485.二.单项选择(11分)( )1.what ________ your name ?am B. is C. are D. it ( ) 2. I _____ Jenny Green.A. am B. is C. are D. be( ) 3. ______ name is Tom. What’s ______ name?A. I, your B. My, your C. My, you D. I, you ( )4. Her first name is _________.A. Tony B. Dale C. Grace D. Jim( )5. Hello! Nice to meet you!A. I’m OK.B. I’m Jim. C. Nice to meet you ,too D. What’s your name?( ) 6. I’m Dale Brown. My first name is _______.A. Dale B. Brown C. Dale Brown D. Brown Dale.( ) 7. ______ his telephone number?_______ 201-2244.A.. What, It B. What’s , It C. What ,It’s D. What’s It’s ( )8. Mr. Lee _______ my teacher. A. am B. is C. are D. be ( ) 9. She is a student and _______ name is Alice. A. she B. her C. he D. his ( ) 10. This is my friend. _______ name is Mike. A. Her B. His C. He’s D. She’s( ) 11. her friend lives (住)________ China. A. from B. at C. on D. in 三.词汇(12分)Her n ________ is Gina.W________ her phone number?I’m Lucy. N_____ to meet you.What’s y ______ telephone number?My f________ name is Miller..His l ______ name is Brown.Hello, I a_____ Bob.Jane is my good f________.I’m a student. I’m in Taocun. M_______ School.Linda lives (住) in C______ now (现在)。_____ (I) name is Helen.________ (he) phone number is 257-890.四.句型转换(10分)1. My phone number is 232-4672.(划线提问) ____ is _______ phone number?Are you Helen?(否定回答)No, _______ ________My name’s Gina. (划线提问)_______ _______ name?My friend is Gina Smith.(一般疑问句)______ ______ friend Gina Smith?My name’s Alan.(同义句)______ ______ Alan.五.完成对话 (16分)Nice to meet you.______ ______ _____ _____, _______Is he Jack ?(否定回答)_____, ______ _________What’s his first name? ______ _____ ____ is _____. (Dale Miller)What is five and four?_______ ______.What’s her name ?________ ______ Linda.考试反思:Period 8英语试卷讲评课教学理念: 针对学生刚刚学的第一单元进行练习,诊断问题,变式训练,梳理知识,帮助学生查漏补缺,并进行解题方法指导,提高解题技巧,关注学生后续发展。  基本原则: 预先练习,精确统计;问题诊断,巩固提升;梳理知识,方法指导。 教学内容:讲评         教学目标: 1. 掌握作业中的语言知识及语言运用。 2. 把握解题思路及方法,提高常见题型的答题技巧。 3. 培养学生良好思维品质和解题习惯。鼓励学习困难的学生。  教学重点、难点: 重点:语言知识。 难点:语言知识的灵活运用。  教学准备: 1.  精选题目。针对前一周学生刚刚学的第一单元,精心选编题目,进行有的放矢的训练,以达到检测复习效果和巩固刚学成果的目的。 2. 及时批阅,统计分析,确定讲评目标。  3. 精心备好讲评课,尤其做好变式训练题的设计。 4. 编写课堂巩固检测练习。  教学过程: Step 1:  Introduction 1.呈现错题统计分析表: 100-90分: 人;89-80分: 人;79-70分: 人;69-60分: 人;59-50分: 人;最高分:98分;  表扬进步明显以及作业正确率高、卷面整洁的学生:     Top students:    Progressive students: Step 2:  Discussion with task.Step 3: Presentation, Analysis, Procuction & Explanation 按题目类型和顺序,重点讲评错误率较高的题目。对错误率较高的题目按下列步骤进行分析讲评。 1.呈现题目,确定答案。各组展示讨论结果。 2.错题再现,分析原因。比较新旧题异同,简要分析答题依据。 3. 回归教材,变式训练。对考点寻根问底,并进行变式训练,加强知识的纵横联系。 4. 梳理知识,形成网络。对相关知识进行梳理,填漏补缺,形成知识网络。 5. 方法指导,事半功倍。对有关题型进行应试技巧的指导。 Step 4:Checkout & feedback 对错误率较高的内容进行当堂消化巩固。并完成展示批改。 Step 5:Assignment 进行作业讲评后的订正,做到知其然更要知其所以然。让学生写好考试反思。Step6:教后反思:  Name Phone number ModelAlan Brown232--4672- your first name? My first name is…---What’s his last name ? His last name is … her first name ? Her first name is… your telephone number? My telephone number is …what’s her Her his His Jenny Green281--9176Dale Miller929--3155






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