人教PEP 新版三上全册词汇表(带音标&课文原句)Unit 1 Making friendsUnit 2 Different familiesUnit 3 Amazing animalsUnit 4 Plants around usUnit 5 The colourful worldUnit 6 Useful numbers序号词汇音标词性词义课文原句(部分)1*nice/ naɪs /adj.令人愉快的;友好的Nice to meet you.I am nice to my friends.2*ear/ ɪə(r) /n.耳朵Point to your ear. Listen!3*hand/ hænd /n.手Wave your hand. Hello!/Let's shake hands.4*eye/ aɪ /n.眼睛Look into my eyes. Hi!5*mouth/ maʊθ /n.嘴Point to your mouth. smile!6*arm/ ɑːm // ɑːrm /n.胳膊Wave your arm. Bye!7*can/ kæn; kən /v.(情态)可以How can we be a good friend?8*share/ ʃeə(r) /v.分享We can share.9smile/ smaɪl /v./n.微笑I smile.10*listen/ ˈlɪs(ə)n /v./n.听;倾听I listen with care.11*help/ help /v./n.帮助I help my friends.12*say/ seɪ /v.说;讲I say "Hi!" and "Goodbye!"13*and / ænd; ənd /conj.和;与 14*goodbye/ ˌɡʊdˈbaɪ /int.再见15*toy / tɔɪ /n.玩具I share my toys.16*friend/ frend /n.朋友Are you a good friend?17*good / ɡʊd /adj.好的序号词汇音标词性词义课文原句1*mum/ mʌm /n.(口语)妈妈Mum! Dad! This is my friend, Sarah Miller.2*dad/ dæd /n.(口语)爸爸3*grandma/ ˈɡrænmɑː /n.(口语)(外)祖母;奶奶;姥姥;外婆This is my grandma.4*grandpa/ ˈɡrænpɑː /n.(口语)(外)祖父;爷爷;姥爷;外公 This is my grandpa.5*grandfather/ ˈɡrænfɑːðə(r) /n.(外)祖父;爷爷;姥爷;外公 6*grandmother/ ˈɡrænmʌðə(r) /n.(外)祖母;奶奶;姥姥;外婆7*mother/mʌðə(r) /n.母亲;妈妈8*father/fɑːðə(r) /n.父亲;爸爸9*me/ miː/pron.我(宾格)10*sister/ ˈsɪstə(r) /n.姐;妹This is my sister.11*family/ ˈfæməli /n.家;家庭This is my family. 12*have/ hæv; həv /v.有Sarah, you have a big family. 13*big / bɪɡ /adj.大的14*cousin/ ˈkʌz(ə)n /n.堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹No, it's my cousin.15*brother/ ˈbrʌðə(r) /n.兄弟Is that your brother?--Yes, it is.16*baby / ˈbeɪbi /n.婴儿l have a brother,a baby sister, a cousin ...17*uncle/ ˈʌŋk(ə)l /n.舅父;叔父;伯父;姑父;姨父I have an uncle.18*aunt/ ɑːnt /n.姑母;姨母;伯母;婶母;舅母I have an aunt.19*some/ sʌm; səm /det.一些Some families are small. 20*small/ smɔːl /adj.小的序号词汇音标词性词义课文原句1*like/ laɪk /v.喜欢I like your dog.2*dog/ dɒɡ /n.狗3*pet/ pet /n.宠物Do you have a pet?4*cat/ kæt /n.猫Yes, l do.I have a cat.5*fish/ fɪʃ /n.鱼I like fish.The fish is small!6*bird/ bɜːd / / bɜ:(r)d /n.鸟I like birds.7*rabbit/ ˈræbɪt /n.兔I like rabbits.8*go / ɡəʊ /v.去Let's go to the zoo!9*zoo/ zuː /n.动物园10fox / fɒks /n.狐狸It's a fox.11*Miss/ mɪs /n.(学生对女教师的称呼);女士Miss White,what's that?12*panda/ ˈpændə /n.大熊猫It's a panda.13*red pandan.小熊猫It's a red panda.14*cute/ kjuːt /adj.可爱的 It's cute.15*monkey/ ˈmʌŋki /n.猴子It's a monkey.16*tiger/ ˈtaɪɡə(r) /n.老虎It's a tiger.17*elephant/ ˈelɪfənt /n.大象What's this? --It's an elephant.The elephant is big!18*lion / ˈlaɪən /n.狮子It's a lion.19giraffe / dʒəˈrɑːf /n.长颈鹿The giraffe is tal!!20*tall/ tɔːl /adj.高的21*fast/ fɑːst /adj.快的The lion is fast!序号词汇音标词性词义课文原句1*apple/ ˈæp(ə)l /n.苹果Do you like apples?--No, I don't.2*banana/ bəˈnɑːnə /n.香蕉l like bananas.3*farm/ fɑːm /n.农场Do you like the farm?4*air / eə(r) /n.空气I like fresh air.5*orange/ ˈɒrɪndʒ /n.橙子Apples and oranges make you strong.6*grape/ ɡreɪp /n.葡萄Grapes are small.7*school/ skuːl /n.学校The school gardens need help.8*garden/ ˈɡɑːd(ə)n /n.花园9need/ niːd /v.需要10*water/ ˈwɔːtə(r) /v.给……浇水;We can water the flowers.11*flower/ ˈflaʊə(r) /n.花12*grass/ ɡrɑːs /n.草;草地We can water the grass.13*plant/ plɑːnt /v./n种植;植物What do we get from plants?14*new/ njuː /adj.新的We can plant new trees.15*tree/ triː /n.树16*sun/ sʌn /n.太阳Plants need air, water and sun.17*give/ ɡɪv /v.给Plants can give us many things18*us/ ʌs; əs /pron.我们(宾格)19*them/ ðem; ðəm /pron.它们;他们(宾格)We need plants, and we can help them too.序号词汇音标词性词义课文原句1*colour/ ˈkʌlə(r) /n.颜色What colour is it?2*orange/ ˈɒrɪndʒ /n./adj.橙红色;橙红色的It's orange.3green / ɡriːn /n./adj.绿色;绿色的It's green.4*red/ red /n./adj.红色;红色的Look! Red and blue make purple.5*blue/ bluː /n./adj.蓝色;蓝色的6*make/ meɪk /v.使出现;做7purple/ ˈpɜːp(ə)l /n./adj.紫色;紫色的8*brown/ braʊn /n./adj.棕色;棕色的a brown bear9*bear/ beə(r) /熊10*yellow/ ˈjeləʊ /n./adj.黄色(的)a yellow duck11*duck/ dʌk /n.鸭12*sea/ siː /n.海洋blue sea13*pink/ pɪŋk /n./adj.粉色;粉色的a purple flower14*draw/ drɔː /v.画Let's draw some red and pink flowers.15*white/ waɪt /n./adj.白色(的)White, white, turn around.16*black/ blæk /n./adj.黑色(的)Black, black, sit down.序号词汇音标词性词义课文原句1*old/ əʊld /adj(多少)岁;旧的How old are you?2five/ faɪv /num.五I'm five years old.3*year/ jɪə(r) /n.年纪;年4one/ wʌn /num.一How many bananas?--Three. And one orange.5two/ tuː /num.二One orange, two applesand three bananas.6three/ θriː /num.三7four/ fɔː(r) /num.四One head, four wings, six legs.I am a bee.8ten/ ten /num.十I have ten yuan.9six/ sɪks /num.六I have six yuan.10seven/ ˈsev(ə)n /num.七We have seven.11eight/ eɪt /num.八One head, eight eyes, eight legs.I am a spider.12nine/ naɪn /num.九13o'clock/ əˈklɒk /abbr.(表示整点)……点钟It's seven o'clock. Hurry!14*cut/ kʌt /v./n.切块Three cuts. /One more cut for the dog.15piece/ piːs /n.块;片Six pieces.16*eat/ iːt /v.吃--Dogs don't eat cake, Sam!17*cake/ keɪk /n.蛋糕
人教PEP 新版三上全册词汇表(带音标&课文原句)Unit 1 Making friendsUnit 2 Different familiesUnit 3 Amazing animalsUnit 4 Plants around usUnit 5 The colourful worldUnit 6 Useful numbers序号词汇音标词性词义课文原句(部分)1*nice/ naɪs /adj.令人愉快的;友好的Nice to meet you.I am nice to my friends.2*ear/ ɪə(r) /n.耳朵Point to your ear. Listen!3*hand/ hænd /n.手Wave your hand. Hello!/Let's shake hands.4*eye/ aɪ /n.眼睛Look into my eyes. Hi!5*mouth/ maʊθ /n.嘴Point to your mouth. smile!6*arm/ ɑːm // ɑːrm /n.胳膊Wave your arm. Bye!7*can/ kæn; kən /v.(情态)可以How can we be a good friend?8*share/ ʃeə(r) /v.分享We can share.9smile/ smaɪl /v./n.微笑I smile.10*listen/ ˈlɪs(ə)n /v./n.听;倾听I listen with care.11*help/ help /v./n.帮助I help my friends.12*say/ seɪ /v.说;讲I say "Hi!" and "Goodbye!"13*and / ænd; ənd /conj.和;与 14*goodbye/ ˌɡʊdˈbaɪ /int.再见15*toy / tɔɪ /n.玩具I share my toys.16*friend/ frend /n.朋友Are you a good friend?17*good / ɡʊd /adj.好的序号词汇音标词性词义课文原句1*mum/ mʌm /n.(口语)妈妈Mum! Dad! This is my friend, Sarah Miller.2*dad/ dæd /n.(口语)爸爸3*grandma/ ˈɡrænmɑː /n.(口语)(外)祖母;奶奶;姥姥;外婆This is my grandma.4*grandpa/ ˈɡrænpɑː /n.(口语)(外)祖父;爷爷;姥爷;外公 This is my grandpa.5*grandfather/ ˈɡrænfɑːðə(r) /n.(外)祖父;爷爷;姥爷;外公 6*grandmother/ ˈɡrænmʌðə(r) /n.(外)祖母;奶奶;姥姥;外婆7*mother/mʌðə(r) /n.母亲;妈妈8*father/fɑːðə(r) /n.父亲;爸爸9*me/ miː/pron.我(宾格)10*sister/ ˈsɪstə(r) /n.姐;妹This is my sister.11*family/ ˈfæməli /n.家;家庭This is my family. 12*have/ hæv; həv /v.有Sarah, you have a big family. 13*big / bɪɡ /adj.大的14*cousin/ ˈkʌz(ə)n /n.堂(表)兄弟;堂(表)姐妹No, it's my cousin.15*brother/ ˈbrʌðə(r) /n.兄弟Is that your brother?--Yes, it is.16*baby / ˈbeɪbi /n.婴儿l have a brother,a baby sister, a cousin ...17*uncle/ ˈʌŋk(ə)l /n.舅父;叔父;伯父;姑父;姨父I have an uncle.18*aunt/ ɑːnt /n.姑母;姨母;伯母;婶母;舅母I have an aunt.19*some/ sʌm; səm /det.一些Some families are small. 20*small/ smɔːl /adj.小的序号词汇音标词性词义课文原句1*like/ laɪk /v.喜欢I like your dog.2*dog/ dɒɡ /n.狗3*pet/ pet /n.宠物Do you have a pet?4*cat/ kæt /n.猫Yes, l do.I have a cat.5*fish/ fɪʃ /n.鱼I like fish.The fish is small!6*bird/ bɜːd / / bɜ:(r)d /n.鸟I like birds.7*rabbit/ ˈræbɪt /n.兔I like rabbits.8*go / ɡəʊ /v.去Let's go to the zoo!9*zoo/ zuː /n.动物园10fox / fɒks /n.狐狸It's a fox.11*Miss/ mɪs /n.(学生对女教师的称呼);女士Miss White,what's that?12*panda/ ˈpændə /n.大熊猫It's a panda.13*red pandan.小熊猫It's a red panda.14*cute/ kjuːt /adj.可爱的 It's cute.15*monkey/ ˈmʌŋki /n.猴子It's a monkey.16*tiger/ ˈtaɪɡə(r) /n.老虎It's a tiger.17*elephant/ ˈelɪfənt /n.大象What's this? --It's an elephant.The elephant is big!18*lion / ˈlaɪən /n.狮子It's a lion.19giraffe / dʒəˈrɑːf /n.长颈鹿The giraffe is tal!!20*tall/ tɔːl /adj.高的21*fast/ fɑːst /adj.快的The lion is fast!序号词汇音标词性词义课文原句1*apple/ ˈæp(ə)l /n.苹果Do you like apples?--No, I don't.2*banana/ bəˈnɑːnə /n.香蕉l like bananas.3*farm/ fɑːm /n.农场Do you like the farm?4*air / eə(r) /n.空气I like fresh air.5*orange/ ˈɒrɪndʒ /n.橙子Apples and oranges make you strong.6*grape/ ɡreɪp /n.葡萄Grapes are small.7*school/ skuːl /n.学校The school gardens need help.8*garden/ ˈɡɑːd(ə)n /n.花园9need/ niːd /v.需要10*water/ ˈwɔːtə(r) /v.给……浇水;We can water the flowers.11*flower/ ˈflaʊə(r) /n.花12*grass/ ɡrɑːs /n.草;草地We can water the grass.13*plant/ plɑːnt /v./n种植;植物What do we get from plants?14*new/ njuː /adj.新的We can plant new trees.15*tree/ triː /n.树16*sun/ sʌn /n.太阳Plants need air, water and sun.17*give/ ɡɪv /v.给Plants can give us many things18*us/ ʌs; əs /pron.我们(宾格)19*them/ ðem; ðəm /pron.它们;他们(宾格)We need plants, and we can help them too.序号词汇音标词性词义课文原句1*colour/ ˈkʌlə(r) /n.颜色What colour is it?2*orange/ ˈɒrɪndʒ /n./adj.橙红色;橙红色的It's orange.3green / ɡriːn /n./adj.绿色;绿色的It's green.4*red/ red /n./adj.红色;红色的Look! Red and blue make purple.5*blue/ bluː /n./adj.蓝色;蓝色的6*make/ meɪk /v.使出现;做7purple/ ˈpɜːp(ə)l /n./adj.紫色;紫色的8*brown/ braʊn /n./adj.棕色;棕色的a brown bear9*bear/ beə(r) /熊10*yellow/ ˈjeləʊ /n./adj.黄色(的)a yellow duck11*duck/ dʌk /n.鸭12*sea/ siː /n.海洋blue sea13*pink/ pɪŋk /n./adj.粉色;粉色的a purple flower14*draw/ drɔː /v.画Let's draw some red and pink flowers.15*white/ waɪt /n./adj.白色(的)White, white, turn around.16*black/ blæk /n./adj.黑色(的)Black, black, sit down.序号词汇音标词性词义课文原句1*old/ əʊld /adj(多少)岁;旧的How old are you?2five/ faɪv /num.五I'm five years old.3*year/ jɪə(r) /n.年纪;年4one/ wʌn /num.一How many bananas?--Three. And one orange.5two/ tuː /num.二One orange, two applesand three bananas.6three/ θriː /num.三7four/ fɔː(r) /num.四One head, four wings, six legs.I am a bee.8ten/ ten /num.十I have ten yuan.9six/ sɪks /num.六I have six yuan.10seven/ ˈsev(ə)n /num.七We have seven.11eight/ eɪt /num.八One head, eight eyes, eight legs.I am a spider.12nine/ naɪn /num.九13o'clock/ əˈklɒk /abbr.(表示整点)……点钟It's seven o'clock. Hurry!14*cut/ kʌt /v./n.切块Three cuts. /One more cut for the dog.15piece/ piːs /n.块;片Six pieces.16*eat/ iːt /v.吃--Dogs don't eat cake, Sam!17*cake/ keɪk /n.蛋糕
