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    外研版英语八年级上册 M7 Unit 3 Language in use PPT课件+教案
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    外研版英语八年级上册 M7 Unit 3 Language in use PPT课件+教案01
    外研版英语八年级上册 M7 Unit 3 Language in use PPT课件+教案02
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    外研版英语八年级上册 M7 Unit 3 Language in use PPT课件+教案04
    外研版英语八年级上册 M7 Unit 3 Language in use PPT课件+教案05
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    外研版英语八年级上册 M7 Unit 3 Language in use PPT课件+教案08
    外研版英语八年级上册 M7 Unit 3 Language in use PPT课件+教案01
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    初中英语Unit 3 Language in use .教学ppt课件

    这是一份初中英语Unit 3 Language in use .教学ppt课件,文件包含M7Unit3ppt、Unit3教案doc、M7Unit2词汇听写wav、M7Unit3activity7wav、M7Unit3activity8wav等5份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共60页, 欢迎下载使用。

    同学们, 上一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗? 现在大家来检验一下, 点击下面的音频开始听写吧!
    根据汉语, 完成句子。1.爱丽丝正和她的姐姐坐在河边。 Alice _____ _______with her sister by the river.2.它正坐在树上, 正对着每个人笑。 It _____ ______ in a tree and _______ at everyne.3.他们正在花园里举办茶会。 They _____ ________ a tea party in the garden.
    Language practice
    Alice was sitting with her sister by the river.It was sitting in a tree and smiling at everyne.They were having a tea party in the garden.Where was it ging?
    1 Suddenly, all the lights in my huse were ging ff/ went ff. ① There was heavy rain utside.2 —I called yu up at seven 'clck last night, but nbdy answered. ② —Really? I'm srry, but I was teaching/taught a pian lessn at schl.3 —I was seeing/saw yu and Tm in the library just nw. —Oh, we shwed/were shwing several visitrs arund the schl.
    1. Underline the crrect wrds.
    2. Write sentences abut what yu were ding.
    1 At abut seven ’clck last night, _________________.2 This mrning, n my way t schl, __________________________.3 This time last year, _______________________.4 Last Saturday, frm abut 1 pm t 4 pm, _____________________________________.
    I was having dinner
    I was kncking dwn by a bike  
    I was traveling in Japan
    I was playing basketball with my friends
    3. Wrk in grups f fur. Play a chain game.
    A: At eight 'clck last night I was watching TV. Hw abut yu, B?B: At eight 'clck last night I was sleeping. Hw abut yu, C?C: At eight 'clck last night I was having dinner. Hw abut yu, D?D: ...
    4. Write dwn what each member f yur grup was ding at eight 'clck last night.
    Sun Li was watching TV at eight 'clck last night.1 ____________________________________________    2 ____________________________________________3 ____________________________________________   4 ____________________________________________
    ××× was ding his hmewrk.
    ××× was having dinner.
    ××× was playing cmputer games.
    ××× was reading a bk.
    5. Cmplete the sentences with the crrect frm f the expressins in the bx.
    1 The dg is_________________ the cat in the garden.2 ________is this machine________?3 He _____________________and was very bred.4 She is___________________ hw t finish the stry.5 I wrte t him_________________, but he did nt answer.
    running after 
    What fr  
    had nthing t d 
    thinking abut  
    nce r twice 
    6. Cmplete the passage with the wrds in the bx.
    Alice was sitting with her sister by the (1)________ and her sister was reading a bk. Her sister's bk had n pictures r (2)_________________in it.  
    Then a white rabbit with (3)________eyes ran by. There was nthing(4)________abut that. Then the rabbit tk a watch ut f its (5)________and lked at it. Alice fllwed the rabbit and fell dwn a (6)________.Alice had a lt f adventures in Wnderland.
    7. Listen and cmplete the sentences.
    Paragraph 11 One day, I was with my friends. We were having a ________in a field and I saw smething strange.2 There was a ________cat with a pink nse sitting in a tree.3 It lked like it was eating the ________in the tree.
    Paragraph 24 While I was lking at it, the cat gt ut f the tree, jumped dwn t the________, and walked acrss the ________ and sat next t us.5 The cat gt up and ________clse t me.6 I ________t it and it smiled at me.
    Paragraph 37 I fund sme biscuits in my ________and gave them t the cat.8 Sn, it was eating biscuits and ________ at us.
    7. CnversatinOne day,  I was with my friends. We were having a picnic in a field  and I saw smething strange. There was a white cat with a pink nse sitting in a tree. There’s nthing strange abut that,  f curse, but it lked like it was eating the leaves in the tree!  That was strange!  Cats dn’t usually eat leaves. ―Maybe it’s very hungry, I thught.  While I was lking at it,  the cat gt ut f the tree,  jumped dwn t the grund and walked acrss the field and sat next t us.
    听力材料Maybe it wanted sme f ur picnic t eat,  but there was nthing fr a cat. The cat gt up and came clse t me. I talked t it and it smiled at me.  Was it a Cheshire Cat? I fund sme biscuits in my pcket and gave them t the cat. Sn,  it was eating biscuits and  smiling at us. Then,  after a while,  the cat gt up and walked  acrss the field. Maybe it wasn’t hungry any mre. 
    8. Read the play and act it ut.
    (The Mad Hatter, the March Hare and the Muse are having a tea party. Alice arrives and sits dwn.)March Hare: It wasn't very plite f yu t sit dwn. ③ We didn't ask yu.Alice: I didn‘t knw it was yur table. Anyway, there are cups f tea fr mre than three peple. ④Mad Hatter: That's because it's always tea time.Alice: I dn't understand.
    Mad Hatter: We dn't have time t wash the Hare: S we just mve rund the table...(Muse sings a sng.)March Hare: Stp singing, Muse! (Muse stps singing and falls asleep.)Mad Hatter: He's asleep.Muse: I wasn't asleep! I heard every wrd yu were saying.March Hare: Tell us a stry! Alice: Yes, please d!
    Mad Hatter: And be quick. Or yu'll be asleep again befre it's dne.Muse: Once upn a time, there were three little sisters, and they Hare: Take sme mre tea.Alice: I didn't have any tea, s I can't have mre.Mad Hatter: Yu mean yu can't take less. It's very easy t take mre than nthing.Alice: Nbdy asked yu!
    Mad Hatter: I want a clean cup. Let's all mve ne place.(The Mad Hatter mves, and the Muse fllws him. The March Hare kncks the milk ver when he is mving int the Muse's place. Alice takes the place f the March Hare. ⑤ Alice is nt happy because there is milk n the table in frnt f her.)Alice: Well, really! This is the stupidest tea party I've been t in all my life!
    Arund the wrld
    Stries In the past, nt many peple culd read r write, s peple listened t stries. Sme stries were ppular, and they changed every time smene tld them.
    The stries passed frm generatin t generatin. Finally, smene wrte them dwn. Fr example, in China tday peple still lve ld stries like The Mnkey King. Sme peple say that new stries written in bks tday are nt as entertaining as the ld nes. D yu agree?
    Make ntes abut yur stry. Think abut:
    ·when it happened·what yu were ding at the time·what happened first·what happened next·what happened finallyFriday eveningWaiting at the bus stpA car stpped...
    9. Mdule task: Writing a shrt stry abut yur wn experience
    10. Write the stry. Use yur ntes t help yu.
    It was a Friday evening. I was waiting at the bus stp...
    It was a Friday evening. I was waiting at the bus stp when a car stpped and the driver pened the dr. It was a big bear! Then he said, “Wuld yu like t g with me?I felt very happy, s I gt n the car. The car was driving slw. We were making lts f bubbles, and they were flying, flying, flying! And the bear was smiling, smiling, smiling!
    I thught he is the greatest bear! I like gentle and sft peple very much! After that, we were climbing the highest twer. I felt very fearful, because I always hate t stand n a high place. But the bear was very happy. We were standing n the highest place. I wanted t cry! The bear was smiling again. And then, he said, “Dn‘t wrry! I will help yu! ”I felt very happy and brave! S I was smiling t.
    Then, we were walking arund a garden. The bear was smiling again! He picked a blue flwer and made a grass finger ring fr me. I thught that is the mst rmantic thing in the wrld! I felt very, very happy! At last, he tk me t my hme. I was very happy that day! I wished t meet him again!
    11. Wrk in pairs. Discuss and revise yur stry.
    12. Read yur stry t yur classmates.
    g ff (灯)熄灭,停(电、水)
    Suddenly, all the lights in my huse went ff.
    ①离开(尤指去做某事)② (食物、饮料)变质,变坏③发出响声④开火;爆炸
    e.g. She went ff t get a drink. 她拿饮料去了。The milk went ff. 牛奶变质了。Listen! The alarm clck is ging ff. 听!闹钟响了。The gun went ff suddenly. 枪突然走火了。
    考题1:[十堰] When my mther came int my rm, I was just lying in bed and waiting fr the alarm t ________.A. put ff B. take ffC. turn ff D. g ff
    【点拨】由关键词the alarm(闹钟)可知,g ff 符合句意。
    call up 打电话给……e.g. My teacher will call my parents up.我的老师将给我父母打电话。
    I called yu up at seven ’clck last night, but nbdy answered.
    call/ring/phne/telephne sb.ring sb. upgive sb. a ring/callmake a telephne call t sb.
    考题2:My uncle rang me up this mrning, but I wasn’t at hme. (同义替换) ______A. visited me B. lked after meC. wke me up D. called me
    “It is/was + adj. + f sb. t d sth.”某人做某事是……的。e.g. It wasn’t plite f yu t talk t yur mther in that way.你以那样的方式跟你妈妈说话是不礼貌的。It’s very hard fr him t learn tw freign languages.对他来说学两门外语很难。
    It wasn’t very plite f yu t sit dwn.
    It is/was + adj.+f sb. t d sth. 该句型意为“某人做某事是……的”。常用的形容词有:gd, kind, nice, clever, flish, plite 等。
    It is/was + adj.+ fr sb. t d sth. 该句型意为“对某人来说, 做某事是……的”。常用的形 容词有:easy, hard, difficult, interesting, impssible 等。
    考题3:[龙东] It’s necessary fr students ______ eye exercises.A. d B. ding C. t d
    【点拨】根据句式“It is... fr sb. t d sth.”可知答案。
    anyway/eniweɪ/ adv. 无论如何,不管怎样,至少e.g. Anyway, we must finish this task tday. 总之,我们今天必须完成这项任务。
    anyway 用于转换话题、结束谈话或回到原话题。
    Anyway, there are cups f tea fr mre than three peple.
    考题4:[ 广东] —Alan, yur hair is s lng. Why dn’t yu g and have a haircut?— I’m t busy t g tday, but thanks fr yur advice ____.A. anytime B. anywhere C. anyway
    mre/mɔː(r)/ adj. 更多的,另外的,附加的e.g. We need t read tw mre bks. = We need t read tw ther bks.=We need t read anther tw bks. 我们还需要再读两本书。
    考题5:—Have yu finished yur hmewrk yet?—Nt yet. I need tw ______ days.A. mre B. any C. else D. anther
    take the place f 代替;取代
    take the place f 中f 是介词,一定要加宾语,相当于take ne’s place。 take place 是不及物动词短语, 之后不跟宾语,意为“发生”。
    Alice takes the place f the March Hare.
    e.g. Cmputers can take the place f wrkers in sme fields.(=Cmputers can take wrkers’ place in sme fields.)在一些领域,电脑可以代替工人。The film festival will take place in Octber. 电影节将于十月举行。
    考题6:D yu think reading n the cmputer will finally take the place _______ reading paper bks?A. fr B. f C. at D. with
    过去进行时的各种基本句型构成过去进行时句子中的谓语部分由“was/ were+ 动词的现在分词”构成,与现在进行时结构相似,只是把现在进行时中的am/is/are 变成了was/were。由此可总结过去进行时的句型结构如下:
    肯定句:主语+was/were+ 动词的现在分词+ 其他 I was ding my hmewrk at eight last night. 昨晚八点我在做作业。否定句:主语+ was/were + nt + 动词的现在分词+ 其他 I wasn’t helping my father in the garden at this time yesterday. 昨天这个时间,我没有在花园里帮爸爸干活。
    一般疑问句及其回答:— Was/Were+ 主语+ 动词的现在分词+其他?— Yes, 主语+was/were./N, 主语+wasn’t/weren’ — Were yu ding the husewrk at that time? 那时你在做家务吗?— Yes, I was./N, I wasn’t. 是的,我在做。/ 不,我没在做。
    特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词(不作主语)+ was/were +主语+动词的现在分词+其他?特殊疑问词(作主语)+was/ were+ 动词的现在分词+ 其他?e.g. What were yu reading this mrning?今天上午你在读什么?Wh was playing basketball here last night? 昨天晚上谁在这里打篮球?
    过去进行时的基本用法过去进行时表示过去某个时刻正在进行的动作, 常与at that time, at that mment, at this time yesterday, at nine yesterday mrning, then 等表示过去的时间状语连用。e.g. —What were yu ding at seven ’clck last night? 昨晚7点你正在做什么?—I was watching TV. 我正在看电视。They were sleeping at this time yesterday.昨天这个时候他们正在睡觉。
    过去进行时还可表示过去某一时间内正在进行的动作,常与thse days, that week, last winter 等时间状语连用。e.g. He was visiting Beijing that week.那个星期他在游览北京。They were planting trees thse days.那些天他们在植树。
    除此之外,过去进行时还常常出现在叙述事情的语境中。e.g. Mary was dancing, but when she saw me, she stpped. 玛丽正在跳舞,但是当她看到我时,就不跳了。While I was wrking in the garden, the accident happened. 当我正在花园里干活的时候,事故发生了。
    考题1:[郴州] —I called yu last night but nbdy answered.—Oh, I ______ a bath at that time.A. was taking B. am taking C. have taken
    【点拨】由时间状语at that time 可知用过去进行时,指“你给我打电话时,我正在洗澡”。
    考题2:[滨州] —D yu knw where yur brther is, Mark?— Srry. I _______ abut a questin and didn’t hear what yu had said.A. was thinking B will thinkC. am thinking D. was thught
    考题3:[达州] — Jane, I rang yu up last night but nbdy answered.—Oh, I tgether with my parents ____ walks in the park then.A. have taken B. was takingC. were taking D. had taken
    【点拨】根据时间标志词then 可知用过去进行时。tgether with my parents 为介词短语,主语为I 是单数,故选B。
    e.g. He was playing basketball at three yesterday afternn. 昨天下午三点他正在打篮球。(强调昨天下午三点正在打)He played basketball yesterday afternn.昨天下午他打篮球了。
    考题4:[河北] I saw Bb in the garden. He ______ flwers there.A. waters B. has wateredC. is watering D. was watering
    【点拨】根据“I saw Bb in the garden.” 可知,此处强调在过去的某个时间点正在发生的动作,用过去进行时。
    请以“A Stry abut My Classmate”为题写一篇记叙文。
    四W 一H 法:wh— 写主人公;when— 写时间;where— 写地点;what—写发生的事件;hw—写作者的感想。
    A Stry abut My ClassmateLiu Kai is my classmate. He is a gd student and always ready t help thers. One day n his way t schl, he fund that a little girl was crssing the rad and that a car was running twards her quickly, but the girl was t frightened t mve. The car nearly hit her. Just then Liu Kai rushed up t her and caught her by the arm.
    The little girl was saved. She tld Liu Kai where she lived, and he tk her hme. When Liu Kai hurried int the classrm, the teacher was giving his lessn. He tld the teacher why he was late and the teacher praised him.I’m prud f my classmate Liu Kai fr what he has dne. If everyne is ready t help thers ① , the wrld will be full f lve ② , I believe. Frm nw n ③ , I will d what I can t help thers in need.
    本文运用了“四 W 一 H法”叙述了刘凯同学乐于助人的感人事迹,对故事发生的时间、地点、过程进行了准确的描述。Wh:Liu Kai;When:One day...;Where: his way t schl...;What:he fund that...;Hw:I’m prud f...本文运用所学结构如① be ready t help thers;② be full f lve; ③ frm nw n 等为文章增色不少。

    初中英语外研版 (新标准)八年级上册Unit 3 Language in use .课堂教学课件ppt: 这是一份初中英语外研版 (新标准)八年级上册<a href="/yy/tb_c91854_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 3 Language in use .课堂教学课件ppt</a>,文件包含M6Unit3ppt、Unit2教案doc、M6Unit2词汇听写wav、M6Unit3activity8wav、M6Unit3activity9wav等5份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共59页, 欢迎下载使用。

    英语八年级上册Unit 3 Language in use .说课课件ppt: 这是一份英语八年级上册<a href="/yy/tb_c91850_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 3 Language in use .说课课件ppt</a>,文件包含M5Unit3ppt、Unit3教案doc、M5Unit2词汇听写wav、M5Unit3activity5wav、M5Unit3activity6wav、M5Unit3activity8wav等6份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共57页, 欢迎下载使用。

    外研版 (新标准)八年级上册Unit 3 Language in use .教学演示课件ppt: 这是一份外研版 (新标准)八年级上册<a href="/yy/tb_c91842_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Unit 3 Language in use .教学演示课件ppt</a>,文件包含M3Unit3ppt、Unit3教案doc、M3Unit2词汇听写wav、M3Unit3activity5wav、M3Unit3activity6wav等5份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共54页, 欢迎下载使用。

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