作文学案讲义 新人教7上作文素材7(学校社团)
这是一份作文学案讲义 新人教7上作文素材7(学校社团),共8页。
新人教7上作文素材7.学校社团1.主题词汇2.主题句型(1)招聘学校戏剧社团成员。 (2)我们需要对戏剧感兴趣的成员。 (3)那不仅仅是表演戏剧。 (4)让我们用英语讲好中国故事,表演出令人惊叹的中国戏剧。 (5)你擅长表演和有感情地朗读吗? (6)你具有和别人良好沟通的能力吗? (7)你很快就能有令人赞叹的表演。 (8)这里有很多你不能错过的活动。 (9)这是你一生一次的绝佳机会。 (10)这可以激发你无限的创造力和想象力。 (11)你可以从中获益匪浅,如开放心态、丰富课余生活、学会团结合作等。 (12)你还在等什么? (13)周五放学后快来戏剧社吧,你会爱上戏剧的! (14)快来发现这近在眼前的美吧! (15)我写信来申请加入戏剧社? (16)原因是我具有表演天赋。 (17)那是一个展现自我的好机会。 (18)那也是一种好的方式来提升我与别人沟通交流的能力。 (19)我想去学习更多,以及交更多新朋友。 (20)如果我能加入这个社团,我将会非常荣幸。 3.话题写作 Task 1假如你是李华,学校的读书社(the Book Club)正在招纳新成员。你很喜欢阅读,有很多想法,希望能加入这个社团。请写一封申请信,申请加入社团。要求:1.60字左右。2.字迹工整、语句通顺。3.内容、表达丰富。 Task 2假如你是李华,是学校社团负责人之一。新学期已经来临,学校社团计划招募新人。请根据以下内容和要求,写一篇短文,向同学们介绍其中一个社团,招募一些感兴趣的同学,内容包括社团名称、活动内容、时间、地点及目的等信息。要求:1.60字左右。2.字迹工整、语句通顺。3.内容、表达丰富。 【答案】7.学校社团1.主题词汇2.主题句型(1)招聘学校戏剧社团成员。Students are wanted for the school drama club. (2)我们需要对戏剧感兴趣的成员。We need students who are interested in drama. (3)那不仅仅是表演戏剧。It’s more than drama performance. (4)让我们用英语讲好中国故事,表演出令人惊叹的中国戏剧。Let’s tell Chinese stories well in English and act out the amazing Chinese dramas. (5)你擅长表演和有感情地朗读吗?Are you good at acting and reading with feeling? (6)你具有和别人良好沟通的能力吗?Do you have the ability to communicate well with others? (7)你很快就能有令人赞叹的表演。You can soon have the breath-taking show. (8)这里有很多你不能错过的活动。There are so many activities that you can’t miss in our club. (9)这是你一生一次的绝佳机会。This is an once-in-a-lifetime chance. (10)这可以激发你无限的创造力和想象力。This will motivate your infinite creativity and imagination. (11)你可以从中获益匪浅,如开放心态、丰富课余生活、学会团结合作等。You can benefit a lot from it, such as opening your mind, enriching your after-school life, working in teams and so on. (12)你还在等什么?What are you waiting for? (13)周五放学后快来戏剧社吧,你会爱上戏剧的!Come to the drama club on Friday after school and you will fall in love with drama. (14)快来发现这近在眼前的美吧!Come and find the beauty right under your nose! (15)我写信来申请加入戏剧社?I am writing to apply for joining the drama Club. (16)原因是我具有表演天赋。The reason is that I am talented in acting. (17)那是一个展现自我的好机会。It is a good chance for me to show myself. (18)那也是一种好的方式来提升我与别人沟通交流的能力。It’s also a good way to develop my ability of communicating with others. (19)我想去学习更多,以及交更多新朋友。I’d love to learn more and make more new friends. (20)如果我能加入这个社团,我将会非常荣幸。If I can join in the club, I will be pretty honored. 3.话题写作Task 1【分析】①题材:本文是一篇申请加入学校社团的申请信;②时态:时态为一般现在时;③提示:审清题目,根据写作要点适当添加细节,丰富内容,突出写作重点。[写作步骤]第一步:开篇自我简介,阐明写作目的;第二步:介绍自己想加入这个社团的理由,从多个角度给出分析;第三步:再次表达想加入社团的意愿,总结全文。Dear president,I’m Li Hua, a student from Class 2, Grade 7. I am writing to apply for joining the Book Club. The reason is that I really fall in love with reading all kinds of books. I can not only read fast but also share what I read with others with my own ideas. In addition, it’s also a good way to make new friends and develop my ability of communicating with others. Moreover, if I am honored to join the club, I will organize many wonderful activities for the members to make more students fall in love with reading. I believe “Books are the ladder of human progress.” If I can join in the club, I will be pretty honored. Looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua尊敬的主席,我是李华,来自七年级二班。我写信是想申请加入读书俱乐部。原因是我真的爱上了阅读各种各样的书。我不仅能读得快,而且还能把我读过的东西和别人分享。此外,这也是一个很好的方式来结交新朋友和发展我与他人沟通的能力。另外,如果我有幸加入俱乐部,我会为成员组织许多精彩的活动,让更多的学生爱上阅读。我相信“书籍是人类进步的阶梯”。如果我能加入这个俱乐部,我将感到非常荣幸。期待您的早日回复。 李华Task 2【分析】①题材:本文是社团招募启事;②时态:时态为一般现在时;③提示:审清题目,根据写作要点丰富内容,不遗漏要点。[写作步骤]第一步:开篇表示要招聘新成员,阐明写作目的,吸引读者兴趣;第二步:具体介绍某个社团的名字、活动、目的、意义等信息;第三步:号召学生来参加,总结全文。Students Wanted for the School English ClubAre you good at English? Can you speak English well? Do you have the ability to communicate well with others? If you are interested in them, come and join us. The English Club needs students who are interested in English. Aiming to enrich students’ school life and improve their English competence, we start the English Club. It is from 4 pm to 5 pm every Friday in the school hall. There are so many activities that you can’t miss in our club, such as English drama show, English singing competition and English volunteer. You can soon have the breath-taking progress because you can benefit a lot from it, like opening your mind, enriching your after-school life, working in teams and so on. Are you ready to enjoy the beautiful after-school life in the English Club? This is an once-in-a-lifetime chance. Come to join us and you will fall in love with English. E-mail me at 113344@163.com for more information.学校英语俱乐部招收学生你英语学得好吗? 你英语说得好吗? 你有很好的与人沟通的能力吗? 如果你对他们感兴趣,来加入我们吧。英语俱乐部需要对英语感兴趣的学生。为了丰富学生的校园生活,提高学生的英语水平,我们创办了英语俱乐部。活动在每周五下午4点到5点在学校礼堂举行。我们俱乐部有很多你不能错过的活动,比如英语话剧表演、英语歌唱比赛和英语志愿者。你很快就会有惊人的进步,因为你可以从中受益很多,比如开阔你的思想,丰富你的课余生活,在团队中工作等等。你准备好去英语俱乐部享受美好的课余生活了吗? 这是一个千载难逢的机会。快来加入我们,你会爱上英语的。给我发电子邮件至113344@163.com了解更多信息。中文英文中文英文科学社制作美味的蛋糕喜剧社对...感兴趣棋社讲故事乒乓社表演出来艺术社读地图舞蹈社为家人做饭地理社学习去做英语社加入我们音乐社不仅仅体育社开放思想最喜欢的社团让你思考烹饪社喜欢上自然社照相读书社观鸟加入社团收集植物和昆虫设立一个音乐社眼前下棋好与...分享...乐器从...中获益良多打鼓寻找新成员去音乐室能做...有感情地朗读集合时间跑得快通过...联系我们说法语想去做...中文英文中文英文科学社science club制作美味的蛋糕make delicious cakes喜剧社drama club对...感兴趣be interested in棋社chess club讲故事tell stories乒乓社ping-pong club表演出来act out艺术社art club读地图read maps舞蹈社dance club为家人做饭cook for my family地理社geography club学习去做learn to do...英语社English club加入我们join us音乐社music club不仅仅more than体育社sport club开放思想open your mind最喜欢的社团favorite club让你思考make you think烹饪社cooking club喜欢上fall in love with...自然社nature club照相take photos读书社book club观鸟watch birds加入社团join the club收集植物和昆虫collect plants and insects设立一个音乐社start a music club眼前right under your nose下棋好play chess well与...分享...share...with...乐器musical instruments从...中获益良多benefit a lot from...打鼓play the drums寻找新成员look for new members去音乐室go to the music room能做...can/be able to do有感情地朗读read with feeling集合时间meeting time跑得快run fast通过...联系我们contact us at...说法语speak French想去做...would like to do...
新人教7上作文素材7.学校社团1.主题词汇2.主题句型(1)招聘学校戏剧社团成员。 (2)我们需要对戏剧感兴趣的成员。 (3)那不仅仅是表演戏剧。 (4)让我们用英语讲好中国故事,表演出令人惊叹的中国戏剧。 (5)你擅长表演和有感情地朗读吗? (6)你具有和别人良好沟通的能力吗? (7)你很快就能有令人赞叹的表演。 (8)这里有很多你不能错过的活动。 (9)这是你一生一次的绝佳机会。 (10)这可以激发你无限的创造力和想象力。 (11)你可以从中获益匪浅,如开放心态、丰富课余生活、学会团结合作等。 (12)你还在等什么? (13)周五放学后快来戏剧社吧,你会爱上戏剧的! (14)快来发现这近在眼前的美吧! (15)我写信来申请加入戏剧社? (16)原因是我具有表演天赋。 (17)那是一个展现自我的好机会。 (18)那也是一种好的方式来提升我与别人沟通交流的能力。 (19)我想去学习更多,以及交更多新朋友。 (20)如果我能加入这个社团,我将会非常荣幸。 3.话题写作 Task 1假如你是李华,学校的读书社(the Book Club)正在招纳新成员。你很喜欢阅读,有很多想法,希望能加入这个社团。请写一封申请信,申请加入社团。要求:1.60字左右。2.字迹工整、语句通顺。3.内容、表达丰富。 Task 2假如你是李华,是学校社团负责人之一。新学期已经来临,学校社团计划招募新人。请根据以下内容和要求,写一篇短文,向同学们介绍其中一个社团,招募一些感兴趣的同学,内容包括社团名称、活动内容、时间、地点及目的等信息。要求:1.60字左右。2.字迹工整、语句通顺。3.内容、表达丰富。 【答案】7.学校社团1.主题词汇2.主题句型(1)招聘学校戏剧社团成员。Students are wanted for the school drama club. (2)我们需要对戏剧感兴趣的成员。We need students who are interested in drama. (3)那不仅仅是表演戏剧。It’s more than drama performance. (4)让我们用英语讲好中国故事,表演出令人惊叹的中国戏剧。Let’s tell Chinese stories well in English and act out the amazing Chinese dramas. (5)你擅长表演和有感情地朗读吗?Are you good at acting and reading with feeling? (6)你具有和别人良好沟通的能力吗?Do you have the ability to communicate well with others? (7)你很快就能有令人赞叹的表演。You can soon have the breath-taking show. (8)这里有很多你不能错过的活动。There are so many activities that you can’t miss in our club. (9)这是你一生一次的绝佳机会。This is an once-in-a-lifetime chance. (10)这可以激发你无限的创造力和想象力。This will motivate your infinite creativity and imagination. (11)你可以从中获益匪浅,如开放心态、丰富课余生活、学会团结合作等。You can benefit a lot from it, such as opening your mind, enriching your after-school life, working in teams and so on. (12)你还在等什么?What are you waiting for? (13)周五放学后快来戏剧社吧,你会爱上戏剧的!Come to the drama club on Friday after school and you will fall in love with drama. (14)快来发现这近在眼前的美吧!Come and find the beauty right under your nose! (15)我写信来申请加入戏剧社?I am writing to apply for joining the drama Club. (16)原因是我具有表演天赋。The reason is that I am talented in acting. (17)那是一个展现自我的好机会。It is a good chance for me to show myself. (18)那也是一种好的方式来提升我与别人沟通交流的能力。It’s also a good way to develop my ability of communicating with others. (19)我想去学习更多,以及交更多新朋友。I’d love to learn more and make more new friends. (20)如果我能加入这个社团,我将会非常荣幸。If I can join in the club, I will be pretty honored. 3.话题写作Task 1【分析】①题材:本文是一篇申请加入学校社团的申请信;②时态:时态为一般现在时;③提示:审清题目,根据写作要点适当添加细节,丰富内容,突出写作重点。[写作步骤]第一步:开篇自我简介,阐明写作目的;第二步:介绍自己想加入这个社团的理由,从多个角度给出分析;第三步:再次表达想加入社团的意愿,总结全文。Dear president,I’m Li Hua, a student from Class 2, Grade 7. I am writing to apply for joining the Book Club. The reason is that I really fall in love with reading all kinds of books. I can not only read fast but also share what I read with others with my own ideas. In addition, it’s also a good way to make new friends and develop my ability of communicating with others. Moreover, if I am honored to join the club, I will organize many wonderful activities for the members to make more students fall in love with reading. I believe “Books are the ladder of human progress.” If I can join in the club, I will be pretty honored. Looking forward to your early reply.Yours,Li Hua尊敬的主席,我是李华,来自七年级二班。我写信是想申请加入读书俱乐部。原因是我真的爱上了阅读各种各样的书。我不仅能读得快,而且还能把我读过的东西和别人分享。此外,这也是一个很好的方式来结交新朋友和发展我与他人沟通的能力。另外,如果我有幸加入俱乐部,我会为成员组织许多精彩的活动,让更多的学生爱上阅读。我相信“书籍是人类进步的阶梯”。如果我能加入这个俱乐部,我将感到非常荣幸。期待您的早日回复。 李华Task 2【分析】①题材:本文是社团招募启事;②时态:时态为一般现在时;③提示:审清题目,根据写作要点丰富内容,不遗漏要点。[写作步骤]第一步:开篇表示要招聘新成员,阐明写作目的,吸引读者兴趣;第二步:具体介绍某个社团的名字、活动、目的、意义等信息;第三步:号召学生来参加,总结全文。Students Wanted for the School English ClubAre you good at English? Can you speak English well? Do you have the ability to communicate well with others? If you are interested in them, come and join us. The English Club needs students who are interested in English. Aiming to enrich students’ school life and improve their English competence, we start the English Club. It is from 4 pm to 5 pm every Friday in the school hall. There are so many activities that you can’t miss in our club, such as English drama show, English singing competition and English volunteer. You can soon have the breath-taking progress because you can benefit a lot from it, like opening your mind, enriching your after-school life, working in teams and so on. Are you ready to enjoy the beautiful after-school life in the English Club? This is an once-in-a-lifetime chance. Come to join us and you will fall in love with English. E-mail me at 113344@163.com for more information.学校英语俱乐部招收学生你英语学得好吗? 你英语说得好吗? 你有很好的与人沟通的能力吗? 如果你对他们感兴趣,来加入我们吧。英语俱乐部需要对英语感兴趣的学生。为了丰富学生的校园生活,提高学生的英语水平,我们创办了英语俱乐部。活动在每周五下午4点到5点在学校礼堂举行。我们俱乐部有很多你不能错过的活动,比如英语话剧表演、英语歌唱比赛和英语志愿者。你很快就会有惊人的进步,因为你可以从中受益很多,比如开阔你的思想,丰富你的课余生活,在团队中工作等等。你准备好去英语俱乐部享受美好的课余生活了吗? 这是一个千载难逢的机会。快来加入我们,你会爱上英语的。给我发电子邮件至113344@163.com了解更多信息。中文英文中文英文科学社制作美味的蛋糕喜剧社对...感兴趣棋社讲故事乒乓社表演出来艺术社读地图舞蹈社为家人做饭地理社学习去做英语社加入我们音乐社不仅仅体育社开放思想最喜欢的社团让你思考烹饪社喜欢上自然社照相读书社观鸟加入社团收集植物和昆虫设立一个音乐社眼前下棋好与...分享...乐器从...中获益良多打鼓寻找新成员去音乐室能做...有感情地朗读集合时间跑得快通过...联系我们说法语想去做...中文英文中文英文科学社science club制作美味的蛋糕make delicious cakes喜剧社drama club对...感兴趣be interested in棋社chess club讲故事tell stories乒乓社ping-pong club表演出来act out艺术社art club读地图read maps舞蹈社dance club为家人做饭cook for my family地理社geography club学习去做learn to do...英语社English club加入我们join us音乐社music club不仅仅more than体育社sport club开放思想open your mind最喜欢的社团favorite club让你思考make you think烹饪社cooking club喜欢上fall in love with...自然社nature club照相take photos读书社book club观鸟watch birds加入社团join the club收集植物和昆虫collect plants and insects设立一个音乐社start a music club眼前right under your nose下棋好play chess well与...分享...share...with...乐器musical instruments从...中获益良多benefit a lot from...打鼓play the drums寻找新成员look for new members去音乐室go to the music room能做...can/be able to do有感情地朗读read with feeling集合时间meeting time跑得快run fast通过...联系我们contact us at...说法语speak French想去做...would like to do...
