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2024年人教版新教材 舌侧音 课件
这是一份2024年人教版新教材 舌侧音 课件,共46页。
国际音标课程Lesson3Content:元音 [ʌ] [a:] [ɔ:] [ɒ]温故知新实战演练舌侧音 [l] [æ]-2[v]-2[f]-2-2[j]大王卡 [d]-23Step 1[æ][b][w][k][p][g]-1对方-2做鬼脸谢谢惠顾+3[t]对方+14Step 2[ʌ]1.舌尖和舌端两侧轻触 下齿,舌后部靠前部 分稍抬起,口形稍扁。2.唇形放松,开口度比 [a:]稍小。5Words [ʌ]oucut [kʌt] rubber ['rʌ-bə] cousin ['kʌzn]enough [ɪ'-nʌf]uocome [kʌm] money ['mʌ-ni] 6The duck is funny. [dʌk] [ˈfʌ-ni]The duck is in the sun. [sʌn]Sentences The duck in the sun is funny wunny. [ˈwʌ-ni]Step 2[ɑː]口开到最大,舌尖离 开下齿龈,舌后部略 抬起。2.长元音:发音拖长。3.后元音:它的发音部 位靠后。7Words [ɑː]araauearfar [fa:]party ['pa:-ti]class [kla:s]basket ['ba:s-kɪt]laugh [la:f]aunt [a:nt]heartbreak [ha:t-breɪk] heart [ha:t] 89No parking. [pa:k] No parking on Mark's large farm. [ma:k] [la:dʒ]No parking on the farm. [fa:m]Sentences 10Step 2[ɔ:]1.舌后缩,舌后部抬高。2.口形是中圆形,双唇 收紧,并向前突出。11Words [ɔ:]oralauoormore [mɔː]call [kɔːl]talk [tɔːk]Paul [pɔːl]door [dɔː]floor [flɔː] awclaw [klɔː] dawn [dɔːn] horse[hɔːs]oarfraud [frɔːd]roar [rɔː]oar [ɔː]12I can draw. [drɔ:] I can draw a horse near the door. [dɔ:]I can draw a horse. ['hɔ:s]Sentences 13Step 2[ɒ]1.开口很大,是英语中上下 开口最大的一个音。2.双唇有绷紧感觉,略收圆 双唇。14Words [ɒ]acock [kɒk] stop [stɒp] want [wɒnt]watch[wɒtʃ]o15I want the fox. [wɒnt] [fɒks]I want the fox a lot. [lɒt]Sentences I want the fox in the box a lot. [bɒks]16听音辩词:short shotsport spotclaw clockcaught cothorse hottalk tok 17Step 3[l]1.舌尖及舌端紧贴上齿 龈,舌面向硬腭抬起。2.气流从舌的两侧送出。18Words [l]单词后单词中单词前library ['laɪ-brə-ri] circle ['sɜː(r)-k(ə)l] leave [liːv] merrily['me-rə-li] flow[fləʊ] tunnel ['tʌ-n(ə)l] 19Lilly loves laughing.['lɪ-lɪ] [lʌvz] ['lɑ:-fɪŋ]Lilly loves laughing out loud. [laʊd] Sentences Little Lilly loves laughing out loud.['lɪ-t(ə)l] 20Step 3[h]1.嘴巴半开,上下齿张 开,舌头平放,向外 呵气。2.发音时声带不振动。21Words [h]单词中单词前hair[heə] ahead[ə-ˈhed]hear[hɪə] 22 Henry has a hat.[ˈhen-ri] [həz] [hæt]Henry has a hard hat. [hɑːd]Sentences Heavy Henry has a hard hat.[ˈhe-vi] 23Step 3[r]1.软腭上升,封住鼻腔2.舌身后缩,舌尖抬高, 接近但不接触上齿龈后部。3.舌的后边缘接触上臼齿, 舌尖微卷,舌中部下陷。4.气流沿舌中心线送出, 不产生摩擦。24Words [r]单词中单词前recall [rɪˈ-kɔːl]break [breɪk] receive [rɪˈ-siːv] pretty [ˈprɪ-ti ] 25Raise your hand.[reɪz]Mr. Rat, raise your hand. [ræt] Sentences Mr. Rat, Mr. Rat, raise your hand. 26听音辩词: art heart hall roll red head hot rot height right hate rate27Step 4Read it. Read it. Read it.28Step 3[s]清辅音,发音时:1.舌尖与下齿龈轻触, 舌边和上臼齿紧密接 触。2.气流从舌叶和齿龈之 间通过,摩擦成音。3.发音时声带不振动。29Words [s]单词后单词中单词前sock [sɒk] kiss [kɪs] speak [spi:k] desk [desk] esteem [es-'ti:m] nice [nais] 30Pass me the cups.[pa:s] [kʌps]Pass me the cups and ice-cream. ['ais-kri:m]Sentences Pass me the cups and ice-cream on the desk. [desk]31Step 3[z]1.舌尖与下齿龈轻触,舌边 源和上臼齿接触。2.气流从舌叶和齿龈之间通 过, 摩擦成音。3.发音时声带振动。32Words [z]单词后单词中单词前zip [zɪp] is [ɪz] zoo [zu:] visit [ˈvɪ-zɪt] easy [ˈi:-zi] sneeze [sni:z] 33I'm a busy bee. ['bi-zi] I'm a busy fuzzy bee. ['fʌ-zi] Sentences I'm a busy fuzzy bee in the zoo. [zu:]34听音辩词:sip ziploose loseboss buzzsoup zoomzoo sortbags bucks35Step 3[θ]1.舌尖与上门牙的边缘轻 微接触,仅仅伸出2-3 毫米。2.气流由舌齿间窄缝送出, 形成摩擦音。3.发音时声带不振动。36Words [θ]单词后单词中单词前thin [θɪn] bath [ba:θ] thick [θɪk] nothing ['nʌ-θɪŋ] healthy ['hel-θi] south[sauθ] 3733 thirty three ['θɜː-ti] [θri:] 333 three hundred and thirty threeSentences 33,333 thirty three thousand three hundred and thirty three ['θau-zənd] 38Step 3[ð]1.舌尖与上门牙的边缘轻 微接触,仅仅伸出2-3 毫米。2.气流由舌齿间窄缝送出, 形成摩擦音。3.发音时声带振动。39Words [ð]单词后单词中单词前these [ði:z] with [wɪð]that [ðæt] mother ['mʌ-ðə] together [tə-'ge-ðə] smooth [smu:ð] 40That is my mother.[ðæt] ['mʌðə]Those are my brothers.[ðəʊz] [brʌ-ðəz] Sentences That is my mother and those are my brothers. 41听音辩词: dare there friend thread then thin method motherthanks thuswealth weather42Step 4[kʌt][dʌz][θɪk][ðiːz][tʌf][θɜːd]['pa:-ti][pɑːθ][ðʌs][tə-'ge-ðə][pa:s]43Step 4Who can read faster?44Step 4[sɒk][vɪz][zɪp] [hɔːs][zɪp][zuː][pɒt][tɔ:k][si:k][sɒks][hɒt][sɔːt]45Step 4[sɔːt][zuː][zɪp][sɒks][si:k][tɔ:k][hɒt][sɒk][pɒt][hɔːs][vɪz][tɒp][sɔːt][hɒt][pɒt][vɪz][tɒp][zuː][si:k][tɔ:k][sɒk][hɔːs][zɪp][sɒks]1
国际音标课程Lesson3Content:元音 [ʌ] [a:] [ɔ:] [ɒ]温故知新实战演练舌侧音 [l] [æ]-2[v]-2[f]-2-2[j]大王卡 [d]-23Step 1[æ][b][w][k][p][g]-1对方-2做鬼脸谢谢惠顾+3[t]对方+14Step 2[ʌ]1.舌尖和舌端两侧轻触 下齿,舌后部靠前部 分稍抬起,口形稍扁。2.唇形放松,开口度比 [a:]稍小。5Words [ʌ]oucut [kʌt] rubber ['rʌ-bə] cousin ['kʌzn]enough [ɪ'-nʌf]uocome [kʌm] money ['mʌ-ni] 6The duck is funny. [dʌk] [ˈfʌ-ni]The duck is in the sun. [sʌn]Sentences The duck in the sun is funny wunny. [ˈwʌ-ni]Step 2[ɑː]口开到最大,舌尖离 开下齿龈,舌后部略 抬起。2.长元音:发音拖长。3.后元音:它的发音部 位靠后。7Words [ɑː]araauearfar [fa:]party ['pa:-ti]class [kla:s]basket ['ba:s-kɪt]laugh [la:f]aunt [a:nt]heartbreak [ha:t-breɪk] heart [ha:t] 89No parking. [pa:k] No parking on Mark's large farm. [ma:k] [la:dʒ]No parking on the farm. [fa:m]Sentences 10Step 2[ɔ:]1.舌后缩,舌后部抬高。2.口形是中圆形,双唇 收紧,并向前突出。11Words [ɔ:]oralauoormore [mɔː]call [kɔːl]talk [tɔːk]Paul [pɔːl]door [dɔː]floor [flɔː] awclaw [klɔː] dawn [dɔːn] horse[hɔːs]oarfraud [frɔːd]roar [rɔː]oar [ɔː]12I can draw. [drɔ:] I can draw a horse near the door. [dɔ:]I can draw a horse. ['hɔ:s]Sentences 13Step 2[ɒ]1.开口很大,是英语中上下 开口最大的一个音。2.双唇有绷紧感觉,略收圆 双唇。14Words [ɒ]acock [kɒk] stop [stɒp] want [wɒnt]watch[wɒtʃ]o15I want the fox. [wɒnt] [fɒks]I want the fox a lot. [lɒt]Sentences I want the fox in the box a lot. [bɒks]16听音辩词:short shotsport spotclaw clockcaught cothorse hottalk tok 17Step 3[l]1.舌尖及舌端紧贴上齿 龈,舌面向硬腭抬起。2.气流从舌的两侧送出。18Words [l]单词后单词中单词前library ['laɪ-brə-ri] circle ['sɜː(r)-k(ə)l] leave [liːv] merrily['me-rə-li] flow[fləʊ] tunnel ['tʌ-n(ə)l] 19Lilly loves laughing.['lɪ-lɪ] [lʌvz] ['lɑ:-fɪŋ]Lilly loves laughing out loud. [laʊd] Sentences Little Lilly loves laughing out loud.['lɪ-t(ə)l] 20Step 3[h]1.嘴巴半开,上下齿张 开,舌头平放,向外 呵气。2.发音时声带不振动。21Words [h]单词中单词前hair[heə] ahead[ə-ˈhed]hear[hɪə] 22 Henry has a hat.[ˈhen-ri] [həz] [hæt]Henry has a hard hat. [hɑːd]Sentences Heavy Henry has a hard hat.[ˈhe-vi] 23Step 3[r]1.软腭上升,封住鼻腔2.舌身后缩,舌尖抬高, 接近但不接触上齿龈后部。3.舌的后边缘接触上臼齿, 舌尖微卷,舌中部下陷。4.气流沿舌中心线送出, 不产生摩擦。24Words [r]单词中单词前recall [rɪˈ-kɔːl]break [breɪk] receive [rɪˈ-siːv] pretty [ˈprɪ-ti ] 25Raise your hand.[reɪz]Mr. Rat, raise your hand. [ræt] Sentences Mr. Rat, Mr. Rat, raise your hand. 26听音辩词: art heart hall roll red head hot rot height right hate rate27Step 4Read it. Read it. Read it.28Step 3[s]清辅音,发音时:1.舌尖与下齿龈轻触, 舌边和上臼齿紧密接 触。2.气流从舌叶和齿龈之 间通过,摩擦成音。3.发音时声带不振动。29Words [s]单词后单词中单词前sock [sɒk] kiss [kɪs] speak [spi:k] desk [desk] esteem [es-'ti:m] nice [nais] 30Pass me the cups.[pa:s] [kʌps]Pass me the cups and ice-cream. ['ais-kri:m]Sentences Pass me the cups and ice-cream on the desk. [desk]31Step 3[z]1.舌尖与下齿龈轻触,舌边 源和上臼齿接触。2.气流从舌叶和齿龈之间通 过, 摩擦成音。3.发音时声带振动。32Words [z]单词后单词中单词前zip [zɪp] is [ɪz] zoo [zu:] visit [ˈvɪ-zɪt] easy [ˈi:-zi] sneeze [sni:z] 33I'm a busy bee. ['bi-zi] I'm a busy fuzzy bee. ['fʌ-zi] Sentences I'm a busy fuzzy bee in the zoo. [zu:]34听音辩词:sip ziploose loseboss buzzsoup zoomzoo sortbags bucks35Step 3[θ]1.舌尖与上门牙的边缘轻 微接触,仅仅伸出2-3 毫米。2.气流由舌齿间窄缝送出, 形成摩擦音。3.发音时声带不振动。36Words [θ]单词后单词中单词前thin [θɪn] bath [ba:θ] thick [θɪk] nothing ['nʌ-θɪŋ] healthy ['hel-θi] south[sauθ] 3733 thirty three ['θɜː-ti] [θri:] 333 three hundred and thirty threeSentences 33,333 thirty three thousand three hundred and thirty three ['θau-zənd] 38Step 3[ð]1.舌尖与上门牙的边缘轻 微接触,仅仅伸出2-3 毫米。2.气流由舌齿间窄缝送出, 形成摩擦音。3.发音时声带振动。39Words [ð]单词后单词中单词前these [ði:z] with [wɪð]that [ðæt] mother ['mʌ-ðə] together [tə-'ge-ðə] smooth [smu:ð] 40That is my mother.[ðæt] ['mʌðə]Those are my brothers.[ðəʊz] [brʌ-ðəz] Sentences That is my mother and those are my brothers. 41听音辩词: dare there friend thread then thin method motherthanks thuswealth weather42Step 4[kʌt][dʌz][θɪk][ðiːz][tʌf][θɜːd]['pa:-ti][pɑːθ][ðʌs][tə-'ge-ðə][pa:s]43Step 4Who can read faster?44Step 4[sɒk][vɪz][zɪp] [hɔːs][zɪp][zuː][pɒt][tɔ:k][si:k][sɒks][hɒt][sɔːt]45Step 4[sɔːt][zuː][zɪp][sɒks][si:k][tɔ:k][hɒt][sɒk][pɒt][hɔːs][vɪz][tɒp][sɔːt][hɒt][pɒt][vɪz][tɒp][zuː][si:k][tɔ:k][sɒk][hɔːs][zɪp][sɒks]1
