所属成套资源:【新教材】人教版初中英语7上国际音标 课件
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中元音 课件
这是一份中元音 课件,共11页。
中元音2Step 2[ʌ]1.舌尖和舌端两侧轻触 下齿,舌后部靠前部 分稍抬起,口形稍扁。2.唇形放松,开口度比 [a:]稍小。3Words [ʌ]oucut [kʌt] rubber ['rʌ-bə] cousin ['kʌzn]enough [ɪ'-nʌf]uocome [kʌm] money ['mʌ-ni] 4The duck is funny. [dʌk] [ˈfʌ-ni]The duck is in the sun. [sʌn]Sentences The duck in the sun is funny wunny. [ˈwʌ-ni]5Step 2舌尖抵下齿,舌前 部尽量向上腭抬起。2.略略扁形,像微笑 的口形,嘴唇较紧。3.发音时间可持续长 些。6Words term [tɜːm][ɜː]orearth [ɜːθ] early ['ɜː-lɪ] irurergirl [ɡɜːl ]shirt [ʃɜːt]purple [ˈpɜːpl] turn [tɜːn]her [hɜː]worm [wɜːm] worth [wɜːθ]ear7Early bird gets the worm.[ˈɜː-li][bɜːd] [wɜːm] The thirsty bird gets thirty worms in the third tree. [θɜːd] The thirsty bird gets thirty worms. [ˈθɜː-sti] [ˈθɜː-ti]Sentences 8Step 21.舌身平放,舌中部稍抬 起,双唇向两旁伸开, 成扁平形。2.在[3:]基础上往回收, 嘴唇较松,非常轻松的 发出这个音。9Words [ə]eraewinter ['wɪn-tə] mother['mʌ-ðə]umbrella [ʌm-'bre-lə]doctor [dɔ-ktə]cinema ['sɪ-nə-mə] banana [bə-'nɑː-nə]open ['əʊ-pən]otoday [tə-'deɪ]tomato[təˈmɑːtəʊ]uautumn['ɔː-təm]upon [ə-'pɒn]orvisitor ['vɪ-zɪ-tə]10Peter loves butter.[ˈpiː-tə] [ˈbʌ-tə] Peter loves the latter butter. [ˈlæ-tə] Sentences Teacher Peter loves the latter butter. [ˈtiː-tʃə]11听音辩词:term todayallay earlyworm warmershirt shelterburn bananaupon turtle
中元音2Step 2[ʌ]1.舌尖和舌端两侧轻触 下齿,舌后部靠前部 分稍抬起,口形稍扁。2.唇形放松,开口度比 [a:]稍小。3Words [ʌ]oucut [kʌt] rubber ['rʌ-bə] cousin ['kʌzn]enough [ɪ'-nʌf]uocome [kʌm] money ['mʌ-ni] 4The duck is funny. [dʌk] [ˈfʌ-ni]The duck is in the sun. [sʌn]Sentences The duck in the sun is funny wunny. [ˈwʌ-ni]5Step 2舌尖抵下齿,舌前 部尽量向上腭抬起。2.略略扁形,像微笑 的口形,嘴唇较紧。3.发音时间可持续长 些。6Words term [tɜːm][ɜː]orearth [ɜːθ] early ['ɜː-lɪ] irurergirl [ɡɜːl ]shirt [ʃɜːt]purple [ˈpɜːpl] turn [tɜːn]her [hɜː]worm [wɜːm] worth [wɜːθ]ear7Early bird gets the worm.[ˈɜː-li][bɜːd] [wɜːm] The thirsty bird gets thirty worms in the third tree. [θɜːd] The thirsty bird gets thirty worms. [ˈθɜː-sti] [ˈθɜː-ti]Sentences 8Step 21.舌身平放,舌中部稍抬 起,双唇向两旁伸开, 成扁平形。2.在[3:]基础上往回收, 嘴唇较松,非常轻松的 发出这个音。9Words [ə]eraewinter ['wɪn-tə] mother['mʌ-ðə]umbrella [ʌm-'bre-lə]doctor [dɔ-ktə]cinema ['sɪ-nə-mə] banana [bə-'nɑː-nə]open ['əʊ-pən]otoday [tə-'deɪ]tomato[təˈmɑːtəʊ]uautumn['ɔː-təm]upon [ə-'pɒn]orvisitor ['vɪ-zɪ-tə]10Peter loves butter.[ˈpiː-tə] [ˈbʌ-tə] Peter loves the latter butter. [ˈlæ-tə] Sentences Teacher Peter loves the latter butter. [ˈtiː-tʃə]11听音辩词:term todayallay earlyworm warmershirt shelterburn bananaupon turtle
