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    Eurpean Cities That Are Making Streets Becme Car Free
    The quality f life in cities wuld be s much better if they were car-free. S the fllwing Eurpean cities are trying t reduce the number f cars in the streets.
    ● Cpenhagen, Denmark
    Beginning in the 1960s Denmark’s capital pineered walker-nly znes and the city nw has ver 321 kilmeters f bike rutes. Over half f the peple in Cpenhagen ride bicycles t wrk. Denmark is building a superhighway f 28 rutes fr bikes that’ll cnnect the city t its surrunding suburban areas. The first f the rutes pened in 2014.
    ● Hamburg, Germany
    The German city is planning n making walking and biking the main frms f transprtatin by reducing the number f cars allwed in specific areas f the city by 2035. The prject calls fr a green netwrk f places peple can g t withut cars, which will cver 40 % f Hamburg. The green netwrk will include parks, playgrunds and sprts fields.
    ● Milan, Italy
    In this Italian city, fr every day that drivers leave their cars parked at hme during wrking hurs, they’ll receive a 1.5 Eur ticket reward gd fr the use f public transprtatin. The city has buses, subways, trams (有轨电车) t chse frm, s it pays t leave the driving t them.
    ● Paris, France
    In 2017, the French capital annunced it wuld ban diesel (柴油) cars by 2024. Cars that run n gas are expected t be remved by 2030. There’s already an lder car ban frm the city center fr wrking hurs n weekdays. “If yu live in Paris and get rid f yur car, yu can claim benefits f arund $ 700 t buy a bike,” accrding t Fast Cmpany.
    1.What is under cnstructin in Denmark?
    A. A bike-sharing system.B. Mre bike-nly znes.
    C. A green business netwrk.D. A superhighway fr bikes.
    2.Which city rewards peple t take public transprtatin?
    A. Cpenhagen, Denmark.B. Hamburg, Germany.
    C. Milan, Italy.D. Paris, France.
    3.What’s the deadline f remving all the cars that run n traditinal energy by Paris?
    A. 2017.B. 2024.C. 2030.D. 2035.
    Tired f wrking in IT and staying the same in Australia, Paul Cattanc decided t make a change. In 2015 he started a strict budget s he culd save up enugh mney t buy his dream KTM1190 mtrbike, a camera, and enugh funds t supprt himself fr a few years.
    Then he gave up his jb, packed his things, and set ff n an adventure, travelling the wrld n his mtrbike. Paul,39, has spent the last fur years biking thrugh Australia. Suth America, Nrth America, and Eurpe, riding up t 12 hurs a day and spending his nights in his tent under the stars.
    “Australia fr me was my first experience riding lng distance and I was mind-blwn by the beauty f the ld cntinent.” Paul wrte n his travel jurnal, “Traveling thrugh Latin America, I explred the rainfrest and learned Spanish and Prtuguese. Mexic has sme f the best fd I ever had and Peru is an interesting place where I can enjy the unique lcal Indian culture, als called Inca civilizatin.”
    Paul has managed t keep his travels ging by keeping his budget tight, s he hasn’t had t get a jb fr his travels. T keep csts lw, he seldm lked fr accmmdatin in htels and went camping instead. Thankfully, the mtrbike, which Paul bught secnd hand in Australia, has nt required any majr repairs since he set ff. The jurney isn’t always easy, but Paul has never lked back.
    Sadly, the Cvid-19 pandemic put a stp t his travels in Greece when he traveled arund Eurpe, and Paul has had t spend the last few mnths in Italy, his hmeland. Once the wrld is back up and running, he plans t return t life n the rad and explre Asia and Africa.
    4.What did Paul begin t d in 2015?
    A. He switched his ccupatin.B. He started a travel adventure.
    C. He carried ut a saving plan.D. He purchased travel equipment.
    5.What d we knw abut Paul’s jurney?
    A. He enjyed the best fd in Peru.B. The mtrbike ften trubled him.
    C. He gt a jb t supprt his travel.D. The view in Australia appealed t him.
    6.Which f the fllwing wrds can best describe Paul?
    A. Determined and adventurus.B. Intelligent and ecnmical.
    C. Ambitius and idealistic.D. Humble and knwledgeable.
    7.Where is the text prbably frm?
    A. A fitness magazine.B. A travel jurnal.
    C. A lifestyle website.D. A sprts clumn.
    Did yur mther ever say yu'll feel better after a gd cry? It turns ut Mm is right as usual-crying really is healthy. What's mre, letting yurself feel blue and accepting thse feelings will help yu feel better in the lng run, accrding t a new research.
    In three separate studies bth nline and in a lab, researchers at UC Berkeley evaluated the respnses frm 1,300 adults regarding their psychlgical( 心理的)health and emtinal well-being(幸 福感).In ne sudy1,000 participants filled ut a survey evaluating hw they felt abut the statement,“I tell myself I shuldn't be feeling the way that I'm feeling." Thse wh agreed with the statement scred lwer n tests f well-being. In ther wrds, letting yurself feel bad is better fr yur mind and md than trying t cntrl negative thughts.
    “We fund that peple wh habitually accept their negative emtins experience fewer negative emtins, which adds t better psychlgical health," said study senir authr Iris Mauss, PhD, an assciate prfessr f psychlgy at UC Berkeley in an article n the university's website.
    In a sciety where the imprtance t be happy is emphasized daily n the ther scial media platfrms, letting yurself be dwn in the dumps can be tugh. Just remember that true happiness isn't always what peple say it is.
    It turns ut that hw we apprach ur wn negative emtinal reactins is really imprtant fr ur well-being,"said study lead authr Brett Frd, PhD, an assistant prfessr f psychlgy at the University f Trnt.“ Peple wh accept these emtins withut judging r trying t change them are able t deal with their stress mre successfully."
    S next time smene tells yu t“turn that frwn upside dwn", ignre them. Embrace yur inner feelings fr a while.
    8.Hw did the researchers carry ut ne f the studies?
    A. They gave the participants different tests.
    B. They cmpared their wn thughts with thers.
    C. They studied the participants' everyday experiences.
    D. They cmpared the participants' thughts and their feelings.
    9.What des the underlined part "be dwn in the dumps" in Paragraph 4 mean?
    A. Be lnely. B. Be depressed. C. Be psitive. D. Be cmfrtable.
    10.What did Brett Frd try t shw in Paragraph 5?
    A. It is better fr peple t accept negative emtins,
    B. We shuld never try t change thers' thughts,
    C. Peple wh accept themselves are happier,
    D. Psitive peple tend t be less stressed,
    11.What wuld be the best title fr the text?
    A. Tum yur frwn upside dwn B. Crying is gd fr ur health
    C. Stp having bad feelings D. Stp feeling the way that yu're feeling
    On September 26, 2022, NASA successfully cmpleted its Duble Asterid Redirectin Test (DART) missin by intentinally crashing an unmanned spacecraft int the asterid(小行星) Dimrphs. The gal was nt t destry the asterid but t change its rbit. With the successful missin, NASA prved the cncept that this technique culd keep a ptentially dangerus asterid frm crashing int Earth in the future.
    Dimrphs is a small asterid rbiting the larger asterid Didyms. NASA nted that Dimrphs is nt a threat t Earth, but because it passes relatively clse t Earth, it was chsen as the target fr the test missin.
    Althugh the intended crash shuld change the asterid’s psitin slightly, it will add t a majr shift ver time. “If yu were ging t d this fr planetary defense, yu wuld d it 5, 10, 15, r 20 years in advance fr this technique t wrk,” said NASA prgram executive Andrea Riley. “This is why we test. We want t d it nw rather than when there’s an actual need.”
    Asterids can pse a significant threat t planet Earth. Fr example, arund 66 millin years ag, an asterid arund 6 t 9 miles acrss struck the Earth in what is nw the Yucatan Peninsula. The resulting impact was s catastrphic(灾难性的) that it caused ne f the largest extinctin events in Earth’s histry. Therefre, DART’s success is an imprtant step frward in prtecting the planet frm ptential damage frm an asterid. This shws humans are n lnger pwerless t prevent this type f natural disaster.
    The DART spacecraft was launched by NASA n Nvember 24, 2021. It was accmpanied by anther craft called LICIACube, supplied by the Italian Space Agency, and separated frm DART just 15 days befre the crash. LICIACube remained in rbit arund the asterid and tk phtgraphs f the crash and material ejected(弹出) frm the asterid’s surface.
    12.What is the purpse f the DART missin?
    A. T destry Dimrphs cmpletely.
    B. T change the rbit f Dimrphs.
    C. T track ptentially dangerus asterids.
    D. T prevent Dimrphs frm hitting the Earth.
    13.Hw can we describe the test accrding t Andrea Riley?
    A. Better late than never.
    B. Rb Peter t pay Paul.
    C. Prepare fr a rainy day.
    D. Bark up the wrng tree.
    14.Why des the authr mentin the example in paragraph 4?
    A. T prve the significance f DART’s success.
    B. T present the effect f the largest extinctin events n humans.
    C. T explain the difficulty f prtecting the Earth frm asterid strikes.
    D. T shw the necessity f cnducting research n natural disasters.
    15.What is LICIACube intended fr?
    A. Recrding the crash test with phts.
    B. Cllecting rck samples frm Dimrphs’s surface.
    C. Prviding additinal energy fr the DART spacecraft.
    D. Increasing the frce f crashing the DART spacecraft int Dimrphs.
    16.With gas prices rising and airprt security lines snaking lnger than ever, why nt bk yur next dmestic vacatin n a train? Cmpared t ther alternatives, it’s cmfrtable and relaxing. Here is sme advice n hw t make a trip by rail as pleasant as pssible.
    Plan ahead. Mst lng-distance trains, especially the sleeping car accmmdatins, sell ut very quickly. ①______ But n matter when yu travel, it’s a gd idea t make yur reservatins at least 90 days in advance.
    Use a travel agent. Cnsider turning yur travel plan ver t a travel agent and letting him duble-check all the details, make suggestins, and then handle the actual reservatins. A gd ne can smetimes find yu discunted tickets. ②______ Then yu wn’t have t walk thrugh several cars n a mving train three times a day fr yur meals.
    Bring a blanket. When yu’re riding n trains, yu wn’t be prvided with a blanket fr free, even if yur trip is an vernight ne. ③______ In the summer in particular, the air cnditining can make them quite cld.
    Arrive early. Mst trains perate just nce a day and sme run nly three times a week, s missing yurs can be a disaster. ④______ Nte: The times listed n the schedules are departure times, nt arrival times.
    Have fun. ⑤______ Read a bk, knit, d a crsswrd puzzle, r simply watch the wrld unfld utside the windw. T calculate yur speed as yu d, divide 3,600 (the number f secnds in an hur) by the number f secnds it takes yu t travel ne mile (the distance between tw milepsts). If it takes the train 53 secnds t travel ne mile, yu’re ging 67.92 mph.
    A. Train trips aren’t fr impatient types.
    B. Yu’ll have views frm bth sides f the train.
    C. The temperature n rail cars is ften hard t cntrl.
    D. That’s particularly true during busy summer mnths.
    E. Yu might have t wait lnger than 24 hurs t catch the next ne.
    F. Chances are the cst will be a lt less than the cst f ne bedrm.
    G. He may als bk yu in a sleeping car that’s right next t the diner.
    One day, my uncle brught hme a parrt. My cusin and I called it Mitthu. My family were s①______strngly that they trimmed (剪掉) its wings. They said if it left hme, it wuldn't②______utside withut us.
    As time went by, we grew and s did Mitthu. Its wings grew quite a lt. Mitthu wasn't kept in a cage. I smetimes wndered why it didn't③______. Maybe it was quite attached t us and didn't want t leave us, r it didn't want t leave the luxurius life and④______the harsh reality f life.
    As I grew lder, I⑤______ that Mitthu's life wasn't very different frm mine. I was pampered(溺爱) and⑥______carefully. I was prhibited frm really ⑦______the utside wrld. My huse became my whle wrld, which was like an invisible⑧______that had bund my spirit.
    Nw I'm sent ut t study and tld that I have the whle sky t fly, but⑨______, just as Mitthu, I am nt able t d s. Mitthu and I might be tw different beings but we are⑩______ in a similar situatin. I am afraid f flying. I am afraid my behavir might hurt my parents' feelings. These emtins and⑪______ will never really allw us t fly independently!
    It's gd fr parents t lve and⑫______their children, but, smetimes,ver-prtectiveness frm parents might harm their children's future and⑬______children's decisins. True⑭______ is t allw kids t grw freely and let them try⑮______ things.Thus, they will be brimming with cnfidence and curage.
    17.A. Primitive B. Extensive C. Aggressive D. pssessive
    18.A. Survive B. Escape C. Appear D. change
    19.A. cme arund B. fly away C. cme back D. take shape
    20.A. Ignre B. Represent C. Shift D. face
    21.A. Realized B. expected C. Dismissed D. cnvinced
    22.A. evaluated B. educated C. Tended D. expsed
    23.A. keeping up with B. cming dwn t C. breaking away frm D. getting alng with
    24.A. wing B. cage C. light D. cave
    25.A. rarely B. gradually C. sadly D. vilently
    26.A. trapped B. frzen C. Hatched D. stred
    27.A. strength B. sympathy C. cmmitment D. attachment
    28.A. adpt B. ban C. Prtect D. entertain
    29.A. influence B. supprt C. Frecast D. cmprise
    30.A. harmny B. lve C. Freedm D. equality
    31.A. humble B. different C. Unique D. intense
    32. Still cnsider the CBA China’s ①_____(ppular) basketball league? Think again!
    With ver 10,000 spectatrs(观众) ②_____(rar) n their feet every night, ③_____ amateur inter-village basketball turnament(锦标赛) held last week in Suthwest China’s Guizhu prvince has becme a massive hit nline.
    In 2018, the village-level turnament ④_____(include) in the Chi Xin Festival, which celebrates harvest n the sixth f June n the lunar calendar(农历). Since then, the annual cmpetitin has becme a center fr enthusiasts frm nearby and many wh drive up t 200 km frm Guiyang and surrunding areas ⑤_____(experience) the unique gathering.
    “The number f spectatrs and the participating areas that the turnament cvers ⑥_____(increase) fr fur cntinuus years, and the key t its ppularity is ⑦_____ this turnament truly belngs t lcal peple and cnnects neighbrhds like n ther event des. The prximity (邻近) t each and every player and spectatr makes it special,” said Cen Jianglng, a c-rganizer f the turnament, ⑧_____ has played basketball recreatinally(娱乐地) fr 20 years.
    During the fur-day cmpetitin, ver 50 millin nline ⑨_____(view) had tuned in t watch live streaming f the games. Chinese Freign Ministry spkespersn Zha Lijian als jined in the fun, sharing a vide clip f the games n Twitter accmpanied by the message: “The rural basketball match in Guizhu is n! ⑩_____ a great atmsphere!”
    Dear Jack,
    Li Hua
    My six year ld by Jnathan brke a limb f my azalea( 杜鹃花) bush and asked me, “Can I take this t schl tday, mm”? With a wave f my hand, I sent him ff. And then I turned my back s he culdn't see the tears in my eyes.
    I was in lw spirits all day, washing and drying clthes, and thinking hw lve had disappeared frm my life. As hanging up the last f my husband's shirts, I lked at the clck-4 :30. Jnathan's class ended at 3: 15. It was late and I hurriedly drve t the schl.
    I was ut f breath by the time I kncked n the teacher's dr. I peered thrugh the glass. She pened the dr and let me in.
    “I want t talk t yu abut Jnathan,” she said. I prepared myself fr the wrst. Nthing wuld have surprised me. “Did yu knw Jnathan brught flwers t schl tday?” she asked. I ndded, thinking abut my favrite bush and trying t hide the hurt in my eyes.
    “Let me tell yu what happened yesterday,"” the teacher cntinued. “See that little girl?"I saw a bright eyed child laugh and pint t a clrful picture taped t the wall.
    “Well, yesterday she was almst crazy. Her mther and father are ging thrugh a divrce. She tld me she didn't want t live. She wished she culd die. I did all I culd t cmfrt her, but it nly seemed t make matters wrse.”
    “Tday I watched yur sn walk t that child and hand her sme pretty pink flwers, whispering smething."
    I knew at nce what had happened and felt my heart swell with pride.​
    In the evening, my husband and I sat in the sitting rm,talking abut the bush.
    解析:细节理解题。根据“Cpenhagen, Denmark”部分“Denmark is building a superhighway f 28 rutes fr bikes that’ll cnnect the city t its surrunding suburban areas.(丹麦正在修建一条由28条自行车线路组成的高速公路,将城市与周边郊区连接起来。)”可知,丹麦正在建设自行车的高速公路。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据“Milan, Italy”部分“In this Italian city, fr every day that drivers leave their cars parked at hme during wrking hurs, they’ll receive a 1.5 Eur ticket reward gd fr the use f public transprtatin.(在这座意大利城市,如果司机每天在工作时间把车停在家里,他们将获得1.5欧元的车票奖励,这对使用公共交通很有好处。)”可知,意大利米兰奖励人们乘坐公共交通。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据“Paris, France”部分“Cars that run n gas are expected t be remved by 2030.(预计到2030年,使用汽油的汽车将会被淘汰。)”可知,巴黎取消所有使用传统能源的汽车的最后期限是2030年。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中“In 2015 he started a strict budget s he culd save up enugh mney t buy his dream KTM1190 mtrbike, a camera, and enugh funds t supprt himself fr a few years.(2015年,他开始了一个严格的预算,这样他就可以存够钱买他梦想中的 KTM1190摩托车,一个相机,和足够的资金来养活自己几年。)”可知,Paul在2015年开始实施了省钱计划。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段中“Australia fr me was my first experience riding lng distance and I was mind-blwn by the beauty f the ld cntinent.(澳大利亚对我来说是我第一次长途骑行的经历,我被这片古老大陆的美景所震撼。)”可知,澳大利亚的景色吸引了Paul。故选D。
    解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中“Then he gave up his jb, packed his things, and set ff n an adventure, travelling the wrld n his mtrbike.(然后他放弃了工作,收拾好行李,开始了一段冒险之旅,骑着他的摩托车环游世界。)”可知,Paul喜欢冒险,和第四段中“Paul has managed t keep his travels ging by keeping his budget tight, s he hasn’t had t get a jb fr his travels. T keep csts lw, he seldm lked fr accmmdatin in htels and went camping instead.(保罗通过保持紧缩的预算来维持他的旅行,这样他就不用为他的旅行找工作了。为了保持低成本,他很少在旅馆住宿,而是去露营。)”可知,虽然预算紧张,但是Paul没有放弃自己的旅行梦想,所以说他很有决心,故选A。
    解析:推理判断题。通读全文可知,文章主要讲述了Paul Cattanc放弃工作,骑着摩托车环游世界的经历,虽然他的冒险旅程因为新冠疫情而不得不中断,但是他从未放弃他的冒险梦。由此可知,文章讲的是Paul Cattanc所追求的一种生活方式,所以文章可能选自一个有关生活方式的网站,故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据文章第二段nne study,1,000 participants filled ut a survey evaluating hw they felt abut the statement,"I tell myself I shuldn't be feeling the way that I'm feeling."(在一项研究中,1000名参与者填写了一份调查问卷,评估他们对我告诉自己我不应该有这种感觉这句话的感受。)可知,研究人员通过比较参与者的想法和感受进行了其中一项研究。故选D。
    解析:词句猜测题。根据上文nasciety where the imprtance t be happy is emphasized daily n the ther scial media platfrms((在一个其他社交媒体平台每天都强调快乐重要性的社会)和下文中的can be tugh(有时候是困难的)可知,在强调快乐的社会里,让自己沮丧是困难的。be dwn in the dumps意为“沮丧的”。故选B。
    解析:推理判断题。根据文章第五段“It turns ut that hw we apprach ur wn negative emtinal reactins is really imprtant fr ur well-being,"said study lead authr Brett Frd,PhD,an assistant prfessr f psychlgy at the University f Trnt."Peple wh accept these emtins withut judging r trying t change them are able t deal with their stress mre successfully."(事实证明,我们如何处理自己的消极情绪反应对我们的健康真的很重要,该研究的主要作者、多伦多大学心理学助理教授布雷特福特博士说。“接受这些情绪而不去评判或试图改变它们的人能够更成功地应对压力。”)可推断,接受自己负面情绪的人能够更成功处理压力,因此接受负面情绪更好。故选A。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据文章第一"Did yur mther ever say yu'll feel better after a gd cry?It turns ut Mm is right as usual-crying really is healthy.What's mre, letting yurself feel blue and accepting thse feelings will help yu feel better in the lng run,accrding t a new research.(你妈妈有没有说过哭一场会感觉好一点?事实证明妈妈是对的哭真的是健康的。更重要的是,根据一项新的研究,从长远来看,让自己感到沮丧并接受这些感觉会让你感觉更好。)可知,文章主要讲述了哭对我们的健康有好处。故选B。
    12.答案: B
    解析:细节理解题。根据第一段中“The gal was nt t destry the asterid but t change its rbit.(目标不是摧毁这颗小行星,而是改变它的轨道)”可知,DART任务的目标是改变小行星Dimrphs的轨道。故选B。
    13.答案: C
    解析:推理判断题。根据第三段中“‘If yu were ging t d this fr planetary defense, yu wuld d it 5, 10, 15, r 20 years in advance fr this technique t wrk,’ said NASA prgram executive Andrea Riley. ‘This is why we test. We want t d it nw rather than when there’s an actual need.’(‘如果你要为行星防御做这件事,你会提前5年、10年、15年或20年,让这项技术发挥作用。’美国宇航局项目主管Andrea Riley说。‘这就是我们进行测试的原因。我们希望现在就行动,而不是等到真正有需要的时候。’)”可知,Andrea Riley认为这项测试是提前为行星防御做准备,是未雨绸缪的行为。故选C。
    14.答案: A
    解析:推理判断题。根据第四段中“Fr example, arund 66 millin years ag, an asterid arund 6 t 9 miles acrss struck the Earth in what is nw the Yucatan Peninsula. The resulting impact was s catastrphic(灾难性的) that it caused ne f the largest extinctin events in Earth’s histry.(例如,大约6600万年前,一颗直径约6到9英里的小行星在现在的尤卡坦半岛撞击了地球。由此产生的撞击是灾难性的,造成了地球历史上最大的灭绝事件之一)”举例说明小行星撞击地球造成的灾难性的后果,结合本段最后两句“Therefre, DART’s success is an imprtant step frward in prtecting the planet frm ptential damage frm an asterid. This shws humans are n lnger pwerless t prevent this type f natural disaster.(因此,DART的成功是保护地球免受小行星潜在破坏的重要一步。这表明人类不再无力阻止这类自然灾害)”可知,本段提及小行星撞击地球造成灾难性后果的事例,是为了表明DART成功的重要意义,这表明人类不再无力阻止这类自然灾害,故选A。
    15.答案: A
    解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段中“LICIACube remained in rbit arund the asterid and tk phtgraphs f the crash and material ejected(弹出) frm the asterid’s surface.(LICIACube留在小行星周围的轨道上,拍摄了撞击和小行星表面喷出物质的照片)”可知,LICIACube飞船的目的是用照片记录撞击试验。故选A。
    解析:①D 空白前提到大部分长途火车票很快就会售完,空白后提到“但是,无论你什么时候旅行,最好至少提前90天预订你的车票” ,D 项“在繁忙的夏季尤其如此"承上启下,选项中的summer mnths 与空白后n matter when相呼应,故D 项符合语境。
    ②G 根据本段首句Use a travel agent.以及整段内容可知,作者建议将旅行事务交给一位旅行代办人,他可以帮忙处理一些旅行中遇到的实际问题,例如可以帮忙买到打折票。G 项“他也可能帮你订到紧邻餐车的卧铺车厢”符合语境,且与空白后的“这样你就不必为了吃饭在行驶的火车上一天三次穿过好几节车厢了”相呼应。
    ③C 空白前提到建议乘客在坐火车时带一条毯子,因为火车上是不会免费提供的。空白后又提到夏天的时候,空调系统可能会导致车厢内很冷。由此可以推断,车厢内的温度忽高忽低,比较难控制,故C 项符合语境。
    ④E 根据空白前“大部分火车一天只运行一趟,还有一些火车一周只运行三趟,所以错过一趟车可能是一场灾难”可知,如果你没赶上火车,你可能需要很久才能等到下一趟火车,故E 项符合语境。
    ⑤A 根据整段内容可知,作者建议通过在火车上看书、织毛线活儿,或者计算火车的运行速度等消遣方式来享受旅途,而能够静下心来做这些事情的,通常不会是那些缺乏耐心的人,故A 项符合语境。
    解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.primitive原始的; B.extensive.广阔的,大量的;C.aggressive有侵略性的;D.pssessive占有的,不愿分享的。句意:我的家人占有欲太强,以至于他们剪掉了它的翅膀。根据下文"thattheytrimmed(剪掉)itswings'"可知剪了它的翅膀,这样它就不会飞走了,所以我的家人应该是占有欲太强,故选D。
    解析:考查动词短语及语境理解。A.cmearund苏醒;B.flyaway飞走;C.cmeback▣来;D.takesh ape成形。句意:我有时想知道它为什么不飞走。
    根据上文"Mitthuwasn'tkeptin a cage.."可知鹦鹉没有被关进笼子里,所以我想知道它为什么不飞走,故选B。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.ignre忽视;B.repr esentf代表;C.shift:转移;D.face面对。句意:也许它对我们很依恋,不想离开我们,也许它不想离开安逸的生活,不想面对残酷的现实。同上文"itdidn't wanttleavetheluxuriuslife"并列,可知应该是不愿面对残酷的现实,故选D。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.realized意识;B.ex pected期盼;C.dismissed解雇;D.cnvinced使相信。句意:随着年龄的增长,我意识到Mitthu的生活和我的并没有太大的不同。根据下文"I waspamp ered(溺爱)and(6)carefully."可知是随着年龄的增长,我意识到自己的情况和Mitthu差不多,故选A。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.evaluated评估;B.educated教育;C.tended照顾;D.expsed:暴露。句意:我被溺爱和细心照顾着。根据上文"I waspa mpered(溺爱)"可知我也被细心地照顾着,故选C
    解析:考查动词短语及语境理解。A.keepingupwith保持;B.cmingdwnt下来,坍塌;C.breakinga wayfrm放弃,逃跑;D.gettingalngwith与。相处。句意:我被禁止与外界真正相处。根据下文"Myhusebecamemywhlewrld"可知我被禁止与外界真正相处,故选D。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.bunch一束;B.cage笼子;C.light光;D.cave洞穴。句意:我的家成了我的整个世界,它就像一个看不见的笼子,束缚着我的精神。根据上文"Mitthu'slifewasn'tverydiffer entfrmmine"可知我和Mitthu一样被困在一个看不见的笼子里,故选B。
    解析:考查副词及语境理解。A.rarely罕见地;B.gr adually逐渐地;C.sadly悲伤地;D.vilently暴力地。句意:现在我被送出去学习并且被告知有整个天空让我飞翔,但是悲伤的是,就像Mitthu,我不能这么做。根据下文"I amafraidfflying.I amafraidmy behavirmighthurtmyparents'feelings."此空的情绪应该是负面的,故选C。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.trapped使陷入困境;B.frzen结冰;C.hatched孵出;D.stred储存。句意:我们是不同的物种,但我们被相似的环境所困。根据上下文语境和"in a similarsituatin"可知我和Mitthu有着同样的境遇,都一直呆在看不见的笼子里,所以应该是被相似的环境所困,故选A。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.strength力量;B.s ympathyl同情;C.cmmitment忠诚;D.attachment联系。句意:这些情感和联系永远不会让我们真正地独立飞翔!根据上文"I amafraidfflying.I amafrai dmybehavirmighthurtmyparents'feelings.方面是我害怕飞行,另一方面我害怕伤了父母的心,对应本句一个是emtins,一个是attachment联系,与父母的联系。故选D。
    解析:考查动词及语境理解。A.influence影响;B.supprt支持;C.frecast预测;D.cmprise包含。句意:父母爱和保护孩子是好的,但是,有时候,父母的过度保护可能会伤害孩子的未来,影响孩子的决定。根据上文"ver-prtectivenessfrmparent smightharmtheirchildren'sfuture"可知父母的过度保护可能会伤害孩子的未来,影响孩子的决定,故选A。
    解析:考查名词及语境理解。A.harmny和谐;B.l ve爱;C.freedm自由;D.equality平等。句意:真正的爱是让孩子自由成长,让他们尝试不同的事物。根据上文"smetimes,ver-prtectivenessfr mparentsmightharmtheirchildren'sfutureand (13)children'sdecisins."可知说明真正的爱是什么样的,故选B
    解析:考查形容词及语境理解。A.humble谦逊的;B.different不同的;C.unique独特的;D.intense强烈的。句意:真正的爱是让孩子自由成长,让他们尝试不同的事物。根据上文"tallwkidstgrwfr eey"可知真正的爱是让孩子自由成长,所以应该允许尝试不同的事物,而不是不与外界接触,故选B
    32.答案:①mst ppular②raring③an④was included⑤t experience⑥have increased⑦that⑧wh⑨viewers⑩What
    解析:①考查形容词最高级。句意:依然认为CBA是中国最受欢迎的篮球联赛?由句子分析以及下文对贵州省举行的一场业余村际篮球比赛的详细介绍可知,设空处应用形容词的最高级,空前有"China's",设空处表示"最受欢迎的"。故填mst ppular。
    ②考查现在分词。句意:上周在中国西南部的贵州省举行的一场业余村际篮球赛,每晚都有超过10000名观众站起来欢呼,这场比赛在网上引起了极大轰动。"With ver 10,000 spectatrs(观众) _____(rar) n their feet every night"为with的复合结构,"spectatrs"与rar构成逻辑上的主谓关系,设空处应填rar的现在分词形式,故填raring。
    ③考查冠词。句意:上周在中国西南部的贵州省举行的一场业余村际篮球赛,每晚都有超过10000名观众站起来欢呼,这场比赛在网上引起了极大轰动。"_____ amateur inter-village basketball turnament"在句中作主语,表泛指,空后"amateur"发音以元音音素开头,应填不定冠词an。故填an。
    ④考查动词时态语态和主谓一致。句意:2018年,这项村级赛事被纳入了农历六月初六庆祝丰收的吃新节。设空处在句中作谓语动词,由时间状语"In 2018"可知此句为一般过去时态,主语"the village-level turnament"与include是被动关系,此句谓语动词应用一般过去时的被动语态,"the village-level turnament"作主语,谓语动词为第三人称单数,故填was included。
    ⑤考查动词不定式。句意:从那时起,这场一年一度的比赛已经成为附近爱好者的中心,许多人从贵阳和周边地区驱车200公里来体验这一独特的聚会。设空处在句中做目的状语,应填动词的不定式。故填t experience。
    ⑥考查动词时态。句意:该赛事的观众人数和参赛区域连续4年增加,其受欢迎的关键在于,这项赛事真正属于当地人,与其他赛事不同,它连接了社区。设空处在句中作谓语动词,根据句意以及时间状语"fr fur cntinuus years"可知,此句应用现在完成时或现在完成进行时, "The number f spectatrs and the participating areas"作主语,谓语动词用复数,故填have increased/have been increasing。
    ⑧考查非限制性定语从句。句意: "这项赛事覆盖的观众数量和参赛区域连续四年都在增加,它受欢迎的关键在于,这项赛事真正属于当地人,与其他赛事不同,它连接了社区。每一位球员和观众都能近距离接触,这让它变得很特别,"这项赛事的联合组织者岑江龙说,他已经打了20年篮球了。"_____ has played basketball recreatinally fr 20 years"为非限制性定语从句,设空处指代先行词"a c-rganizer f the turnament",在从句中作主语,"a c-rganizer f the turnament"指人,填关系代词wh。故填wh。
    ⑨考查可数名词的复数。句意:在为期四天的比赛中,超过5000万在线观众收看了比赛直播。设空处在句中作主语,名词viewer意为"观众,观看者"符合句意,viewer是可数名词,由空前的"ver 50 millin"可知,设空处应用名词复数形式。故填viewers。
    ⑩考查感叹句。句意:贵州农村篮球赛开始了!多么棒的气氛啊!,此句为感叹句,由空后的名词短语"a great atmsphere"可知设空处应填what,句首单词首字母大写,故填What。
    Dear Jack,
    Knwing yu are enthusiastic abut traditinal Chinese medical treatments, I’m writing t invite yu t attend a lecture n acupuncture t be held in ur schl.
    The lecture is t take place at 6:30 p.m. next Friday in the schl hall, which will last tw hurs. Varius aspects f acupuncture will be cvered, ranging frm its rigin t its applicatin in treating health prblems.
    It must be a glden chance t learn sme medical skills and further explre Chinese culture. Lking frward t yur reply. (87 wrds)
    Li Hua
    出席:attend→be present
    各种各样的:varius→varieties f
    对……感兴趣:be enthusiastic abut→be interested in
    原句:Varius aspects f acupuncture will be cvered, ranging frm its rigin t its applicatin in treating health prblems.
    拓展句:Varius aspects f acupuncture will be cvered, which range frm its rigin t its applicatin in treating health prblems.
    【高分句型1】Knwing yu are enthusiastic abut traditinal Chinese medical treatments, I’m writing t invite yu t attend a lecture n acupuncture t be held in ur schl.(运用了现在分词作状语)
    【高分句型2】The lecture is t take place at 6:30 p.m. next Friday in the schl hall, which will last tw hurs.(运用了which引导非限制性定语从句)
    I knew at nce what had happened and felt my heart swell with pride. I smiled at the teacher. "Thank yu," I said, reaching fr Jnathan's hand, "Yu've made my day." While driving back hme, I still recalled the lve Jnathan shwed the little girl and realized that it was what I needed t shw my family members. Therefre, when my husband came back hme, I snapped a small limb bristling with ht pink azaleas ff the bush. I handed him the flwers. "I lve yu," I said.
    In the evening, my husband and I sat in the sitting rm, talking abut the bush. We used t lve azaleas because they were beautiful, but n that day we knew that they culd als bring hpe and lve t thers. We decided t plant mre azaleas. At this mment, Jnathan came up behind us, aplgizing fr puling up ur favrite azalea. With tears in my eyes, I hld him in my arms. "Yu did the right thing, my sn," I said. "We are prud f yu."
    ①由第一段首句内容“我立刻知道发生了什么事,感到我的心因骄傲而膨胀。”可知, 第一段可描写作者意识到自己也需要像乔纳森一样向家人表达爱,在丈夫回家时送花给他并告诉他自己爱他。
    ①意识到: realize/be aware f
    ②决定: decide/make up ne's mind
    ③道歉: aplgize/make an aplgy
    ①喜欢: lve/like
    ②感到骄傲: be prud f/take pride in
    [高分句型1 ] While driving back hme, I still recalled the lve Jnathan shwed the little girl and realized that it was what I needed t shw my family members. (由连接词while引导时间状语从句的省略,由省略that引导的限制性定语从句,由that引|导的宾语从句作realized的宾语,由what引导的表语从句)
    [高分句型2] We used t lve azaleas because they were beautiful, but n that day we knew that they culd als bring hpe and lve t thers. (由连接词because引导原因状语从句,由that引导宾语从句作knew的宾语)

    西藏林芝市第二高级中学2022-2023学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份西藏林芝市第二高级中学2022-2023学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷(含答案),共14页。试卷主要包含了单选题,阅读理解,短文填空,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    西藏林芝市第二高级中学2022-2023学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷(含答案): 这是一份西藏林芝市第二高级中学2022-2023学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷(含答案),共20页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,七选五,完形填空,短文填空,短文改错,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    辽宁省沈阳市辽中区第一私立高级中学2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末英语试题: 这是一份辽宁省沈阳市辽中区第一私立高级中学2023-2024学年高二上学期1月期末英语试题,共12页。






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