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    There are sme new inventins in the field f artificial intelligence (AI).Let's have a lk.
    Inventin 1:A system t identify Parkinsn's disease
    The system wrks by measuring a persn's breathing patterns during sleep.The researchers nted that early signs f Parkinsn's disease are nt easy t discver.But the team said the experiments shwed that with just ne night f sleep,the AI system can crrectly identify Parkinsn's disease up t 86% f the time.
    Inventin 2:A tl t interpret pig emtins
    The scientists develped an AI-driven algrithm t identify a series f emtins the pigs culd be experiencing.The study centered n mre than 7,000 audi recrdings f pigs in different situatins.The researchers said the tl can lead t further systems farmers can use t imprve the prductivity and well-being f their animals.
    Inventin 3:A system t identify and predict smells
    The scientists built n past research t prduce a brain-like technlgy mdel t create a "principal dr map" t identify mlecules related t smells.The team said such a system can be used acrss many different fields,including the healthcare,fd and fragrance industries.The researchers reprted that the system can be used t help fight ne f the wrld's biggest health prblems--diseases spread thrugh insects.
    Inventin 4:A tl t fill in missing wrds in ancient writings
    The tl,called Ithaca,is designed t help histrians repair the writings and identify when and where they were written.The team said that when histrians wrked n their wn,the success rate fr repairing damaged inscriptins was abut 25%.But when humans teamed up with Ithaca t assist in their wrk,the success rate jumped t 72%.
    1.Which inventin can help farmers increase incme? ______
    A. Inventin 1.B. Inventin 2.C. Inventin 3.D. Inventin 4.
    2.What d inventin 1 and inventin 3 have in cmmn? ______
    A. They are gd fr peple's health.
    B. They shuld be used during sleep.
    C. They can cure peple f many diseases.
    D. They fcus n the research n smells.
    3.Hw des inventin 4 help histrians? ______
    A. By recvering their health.B. By imprving their accuracy.
    C. By identifying their writings.D. By stimulating their emtins.
    Last year,there were 38 student members and a full-time teacher in the schl band.But ver the summer,the directr tk anther jb and the schl bard had n applicants fr the vacant psitin.
    "It was such a dwner," remembers Jadyn Lane. "But we were given a chice--we culd sign up fr ther electives (选修课),r find a way t make the band wrk. " Mst students signed up fr ther electives,but 10 students decided t stay.
    "It wasn't an ptin t quit," says Hailey Fitzgerald. "I've been in the band fr seven years.I lve it!It's t imprtant fr t many reasns." The students elected Hailey as directr,a psitin she accepted n the cnditin they wuld all wrk tgether and share respnsibilities.They recruited Casey Griffith and Jennifer Nail-Ck t be their fficial faculty advisrs.Casey did the paperwrk,and Jennifer helped with the music.
    They directed themselves.Frnt and center n the band rm whitebard are a set f rules which they created themselves.In additin,they made a calendar (日历) f their upcming events,like ftball games.It included a daily cuntdwn t each event s they'd be prepared.
    Perhaps mst imprtantly,they decided which instruments were necessary t make a band f this size wrk.Mst f them were drummers.Hw culd they play thse instruments with the peple they had? "Several members switched instruments and sme even learnt brand new nes," Hailey says.
    The time came last mnth fr their first public perfrmance.It was a hme ftball game against Richwd.They had n idea what t expect.Wuld it wrk?Wuld the crwd cheer them n?Wuld they cheer up the ftball team?T their surprise,a grup f students made psters fr the band and hung them at the entrance t the ftball field. "We thught sme peple didn't even knw we still had a band," says Jadyn.But their classmates had been paying attentin and wanted t make their first game special.And their schl wn.
    4.What d the underlined wrds "a dwner" in paragraph 2 mean? ______
    A. Smething rewarding.B. Smething demanding.
    C. Smething frightening.D. Smething disappinting.
    5.Hw did the members vercme the challenges? ______
    A. They redefined their rles.B. They sught help frm parents.
    C. They learnt t beat drums.D. They jined the ftball team.
    6.What can be learnt abut their first public perfrmance? ______
    A. It drew little attentin.B. It was a huge success.
    C. It wn lts f bnuses.D. It was a ttal mess.
    7.Which wrd best describes the remaining members? ______
    A. Cnfident.B. Sensible.C. Devted.D. Ambitius.
    A new study reveals that trees can cmmunicate and warn each ther f danger. "Fr the first time,researchers have been able t visualize plant-t-plant cmmunicatin," said Masatsugu,senir authr f the study.
    The idea f talking trees started t take rt in the 1980s.Tw scientists fund that damaged trees began prducing chemicals that made their leaves unappetizing and indigestible t discurage insects.The trees then sent chemical signals t ne anther thrugh the air.Over the past fur decades,scientists have bserved this cell-t-cell cmmunicatin in mre than 30 plant species.
    Past research shws plants cmmunicate with their surrundings by releasing chemicals knwn as vlatile (易挥发的) rganic cmpunds.One class f these cmpunds are released when a plant is injured:green leafy vlatiles.These are released by,as the name suggests,pretty much every green plant with leaves,and are prduced when a plant experiences physical damage.An example f these cmpunds is the smell released frm fresh-cut grass.
    In the new study,Masatsugu and his clleagues manually damaged leaves and placed insects n tmat plants t trigger the release f varius green leafy vlatiles.After testing many f them,the team fund it seemed t increase calcium ins (钙离子) inside cells.The calcium signaling is like a switch t turn n the defense respnses frm the plants.
    With this new understanding,researchers say plants culd be immunized against threats and stressrs befre they even happen.Fr instance,expsing healthy plants t insect-ridden plants r the assciated green leafy vlatiles culd bst their genetic defenses,s farmers use less pesticides.The revelatin culd als help make plants mre resilient (有复原力的) during a drught,signaling the plants t cnserve mre water.
    8.What des the new research find? ______
    A. Trees can infrm ther trees f ptential threats.
    B. Trees can make themselves attractive.
    C. Trees will send signals first nce damaged.
    D. Trees will wrk tgether t trick insects.
    9.What can be learnt abut green leafy vlatiles? ______
    A. They defend insects.B. They kill insects.
    C. Sme f them can be smelt.D. Sme f them can be seen.
    10.Hw was the study carried ut by Masatsugu? ______
    A. By prtecting trees frm insects.
    B. By classifying green leafy vlatiles.
    C. By increasing calcium ins inside cells.
    D. By causing the release f certain chemicals.
    11.What aspect f the new study des the last paragraph fcus n? ______
    A. Its target.B. Its prcess.
    C. Its applicatin.D. Its backgrund.
    Renewable energy surces can help cmbat climate change,but dietary chices als play a significant rle.Opting fr plant-based diets r lab-grwn fd can reduce greenhuse gas emissins frm the fd system.We highlight the ptential f dietary changes and the imprtance f prviding chices instead f mandates (命令).
    Research shws that a glbal shift twards vegetarian(素食的) diets culd cut emissins frm fd system by ver half.Even small changes twards plant-based diets can have a meaningful impact.Substituting cnventinal fd with lab-grwn alternatives culd prevent 1 degree f future warming.These findings demnstrate the pwer f dietary changes in addressing climate challenges.
    Dietary chices are influenced by factrs like culture,religin,and ecnmics.It is unrealistic t expect everyne t becme vegetarian immediately.Respecting individual chices is crucial in prmting sustainable diets.By ffering infrmatin and raising awareness,individuals can make chices accrding t their needs and values while cntributing t cllective effrts.
    Transfrming industrial fd prductin is necessary,but individual chices are still vital.Educatin and awareness campaigns can infrm peple abut the envirnmental impact f different dietary chices and empwer them t make infrmed decisins.Cmbining individual actins with systematic changes can create a pwerful frce fr human health and the planet,Rather than expecting immediate vegetarianism,acknwledging the impact f small changes is imprtant.Gradual shifts twards mre sustainable dietary chices,like reducing animal prduct cnsumptin and increasing vegetable intake,can result in significant envirnmental benefits when multiplied acrss ppulatins.
    In cnclusin,addressing climate change requires multiple appraches,with dietary chices playing a crucial rle.Offering chices while recgnizing the challenges assciated with dietary shifts is essential.By cmbining persnal dietary changes with brader effrts t reshape the fd system,we can make substantial prgress twards a healthier planet while respecting individual preferences.
    12.Which is a dietary chice t reduce greenhuse gas emissins? ______
    A. Chsing plant-based diets.
    B. Chsing renewable energy surces.
    C. Giving the cmmand fr dietary changes.
    D. Increasing cnsumptin f prcessed fd.
    13.Hw des the authr shw the effects f dietary changes in paragraph 2? ______
    A. By answering questins.B. By listing a figure.
    C. By analyzing the reasns.D. By using a qutatin.
    14.What's the authr's attitude twards small dietary changes? ______
    A. Indifferent.B. Skeptical.C. Favrable.D. Objective.
    15.What is the best title fr the text? ______
    A. Small changes in life chices can make big impacts
    B. Renewable energy surces can reduce gas emissins
    C. Lab-grwn nutritinal fd culd prevent future warming
    D. The pwer f dietary chices in fighting climate change
    T bring a child t life,the mther ges thrugh sleepless nights,uncmfrtable mrnings and excruciating (极痛苦的) birth pains.And the father supprts the mther and takes care f the child like a superher. (1) ______ There are many ways in which yu can cnvey yur lve t yur friends and spuse.But hw d yu express yur lve and gratitude t yur parents?Here are sme tips.
    ( 2) ______ Parents never plan t have a bad relatinship with their children.Hwever,things can g wrng,especially since parenting is ne f the tughest things t d.When yu create psitive thughts abut yur parents,yu will be mre likely t respect and lve them.
    Make them yur pririty.Yu were yur parents' pririty nce and still are.Maybe yur mther left her jb t lk after yu r yur father wrked extra hurs t ensure that yu have better chances in life than he had.Since the day yu were brn,mst f their decisins were based n yu. (3) ______
    Calm them dwn when they are angry. (4) ______ Even if yu feel tense,try t restrain yurself and avid saying bad wrds.With age,yur parents may becme capricius (反复无常的).Dn't pay attentin t what they are saying if they are nly speaking ut f anger.
    If yu disagree with them,dn't be rude t them.Yu might nt agree with many f yur parents' pinins,and yu might be right. (5) ______ Yu can still hear them ut and then make yur wn decisins.Gd cmmunicatin can bridge the generatin gap between yu and yur parents.
    A.Respect and be grateful t yur parents.
    B.Therefre,it's time fr yu t return the favur.
    C.Develp a psitive attitude twards yur parents.
    D.They d all f these in the hpe f a gd life fr their child.
    E.But yu shuld still ask their pinins befre making a decisin.
    F.Hwever,yu dn't have t make a pint by ludly disagreeing with them.
    G.Be tlerant f yur parents when they are in a bad md and try nt t upset them.
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    In 1997,Ben Lyns,a 5th grader f Oak Ridge Schl in Sandwich,Massachusetts,sent a message in a bttle ut at sea.He did s as part f a (1) ______ prject abut cean currents.In his letter,Ben (2) ______ sme questins fr whever might (3) ______ his bttle.Questins frm Ben (4) ______ :Where did yu find the bttle?What are the cnditins f the bttle? "If yu culd,please (5) ______ the questins and return t Ben," the 5th grader (6) ______ n a piece f paper. "Thank yu.Ben Lyns frm Oak Ridge Schl in Sandwich,Massachusetts."
    Over the curse f decades,Ben's (7) ______ traveled 3,300 miles acrss the Atlantic Ocean.Nw in his 30s,Ben (8) ______ has a respnse t his message frm a (n)( 9) ______ fisherman.Rather than replying with anther (10) ______ ,the fisherman chse the safer and faster (11) ______ a letter in the mail.He (12) ______ it t Ben accrding t the message,leaving the schl secretaries puzzled as they searched fr this (13) ______ 5th grader.Finally,they had t pen it t (14) ______ why they weren't ging t find Ben at schl anymre.
    In the respnse,the retired fisherman (15) ______ that he fund the bttle n a beach in Les Sables-d'Olnne,France.He was walking arund cleaning the (16) ______ when he fund the bttle and it was sealed s tight with wax (蜡) that he had a really (17) ______ time pening it.
    "It's (18) ______ that the kids can study the ceans and currents frm this," Ben said after being given the letter thrugh the (19) ______ f the schl secretaries. "What a (20) ______ way t cnnect with smene frm the ther side f the wrld!"!
    21.A. scietyB. histryC. scienceD. finance
    22.A. revisedB. psedC. answeredD. cllected
    23.A. cme acrssB. g thrughC. cme upD. g abut
    24.A. rganizedB. centredC. includedD. reprted
    25.A. fill utB. take inC. make upD. get thrugh
    26.A. paintedB. whisperedC. spkeD. wrte
    27.A. pssessinB. willC. hpeD. message
    28.A. frmallyB. finallyC. immediatelyD. curiusly
    29.A. richB. wiseC. retiredD. experienced
    30.A. partnerB. styleC. letterD. bttle
    31.A. ruteB. cntentC. titleD. tpic
    32.A. recmmendedB. brughtC. addressedD. applied
    33.A. intelligentB. mysteriusC. pwerfulD. unique
    34.A. dubtB. cmmentC. guideD. discver
    35.A. explainedB. imaginedC. pretendedD. remembered
    36.A. currentB. waxC. beachD. fish
    37.A. usualB. gdC. rareD. hard
    38.A. pitifulB. strangeC. greatD. natural
    39.A. effrtB. lectureC. evidenceD. principle
    40.A. minrB. funC. frmalD. wrthy
    41.Fster hmes play (1) ______ crucial rle in prviding a safe and nurturing envirnment fr (2) ______ (pet) awaiting adptin.Accrding t a reprt,many pet shelters and rescue rganizatins require fster hmes t accmmdate hmeless pets.Unfrtunately,due (3) ______ a decline in vlunteers,several pet shelters have had t shut dwn,( 4) ______ (lead) t an increase in hmeless pets.Meanwhile,mre pets are being surrendered by wners (5) ______ are either t ill t care fr them r unable t affrd their upkeep.
    ( 6) ______ (address) this issue,the Arizna Humane Sciety in Phenix (7) ______ (intrduce) a cnvenient drive-up service up t nw.Vlunteers interested in fstering pets can simply send a text upn arrival,and shelter staff will prmptly bring the necessary paperwrk t their car,prmting the fster prcess.(8) ______ (current),there are 345 pets frm the shelter benefiting frm fster care.Hwever,the need fr pet fsters persists natinwide.If yu're interested,dn't hesitate t cntact a pet shelter (9) ______ rescue rganizatin near yu.Welcming a furry cmpanin int yur hme is a (10) ______ (reward) experience,as pets bring immense jy and fulfillment t peple's lives.
    I preferred my English classes t be taught nly in English,because it is helpful fr us t imprve an ability t speak and listen.
    I have strng interested in English and freign culture,s I'd like t be ttal absrbed in the atmsphere f English.I can quickly make a prgress.Hwever,since we are all English beginners,it's really hard understand the wrds which is difficult.They need mther language t understand smetime.
    S my viewpint is that we shuld use Chinese as a minr way t explain smething which is difficult fr students.
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据Inventin 2介绍内容The researchers said the tl can lead t further systems farmers can use t imprve the prductivity and well-being f their animals.(研究人员表示,该工具可以引导农民使用进一步的系统来提高他们的动物的生产力和福祉。)可知,第二个发明可以帮助农民提高农产品的产量,因此可以间接地提高他们的收入。故选B。
    (2)推理判断题。根据Inventin 1介绍内容But the team said the experiments shwed that with just ne night f sleep,the AI system can crrectly identify Parkinsn's disease up t 86% f the time.(但该团队表示,实验表明,只需一个晚上的睡眠,人工智能系统就能在高达 86%的时间内正确识别帕金森病。)和Inventin 3介绍内容The team said such a system can be used acrss many different fields,including the healthcare,fd and fragrance industries,The researchers reprted that the system can be used t help fight ne f the wrld's biggest health prblems--diseases spread thrugh insects.(研究小组表示,这种系统可以应用于许多不同的领域,包括医疗保健、食品和香水行业。研究人员报告说,该系统可以用来帮助对抗世界上最大的健康问题之一--通过昆虫传播的疾病。)可知,这两个发明的共同之处在于它们都对人们的健康有所帮助。故选A。
    (3)推理判断题。根据Inventin 4介绍内容The team said that when histrians wrked n their wn,the success rate fr repairing damaged inscriptins was abut 25%.But when humans teamed up with Ithaca t assist in their wrk,the success rate jumped t 72%.(该团队表示,当历史学家独自工作时,修复损坏铭文的成功率约为25%。但当人类与伊萨卡合作协助他们的工作时,成功率跃升至72%。)可知,历史学家通过利用这个发明,把对古代文字的修复率从原来的 25%提高到了72%。B.By imprving their accuracy.(通过提高准确性。)符合文意,故选B。
    【解析】(1)词义推测题。根据第一段Last year,there were 38 student members and a full-time teacher in the schl band.But ver the summer,the directr tk anther jb and the schl bard had n applicants fr the vacant psitin.(去年,学校乐队有38名学生成员和一名全职教师。但是在整个夏天,指导教师换了一份工作,学校董事会没有人申请这个空缺的职位。)可知,乐队的指导老师离开了,且该岗位无人申请,这对乐队来说是一件令人失望的事情。所以划线词意为"一件令人失望的事情"。A.Smething rewarding.一件有回报的事情;B.Smething demanding.一件要求高的事情;C.Smething frightening.一件令人害怕的事情;D.Smething disappinting.一件令人失望的事情。故选D。
    (2)推理判断题。根据第五段"Several members switched instruments and sme even learnt brand new nes," Hailey says.("一些成员更换了乐器,一些人甚至学会了全新的乐器,"海莉说。)可知,乐队里的一些成员学习了全新的乐器,即他们重新定义了他们的角色,克服了困难。故选A。
    (3)推理判断题。根据最后一段T their surprise,a grup f students made psters fr the band and hung them at the entrance t the ftball field. "We thught sme peple didn't even knw we still had a band," says Jadyn.But their classmates had been paying attentin and wanted t make their first game special.And their schl wn.(令他们惊讶的是,一群学生为乐队制作了海报,并把它们挂在了足球场的入口处。 "我们以为有些人甚至不知道我们还有一支乐队,"Jadyn说。但他们的同学一直在关注他们,想让他们的第一场比赛与众不同。他们的学校赢了。)可知,他们的第一次公开表演非常成功。故选B。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段中的A new study reveals that trees can cmmunicate and warn each ther f danger.(一项新的研究表明,树木可以相互交流并发出危险警告。)可知,研究发现树木可以告知其他树木潜在的威胁。故选A。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三段One class f these cmpunds are released when a plant is injured:green leafy vlatiles.These are released by,as the name suggests,pretty much every green plant with leaves,and are prduced when a plant experiences physical damage.An example f these cmpunds is the smell released frm fresh-cut grass.(其中一类化合物是在植物受伤时释放出来的:绿叶挥发物。顾名思义,这些物质是由几乎每一种有叶子的绿色植物释放的,是在植物受到物理损伤时产生的。这些化合物的一个例子是新鲜割草释放出的气味。)可知,一些绿叶挥发物可以被闻到。故选C。
    (3)细节理解题。根据第四段In the new study,Masatsugu and his clleagues manually damaged leaves and placed insects n tmat plants t trigger the release f varius green leafy vlatiles. (在这项新的研究中,Masatsugu和他的同事手动损坏叶片,并将昆虫放在番茄植株上,以引发各种绿叶挥发物的释放。)可知,研究人员通过引发某些化学物质的释放来进行研究。故选D。
    (4)段落大意题。根据最后一段With this new understanding,researchers say plants culd be immunized against threats and stressrs befre they even happen.Fr instance,expsing healthy plants t insect-ridden plants r the assciated green leafy vlatiles culd bst their genetic defenses,s farmers use less pesticides.(研究人员表示,有了这一新的认识,植物甚至可以在威胁和压力发生之前就对其进行免疫。例如,将健康的植物暴露在昆虫肆虐的植物或相关的绿叶挥发物中,可以增强它们的基因防御能力,因此农民使用更少的杀虫剂。)可知,本段主要讲述了这个新发现的应用。故选C。
    【解析】 (1)细节理解题。根据文章第一段Opting fr plant-based diets r lab-grwn fd can reduce greenhuse gas emissins frm the fd system.(选择植物性饮食或实验室种植的食物可以减少食物系统的温室气体排放。)可知,选择植物性饮食是一种减少温室气体排放的饮食选择。故选A。
    (2)细节理解题。根据文章第二段Research shws that a glbal shift twards vegetarian(素食的) diets culd cut emissins frm fd system by ver half.(研究表明,全球向素食饮食的转变可以将食品系统的排放量减少一半以上。)可知,作者通过列举一个数字来说明饮食变化的影响。故选B。
    (3)观点态度题。根据文章最后一段By cmbining persnal dietary changes with brader effrts t reshape the fd system,we can make substantial prgress twards a healthier planet while respecting individual preferences.(通过将个人饮食改变与重塑粮食系统的更广泛努力相结合,我们可以在尊重个人偏好的同时,朝着更健康的地球取得实质性进展。)可知,作者对于为应对气候变化,人们改变饮食选择的态度是支持的。A.Indifferent冷漠的;B.Skeptical怀疑的;C.Favrable支持的;D.Objective客观的。故选C。
    (4)标题归纳题。根据文章第二段Research shws that a glbal shift twards vegetarian(素食的) diets culd cut emissins frm fd system by ver half.Even small changes twards plant-based diets can have a meaningful impact(研究表明,全球向素食饮食的转变可以将食物系统的排放量减少一半以上。即使是对植物性饮食的微小改变也会产生有意义的影响。)以及全文可知,文章主要讨论了饮食选择的变化对环境产生的影响,选项D.The pwer f dietary chices in fighting climate change(饮食选择在应对气候变化中的力量)符合本文标题。故选D。
    【解析】(1)联系上文题。根据上句T bring a child t life,the mther ges thrugh sleepless nights,uncmfrtable mrnings and excruciating (极痛苦的) birth pains.And the father supprts the mther and takes care f the child like a superher. (为了孕育一个孩子,母亲要熬过不眠之夜,熬过不舒服的早晨,熬过难以忍受的分娩阵痛。父亲像超级英雄一样照顾着母亲和孩子)可知,设空处应对父母做出的努力进行总结,D项"他们做这一切都是希望他们的孩子能过上好日子"符合语境。故选D。
    (2)主旨归纳题。设空处概括本段内容,为本段主旨句,设空处与上下段的首句句式保持一致,即应是祈使句。根据本段Parents never plan t have a bad relatinship with their children.(父母从不打算和他们的孩子有不好的关系)可知,设空处应为应采用积极的态度对待父母。C项"培养对父母的积极态度"符合语境。故选C。
    (3)联系上文题。根据上句Since the day yu were brn,mst f their decisins were based n yu.(从你出生的那一天起,他们的大多数决定都是基于你)可知,父母大多数决定都是基于孩子,设空处应为回报父母,B项"因此,现在是你回报的时候了"符合语境。故选B。
    (4)联系上文题。根据上句Calm them dwn when they are angry.(当他们生气时,让他们冷静下来)可知,设空处应为当父母生气的时候,应该怎么办,G项"当你的父母心情不好时,要宽容他们,尽量不要让他们难过"符合语境。故选G。
    (5)联系上文题。根据上句Yu might nt agree with many f yur parents' pinins,and yu might be right.(你可能不同意你父母的许多观点,你可能是对的)可知,设空处应为和父母的意见不一致时应该怎么办。F项"然而,你不必通过大声反对他们来表明你的观点"符合语境。故选F。
    【解析】(1)考查名词及语境理解。A.sciety社会;B.histry历史;C.science科学;D.finance金融。句意:他这样做是作为一个关于洋流的科学项目的一部分。根据下文"prject abut cean currents"可知,这是一个关于洋流的科学项目的一部分。故选C。
    (2)考查动词及语境理解。A.revised修改,复习;B.psed引起,提出;C.answered回答;D.cllected收集。句意:Ben在信中向可能遇到他的瓶子的人提出了一些问题。根据下文"Questins frm Ben(4):Where did yu find the bttle?What are the cnditins f the bttle?"可知,Ben提出一些问题。故选B。
    (3)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.cme acrss偶然遇见;B.g thrugh经历;C.cme up走近,出现;D.g abut着手做。句意:Ben在信中向可能遇到他的瓶子的人提出了一些问题。根据下文"If yu culd,please(5)the questins and return t Ben"可知,这些问题是向可能遇到Ben瓶子的人提出的。故选A。
    (4)考查动词及语境理解。A.rganized组织;B.centred居中;C.included包括;D.reprted报告。句意:Ben的问题包括:你在哪里找到的瓶子?瓶子的状况如何?根据下文"Where did yu find the bttle?What are the cnditins f the bttle?"可知,这些是Ben的信中包括的问题。故选C。
    (5)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.fill ut填写;B.take in吸收;C.make up组成,编造;D.get thrugh度过。句意:这位五年级的学生在一张纸上写道:"如果可以的话,请把问题填好,然后交还给Ben。"根据下文"In the respnse,the retired fisherman(15)that he fund the bttle n a beach in Les Sables-d'Olnne,France.He was walking arund cleaning the(16)when he fund the bttle and it was sealed s tight with wax (蜡)"可知,Ben希望遇到瓶子的人能填写这些问题并回信。故选A。
    (6)考查动词及语境理解。A.painted把……描绘成;B.whispered低语;C.spke说话;D.wrte写。句意:这位五年级的学生在一张纸上写道:"如果可以的话,请把问题填好,然后交还给Ben。"根据上文"In his letter"可知,此处指Ben在信中写到。故选D。
    (7)考查名词及语境理解。A.pssessin个人财产;B.will意志力;C.hpe希望;D.message消息。句意:在几十年的时间里,Ben的信息跨越大西洋传播了3300英里。根据上文"In 1997,Ben Lyns,a 5th grader f Oak Ridge Schl in Sandwich,Massachusetts,sent a message in a bttle ut at sea."可知,此处是信息词message的词汇复现。故选D。
    (8)考查副词及语境理解。A.frmally正式地;B.finally最终;C.immediately立刻;D.curiusly好奇地。句意:如今30多岁的Ben终于收到了一位退休渔夫的回信。根据上文"Nw in his 30s"可知,Ben在30岁的时候终于收到了回信。故选B。
    (9)考查形容词及语境理解。A.rich富有的;B.wise明智的;C.retired已退休的;D.experienced有经验的。句意:如今30多岁的Ben终于收到了一位退休渔夫的回信。根据下文"In the respnse,the retired fisherman(15)that he fund the bttle n a beach in Les Sables-d'Olnne,France."可知,此处是信息词retired的词汇复现。故选C。
    (10)考查名词及语境理解。A.partner伙伴;B.style风格;C.letter信;D.bttle瓶子。句意:渔夫没有用另一个瓶子回信,而是选择了更安全、更快捷的邮寄方式。根据上文"sent a message in a bttle ut at sea."可知,此处指渔夫没有用瓶子回信。故选D。
    (11)考查名词及语境理解。A.rute路线,途径;B.cntent内容;C.title标题;D.tpic话题。句意:渔夫没有用另一个瓶子回信,而是选择了更安全、更快捷的邮寄方式。根据下文"in the mail"可知,渔夫选择了邮寄的这个途径来回信。故选A。
    (12)考查动词及语境理解。A.recmmended推荐;B.brught带来;C.addressed写(收信人)的姓名地址;D.applied申请,应用。句意:根据留言,他把信寄给了Ben,这让学校的秘书们感到困惑,因为他们正在寻找这个神秘的五年级学生。根据下文"t Ben"可知,把信寄给了Ben。故选C。
    (13)考查形容词及语境理解。A.intelligent聪明的;B.mysterius神秘的;C.pwerful有影响力的;D.unique独特的。句意:根据留言,他把信寄给了Ben,这让学校的秘书们感到困惑,因为他们正在寻找这个神秘的五年级学生。根据上文"In 1997,Ben Lyns,a 5th grader f Oak Ridge Schl in Sandwich,"可知,Ben是多年前的五年级学生,因此对于现在的学校工作人员来说,他是个神秘的五年级学生。故选B。
    (14)考查动词及语境理解。A.dubt怀疑;B.cmment评论;C.guide引导;D.discver发现。句意:最后,他们不得不打开它,发现为什么他们在学校再也找不到Ben了。根据上文"Finally,they had t pen it"可知,打开信之后发现了真相。故选D。
    (15)考查动词及语境理解。A.explained解释;B.imagined想象;C.pretended假装;D.remembered记得。句意:在回复中,这位退休渔民解释说,他在法国Les Sables-d 'Olnne的一个海滩上发现了这个瓶子。根据下文"that he fund the bttle n a beach in Les Sables-d'Olnne,France."可知,渔民解释了自己发现瓶子的地方。故选A。
    (16)考查名词及语境理解。A.current水流;B.wax石蜡;C.beach海滩;D.fish鱼。句意:他在清理海滩的时候发现了这个瓶子,瓶子被蜡封得太紧了,他很难打开它。根据上文"he fund the bttle n a beach"可知,此处是信息词beach的词汇复现。故选C。
    (17)考查形容词及语境理解。A.usual通常的;B.gd好的;C.rare罕见的;D.hard困难的。句意:他在清理海滩的时候发现了这个瓶子,瓶子被蜡封得太紧了,他很难打开它。根据上文"when he fund the bttle and it was sealed s tight with wax (蜡)"可知,瓶子很难打开。故选D。
    (18)考查形容词及语境理解。A.pitiful令人同情的;B.strange奇怪的;C.great伟大的;D.natural自然的。句意:在学校秘书的努力下,Ben收到了这封信,他说:"孩子们可以通过这封信来研究海洋和洋流,这太棒了。"根据下文"the kids can study the ceans and currents frm this,"可知,Ben觉得孩子们可以通过这封信来研究海洋和洋流,是很棒的事。故选C。
    (19)考查名词及语境理解。A.effrt努力;B.lecture演讲;C.evidence证据;D.principle原则。句意:在学校秘书的努力下,Ben收到了这封信,他说:"孩子们可以通过这封信来研究海洋和洋流,这太棒了。"根据上文"Nw in his 30s"可知,Ben已经不再是以前那个五年级的学生,而是一个成年人了,因此秘书找到他花费了很多努力。故选A。
    (20)考查形容词及语境理解。A.minr较小的;B.fun有趣的;C.frmal正式的;D.wrthy值得的。句意:"与世界另一端的人交流是多么有趣的方式啊!"!根据上文"Nw in his 30s,Ben(8)has a respnse t his message frm a (n)(9)fisherman."可知,多年后,收到一份来自陌生人的回信,作者认为这种交流方式很有趣。故选B。
    这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了1997年,马萨诸塞州桑文奇市橡树岭学校(Oak Ridge Schl)的五年级学生本•莱昂斯(Ben Lyns)在海上用瓶子寄了一封信。他这样做是作为一个关于洋流的科学项目的一部分。在几十年的时间里,Ben的信息跨越大西洋传播了3300英里。终于在Ben30岁的时候收到了一位退休渔夫的回信的故事。
    【小题6】T address
    【小题7】has intrduced
    【解析】(1)考查冠词。句意:寄养家庭在为等待收养的宠物提供安全和养育环境方面发挥着至关重要的作用。play a(n) in...意为"在……方面发挥……的作用",为固定短语,且空后的crucial发音是以辅音音素开头的,所以应用不定冠词a。故填a。
    (3)考查介词。句意:不幸的是,由于志愿者人数的减少,一些宠物收容所不得不关闭,导致无家可归的宠物数量增加。due t是固定短语,意为"由于"。故填t。
    (6)考查动词不定式。句意:为了解决这个问题,位于凤凰城的亚利桑那州人道协会目前已经推出了一种方便的专为驾车者设计的服务。根据句意,此处应用动词不定式在句中作目的状语,句首单词首字母大写。故填T address。
    (7)考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:为了解决这个问题,位于凤凰城的亚利桑那州人道协会目前已经推出了一种方便的专为驾车者设计的服务。根据时间状语up t nw可知,此处应用现在完成时。主语为the Arizna Humane Sciety,所以助动词应用has。故填has intrduced。
    42.【答案】 I preferred my English classes t be taught nly in English,because it is helpful fr us t imprve an ability t speak and listen.
    I have strng interested in English and freign culture,s I'd like t be ttal absrbed in the atmsphere f English.I can quickly makea prgress.Hwever,since we are all English beginners,it's really hard ∧understand the wrds which is difficult. They need mther language t understand smetime.
    S my viewpint is that we shuld use Chinese as a minr way t explain smething which is difficult fr students.
    3.考查不可数名词。句意:我对英语和外国文化有浓厚的兴趣,所以我想完全沉浸在英语的氛围中。have interest in是固定短语,意为"对……有兴趣",interest为不可数名词作宾语。故将interested改为interest。
    4.考查副词。句意:我对英语和外国文化有浓厚的兴趣,所以我想完全沉浸在英语的氛围中。此处应用副词ttally修饰后面的动词 absrbed。故将ttal改为ttally。
    5.考查冠词。句意:我可以很快取得进步。make prgress是固定短语,意为"取得进步、进展"。故去掉prgress前面的a。
    8.考查人称代词。句意:有时候我们需要母语来理解。根据上句"Hwever,since we are all English beginners,it's really hard understand the wrds which is difficult.(然而,由于我们都是英语初学者,所以很难理解这些困难的单词)"可知,有时候我们需要母语来理解,所以用we作主语,句首单词首字母大写。故将They改为We。
    9.考查副词。句意:有时候我们需要母语来理解。smetime 指"某时",smetimes指"有时候"。根据句意可知,此处应用smetimes。故将smetime改为smetimes。
    43.【答案】Dear Tm,
    I want t share a memrable experience frm last Sunday's vlunteer activity rganized by ur schl.We visited a lcal nursing hme,aiming t shw cncern and supprt t the elderly in ur cmmunity.【高分句型一】(活动主题和目的)
    We engaged in cnversatins with the friendly and welcming residents,listening t their stries and wisdm.We prvided services like accmpanying them fr walks,helping tidy up their rms,and participating in music and dance activities.I was assigned t interact with a lvely lady named Mary.We talked abut her family and dreams when she was yunger.【高分句型二】It was an hnr t prvide cmpaninship and care.(活动过程)
    This activity taught me the imprtance f caring fr the elderly.Engaging with them brings them jy and teaches us valuable life lessns.(活动收获)
    Yurs, Li Hua
    【解析】高分句型一:We visited a lcal nursing hme,aiming t shw cncern and supprt t the elderly in ur cmmunity.
    分析:这句话使用了现在分词短语aiming t shw cncern and supprt t the elderly in ur cmmunity作状语。
    高分句型二:We talked abut her family and dreams when she was yunger.

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