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    If yu have ever lst tuch with ld schl friends,yu may find yurself wanting t make cntact again.Sme teens find that certain schl friends are wrth keeping cntact with and want t keep the friendship ging strng.
    Hang ut at the same places
    One way yu can get tgether with ld friends frm yur schl is t g t the same places that they g t.If yu still g t schl tgether,yu prbably knw where everyne ges n the weekends.If yu are able t g there t,yu may find that yur relatinships with yur ld schl friends start up again.
    Sprts teams
    If yu are athletic and yur frmer friends are t,jining schl sprts teams is a great way t catch up with ld friends.This desn't mean that yu shuld jin a sprt which yu d nt like just s yu can see yur ld friends.Hwever,if yu like sprts,wish t jin a team and yur frmer friends are n that team,and then playing the team sprts is a great way t get t knw them again.
    Take part in schl clubs
    There are ften a lt f schl clubs in which teens participate.Depending n yur interests and yur frmer friends' interests,yu may just find a club at schl.Sharing a cmmn interest such as a club activity will help yu t have smething in cmmn and smething t talk abut.
    1.Yu can get tgether with ld friends by ______ .
    A. jining the dance clubs
    B. having dinner with them
    C. ging t the places where they g
    D. ging shpping with them every day
    2.Frm the third paragraph we can learn that ______ .
    A. playing sprts helps yu get yur ld friends again
    B. yu have t play a sprt t make mre friends
    C. team sprts are interesting activities at schl
    D. yu have t play the sprt yur friends like
    3.Why did the writer write this text? ______ ​
    A. T tell a hbby.B. T share same interests.
    C. T jin clubs.D. T cntact ld friends.
    A famus cmpany's leader believes there's nly ne way t knw if yu truly understand a subject:Can yu explain it t a child?But the man with lifelng lve f math recently fund it didn't always g well when he tried explaining mathematical cncepts(概念)t his then-schl-aged children.
    He thinks that learning with kids t see what's puzzling t them and what's easy fr them are the final test f whether yu knw a tpic—whether yu can explain it.
    Teachers ften ask students t give a statement n a subject t shw that they understand it.Studies shw that peple are mre likely t remember and understand cncepts they've learned after explaining them t smene else r even t themselves.That means yu can test yur wn knwledge in a subject simply by trying t teach it t a friend,t see bth hw much infrmatin yu've kept and hw well yu actually understand its cncepts.If they successfully learn frm yu,it's a gd sign that yu're n the right track.
    The leader,wh studied math and cmputer science at university,nted that while he was persnally gd at math as a high schl student,he had truble passing that enthusiasm(热情)t his three kids.
    He lves ding math,but in the past his yunger daughter wuld always say that he made it s cmplicated (复杂的) and he didn't need t explain this t her.Because she just wanted t knw the answer.
    Tday,his three children are all in their 20s.While they may nt have enjyed the math lessns,he says that ne f his favrite things is teaching calculus(微积分)t the kids.There are a few very difficult cncepts in calculus.He must explain why calculus is s imprtant and why calculus has thse funny symbls.It's crazy and it's prbably the thing he enjys the mst.
    4.What happened t the leader recently? ______
    A. He explained Chinese well.
    B. He develped his lifelng lve f math.
    C. He met a challenge in playing with his kids.
    D. He had truble explaining mathematical cncepts t his kids.
    5.What des the authr encurage peple t d in paragraph 3? ______
    A. Cmmunicate with thers actively.
    B. Build relatinship with thers.
    C. Manage t describe themselves.
    D. Knw abut their wn learning by teaching thers.
    6.What did the leader's yunger daughter care abut? ______
    A. Describing an example.B. Learning with her father.
    C. Getting the final answer.D. Keeping enthusiasm high.
    7.What des the leader think f his teaching calculus t his children? ______
    A. It brings him happiness.B. It helps his kids grw.
    C. It gives him a lessn.D. It imprves his maths.
    One verlked benefit f lab-grw n fd is that it may help the UK deal with the crisis in husing affrdability.As farming is replaced by precisin fermentatin(发酵),the significant amunt f land currently used fr livestck farming(including parts f the green belt) will be freed up fr develpment in places that peple actually want t live.
    Hwever,we'd take a different lessn frm the prmise f lab-grwn meat.Free-market envirnmentalism and harnessing the pwer f innvative technlgies-supprted by market-based measures like a brder-adjusted carbn tax-can successfully tackle the prblem f man-made climate change withut fundamentally uprting the way we run sciety.Saving the planet desn't have t cst us the earth.
    It is imprtant t acknwledge that certain types f livestck farming may have issues with sustainability and climate change.But it is nt true f all farming systems;and the issues that d exist are being dealt with using the latest research int genetics and bitechnlgy-fr example,recent research has shwn that certain types f seaweed can reduce methane emissins frm cattle t clse t zer.
    Farmer data als shws that increased sales f milks have nt seen a crrespnding reductin in dairy sales.
    The glbal fd system,cnsumer chices and climate change are incredibly cmplex issues,and anyne wh prpses simple slutins is almst certainly nt in pssessin f all the relevant facts and data.Livestck are an imprtant part f humanity's future fd needs.
    8.Why des lab-grwn fd help Britain t slve the husing affrdability crisis? ______
    A. As farming is replaced by precisin fermentatin,the level f agricultural develpment is imprved.
    B. The significant amunt f green belts are used fr develpment in places that peple actually want t live.
    C. Lab-grwn fd is mre envirnmentally friendly and beneficial t human health.
    D. A large amunt f land used fr livestck farming will be freed up fr residence.
    9.What lessns have learned frm the prmise f lab-grwn meat? ______
    A. Free-market envirnmentalism can change the way sciety perates.
    B. Adjusting carbn tax can successfully slve the prblem f climate change.
    C. Adpting the pwer f innvative technlgies is useful fr saving the earth.
    D. Saving the earth requires changing the way sciety perates.
    10.Which f the fllwing best explains "harnessing" underlined in paragraph 2? ______
    A. btainB. explitC. inheritD. develp
    11.It can be inferred frm this passage that ______ .
    A. glbal fd issue is s cmplex that there are n cmplete research data.
    B. sustainability and climate change are cmmn prblems in agricultural systems.
    C. sme kinds f seaweed can make the amunt f methane emitted by cattle ineffective.
    D. the sales f substitute dairy prducts increased,and the sales f dairy prducts decreased accrdingly.
    In July 1915,severely trtured by his pr health,James Murray,ne f the early editrs f the Oxfrd English Dictinary (OED),defined ne final wrd.After his 36 years' dedicatin t the dictinary,his hard labur had taken a tll, knwing he wuld nt see the prject cmplete.
    The petic quality f Murray's final days is ne f the many memrable tales in The Dictinary Peple.Beginning in 1857,the OED was a huge crwdsurcing prject - "the Wikipedia f the 19th century" - cmprising 3,000 peple.The idea was t create a "descriptive" dictinary that tracked wrds' use and meaning ver time,unlike its "prescriptive"18th-century predecessr by Samuel Jhnsn,which tld readers hw t say and use wrds.Vlunteers read widely,mailing in examples f hw "rare,ld-fashined,new,strange" wrds were used.What is surprising abut this fairly randm methd is that it wrked.
    The rigin stry f Sarah Ogilvie's bk is almst as imprbable as that f the dictinary itself.Ms Ogilvie,a frmer schlar wh served as an editr fr the OED,went int the dcuments f Oxfrd University Press and came acrss an ld ntebk.It had belnged t Murray and cntained the names and details f the dictinary vlunteers,mst f whm had previusly been unknwn.The Dictinary Peple is her wrk f detective schlarship,bringing the lives behind the names t readers.
    Ms Ogilvie's bk is full f intriguing stries.The presentatin f the bk is uncnventinal,t,taking its structure frm the wrk it describes.There are 26 alphabetical chapters,each celebrating a grup f cntributrs ( memrably, "K" is fr "kleptmaniac" peple wh desire t steal).This is a clever arrangement,thugh it smetimes means that brader issues emerge nly in pieces.
    Essentially,this is a stry abut rdinary peple.It is cncrete prf f thse wh,t cite dictinary-helper Gerge Elit, "lived faithfully a hidden life,and rest in unvisited tmbs".
    12.What des the underlined expressin "taken a tll" in paragraph 1 mean? ______
    A. Paid ff.B. Prved in vain.
    C. Wrn ut the passin.D. Had a harmful effect.
    13.What can we learn abut the Oxfrd English Dictinary? ______
    A. It serves as an example f dictinary editing.
    B. It prvides precise directins fr wrd usage.
    C. It is a cperative wrk f many vlunteers.
    D. It was edited with the help f Samuel Jhnsn.
    14.What is paragraph 3 mainly abut? ______
    A. The stry behind Sarah Ogilvie's bk.
    B. The detective methds f Sarah Ogilvie.
    C. Legends f the early OE
    D. editrs. D.Murray's rle in editing the OED.
    15.Where is the text mst prbably taken frm? ______
    A. A review f a bk.B. A bigraphy f an editr.
    C. An essay n dictinary editing.D. An intrductin t a dictinary.
    When it cmes t ging green,intentin can be easier than actin.Case in pint:yu decide t buy a T-shirt made frm 100% rganic cttn,because everyne knws that rganic is better fr Earth.And in sme ways it is;in cnventinal cttn-farming,pesticides strip the sil f life.But that green label desn't tell the whle stry.Or the pssibility that the T-shirt may have been dyed using harsh industrial chemicals,which can pllute lcal grundwater.If yu knew all that,wuld yu still cnsider the T-shirt green?( 1) ______ .
    It's a questin that mst f us are ill equipped t answer,even as the debate ver what is and isn't green becmes all-imprtant in a ht and crwded wrld. (2) ______ .We evlved t respnd t threats that were clear and present.That's why,when we eat spiled fd,we get disgusted and when we see a bright light,we shut ur eyes. (3) ______ .Scanning the supermarket aisles,we lack the data t understand the full impact f what we chse —and prbably culdn't make sense f the infrmatin even if we had it.
    But what if we culd seamlessly calculate the full lifetime effect f ur actins n the earth and n ur bdies?( 4) ______ That's what psychlgist Daniel Gleman describes in his frthcming bk,Eclgical Intelligence.Using a yung science called industrial eclgy,businesses and green activists alike are beginning t cmpile the envirnmental and bilgical impact f ur every decisin—and delivering that infrmatin t cnsumers in a user-friendly way.That's thinking eclgically—understanding the glbal envirnmental cnsequences f ur lcal chices. "We can knw the causes f what we're ding,and we can knw the impact f what we're ding," says Gleman,wh wrte the 1995 best seller Emtinal Intelligence.
    ( 5) ______ It's als abut ur ability t accept that we live in an infinitely cnnected wrld with finite resurces.Glem an highlights the Tibetan cmmunity f Sher,where fr millenniums,villagers have survived harsh cnditins by carefully cnserving every resurce available t them.The Tibetans think eclgically because they have n ther chice.Neither d we. "We nce had the luxury t ignre ur impacts," says Gleman. "Nt anymre."
    A.Wuld yu still buy it?
    B.What if we culd think eclgically?
    C.It's ging t have a radical impact n the way we d business.
    D.Eclgical intelligence is ultimately abut mre than what we buy.
    E.Nt just carbn ftprints but scial and bilgical ftprints as well?
    F.But nthing in evlutin has prepared us t understand the accumulative impact industrial chemicals may have n us.
    G.That's because ur ability t make cmplex prducts with cmplex supply chains has utpaced ur ability t cmprehend the cnsequences.
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    With Christmas appraching,I ften reflect upn ne particular evening in the early 1960s.Back then,we decided t g carlling (唱圣诞颂歌) t spread the Christmas spirit which might (1) ______ smene else's life.S we needed t take (2) ______ new members,fr whm the nly (3) ______ was warmth f spirit.
    Sn we discvered that carlling brught varius (4) ______ .Smetimes we were greeted with pen drs and pen hearts,while ther times,flks remained in the safety and csiness f their hmes,watching (5) ______ thrugh their windws.
    One stp n ur jurney particularly (6) ______ ur memry.That night,after a cuple f sngs,ne dr swung pen.A gentleman,gray haired,tenderly (7) ______ we g upstairs t sing fr his bedridden wife.He added (8) ______ , "She lves music and used t be an pera singer."
    We stepped briskly upward int the cuple's (9) ______ apartment.Bks,recrds,and antique furniture whispered stries t us.I reminded myself nt t stare (10) ______ shwing disrespect t them.
    Sitting beside his wife,the gentleman gave us a (11) ______ .Then ur vices rse and lingered arund their small hme.Had ur vices been given extra (12) ______ and beauty fr this ccasin?Perhaps they had.
    A smile flickered n the wman's (13) ______ ,yet beautiful face.She snuggled her head against her husband's shulder and bth f them heartily enjyed ur perfrmance.Witnessing such a heartwarming scene,we felt it was a hly night,fr we were in the (14) ______ f lve that was gentle and mild.
    At that mment,we fund,and maybe even (15) ______ ,the Christmas spirit.
    21.A. changeB. influenceC. shapeD. brighten.
    22.A. nB. inC. verD. up
    23.A. requirementB. bjectiveC. rewardD. accunt
    24.A. cnsequencesB. cmmentsC. respnsesD. mvements
    25.A. awkwardlyB. passivelyC. randmlyD. psitively
    26.A. stuck inB. wke upC. sht upD. brught ut
    27.A. cmmandedB. requestedC. prpsedD. recmmended
    28.A. shamefullyB. hesitantlyC. desirablyD. prudly
    29.A. unfurnishedB. briefC. littleD. average
    30.A. fr the sake fB. fr fear fC. in spite fD. in the hpe f
    31.A. smileB. ndC. cntactD. glance
    32.A. seriusnessB. energyC. hrrrD. ptin
    33.A. fancyB. brightC. jyusD. skinny
    34.A. presenceB. absenceC. expectatinD. circle
    35.A. createdB. acquiredC. spreadD. regained
    Micrsft bakes ChatGPT-like tech int search engine Bing
    Micrsft is baking ChatGPT-like technlgy int its search engine Bing,( 1) ______ (transfrm) an Internet service that lags far behind Ggle int a new way f cmmunicating with AI.
    Thugh the new versin is nw limited t desktps and has n interface fr smartphnes,( 2) ______ mst peple nw access the Internet,Mehdi,a Micrsft executive,has said that the technlgy will scale t millins f users in cming weeks and cme t the smartphne apps.
    The imprvement may give the sftware giant a cutting edge (3) ______ ther tech cmpanies in capitalizing n the wrldwide excitement surrunding ChatGPT,a tl that (4) ______ ( awaken) millins f peple t the pssibilities f the newest AI technlgy in the past few weeks.
    Aside frm it,Micrsft is als integrating the chatbt technlgy int its Edge brwser. "Think f it as faster,mre accurate,mre pwerful technlgy (5) ______ ( tune) fr search queries",said Mehdi.
    The shift t making search engines mre cnversatinal — able t cnfidently answer questins (6) ______ ffer links t ther websites — culd change the advertising-fueled search business,but als pses risks if the AI systems dn't get their facts right.Their paqueness (不透明性) als makes it hard t surce back t the riginal human-made images and texts,( 7) ______ the new Bing includes ntes that reference the surce data.
    "Bing is pwered by AI,s surprises and mistakes are pssible.Make sure t check the facts." is a message that appears at the bttm f the preview versin f Bing's new hmepage.As an example f hw it wrks,Mehdi (8) ______ ( quiz) it n 1990s-era rap,shwing its ability t distinguish between the sng "Jump" and "Jump Arund".He als used it t shw hw it culd plan a vacatin r help with shpping.
    Ggle has been cautius abut such mves.But in respnse t pressure due t ChatGPT's ppularity,Ggle annunced n Mnday a new cnversatinal service named Bard that will be available t a grup f "trusted testers" befre (9) ______ ( release) glbally this year.
    Chinese tech giant Baidu als annunced a similar search chatbt cming later this year.Other tech rivals such as Meta and Amazn have been researching similar technlgy,but Micrsft's latest mves aim t psitin (10) ______ at the center f the ChatGPT zeitgeist (时代潮流).
    Dear Mike,
    Li Hua
    One night,when we were having dinner,suddenly Mm let ut, "I have a great idea!" My sister Keira and I lked at each ther,feeling cnfused and wndering what she wanted t say.
    "What if," she said,with a lng pause, "we furnish Nancy's apartment while she's away?"
    Nancy,ur nanny (保姆) had returned t her hmetwn t get her children and bring them back with her.When her children were nly ne and five years ld,she had left them t wrk as a caregiver abrad where the wrking cnditins were nt very gd.Later,thrugh friends,Nancy heard that ur cuntry was the land f pprtunity.With rich wrking experience,Nancy came t ur huse and here we gt alng well with each ther althugh smetimes we had difficulty in cmmunicatin because f language.
    Five years after her arrival and wrking here,she was allwed t apply fr a permanent resident's statue.It tk s lng t get it,s we celebrated with a cake the night the letter that infrmed her finally came.
    "Culd yu d me a big favr?" Nancy asked Mm befre she left fr her hmetwn. "I've rdered sme mattresses (床垫) s we have smething t sleep n when we arrive.D yu think yu culd receive them and let the delivery man deliver it int my apartment?"
    "N prblem," said Mm.
    "Hey Mm,I hate t burst yur bubble (幻想)," I said, "but hw are we pssibly ging t furnish an entire apartment? "
    "Well,we have sme extra stuff in the attic," she replied. "Maybe we can help ur neighbrs and Nancy at the same time.The neighbrs can dnate their extras,and we can piece tgether a great hme fr Nancy.Let's send an e-mail and see." S the e-mail went t abut seventy neighbrs in ur cmmunity.
    (1)续写词数应为 150 左右;
    Thrughut the fllwing week,e-mails and texts kept flding in.___________
    The big day came as we welcmed Nancy and her children t their new hme at the dr.___________
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据Hang ut at the same places中One way yu can get tgether with ld friends frm yur schl is t g t the same places that they g t. (有一种方法可以让你和学校的老朋友聚在一起,那就是去他们常去的地方)可知,你可以去老朋友去的地方和他们聚在一起。故选C项。
    (2)细节理解题。根据Sprts teams中If yu are athletic and yur frmer friends are t,jining schl sprts teams is a great way t catch up with ld friends. (如果你擅长运动,你以前的朋友也是,加入学校的运动队是一个很好的与老朋友见面的方式)可知,参加体育运动可以帮助再次见到你的老朋友。A.playing sprts helps yu get yur ld friends again参加体育运动可以帮助你再次结交老朋友;B.yu have t play a sprt t make mre friends你必须参加一项运动来交更多的朋友;C.team sprts are interesting activities at schl团队运动是学校里有趣的活动;D.yu have t play the sprt yur friends like你必须参加你朋友喜欢的运动。故选A项。
    (3)目的意图题。根据第一段If yu have ever lst tuch with ld schl friends,yu may find yurself wanting t make cntact again.Sme teens find that certain schl friends are wrth keeping cntact with and want t keep the friendship ging strng. (如果你曾经与老同学失去联系,你可能会发现自己想要再次联系。一些青少年发现,某些学校的朋友是值得保持联系,并希望保持友谊牢固)以及下文给出的重新与老朋友建立联系的建议可推知,文章是为想要再次联系老朋友的读者提供方法,让他们成功联系上老朋友。故选D项。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段的But the man with lifelng lve f math recently fund it didn't always g well when he tried explaining mathematical cncepts(概念)t his then-schl-aged children.(但这位毕生热爱数学的人最近发现,当他试图向当时还在上学的孩子们解释数学概念时,并不总是很顺利。)可知,这位领导发现他很难向孩子们解释数学概念。因此D.He had truble explaining mathematical cncepts t his kids.(他很难向他的孩子解释数学概念。)符合题意。故选D。
    (2)细节理解题。根据第三段内容Studies shw that peple are mre likely t remember and understand cncepts they've learned after explaining them t smene else r even t themselves.That means yu can test yur wn knwledge in a subject simply by trying t teach it t a friend,t see bth hw much infrmatin yu've kept and hw well yu actually understand its cncepts.If they successfully learn frm yu,it's a gd sign that yu're n the right track.(研究表明,人们在向别人甚至自己解释后,更有可能记住和理解他们所学到的概念。这意味着你可以通过简单地把某一学科的知识教给朋友来测试你自己的知识,看看你掌握了多少信息,以及你对概念的实际理解程度。如果他们成功地向你学习,这是一个好迹象,表明你走在正确的道路上。)可知,作者鼓励通过教别人了解自己的学习。故选D。
    (3)细节理解题。根据倒数第二段的He lves ding math,but in the past his yunger daughter wuld always say that he made it s cmplicated(复杂的)and he didn't need t explain this t her.Because she just wanted t knw the answer.(他喜欢做数学,但在过去,他的小女儿总是说他把数学弄得那么复杂,他不需要向她解释。因为她只是想知道答案。)可知,作者的小女儿在乎的只是最终的答案。因此C.Getting the final answer.(得到最终答案。)符合题意。故选C。
    (4)推理判断题。根据最后一段的he says that ne f his favrite things is teaching calculus(微积分)t the kids.There are a few very difficult cncepts in calculus.He must explain why calculus is s imprtant and why calculus has thse funny symbls.It's crazy and it's prbably the thing he enjys the mst.(他说他最喜欢的事情之一就是教孩子们微积分。微积分中有几个非常难的概念。他必须解释为什么微积分如此重要,为什么微积分有那些有趣的符号。这太疯狂了,这可能是他最喜欢的事情。)可知,这个领导人认为教孩子们微积分给他带来快乐。因此A.It brings him happiness.(这给他带来了快乐)符合题意。故选A。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据第一段中As farming is replaced by precisin fermentatin(发酵),the significant amunt f land currently used fr livestck farming(including parts f the green belt) will be freed up fr develpment in places that peple actually want t live.(随着农业被精确发酵所取代,目前用于畜牧业的大量土地(包括部分绿化带)将被腾出来,用于人们真正想要居住的地方的发展。)可知,因为实验室可种植食物,原来用于畜牧业的大量土地将被腾出来开发人们真正想要居住的地方,进而帮助英国解决住房负担能力危机。故选D。
    (2)推理判断题。根据第二段Free-market envirnmentalism and harnessing the pwer f innvative technlgies-supprted by market-based measures like a brder-adjusted carbn tax-can successfully tackle the prblem f man-made climate change withut fundamentally uprting the way we run sciety.(自由市场的环保主义和利用创新技术的力量——由边境调整碳税等基于市场的措施支持可以成功地解决人为气候变化的问题,而不会从根本上根除我们运行社会的方式。)可知,自由市场环境保护主义和通过基于市场的方式利用创新技术,能够在不颠覆社会运行方式下拯救地球。故选C。
    (3)词句猜测题。根据划线词后半句supprted by market-based measures like a brder-adjusted carbn tax-can successfully tackle the prblem f man-made climate change withut fundamentally uprting the way we run sciety.(由边境调整碳税等基于市场的措施支持——可以成功地解决人为气候变化的问题,而不会从根本上根除我们运行社会的方式。)可以推断出,成功解决人为造成的气候变化问题,需要对科学技术的力量加以"利用"。选项A意为"获得";B意为"利用";C意为"继承";D意为"开发"。故选B。
    (4)推理判断题。根据最后一段The glbal fd system,cnsumer chices and climate change are incredibly cmplex issues,and anyne wh prpses simple slutins is almst certainly nt in pssessin f all the relevant facts and data.(全球食品系统、消费者选择和气候变化都是非常复杂的问题,任何提出简单解决方案的人几乎肯定没有掌握所有相关的事实和数据。)可知,全球食品问题非常复杂,没有完整的研究数据。故选A。
    【解析】(1)词义猜测题。根据第一段After his 36 years' dedicatin t the dictinary,his hard labur had ...(在他36年致力于编纂词典之后,他的辛勤劳动。)及最后一句knwing he wuld nt see the prject cmplete.(因为他不会看到项目完成。)可知,因为他不会看到项目完成,所以在他36年致力于编纂词典之后,他的辛勤劳动没有产生明显的效果。因此划线词的意思是"产生了有害的影响"。A.Paid ff.得到了回报;B.Prved in vain.证明是徒劳的;C.Wrn ut the passin.消磨了激情;D.Had a harmful effect.产生了有害的影响。故选D项。
    (2)推理判断题。根据第二段Beginning in 1857,the OED was a huge crwdsurcing prject - "the Wikipedia f the 19th century" - cmprising 3,000 peple.(从1857年开始,牛津英语词典是一个庞大的众包项目—"19世纪的维基百科"—由3000人组成。)及第二段Vlunteers read widely,mailing in examples f hw "rare,ld-fashined,new,strange" wrds were used.(志愿者们广泛阅读,邮寄"稀有、老式、新、奇怪"单词的使用示例。)可知,这是许多志愿者的合作工作。故选C项。
    (3)段落大意题。根据第三段Ms Ogilvie,a frmer schlar wh served as an editr fr the OED,went int the dcuments f Oxfrd University Press and came acrss an ld ntebk.It had belnged t Murray and cntained the names and details f the dictinary vlunteers,mst f whm had previusly been unknwn.The Dictinary Peple is her wrk f detective schlarship,bringing the lives behind the names t readers.(曾担任《牛津英语词典》编辑的学者Ogilvie女士查阅了牛津大学出版社的文件,发现了一本旧笔记本。它属于默里,包含了词典志愿者的姓名和详细信息,其中大多数人以前都不知道。《人物词典》是她的侦探学术作品,将名字背后的生活带给读者。)可知,这段讲的是Sarah Ogilvie的书背后的故事。因此A.The stry behind Sarah Ogilvie's bk.(Sarah Ogilvie的书背后的故事。)符合题意。故选A项。
    (4)文章出处题。根据最后一段Essentially,this is a stry abut rdinary peple.It is cncrete prf f thse wh,t cite dictinary-helper Gerge Elit, "lived faithfully a hidden life,and rest in unvisited tmbs".(本质上,这是一个关于普通人的故事。用词典助手乔治•艾略特的话来说,这是这些人"忠实地过着隐秘的生活,安息在无人问津的坟墓里"的具体证据。)结合文章讲述了对Ogilvie女士的书的评论及介绍了第一部牛津字典的形成及背后的人对它的重大贡献。可知,这篇文章可能选自书评。故选A项。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据前句If yu knew all that,wuld yu still cnsider the T-shirt green(如果你了解这一切,你还会认为这件T恤是绿色的吗),可知选项A"你还会买它吗"可以承接前句买这种T恤的话题。故选A。
    (2)推理判断题。根据前句It's a questin that mst f us are ill equipped t answer,even as the debate ver what is and isn't green becmes all-imprtant in a ht and crwded wrld(即使在一个炎热拥挤的世界里,关于什么是绿色的争论变得非常重要,这也是一个我们大多数人都没有能力回答的问题),可知选项G"这是因为我们用复杂的供应链制造复杂产品的能力已经超过了我们理解后果的能力"可以承接前句,解释我们无法回答这个问题的原因。故选G。
    (3)推理判断题。根据前句We evlved t respnd t threats that were clear and present.That's why,when we eat spiled fd,we get disgusted and when we see a bright light,we shut ur eyes(我们进化到能够对明确而现实的威胁做出反应。这就是为什么,当我们吃变质的食物时,我们会感到厌恶,当我们看到明亮的光线时,我们会闭上眼睛),可知选项F"但在进化过程中,我们还没有准备好去理解工业化学品可能对我们产生的累积影响"可以和前句构成转折关系,介绍在进化过程中,我们能够做的和还没有做的。故选F。
    (4)推理判断题。根据前句But what if we culd seamlessly calculate the full lifetime effect f ur actins n the earth and n ur bdies(但是,如果我们能够无缝地计算出我们的行为对地球和我们身体的整个一生的影响呢),可知选项B"如果我们能从生态角度思考呢"可以承接前句,指出一些环保的想法。故选B。
    (5)推理判断题。根据后句It's als abut ur ability t accept that we live in an infinitely cnnected wrld with finite resurces(这也关系到我们是否有能力接受我们生活在一个资源有限、联系无限的世界里),可知选项D"生态智能最终不仅仅是关于我们买什么"切合语境,介绍生态智能关系到的内容。故选D。
    【解析】(1)考查动词及语境理解。A.change更改;B.influence影响;C.shape塑造;D.brighten照亮。句意:当时,我们决定去唱圣诞颂歌,以传播可能照亮他人生活的圣诞精神。根据下文"She snuggled her head against her husband's shulder and bth f them heartily enjyed ur perfrmance.Witnessing such a heartwarming scene,we felt it was a hly night,fr we were in the(14)f lve that was gentle and mild."可知,作者决定为别人去唱圣诞颂歌,她觉得这能够照亮他们的生活,用圣诞精神温暖他人。故选D。
    (2)考查介词及语境理解。A.n在……上;B.in在……里面;C.ver在……上面;D.up在(较高位置)。句意:因此,我们迅速吸收了新成员,对他们来说,唯一的特权就是精神上的温暖。根据空后的"new members"和上文"we decided t g carlling (唱圣诞颂歌) t spread the Christmas spirit"可知,作者想要去给别人唱圣诞颂歌,所以她首先要吸收新成员。take in"吸收"。故选B。
    (3)考查名词及语境理解。A.requirement要求;B.bjective目标;C.reward奖励;D.accunt账户。句意:因此,我们迅速招募了成员,对他们来说,唯一的要求就是精神上的温暖。根据member空后"was warmth f spirit"可知,这些唱圣诞颂歌的成员唯一的要求就是精神上的温暖。故选A。
    (4)考查名词及语境理解。A.cnsequences后果;B.cmments评论;C.respnses回应;D.mvements运动。句意:很快,我们发现颂歌带来了各种各样的反应。根据下文"Smetimes we were greeted with pen drs and pen hearts,while ther times,flks remained in the safety and cziness f their hmes,watching(5)thrugh their windws."可知,别人对于作者他们唱颂歌的回应是不同的。故选C。
    (5)考查副词及语境理解。A.awkwardly尴尬地;B.passively被动地;C.randmly随机地;D.psitively积极地。句意:有时,迎接我们的是敞开的门和敞开的心,而另一些时候,人们则呆在安全舒适的家里,透过窗户被动地看着。根据上文"flks remained in the safety and cziness f their hmes"可知,人们呆在安全舒适的家中,被动地看着窗外。故选B。
    (6)考查动词短语及语境理解。A.stuck in卡在;B.wke up唤醒;C.sht up迅速上升;D.brught ut出版,公布。句意:旅途中的一站尤其唤醒了我们的记忆。根据空后的"ur memry"可知,一次旅程唤醒了作者的记忆。故选B。
    (7)考查动词及语境理解。A.cmmanded命令;B.requested请求;C.prpsed建议;D.recmmended推荐。句意:一位头发花白的绅士温柔地请求我们上楼为卧床不起的妻子唱歌。根据空后"we g upstairs t sing fr his bedridden wife"可知,一位老人请求作者他们去给她生病的妻子唱颂歌。故选B。
    (8)考查副词及语境理解。A.shamefully可耻地;B.hesitantly犹豫地;C.desirably合意地;D.prudly骄傲地。句意:他骄傲地补充道:"她热爱音乐,曾经是一名歌剧歌手。"根据下文"She lves music and used t be an pera singer."可知,老人对于妻子年轻时热爱音乐并且是一名歌剧歌手而感到骄傲。由此可知,此处指他骄傲地说。故选D。
    (9)考查形容词及语境理解。A.unfurnished没有家具的;B.brief简明的;C.little小的;D.average平均的。句意:我们轻快地向上走进这对夫妇的小公寓。根据下文"Then ur vices rse and lingered arund their small hme."可知,老人的公寓不大。故选C。
    (10)考查介词短语及语境理解。A.fr the sake f为了;B.fr fear f以免;C.in spite f尽管;D.in the hpe f怀着……的希望。句意:我提醒自己不要盯着看,以免侵犯他们的隐私。根据空后"invading their privacy"可知,作者觉得不应该盯着他们家看,以免侵犯他们的隐私。故选B。
    (11)考查动词及语境理解。A.smile微笑;B.nd点头;C.cntact联系;D.glance一瞥。句意:坐在妻子身边的那位先生向我们点了点头。根据下文"Then ur vices rse and lingered arund their small hme."可知,老人点头示意作者和同伴开始唱圣诞颂歌。故选B。
    (12)考查名词及语境理解。A.seriusness严肃;B.energy能量;C.hrrr恐怖;D.ptin选项。句意:在这个场合,我们的声音是否被赋予了额外的能量和美感?根据下文空后"and beauty"可知,作者觉得在这个能够给人带来温暖的场合,她们的声音似乎也被赋予了额外的能量和美丽。故选B。
    (13)考查形容词及语境理解。A.fancy精致的;B.bright明亮的;C.jyus高兴的;D.skinny极瘦的。句意:女人瘦骨嶙峋却美丽的脸上闪烁着一丝微笑。根据下文"yet beautiful"可知,本空与下文构成转折,应用形容词skinny。故选D。
    (14)考查名词及语境理解。A.presence出席;B.absence缺席;C.expectatin期望;D.circle圆圈。句意:看到这样温馨的一幕,我们觉得这是一个神圣的夜晚,因为我们在温柔的和温和的爱面前。根据上文"She snuggled her head against her husband's shulder and bth f them heartily enjyed ur perfrmance.Witnessing such a heartwarming scene, "可知,作者觉得这一晚上非常神圣是因为爱,爱就在他们面前。in the presence f"在……面前"。故选A。
    (15)考查动词及语境理解。A.created创造;B.acquired获得;C.spread散布;D.regained重新获得。句意:在那一刻,我们发现了,可能重新找回了圣诞精神。根据上文"Witnessing such a heartwarming scene,we felt it was a hly night,fr we were in the(14)f lve that was gentle and mild."可知,作者觉得在这个神圣的夜晚,她们重获了圣诞精神。故选D。
    【小题4】has awakened
    【小题6】rather than
    【小题9】being released
    (3)考查介词。句意:这一改进可能会让这家软件巨头在利用全球对ChatGPT的兴奋感方面比其他科技公司更具优势,ChatGPT是一种在过去的几周里,已经唤醒了数百万人,让他们认识到最新人工智能技术的可能性的工具。give sb a cutting edge against..."使某人比……占优势",固定短语。故填against。
    (4)考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:这一改进可能会让这家软件巨头在利用全球对ChatGPT的兴奋感方面比其他科技公司更具优势,ChatGPT是一种在过去的几周里,已经唤醒了数百万人,让他们认识到最新人工智能技术的可能性的工具。分析可知,空处为句子谓语动词;根据时间状语in the past few weeks可知,句子应用现在完成时,表示过去几周已经完成的动作并对现在有所影响;主语that(代替先行词a tl)为单数,助动词应用单数形式has。故填has awakened。
    (6)考查固定短语。句意:转向让搜索引擎更具对话性——能够自信地回答问题,而不是提供指向其他网站的链接——可能会改变广告驱动的搜索业务,但如果人工智能系统不能正确获取事实,也会带来风险。根据句意可知,固定短语rather than"而不是"符合题意,其后可跟省略t的动词不定式,符合句意和语法结构。故填rather than。
    (8)考查动词时态。句意:作为其工作原理的一个例子,Mehdi测试了20世纪90年代的说唱歌曲,展示了它区分歌曲"Jump"和"Jump Arund"的能力。分析可知,空处为句子谓语动词;根据后文used和句意可知,此处表示过去发生的动作,应用一般过去时。故填quizzed。
    (9)考查动名词的不定式。句意:但为了应对ChatGPT受欢迎带来的压力,谷歌在周一宣布了一项名为Bard的新会话服务,该服务将在今年全球发布之前向一组"值得信赖的测试者"开放。介词befre后应用动名词形式作宾语;且release与a new cnversatinal service之间为逻辑上的被动关系,故应用其被动形式。故填being released。
    (10)考查人称代词。句意:其他科技竞争对手,如Meta和亚马逊也一直在研究类似的技术,但微软的最新举措旨在将其定位于ChatGPT时代精神的中心。分析可知,空处应用代词作宾语,结合语境可知,此处指代名词短语similar technlgy,应用代词it。故填it。
    37.【答案】Dear Mike,
    I'm srry t learn that yu have been suffering frm headaches,which prevent yu frm perfrming well in yur wrk. 【高分句型一】Wrse still,yu haven't gt better after taking medicine.(写信目的)
    Frm my perspective,Chinese medicine which prduces fewer side effects is superir t western medicine t sme extent. 【高分句型二】(简单介绍中医的优点)That's why it is s ppular in mre and mre cuntries arund the wrld,especially in Krea and Japan.In additin,Chinese medicine is less expensive,s yu dn't need t wrry abut yur budget.And I believe the treatment appeals greatly t yu.(简要介绍中医现状及地位)
    I hpe yu will recver sn.If there is anything yu need me t d,dn't hesitate t ask.I will be always here fr yu.(愿意为他提供帮助,并祝他早日康复)
    Yurs, Li Hua
    【解析】高分句型一:I'm srry t learn that yu have been suffering frm headaches,which prevent yu frm perfrming well in yur wrk.
    高分句型二:Frm my perspective,Chinese medicine which prduces fewer side effects is superir t western medicine t sme extent.
    38.【答案】Thrughut the fllwing week,e-mails and texts kept flding in.Our neighbrs prmised t send different kinds f furniture,such as chairs and kitchen tables.One neighbr even ffered sme flwers and anther brught curtains.After cllecting all these things,we wrked tgether happily t decrate the apartment.Gradually,Nancy's empty apartment was slwly filled with beautiful things,becming a cmfrtable hme.(邻居纷纷前来帮忙的经过。)
    The big day came as we welcmed Nancy and her children t their new hme at the dr.When entering,Nancy felt it was abslutely the best surprise ever,better than any festival!【高分句型一】She held nt the dr fr supprt while her cnfused lk slwly turned int a bright smile as Mm explained what the neighbrs had dne.With tears in her eyes,Nancy explained that n the flight she had felt exhausted,wndering hw she was ging t create a hme fr her kids.【高分句型二】But nw,she said, "THANK YOU!Ww,I really feel like I', part f this cmmunity nw."(南希和孩子们看到新家后的反应以及感谢。)
    高分句型一:When entering,Nancy felt it was abslutely the best surprise ever,better than any festival!
    高分句型二:With tears in her eyes,Nancy explained that n the flight she had felt exhausted,wndering hw she was ging t create a hme fr her kids.

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