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    Situated in Xenia,Ohi,Skydive Greene Cunty ()is within a reasnable driving distance f majr cities in Ohi.Frm the mment yu arrive at ur Drp Zne t the mment yu leave,yu will feel an excitement like never befre.The excitement f SKYDIVING!!!We didn't start skydiving,but we are Ohi's lngest-running and mst reputable skydiving schl which pened in 1961!

    Q:What are yur hurs f peratin?
    A:We are pen seven days a week frm 9:00 am t sunset fr yur skydiving cnvenience.
    Q:Is there an age requirement?
    A:There is n maximum age limit,but the minimum age is 18 regardless f parental permissin.
    Q:Can I jump by myself fr the first time?
    A:We require tandem skydiving as yur first jump.It allws yu t experience freefall while harnessed (绑)t an experienced and skilled instructr.After filling ut paperwrk and watching a shrt vide,yu will be ready t make yur skydiving.Smewhere arund 11,500 feet,the dr will pen and yu exit the plane.
    Once yu have made yur tandem skydiving,yu can mve n t ur Static Line Prgram.The Static Line Jump is the traditinal way t learn t skydive.
    Q:D I have t make an appintment?
    A:Yes,call us at 937-372-0700 r bk yur reservatin nline by clicking here.We schedule a time fr yu and/r yur grup t arrive.That is when we will begin the training prcess.Yur skydiving will take place after yur training is cmpleted.
    Q:What des it cst t jump?
    A:Please see the link belw fr the full price list.This cst includes all the training,the plane ride t altitude,necessary equipment and yur wn lgbk.
    Fr ur full price list click here!
    Q:What if the weather frecast is bad?
    A:Please call 937-372-0700 prir t leaving hme t check weather cnditins.Smetimes the weather will prevent student jumps and we will reschedule yu fr anther day.
    1.What d we knw abut Skydive Greene Cunty? ______
    A. It has the largest Drp Zne in Ohi.
    B. It is lcated in the biggest city f Ohi.
    C. It is the ldest skydiving schl in Ohi.
    D. It ffers training in different cities in Ohi.
    2.What is required t d fr thse wh first skydive? ______
    A. Prepare fr a paper test.
    B. Practice alne fr sme time.
    C. Jump with a prfessinal cach.
    D. Recrd a vide clip while skydiving.
    3.Where is the text prbably frm? ______
    A. A skydiving pster.B. S.G.
    C. 's brchure. C.A travel magazine.D. 's website.
    As a yung by,Martyn Stewart explred the wild places near his childhd hme,cllecting small animals like insects in glass jars.Stewart recalls making hles in the jars,hlding each up t his ear t hear the delicate sunds.Stewart sn brrwed a micrphne and began recrding what he heard.
    Nw in his 60s,Stewart has made a cllectin f mre than 30,000 hurs f material.His recrdings have been used in mre than 150 films and numerus pdcasts(博客) and nature dcumentaries."We have a visual culture and have,until very recently,studied the wild nature primarily thrugh what we see,"says Bernie Krause,a sundscape eclgist and friend f Stewart's."But a much fuller understanding can be gained frm what we hear." Krause credits the rise in ppularity f nature sunds,meditatins(冥想) and science recrdings in part t the pineering wrk f audi recrdists like Stewart.
    T build his library f sunds,Stewart has been t mre than 40 cuntries.While recrding,he limits his senses t a single input like sund.This reveals envirnments in new ways,says Stewart.T get a few minutes f the sunds can take hurs f wrk.Smetimes,the nise frm cars,airplanes and ther machinery is s subtle and cmmn that he ften arrives hme nly t find the nise makes the files useless.
    Nw,sme species he has recrded in their natural envirnment can n lnger be heard in that setting.At least fur f the species are nw extinct in the wild.
    Stewart,wh was diagnsed with bne cancer last year,recently released a free cllectin f his mst prized recrdings t the public.By ding this,he is ptimistic that thse listening will feel clser t freign species and envirnments,and feel mtivated t act."I think if we let peple listen t these beautiful sund recrdings,maybe we can start prtecting what we've gt left," says Stewart.
    4.What did Martyn Stewart d when he was yung? ______
    A. He recalled making hles in the jars.
    B. He built his library f sunds.
    C. He gathered insects in glass jars.
    D. He used his micrphne t recrd what he heard.
    5.What can be inferred abut Stewart frm paragraph 2? ______
    A. He made a great cntributin.
    B. He valued quantity ver quality.
    C. He explred the untuched wild nature.
    D. He cnsidered audi cntent the mainstream.
    6.What challenge can Stewart face at wrk? ______
    A. The limitatin f his senses.
    B. The interruptin frm nise.
    C. The difficulty in tracking animals.
    D. The tugh jurney acrss cuntries.
    7.Why did Stewart release the cllectin f his recrdings? ______
    A. T get recgnitin frm the public.
    B. T inspire peple t prtect nature.
    C. T encurage peple t study nature.
    D. T spread knwledge f extinct species.
    T study cral reefs and the creatures that live there,scientists smetimes use underwater drnes(无人机).But drnes aren't perfect.Their prpellers(螺旋桨) can harm reefs and ther living things.Drnes als can be nisy,scaring animals away.
    S,Erik Engelberg,a mechanical engineer at Flrida Atlantic University,and his team develped a new tl-rb-jellyfish.The device has eight tentacles(触角)and a case n tp.The case hlds the electrnics that cntrl the jellyfish and stre data.One cmpnent in the case allws wireless cmmunicatin with the rb-jellyfish.
    Real jellyfish mve slwly and gently.S des the rb-jellyfish.That's why the researchers think it wn't frighten animals underwater.What's mre,Engelberg says,"The sft bdy f ur rb-jellyfish helps it t mnitr ecsystems withut damaging them." Fr example,the rbt culd carry a sensr t recrd cean temperatures.The data it gathered culd help scientists map where and when the cean is warming because f climate change.
    "Jellyfish have been mving arund ur ceans fr millins f years,s they are excellent swimmers," says David Gruber,a marine bilgist at Baruch Cllege in New Yrk City."I'm always impressed when scientists get ideas frm nature ,"Gruber says."Especially smething as simple as the jellyfish."
    Fighting climate change mtivates Engelberg and his team."I have a deep desire t help endangered reefs arund the wrld," he says.He hpes his rb-jellyfish will help researchers study hidden impacts f climate change at sea.
    The rb-jellyfish is wrk in prgress."We are making a new versin right nw," Engelberg says.It swims deeper and can carry mre sensrs than the lder mdel.This shuld make it an even better spy n the cnditins affecting cral reefs wrldwide.
    8.Why did Engelberg and his team create the rb-jellyfish? ______
    A. The drnes can't swim deep enugh.
    B. The rb-jellyfish can carry mre sensrs.
    C. The rb-jellyfish can cllect mre accurate data.
    D. The drnes are nt friendly t creatures underwater.
    9.What des David Gruber think f the idea f rb-jellyfish? ______
    A. Cmmn.B. Interesting.C. Unpractical.D. Cmplex.
    10.What can be knwn abut the rb-jellyfish? ______
    A. Its speed can be adjusted.
    B. It has been used wrldwide.
    C. It can be wirelessly cntrlled.
    D. It mves mre gently than the real jellyfish.
    11.What is the main idea f the text? ______
    A. This rb-jellyfish is a climate spy.
    B. A rb-jellyfish is gaining ppularity.
    C. It's time t pay attentin t ecsystems.
    D. We shuld take measures t save cral reefs.
    Yu can relax if remembering everything isn't yur strng suit.Recent research makes the case that being frgetful can be a strength----in fact,selective memry can even be a sign f strnger intelligence.
    Traditinal research n memry has fcused n the advantages f remembering everything.But lking thrugh memry data fr recent years,researchers fund that the neurbilgy f frgetting can be just as imprtant t ur decisin-making as what ur minds chse t remember.
    Making intelligent decisins desn't mean yu need t have all the infrmatin at hand.It just means yu need t hld nt the mst valuable infrmatin.And that means clearing up space in yur memry palace fr the mst up-t-date infrmatin n clients and situatins.Our brains d this by creating new neurns (神经元) in ur hippcampus,which have the pwer t replace existing memries that are influencing ur decisin-making.
    If yu want t increase the number f new neurns in ur brain's learning regin,try exercising.Mderate aerbic exercise like jgging ,pwer walking ,and swimming has been fund t increase the number f neurns making imprtant cnnectins in ur brains.
    When we frget the names f certain clients and details abut ld jbs,ur brain is making a chice that these details dn't matter.Althugh t much frgetfulness can be a cause fr cncern,the ccasinal lst detail can be a sign f a perfectly healthy memry system.The researchers fund that ur brains facilitate decisin-making by stpping us frm fcusing t much n unimprtant past details.Instead,the brain helps us remember the mst imprtant part f a cnversatin.
    We can get blamed fr being absent-minded when we frget past events in perfect detail.These findings shw us that ttal recall can't be as imprtant as sme peple think.Our brains are wrking smarter when they aim t remember the right stries ,nt every stry.
    12.Hw can we help ur brains prduce mre neurns? ______
    A. By running marathns frequently.
    B. By practicing swimming regularly.
    C. By ding mental labr repeatedly.
    D. By learning new skills cnstantly.
    13.What des the underlined wrd "facilitate" prbably mean in paragraph 5? ______
    A. Make smething easier.B. Make smething harder.
    C. Make smething mre interesting.D. Make smething mre imprtant.
    14.What cnclusin can be drawn frm the text? ______
    A. Memry lss is well wrth nticing.
    B. Decisins can't be made withut memries.
    C. We shuldn't stress the imprtance f ttal recall.
    D. Frgetting is even mre imprtant than remembering.
    15.Which f the fllwing can be the suitable title fr the text? ______
    A. Cautin:d remember t frget
    B. Why and hw peple chse t frget
    C. Ttal recall is imprtant
    D. Being frgetful makes yu smarter
    Husehld chres like cking,cleaning,washing the dishes,and making the bed are never dne;they just get repeated like a brken recrd.Bring! (1) ______ .But there are science-based reasns fr changing yur attitude twards chres.It turns ut that ding chres is great fr yur health.
    ( 2) ______ .As researchers state in a reprt,ding undemanding tasks allws the mind t wander.Yur mind gets a break,which allws yu t cnsider ld prblems with new eyes.In fact,undemanding tasks stimulate (激发) mre creative ideas than demanding tasks r just resting.
    Chres are linked t a lwer dementia (痴呆) risk.T discver what activities might be linked t a lwer rate f dementia,researchers analyzed massive amunts f healthcare data frm the UK Bibank.They fund that thse mst engaged in husehld chres had a 21 percent lwer risk f dementia cmpared t thse least engaged in chres. (3) ______ .
    Finishing yur chres can increase mtivatin.BJ Fgg,authr f Tiny Habits:The Small Changes That Change Everything,states that the mst imprtant skill is recgnizing and celebrating successes.Cmpleting even a small task,like making yur bed,can give yu a sense f satisfactin. (4) ______ .Similarly,authr Admiral William H.McRaven argues that if yu want t change the wrld,start ff by making yur bed.
    Chres are gd fr children's mental health.Children develp a sense f wnership when they have jbs t d arund the huse and it makes them feel like they are an imprtant member f the husehld. (5) ______ .In my wn case,I bnd with my daughter by gssiping (闲聊) and singing while we d chres tgether.
    A.Chres are an pprtunity fr "me time"
    B.Chres can lead t creative prblem-slving
    C.Thus,yu feel mtivated t deal with tasks ne after anther
    D.In this way,they can be taught t be independent and cnfident
    E.Like many peple,yu may regard chres as smething annying
    F.Ding chres with children als imprves the parent-child relatinship
    G.This result indicated simple changes culd make a difference t health
    16.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    17.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    18.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    19.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    20.A. AB. BC. CD. DE. EF. FG. G
    I am a prcrastinatr (拖延症患者),which means I cannt make myself d things.Thugh I like my studies,the pint is when I gt hmewrk,I(1) ______ t make myself start it.I thught the situatin wuld imprve in high schl,but it didn't.
    Once I had t write a huge essay,a prject that I was(2) ______ t prepare fr the whle year.Hwever,I(3) ______ it frm the very beginning.Time passed(4) ______ and befre I knew it,there was nly ne week ahead f the(5) ______ .The same very day I was t start,I brke my right arm.It seemed that the universe decided t(6) ______ me.(7) ______ ,I started my essay typing with my left hand.
    Everyne in my class was already(8) ______ their essay and I was nly five r six pages thrugh it.There was n way I culd(9) ______ it n time.I had t cme t my(10) ______ and tell her that nthing was ready.She said, "well,yu culd(11) ______ what yu have written during the year." Hw(12) ______ I was when I tld her I had just started and that I am a prcrastinatr.
    She turned ut t be very(13) ______ ,as she said that she wuld set anther deadline and prepare a(n)(14) ______ schedule fr me s that I culd write a decent wrk in the remaining time.(15) ______ her,I managed t cmplete my wrk under her strict cntrl and(16) ______ ,it was f a better quality than I culd have ever hped.
    I've learned my(17) ______ .I can't say that I've stpped prcrastinating(18) ______ at least,I've seen what happens when I prcrastinate.I am trying t learn sme(19) ______ management nw.I dn't want t(20) ______ all my life prcrastinating.
    21.A. prmisedB. wantedC. failedD. happened
    22.A. guidedB. suppsedC. advisedD. helped
    23.A. launchedB. assessedC. refusedD. ignred
    24.A. quicklyB. randmlyC. abruptlyD. painfully
    25.A. scheduleB. ageC. stryD. deadline
    26.A. punishB. frgiveC. cntrlD. bless
    27.A. With pleasureB. With curisityC. In panicD. In relief
    28.A. readingB. plishingC. startingD. writing
    29.A. acquireB. checkC. reviseD. cmplete
    30.A. teacherB. friendC. headmasterD. classmate
    31.A. packB. submitC. searchD. ruin
    32.A. cnfusedB. astnishedC. ashamedD. delighted
    33.A. strictB. understandingC. anxiusD. disappinted
    34.A. stableB. flexibleC. individualD. irregular
    35.A. Instead fB. Thanks tC. Apart frmD. On behalf f
    36.A. apparentlyB. indirectlyC. cnfidentlyD. unexpectedly
    37.A. subjectB. essayC. skillD. lessn
    38.A. butB. andC. rD. s
    39.A. timeB. prjectC. infrmatinD. classrm
    40.A. mindB. stpC. wasteD. risk
    41.A plush(毛绒的) ty named "Happy Lng" has recently captured the hearts f visitrs t the Gansu Prvincial Museum in nrthwest China.
    ( 1) ______ (mdel) after a Ming Dynasty gld rnament in the shape f a lng,ver 1,000 f these chubby and grinning lng tys were sld in the first week (2) ______ it made its first appearance earlier this year.
    Wu Xiayu,a designer f the ty,said the museum's creative cultural prduct design team (3) ______ (aim)t create a mre adrable and jyus versin f the traditinal lng(4) ______ (cater) t the tastes f yung peple.This innvative apprach t museum suvenirs reflects a brader trend f making cultural prducts mre appealing t yung Chinese museum-gers seeking (5) ______ (relax)and individuality,driving up revenue (收益)acrss varius museums.
    The Palace Museum's nline stre als ffers playful and humrus suvenirs (6) ______ feature emperrs in Chinese histry.These suvenirs range frm lipsticks and fans (7) ______ gluey tape and wallets,and have received rave reviews frm custmers.
    Hwever,Cui,head f the creative cultural prduct center at the Gansu Prvincial Museum,emphasized that (8) ______ (create) truly creative cultural prducts requires (9) ______ familiar knwledge f cultural relics and their (10) ______ (relate) backgrunds.Only thse deeply rted in the sil f Chinese histry and culture can stand the test f time.
    Dear Peter,
    Yurs, Li Hua
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第一段中We didn't start skydiving,but we are Ohi's lngest-running and mst reputable skydiving schl which pened in 1961!(我们没有开始跳伞,但我们是俄亥俄州历史最悠久、最负盛名的跳伞学校,于1961年开办!)可知,Skydive Greene Cunty()是俄亥俄州历史最悠久、最负盛名的跳伞学校。选项C.It is the ldest skydiving schl in Ohi.(它是俄亥俄州最古老的跳伞学校。)符合题意。故选C。
    (2)细节理解题。根据文中第三次问答中A:We require tandem skydiving as yur first jump.It allws yu t experience freefall while harnessed (绑)t an experienced and skilled instructr.(我们要求双人跳伞作为您的第一次跳跃。它可以让您在经验丰富且技术娴熟的教练的指导下体验自由落体。)可知,对初次跳伞者来说,需要有经验丰富且技术娴熟的教练的陪伴指导。选项C.Jump with a prfessinal cach.(与专业教练一起跳跃。)符合题意。故选C。
    (3)文章出处题。根据文中倒数第四行A:Please see the link belw fr the full price list.This cst includes all the training,the plane ride t altitude,necessary equipment and yur wn lgbk.(请参阅下面的链接以获取完整的价目表。这笔费用包括所有培训、乘坐飞机到高空、必要的设备和您自己的日志。)以及Fr ur full price list click here!(点击此处查看我们的完整价目表!)可知,本文应该出自于Skydive Greene Cunty()的网页。选项's website.(SGC网页。)符合题意。故选D。
    本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了位于俄亥俄州的Skydive Greene Cunty()跳伞学校及其招生宣传问答。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据文章第一段Stewart recalls making hles in the jars,hlding each up t his ear t hear the delicate sunds.Stewart sn brrwed a micrphne and began recrding what he heard.(斯图尔特回忆说,他在罐子上打洞,把每个罐子举到耳边听细微的声音。斯图尔特很快借了一个麦克风,开始记录他听到的内容。)可知马丁•斯图尔特年轻时用麦克风记录他听到的声音。故答案为D。
    (2)推理判断题。根据文章第二段Krause credits the rise in ppularity f nature sunds,meditatins(冥想) and science recrdings in part t the pineering wrk f audi recrdists like Stewart.(克劳斯将自然声音、冥想和科学录音越来越受欢迎的部分原因归功于像斯图尔特这样的录音师的开创性工作。)可知斯图尔特做出了巨大贡献。故答案为A。
    (3)细节理解题。根据文章第三段T get a few minutes f the sunds can take hurs f wrk.Smetimes,the nise frm cars,airplanes and ther machinery is s subtle and cmmn that he ften arrives hme nly t find the nise makes the files useless.(获得几分钟的声音可能需要几个小时的工作。有时,来自汽车、飞机和其他机械的噪音是如此细微和常见,以至于他经常回到家才发现噪音使文件无用。)可知斯图尔特在工作中可能面临的挑战是噪音的干扰。故答案为B。
    (4)推理判断题。根据文章最后一段Stewart,wh was diagnsed with bne cancer last year,recently released a free cllectin f his mst prized recrdings t the public.By ding this,he is ptimistic that thse listening will feel clser t freign species and envirnments,and feel mtivated t act."I think if we let peple listen t these beautiful sund recrdings,maybe we can start prtecting what we've gt left," says Stewart.(斯图尔特去年被诊断出患有骨癌,最近向公众免费发布了他最珍贵的录音合集。通过这样做,他乐观地认为,那些倾听的人会感到更接近外国物种和环境,并感到有动力采取行动。"我认为如果我们让人们听这些美丽的录音,也许我们可以开始保护我们所剩无几的东西,"斯图尔特说。)可知斯图尔特发行了他的唱片集,以激励人们保护自然。故答案为B。
    【解析】(1)推理判断题。根据文章第一段T study cral reefs and the creatures that live there,scientists smetimes use underwater drnes(无人机).But drnes aren't perfect.Their prpellers(螺旋桨) can harm reefs and ther living things.Drnes als can be nisy,scaring animals away.(为了研究珊瑚礁和生活在那里的生物,科学家们有时会使用水下无人机。但是无人机并不完美。它们的螺旋桨会伤害珊瑚礁和其他生物。无人机也会发出噪音,吓跑动物。)可知恩格尔伯格和他的团队创造了机器人水母,因为无人机对水下生物不友好。故答案为D。
    (2)推理判断题。根据文章第四段"Jellyfish have been mving arund ur ceans fr millins f years,s they are excellent swimmers," says David Gruber,a marine bilgist at Baruch Cllege in New Yrk City."I'm always impressed when scientists get ideas frm nature ,"Gruber says."Especially smething as simple as the jellyfish."(纽约市巴鲁克学院的海洋生物学家大卫•格鲁伯说:"水母在我们的海洋中活动了数百万年,因此它们是优秀的游泳者。""当科学家从大自然中获得灵感时,我总是印象深刻,"格鲁伯说。"尤其是像水母这样简单的东西。")可知卫•格鲁伯认为机器水母的想法很有趣。故答案为B。
    (3)推理判断题。根据文章第二段The device has eight tentacles(触角)and a case n tp.The case hlds the electrnics that cntrl the jellyfish and stre data.One cmpnent in the case allws wireless cmmunicatin with the rb-jellyfish.(该设备有八个触角,顶部有一个外壳。这个盒子装有控制水母和存储数据的电子设备。箱子中的一个组件允许与机器水母进行无线通信。)可知机器水母可以被无线控制。故答案为C。
    (4)主旨大意题。根据文章最后一段The rb-jellyfish is wrk in prgress."We are making a new versin right nw," Engelberg says.It swims deeper and can carry mre sensrs than the lder mdel.This shuld make it an even better spy n the cnditins affecting cral reefs wrldwide.(机器水母正在研发中。"我们现在正在制作一个新版本,"恩格尔伯格说。与旧型号相比,它可以游得更深,并可以携带更多的传感器。这将使它更好地监视影响全球珊瑚礁的状况。)可知本文主要讲述了佛罗里达大西洋大学的机械工程师埃里克•恩格尔伯格和他的团队开发了一种新工具——机器人水母。因此本文的主旨大意是A.This rb-jellyfish is a climate spy.(这只机器水母是气候间谍)。故答案为A。
    【解析】(1)细节理解题。根据第四段Sme aerbic exercise like jgging,pwer walking and swimming has been fund t increase the number f neurns making imprtant cnnectins in ur brains.(一些有氧运动,如慢跑、高强度步行和游泳,已经被发现可以增加大脑中重要连接神经元的数量。)可知通过定期练习游泳帮助大脑产生更多的神经元。故选B。
    (2)词义猜测题。根据第五段The researchers fund that ur brains facilitate decisin-making by stpping us frm fcusing t much n unimprtant past details.Instead,the brain helps us remember the mst imprtant part f a cnversatin.(研究人员发现,我们的大脑通过阻止我们过多地关注过去不重要的细节来促进决策。相反,大脑帮助我们记住谈话中最重要的部分。)及上下文的语境可以判断出,Make smething mre interesting(使某物更有趣)可以最好地取代第5段中强调的"facilitate"的意思。故选C。
    (3)推理判断题。由最后一段These findings shw us that ttal recall(记忆)can be vervalued.Our brains are wrking smarter when they aim t remember the right stries,nt every stry.可知,这些发现告诉我们,完全回忆可能被高估了。当我们的大脑想要记住正确的事情,而不是每一件事情时,它们就会更聪明地工作。由此推断出我们不应该过分强调完全回忆。故选C。
    (4)主旨大意题。由最后一段These findings shw us that ttal recall(记忆)can be vervalued.Our brains are wrking smarter when they aim t remember the right stries,nt every stry.可知,这些发现告诉我们,完全回忆可能被高估了。当我们的大脑想要记住正确的事情,而不是每一件事情时,它们就会更聪明地工作。是全文的主题句,结合全文内容,所以这篇文章的最佳标题是"健忘可能意味着你更聪明"。故选D。
    【解析】(1)联系上文题。根据上文Husehld chres like cking,cleaning,washing the dishes,and making the bed are never dne;they just get repeated like a brken recrd.Bring!(像做饭、打扫、洗碗、铺床这样的家务事永远做不完;它们就像坏了的唱片一样被重复播放。无聊!)可知,此处讲述的是人们认为做家务是很无聊的事情。E选项"和许多人一样,你可能认为家务是件烦人的事"讲述的是很多人认为做家务是件烦人的事情,与空前内容吻合,与空后内容为转折关系,符合逻辑。故选E。
    (2)标题归纳题。根据下文As researchers state in a reprt,ding undemanding tasks allws the mind t wander.Yur mind gets a break,which allws yu t cnsider ld prblems with new eyes.(正如研究人员在一份报告中所说,做一些不费力的任务可以让人走神。你的大脑得到了休息,这让你可以用新的眼光来思考老问题)可知,做一些要求不是很高的任务会让大脑得到休息,这样可以用新的思维考虑一些旧的问题。由此可知,此处讲述的是做家务之类的工作有助于解决问题,B选项"家务琐事可以带来创造性的问题解决方法"与空后的内容相吻合,且概括了本段的主题。故选B。
    (3)联系上文题。根据上文They fund that thse mst engaged in husehld chres had a 21 percent lwer risk f dementia cmpared t thse least engaged in chres.(他们发现,那些做家务最多的人患痴呆症的风险比那些做家务最少的人低21%)可知,研究发现,做家务较多的人比较少做家务的人患上痴呆的概率要低21%,G选项"这一结果表明,简单的改变就能对健康产生影响"中的this result指代的为空前的研究发现,且讲述的内容与本段内容吻合。故选G。
    (4)联系上文题。根据上文Cmpleting even a small task,like making yur bed,can give yu a sense f satisfactin.(即使是完成一件小事,比如整理床铺,也能给你带来满足感)可知,完成小事情能给人以满足感,C选项"因此,你会感到有动力去处理一个接一个的任务"中的thus表明,此处内容与空前内容为因果关系,符合逻辑,且与本段的主题句吻合。故选C。
    (5)语境衔接题。根据上文Chres are gd fr children's mental health.(做家务对孩子的心理健康有好处)可知,本段讲述的是做家务对孩子的身心健康有好处,F选项"和孩子一起做家务也能改善亲子关系"讲述的是做家务能改善亲子关系,与本段的主题一致,且与空后的In my wn case,I bnd with my daughter by gssiping (闲聊) and singing while we d chres tgether.(就我自己而言,我和女儿在一起做家务时,通过闲聊和唱歌来建立联系)讲述的作者的亲身经历内容一致。故选F。
    【解析】(1)考查动词及语境理解。A.prmised许诺;B.wanted想要;C.failed失败;D.happened发生。根据上句I am a prcrastinatr (拖延症患者),which means I cannt make myself d things.可知我是一个拖延者,这意味着我不能让自己做事。说明虽然我喜欢我的学习,但问题是当我有作业时,我不能让自己开始做。故选C项。
    (2)考查动词及语境理解。A.guided指导;B.suppsed预期,需要;C.advised建议;D.helped帮助。句意:曾经我需要写一篇大论文,这是一个我应该用一年时间完成的项目。根据后文"t prepare fr the whle year. "可知,这篇文章是作者的一个作业,应该有一年的筹备时间。be suppsed t d sth表示"应该做某事"。故选B项。
    (4)考查副词及语境理解。A.quickly迅速地;B.randmly随机地;C.abruptly唐突地;D.painfully痛苦地。句意:时间过得很快,在我意识到的时候,距截止日期只有一周的时间了。根据后文"befre I knew it,there was nly ne week"可知,时间过得很快。故选A项。
    (5)考查名词及语境理解。A.schedule时间表;B.age年龄;C.stry故事;D.deadline截止日期。句意:时间过得很快,在我意识到的时候,距截止日期只有一周的时间了。根据前文"Once I had t write a huge essay"及后文"set anther deadline"可知,作者要写一篇论文,但他拖延到了截止日期前一周。故选D项。
    (6)考查动词及语境理解。A.punish惩罚;B.frgive原谅;C.cntrl控制;D.bless祝福。句意:似乎宇宙开始惩罚我了。根据前文"I brke my right arm"可知,就在作者正要开始写作的时候,右手摔断了,就好像宇宙在惩罚他一样。故选A项。
    (7)考查介词短语及语境理解。A.With pleasure乐意地;B.With curisity好奇地;C.In panic惊慌地;D.In relief简要地。句意:我只能慌张地用左手打字。根据前文" there was nly ne week ahead f the "及"I brke my right arm"可知,截止日期临近,右手骨折,作者非常慌张。故选C项。
    (8)考查动词及语境理解。A.reading阅读;B.plishing改进,润色;C.starting开始;D.writing写作。句意:班里的同学们都已经开始润色修改文章了,我才写了五六页。根据上文" there was nly ne week ahead f the "可知,距离交论文只有一周了,其他同学应该早就写完,结合句中"their essay"可推知,他们在作最后的润色修改。故选B项。
    (9)考查动词及语境理解。A.acquire获得;B.check检查;C.revise修改;D.cmplete完成。句意:我绝不可能按时完成了。根据前文"I was nly five r six pages thrugh it."可知,作者无法按时完成作业了。故选D项。
    (10)考查名词及语境理解。A.teacher老师;B.friend朋友;C.headmaster校长;D.classmate同学。句意:我不得不找到老师,告诉她我没有写完作业。根据前文"There was n way I culd it n time. "可知,作者无法按时完成作业,所以要向老师报告这件事。故选A项。
    (11)考查动词及语境理解。A.pack打包;B.submit提交;C.search搜寻;D.ruin摧毁。句意:她说:"你可以提交这一年你已经完成的内容。"根据后文"what yu have written during the year."可知,老师让作者提交已经写完的部分。故选B项。
    (12)考查形容词及语境理解。A.cnfused困惑的;B.astnished惊讶的;C.ashamed羞愧的;D.delighted高兴的。句意:当我告诉她我才刚刚开始,我是一个拖延症患者时,羞愧地无地自容。根据后文"when I tld her I had just started and that I am a prcrastinatr"可知,当作者告诉老师实情时,羞愧难当。故选C项。
    (13)考查形容词及语境理解。A.strict严格的;B.understanding宽容的;C.anxius焦急的;D.disappinted失望的。句意:结果证明老师非常宽容,她又给我定了另一个截止日期,还给我制定了我个人的时间表,以便我在剩余的时间内可以完成不错的文章。根据后文"as she said that she wuld set anther deadline and prepare a(n) schedule fr me"可知,老师非常宽容。故选B项。
    (14)考查形容词及语境理解。A.stable稳定的;B.flexible灵活的;C.individual个人的;D.irregular不规律的。句意:结果证明老师非常宽容,她又给我定了另一个截止日期,还给我制定了我个人的时间表,以便我在剩余的时间内可以完成不错的文章。根据后文"s that I culd write a decent wrk in the remaining time."可知,老师给作者制定了适合他自己的时间表帮助他按时完成任务。故选C项。
    (15)考查固定短语及语境理解。A.Instead f而不是;B.Thanks t多亏;C.Apart frm除了;D.On behalf f代表。句意:多亏了她,在她严格的监督下,我完成了作业。出乎意料的是,这个作业的质量比我预期的还好。根据后文"I managed t cmplete my wrk under her strict cntrl "可知,由于老师的帮助和严格监督,作者顺利完成作业。故选B项。
    (16)考查副词及语境理解。A.apparently显然地;B.indirectly间接地;C.cnfidently自信地;D.unexpectedly意想不到地。句意:多亏了她,在她严格的监督下,我完成了作业。出乎意料的是,这个作业的质量比我预期的还好。根据后文"it was f a better quality than I culd have ever hped"可知,作业的质量比作者预想的要好,这是意料之外的。故选D项。
    (17)考查名词及语境理解。A.subject科目;B.essay论文;C.skill技巧;D.lessn教训。句意:我也得到了教训。根据后文"I can't say that I've stpped prcrastinating at least,I've seen what happens when I prcrastinate."可知,作者通过这件事学到了教训,了解到了拖延的后果。故选D项。
    (18)考查连词及语境理解。A.but但是;B.and并且;C.r或者;D.s所以。句意:我不能说我已经不拖延了,但是至少我已经看到了拖延的后果。根据前文"I can't say that I've stpped prcrastinating"及后文"I've seen what happens when I prcrastinate"可知,前后是转折关系,虽然作者不能完全避免拖延,但至少了解了拖延的后果。故选A项。
    (19)考查名词及语境理解。A.time时间;B.prject项目;C.infrmatin信息;D.classrm班级。句意:我现在试着学习时间管理。根据前文"I am a prcrastinatr"可知,作者是拖延症患者,要避免拖延,就要学会更好的管理时间。故选A项。
    (20)考查动词及语境理解。A.mind介意;B.stp停止;C.waste浪费;D.risk冒险。句意:我不想浪费我的生命在拖延上了。根据前文"I've learned my "可知,通过这件事情,作者了解到了拖延的后果,决定不再把时间浪费在拖延上了。故选C项。
    【小题3】had aimed
    【小题4】t cater
    (3)考查动词时态。句意:该玩具的设计师吴晓宇表示,故宫创意文化产品设计团队的目标是创造出一种更可爱、更欢乐的传统龙,以迎合年轻人的口味。aim"旨在",根据主句中said可知,aim发生在said之前,表示"过去的过去",要用过去完成时。故填had aimed。
    (4)考查动词不定式。句意:该玩具的设计师吴晓宇表示,故宫创意文化产品设计团队的目标是创造出一种更可爱、更欢乐的传统龙,以迎合年轻人的口味。此处用动词不定式作目的状语。故填t cater。
    (7)考查介词。句意:这些纪念品从口红、扇子到胶带和钱包,都受到了顾客的好评。frm "从……到",是固定搭配。故填t。
    (9)考查不定冠词。句意:然而,甘肃省博物馆创意文化产品中心主任崔强调,创造真正的创意文化产品需要对文物及其相关背景有熟悉的了解。a knwledge f"对……的了解",是名词短语。故填a。
    42.【答案】Dear Peter,
    I hpe this email finds yu well.Recently,I've heard abut a trending bkstre that has been attracting a lt f attentin.【高分句型一】Lcated in the heart f ur city,this bkstre ffers nt just an extensive cllectin f bks but als a czy and relaxing envirnment.(书店位置及特色)
    The mst intriguing aspect is that,apart frm purchasing physical bks,custmers can als get free e-bks.This unique ffer cmbined with its charming ambiance makes it a must-visit fr bklvers.(书店优惠信息)
    I thught that yu might be interested in jining me fr a visit.【高分句型二】I'd lve t discuss the details with yu,such as the best time t g and hw we culd get there.Let me knw when yu're free,and we can plan ur trip tgether.(商议时间及出行方式)
    Lking frward t yur reply and a chance t explre this wnderful bkstre with yu.(表达期盼)
    Yurs, Li Hua
    【解析】高分句型一:Recently,I've heard abut a trending bkstre that has been attracting a lt f attentin.
    高分句型二:I thught that yu might be interested in jining me fr a visit.

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