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    这是一份2024届重庆市重庆乌江新高考协作体模拟监测(三)英语试题,文件包含英语试卷docx、英语答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共12页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9. 18.C. £9.15.
    1. What will the wman d this evening?
    A.Have dinner with Mike.
    B.G ut with her parents.
    C.Stay at hme with her brther.
    2. Hw des the wman keep in tuch with her family?
    A.By making phne calls.B.By sending pstcards.C.By using the Internet.
    3. What did the man buy?
    A.Green tea.B.Orange juice.C.Ht chclate.
    4. What des the wman ask the man t d?
    A.Mve sme bxes.B.Make a phne call.C.Drive a car.
    5. Why is the man talking t the wman?
    A.T take ut insurance.B.T describe his illness.C.T make an appintment.
    6. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A.In a htel.B.In the man's ffice.C.In a pst ffice.
    7. What will the man d next?
    A.Pst sme papers.B.Find a fax machine.C.G dwnstairs
    8. Where did the man mst prbably lse his phne?
    A.On the undergrund.B.In a bank.C.In a restaurant
    9. What will the man d befre five 'clck?
    A.Buy a new phne.B.Make a call 't the wman.C.Meet the wman.
    10. Hw did the wman bk the mvie tickets?
    A.On the Internet.B.At the ticket ffice.C.On the phne.
    11. When did the speakers plan t meet the Smiths at first?
    A.At 11 :30.B.At 12 :00.C.At 2:00.
    12. What will the wman hpe t d n the way back hme?
    A.Order a bk.B.Pick up the tickets.C.Meet with the Smiths.
    13. What des the man think f Lucy's taking flying lessns?
    14. What is Lucy?
    A.A pilt.B.A nurse.C.A dctr.
    15. What des the man advise the wman t d?
    A.Teach in a cllege.
    B.Start her wn restaurant.
    C.Teach an Italian cking class.
    16. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A.Husband and wife.B.Brther and sister.C.Teacher and student.
    17. Wh is the speaker?
    A.An English teacher.B.A university student.C.A news reprter.
    18. What des the speaker think f English listening?
    19. What des the speaker suggest?
    A.Practicing listening mre after class.
    B.Trying t understand every wre when listening.
    C.Listening t pp sngs withut reading the wrds.
    20. What is the speaker mainly talking abut?
    A.Hw t understand English teachers better.
    B.Hw t find interesting English materials.
    C.Hw t imprve yur listening in English
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    The fllwing are reviews f fur films.
    Happiness (Rmance)★★★
    Happiness tells the stry f tw peple wh wrk fr different advertising cmpanies. They talk n the phne all the time and dn’t like each ther. But then they crrespnd by email and fall in lve. This mvie is very ppular with teenagers and peple wh like rmances. It als has beautiful music.
    I Scream (Thriller)★★
    In I Scream, Paul is a yung man wh jins a thriller club. Each f the members tries t frighten the thers. Paul is tld t stay in an ld huse fr the night. Everyne wh has tried t stay in the huse befre has died. This mvie is very frightening but als quite silly. It desn’t make sense fr Paul t stay in the huse when things start t g wrng. It is nly fr peple wh like thrillers.
    Paul’s Heres (Cmedy)★★★
    This is a very funny war mvie set in Wrld WarⅡ. Six sldiers have t get t Italy t take secret messages t the American army there. In the mvie, they dress up as wmen and fight with Italian wrkers. Yu can guess the ending, but it’s great fun getting there.
    ________ (Drama)★★★★
    This is a very gd drama with Jack Rss, wh plays a hard­wrking truck driver. His wife becmes ill and he has t find a dctr wh can help her. In his travels he meets Dr Llyd (Phil Driver) wh has fund the cure fr the illness, but Jack Rss has nly twelve hurs t get the medicine back t his wife n the ther side f America. This is an excellent mvie, which is very exciting.
    21.Which mvie des the reviewer like best?
    22.Which f the fllwing is the best title fr the furth film?
    A.A Hard­Wrking Truck DriverB.MedicineC.Strange IllnessD.Twelve Hurs
    23.Which f the fllwing is TRUE accrding t the passage?
    A.Happiness tells the stry f tw peple wh dn’t like each ther but fall in lve.
    B.Thrillers are ppular with mst peple.
    C.Paul’s Heres is nt wrth seeing at all.
    D.It’s easy fr Jack Rss’s wife t be saved.
    Mst peple can think f a time when they were in a bad md after a lng day at wrk and a shp assistant gave them a warm smile. Or maybe they verheard their bus-mate speaking German and ended up filling the mrning cmmute(通勤)with a stimulating cnversatin abut an upcming trip.
    Nichlas Epley, a psychlgist at the University f Chicag cnducted a study. Participants speaking t strangers n public transprtatin during their mrning cmmutes reprted having a mre enjyable cmmute.
    Epley shared why speaking t strangers may have such a md bsting impact. Lneliness, Epley explained, is ne f the mst dangerus scial stressrs and is even mre physically harmful than besity(肥胖). “It’s larger than air pllutin, which we spend an awful lt f time wrrying abut.” Making cnnectins with thse arund us can reduce lneliness and its harmful impacts.
    Despite all the benefits f cnversing with strangers, there are sme factrs that hld peple back frm new scial cnnectins.
    Psychlgist Gillian Sandstrm thinks that peple dn’t talk with strangers, simply because mst peple dn’t have the skills r cnfidence t d s. T address this, she ran Lndn-based events t help peple gain cnfidence in initiating cnversatins with strangers. Sandstrm said, “By the end, thse participants dn’t want t stp talking.”
    Sandstrm wanted t take this success a step further and she started hsting events where peple were frced t talk with strangers. Fr example, using the app GseChase, Sandstrm made a campaign that required participants t talk t peple with a variety f characteristics. This event was als successful with fur fifths f participants sharing that they learned smething new, and nearly half hping t keep in tuch with a new-fund friend.
    Peple spend s much f ur day arund strangers, such as in line at the stre, n public transprtatin, and in the ffice. Why nt take advantage f being arund peple yu dn’t knw? Flash a smile r start up a cnversatin, and yu will make tw peple’s day nicer.
    24.Why des Nichlas Epley mentin air pllutin?
    A.T shw the strng impact f lneliness n md.
    B.T highlight the significance f making cnnectins.
    C.T intrduce the benefits f cnversing with strangers.
    D.T prve the necessity f creating a gd envirnment.
    25.What can we learn abut Gillian Sandstrm’s Lndn-based events?
    A.They prvide new jb pprtunities.
    B.They are highly enjyed by the participants.
    C.They bst peple’s cnfidence in sciety.
    D.They explre why peple dn’t talk t strangers.
    26.Hw des the authr shw the success f the app-based campaign?
    A.By referring t qutes.B.By listing examples.
    C.By making cmparisns.D.By shwing statistics.
    27.What is the authr’s purpse in writing the text?
    A.T urge peple t interact with strangers.
    B.T relieve cmmuters frm awkwardness.
    C.T help peple imprve cmmunicatin skills.
    D.T remind peple t pay attentin t their surrundings.
    Huge health care bills, lng emergency-rm waits and the inability t find a primary care physician just scratch the surface f the prblems that patients face daily.
    Primary care shuld be the backbne f any health care system. Cuntries with apprpriate primary care resurces scre highly when it cmes t health utcmes and cst. The U.S. takes the ppsite apprach by emphasizing the specialist rather than the primary care physician.
    A recent study analyzed the prviders wh treat Medicare beneficiaries (老年医保受惠人). The startling finding was that the average Medicare patient saw a ttal f seven dctrs—tw primary care physicians and five specialists—in a given year. Cntrary t ppular belief, the mre physicians taking care f yu dn’t guarantee better care. Actually, increasing fragmentatin f care results in a crrespnding rise in cst and medical errrs.
    Hw did we let primary care slip s far? The key is hw dctrs are paid. Mst physicians are paid whenever they perfrm a medical service. The mre a physician des, regardless f quality r utcme, the better he’s reimbursed (返还费用). Mrever, the amunt a physician receives leans heavily tward medical r surgical prcedures. A specialist wh perfrms a prcedure in a 30-minute visit can be paid three times mre than a primary care physician using that same 30 minutes t discuss a patient’s disease. Cmbining this fact with annual gvernment threats t indiscriminately (任意地) cut reimbursements, physicians are faced with n chice but t increase quantity t bst incme.
    Primary care physicians wh refuse t cmprmise quality are either driven ut f business r t cash-nly practices, further cntributing t the decline f primary care.
    Medical students are nt blind t this scenari. They see hw heavily the reimbursement deck is stacked against primary care. The recent numbers shw that since 1997, newly graduated U. S. medical students wh chse primary care as a career have declined by 50%. This trend results I emergency rms being verwhelmed with patients withut regular dctrs.
    Hw d we fix this prblem?
    It starts with refrming the physician reimbursement system. Remve the pressure fr primary care physicians t squeeze in mre patients per hur, and reward them fr ptimally (最佳的) managing their diseases and practicing evidence-based medicine. Make primary care mre attractive t medical students by frgiving students lans fr thse wh chse primary care as a career and recnciling the marked difference between specialist and primary care physician salaries.
    We’re at a pint where primary care is needed mre than ever. Within a few years, the first wave f the 76 millin Baby Bmers will becme eligible fr Medicare. Patients lder than 85, wh need chrnic care mst, will rise by 50% this decade.
    Wh will be there t treat them?
    28.We learn frm the passage that peple tend t believe that ________.
    A.the mre cstly the medicine, the mre effective the cure
    B.seeing mre dctrs may result in mre diagnstic errrs
    C.visiting the same dctr n a regular basis ensures gd health
    D.the mre dctrs a patient sees, the better
    29.Faced with the gvernment threats t cut reimbursements indiscriminately, primary care physicians have t ________.
    A.increase their incme by wrking vertime
    B.imprve their expertise and service
    C.see mre patients at the expense f quality
    D.make varius deals with specialists
    30.What suggestin des the authr give in rder t prvide better health care?
    A.Bridge the salary gap between specialist and primary care physicians.
    B.Extend primary care t patients with chrnic diseases.
    C.Recruit mre medical students by ffering them lans.
    D.Reduce the tuitin f students wh chse primary care as their majr.
    31.The best title fr this passage is ________.
    A.The Health Care in TrubleB.The Imbalance System
    C.The Declining Number f DctrsD.The Ever-rising Health Care Csts
    Teachers wrried abut students turning in essays written by a ppular artificial intelligence chatbt nw have a new tl f their wn.
    Edward Tian, a cmputer science majr at Princetn University, has built an App called GPTZer t detect whether a text is written by Chat GPT, which is a ppular chatbt that has caused fears ver its pssibility fr immral uses in American academic circles. His mtivatin t create the cmputer prgram was t fight what he sees as an increase in AI plagiarism (剽窃). Since the release f ChatGPT in 2022, there have been reprts f students using the language mdel t pass ff AI-written assignments as their wn. Many teachers have reached ut t him after he released GPTZer, telling him abut the psitive results they’ve seen frm testing it.
    T determine whether an essay is written by a cmputer prgram, GPTZer uses tw indicatrs: “cnfusin” and “burstiness (突发性)”. The first indicatr measures the cmplexity f text; if GPTZer is cnfused by the text, then it has a high cmplexity and it’s mre likely t be human-written. Hwever, if the text is mre familiar t GPTZer — because it’s been trained n such data — then it will have lw cmplexity and therefre is mre likely t be AI-generated. Besides, the secnd indicatr cmpares the variatins f sentences. Humans tend t write with greater burstiness, fr example, with sme lnger r cmplex sentences alngside shrter nes. AI sentences tend t be mre unifrm.
    In a demnstratin vide, Tian cmpared the App’s analysis f a stry in The New Yrker and a Linked In pst written by ChatGPT. It successfully distinguished writing between human and AI. Hwever, GPTZer isn’t flprf, as sme users have reprted when putting it t the test. He said he’s still wrking t imprve the mdel’s accuracy.
    Tian is nt ppsed t the use f AI tls like ChatGPT. GPTZer is “nt meant t be a tl t stp these technlgies frm being used,” he said. “But with any new technlgies, we need t be able t adpt it respnsibly and we need t have prtectins.”
    32.What have sme students dne since ChatGPT was released?
    A.They have built language mdels frm ChatGPT.
    B.They have cpied AI-written text frm ChatGPT
    C.They have accessed their assignments thrugh ChatGPT.
    D.They have passed their writing exams thrugh ChatGPT.
    33.What can be inferred abut the tw indicatrs f GPTZer?
    A.The mre unifrm the text is, the mre likely it is t be AI-generated.
    B.The less cmplex the text is, the mre likely it is t be human-written.
    C.GPTZer smetimes cnfuses human-written texts with AI-generated texts.
    D.GPTZer is mre familiar with human-written texts than with AI-generated texts.
    34.What des the underlined wrd “flprf” mean in the furth paragraph?
    C.Perfectly legal.D.Cmpletely reliable.
    35.What maybe Tian’s attitude t the use f AI tls?
    Have yu always dreamed f having a garden,but thught yu didn’t have enugh space (空间)? 36 With a little planning and creativity. yu can still make a beautiful garden frm the small utdr space Here are sme tips that yu can fllw.
    Plan yur layut (布局) carefully. 37 Cnsider the verall arrangement f the space and create different znes fr different purpses. Yu may want t make an utline r use a design tl t imagine it. Or it’s a gd chice t search nline fr digital garden planners t help yu deign the layut 38 If yu have limited space,it’s imprtant t select plants that will grw well in yur garden. Lk fr plants that suit the climate,sil type,and grwing cnditins. Or chse dense r small sizes f plants t make the best use f yur space
    Make use f vertical (垂直的) space. One f the best ways t make the mst f yur small garden is t use vertical gardening skills. Vertical gardening is an excellent way t add mre greenery t yur small garden withut taking up t much space. 39 Yu can als use hanging baskets t add mre greenery t yur space.
    Include the eatable int yur garden. Grwing yur wn fd is nt nly satisfying,but it can als save yu mney n grceries Even if yu nly have a small garden. yu can still cnsider grwing varius fruits,vegetables, which can be grwn ta cntainers like bxes and pts. 40
    With these tips in mind,yu can create a beautiful and prductive garden in even the smallest space. Happy gardening!
    A.Fllw design rules.
    B.It’s time t think again.
    C.Chse suitable plants.
    D.First,wning a garden is imprtant.
    E.Yu can grw plants n walls r ladders.
    F.Befre planting. think abut hw t use yur garden.
    G.They can prvide fresh and delicius fd thrughut the seasn.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Mre peple are travelling than ever befre, and lwer barriers t entry and falling csts means they are ding s fr 41 perids.
    The rise f “city breaks” 48-hur bursts f freign cultures, easier n the pcket and annual leave balance has increased turist numbers, but nt their 42 spread. The same attractins have been used t market cities such as Paris, Barcelna and Venice fr decades, and visitrs use the same infrastructure (基础设施) as residents t reach them. “T many peple d the same thing at the exact same time,” says Fnt, an expert in turism. “Fr 43 , the city n lnger belngs t them.”
    In respnse t this situatin, cities have cme up with varius slutins. Fr instance, Amsterdam has started advising visitrs t seek 44 utside f the city center n its fficial website. “That takes curage, really, t d that. But nly s many peple will lk at the website, and it means they can say t their residents they’re ding all they can t 45 cngestin.”
    But it als prpses a better way, which is called “de-turism”: sustainable travel tips and 46 schedules fr explring a real Venice, ff the paths beaten by the 28 millin visitrs wh flck there each year.
    A greater variety f 47 fr prspective visitrs — ideas fr what t d in ff-peak seasns, fr example, r utside f the city center — can have the effect f remving them frm already crwded landmarks, r 48 shrt breaks away in the first place. Lnger stays 49 the pressure, says Fnt. ‘If yu g t Paris fr tw days, yu’re ging t the Eiffel Twer. If yu g fr tw weeks, yu’re nt ging t g t the Eiffel Twer 14 times.” Similarly, repeat visitrs have a better sense f the 50 , “We shuld be asking hw we can get turists t 51 , nt hw t get them t cme fr the first time. If they’re cming fr the fifth time, it is much easier t integrate their behavirs with urs.”
    Fnt says cities culd stand t be mre 52 abut the turists they try t attract when the current metric fr marketing success is hw many there are, and hw far they’ve cme. “Yu’re thinking. ‘yeah but at what cst…’” He pints t unpublished data frm the Barcelna Turist Bard that priritizes Japanese turist fr spending an average f 640 mre per day than French turists — a(n) 53 that fails t take int accunt their bigger carbn ftprint. 54 turists are als mre likely t be repeat visitrs that cme at ff-peak times, buy lcal prducts, and spread ut t less crwded parts f the city — all prductive steps twards mre 55 turism, and mre peaceful relatins with residents.
    51.A.g withB.bring upC.cme backD.lay ff
    Animal-rights activists ften cmplain that cute beasts get mre sympathy than ugly nes. If s, ne wuld think a lvely creature like the mink (貂) wuld be easy t prtect. Yet in the Netherlands, mink is the nly animal 56 can still legally be farmed fr their fur. That is abut t change. On August 28th the gvernment brught frward t this year a ban 57 mink-farming that had been scheduled t take effect in 2025. The timetable was sped up nt because mink had becme mre adrable, 58 because they can cntract COVID-19 and spread it t humans.
    Dutch farmers nrmally raised abut 2.5 millin minks a year, 59 (make) the Netherlands the wrld’s furth-largest prducer after Denmark, China and Pland. In April, a cuple f minks and the farm hands wh tended them 60 (diagnse) with COVID-19. Genetic tracing shwed that at least tw wrkers had prbably been infected by mink, rather than the ther way arund. The affected animals were destryed and stricter hygiene rules were impsed, but by summer the virus had spread t a third f the cuntry’s farms.
    That was a win fr the Netherland’s Party fr the Animals, which has fur seats in the 150-member parliament. In 2013, 61 helped pass the law that gave mink farmers until 2025 t get ut f the business. Sme members f parliament claim that the cmpensatin 62 (pay) fr destrying the infected minks was higher than the market price fr their fur.
    Fur farmers say mdern standards allw minks t be raised humanely, and 63 they are nt a big reasn fr the spread f the virus. But minks tend t live by themselves instead f living in grups; animal-rights advcates say they cannt be raised humanely in small cages. As fr COVID-19, the wrry is 64 mink culd serve as a medium fr it t attack human immunizatin (免疫) prgrams. The industry’s value is mdest, and plls shw the public verwhelmingly ppses it. “In a demcratic cuntry, that widespread belief 65 translate int a plitical decisin t ban fur farming,” says Esther Ouwehand, leader f the Party fr the Animals. The farmers accept they are shutting dwn. The remaining argument is ver mney.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    Dear fellw students,
    Student Unin
    The dg days f summer in Central Texas are ht and damp. It was a pity that ur hme didn’t have air cnditining. Mmma and I were just trying t get thrugh this August afternn the best we culd. Reading helped take ur minds ff the heat. Mmma was stretched acrss the sfa, a pillw (枕头) under her head, reading. I sat n the flr, leaning (倚靠) back against the sfa, a curius nine-year-ld in shrts sharing a fan’s flw. My bk rested n the flr.
    I lked at the thin hardcver my mm was reading, Ed Nichls Rde a Hrse. There was a cwby riding his hrse n the frnt cver, but therwise the bk appeared plain and unimpressive. Befre I settled, I asked, “Mmma, what’s yur bk abut?”
    “It’s a stry abut a man, his hrse and the hardships he encuntered in Texas. Sme f it takes place in Bsque Cunty,” she answered.
    With that, my mm returned t her stry. I knew Bsque Cunty was near where Mmma had grwn up. And I als knew it was best if I didn’t ask any mre questins. My mm tk her reading seriusly.
    We’d been reading fr the better part f an hur-the nly sunds were thse that came frm the fan and an ccasinal turn f a page — when I heard smething unfamiliar. The sniffling (抽鼻子) back f tears.
    I turned in her directin and saw smething I’d never seen befre: my mm crying. Smething big — really big must have happened. My mm did nt cry.
    “Mmma, what’s wrng?” I gt up n my knees, staring directly int her face. “Are yu all right?” “Jennifer, I’m fine.” Mmma sat up and wiped (擦) her eyes. “Yu dn’t need t be cncerned.”
    I wasn’t buying it. This was nt nrmal behavir. “Why were yu crying?” I asked in a whisper. She lked at me hard. “The bk made me cry,” she replied.
    I was trying t figure ut hw that plain-lking bk culd make my mstly n-nnsense mmma cry when she said the mst amazing thing. “The stry made me sad when the hrse gt hurt.”
    1.续写词数应为150 左右;
    That’s when I learned the truth that stries affect us.
    I read Ed Nichls Rde a Hrse frm cver t cver with a big plan frming in my mind.

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