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    这是一份[英语]重庆市乌江新高考协作体2024届高考模拟监测(一)英语试题,共12页。试卷主要包含了填写答题卡的内容用2B铅笔填写,提前 xx 分钟收取答题卡等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    考试时间:分钟 满分:分
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    2、提前 xx 分钟收取答题卡
    第Ⅰ卷 客观题
    一、第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题:每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。(共5题;共7.5分)
    1. What is the man ging t d?
    2. When will the man clean up his rm?
    3. Hw des the man usually get t his cmpany?
    4. What was the matter with Alice tday?
    5. Hw much shuld the wman pay in ttal?
    第Ⅱ卷 主观题
    6. What is the prbable relatinship between Neil and Tim?
    A . Bss and secretary. B . Husband and wife. C . Driver and passenger.
    7. When will Neil and Tim get t the airprt tmrrw?
    A . At abut 8:00 am. B . At abut 9:00 am. C . At abut 5:00 pm.
    8. Why des the girl want a baby brther?
    A . T please her dad. B . T enjy being a big sister. C . T raise ‘animals tgether with him.
    9. What des the girl hpe t d at last?
    A . Keep a dg. B . Get a cute cat. C . Lk after her brther.
    10. What des the man think f air transprtatin?
    A . Its insurance is always expensive. B . It's the safest way t send gds. C . It's the fastest way f transprtatin.
    11. What will the man recmmend t send very heavy machines?
    A . Air transprtatin. B . Sea transprtatin. C . Rad transprtatin.
    12. Which is the feature f railway transprtatin accrding t the man?
    A . It is ecnmical. B . It is very flexible. C . It brings much pllutin
    13. Hw was Jane's trip t the West Cast?
    A . Wnderful. B . Terrible. C . Tiring.
    14. What was Jane unsatisfied with in Ls Angeles?
    A . The weather. B . The big nise. C . The bus service.
    15. What was the weather like n Jane's trip in San Francisc?
    A . Warm. B . Cl. C . Cld.
    16. What attracted Jane mst in San Francisc?
    A . Its small size. B . Its large streets. C . Its beautiful scenery.
    17. What was the writing subject abut last year?
    A . A bedrm. B . A place. C . Fd.
    18. Wh can take part in the writing cmpetitin?
    A . Teenagers. B . Middle-aged peple. C . Old peple.
    19. What will the winners get?
    A . 500 dllars. B . Free tickets t a z. C . The club's magazines.
    20. What is the deadline fr the entry?
    A . The 4th next mnth. B . The 14th next mnth. C . The 25th next mnth.
    三、第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题:每小题1.5分,满分37.5分)(共15题;共22.5分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    In tday's classrm, hmewrk is cmpleted nt nly with the pen and paper, but als with cmputers and cell phnes. Hw t make the best use f such digital prducts is an imprtant questin fr teachers and students. The fllwing tp digital prtfli platfrms(作品集平台) ffer a brad range f functins. Mst imprtantly, they prvide a way t share students' wrk with pride.
    Ggle Sites
    Creating a digital prtfli culd nt be any easier than Ggle Sites makes it. It lets students quickly put in cntents, such as text, images, vides, maps, and much mre. Use ne f the prvided six themes r create a custm ne, and then publish it as a public r restricted-view(限制浏览的) site.
    Seesaw fr Schls
    Designed fr educatin, Seesaw fr Schls prvides a platfrm thrugh which students cmplete and share schl prjects. By recrding the prcess f gradually imprving their schlwrk, kids gain a sense f master y and pride, s it is ppular amng them. Plus, parents can be invlved t—just dwnlad the Seesaw Family app.
    Artsnia is like a dream cme true fr art-minded students: a free, safe, educatinal space thrugh which students shw their digital creativity. Friends and family can view, cmment n and buy bjects. The site als prvides a cmplete teachers' guide. Just celebrate the artistic skills with Artsnia!
    One f the ldest and best-knwn web platfrms fr educatin, Edublgs makes it easy fr teachers and students t start building a free WrdPress platfrm. The free plan ffers 1 GB f strage space, class management tls, and n advertising. A set f educatr guides and cmmunity participatin is anther big plus fr Edublgs.
    21. What is special abut Ggle Sites?
    A . It lets students learn frm thers' wrk. B . It is cntrlled by educatrs fr safety. C . It ffers students nline publishing rights fr free. D . It allws students t create cntents in different frms.
    22. Why is Seesaw fr Schls ppular amng kids?
    A . It helps check their schl wrk. B . It can track their prgress. C . It requires teamwrk with parents. D . It prtects their persnal infrmatin well.
    23. What d Artsnia and Edublgs have in cmmn?
    A . They ffer prfessinal advice. B . They require supprt frm teachers and parents. C . They remind students t hand in hmewrk n time. D . They can stre large amunts f infrmatin.
    The Carter Center said recently that nly 13 human cases f Guinea wrm disease were reprted wrldwide last year. That is a majr drp frm 3.5 millin cases f infected peple in 1986, in which year the Atlanta-based Carter Center jined the Wrld Health Organizatin( WHO) in the fight against Guinea wrm disease. The center said the remaining infectin ccurred in fur cuntries in sub-Saharan Africa. Six human cases were reprted in Chad, five in Suth Sudan, ne in Ethipia and ne in the Central African Republic. And the Central African Republic case remains under investigatin.
    Guinea wrm disease is a disease that affects pr cmmunities in distant parts f Africa and Asia where peple d nt have safe water t drink. Peple wh drink unclean water can get parasites(寄生虫) that can grw up t 1 meter. The wrm grws in peple fr up t a year befre painfully cming ut, ften thrugh the feet r ther sensitive parts f the bdy.
    The WHO says there is neither a drug treatment fr Guinea wrm disease nr a vaccine t prevent it. But it can be prevented by training peple t filter(过滤) and drink clean water.
    Guinea wrm disease culd be the secnd human disease t be ended after smallpx, accrding t the Carter Center. Adam Weiss, a directr f a prgram t fight against the disease, says that eradicating the disease finally culd be difficult, fr the ppulatins where Guinea wrm disease still exists ften face insecurity, including cnflict, which can prevent wrkers and vlunteers frm ging huse t huse t ffer supprt.
    Weiss warns, "If supprt fr these cmmunities slws r stps, there's n questin that yu're ging t see a sudden increase in Guinea wrm." Hwever, he adds, "We're cntinuing t make prgress—even if it is nt as fast as we all want it t be, that prgress cntinues."
    24. What d we knw abut Guinea wrm disease frm the text?
    A . It's still a big prblem wrldwide. B . It was first fund in the year 1986. C . It has been well cntrlled in the past years. D . It nce existed in mst cuntries wrldwide.
    25. What will happen after ne is infected with Guinea wrm disease?
    A . He can be in great pain within a few days. B . He will end up becming very sensitive. C . He will mainly suffer stmachaches. D . He may suffer a lt in the end.
    26. Hw can Guinea wrm disease be best handled?
    A . By having a vaccine t prevent it. B . By ensuring drinking water is clean. C . By receiving a gd drug treatment. D . By aviding getting int unclean water.
    27. What des the underlined wrd "eradicating" in Paragraph 4 mean?
    A . Cmpletely ending. B . Carefully studying. C . Exactly knwing. D . Suddenly changing.
    Thse wh had the pleasure f watching Benny Gdman at wrk saw a rather rdinary-lking man in rimless glasses and a cnservative business suit; but they als saw a human being wh culd play the clarinet(单簧管) like n ne befre r since. This made Benny Gdman a unique individual.
    Other Americans wh have std ut frm the flck include Je DiMaggi, Beverly Sill, Ernest Hemingway and Jnas Salk. They, like Benny Gdman, were recgnized and hnred fr n ther reasn than excellence.
    It is ding smething better than ther peple that makes us unique. Yet a surprising number f peple still see individuality as a surface thing. They wear garish clthes, dye their hair strange clrs and decrate their skin with tatts t make sme kind f scial statement. But an rdinary guy wh has dyed his hair purple r range is nthing mre than the same persn with a funny-lking head.
    The whle purpse f individuality is excellence. Thse wh invent, wh imprvise(即兴发挥), wh knw mre abut a subject than ther peple d, and wh take smething that desn't wrk and make it wrk––these peple are the very sul f capitalism.
    Charles Kettering didn't like the idea f cranking a car t make it start, s he invented the electric starter. Henry Frd figured ut the assembly-line technique and made it pssible t mass-prduce autmbiles, and Elisha Otis, inventr f the elevatr, indirectly created the city sky-line. These peple understd that individualism means wrking at the tp f ne's capacity.
    The nes with the purple hair and the funky jewelry are just alng fr the ride, trying t be "different" and nt knwing hw t g abut it.
    The student wh earns straight A's n his reprt card has grasped the idea and has fund the real meaning f individuality. S has the yungster wh has designed his wn spaceship, wh gives pian recitals, wh paints pictures f the wrld arund him.
    Benny Gdman understd it t. This is why he was at his best, blwing his clarinet, in a blue suit and black shes.
    28. The authr mentins the appearance f Benny Gdman t ____.
    A . shw what a talented musician shuld lk like B . intrduce an imprtant figure in the musical wrld C . cntrast with his talent in music perfrmance D . indicate that he can't stand ut frm the flck
    29. The authr wuld mst prbably agree that ____.
    A . an individualist tends t seek difference bth in character and appearance B . the essence f individualism lies in pursuing excellence t the full C . being different in appearance is the very first step t being individual D . thse wh strive t win the recgnitin f thers are real individualists
    30. Accrding t the passage, which individual's actins may nt truly embdy the essence f individualism?
    A . A scientist wh cnducts research slely advancing knwledge fr the greater gd rather than fr persnal recgnitin. B . A scial media influencer wh cnfrms t ppular pinins t maintain a large fllwing. C . An artist wh creates unique wrks but fail t gain fame and recgnitin frm thers. D . An entrepreneur wh priritizes ethical cnsideratins ver prfit in his business practices.
    31. Fr the main thread, the article is rganized by way f ____.
    A . specific t general B . cause and effect C . examples and cnclusin D . cmparisn and cntrast
    Hw many bsses culd rely n their emplyees threatening t quit in mass if they were abruptly frced ut? Sam Altman received such a shw f supprt frm mre than 700 staff after he was fired frm Open AI that he was swiftly restred t his psitin by the bard. But this level f lyalty is nt typical and may nt always be a gd thing.
    Management experts say staff wh are lyal t their emplyer are inclined t invest mre time and effrt in their jbs, helping t create an engaged and higher perfrming wrkplace. In turn they receive pr ntins and pay rises. They have a greater sense f belnging and ptentially a lnger career at the same rganisatin. But it is nt all rsy. Peple wh are t lyal are mre likely t take actins that are deemed wrng t keep their jbs and prtect their emplyer, accrding t a 2021 academic paper. They might verlk wrngding and be less likely t expse crruptin. Lyalty is smetimes seen as such a frce fr gd that it can be used t justify bad behavir.
    Often cmpanies and senir bsses are the real winner a f emplyee lyalty. Research led by Matthew Stanley at Duke University's Fuqua Schl f Business published this year, fund that managers were mre likely t explit lyal individuals. Stanley recruited almst 1,400 managers t read abut a fictinal 29-year-ld emplyee called Jhn, wh wrked fr a cmpany that was trying t keep csts dwn. They had t decide hw willing they wuld be t ask Jhn t wrk lnger hurs and take n mre wrk withut mre pay. Researchers created varius situatins including labelling Jhn as lyal versus ther traits such as hnest and fair. Managers were mre willing t ask lyal Jhn t take n the burden f unpaid wrk.
    Hwever, Cnsultancy Gallup's latest state f the wrkplace reprt shwed that half f the 122, 416 emplyees wh tk part in a glbal survey were lking ut fr new wrk. "Yu can't guarantee anyne will stick arund these days," says a cnsultant wh advises bards. This is particularly true f yunger generatins. They trust their bsses less and are nt as patient when it cmes t career prgressin, seeing little benefit in keeping their heads dwn and fllwing rders if they d nt see results quickly.
    32. What des the authr want t say by mentining Sam Altman in Paragraph 1?
    A . Open AI's staff lyalty is quite high. B . Staff lyalty's rsy side in the wrk. C . Sam Altman culd cunt n his emplyees. D . This level f lyalty is nt always gd.
    33. Hw did Matthew Stanley cnduct his research!
    A . Thrugh glbal surveys cncerning a fictinal emplyee named Jhn. B . By creating different situatins t ask Jhn ta take n mre unpaid wrk. C . By asking managers t make decisins abut wrk arrangements f Jhn. D . By recruiting managers t read fictin abut wrk traits like lyal and hnest.
    34. What can yu learn frm the passage?
    A . Lyalty can be used by management t explit emplyees. B . Yunger generatins are mre patient twards their emplyers. C . Emplyees wh are lyal are mre likely t reprt wrngding. D . Lyalty t an emplyer always leads t a psitive wrk envirnment.
    35. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A . Hw Jb Lyalty Affects the Wrk Envirnment? B . Why Staff Lyalty is Nt Always a Gd Thing? C . Are Lyal Emplyees Mre Likely t be Prmted? D . Des Wrk Lyalty Help Career Prgress Mre Quickly?
    Fr the sake f surviving in the wrld with challenges, we need t be wise. 36 Let me tell yu this, wisdm prvides us with perspective when we need it and it calms us dwn in terrible situatins. Here are sme strategies that we can use t get wiser.
    Smetimes we urselves need t be pen t diverse perspectives. 37 Never base yur perspective n the mst ppular pinin r which is the mst cmfrtable fr yu. Train yur mind t be a judgment-free space fr ideas. If yu are humble, then yu will always get t experience smething new.
    38 Take new classes, read bks and the list ges n and n. Surf the Internet and clear ut yur prblems that cnfuse yu. All f these activities will help yu t tackle prblems frm different angles, making everything easier.
    Yu bviusly want t grw and d better in life, right? The best way is t have wise peple as yur mentrs (导师), like teachers, clleagues and even special friends. Prir t making them a mentr, find ut what makes them wiser, then engage in useful dialgue with them. 39 .
    If yu have accumulated a lt f knwledge, then why nt share it with thers t? Cmmunicating with thers and helping them ut will als increase yur wisdm. 40 S keep things balanced and never let g f yur passins and values. This will pave the path t success.
    A.This will pen up new pathways fr us.
    B.And wisdm is crucial in this mdern wrld.
    C.Change yur rutine and see where life takes yu.
    D.What's mre, we need cmmunicate with wise peple.
    E.Yu must be the kind f persn wh learns smething new every day.
    F.In tday's wrld, it is very easy t becme wise but it isn't easy t help thers.
    G.The mre time is spent with them, the mre transfer f knwledge there will be.
    In Favur f Simple Writing
    D yu edit text messages carefully befre sending them? If s, yu may be the kind f persn wh takes pride in 41 even the simplest message. If yu d nt, yu may see yurself as a g-getter, ne wh values excitement and speed ver 42 : get it dne decently nw rather than perfectly later.
    Peple are cnstantly receiving messages, frm the mailbx t the inbx t the text-message alert. What t read, what t skim (略读) and what t ignre are decisins that nearly everyne has t make dzens f times a day. A new bk titled All Readers are Busy Nwadaysmakes the argument fr being the careful kind f 43 , even in infrmal lines. The authrs als present well-established 44 that have lng been prized in guides t writing.
    Take "less is mre". Mst bks n writing well advcate the advice t 45 needless wrds. The authrs, hwever, have 46 the idea. In an email t thusands f schl-bard members asking them t take a survey, cutting the cunt frm127 t 49 wrds almst 47 the respnse rate.
    Keeping messages t a 48 idea—r as few as abslutely needed—helps ensure that they will be read, remembered and acted n. 49 the number f the available ptins has the same effect, t. A link in an email, 50 , attracted 50% mre clicks when presented alne than when it was sent alngside a secnd additinal link.
    Syntax (句法) and 51 matter, t. It is mre 52 t adpt shrt and active sentences, with cmmn wrds familiar t everyne. Frm Facebk psts t nline-travel reviews, even brief, infrmal pieces f writing that fllw these rules get mre likes and shares.
    If everyne is a busy reader, everyne is a busy writer, t. That may make it tempting t sent as many messages as 53 as pssible and hpe fr the best. But frm essays t text messages rganizing dinner plans, devting time t the needs f readers has prvable 54 . If yu are s busy that yu write an undisciplined message which readers scan, ignre and delete, then yu might as well have nt 55 it at all.
    Hi Kelsey,
    Happy 18th birthday! Yu've fficially reach 56 (adult) in a lt f ways, even thugh I knw yu're already mature beynd yur years.
    Many bittersweet events will happen in the next ten years. There will be highs. Stick t 57 (cherish) every single secnd. There will als be lws, and yu may feel 58 (dishearten). But yu'll surely be cmmitted t 59 (make) it thrugh, and 60 (gradual) yu'll get strnger than befre.
    The wrld will always thrw new challenges at yu. 61 a cnsequence, yur strength will be tested again and again. Lking back t what has happened ver the last decade, I feel prud f hw far yu've cme. Apprve 62 everything that cntributes t yur 63 (becme) fearless and independent.
    As yu becme an adult, jump at every pprtunity 64 cmes yur way. Celebrate every chance yu get. N dubt yu'll always pnder 65 it and make the right decisin.
    Happy birthday, Kelsey! See yu in ten years.
    28-year-ld Kelsey
    七、第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分15分)(共1题;共15分)
    66. 假定你是学生会主席李华,学生会举办的首届生活技能云端展示活动Wrk Creates a Better Life得到了外教Patrick的大力支持。活动已经圆满结束,请你给他写一封感谢信。内容包括:
    67. 阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    It's a great pity that I had nt put frth the amunt f effrt required. I had spent t much timed playing with my friends instead f imprving myself. I had let dwn my teacher, wh was the kindest, sweetest, and prettiest ne I had ever knwn. She laughed ften, and never threatened any f us, yet she was able t "read" the children, cntrl the class, and teach effectively. Miss Pratt put a lt f herself int her wrk. Every day near the clse f schl, she wuld read t us, r even better, tell us stries abut when she was a little girl. Mst imprtantly, she made us feel that she cared abut us and that we were imprtant.
    Because f a serius car accident when I was three and a half years ld, I had a sear (伤疤) belw my nse that was the result f a trn upper lip. Everything else had healed up withut any after effects physically, but my emtins remained scarred. Meanwhile, having been called "Chief Running Nse" and "Scarface" by many children, my cnfidence had suffered. Althugh my parents and relatives referred t me as pretty, I did nt see myself that way.
    Fcusing n my scar, I culd nt appreciate any redeeming features (可取之处). At the end f ne schl day, I remained in my classrm, waiting fr the arrival f my mther, wh was cming t take me t an appintment clse t the schl. Miss Pratt sat at her desk with a fellw teacher and chatted.
    I glanced at the clck and realized it was time t get ready t leave. I put n my wl cat and hat. The teachers lked at my clthes and seemed t admire it. I was able t read their lips a little and my ears perked up t hear, "Wh is she? She is really cute." My teacher Miss Pratt answered, "I agree. Bernice is quite pretty."
    1. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    "Pretty" caught my attentin since it was almst my favrite wrd.
    Abut tw mnths later, the final exam result was annunced and I gt the first place.题号

    A . Hld a party.
    B . G t the bkstre.
    C . Celebrate his birthday.
    A . In just half an hur.
    B . After seeing the mvie.
    C . Befre ging t the cinema.
    A . By subway.
    B . By car.
    C . By bike.
    A . She did badly in the math test.
    B . She frgt t check her hmewrk.
    C . She made many mistakes in all tests.
    A . $6.
    B . $18.
    C . $30.
    A . cnveying
    B . understanding
    C . crafting
    D . sending
    A . care
    B . quantity
    C . simplicity
    D . technlgy
    A . reader
    B . pster
    C . learner
    D . writer
    A . structures
    B . principles
    C . aims
    D . alternatives
    A . remve
    B . ignre
    C . recnsider
    D . interpret
    A . cnveyed
    B . translated
    C . tested
    D . shaped
    A . lwered
    B . affected
    C . dubled
    D . maintained
    A . basic
    B . psitive
    C . definite
    D . single
    A . Recrding
    B . Reducing
    C . Cunting
    D . Estimating
    A . in cmparisn
    B . after all
    C . fr instance
    D . in particular
    A . wrd-chice
    B . pattern-design
    C . target-setting
    D . platfrm-selectin
    A . difficult
    B . suitable
    C . challenging
    D . cmmn
    A . carefully
    B . ften
    C . plitely
    D . quickly
    A . utcmes
    B . pints
    C . figures
    D . benefits
    A . received
    B . written
    C . read
    D . answered

    重庆市乌江新高考协作体2024届高考模拟监测(一)英语试题: 这是一份重庆市乌江新高考协作体2024届高考模拟监测(一)英语试题,共12页。试卷主要包含了第一部分 听力听下面5段对话,第二节听下面5段对话或独白,第二部分 阅读,第二节,第一节,第四部分 写作等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2024届重庆市重庆乌江新高考协作体模拟监测(三)英语试题(学生版+教师版): 这是一份2024届重庆市重庆乌江新高考协作体模拟监测(三)英语试题(学生版+教师版),文件包含2024届重庆市重庆乌江新高考协作体模拟监测三英语试题教师版docx、2024届重庆市重庆乌江新高考协作体模拟监测三英语试题学生版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共42页, 欢迎下载使用。

    2024届重庆市重庆乌江新高考协作体模拟监测(三)英语试题: 这是一份2024届重庆市重庆乌江新高考协作体模拟监测(三)英语试题,文件包含英语试卷docx、英语答案docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共12页, 欢迎下载使用。






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