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    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures复习练习题

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures复习练习题,共9页。

    Ⅰ 单句填空
    1.Questined by the teacher repeatedly, Mathew finally admitted (cheat) in the exam.
    2.The new stadium under (cnstruct) will be pen t the public.
    3.Thrugh the curse f my schling, I met many teachers, tw f influenced me greatly.
    4. (wander) in the streets f the Lijiang Ancient City, I feel a strng sense f culture.
    5.Science and technlgy has brught great changes in ur lives.
    6.He was crssing the street when a man was driving fast twards him and he narrwly escaped (kill).
    7.Over thusands f years ag, they began t depend less n culd be hunted r gathered frm the wild.
    8.If yu want t sell yur ld furniture, why put an advertisement nline?
    9.One third f the cuntry (be) cvered with trees and the majrity f the citizens (be) black peple.
    10.The ld temple (see) great changes f the village in the past tw hundred years.
    答案:1.cheating 2.cnstructin 3.whm 4.Wandering 5.abut 6.being killed 7.what 8.nt 9.is; are
    10.has seen
    培优层级2 ——多维训练提能
    In May 2020, the Beijing Organizing Cmmittee fr the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games(BOCOG) slicited(征集) medal designs wrldwide. Hang Hai and his team set abut preparing designs t submit t the BOCOG. Medals reflect the culture and creativity f the hst cuntry, and the team set tw basic principles fr their design:
    First, it shuld cntinue t adpt the jade(玉) culture incrprated int the design f the Beijing 2008 medals t highlight Beijing’s status as the wrld’s first city t hst bth the Summer and Winter Games; secnd, it shuld be innvative.
    “The medals f bth the Beijing 2008 and 2022 Games are t hnr the athletes and the Olympic spirit with traditinal jade culture, ”said Hang. Jade was chsen because it has been treasured in China and symblizes gd virtue. “The difference is that the 2008 medals used the jade as a material, while the 2022 medals represent the spirit f China’s jade culture,” he added.
    In the prcess f designing the medals, ne team member, Lin Fan, cnducted extensive research int China’s ancient bi. Lin finally chse a five-ring ne assciated with Fu Ha — a Shang Dynasty queen — as the prttype(原型) fr the medals. In the final design, the ppsite side f the medals has the Olympic rings engraved in the center, surrunded by five big cncentric(同心的) rings. Auspicius(吉祥的) clud patterns, as well as snwfakes and ice patterns are engraved between the circles. The clud patterns are intended t maintain a cultural cnnectin with the 2008 Games, while the snwflakes and ice patterns speak t the characteristics f the Winter Olympics.
    The cases hlding the medals are made f bamb. “The Internatinal Olympic Cmmittee inquired abut the grwth and prcessing f the bamb t ensure it meets the requirements f a green Olympics and fllws the cncept f sustainable(可持续的) develpment,” Hang said.
    The medals passed the quality test and were accepted by the Games’ rganizing cmmittee n January 7, 2022. The medals are fficially named Tngxin and they are the result f many peple’s effrts. Hwever, the smile n the athletes’ faces as they wear them makes it all wrthwhile.
    1.What des paragraph 2 fcus n?
    A.The histry f the Olympic medals.
    B.The purpse f the 2022 Winter Olympics.
    C.The basic requirements f the 2022 medal designs.
    D.The significance f the 2008 medal patterns.
    2.What is the difference between the 2022 medals and the 2008 medals?
    A.2022 medals use the jade as a material.
    B.2022 medals strengthen the idea f envirnmental prtectin.
    C.2022 medals make n difference in the medal designs.
    D.2022 medals reflect the spirit f China’s jade culture.
    3.Why did the designers add clud patterns t the 2022 medals?
    A.T present harmny between human and nature.
    B.T stress the bnd with the 2008 Games.
    C.T cmbine with the features f the Winter Olympics.
    D.T highlight the charm f Chinese traditinal culture.
    4.What d we knw abut the cases hlding the medals?
    A.Their prductin shws the cncept f green Olympics.
    B.They were slicited by BOCOG.
    C.They symblize gd virtue.
    D.They spent a lt f time prcessing.
    Many travelers are familiar with the UNESCO’s Wrld Heritage List (世界遗产名录) Hwever, less is knwn abut the rganizatin’s List f Wrld Heritage in Danger. It currently specifies 53 Wrld Heritage sites under threat f “serius and specific dangers” due t factrs such as climate change, armed cnflict, and develpment pressures. The accelerated degeneratin(退化) f these cultural treasures is a reality that shuld cncern the wrld, since the yunger generatin may nt have the pprtunity t visit them.
    Fr this reasn, insurance cmpany Budget Direct, and Ne Mam Studis, a creative studi based in the UK, have started a prject, creating a series f GIFs t repair Wrld Heritage sites and demnstrate what these ruins wuld have lked like if they had been prtected.
    Drawing attentin t sites at risk, the prject aims t give everyne the pprtunity t visit these sites virtually (虚拟的). It started with in-depth research arund the sites n the List f Wrld Heritage in Danger. Based n the results, the team made a selectin accrding t tw main criteria: First, they were man-made places. Secnd, they still had standing elements. Fcusing n the selected sites, the team wrked with architects Jelena Ppvic and Keremcan Kirilmaz and industrial designer Erdem Batirbek t research and illustrate six f these legendary lcatins.
    In this series f GIFs, six sites are digitally repaired t their frmer glry. They include Hatra in Iraq, Leptis Magna in Libya, Palmyra in Syria, Prtbel-San Lrenz in Panama, Nan Madl in the Federated States f Micrnesia as well as the Old City f Jerusalem and its Walls. Time des nt stand still, and neither des technlgy. Thanks t these technlgies, we can travel virtually, withut leaving hme, t thse places that, whatever their future may be, will always be part f the cllective memry.
    5.Why did the team develp the prject GIFs?
    A.They are curius abut sme Wrld Heritage sites.
    B.The List f Wrld Heritage in Danger is nt well-knwn.
    C.The yunger generatin desire t visit Wrld Heritage sites.
    D.Yung peple may miss the chance t visit sme Wrld Heritage sites.
    6.What kind f endangered Wrld Heritage sites culd be chsen fr this prject?
    A.Natural sites that had standing elements.
    B.Man-made sites that had standing elements.
    C.Natural sites that were destryed cmpletely.
    D.Man-made sites that were destryed cmpletely.
    7.What can we learn frm the last paragraph?
    A.Mre sites n the list will be repaired.
    B.The Wrld Heritage sites will be in danger.
    C.Technlgies make virtually travelling mre cnvenient.
    D.Technlgies help peple visit Wrld Heritage sites virtually.
    8.What is the passage mainly abut?
    A.An insurance cmpany saving Wrld Heritage Sites.
    B.UNESCO prtecting Wrld Heritage Sites.
    C.Wrld Heritage Sites at risk f disappearing.
    D.Endangered Wrld Heritage Sites rebuilt in GIFs.
    In 1972, UNESCO started a prgramme t prtect the wrld's cultural and natural heritage.____9____The TaMahal (泰姬陵) in India and the Imperial Tmbs f the Qing and Ming Dynasties in China are tw f the best knwn examples.
    ____10____In the early 17th century, India was ruled by an emperr named Shah Jahan wh was married t a wman named Mumtaz. The emperr lved his wife s much that when she died, he built the Taj Mahal in her memry. The beautiful mausleum(陵墓) was designed t lk like what the emperr hped wuld be Mumtaz's hme in the afterlife. The clur f the buildings appears t change with the light f day.____11____The cuple, therefre, nw rest tgether frever.
    ____12____the Imperial Tmbs f the Ming and Qing Dynasties are a mnument t the mind and spirit. Visitrs wh walk amng the buildings can feel bth the weight f histry and a wnderful sense f peace. What makes the Qing and Ming Tmbs unique is that they bring tgether architecture and philsphy. The Imperial Tmbs represent Chinese cultural and histrical values that have been handed dwn frm generatin t generatin fr thusands f years.
    Human life lasts nly a shrt time but art and culture last frever, The UNESCO Wrld Cultural Heritage Sites prgramme attempts t prtect and preserve the best f human histry. Masterpieces such as the Tai Mahal and the Imperial Tmbs f the Ming and Qing Dynasties remind us f what we can achieve at ur finest.____13____
    A.Building the Taj Mahal was a labur f lve.
    B.The Taj Mahal is a masterpiece f architecture.
    C.The king was later buried immediately t Mumtaz.
    D.They als encurage us t fllw ur traditinal custms.
    E.Suppsing that the Taj Mahal is a celebratin f the heart.
    F.Meanwhile, they inspire us t live up t ur great past in the future.
    G.Mre than 800 cultural sites have been added t the Wrld Cultural Heritage Site List ever since.
    1.C 2.D 3.B 4.A
    1.段落大意题。根据第二段“First, it shuld cntinue t adpt the jade(玉) culture incrprated int the design f the Beijing 2008 medals t highlight Beijing’s status as the wrld’s first city t hst bth the Summer and Winter Games; secnd, it shuld be innvative.(第一,应继续采取融入北京2008年奖牌设计中的玉文化,以突出北京作为世界上第一个同时举办夏季和冬季奥运会的城市的地位;其次,它应该是创新的)”可知,第二段主要讲述2022年奖牌设计的两点要求。故选C。
    2.细节理解题。根据第三段中“‘The difference is that the 2008 medals used the jade as a material, while the 2022 medals represent the spirit f China’s jade culture,’ he added.(‘不同的是,2008年奥运会的奖牌使用玉石作为材料,而2022年奥运会的奖牌代表了中国玉石文化的精神。’他补充说)”可知,2022年奖牌与2008年的不同点是:2022年的奖牌反映了中国玉文化的精神,故选D。
    3.细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句“The clud patterns are intended t maintain a cultural cnnectin with the 2008 Games, while the snwflakes and ice patterns speak t the characteristics f the Winter Olympics.(祥云的图案意在保持与2008年奥运会的文化联系,而雪花和冰的图案则体现了冬奥会的特点)”可知,设计者将祥云图案融入2022年的奖牌中是为了强调与2008年奥运会联系起来,故选B。
    4.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“The cases hlding the medals are made f bamb. ‘The Internatinal Olympic Cmmittee inquired abut the grwth and prcessing f the bamb t ensure it meets the requirements f a green Olympics and fllws the cncept f sustainable(可持续的) develpment,’ Hang said.(盛放奖牌的盒子是用竹子做的。杭说:‘国际奥委会询问了竹子的生长和加工,以确保它符合绿色奥运会的要求,并遵循可持续发展的理念。’)”可知,装奖牌的盒子由竹子制成,体现了绿色奥运会的理念,故选A。
    5.D 6.B 7.D 8.D
    5.细节理解题。根据第一段“The accelerated degeneratin(退化 ) f these cultural treasures is a reality that shuld cncern the wrld, since the yunger generatin may nt have the pprtunity t visit them. (这些文化宝藏的加速退化是一个应该引起全世界关注的现实问题,因为年轻一代可能没有机会参观它们)”和第二段“Fr this reasn, insurance cmpany Budget Direct, and Ne Mam Studis, a creative studi based in the UK, have started a prject, creating a series f GIFs (出于这个原因,保险公司Budget Direct和英国的创意工作室Ne Mam工作室启动了一个项目,制作了一系列动图)”可知,这个团队将世界遗产制作成动图,是为没有机会参观世界遗产的更年轻的一代,保存一份对世界文化遗迹的珍贵回忆。故选D项。
    6.细节理解题。根据第三段“Based n the results, the team made a selectin accrding t tw main criteria: First, they were man-made places. Secnd, they still had standing elements. (根据研究结果,研究小组根据两个主要标准做出了选择:首先,它们是人造场所。其次,他们仍然有留存的建筑部分)”可知,该团队挑选岌岌可危的遗迹,基于两个标准:是人类建造的建筑,而且现在仍然保存着建筑部分。故选B项。
    7.推理判断题。根据最后一段“Thanks t these technlgies, we can travel virtually, withut leaving hme, t thse places that, whatever their future may be, will always be part f the cllective memry. (多亏了这些技术,我们可以足不出户,虚拟旅行到那些遗迹。无论未来如何,遗迹都将永远成为集体记忆的一部分)”可推知,技术帮助人们虚拟参观世界遗产。故选D项。
    8.主旨大意题。根据第二段“Fr this reasn, insurance cmpany Budget Direct, and Ne Mam Studis, a creative studi based in the UK, have started a prject, creating a series f GIFs t repair Wrld Heritage sites and demnstrate what these ruins wuld have lked like if they had been prtected. (出于这个原因,保险公司Budget Direct和英国的创意工作室Ne Mam工作室启动了一个项目,制作了一系列动图来修复世界遗产,并展示这些遗迹受到保护下壮美的景象)”可知,本文主要讲述一个团队制作大量动图,修复世界遗产,让游客有机会“云”游虚拟世界遗迹。故选D项。
    9.G 10.A 11.C 12.E 13.F
    9.根据空前“In 1972, UNESCO started a prgramme t prtect the wrld's cultural and natural heritage.(1972年,联合国教科文组织启动了一项计划,以保护世界文化和自然遗产。)”空后“The TaMahal (泰姬陵) in India and the Imperial Tmbs f the Qing and Ming Dynasties in China are tw f the best knwn examples.(印度的泰姬陵和明清两代的皇陵是其中的最好的两个例子。)”可知,空前提到了联合国教科文组织启动保护文化遗产的计划,空后提出了泰姬陵和皇陵是其中的两个例子,故G项“从那以后,800多个文化遗址被添加到世界文化遗产清单中。”符合,承接上文,并引出下文,且空后的“the best knwn examples”指代本空的“Mre than 800 cultural sites”,故选G项。
    10.根据空后“In the early 17th century, India was ruled by an emperr named Shah Jahan wh was married t a wman named Mumtaz. The emperr lved his wife s much that when she died, he built the Taj Mahal in her memry.(17世纪初期,印度由一名叫的Shah Jahan皇帝统治,他与一名叫Mumtaz的女子结婚。皇帝很爱他的妻子,所以当她去世时,他修建了泰姬陵来纪念她。)”可知,空后讲述了泰姬陵的由来,是因为皇帝对他妻子的爱,故A项“泰姬陵的修建是因为爱。”符合,故选A项。
    11.根据空后“The cuple, therefre, nw rest tgether frever.(因此,这对夫妇永远地安息在一起了。)”可知,C项“国王随后也立即葬在了Mumtaz的身边。”是空前的顺义承接,国王葬在了妻子身边,因此他们永远地安息在一起了,故选C项。
    12.根据空后“the Imperial Tmbs f the Ming and Qing Dynasties are a mnument t the mind and spirit.(明清两代的皇陵就是心灵和精神的丰碑。)”可知,空后提出了明清两代的皇陵是心灵的寄托,故E项“如果泰姬陵是一场心灵的庆典。”符合,此处分别说出了泰姬陵和明清两代皇陵的意义,故选E项。
    13.根据空前“Masterpieces such as the Tai Mahal and the Imperial Tmbs f the Ming and Qing Dynasties remind us f what we can achieve at ur finest.(像泰姬陵和明清两代的陵墓提醒着我们,我们可以做到最好。)”可知,空前提出了这些文化遗产警示着我们,让我们努力做到最好,故F项“与此同时,它们又激励着我们在未来不辜负我们伟大的过去。”符合,F项与空前构成递进关系,像泰姬陵和明清两代的陵墓不仅警示着我们做到最好,而且还激励着我们不辜负过去,故选F项。

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