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    Unit 3 Period 1 Listening and speaking课件 人教版高中英语必修三
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    Unit 3 Period 1 Listening and speaking课件  人教版高中英语必修三06
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    高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures一等奖ppt课件

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 3 Diverse Cultures一等奖ppt课件,共30页。PPT课件主要包含了 gumbo, nachos,humburger,gumbo,nachos等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    The beauty f the wrld lies in the diversity f its peple.世界之美源自人之多样
    While the wrld may be full f natural beauty, ultimately its beauty is in the different kinds f peple that inhabit it and their cultures.
    What is diverse culture?
    It means the c-existence f many different types f cultures in a specific regin r in the wrld as a whle. Each culture has its distinct features and each ther’s difference are respected.
    Achieving ne’s wn gal yields gratificatin (满足). Lending a hand t cnsummate (完成) thers’ gal dubles satisfactin. Gals f self and thers can be unified, thus the wrld can be harmnized.
    America is a micrcsm (缩影) f the wrld, where all cultures and languages are represented. It is nw seen as ne f the wrld leader in multiculturalism and diversity.
    Where d yu think this pht was taken? D yu find the place familiar? What can yu see in the picture?
    The pht was prbably taken in the United States because I can see a sign that says “CALIFORNIA”.
    buildings, lamp pst,lanterns.
    What are sme wrds n the buildings? Why are there bth Chinese and English shp signs?
    Chinese and English wrds. It is Chinatwn.
    What are sme tpics yu will read abut / listen t in this unit?
    Diverse cultures.
    The 18th Internatinal Cultural Festival is held at the central campus f Shandng University n April 26, gathering students frm 25 cuntries.
    A Sri Lankan (斯里兰卡) student pses fr a pht t shwcase the cuntry’s culture.
    Students at the Las (老挝) bth shwcase the cuntry’s unique culture.
    A student frm Suth Krea prmtes Krean delicacies at the Suth Krea bth.
    Overseas students wearing their natinal cstumes stage a fashin shw at Shandng University.
    languages, races, religins, traditins, eating, clthes and s n
    Watch the tw vides and discuss the questins.1. D yu think Macau is a city that has diverse cultures?2. What’s yur pinin n the influence f diverse cultures?
    The diversity f its peple reflects n: _____________________________________________ _________, which makes diversity f the wrld.
    America is ften called a melting pt f cultures. Many f the specialty dishes we cnsider whlly American are actually reinterpretatins (重新诠释) and hybrids (混血儿) imprted frm cultures arund the wrld, reflecting its rich histry f immigratin. 
    Unit 3 Listening and Speaking
    1. Lk at the phts f American fd and match them with their names. Then guess which cuntries’ cuisine influenced the fd’s inventin.
    ___ humburger
    ___ frtune ckie
    Nachs are a ppular fd based n crn, f Mexican rigin that can be either made quickly t serve as a snack r prepared with mre ingredients (配菜) t make a full meal. In their simplest frm, nachs are chips cvered in cheese.
    Guess which cuntries’ cuisine influenced the fds’ inventin.
    A frtune ckie is a sweet, crisp biscuit which cntains a piece f paper which is suppsed t say what will happen t yu in the future. Frtune ckies are ften served in Chinese restaurants in the US.
    Gumb is a type f sup r stew frm the suthern United States. It can be made with chicken, sausage, shrimp r fish. Peple ften put rice in it.
    The term hamburger derives frm the name f the city f Hamburg in Germany. A hamburger is grund meat which has been shaped int a flat circle. It’s a sandwich cnsisting f a fried cake f minced (切碎的) beef served n a bun, ften with ther ingredients.
    frtune ckie
    2. Listen t a radi interview abut American fd and check whether yur answers t Activity 1 are crrect.
    The recipe fr the meat in a hamburger cmes frm Hamburg in Germany.
    Smene in San Francisc put a piece f paper with a frtune n it inside a Japanese style ckie.
    It was invented in New Orleans ver 200 years ag and mix French, African, Native American and Spanish cking.
    The recipe was invented by a Mexican ck fr his American custmers.
    3. Listen t the interview again and decide whether the statements are true [T] r false [F].
    4. Listen t the interview again and cmplete the ntes belw.
    Hw t take ntes When taking ntes, just write dwn the key wrds, such as names, dates, and numbers. They will help yu remember things later n. T save time and space, mit all articles (a, an, the) and use abbreviatins. Fr example, use “N.O.” fr New Orleans, “bc” fr because, “yrs” fr years, “+” fr and, and s n.
    Mexican crn
    American custmers
    San Francisc
    Native American
    Interviewer: Tday ur guest is Steve Fx. He’s here t talk abut cultural influences n American fd. Welcme, Steve!Steve: Thank yu. It’s nice t be here.Interviewer: When it cmes t American fd, sme say n fd was ever invented in America. What d yu think?Steve: Hmm … That’s nt really true. Fr example, sme say the hamburger cmes frm Hamburg in Germany, but they’re wrng. The recipe fr the meat in a hamburger may have cme frm Germany, but the final hamburger we knw tday was definitely created by Americans.Interviewer: Yu mean there was a mixing f cultures? Fd frm verseas changed when it arrived in the States. Steve: Yes, but they’re unknwn in China. Abut 100 years ag, smene in San Francisc put a piece f paper with a frtune n it inside a Japanese-style ckie, and the frtune ckie was brn!Steve: Right. And there are many mre examples f mixed-culture dishes. Like nachs, fr example.
    Interviewer: Oh, I just lve nachs! Mexican crn chips cvered in cheese!Steve: Yes, they’re delicius, but they’re nt traditinal Mexican fd. The recipe was actually invented by a Mexican ck fr his American custmers. Then there are frtune ckies …Interviewer: What d yu mean?Steve: They’re nt Chinese.Interviewer: Yu’re kidding! But every Chinese restaurant in America has them!Interviewer: Ww! That’s interesting! S they’re like a mix f the Chinese, American, and Japanese cultures.Steve: Yu gt it. And then we have gumb, the spicy stew. It was invented in New Orleans ver 200 years ag, and mixes French, African, Native American, and Spanish cking.Interviewer: S it’s the fd f many different cultures, all in ne dish?Steve: Exactly. American cking ften mixes things frm arund the wrld t make smething cmpletely new.
    Imagine yu are invited t a ptluck dinner, a gathering f peple where each persn r grup f peple cntributes a dish f fd prepared by the persn r the grup f peple, t be shared amng the grup, at an American friend’s huse. Wrk in pairs and discuss what special dish(es) yu will take.
    Imagine yu are invited t a ptluck dinner at an American friend’s huse. Wrk in pairs and discuss what special dish(es) yu will take.
    Feifei: What shuld I bring t the ptluck dinner this weekend?Beibei: Why dn’t yu make a dish frm yur hme prvince?Feifei: Yu mean a Hunan dish?Beibei: Yeah, why nt? I bet they’d lve it!Feifei: Well, I guess I culd make Hunan Steamed Fish Head with Diced Ht Red Peppers. It’s delicius and really clurful.Beibei: Really? Yu can make that dish? Hw d yu make it?Feifei: Easy! Slice pen a fish head and cver it with a chilli and bean sauce. Then just steam it fr 10 minutes.Beibei: Sunds s easy! Yu culd make it at yur friend’s huse.That way it’ll be fresh.Feifei: Great idea! I’ll ask my friend.
    Sample Cnversatin
    The fllwing questins may help yu.1. What fd/snack frm which area/ethnic grup will yu bring?2. Hw is the fd prepared and what is it made f?3. Hw is this fd special?
    1. Listen t the passage abut Native Americans. Mark the pauses that yu hear. The first sentence has been dne fr yu.
    N ne really knws exactly | when the first peple arrived | in what we nw knw as Califrnia. || It is likely that Native Americans mved t Califrnia at least fifteen thusand years ag. Scientists believe that these settlers crssed the Bering Strait by a land bridge which existed in prehistric times. In the 16th century, the native peple suffered greatly after the arrival f the Eurpeans. Thusands f them were killed r frced int slavery. In additin, many died frm the diseases brught by the Eurpeans. Hwever, sme survived these terrible times, and tday there are mre Native Americans living in Califrnia than in any ther state f America.
    N ne really knws exactly | when the first peple arrived | in what we nw knw as Califrnia. || It is likely | that Native Americans mved t Califrnia | at least fifteen thusand years ag. || Scientists believe | that these settlers crssed the Bering Strait | by a land bridge | which existed in prehistric times. || In the 16th century, | the native peple suffered greatly | after the arrival f the Eurpeans. || Thusands f them were killed | r frced int slavery. || In additin, | many died frm the diseases | brught by the Eurpeans. || Hwever, | sme survived these terrible times, | and tday | there are mre Native Americans living in Califrnia | than in any ther state f America.
    2. Listen again and repeat.
    Pause and sense-grup (停顿和意群)
    停顿:为了使意思表达得更清楚或者是换气的需要,人们在说话和朗读时经常需要停顿。Eg: when winter cmes, it gets clder and clder and the days get shrter and shrter.意群:一个句子按照语意和语法结构分成若干部分,每一个部分就是一个意群,能表示最小语义单位的单词或词组。I see animals in the z. D yu want t have a lk.语音的停顿不是随意出现的:是与音群联系的,它趋向要把音的气流分割成与语法和词汇相关的部分。停顿可以出现在意群中。当一个群体在语法上和下一个群体不是很紧密联系的时候,就可以有个稍稍的停顿了。这个稍稍的停顿通常用单竖线(|)标记,比较长的停顿则用双竖线(‖)。
    1. Jhn Smith, ur teacher, came in with a bk in his hand. 2. He did nt cme t wrk yesterday because he was seriusly ill. When winter cmes, it gets clder and clder and the days get shrter and shrter.3. As we reveal the secret strategies f an FBI crisis negtiatr, these stries are straight ahead n Best Kept Secrets.But fr their variety f appearance, all dgs are simply mutatins f their clsest ancestral relative, the wlf.Hw des the FBI slve cases like the Oklahma City Bmbing?
    2. 分句和并列句连词前
    3. 当后置定语较长时,其与所修饰的核心词之间
    4. Over the cming mnths, she wuld live with Peter in the Dlphin Huse almst full-time. We knw we’ve inherited their genes and suspect that what’s happening t them nw may well be what happens t us in the future.5. Perhaps the wlves were drawn in by the smell f meat cked cver a fire, and brke int the cttage. But fr the Russian peple brn t this giant land, Eurpe is distant hrizn beynd their imaginatin.6. What exactly happened n that terrible night t cause the death f ne thusand f five hundred and twenty-three men, wmen and children? Science is taking us back in time t witness the sinking f the unsinkable Titanic. She is the first wman t inherit the Hasburg thrwn, and few believe she can keep it.
    4. 表时间、地点、距离、方式等的介词短语与句子其他成分之间
    5. 分词短语与句子其他成分之间
    7. 同位语与句子其他成分之间The ne exceptin: her devted husband Francis, duke f Lrraine. 8. 插入语与句子其他成分之间At times, dgs appears t mve and react like wild animals, yet they are by definitin, dmesticated.

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        Unit 3 Period 1 Listening and speaking课件 人教版高中英语必修三
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