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      四川省宜宾市第四中学2023-2024学年高三上学期2月期末英语试题 Word版含解析.docx
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    这是一份四川省宜宾市第四中学2023-2024学年高三上学期2月期末英语试题(Word版附解析),文件包含四川省宜宾市第四中学2023-2024学年高三上学期2月期末英语试题原卷版docx、四川省宜宾市第四中学2023-2024学年高三上学期2月期末英语试题Word版含解析docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共37页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第I卷 选择题(100分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Hw des the man feel abut his jb?
    A. He enjys it very much.B. He desn’t care much abut it.C. He hates wrking late.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des the wman ask Jhn t d?
    A. Get smething t eat.B. Have a discussin with Pete.C. Leave the rm fr a mment.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What are the speakers ding?
    A. Waiting fr sme fd.
    B. Ordering dishes in the restaurant.
    C. Finding the way t the plice statin.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Hw many peple were safe and sund in the accident?
    A. 103.B. 127.C. 134.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. A fd shp.B. A terrible picnic.C. Tmrrw’s weather.
    6. What type f tea des the wman prefer?
    A. Brwn tea.B. Green tea.C. Flwer tea.
    7. Hw will the man make the payment?
    A. In cash.B. By cellphne.C. By credit card.
    8. Hw lng is the mvie?
    A. Tw hurs.B. Three hurs.C. Fur hurs.
    9. What is the man ging t d tday?
    A. G fr a cycle ride.B. Wrk n his schl paper.C. Finish watching the mvie.
    10. Hw will Henry prbably get t the natinal park?
    A. By bus.B. By car.C. By taxi.
    11. When shuld Henry set ut fr the park?
    A. Abut 5:00 am.B. Abut 6:00 am.C. Abut 7:00 am.
    12. What prevents the wman frm traveling abrad?
    A. Her incme.B. Her busy schedule.C. Her health cnditin.
    13. Where was Mr Taylr’s latest bk set?
    A. In Egypt.B. In Mrcc.C. In Suth Africa.
    14. What was the wrst thing that has ever happened t Mr Taylr?
    A. Sme wild animals attacked him.
    B. His car brke dwn in a desert.
    C. He almst died frm lack f water.
    15. What des Mr Taylr usually d in his free time?
    A. He writes nvels.B. He relaxes at hme.C. He scializes with friends.
    16. What is Mr Taylr’s plan fr the future?
    A. Keeping writing nvels.B. Wrking n a histry bk.C. Traveling arund the wrld.
    17. When is Sweetest Day?
    A. The secnd Saturday in Octber.
    B. The third Sunday in Octber.
    C. The third Saturday in Octber.
    18. What is the purpse f Sweetest Day?
    A. T make friends.B. T make smene happy.C. T make cities mre beautiful.
    19. Wh did the Cleveland man help?
    A His friends and relatives.B. The aged and his neighbrs.C. The city’s rphans and patients.
    20. Hw did the Cleveland man start Sweetest Day?
    A. By ffering hugs.B. By giving away small gifts.C. By distributing sme cash.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    Panama City, Panama
    Fr beach vacatins that get yu ut f twn and invite yu and yur family t dive int culture, cnsider a trip t Panama City. Here, yu will enjy beaches and city explring. Bk yur stay at the Westin Playa Bnita, where yu can bk a rm starting at $222 a night. There are varius prgrams, including beach Olympics, star bservatin and Spanish lessns.
    Jupiter, Flrida
    This place ffers yu quality time yu can spend with yur lved nes. Bk yur stay at Jupiter Beach Resrt & Spa, with rates fr a family f fur starting at $207 a night. Here, yu can sht baskets at the basketball curts, take a dip in the pl r teach yur children beach yga.
    San Dieg, Califrnia
    The West Cast is a great spt fr cheap beach vacatins, s tell yur family t pack their bags fr a visit t San Dieg. A cheap $10 Uber ride frm the airprt will have yu pull up at the Kna Kai Resrt & Spa. Here, a family f fur can stay in a Deluxe Guest Rm starting at $159 per night. Yur kids can practice cannnballs at the pl after a visit t the wrld-famus San Dieg Z.
    Kihei, Hawaii
    Fr west casters wh are grwing bred with their backgrund, fly t the islands f Hawaii. Stay at the Astn at the Maui Banyan, with a charge f $179 a night fr a family f fur. Here, yu’ll see sme f the best sunsets f yur life while yur kids play in the Pacific. And if yu set abut cking a fancy meal, yu’ll enjy suites that cme with a full kitchen.
    21. Which f the fllwing charges yu least a night?
    A. The Westin Playa Bnita.
    B. The Kna Kai Resrt & Spa.
    C. Jupiter Beach Resrt & Spa.
    D. The Astn at the Maui Banyan.
    22. What can yu d at the Astn at the Maui Banyan?
    A. Observe fantastic stars.
    B. Visit a wrld-famus z.
    C. Admire beautiful sunsets.
    D. Play sme beach sprts.
    23. What is the cmmn feature f the fur turist attractins?
    A. They are all intended fr family trips.
    B. They all ffer rms with a full kitchen.
    C. They all pick up visitrs frm the airprt.
    D. They all prvide basketball curts n the beach.
    In 1990, Hal Dnaldsn was 23 years ld, fresh ut f cllege and fund himself in Calcutta, India, where he was asked t interview Mther Teresa.
    Dnaldsn says abut the great wman famed fr feeding the hungry, “She wasn’t wearing shes and her ankles were swllen. She sat dwn with me and was very plite.” After the interview, Mther Teresa asked him, “What are yu ding t help the pr?” Dnaldsn admitted that he was yung and wasn’t fcused n helping thers. With a smile n her face, Mther Teresa said, “Everyne can d smething.”
    Thse wrds deeply struck Dnaldsn and frced him t face hard truths abut himself.
    Hal Dnaldsn grew up in the San Francisc Bay area. When he was 12 years ld, his parents were hit by a drunk driver; his father died, and his mther was seriusly injured. T make ends meet, they went n welfare. Dnaldsn says, “I had hles in my shes and clthes. When yu’re teased at schl fr that, yu just want t escape.”
    He managed t d just that. Dnaldsn gt int cllege and turned his fcus t making mney fr himself. He says, “I was just trying t find my way ut f insignificance.” Hwever, it’s easy t verlk thers alng the way. I was the guy that wuld see a hmeless persn and crss the street, s I didn’t have t cnfrnt (面对) him. My fcus was n climbing t the tp instead f helping thse trying t climb with me.
    Dnaldsn returned hme frm India with a different thught. He traveled t eight cities in America and stayed n the streets and listened t stries f the hmeless. “My heart brke,” he says. “I knew I culd n lnger just live fr myself.”
    Inspired by Mther Teresa’s wrds and the stries he’d heard acrss America, Dnaldsn laded a pick up truck with $300 wrth f grceries and handed them ut t anyne wh needed help. In 1994, Dnaldsn created the nnprfit rganizatin, Cnvy fr Hpe, which wrks with cmmunities acrss America and arund the wrld. Their wrk fcuses n feeding children, wmen’s empwerment, helping farmers and disaster services.
    24. What did 23-year-ld Hal Dnaldsn d in India?
    A. He interviewed Mther Teresa.
    B. He fed the hungry with Mther Teresa.
    C. He attended an jb-interview fr a cllege.
    D. He did smething t help the pr.
    25. What can we learn abut Hal Dnaldsn frm paragraph 4?
    A. He was brn with disability.B. He led a hard life as a child.
    C. He was well treated at schl.D. He survived as an rphan.
    26. Hw des Hal Dnaldsn describe himself in cllege?
    A. Self-centeredB. SympatheticC. PpularD. Generus
    27. Hw did Hal Dnaldsn change after he returned hme frm India?
    A. He preferred traveling t vlunteering.
    B. He suddenly fell in lve with jurnalism.
    C. He turned his fcus t living fr himself.
    D. He gradually devted himself t helping thers.
    Finland is the happiest place n Earth, accrding t the 2018 Wrld Happiness Reprt f 156 natins.
    The reprt, released Wednesday by the United Natins’ Sustainable Develpment Slutins Netwrk, ranks the cuntries f the wrld based n six different categries f well-being: incme, freedm, trust, life expectancy, genersity and scial supprt. This year's reprt als pays special attentin t the happiness f each cuntry’s immigrants.
    The U.S. drpped fur spts frm 2017 and landed in 18th place, and last year’s winner, Nrway, came in secnd place — fllwed by Denmark, Iceland and Switzerland.Runding ut the tp 10 happiest cuntries was Canada in sixth place, then New Zealand, Sweden and Australia. The rder f the tp 10 natins changed frm the 2017 list but the cuntries did nt, accrding t the reprt.
    “The mst striking finding f the reprt is the remarkable cnsistency between the happiness f immigrants and the lcally brn,” Helliwell said in a statement. “Althugh immigrants cme frm cuntries with very different levels f happiness, their reprted life evaluatins resemble thse f ther residents in their new cuntries. Thse wh mve t happier cuntries gain, while thse wh mve t less happy cuntries lse.”
    Other majr wrld pwers placed in significantly lw spts n the list. Germany came in 15th, the UK was 19th — fllwed by Japan in 54th place, Russia in 59th and China in 86th.
    The reprt, based n surveys cmpleted by citizen vlunteers, came just under a week befre Wrld Happiness Day n March 20, when the UN declared t recgnize “the relevance f happiness and well-being as universal gals and aspiratins in the lives f human beings arund the wrld and the imprtance f their recgnitin in public plicy bjectives”.
    28. The US ranked in 2017.
    A. 14B. 10
    C. 18D. 22
    29. What is the mst significant finding f the reprt?
    A. That immigrants are different frm residents in the cuntry.
    B. That immigrants cme frm cuntries with different levels f happiness.
    C. That immigrants becme happy when they leave the cuntry.
    D That immigrants and lcals feel the similar level f happiness.
    30. What can be inferred frm the last paragraph?
    A Happiness is n less imprtant than any ther aspect in life.
    B. Peple’s happiness and well-being shuld be cnsidered when it cmes t plicy-making.
    C. The happiness reprt came under a week befre Wrld Happiness Day.
    D. What the UN declared was beneficial t all human beings.
    31. What is the best title f the passage?
    A. Wrld Happiness Day.B. Happiness — frever pursuit.
    C. What's yur happiness index(指数)?D. The 2018 Wrld Happiness Reprt.
    D yu like t keep fit? We’re always tld that regular exercise is gd fr ur bdy and mind. Mre and mre peple are taking up activities that imprve their fitness. But is there a risk sme f us might get addicted and verd it?
    Well, fr sme peple, fitness has becme an addictin as they aim fr perfectin. And fitness trackers and apps can add t it, especially if smene is driven by achievement and perfectinism. And sharing data n scial media means exercising becmes public and cmpetitive, which culd cause prblems in smene wh is delicate.
    Experts say this can lead t a medical cnditin called rthrexia nervsa, r addictin t ‘healthy’ eating and ver-exercise. Untreated, it can lead t nutritinal disrder and mental health cnfusin. Accrding t a Wrklife article:“Research frm scientists at University Cllege Lndn in 2017 fund that higher scial media usage was assciated with increased likelihd f develping rthrexia, especially amng fllwers f the ‘healthy eating’ influencers.”
    T much exercise can als take its tll n smene’s physical health as well. Symptms f ver-exercising include injuries such as sprained ankle tendinitis (腱炎) and a lw immune system. S hw much exercise is t much? Research by the Jurnal f the American Cllege f Cardilgy fund the ideal pace t jg was abut eight kilmetres per hur—and that it was best t jg n mre than three times a week r fr 2.5 hurs in ttal, shwing that mderate jgging is pssibly mre beneficial than being inactive r undertaking fierce jgging.
    If yu’re mre f a cuch ptat, this might sund like gd news. But fr amateur wh can’t help but push their bdies t the limit, the advice frm Martin Turner, a sprts and exercise psychlgist, is, “it’s all abut letting g, nt being addicted, learning nt t cntrl everything, saying, ‘Yu dn’t need t be perfect. ’”
    32. What may result in fitness addictin accrding t the passage?
    A. Sme peple are ging t far in pursuing sprts utcme.
    B. Peple are addicted t fitness trackers and apps.
    C. Scial media make delicate peple public and cmpetitive,
    D. A grwing number f peple are participating in sprts t imprve fitness.
    33. What d we knw abut “rthrexia nervsa” accrding t Paragraph 3?
    A. It will surely lead t bth mental and physical disrder.
    B. Peple wh strictly fllw healthy eating are mre likely t suffer frm it.
    C. It is because f the usage f scial media.
    D. It means peple eat healthily and exercise regularly.
    34. What’s the pssible meaning f the underlined wrd “take its tll n” in Paragraph 4?
    A. Be beneficial t.B. Depend n.
    C. Have an influence n.D. D damage t.
    35. What can be inferred frm the last tw paragraphs?
    A. The best way t exercise is t jg.
    B. Fr cuch ptates, yu can chse either inactive r fierce jgging.
    C. The ideal pace t jg is three times a week and 2.5 hurs in ttal.
    D. Advice t nn-prfessinals is nt t push yurselves t hard.
    Hw t Simplify Yur Hme Cleaning Rutine
    There are many ways t clean a huse, but the best methds are thse that save time and effrt, while aviding pisnus cleaning chemicals. ___36___ . Armed with these, yu'll sn be lking fr reasns t clean.
    1. Keep stuff dry
    Wetness is the enemy when it cmes t keeping bathrms and kitchens clean because it attracts bacteria. Leave the shwer dr r curtain pen when nt in use t allw fr airflw. ___37___ . If yu have dirty rags r dish clths, hang them t dry between laundry lads.
    2. ___38___
    Yu knw hw yu mve yur face arund in a mirrr, using different angles t get a clear lk? The same lgic applies t cleaning. Use a flashlight t shine n surfaces, flrs, and cmers in rder t spt dust and dirt yu might have missed.
    3. Put tls everywhere
    A subtle yet effective trick: If there are cleaning brushes, rags, and slutins in every rm r at least n every flr f the huse, yu'll tend t jump int a jb when it needs t be dne: ___39___ .
    4. Never skip these tw tasks
    If yu make yur bed every mrning, yu'll start the day with a small sense f accmplishment and end it with a sense f satisfactin. ___40___ . Melissa Maker, wner f Trnt-based cmpany Clean My Space, describes it as “the bed f the kitchen”.
    A. Light the dirt
    B. Purchase a flashlight
    C. The same ges fr the kitchen sink
    D. Always run a fan r pen a windw when shwering t let ut steam
    E. Here are sme simple tricks that will make the task easier and healthier
    F. With the prper tricks up yur sleeve, yu'll always feel ready fr the jb .
    G. have t climb a flight f stairs t get the right tls, yu may just ignre it
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    When I was 6, my 14-year-ld brther brught me t the lcal BMX track t ride in a kid's bike race. The hill ut f the starting gate lked s scary and ____41____ that I backed up and wuldn't ride. The next week, my parents tk me back fr anther ____42____. Sn after setting ff, I fell immediately but still ____43____t win secnd place. Ever since I've ____44____ racing.
    I turned pr at 15, the yungest wman with a prfessinal title in the United States, which is ____45____nw. Yu have t be 17 t cmpete ____46____ accrding t new rules. Arund the time I went pr, BMX became an Olympic sprt, and I decided t ____47____ it after high schl. As sn as I graduated, I mved t Califrnia t train at the Olympic Training Center.
    BMX is an extreme sprt in which strength and balance are key, s I ____48____ at least, five days a week. I d tns f resistance and flexibility training. During the drills, I try t stand ut ____49____ the ther cmpetitrs at the end f the track. I keep _____50_____ the excitement f vercming big challenges and the _____51_____ f crssing the finishing line first. I als d _____52_____exercise with a sprts psychlgist, like practicing blcking ut backgrund _____53_____ t make sure I'm _____54_____the cmpetitin. If I make _____55_____n the curse, I have t mve n. After all, every participant there is t _____56_____me. I need t cncentrate n the cmpetitin, s my chance f winning wn't be _____57_____by errrs r distractins!
    At the Olympics in Ri I was _____58_____t win a silver medal, but I felt a strng urge t win the gld, which wuld _____59_____me t d better in the next cmpetitin. I cntinue wrking t reach my _____60_____ in the sprt. Failures and disappintment never discurage me. They nly mtivate me t becme a better self.
    41. A. puzzlingB. cmplexC. thickD. steep
    42. A. experimentB. chiceC. tryD. visit
    43 A. managedB. cntinuedC. selectedD. intended
    44. A. ppsedB. quitC. resignedD. lved
    45. A. significantB. vitalC. impssibleD. nrmal
    46. A. amateurishlyB. prfessinallyC. tughlyD. firmly
    47. A. trainB. pursueC. explreD. purchase
    48. A. turn utB. take utC. blck utD. wrk ut
    49. A. next tB. in line withC. ahead fD. in additin t
    50. A. chasingB. prmtingC. frgettingD. spreading
    51. A. feelingB. abilityC. pssibilityD. preparatin
    52. A. physicalB. mentalC. traditinalD. medical
    53. A. actinB. activityC. viceD. nise
    54. A. determined tB. qualified frC. fcused nD. ccupied with
    55. A. decisinsB. cmmentsC. mistakesD. sacrifices
    56. A. delayB. beatC. encurageD. anny
    57. A. reliedB. ruinedC. recgnizedD. required
    58. A. prudB. regretfulC. ashamedD. disappinted
    59. A. inspireB. frceC. recmmendD. prmise
    60. A. angleB. cndusinC. stageD. ptential
    第II卷 非选择题(50分)
    阅读下面材料, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
    Earth Day is an event___61___(annual) celebrated n April 22. ___62___(fund) by Senatr Gaylrd Nelsn, an American plitician and envirnmentalist, it was riginally aimed at helping the public t knw the current situatin f air and water pllutin and___63___ (get) peple t care abut the earth.
    In1962, Rachel Carsn’s bestselling bk “Silent Spring” created an___64___(aware) f the dangerus effects f pesticides (农药) . Then, a fire, ___65___ brke ut in 1969 n Cleveland’s Guyahga River, shed light n the prblem f chemical pllutin in water. Senatr Gaylrd Nelsn dreamed f___66___similar large event that wuld get peple t take envirnmental issues seriusly. In 1969, he was inspired by prtests against the Vietnam War and came up with the idea fr Earth Day.
    In the fall f 1969, Nelsn annunced it and appealed t the entire cuntry t get invlved. Cnsequently, telegrams, letters and telephne calls___67___all ver the cuntry pured in. Since 1970, Earth Day celebratin have grwn. Later, Nelsn___68___(award) the Presidential Medal f Freedm in recgnitin f his wrk.
    Tday, Earth Day is celebrated arund the wrld every April 22. Smetimes numerus cmmunities celebrate Earth Week, an entire week f___69___(activity) fcused n the Envirnmental issues. In 2017, the March fr Science____70____(ccur) n Earth Day(April 22, 2017) and was fllwed by the Peple’s Climate Mbilizatin (April 29, 2017).
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    71. 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    注意: 1.每处错误及其修改仅限一词;
    Chelsea Hill is a respectable girl. Since the age f three, she has dreamed f be a dancer.
    That ambitin was nearly n an end ne night in 2010. Hill, then a17-year-ld high schl student in Pacific Grve, Califrnia, was in a car accident, that put her in hspital fr 51 day and left her paralyzed frm the waist dwn. Fr mst peple, that will have ruined any hpe f dreams. Fr Hill himself, it was the beginning. Althugh it was real tugh, but Hill achieved the dream in her wheelchair. Hping t expand her dance t help wmen like her, Hill mved t Ls Angeles in 2014 and frmed team f dancer with disabilities naming the Rllettes.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    72. 假定你是李华,将参加校学生会组织的中学生英语演讲比赛,请以“节约粮食,反对浪费”为主题写一篇演讲稿,内容包括:

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