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    这是一份四川省宜宾市第四中学2023-2024学年高二上学期12月月考英语试题(Word版附解析),共37页。试卷主要包含了 请将答案正确填写在答题卡上等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    注意事项:1. 答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息
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    第I卷(选择题 95分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What will the man d next?
    A. Push the car.B. Replace the batteries.C. Sit in the driving seat.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    When may the man dnate mney?
    A. Nw.B. Tnight.C. Tmrrw.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Whm will the man celebrate the festival with?
    A His brther.B. His parents.C. His grandparents.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des the wman want t d?
    A Repair her phne.B. Buy a new phne.C. Brrw a phne.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Hw will the wman prbably g t New Yrk?
    A. By car.B. By train.C. By bus.
    6. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Mther and sn.B. Husband and wife.C. Teacher and student.
    7. Where des the man suggest ging?
    A. The cinema.B. The circus.C. The amusement park.
    8. What des the man like ding n summer vacatin?
    A. Eating ice-cream.B. Catching fish.C. Playing games.
    9. When will the man visit his grandparents?
    A. Tmrrw.B. This weekend.C. Next weekend.
    10. Where are the speakers nw?
    A. At hme.B. At the schl.C. At a restaurant.
    11. Where are the speakers?
    A. In a htel.B. In a laundry.C. In a restaurant.
    12. What will be sent t the man later?
    A. His dinner.B. His newspaper.C. His bill.
    13. Why did the man arrive late?
    A. He gt stuck in traffic.B. He was unable t park.C. He had t take a different rute.
    14. What was the weather like in the mrning?
    A. It was raining.B. It was sunny.C. It was cludy.
    15. What event did the man miss?
    A. A sprts event.B. A fd fair.C. A cncert.
    16. Where will the dancing events happen?
    A. At a park.B. At a stadium.C. At a televisin statin.
    17 When was Mther’s Day first celebrated?
    A. In 1905B. In 1908.C. In 1914.
    18. What d we knw abut Anna’s mther?
    A. She was a sldier during the Civil War.
    B. She funded Mther’s Day Wrk Clubs.
    C. She brught up the idea f Mther’s Day.
    19. Wh frmally annunced Mther’s Day?
    A. President Wilsn.B. The U.S. Cngress.C. Anna Marie Jarvis.
    20. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. The rigin f Mther’s Day.
    B. The celebratin f Mther’s Day.
    C. The imprtance f Mther’s Day.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    There are many great tys fr little kids. Here are sme f them yu can cnsider buying.
    Step 2 All-Star Sprts Climber
    Step 2 All-Star Sprts Climber cmes in as ne f the best utdr tys fr little kids. This activity center has all kinds f sprts games that will make yur kid feel like an all-star player. Sme f the special parts include a climbing tl, small sprts balls, and a scre keeper.
    Cst: $ 84. 78
    Ages: 2-6
    Kidzie Hp Squeak Fam Pg Jumper
    The Kidzie Hp Squeak Fam Pg Jumper is anther wnderful favrite amng kid utdr tys this year. This Pg Jumper is safer than ther cmmn Pg Jumpers. Kids jump n it t imprve their sense f balance, and build their strength in cre (muscles-all while having great fun.
    Cst: $ 14. 95
    Ages: 3 and up
    Step 2 Sprts Activity Center
    This utdr ty is perfect fr keeping kids interested in staying active frm a yung age. The Sprts Activity Center is a three-in-ne set with a centered small slide. It includes a basketball hp and a basketball, a little sccer gal, and a big baseball.
    Cst: $ 19. 90
    Ages: 1-4
    Little Tikes Cape Cttage Playhuse
    Lightweight and great fr bth indrs and utdrs, this little huse is painted in red with a letterbx, tw windws, and tw half-drs. The inside part is large and cute fr hurs f pretend play.
    Cst: $ 89. 88
    Ages: 2 and up
    21. What d we knw abut Step 2 All-Star Sprts Climber?
    A. It makes kids learn frm sprts stars.
    B. It is designed fr bys nly.
    C. It has many sprts games.
    D. It can be a bit dangerus.
    22. Which wuld yu chse if yur child is nly ne year ld?
    A. Step 2 All-Star Sprts Climber.
    B. Kidzie Hp Squeak Fam Pg Jumper.
    C. Step 2 Sprts Activity Center.
    D. Little Tikes Cape Cttage Playhuse.
    23. What is the advantage f Little Tikes Cape Cttage Playhuse cmpared with the ther three tys?
    A. It can be played indrs.
    B. It can imprve kids’ patience.
    C. It includes all kinds f play.
    D. It is safe fr little children.
    A gd gift is ne that is mre valuable fr the recipient than it is fr the giver. But mst gifts destry value rather than create it. Think f the Christmas-tree-shaped ckie jar that cst yur aunt 530 but is wrth cnsiderably less than zer t yu, psing a mral cnundrum (难题): D yu thrw it right int the trash r wait a cuple f mnths? The ecnmist Jel Waldfgel calls this discrepancy the “deadweight lss” f gifts, and estimates that, n average, it is frm 10 percent t a third f a gift’s price.
    One explanatin fr the deadweight lss is a mismatch between desirability and feasibility. Cnsider n gadget that is useful (high disability) but difficult t set up and time-cnsuming t use (lw feasibility). Schlars have fund that givers usually fcus n desirability, and receivers are mre aware f feasibility. Yur friend wh bught yu a fancy wearable fitness tracker prbably thught it was a really cl and helpful gift; t yu, it seems like a massive headache t figure ut, requires an app dwnlad and a mnthly fee, and ffers data that will either make yu feel terrible abut yurself r turn int a life-ruining bsessin. That’s why it is still sitting in yur drawer in its riginal package.
    Anther happiness-killing mismatch can ccur between the receiver’s initial reactin and their lng-term satisfactin. As Anna Gldfarb nted in The Atlantic a few weeks ag, givers tend t lk fr “reactin-maximizing gifts” (such as the wife’s ver-the-tp respnse t the car) as ppsed t “satisfactin-maximizing gifts.” Once the giver is nt present t see the receiver’s reactin, the receiver might nt actually be that excited abut scks with her best friend’s face n them.
    Smene lking fr a big reactin might be tempted t buy a wildly expensive gift, which pses its wn emtinal prblems. In the wrst cases, they may even be trying t exert dminance ver yu, r manipulate yu int ding them a favr later. Either way, receiving a gift that’s t nice might make yu feel guilty. Accrding t ne 2019 survey frm CmpareCards, 46 percent f respndents felt guilty fr being unable t give a gift wrth as much as the ne they received.
    In truth, the biggest benefit t mst gift giving is t the giver herself. Genersity is truly a way t buy happiness. As my clleague Michael Nrtn and his c-authrs shwed in the jurnal Science in 2008, althugh spending mney n neself is weakly related t happiness, spending mney n thers significantly rises the giver’s well-being. Neurscientists have shwn that charitable giving t thers engages the reward system, inducing pleasure in ne f the same ways that alchl and certain drugs d. (Maybe this is the real reasn Santa is s jlly.)
    24. What des “deadweight lss” f gifts in para.1 refer t?
    A. The value the gift creates rather than destrys.
    B. The mney the giver spends n a meaningful gift
    C. The gd-will and thughtfulness f the gift giver.
    D. The lss f the gift value in the eyes f the receiver.
    25. Hw wuld the receiver describe the ‘fancy wearable fitness tracker’ as a gift?
    A. Fashinable and practical.B. Unfriendly and upsetting.
    C. Desirable and satisfactry.D. Expensive and unwrthy.
    26. What makes the receiver nt excited abut scks printed with her best friend’s face?
    A. That the giver is nt present t see the receiver’s reactin.
    B. That the receiver was expecting smething wildly expensive.
    C. Tht the giver is cnfused abut what gift brings satisfactin.
    D. That the receiver was expecting smething he/she truly wants.
    27. Which f the fllwing best describes the main idea f this article?
    A. It is in giving that givers receive.
    B. Gift-giving is in mst cases a win-win situatin.
    C. The greatest gift yu can give is yur time and attentin.
    D. Presents are generally terrible, but they can still bring yu jy.
    Thmas Cheatham had planned t study Latin during his time at Hebrn High Schl in Texas. But when he learned that the schl district was ging t ffer a Mandarin(普通话) class, he quickly changed his mind.
    “I thught Mandarin wuld be mre beneficial than Latin” said Cheatham, wh is nw in his secnd year f studying the language.
    He speaks Mandarin t rder fd at Chinese restaurants and can read scial media psts frm his Chinese-speaking friends. While it’s a difficult language t master, the high schl junir, wh plans t study cmputer engineering, thinks it will be imprtant fr his career. “Chinese is a gd language t knw, especially with China becming a grwing pwer,” he said.
    Many experts agree that prficiency(熟练) in a language spken by a billin peple wrldwide will give American students an edge in the glbal ecnmy.
    “Peple are lking at China as ur next ecnmic cmpetitr, and interest in Mandarin is grwing fast,” said Marty Abbtt, directr f the American Cuncil(议会) n the Teaching f Freign Languages. “We’re seeing it in all parts f the cuntry.”
    Abbtt predicts that as many as 100,000 students are nw studying Mandarin in public and private schls thrughut the US. She said the US gvernment has designated (指定) Mandarin as an “imprtant needs” language and prvides prfessinal develpment prgrams fr teachers. “Our gvernment wants t increase ur language ability fr natinal security and ecnmic cmpetitiveness,” Abbtt added.
    At the same time, the Chinese gvernment is spreading knwledge f the Chinese language and culture thrugh Cnfucius Institutes set up in many US states. Fr example, the Cnfucius Institute at the University f Texas in Dallas has been the hme f a Cnfucius Institute fr 10 years. It spnsrs Cnfucius Classrms at 21 lcal public and private schls, where tens f thusands f students are learning Mandarin.
    28. Why did Thmas Cheatham decide t study Mandarin instead f Latin?
    A. Mandarin was easier t learn than Latin.
    B. Mandarin culd be helpful t his future career.
    C. Mandarin might help him learn mre abut China.
    D. Mandarin culd enable him t study cmputer engineering.
    29. The underlined wrd “edge” in Paragraph 4 prbably means “________”.
    A. a slight advantageB. the utside limit
    C. a sharp tne f viceD. an exciting quality
    30. Which f the fllwing statements might Marty Abbtt agree with?
    A. Mandarin shuld be taught in classrms thrughut the US.
    B. Thse skilled at Chinese will be the mst cmpetitive in the future.
    C. The US gvernment’s plicy has helped ppularize Mandarin in the US.
    D. Americans learn Mandarin because they wrry abut their natinal security.
    31. What des the authr mainly talk abut in this passage?
    A. The rising ppularity f Mandarin amng American students.
    B. The great benefits f learning Mandarin fr American students.
    C. The influence f China’s grwing pwer n American educatin.
    D. The effect f Cnfucius Institutes in prmting Mandarin in the US.
    In April 2018, a grup f Canadian scientists flying in a helicpter (直升飞机) discvered smething they didn't expect t see — a huge, unknwn cave with an pening the size f a ftball field.
    The cave was discvered in the nrthern part f Wells Gray Prvincial Park, in a wild, faraway area f Canada's Carib Muntains. The area is hard t get t and even harder t travel thrugh. It is cvered with snw fr much f the year.
    The grup tld Catherine Hicksn, a scientist wh studies rcks, abut the cave. Dr. Hicksn gt a team f researchers tgether t study it. In September, they went fr a clser lk after mst f the snw melted (融化). The cave is ne f the largest in Canada. Nt nly is the pening t the cave larger than a ftball field, the cave is als deep. The team culdn't measure (测量) all the way t the bttm, but they think it may be mre than 180 meters deep. The cave is tens f thusands f years ld. But the rck in the cave is made f used t be at the bttm f an cean (海洋). It is hundreds f millins f years ld.
    A small, but fast river f melting snw leads int the cave n ne side, creating a waterfall near the tp and a river at the bttm. The water cmes ut again a lng way away. The exit (出口) is abut 2.1 kilmeters away and abut l/2 kilmeter lwer dwn.
    The cave will have t wait t get an fficial name. Fr nw, the cave is being called "Sarlacc's Pit "because it lks similar t the hme f the Sarlacc, a persn in the Star Wars mvie Return f the Jedi.
    Fr Dr. Hicksn, there's a lessn t be learned frm the cave. "It shws yu that yu dn't knw everything, "she says." There are things yet t be discvered."
    32. Why did the cave remain unknwn in the past?
    A. It is in a wild muntain area.B. It has been there fr just a few years.
    C. Its pening is t small t be nticed.D. The weather there is cld all year rund.
    33. What are Paragraphs 4 and 5 mainly abut?
    A. The histry f the cave.B. Sme facts abut the cave.
    C. The value f studying the cave.D. The methds f studying the cave.
    34. What des the underlined wrd "It" in Paragraph 4 refer t?
    A. The snw.B. The river.C. The cean.D. The rck.
    35. The cave's name "Sarlace's Pit" has smething t d with ________.
    A. lcal cultureB. its discverersC. the way it lksD. the name f a film star
    ___36___Yu prbably think yu will never be a tp student. This is nt necessarily s, hwever. Anyne can becme a better student if he r she wants t. Here is hw:
    Plan yur time carefully. When planning yur wrk, yu shuld make a list f things that yu have t d. After making this list, yu shuld make a schedule f yur time. First yur time fr eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. Then decide a gd, regular time fr studying. ___37___ A weekly schedule may nt slve all yur prblems, but it will frce yu realize what is happening t yur time.
    Find a gd place t study. Lk arund the huse fr a gd study area. Keep this space, which may be a desk r simply a crner f yur rm, free f everything but study materials. N games, radis, r televisin. When yu sit dwn t study, cncentrate n the subject.
    Make gd use f yur time in class. ___38___ Listening carefully in class means less wrk later. Taking ntes will help yu remember what the teacher says.
    Study regularly. When yu get hme frm schl, g ver yur ntes, review the imprtant pints that yur teacher is ging t discuss the next day, read that material. ___39___ If yu d these things regularly, the material will becme mre meaningful, and yu’ll remember it lnger.
    Develp a gd attitude twards tests. The purpse f a test is t shw what yu have learned abut a subject. They help yu remember yur new knwledge. The wrld wn’t end if yu dn’t pass a test, s dn’t be ver wrried.
    ___40___ Yu will prbably discver many thers after yu have tried these.
    A. There are ther methds that might help yu with yur studying.
    B. Dn’t frget t set aside enugh time fr entertainment.
    C. Take advantage f class time t listen t everything the teacher says.
    D. N ne can becme a tp student unless he r she wrks hard.
    E. Maybe yu are an average student.
    F. Make full use f class time t take ntes f what the teacher says in class.
    G. This will help yu understand the next class.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Giving rad directins in fluent Mandarin, 67-year-ld American expat (旅居国外者) Terry Crssman has been helping peple in Beijing Xicheng District fr almst five years nw.
    He ___41___ the Xicheng Dama Club in 2017. The vlunteer grup is mstly ___42___ middle-aged wmen. Jining the grup has made Crssman an nline celebrity. “I guess my ___43___ is very suitable, because I’m very warm-hearted, very pen and friendly.”
    After ___44___ frm the University f Pennsylvania, Crssman first came t Beijing in 1987 fr business. He and his family then mved there in 1997. Over the past three decades, he has ___45___ the mdernizatin and rapid imprvement f the living standards in Beijing. “We all have electric heat nw instead f cal heat, s it’s much ___46___ than it used t be. Peple here managed t preserve sme f the ld Beijing and I am really ___47___ f the city fr ding that.”
    Having spent a ___48___ f his life in Beijing, Crssman cnsiders himself a Beijinger at heart and has made Beijing his permanent ___49___. But Crssman’s lve fr China ges ____50____ beynd natural scenery. He has studied Chinese histry, literature, scilgy and philsphy. Crssman says he became ____51____ in Chinese culture as a teenager when he first read the Ta Te Ching by La Zi, and Taist teachings have ____52____ him until nw.
    “I mean cncepts I like frm Taism r things like Wuwei: I like the whle ____53____ f ging with nature, Shunqiziran: if yu trust the universe, the universe will ____54____ yu.”
    Taism has helped Crssman t nt nly enjy serving peple as a cmmunity vlunteer, but als t seize tday and ____55____ in the present.
    41. A. jinedB. extendedC. advcatedD. spnsred
    42. A. made fB. targeted atC. cmpsed fD. ppsed t
    43. A. discriminatinB. curisityC. patienceD. persnality
    44. A. learningB. graduatingC. cmingD. hearing
    45. A. bstedB. witnessedC. demnstratedD. transfrmed
    46. A. cleanerB. milderC. mistierD. freer
    47. A. cnvincedB. infrmedC. tiredD. prud
    48. A. bitB. minrityC. majrityD. maximum
    49. A. neighbrhdB. hmeC. bundaryD. trap
    50. A. farB. accuratelyC. autmaticallyD. eventually
    51. A. interestedB. bathedC. advancedD. gifted
    52. A. graspedB. influencedC. detectedD. absrbed
    53. A. stryB. galC. ideaD. prcess
    54. A. mtivateB. inspectC. amuseD. reward
    55. A. existB. liveC. believeD. wander
    第二节(共10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    China has the lngest railway in service. When Chinese peple’ take a trip t ther cities the best___56___ (chse) f their transprtatin is t take the high-speed train. Nw, the high-speed train in China is really fast,___57___ (rely), cnvenient and cmfrtable.
    First f all, it is very cnvenient fr yu t bk the tickets nline. Hwever, tickets cannt be purchased withut an ID card, which___58___ (ensure) the security f the passengers n bard. Besides, the price is affrdable fr rdinary peple and the trains always pull in and ut f the statin___59___ schedule. Furthermre, the high-speed train runs fast and smthly. N bumps (碰撞) r jlts (颠簸) can be felt while___60___ (travel) by it, whether it is stpped r it is running at the speed f 300 km/h.___61___ is a gd way t travel and enjy yurself with the “bullet” train well___62___(equip) with air cnditiners, TV and canteen. Sitting n the cmfrtable seat, yu may watch TV r read a bk with ease. In additin, yur mbile phne can ___63___ (charge) because there are enugh pwer utlets (插座) beside the seats.
    The high-speed train is changing the living habits f Chinese peple,___64___ benefit a lt frm it. The high-speed train___65___ (strng) guarantees China’s ecnmic take-ff and the imprvement f peple’s living standard.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    66. 学校英语节将举办主题为“工匠精神”的演讲比赛,谈谈你认为能代表工匠精神的人物——摄 影师Cunningham, 修表匠人王津,古代建筑师雷氏一家,科学家邓稼先,钱学森等等。请结合以下要点写一篇演讲稿:
    1. 你是如何理解工匠精神的;
    2. 选择代表工匠精神的人物进行介绍 (经历,性格,品质等)。
    参考词汇:the spirit f craftsmanship 工匠精神
    Gd mrning! I am hnred t have the chance t
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Grandma Gdie, warm-hearted and caring, ges t see her granddaughters every Sunday afternn. Every visit starts with the same steps. First, she rings the drbell. Then Vera and Gina run t pen the dr excitedly. Every time, Grandma Gdie brings wnderful gifts. Smetimes they are tys. Smetimes they are candies. After receiving the gifts, the whle rm is full f the laughter and screams f the tw.
    One Sunday, Grandma rang the drbell. Vera and Gina, wh had been waiting since lunch, hurried dwn the stairs t pen the dr. “Darling, lk what I have brught t yu,” Grandma said. She pulled ut a pack f cards and they culdn’t wait t rush int their rm and began t play the cards cheerfully. They enjyed themselves s much that the whle afternn had passed befre they realized it.
    At the end f the day, Grandma kissed everyne and said her gdbyes. As she drve away, Vera and Gina heard their parents say that they wuld hld a birthday party fr Grandma next Sunday. “Grandma has a birthday?” they thught, lking at each ther in surprise. Bth felt a little cnfused, “Grwn-ups have birthdays?”
    “We have t get her a present,” Gina decided. “But what?” asked Vera, “Grandma Gdie undubtedly has everything!’’
    They spent all week thinking, but nthing came int their mind.
    On Sunday afternn, the drbell rang. Just as what usually happened, Grandma Gdie brught them belved amazing gifts, which were sme candies with gd-lking cvers. They extended their sincere gratitude t Grandma Gdie and quickly went back t their rm t think abut the gift fr Grandma.
    All thrugh the dinner, the kids were silent. “What’s wrng with yu? What makes yu tw s dwn and quiet?” asked Grandma.
    “Grandma, we really wanted t give yu smething special fr yur birthday,” Gina said. “But nthing we thught f wuld d,” added Vera. Grandma Gdie smiled and held the kids in her arms. Then she said, “Oh, kids, dn’t yu knw yu tw are the best gifts I culd ever ask fr?”
    Hearing these wrds, a gd idea hit Gina.
    Abut an hur later, the tw came ut with a picture.
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    2. 请将答案正确填写在答题卡上
    第I卷(选择题 95分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What will the man d next?
    A. Push the car.B. Replace the batteries.C. Sit in the driving seat.
    【原文】M: Oh, n. The car desn’t wrk. I frgt t replace the batteries.
    W: Shall I get ut and push it?
    M: I hate t ask yu, but yes ... N, wait a minute. Yu sit in the driving seat and I’ll d it.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    When may the man dnate mney?
    A. Nw.B. Tnight.C. Tmrrw.
    【原文】W: The snw hitting ur cuntry was severe and many places suffered. A lt f cmpanies dnated t help the disaster areas. Why nt dnate sme mney t?
    M: OK, I’ll g t an ATM tmrrw.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Whm will the man celebrate the festival with?
    A. His brther.B. His parents.C. His grandparents.
    【原文】M: Where are yu planning t spend the Mid-Autumn Festival, Mary?
    W: I thught abut visiting my grandparents, but my brther invited me t g t his hme. Hw abut yu?
    M: Well, I wuld like t spend the day with my parents.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What des the wman want t d?
    A. Repair her phne.B. Buy a new phne.C. Brrw a phne.
    【原文】W: May I use yur phne? Mine desn’t have a signal.
    M: Are yu kidding? I usually have gd receptin here.
    W: My phne is very ld and it desn’t wrk well.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Hw will the wman prbably g t New Yrk?
    A. By car.B. By train.C. By bus.
    【原文】W: What d yu think is the best way t get t New Yrk?
    M: Well, it has been raining heavily, s taking a bus r driving yur car can be dangerus. The best chice is by train.
    W: I culdn’t agree mre.
    6. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Mther and sn.B. Husband and wife.C. Teacher and student.
    7. Where des the man suggest ging?
    A. The cinema.B. The circus.C. The amusement park.
    【答案】6. B 7. A
    【原文】W: It’s Children’s Day. Will we stay at hme all day? Why dn’t we g t the amusement park?
    M: Oh, there’s always t much nise.
    W: What abut the circus?
    M: Circus? Is it still in twn?
    W: Yes, and yu prmised ur sn yu’d take him there befre it leaves.
    M: The circus will be s crwded tday. What abut ging t the cinema? Peter likes watching mvies.
    W: That sunds gd.
    8. What des the man like ding n summer vacatin?
    A. Eating ice-cream.B. Catching fish.C. Playing games.
    9. When will the man visit his grandparents?
    A. Tmrrw.B. This weekend.C. Next weekend.
    10. Where are the speakers nw?
    A. At hme.B. At the schl.C. At a restaurant.
    【答案】8. B 9. C 10. A
    【原文】M: D yu knw why I lve summer vacatin, Mm?
    W: Yu can eat all kinds f ice-cream, and yu dn’t need t g t schl, right?
    M: N.
    W: Then, dn’t tell me it’s because yu can g fishing every day.
    M: Yu are s right. N ne knws me better than yu d.
    W: Oh, dn’t even think abut that. Yu prmised me that yu’d g with me t yur grandparents’.
    M: Culd we make it next weekend? I was just wndering if yu culd let me d whatever I want this weekend.
    W: That’s kay. But dn’t frget what yu said tday.
    M: OK. I wn’t.
    W: Nw finish yur meal and g t bed sn.
    11. Where are the speakers?
    A. In a htel.B. In a laundry.C. In a restaurant.
    12. What will be sent t the man later?
    A. His dinner.B. His newspaper.C. His bill.
    【答案】11. A 12. B
    【原文】W: Frnt desk. Can I help yu?
    M: Yes, I’d like t have my suit cleaned and pressed. I have an imprtant dinner meeting, s I’ll need it by 5:00.
    W: Certainly, sir. I’ll have smene cme by yur rm in just a few minutes t pick it up.
    M:Please put the charges n my bill. Oh, and I didn’t receive the mrning paper I asked fr. Can yu have smene bring that t me later as well?
    W: N prblem, sir.
    13. Why did the man arrive late?
    A. He gt stuck in traffic.B. He was unable t park.C. He had t take a different rute.
    14. What was the weather like in the mrning?
    A. It was raining.B. It was sunny.C. It was cludy.
    15. What event did the man miss?
    A. A sprts event.B. A fd fair.C. A cncert.
    16. Where will the dancing events happen?
    A. At a park.B. At a stadium.C. At a televisin statin.
    【答案】13. C 14. A 15. C 16. B
    M: Hey, Alice. I’m srry I am late.
    W: Dn’t wrry abut it. Did yu have truble finding a spt t park?
    M: Actually, that wasn’t the prblem. I left early enugh t avid the traffic, but I culdn’t get acrss the bridge.
    W: What’s happening n the bridge?
    M: I culdn’t tell. I just saw the rad signs, s I turned arund and tk the lng way here.
    W: Well, it lks like we missed the wrst f the weather. It was puring this mrning.
    M: That’s gd. I can see the sky is clearing up and the wind has stpped. What are thse tents fr?
    W: They’re fr the fd fair. It will clse sn, s yu’d better get ver there if yu want t eat. Unfrtunately, yu came a bit late fr the music.
    M: S what is this event all abut, anyway?
    W: It’s just a cmmunity festival we have every year. All the fd, entertainment and activities represent the many cultures in ur city.
    M: Cl. What’s happening acrss the street at the stadium? I saw that the lcal TV statins are all set up there.
    W: That’s where all the dancing and sprts events will take place. This area is fr families. I saved us this spt n the grass here.
    M: That sunds fun. I’ll g grab smething at the tents, and then meet yu back here.
    17. When was Mther’s Day first celebrated?
    A. In 1905B. In 1908.C. In 1914.
    18. What d we knw abut Anna’s mther?
    A. She was a sldier during the Civil War.
    B. She funded Mther’s Day Wrk Clubs.
    C. She brught up the idea f Mther’s Day.
    19. Wh frmally annunced Mther’s Day?
    A. President Wilsn.B. The U.S. Cngress.C. Anna Marie Jarvis.
    20. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. The rigin f Mther’s Day.
    B. The celebratin f Mther’s Day.
    C. The imprtance f Mther’s Day.
    【答案】17. B 18. B 19. A 20. A
    【原文】The mdern American hliday f Mther’s Day was first celebrated in 1908. It is n the secnd Sunday in May. It is a day t hnr mthers. On that day mthers usually receive flwers and cards. On the cards, children ften write, “Thanks, Mm”, “T the best mther in the wrld” and s n. Then where did the idea fr the hliday cme frm? We shuld thank Miss Anna Marie Jarvis. It is she wh brught up the idea f having such a day. She lived in West Virginia. Anna’s mther was a peace activist wh cared fr wunded sldiers n bth sides f the Civil War and created Mther’s Day Wrk Clubs t address public health issues. Her mther died n May 9th, 1905. On the anniversary f her mther’s death, she invited sme friends t an infrmal memrial meeting. In 1907, a church service was held n her mther’s death anniversary. Anna’s lve fr her mther mved ther peple. Besides, she wrte letters t imprtant persns f the cuntry suggesting a public hliday t hnr all mthers. In 1914, the United States Cngress agreed that the secnd Sunday in May shuld be appinted as Mther’s Day. Finally, the decisin was annunced by President Wilsn.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    There are many great tys fr little kids. Here are sme f them yu can cnsider buying.
    Step 2 All-Star Sprts Climber
    Step 2 All-Star Sprts Climber cmes in as ne f the best utdr tys fr little kids. This activity center has all kinds f sprts games that will make yur kid feel like an all-star player. Sme f the special parts include a climbing tl, small sprts balls, and a scre keeper.
    Cst: $ 84. 78
    Ages: 2-6
    Kidzie Hp Squeak Fam Pg Jumper
    The Kidzie Hp Squeak Fam Pg Jumper is anther wnderful favrite amng kid utdr tys this year. This Pg Jumper is safer than ther cmmn Pg Jumpers. Kids jump n it t imprve their sense f balance, and build their strength in cre (muscles-all while having great fun.
    Cst: $ 14. 95
    Ages: 3 and up
    Step 2 Sprts Activity Center
    This utdr ty is perfect fr keeping kids interested in staying active frm a yung age. The Sprts Activity Center is a three-in-ne set with a centered small slide. It includes a basketball hp and a basketball, a little sccer gal, and a big baseball.
    Cst: $ 19. 90
    Ages: 1-4
    Little Tikes Cape Cttage Playhuse
    Lightweight and great fr bth indrs and utdrs, this little huse is painted in red with a letterbx, tw windws, and tw half-drs. The inside part is large and cute fr hurs f pretend play.
    Cst: $ 89. 88
    Ages: 2 and up
    21. What d we knw abut Step 2 All-Star Sprts Climber?
    A. It makes kids learn frm sprts stars.
    B. It is designed fr bys nly.
    C. It has many sprts games.
    D. It can be a bit dangerus.
    22. Which wuld yu chse if yur child is nly ne year ld?
    A. Step 2 All-Star Sprts Climber.
    B. Kidzie Hp Squeak Fam Pg Jumper.
    C. Step 2 Sprts Activity Center.
    D. Little Tikes Cape Cttage Playhuse.
    23. What is the advantage f Little Tikes Cape Cttage Playhuse cmpared with the ther three tys?
    A. It can be played indrs.
    B. It can imprve kids’ patience.
    C. It includes all kinds f play.
    D. It is safe fr little children.
    【答案】21. C 22. C 23. A
    细节理解题。根据标题“Step 2 All-Star Sprts Climber”下内容“This activity center has all kinds f sprts games that will make yur kid feel like an all-star player.(这个活动中心有各种各样的体育游戏,会让你的孩子感觉自己是一个全明星球员)”可知,Step 2 All-Star Sprts Climber有很多体育游戏。选项C. It has many sprts games.符合语意,故选C。
    细节理解题。根据标题“Step 2 Sprts Activity Center”下儿童的年龄信息“Ages: 1-4(适合1-4岁儿童)”可知,如果孩子年龄只有一岁,那么选择Step 2 Sprts Activity Center。选项C. Step 2 Sprts Activity Center.符合语意,故选C。
    细节理解题。根据Step 2 All-Star Sprts Climber标题下“Step 2 All-Star Sprts Climber cmes in as ne f the best utdr tys fr little kids.(全明星运动攀爬者是最适合小孩子的户外玩具之一)”,Kidzie Hp Squeak Fam Pg Jumper标题下“The Kidzie Hp Squeak Fam Pg Jumper is anther wnderful favrite amng kid utdr tys this year(Kidzie Hp Squeak Fam Pg Jumper是今年儿童户外玩具中另一个非常受欢迎的玩具)”,Step 2 Sprts Activity Center标题下“This utdr ty is perfect fr keeping kids interested in staying active frm a yung age.(这种户外玩具非常适合让孩子们从小就对保持活跃感兴趣)”可知,这三款玩具都是户外玩具,而Little Tikes Cape Cttage Playhuse标题下“Lightweight and great fr bth indrs and utdrs(轻便,适合室内和室外)”可知,这款玩具适合室内和户外。因此相比其他玩具,Little Tikes Cape Cttage Playhuse的优势是它适合室内和户外。选项A. It can be played indrs.符合语意。故选A。
    A gd gift is ne that is mre valuable fr the recipient than it is fr the giver. But mst gifts destry value rather than create it. Think f the Christmas-tree-shaped ckie jar that cst yur aunt 530 but is wrth cnsiderably less than zer t yu, psing a mral cnundrum (难题): D yu thrw it right int the trash r wait a cuple f mnths? The ecnmist Jel Waldfgel calls this discrepancy the “deadweight lss” f gifts, and estimates that, n average, it is frm 10 percent t a third f a gift’s price.
    One explanatin fr the deadweight lss is a mismatch between desirability and feasibility. Cnsider n gadget that is useful (high disability) but difficult t set up and time-cnsuming t use (lw feasibility). Schlars have fund that givers usually fcus n desirability, and receivers are mre aware f feasibility. Yur friend wh bught yu a fancy wearable fitness tracker prbably thught it was a really cl and helpful gift; t yu, it seems like a massive headache t figure ut, requires an app dwnlad and a mnthly fee, and ffers data that will either make yu feel terrible abut yurself r turn int a life-ruining bsessin. That’s why it is still sitting in yur drawer in its riginal package.
    Anther happiness-killing mismatch can ccur between the receiver’s initial reactin and their lng-term satisfactin. As Anna Gldfarb nted in The Atlantic a few weeks ag, givers tend t lk fr “reactin-maximizing gifts” (such as the wife’s ver-the-tp respnse t the car) as ppsed t “satisfactin-maximizing gifts.” Once the giver is nt present t see the receiver’s reactin, the receiver might nt actually be that excited abut scks with her best friend’s face n them.
    Smene lking fr a big reactin might be tempted t buy a wildly expensive gift, which pses its wn emtinal prblems. In the wrst cases, they may even be trying t exert dminance ver yu, r manipulate yu int ding them a favr later. Either way, receiving a gift that’s t nice might make yu feel guilty. Accrding t ne 2019 survey frm CmpareCards, 46 percent f respndents felt guilty fr being unable t give a gift wrth as much as the ne they received.
    In truth, the biggest benefit t mst gift giving is t the giver herself. Genersity is truly a way t buy happiness. As my clleague Michael Nrtn and his c-authrs shwed in the jurnal Science in 2008, althugh spending mney n neself is weakly related t happiness, spending mney n thers significantly rises the giver’s well-being. Neurscientists have shwn that charitable giving t thers engages the reward system, inducing pleasure in ne f the same ways that alchl and certain drugs d. (Maybe this is the real reasn Santa is s jlly.)
    24. What des “deadweight lss” f gifts in para.1 refer t?
    A. The value the gift creates rather than destrys.
    B. The mney the giver spends n a meaningful gift
    C. The gd-will and thughtfulness f the gift giver.
    D. The lss f the gift value in the eyes f the receiver.
    25. Hw wuld the receiver describe the ‘fancy wearable fitness tracker’ as a gift?
    A. Fashinable and practical.B. Unfriendly and upsetting.
    C. Desirable and satisfactry.D. Expensive and unwrthy.
    26. What makes the receiver nt excited abut scks printed with her best friend’s face?
    A. That the giver is nt present t see the receiver’s reactin.
    B. That the receiver was expecting smething wildly expensive.
    C. Tht the giver is cnfused abut what gift brings satisfactin.
    D. That the receiver was expecting smething he/she truly wants.
    27. Which f the fllwing best describes the main idea f this article?
    A. It is in giving that givers receive.
    B. Gift-giving is in mst cases a win-win situatin.
    C. The greatest gift yu can give is yur time and attentin.
    D. Presents are generally terrible, but they can still bring yu jy.
    【答案】24. D 25. B 26. D 27. D
    细节理解题。根据第一段中“Think f the Christmas-tree-shaped ckie jar that cst yur aunt 530 but is wrth cnsiderably less than zer t yu, psing a mral cnundrum (难题): D yu thrw it right int the trash r wait a cuple f mnths? The ecnmist Jel Waldfgel calls this discrepancy the ‘deadweight lss’ f gifts, and estimates that, n average, it is frm 10 percent t a third f a gift’s price.(想想那个圣诞树形状的饼干罐,它花了你阿姨530美元,但对你来说却不值多少钱,这就产生了一个道德难题:你是直接把它扔进垃圾桶,还是等上几个月?经济学家Jel Waldfgel将这种差异称为礼物的‘无谓损失’,他估计,平均而言,这种差异是礼物价格的10%到三分之一)”可知,送礼者认为很有价值的东西在接受者看来没什么价值,故“无谓损失”是指礼物在接受者眼中的价值损失。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第二段中“t yu, it seems like a massive headache t figure ut, requires an app dwnlad and a mnthly fee, and ffers data that will either make yu feel terrible abut yurself r turn int a life-ruining bsessin. That’s why it is still sitting in yur drawer in its riginal package.(对你来说,这似乎是一个非常头疼的问题,需要下载应用程序并按月付费,而且提供的数据要么会让你对自己感觉糟糕,要么会变成一种毁掉生活的痴迷。这就是为什么它仍然原封不动地放在你的抽屉里)”可知,收到一个漂亮的可穿戴健身追踪器对接受者来说是一个头疼的问题,所以接受者可能认为它不友好且令人心烦。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中“As Anna Gldfarb nted in The Atlantic a few weeks ag, givers tend t lk fr “reactin-maximizing gifts” (such as the wife’s ver-the-tp respnse t the car) as ppsed t ‘satisfactin-maximizing gifts.’ Once the giver is nt present t see the receiver’s reactin, the receiver might nt actually be that excited abut scks with her best friend’s face n them.(正如Anna Gldfarb布几周前在《大西洋月刊》上指出的那样,送礼者倾向于寻找‘反应最大化的礼物’(比如妻子对汽车的过度反应),而不是‘满意度最大化的礼物’。一旦送礼者不在现场,看不到收礼者的反应,收礼者可能就不会对印着她最好朋友头像的袜子感到兴奋了)”可知,送礼者倾向于寻找“反应最大化的礼物”,而不是“满意度最大化的礼物”,所以收礼者不会对印着她最好朋友头像的袜子感到兴奋,是因为这不是“满意度最大化的礼物”,即不是收礼者真正想要的礼物,故选D。
    主旨大意题。根据全文内容,结合第一段中“A gd gift is ne that is mre valuable fr the recipient than it is fr the giver. But mst gifts destry value rather than create it.(好的礼物对接受者来说比送礼者更有价值。但大多数礼物都是破坏价值而不是创造价值)”及最后一段中“Neurscientists have shwn that charitable giving t thers engages the reward system, inducing pleasure in ne f the same ways that alchl and certain drugs d.(神经科学家已经证明,对他人的慈善捐赠会激活奖励系统,以与酒精和某些药物相同的方式产生愉悦感)”可知,文章主要讲述送礼者认为很有价值的东西可能对于接受者却没有什么价值,文章解释了其原因,最后指出大多数礼物的最大好处是给送礼者自己,为他人花钱能显著提高给予者的幸福感,故D项“礼物通常很糟糕,但是它们仍然能给你带来快乐”能够总结本文大意。故选D。
    Thmas Cheatham had planned t study Latin during his time at Hebrn High Schl in Texas. But when he learned that the schl district was ging t ffer a Mandarin(普通话) class, he quickly changed his mind.
    “I thught Mandarin wuld be mre beneficial than Latin,” said Cheatham, wh is nw in his secnd year f studying the language.
    He speaks Mandarin t rder fd at Chinese restaurants and can read scial media psts frm his Chinese-speaking friends. While it’s a difficult language t master, the high schl junir, wh plans t study cmputer engineering, thinks it will be imprtant fr his career. “Chinese is a gd language t knw, especially with China becming a grwing pwer,” he said.
    Many experts agree that prficiency(熟练) in a language spken by a billin peple wrldwide will give American students an edge in the glbal ecnmy.
    “Peple are lking at China as ur next ecnmic cmpetitr, and interest in Mandarin is grwing fast,” said Marty Abbtt, directr f the American Cuncil(议会) n the Teaching f Freign Languages. “We’re seeing it in all parts f the cuntry.”
    Abbtt predicts that as many as 100,000 students are nw studying Mandarin in public and private schls thrughut the US. She said the US gvernment has designated (指定) Mandarin as an “imprtant needs” language and prvides prfessinal develpment prgrams fr teachers. “Our gvernment wants t increase ur language ability fr natinal security and ecnmic cmpetitiveness,” Abbtt added.
    At the same time, the Chinese gvernment is spreading knwledge f the Chinese language and culture thrugh Cnfucius Institutes set up in many US states. Fr example, the Cnfucius Institute at the University f Texas in Dallas has been the hme f a Cnfucius Institute fr 10 years. It spnsrs Cnfucius Classrms at 21 lcal public and private schls, where tens f thusands f students are learning Mandarin.
    28. Why did Thmas Cheatham decide t study Mandarin instead f Latin?
    A. Mandarin was easier t learn than Latin.
    B. Mandarin culd be helpful t his future career.
    C. Mandarin might help him learn mre abut China.
    D. Mandarin culd enable him t study cmputer engineering.
    29. The underlined wrd “edge” in Paragraph 4 prbably means “________”.
    A. a slight advantageB. the utside limit
    C. a sharp tne f viceD. an exciting quality
    30. Which f the fllwing statements might Marty Abbtt agree with?
    A. Mandarin shuld be taught in classrms thrughut the US.
    B. Thse skilled at Chinese will be the mst cmpetitive in the future.
    C. The US gvernment’s plicy has helped ppularize Mandarin in the US.
    D. Americans learn Mandarin because they wrry abut their natinal security.
    31. What des the authr mainly talk abut in this passage?
    A. The rising ppularity f Mandarin amng American students.
    B. The great benefits f learning Mandarin fr American students.
    C. The influence f China’s grwing pwer n American educatin.
    D. The effect f Cnfucius Institutes in prmting Mandarin in the US.
    【答案】28. B 29. A 30. C 31. A
    细节理解题。根据第四段中的While it’s a difficult language t master, the high schl junir, wh plans t study cmputer engineering, thinks it will be imprtant fr his career.可知,Thmas希望中文能够在他今后职业发展的道路上对他有所帮助。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段She said the US gvernment has designated (指定) Mandarin as an imprtant needs language and prvides prfessinal develpment prgrams fr teachers. 可知,美国政府的政策促进了普通话在美国的普及,故选C。
    In April 2018 a grup f Canadian scientists flying in a helicpter (直升飞机) discvered smething they didn't expect t see — a huge, unknwn cave with an pening the size f a ftball field.
    The cave was discvered in the nrthern part f Wells Gray Prvincial Park, in a wild, faraway area f Canada's Carib Muntains. The area is hard t get t and even harder t travel thrugh. It is cvered with snw fr much f the year.
    The grup tld Catherine Hicksn, a scientist wh studies rcks, abut the cave. Dr. Hicksn gt a team f researchers tgether t study it. In September, they went fr a clser lk after mst f the snw melted (融化). The cave is ne f the largest in Canada. Nt nly is the pening t the cave larger than a ftball field, the cave is als deep. The team culdn't measure (测量) all the way t the bttm, but they think it may be mre than 180 meters deep. The cave is tens f thusands f years ld. But the rck in the cave is made f used t be at the bttm f an cean (海洋). It is hundreds f millins f years ld.
    A small, but fast river f melting snw leads int the cave n ne side, creating a waterfall near the tp and a river at the bttm. The water cmes ut again a lng way away. The exit (出口) is abut 2.1 kilmeters away and abut l/2 kilmeter lwer dwn.
    The cave will have t wait t get an fficial name. Fr nw, the cave is being called "Sarlacc's Pit "because it lks similar t the hme f the Sarlacc, a persn in the Star Wars mvie Return f the Jedi.
    Fr Dr. Hicksn, there's a lessn t be learned frm the cave. "It shws yu that yu dn't knw everything, "she says." There are things yet t be discvered."
    32. Why did the cave remain unknwn in the past?
    A. It is in a wild muntain area.B. It has been there fr just a few years.
    C. Its pening is t small t be nticed.D. The weather there is cld all year rund.
    33. What are Paragraphs 4 and 5 mainly abut?
    A The histry f the cave.B. Sme facts abut the cave.
    C. The value f studying the cave.D. The methds f studying the cave.
    34. What des the underlined wrd "It" in Paragraph 4 refer t?
    A. The snw.B. The river.C. The cean.D. The rck.
    35. The cave's name "Sarlace's Pit" has smething t d with ________.
    A. lcal cultureB. its discverersC. the way it lksD. the name f a film star
    【答案】32. A 33. B 34. D 35. C
    细节理解题。由第二段中的“The cave was discvered in the nrthern part f Wells Gray Prvincial Park, in a wild, faraway area f Canada's Carib Muntains. The area is hard t get t and even harder t travel thrugh.(这个洞穴是在威尔斯格雷省公园的北部发现的,位于加拿大卡里布山脉的一个偏远的荒野地区。这个地区很难到达,甚至更难穿越)”可知,这个洞穴在一个荒山野地,因此一直未被发现。故选A。
    主旨大意题。根据第四段的“A small, but fast river f melting snw leads int the cave n ne side, creating a waterfall near the tp and a river at the bttm. The water cmes ut again a lng way away. The exit (出口) is abut 2.1 kilmeters away and abut l/2 kilmeter lwer dwn.(融化的雪形成一条湍急的小河流,汇入洞穴的一侧,在靠近顶部的地方形成瀑布,在底部形成一条河流。水又从很远的地方流出来。出口大约是2.1公里远,再低1/2公里)”可知,第四、五两段主要介绍了这一洞穴的一些详细情况,如洞口的大小、洞穴的深度和年代以及洞内的小河等。故选B。
    词句猜测题。根据第三段的“But the rck in the cave is made f used t be at the bttm f an cean (海洋). It is hundreds f millins f years ld.(但是山洞里的岩石是由曾经在海底的岩石组成的。它有数亿年的历史)”可知,It指代的是构成洞穴的岩石,即The rck,故选D。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的“Fr nw, the cave is being called "Sarlacc's Pit "because it lks similar t the hme f the Sarlacc, a persn in the Star Wars mvie Return f the Jedi.(目前,这个洞穴被称为“萨拉克之坑”,因为它看起来像《星球大战》电影《绝地归来》中萨拉克的家)”可知,该洞穴被称为“Sarlacc's Pit”是与它的外观有关,因为它的外观与Sarlacc的家很像。故选C。
    ___36___Yu prbably think yu will never be a tp student. This is nt necessarily s, hwever. Anyne can becme a better student if he r she wants t. Here is hw:
    Plan yur time carefully. When planning yur wrk, yu shuld make a list f things that yu have t d. After making this list, yu shuld make a schedule f yur time. First yur time fr eating, sleeping, dressing, etc. Then decide a gd, regular time fr studying. ___37___ A weekly schedule may nt slve all yur prblems, but it will frce yu realize what is happening t yur time.
    Find a gd place t study. Lk arund the huse fr a gd study area. Keep this space, which may be a desk r simply a crner f yur rm, free f everything but study materials. N games, radis, r televisin. When yu sit dwn t study, cncentrate n the subject.
    Make gd use f yur time in class. ___38___ Listening carefully in class means less wrk later. Taking ntes will help yu remember what the teacher says.
    Study regularly. When yu get hme frm schl, g ver yur ntes, review the imprtant pints that yur teacher is ging t discuss the next day, read that material. ___39___ If yu d these things regularly, the material will becme mre meaningful, and yu’ll remember it lnger.
    Develp a gd attitude twards tests. The purpse f a test is t shw what yu have learned abut a subject. They help yu remember yur new knwledge. The wrld wn’t end if yu dn’t pass a test, s dn’t be ver wrried.
    ___40___ Yu will prbably discver many thers after yu have tried these.
    A. There are ther methds that might help yu with yur studying.
    B. Dn’t frget t set aside enugh time fr entertainment.
    C. Take advantage f class time t listen t everything the teacher says.
    D. N ne can becme a tp student unless he r she wrks hard.
    E. Maybe yu are an average student.
    F. Make full use f class time t take ntes f what the teacher says in class.
    G. This will help yu understand the next class.
    【答案】36. E 37. B 38. C 39. G 40. A
    根据下文“Yu prbably think yu will never be a tp student.(你可能认为你永远不会成为一个优等生)”,说明前文要提到优等生中等生之类的内容。E项“可能你是一名中等生”引起下文,符合语境。故选E。
    根据上文“Then decide a gd, regular time fr studying.(然后确定一个好的、有规律的学习时间)”可知,下文内容与时间设定有关。B项“别忘了留出足够的时间娱乐”承接上文,符合语境。故选B。
    根据上文“Make gd use f yur time in class.(充分利用课堂时间)”可知,本段内容与课堂时间有关。C项“利用上课时间听老师讲的每句话”承接上文,符合语境。故选C。
    上文“When yu get hme frm schl, g ver yur ntes, review the imprtant pints that yur teacher is ging t discuss the next day, read that material.(当你从学校回到家,复习你的笔记,复习老师第二天要讨论的要点,阅读材料”提到放学回家后复习当天所学内容并预习第二天的学习内容,G项“这会帮助你更好地理解下一堂课”承接上文,说明上文做法的好处,符合语境。故选G。
    根据下文“Yu will prbably discver many thers after yu have tried these. (在您尝试这些方法之后,您可能会发现许多其他的方法)”说明还有其他方法。A项“还有其他方法可以帮助你学习”引出下文,符合语境。故选A。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Giving rad directins in fluent Mandarin, 67-year-ld American expat (旅居国外者) Terry Crssman has been helping peple in Beijing Xicheng District fr almst five years nw.
    He ___41___ the Xicheng Dama Club in 2017. The vlunteer grup is mstly ___42___ middle-aged wmen. Jining the grup has made Crssman an nline celebrity. “I guess my ___43___ is very suitable, because I’m very warm-hearted, very pen and friendly.”
    After ___44___ frm the University f Pennsylvania, Crssman first came t Beijing in 1987 fr business. He and his family then mved there in 1997. Over the past three decades, he has ___45___ the mdernizatin and rapid imprvement f the living standards in Beijing. “We all have electric heat nw instead f cal heat, s it’s much ___46___ than it used t be. Peple here managed t preserve sme f the ld Beijing and I am really ___47___ f the city fr ding that.”
    Having spent a ___48___ f his life in Beijing, Crssman cnsiders himself a Beijinger at heart and has made Beijing his permanent ___49___. But Crssman’s lve fr China ges ____50____ beynd natural scenery. He has studied Chinese histry, literature, scilgy and philsphy. Crssman says he became ____51____ in Chinese culture as a teenager when he first read the Ta Te Ching by La Zi, and Taist teachings have ____52____ him until nw.
    “I mean cncepts I like frm Taism r things like Wuwei: I like the whle ____53____ f ging with nature, Shunqiziran: if yu trust the universe, the universe will ____54____ yu.”
    Taism has helped Crssman t nt nly enjy serving peple as a cmmunity vlunteer, but als t seize tday and ____55____ in the present.
    41. A. jinedB. extendedC. advcatedD. spnsred
    42. A. made fB. targeted atC. cmpsed fD. ppsed t
    43. A. discriminatinB. curisityC. patienceD. persnality
    44. A. learningB. graduatingC. cmingD. hearing
    45. A. bstedB. witnessedC. demnstratedD. transfrmed
    46. A. cleanerB. milderC. mistierD. freer
    47. A. cnvincedB. infrmedC. tiredD. prud
    48. A. bitB. minrityC. majrityD. maximum
    49. A. neighbrhdB. hmeC. bundaryD. trap
    50. A. farB. accuratelyC. autmaticallyD. eventually
    51. A. interestedB. bathedC. advancedD. gifted
    52. A. graspedB. influencedC. detectedD. absrbed
    53. A. stryB. galC. ideaD. prcess
    54. A. mtivateB. inspectC. amuseD. reward
    55. A. existB. liveC. believeD. wander
    【答案】41. A 42. C 43. D 44. B 45. B 46. A 47. D 48. C 49. B 50. A 51. A 52. B 53. C 54. D 55. B
    【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。讲述的是2017年,美国旅居国外的克罗斯曼(Terry Crssman) 如愿以偿地加入到了“西城大妈”的志愿者队伍中,本文主要讲述的是克罗斯曼在北京的个人经历。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他于2017年加入西城大妈俱乐部。A. jined参加;B. extended延伸,拓展;C. advcated主张,拥护;D. spnsred赞助。根据下文中的“Jining the grup has made Crssman an nline celebrity.”可知,此处指的是克罗斯曼“加入”大妈俱乐部。故选A项。
    考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:志愿者团主要由中年妇女组成。A. made f由……制成;B. targeted at以……为目标;C. cmpsed f由……组成;D. ppsed t反对。结合语境可知,此处表示俱乐部成员的构成,be cmpsed f意为“由……组成”符合句意。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我想我的性格很合适,因为我非常热情,非常开放和友好。A. discriminatin歧视;B. curisity好奇;C. patience耐心;D. persnality性格。根据下文中的“because I’m very warm-hearted, very pen and friendly.”可知,克罗斯曼热心肠,开放又友好,所以此处介绍的是“性格”。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:从宾夕法尼亚大学毕业后,克罗斯曼于1987年首次来到北京经商。A. learning学习;B. graduating毕业;C. cming到来;D. hearing听到。根据下文中的“frm the University f Pennsylvania”以及常识可知,此处介绍的克罗斯曼从大学“毕业”后来到北京。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:三十年来,他见证了北京生活水平的现代化和快速提高。A. bsted促进;B. witnessed目暏;C. demnstrated展示;D. transfrmed转换。根据下文中的“the mdernizatin and rapid imprvement f the living standards in Beijing”可知,此处指的是克罗斯曼“见证”了北京的变化。故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我们现在都有电热而不是煤热,所以它比以前干净得多。A. cleaner干净的;B. milder柔和的;C. mistier朦胧的;D. freer自由的。根据上文中的“We all have electric heat nw instead f cal heat”以及s可知,因为不使用煤炭供热,所以现在北京比以前更“干净”。故选A项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这里的人们设法保留了一些古老的北京,我为这座城市这样做感到骄傲。A. cnvinced确信的;B. infrmed有见识的;C. tired疲惫的;D. prud自豪的。根据下文中的“Crssman cnsiders himself a Beijinger at heart and has made Beijing his permanent ___9___.”可知,克罗斯曼把自己当做北京人,由此可知,他为北京的做法感到自豪。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意: 克罗斯曼一生中的大部分时间都在北京度过,他认为自己内心是一个北京人,并将北京作为他永久的家。A. bit小片,小块;B. minrity少数;C. majrity大多数;D. maximum最大化。根据上文中的“He and his family then mved there in 1997. Over the past three decades,…”可知,克罗斯曼在北京已经待了30多年,所以此处表示他一生中的大部分时间在北京度过。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:克罗斯曼一生中的大部分时间都在北京度过,他认为自己内心是一个北京人,并将北京作为他永久的家。A. neighbrhd街区;B. hme家园;C. bundary边界;D. trap陷阱,圈套。根据上文中的“Crssman cnsiders himself a Beijinger at heart”可知,克罗斯曼从心底把自己看做是一名北京人,所以把北京当成他的“家”。故选B项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:但克罗斯曼对中国的热爱远远超出了自然风光。A. far远远地;B. accurately准确地;C. autmatically自动地;D. eventually最后,终于。根据下文中的“He has studied Chinese histry, literature, scilgy and philsphy.”可知,克罗斯曼对中国的爱“远”不止于自然风光,此处表示程度更加突出克罗斯曼对中国的爱。故选A项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:克罗斯曼说,当他第一次阅读老子的《道德经》时,他十几岁时就对中国文化产生了兴趣,道教教义一直影响着他直到现在。A. interested感兴趣的;B. bathed沐浴的;C. advanced先进的;D. gifted有天赋的。根据上文中的“But Crssman’s lve fr China ges ___10___ beynd natural scenery.”以及下文中他所研究的中国历史,文学等可知,此处指的是克罗斯曼对中国文化感兴趣。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:克罗斯曼说,当他第一次阅读老子的《道德经》时,他十几岁时就对中国文化产生了兴趣,道教教义一直影响着他直到现在。A. grasped抓住,领会;B. influenced影响;C. detected探测;D. absrbed吸收。根据下文中的“Taism has helped Crssman t nt nly enjy serving peple as a cmmunity vlunteer,…”可知,此处指的是道教的教义深深地“影响”着他。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:“我的意思是我喜欢道教或无为之类的思想:我喜欢与大自然融合的理念,顺其自然:如果你信任宇宙,宇宙就会回报你。”A. stry故事;B. gal目标;C. idea想法;D. prcess过程。根据下文中的“…ging with nature, Shunqiziran: if yu trust the universe, the universe will ___14___ yu.”可知,这些都是道德经中的一些理念或者思想,与之前的cncepts相应。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我的意思是我喜欢道教或无为之类的思想:我喜欢与大自然融合的理念,顺其自然:如果你信任宇宙,宇宙就会回馈你。”A. mtivate激励;B. inspect监管;C. amuse使愉快;D. reward奖励。此处解释的是顺其自然的理念,按照自然的规律做事,大自然就会“回馈”人类。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:道教帮助克罗斯曼不仅享受到作为社区志愿者为人们服务的乐趣,而且还帮助他抓住现在,活在当下。A. exist存在;B. live居住;C. believe相信;D. wander徘徊,游荡。根据and表明此处以上文内容一致,结合上文中的“als t seize tday”可知,要抓住现在,活在当下。故选B项。
    第二节(共10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    China has the lngest railway in service. When Chinese peple’ take a trip t ther cities, the best___56___ (chse) f their transprtatin is t take the high-speed train. Nw, the high-speed train in China is really fast,___57___ (rely), cnvenient and cmfrtable.
    First f all, it is very cnvenient fr yu t bk the tickets nline. Hwever, tickets cannt be purchased withut an ID card, which___58___ (ensure) the security f the passengers n bard. Besides, the price is affrdable fr rdinary peple and the trains always pull in and ut f the statin___59___ schedule. Furthermre, the high-speed train runs fast and smthly. N bumps (碰撞) r jlts (颠簸) can be felt while___60___ (travel) by it, whether it is stpped r it is running at the speed f 300 km/h.___61___ is a gd way t travel and enjy yurself with the “bullet” train well___62___(equip) with air cnditiners, TV and canteen. Sitting n the cmfrtable seat, yu may watch TV r read a bk with ease. In additin, yur mbile phne can ___63___ (charge) because there are enugh pwer utlets (插座) beside the seats.
    The high-speed train is changing the living habits f Chinese peple,___64___ benefit a lt frm it. The high-speed train___65___ (strng) guarantees China’s ecnmic take-ff and the imprvement f peple’s living standard.
    【答案】56. chice
    57. reliable
    58. ensures 59. n
    60. travelling##traveling 61. It
    62. equipped
    63. be charged
    64. wh 65. strngly
    考查固定短语。句意:此外,价格对普通人来说是负担得起的,火车总是准点进站和出站。根据语境可知,句子表示“火车总是准点进站和出站”,n schedule是固定短语,意为“按时”,因此空格处是n,故填n。
    考查状语从句省略。句意:当(你)乘它旅行时,无论它是停下来还是以300公里/小时的速度行驶,(你)都感觉不到颠簸。根据语境可知,while引导的时间状语从句意为“当(你)乘它旅行时”,是while yu are travelling/traveling by it,主句是被动语态(翻译时变为主动语态“(你)都感觉不到颠簸”),从句主语与主句主语一致且从句含有be动词,常省略从句的主语和be动词,可省略yu are,因此空格处是travelling/traveling。故填travelling/traveling。
    考查被动语态。句意:此外,您的手机还可以充电,因为座位旁边有足够的电源插座。手机是被充电,句子用被动语态,空前有can,因此空格处是be dne,故填be charged。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    66. 学校英语节将举办主题为“工匠精神”的演讲比赛,谈谈你认为能代表工匠精神的人物——摄 影师Cunningham, 修表匠人王津,古代建筑师雷氏一家,科学家邓稼先,钱学森等等。请结合以下要点写一篇演讲稿:
    1. 你是如何理解工匠精神的;
    2. 选择代表工匠精神的人物进行介绍 (经历,性格,品质等)。
    参考词汇:the spirit f craftsmanship 工匠精神
    Gd mrning! I am hnred t have the chance t
    【答案】Gd mrning! I am hnred t have the chance t give a speech n the spirit f craftsmanship. We all knw that craftsmanship is mainly made up f perseverance, integrity, diligence and expertise. Take the clck restratin master, Wang Jin fr example. With skillful hands and mdest heart, Mr. Wang spent his whle life restring clcks dating back hundreds f years, which nt nly helps preserve traditinal skills but als brings the clcks back t life. Mst imprtantly, his innvatin and unremitting devtin ensure that the art f clck repairing stands the test f time. The expressin f his life philsphy and the indicatin f his aspiratin are reflected in his wrk, where his ideal exists. Therefre, let’s fllw thse great craftsmen's steps! Devte urselves t wrk, sharpen ur skills and vercme difficulties with perseverance! That’s all. Thank yu.
    【分析】本篇书面表达属于应用文。学校英语节将举办主题为“工匠精神”的演 讲比赛,谈谈你认为能代表工匠精神的人物 —— 摄影师 Cunningham, 修表匠人王津,古代建筑师雷氏一家,科学家邓稼先,钱学森等等。
    机会:chance→ pprtunity
    组成:be made up f→ cnsist f
    熟练,技艺高超的:skillful→ masterly
    忍受:stand→ endure
    原句:I am hnred t have the chance t give a speech n the spirit f craftsmanship.
    拓展句:I am hnred that I have the chance t give a speech n the spirit f craftsmanship.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】With skillful hands and mdest heart, Mr. Wang spent his whle life restring clcks dating back hundreds f years, which nt nly helps preserve traditinal skills but als brings the clcks back t life.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】The expressin f his life philsphy and the indicatin f his aspiratin are reflected in his wrk, where his ideal exists.(运用了where引导的非限制性定语从句)
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Grandma Gdie, warm-hearted and caring, ges t see her granddaughters every Sunday afternn. Every visit starts with the same steps. First, she rings the drbell. Then Vera and Gina run t pen the dr excitedly. Every time, Grandma Gdie brings wnderful gifts. Smetimes they are tys. Smetimes they are candies. After receiving the gifts, the whle rm is full f the laughter and screams f the tw.
    One Sunday, Grandma rang the drbell. Vera and Gina, wh had been waiting since lunch, hurried dwn the stairs t pen the dr. “Darling, lk what I have brught t yu,” Grandma said. She pulled ut a pack f cards and they culdn’t wait t rush int their rm and began t play the cards cheerfully. They enjyed themselves s much that the whle afternn had passed befre they realized it.
    At the end f the day, Grandma kissed everyne and said her gdbyes. As she drve away, Vera and Gina heard their parents say that they wuld hld a birthday party fr Grandma next Sunday. “Grandma has a birthday?” they thught, lking at each ther in surprise. Bth felt a little cnfused, “Grwn-ups have birthdays?”
    “We have t get her a present,” Gina decided. “But what?” asked Vera, “Grandma Gdie undubtedly has everything!’’
    They spent all week thinking, but nthing came int their mind.
    On Sunday afternn, the drbell rang. Just as what usually happened, Grandma Gdie brught them belved amazing gifts, which were sme candies with gd-lking cvers. They extended their sincere gratitude t Grandma Gdie and quickly went back t their rm t think abut the gift fr Grandma.
    All thrugh the dinner, the kids were silent. “What’s wrng with yu? What makes yu tw s dwn and quiet?” asked Grandma.
    “Grandma, we really wanted t give yu smething special fr yur birthday,” Gina said. “But nthing we thught f wuld d,” added Vera. Grandma Gdie smiled and held the kids in her arms. Then she said, “Oh, kids, dn’t yu knw yu tw are the best gifts I culd ever ask fr?”
    Hearing these wrds, a gd idea hit Gina.
    Abut an hur later, the tw came ut with a picture.
    【答案】Hearing these wrds, a gd idea hit Gina. She whispered smething secret t Vera with a mysterius smile flashing acrss her face. “Grandma, wait fr us. We’ll give yu a big surprise.” Then they disappeared like tw rabbits. “Why nt draw a picture f us tw and Grandma?” Gina suggested. “Since we are the best gifts, s... ” “Gd idea!” Here came the agreement quickly. Withut any delay, they set ut t create their wrk attentively.
    Abut an hur later, the tw came ut with a picture. “Grandma, frgive us t have kept yu waiting s lng. But I bet it is wrthwhile. Lk! Here is the gift fr yu.” Meanwhile, Vera shwed Grandma the picture drawn by Gina and decrated by herself, tw hands hlding ver her head. “Grandma, yur best gift is here! We are always tgether!” added Gina. Seeing it, Grandma was t mved t say anything. At this mment, the nly thing she wanted t d was t hug them frever! Maybe, this was the true meaning f lve!
    低语:whisper/say in a whisper
    吃惊:give sb.a surprise/be surprised/be astnished/be amazed
    【点睛】[高分句型1]. She whispered smething secret t Vera with a mysterius smile flashing acrss her face. (运用了with+宾语+宾语补足语)
    [高分句型2]. Meanwhile, Vera shwed Grandma the picture drawn by Gina and decrated by herself, tw hands hlding ver her head. (运用了过去分词作后置定语和独立主格结构)

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