PEP-7A-GrammarSimple Present TenseTime: 90minTeaching objectives:- Students will be able to identify sentences that are written in simple present tense.- Students will be able to recognize time expressions that go with simple present tense.- Students will learn how to change verbs into third person singular forms correctly.- Students will be able to write negative and interrogative simple present tense sentences correctly.- Students will be able to use simple present tense properly in writing.Teaching Materials:- Attachment 1-Worksheet- Attachment 2-Quiz- PPT slidesTeaching PlanTimeProcedureTips5minSlide1~3 = 1 \* ROMAN I Greeting & Introducing the goalGreet the students warmly and do a little small talk.Briefly introduce the teaching contents of this lesson- Ask, “What do you know about simple present tense?”- Have Ss brainstorm about the question and draw a circle map to record the points.Have Ss read through the learning objectives together.- Tell Ss to show a “thumb-up” if the objective has already been achieved”- 学生对于一般现在时的掌握程度可能不一样,这里通过提问可以对学生的学情进行更清晰的了解,为后面的教学做好准备。- 让学生了解本课学习目标,从而带着清晰的学习目的进行学习,提升学习效率。15 minSlide4~11 = 2 \* ROMAN II Leading in & Presenting the contextIntroduce the fictional character Ulien and the 1st task.- T: This is Ulien. And he’s in the Simple Present Town. Today we are going to visit the Simple Present Town with Ulien.- T: First let’s meet some of the people here.- T: Take our your worksheet. Listen to the people talking about their life. Pay attention to how they speak and fill in the blanks.Have some Ss come up to click the pictures to play the audio.- T: Here are the people from the town. Do you want to know their stories? Now listen carefully and touch the correct picture.- Ask questions like “ Who’s wearing a tie?/ Who’s holding a fishing pole?/ Who’s the oldest?/ Who has long hair?/ Who’s in blue and white T-shirt?” and have Ss click the picture. 3. Have Ss complete the task and then check the answers.- T: Look at the pictures and listen to the audio. Fill in the blanks while you are listening. Pay attention to the highlighted words.- Write the time expressions on the board when checking answers with the class.-老师需要在上课前把worksheet打印好并分发给学生。-发布任务时如果学生理解有困难,请用中文辅助。-以游戏互动形式进行语言素材的呈现,提升学生的兴趣度。- 以任务型学习法提升学生的专注度和学习效率。- 以声音形式呈现语料素材,增加语料的现场感和带入感。- 在真实的语境中呈现一般现在时的用法和动词特点而不是孤立地教语法公式,促进学生的理解和关联记忆。20minSlide12~16 = 3 \* ROMAN III Figuring out the rules Use the examples from the context to help Ss summarize the rules of the simple present tense.- T: Wow! Interesting people, aren’t they? Did you notice when people talk about their life, they all use the simple present tense? So what kind of things do they talk about? - Click the slide to show the examples and guide Ss to draw the rules. Use Chinese to explain the rules here.- Encourage Ss to give more examples of each rule if possible.Have Ss complete task 2 on the worksheet.- Have Ss take out the worksheet and complete the exercise.- Have Ss exchange their worksheets and check each other’s work.Draw attention to the time expressions that usually go with simple present tense.- T: Look at these words (pointing to the time expressions written on the board). What kind of words are they? - T: They are time expressions that usually go with simple present tense. - T: Can you add more words to the list?- T: Remember the words. They are reminders that help you decide when to use simple present tense.Have Ss complete task 3 and task 4 to deepen their understanding of the simple present tense.Task3- T: Now let’s do an exercise. Look at the table please. This table shows the differences between the frequency words. You can use it as a reference.- T: Please look at the list. There are some activities on the list. Please reorder the activities according to how often you do them, then share your list with the class. e.g. 1) I always do sports. 2) I usually read books. 3) I often ride a bike. / I often listen to music. 4) I sometimes play computer games. 5) I seldom watch TV. / I seldom go hiking. 6) I never clean my room.Task 4- Have Ss write 9 sentences about their daily routines to fill in all the squares.- Call on some Ss to read their sentences one by one.- The other Ss listen carefully and check the activities that they write and are mentioned by others.- If someone gets three squares in a row say “Bingo” and earn points. The more Bingos the better.- 借助语料,以归纳法帮助学生自己找到并总结语法规则,加深印象和理解。- 利用中文母语进行规则的讲解,减轻学生对语法规则的理解障碍。- 利用练习及时巩固知识点,加深印象,并检验学习效果;- 对掌握不佳的同学及时予以辅助强化。- 利用表格分类呈现一般现在时的时间状语,帮助学生记忆。- 通过排序的方式强化学生对于常用频率副词用法的理解和掌握。- 以游戏方式操练,提升兴趣;- 训练一般现在时句子书写表达,强化知识点应用。25 minSlide17~31 = 4 \* ROMAN IV Forming simple present tenseCreate the scenario and present more examples of simple present tense in context.- Ask Ss, "Do you want to know more about the people in the town? ”- Tell Ss that Ulien is doing an interview with the people in the town.- Ask Ss to read the questions and predict the answers before listening to the interview. - Remind Ss to pay attention to the verb forms.Have Ss listen to the interview and complete task 5.- Present the question. Have Ss look at the picture and predict the answer.- Play the audio. - Have Ss read the script and draw attention to the verbs.- Check the answer to the question.Guide Ss to figure out the verb forms of simple present tense.- T: Did you notice the verb forms in simple present tense? - Click the slide to show the examples and guide Ss to draw the rules. Use Chinese to explain the rules here.- Encourage Ss to give more examples of each rule if possible.- Go over the rules of forming third person singular with the class, using the table as a reference.Have Ss complete task 6 and task 7 to practice writing the verb forms of simple present tense.Task 6- Have Ss work in pairs and complete the task.- Call on some groups to check answers with the class.- Guide Ss to correct the wrong sentences.Task 7- Call up some Ss to spin the spinner and complete the task.- Have other Ss tell whether the sentence made is correct or not.- Guide Ss to correct the wrong sentences.Guide Ss to figure out the negative and interrogative forms of simple present tense.- T: Did you notice the negative / interrogative form of the simple present tense? - Click to show the examples and guide Ss to draw the rules. Use Chinese to explain the rules here.- Encourage Ss to give more examples of each rule if possible.Have Ss complete task 8 and task 9 to practice writing the negative and interrogative forms of simple present tense.Task 8- Split the Ss into two teams.- Have one S from each team come up at a time.- Reveal the sentences one by one.- The two Ss that are called up compete to write the negative sentence.- The faster one wins and gain one point for his/her team.Task 9- Split the Ss into two teams.- Have one S from each team come up at a time.- Click to show the verb phrases one by one.- The two Ss that are called up compete to write the interrogative sentence. - The faster one wins and gain one point for his/her team.- 创设情境,引出新的教学内容。- 通过问答形式反复强化一般现在时疑问句和答句的用法。- 在真实的语境中呈现一般现在时的用法和动词特点而不是孤立地教语法公式,促进学生的理解和关联记忆。- 借助语料,帮助学生自己找到并总结语法规则,加深印象和理解。- 利用中文母语进行规则的讲解,减轻学生对语法规则的理解障碍。- 利用表格分类呈现一般现在时的动词单三形式变化,帮助学生记忆。- 以游戏方式操练,提升兴趣;- 训练一般现在时动词的正确书写,强化知识点应用。- 训练一般现在时主谓一致的概念,强化知识点应用。- 以游戏方式操练,提升兴趣;- 训练一般现在时否定句和疑问句的正确书写,强化知识点应用。15minSlide32~36 = 5 \* ROMAN V Taking the quizHand out the quiz to each S. Have the Ss complete the quiz within 10 minutes. Collect the quiz and check the answers.Provide extra help for those who fail the text.- 以小测试形式检测学生对本课教学重点的掌握情况;- 对于检测结果不理想的学生进行查缺补漏。5min = 6 \* ROMAN VI Wrapping upGuide Ss to recall what they have learnt in the class.Guide Ss to check whether they have achieved the learning objectives of this class.- 总结回顾本课教学内容,加深印象- 引导学生自查学习目标的达成情况,提升学生的学习成效。5minSlide37 = 7 \* ROMAN VII HomeworkReview the notes of the classWrite 5 sentences to introduce one of the following topics:Your weekly scheduleYour family activitiesYour local culture-分层作业,让能力不同的学生选择各自能胜任的话题用一般现在时写作。NotesLesson EvaluationWhat do you think the students actually learned? How do you know?What parts were most successful/least successful? Why?Did you finish the lesson on time? If not, why?What changes(if any) will you make in your teaching and why(or why not)?
PEP-7A-GrammarSimple Present TenseTime: 90minTeaching objectives:- Students will be able to identify sentences that are written in simple present tense.- Students will be able to recognize time expressions that go with simple present tense.- Students will learn how to change verbs into third person singular forms correctly.- Students will be able to write negative and interrogative simple present tense sentences correctly.- Students will be able to use simple present tense properly in writing.Teaching Materials:- Attachment 1-Worksheet- Attachment 2-Quiz- PPT slidesTeaching PlanTimeProcedureTips5minSlide1~3 = 1 \* ROMAN I Greeting & Introducing the goalGreet the students warmly and do a little small talk.Briefly introduce the teaching contents of this lesson- Ask, “What do you know about simple present tense?”- Have Ss brainstorm about the question and draw a circle map to record the points.Have Ss read through the learning objectives together.- Tell Ss to show a “thumb-up” if the objective has already been achieved”- 学生对于一般现在时的掌握程度可能不一样,这里通过提问可以对学生的学情进行更清晰的了解,为后面的教学做好准备。- 让学生了解本课学习目标,从而带着清晰的学习目的进行学习,提升学习效率。15 minSlide4~11 = 2 \* ROMAN II Leading in & Presenting the contextIntroduce the fictional character Ulien and the 1st task.- T: This is Ulien. And he’s in the Simple Present Town. Today we are going to visit the Simple Present Town with Ulien.- T: First let’s meet some of the people here.- T: Take our your worksheet. Listen to the people talking about their life. Pay attention to how they speak and fill in the blanks.Have some Ss come up to click the pictures to play the audio.- T: Here are the people from the town. Do you want to know their stories? Now listen carefully and touch the correct picture.- Ask questions like “ Who’s wearing a tie?/ Who’s holding a fishing pole?/ Who’s the oldest?/ Who has long hair?/ Who’s in blue and white T-shirt?” and have Ss click the picture. 3. Have Ss complete the task and then check the answers.- T: Look at the pictures and listen to the audio. Fill in the blanks while you are listening. Pay attention to the highlighted words.- Write the time expressions on the board when checking answers with the class.-老师需要在上课前把worksheet打印好并分发给学生。-发布任务时如果学生理解有困难,请用中文辅助。-以游戏互动形式进行语言素材的呈现,提升学生的兴趣度。- 以任务型学习法提升学生的专注度和学习效率。- 以声音形式呈现语料素材,增加语料的现场感和带入感。- 在真实的语境中呈现一般现在时的用法和动词特点而不是孤立地教语法公式,促进学生的理解和关联记忆。20minSlide12~16 = 3 \* ROMAN III Figuring out the rules Use the examples from the context to help Ss summarize the rules of the simple present tense.- T: Wow! Interesting people, aren’t they? Did you notice when people talk about their life, they all use the simple present tense? So what kind of things do they talk about? - Click the slide to show the examples and guide Ss to draw the rules. Use Chinese to explain the rules here.- Encourage Ss to give more examples of each rule if possible.Have Ss complete task 2 on the worksheet.- Have Ss take out the worksheet and complete the exercise.- Have Ss exchange their worksheets and check each other’s work.Draw attention to the time expressions that usually go with simple present tense.- T: Look at these words (pointing to the time expressions written on the board). What kind of words are they? - T: They are time expressions that usually go with simple present tense. - T: Can you add more words to the list?- T: Remember the words. They are reminders that help you decide when to use simple present tense.Have Ss complete task 3 and task 4 to deepen their understanding of the simple present tense.Task3- T: Now let’s do an exercise. Look at the table please. This table shows the differences between the frequency words. You can use it as a reference.- T: Please look at the list. There are some activities on the list. Please reorder the activities according to how often you do them, then share your list with the class. e.g. 1) I always do sports. 2) I usually read books. 3) I often ride a bike. / I often listen to music. 4) I sometimes play computer games. 5) I seldom watch TV. / I seldom go hiking. 6) I never clean my room.Task 4- Have Ss write 9 sentences about their daily routines to fill in all the squares.- Call on some Ss to read their sentences one by one.- The other Ss listen carefully and check the activities that they write and are mentioned by others.- If someone gets three squares in a row say “Bingo” and earn points. The more Bingos the better.- 借助语料,以归纳法帮助学生自己找到并总结语法规则,加深印象和理解。- 利用中文母语进行规则的讲解,减轻学生对语法规则的理解障碍。- 利用练习及时巩固知识点,加深印象,并检验学习效果;- 对掌握不佳的同学及时予以辅助强化。- 利用表格分类呈现一般现在时的时间状语,帮助学生记忆。- 通过排序的方式强化学生对于常用频率副词用法的理解和掌握。- 以游戏方式操练,提升兴趣;- 训练一般现在时句子书写表达,强化知识点应用。25 minSlide17~31 = 4 \* ROMAN IV Forming simple present tenseCreate the scenario and present more examples of simple present tense in context.- Ask Ss, "Do you want to know more about the people in the town? ”- Tell Ss that Ulien is doing an interview with the people in the town.- Ask Ss to read the questions and predict the answers before listening to the interview. - Remind Ss to pay attention to the verb forms.Have Ss listen to the interview and complete task 5.- Present the question. Have Ss look at the picture and predict the answer.- Play the audio. - Have Ss read the script and draw attention to the verbs.- Check the answer to the question.Guide Ss to figure out the verb forms of simple present tense.- T: Did you notice the verb forms in simple present tense? - Click the slide to show the examples and guide Ss to draw the rules. Use Chinese to explain the rules here.- Encourage Ss to give more examples of each rule if possible.- Go over the rules of forming third person singular with the class, using the table as a reference.Have Ss complete task 6 and task 7 to practice writing the verb forms of simple present tense.Task 6- Have Ss work in pairs and complete the task.- Call on some groups to check answers with the class.- Guide Ss to correct the wrong sentences.Task 7- Call up some Ss to spin the spinner and complete the task.- Have other Ss tell whether the sentence made is correct or not.- Guide Ss to correct the wrong sentences.Guide Ss to figure out the negative and interrogative forms of simple present tense.- T: Did you notice the negative / interrogative form of the simple present tense? - Click to show the examples and guide Ss to draw the rules. Use Chinese to explain the rules here.- Encourage Ss to give more examples of each rule if possible.Have Ss complete task 8 and task 9 to practice writing the negative and interrogative forms of simple present tense.Task 8- Split the Ss into two teams.- Have one S from each team come up at a time.- Reveal the sentences one by one.- The two Ss that are called up compete to write the negative sentence.- The faster one wins and gain one point for his/her team.Task 9- Split the Ss into two teams.- Have one S from each team come up at a time.- Click to show the verb phrases one by one.- The two Ss that are called up compete to write the interrogative sentence. - The faster one wins and gain one point for his/her team.- 创设情境,引出新的教学内容。- 通过问答形式反复强化一般现在时疑问句和答句的用法。- 在真实的语境中呈现一般现在时的用法和动词特点而不是孤立地教语法公式,促进学生的理解和关联记忆。- 借助语料,帮助学生自己找到并总结语法规则,加深印象和理解。- 利用中文母语进行规则的讲解,减轻学生对语法规则的理解障碍。- 利用表格分类呈现一般现在时的动词单三形式变化,帮助学生记忆。- 以游戏方式操练,提升兴趣;- 训练一般现在时动词的正确书写,强化知识点应用。- 训练一般现在时主谓一致的概念,强化知识点应用。- 以游戏方式操练,提升兴趣;- 训练一般现在时否定句和疑问句的正确书写,强化知识点应用。15minSlide32~36 = 5 \* ROMAN V Taking the quizHand out the quiz to each S. Have the Ss complete the quiz within 10 minutes. Collect the quiz and check the answers.Provide extra help for those who fail the text.- 以小测试形式检测学生对本课教学重点的掌握情况;- 对于检测结果不理想的学生进行查缺补漏。5min = 6 \* ROMAN VI Wrapping upGuide Ss to recall what they have learnt in the class.Guide Ss to check whether they have achieved the learning objectives of this class.- 总结回顾本课教学内容,加深印象- 引导学生自查学习目标的达成情况,提升学生的学习成效。5minSlide37 = 7 \* ROMAN VII HomeworkReview the notes of the classWrite 5 sentences to introduce one of the following topics:Your weekly scheduleYour family activitiesYour local culture-分层作业,让能力不同的学生选择各自能胜任的话题用一般现在时写作。NotesLesson EvaluationWhat do you think the students actually learned? How do you know?What parts were most successful/least successful? Why?Did you finish the lesson on time? If not, why?What changes(if any) will you make in your teaching and why(or why not)?
