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    【单元教案】人教版PEP英语五年级上册--Unit 5 There is a big bed 单元教案(6课时,含反思)
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    • The fifth period(第五课时).doc
    • The sixth period(第六课时).doc
    【单元教案】人教版PEP英语五年级上册--Unit 5 There is a big bed 单元教案(6课时,含反思)01
    【单元教案】人教版PEP英语五年级上册--Unit 5 There is a big bed 单元教案(6课时,含反思)02
    【单元教案】人教版PEP英语五年级上册--Unit 5 There is a big bed 单元教案(6课时,含反思)03
    【单元教案】人教版PEP英语五年级上册--Unit 5 There is a big bed 单元教案(6课时,含反思)01
    【单元教案】人教版PEP英语五年级上册--Unit 5 There is a big bed 单元教案(6课时,含反思)02
    【单元教案】人教版PEP英语五年级上册--Unit 5 There is a big bed 单元教案(6课时,含反思)03
    【单元教案】人教版PEP英语五年级上册--Unit 5 There is a big bed 单元教案(6课时,含反思)01
    【单元教案】人教版PEP英语五年级上册--Unit 5 There is a big bed 单元教案(6课时,含反思)02
    【单元教案】人教版PEP英语五年级上册--Unit 5 There is a big bed 单元教案(6课时,含反思)03
    【单元教案】人教版PEP英语五年级上册--Unit 5 There is a big bed 单元教案(6课时,含反思)01
    【单元教案】人教版PEP英语五年级上册--Unit 5 There is a big bed 单元教案(6课时,含反思)02
    【单元教案】人教版PEP英语五年级上册--Unit 5 There is a big bed 单元教案(6课时,含反思)03
    【单元教案】人教版PEP英语五年级上册--Unit 5 There is a big bed 单元教案(6课时,含反思)01
    【单元教案】人教版PEP英语五年级上册--Unit 5 There is a big bed 单元教案(6课时,含反思)02
    【单元教案】人教版PEP英语五年级上册--Unit 5 There is a big bed 单元教案(6课时,含反思)03
    【单元教案】人教版PEP英语五年级上册--Unit 5 There is a big bed 单元教案(6课时,含反思)01
    【单元教案】人教版PEP英语五年级上册--Unit 5 There is a big bed 单元教案(6课时,含反思)02
    【单元教案】人教版PEP英语五年级上册--Unit 5 There is a big bed 单元教案(6课时,含反思)03
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    【单元教案】人教版PEP英语五年级上册--Unit 5 There is a big bed 单元教案(6课时,含反思)

    这是一份【单元教案】人教版PEP英语五年级上册--Unit 5 There is a big bed 单元教案(6课时,含反思),文件包含Thefirstperiod第一课时doc、Thefourthperiod第四课时doc、Thesixthperiod第六课时doc、Thefifthperiod第五课时doc、Thesecondperiod第二课时doc、Thethirdperiod第三课时doc等6份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共50页, 欢迎下载使用。

    The second period(第二课时) Part A Let’s learn & Let’s play ▶教学内容与目标▶教学重点学生能够听、说、读、写并熟练运用核心词汇及句型。▶教学难点学生能够在语境中灵活运用所学词汇及核心句型。▶教学准备1.预习本课时的相关内容。2.PPT课件、课文录音等。Teaching purpose①在活动中帮助学生复习句型“There is...”,重温上节课对话内容,为新课的学习做好铺垫。▶教学过程 课时教学内容课时教学目标Let’s learn·学生能够听、说、读、写单词和词组“clock, photo, bike, plant, water bottle”·学生能够熟练地运用上述单词和词组介绍房间内物品Let’s play·学生能够在“滚雪球”游戏中正确运用核心词汇和句型Step 1: Warm-up & Revision & Lead-in①1. Greetings.2. I do and you say.The teacher does some actions (It can be done with the help of the PPT.) and students say sentences with “There is…” like this: The teacher puts an apple on the plate. Students say “There is an apple on the plate.” These words can be used: pen/desk/book/bag…3. Retell the dialogue.Teaching purpose②充分利用学生已学的背景知识,创设情景,呈现新知。通过课件、图片等直观刺激,提高学生的学习兴趣。Show the picture of “Let’s talk” on page 48. (出示课件) Let students look at the picture and retell the dialogue.Step 2: Presentation1. Learn the new words and phrase of “Let’s learn”.(1)Learn the new word “photo”.②T: This is Zhang Peng’s room. (Point to the photo.) So what’s this on the wall?Ss: …T: Yes, it’s Zhang Peng’s photo. It’s a nice photo.Teach the word “photo”. Lead students to practice the word in high and low voices. Show some students’ photos on the PPT and say with students like these: S1’s photo, S2’s photo… Write down the word “photo” on the blackboard. Ask students to pay attention to the sound of the letter “o”. Ask students to fill in the blanks: _ _ oto, ph_t_, pho_o.Lead students to practice the sentence patterns “There is a nice/beautiful/funny/cool/…photo in/on…” in groups.Teaching purpose③注重学习方法和策略的培养,采用多种方法教授新知,做到词不离句,从听、说、读、写多方面来落实学生对新知的掌握。Show a picture and a photo to students. (出示课件)T: Look! This is a picture. I can draw a picture. (with the action of“drawing”). This is a photo. It’s Zhang Peng’s photo. Explain the difference between the two words. Lead students to practice with “There is a picture/photo in/on…”(2)Learn the new word “clock”.③T: Zhang Peng is a student. He is never late for school, because the clock helps him a lot. (课件出示:先出现张鹏房间图片,后聚焦在clock上面)T: Look! This is Zhang Peng’s clock. Teach the word “clock”. Lead students to practice the word in high and low voices. Write it down on the blackboard. Ask students to pay attention to the sound of the letter “o”. Ask students to fill in the blanks: cl_ck, clo_ _ , c_o_ _ .Show various clocks. (出示课件) Let students practice the sentence patterns “There is a funny/yellow…clock in Zhang Peng’s room.”(3)Learn the new word “bike”.T: Zhang Peng goes to school by bike. (Point to the bike.) Look, this is his bike. It’s near the door.Teach the word “bike” like this: i-/aI/, bike. Show the word “like” to help students read and remember the word “bike”. Lead students to practice it in high and low voices.Write it down on the blackboard. Ask students to fill in the blanks: b_k_, _i_e.Show several bikes in different colours (red bike, blue bike…) on the PPT. (出示课件) Lead students to practice the sentence pattern “There is a red/…bike near/behind…” (4)Learn the new word “plant”.Show a picture on the PPT. (课件出示:一个男孩骑车上学,路边有一些植物)T: Look! The boy is riding a bike. (Point to a plant along the road.) What’s this? Help students answer: Plant.Teach the word “plant”. Lead students to practice the word in high and low voices. Write it down on the blackboard. Ask students to pay attention to the sound of the letter “a”. Ask students to fill in the blanks: pl_nt, p_ant, pla_t.Lead students to practice the sentences “There is a plant./There are some plants.” one by one with some different pictures. (出示课件) At last the teacher asks: Does Zhang Peng like plants? Guess! After students guess, the teacher says: Yes. Zhang Peng likes plants. Look, there is a plant near the window in his room. And many plants can make the air clean for us. (5)Learn the new phrase “water bottle”.T: Zhang Peng rides a bike to school every day. He’s often thirsty. So he always takes a water bottle in his bag. Teach the word “bottle”. Give the words “little, apple” to help students read and remember the word. Lead students to practice it in high and low voices. Write down the phrase “water bottle” on the blackboard. Ask students to fill in the blanks: b_tt_e, bot_le, bo_ _le.Show some pictures and lead students to practice the phrase “water bottle, milk bottle” and the sentence “There is a water bottle in his bag.” (出示课件)2. Read and act.Teaching purpose④从音、义、形几个方面由浅入深地设计不同层次的操练活动,活跃课堂气氛,激发学生的学习兴趣,训练和巩固学生对目标词汇的掌握。The teacher plays the recording. (出示课件) Students read after it one by one. After practicing in different ways, students try to say sentences in class like these: This is my room. There is a clock, a… Ask students to pay attention to the position of the word “and”.Step 3: Practice④1. Say in different voices.The teacher says a word in a low voice, and students say it in a high voice. The teacher says a word in a high voice, and students say it in a low voice. Practice the new words and phrase.Teaching purpose⑤采用“滚雪球”的方式让学生将核心词汇和句型进行有效的结合,词句不分离。采用学科整合的方式激发学生的兴趣,让学生在学中玩、玩中学,巩固和强化目标词汇和句型,最后达到灵活运用核心语言的目的。2. Listen and choose.The teacher says a word. Students choose the corresponding picture from the three pictures that appear at random on the PPT. (出示课件)3. What’s missing?Divide the new words and phrase into five groups. There are three words in every group. Show the groups of words on the PPT. Let students say what’s missing quickly. (出示课件)Step 4: Consolidation & Extension⑤1. Let’s play.Show the picture and the sentences of “Let’s play” on page 49 on the PPT.(出示课件) Let students find the difference among the three sentences. Students imitate and work in groups. The teacher shows some sentences on the PPT to help students. Choose some students to show in class like these: There is a bike in my room. There is a bike and a computer in my room. There is a bike, a computer and a photo in my room.2. Listen, draw and say.Tell students what’s in the room and students draw the corresponding room. Then some students introduce the room with the sentence patterns “There is a…in the room. There is a/an … and a/an…in the room.” The others check the answers with the teacher.3. Write and say.Show a picture of a room and a passage with some blanks on the PPT. (出示课件) Ask students to complete the passage according to the information. Then let several students stand up and read their passages. The following passage can be used: This is my room. There is a/an ________ in my room. There is a/an ________. There is a/an ________ and a/an ________, too. I like my room very much. It’s clean and nice.Encourage students to introduce their own rooms. These words and phrases can be used: end table, closet, mirror, curtain, trash bin, air-conditioner, heating system… ▶板书设计▶作业设计1. Listen to the recording of “Let’s learn” and read after it.2. Introduce your room to your parents.3. Do the exercises. ▶教学反思1. 本节课充分利用学生已学的知识,创设情景,呈现并教授新知;教学中有效地运用了图片和多媒体课件,刺激学生的视觉、听觉,激发学生的学习兴趣。2. 采用对比、自然拼读等多种方法教授单词;以学生为本,设计了丰富多样的操练活动,从音、义、形几个方面由浅入深地进行操练;学生在学中玩、玩中学,活跃了课堂气氛;注重学习方法和学习策略的培养,从根本上指导学生听、说、读、写单词。3. 利用学科整合,巩固和强化了学生对目标词汇及句型的掌握,提高了学生的综合语言运用能力。4. 板书简洁清晰,重点突出,一目了然。▶Teaching Contents & Teaching AimsLet’s learn·Be able to listen, speak, read and write the new words and phrase “clock, photo, bike, plant, water bottle”.·Be able to use the key words and phrase to introduce the objects in the room skillfully.Let’s play·Be able to use the key words and sentence pattern correctly in games.▶Teaching Priorities·Be able to listen, speak, read and write the key words and sentence pattern and use them skillfully.▶Teaching Difficulties·Be able to use the key words and sentence pattern flexibly in context.▶Teaching Procedures (续表)(续表)(续表) Teaching StagesTeacher’ s ActivitiesStudents’ ActivitiesTeaching PurposesWarm-up &Revision&Lead-in1. Greetings.2. I do and you say. Do some actions and play the PPT.3. Retell the dialogue.Show the picture and help students retell.1. Greetings.2. Say some sentences with “There is…”3. Look at the picture and retell the dialogue.Help students review the sentence pattern and the dialogue. Prepare for the new lesson.Teaching StagesTeacher’ s ActivitiesStudents’ ActivitiesTeaching PurposesPresentation1. Learn the new words and phrase of “Let’s learn”.(1)Learn the new word “photo”. Show the picture of Zhang Peng’s room. Teach the word “photo”. Emphasize the pronunciation of the letter “o” in the word. Show the word with blanks. Explain the difference between the words “picture” and “photo”.Learn the word “photo” and practice it in high and low voices. Pay attention to the sound of the letter “o”. Fill in the blanks. Know the difference between the words “picture” and “photo”. Practice the word with the sentence pattern “There is a/an…in/on…”Create some scenes to help students learn the new words and phrase. Stimulate students’ learning interest effectively by courseware and pictures. Learn the new words in the sentence pattern. Develop students’ learning methods and strategies. Let students grasp the words by listening, speaking, reading and writing.(2)Learn the new word “clock”.Show the picture of Zhang Peng’s room and his clock on the PPT. Create a scene to lead in the word “clock”. Teach the word. Emphasize the pronunciation of the letter “o” in the word. Show the word with blanks. Show various clocks to let students practice the word.Learn the word “clock” and practice it in high and low voices. Pay attention to the sound of the letter “o”. Fill in the blanks. Practice the word with some various clocks.(3)Learn the new word “bike”.Create a scene to lead in the word “bike”. Teach the word. Emphasize the sound of “i”.Learn the word “bike” with the help of the word “like” and practice it in high and low voices. Fill in the blanks. Practice the word with several pictures of bikes.(4)Learn the new word “plant”.Show a picture to teach the word “plant”. Emphasize the sound of the letter “a”. Ask a question and lead students to know many plants can make the air clean.Learn the word “plant” and practice it in high and low voices. Fill in the blanks. Practice it with some pictures. Answer the question and know many plants can make the air clean.Teaching StagesTeacher’ s ActivitiesStudents’ ActivitiesTeaching PurposesPresentation(5)Learn the new phrase “water bottle”. Create a scene to teach the phrase “water bottle”. Give the words “little, apple” to help students read and remember the word “bottle”.Learn the phrase “water bottle” and practice it in high and low voices. Fill in the blanks. Practice it with some pictures.2. Read and act.Play the recording. Ask students to pay attention to the position of the word “and”.Read in different ways. Say more sentences with the key sentence pattern. Pay attention to the position of the word “and”.Practice1. Say in different voices.Say a word in a low/high voice.Say the word in a high/low voice.Activate the atmosphere and stimulate students’ learning interest by different levels of training activities about sounds, forms and meanings. Train and strengthen the key words and sentence patterns.2. Listen and choose.Say a word. Show three pictures that appear at random on the PPT.Choose the corresponding picture from the three pictures.3. What’s missing?Divide the new words and phrase into five groups. There are three words in every group.Say the missing words quickly.Consolidation&Extension1. Let’s play.Show the picture and the sentences of “Let’s play” on the PPT. Let students find the difference among the three sentences. Show some sentences on the PPT to help students say. Choose some students to show in class.Find the difference among the three sentences. Then work in groups. Imitate to make sentences according to the tips. At last show in class.Teaching StagesTeacher’ s ActivitiesStudents’ ActivitiesTeaching PurposesConsolidation&Extension2. Listen, draw and say.Tell students what’s in the room in English. Check the answers with students.Listen and draw. Introduce with the key sentence pattern. Check the answers with the teacher.Combine the key words and sentence patterns effectively. Stimulate students’ interest by the integration between subjects. Strengthen the key words and sentence pattern. Achieve the goal of helping students use the key language flexibly.3. Write and say.Show a picture of a room and a passage with some blanks on the PPT. Encourage students to introduce their own rooms.Complete the passage according to the picture and the information. Then several students stand up and read their passages. Introduce the rooms.Homework1. Listen to the recording of “Let’s learn” and read after it.2. Introduce your room to your parents.3. Do the exercises. 
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        【单元教案】人教版PEP英语五年级上册--Unit 5 There is a big bed 单元教案(6课时,含反思)
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