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    英 语
    1. What will the weather be like soon?
    A.Rainy. B.Cloudy. C. Windy.
    2. How does the boy go to school?
    A.By bus. B.By train. C.By bike.
    3. What are the two speakers talking about?
    A. Chinese sky lanterns. B. Chinese paper cutting. C.Chinese clay art.
    4. What time will the soccer match begin?
    A.At 2:30. B.At 3:00. C.At 3:30.
    5. Where does the woman want to go?
    A.To a hospital. B.To a supermarket. C.To a restaurant.
    6. How many years haven’t they seen each other?
    A. For one year. B. For two years. C. For three years.
    7. What did Bob use to be?
    A. Fat. B. Tall. C.Thin.
    8. Where did Dale have a company meeting?
    A. In Sydney. B. In New York. C. In London.
    9. When did Dale get home?
    A. Yesterday. B. Today. C. The day before yesterday.
    10.What’s the speaker’s favorite food?
    A. Potato. B. Fish. C.Beef.
    11. What’s the speaker talking about?
    A. Trying new things. B. Cooking a dish. C. Doing housework.
    12. How was the speaker’s cooking for the first time?
    A. Difficult. B. Terrible. C. Successful.
    13. What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers?
    A. Friends. B. Teacher and student. C. Husband and wife.
    14. What will the woman possibly do at Stonebridge ?
    A.Drive on the bridge. B.Swim in the sea. C.Drive along the coast.
    15. What should the woman take with her?
    A. A coat. B. A hat. C. Sunglasses.

    A B C D E
    16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
    Whether you are taking photos or working as a model, try these useful tips!

    Setting up the Shoot
    ●DSLRs are for taking professional photos. If you don’t have a DSLR, your smartphone camera is good enough.
    ●Have good lighting. Outside, an hour after sunrise or an hour before sunset is the best time for shooting. It’s called Magic Hour, because you’ll get the best natural lighting. If you are taking photos inside, stand near a bright window or in a well-lit room.
    ●Choose a background that is not distracting(分散注意力的) .
    ●Test with different angles (角度) to see what looks best.
    ●Take many pictures so you can choose the best ones.
    Preparing as a Model
    ●Get a great night’s sleep the day before your photo-shoot.
    ●Wear make-up if necessary.
    ●Choose suitable clothing. Avoid wearing complex clothing. Busy clothing takes away from you, the subject! Instead, choose a simple top and bottom that make you feel great about yourself.
    Using Flattering Poses
    ●Lower your chin a bit to avoid a double-chin.
    ●Angle yourself away from the camera to show a slimmer profile (苗条的身材). If you face the camera head-on, you will appear bigger in the shot.
    ●Point your eyes toward the camera. If the photo shows much of the whites of your eyes, it will look strange.
    ●Pose with props to add some interest to your shots. For example, you can pose with a flower for a portrait shot.
    ●Practice your poses in the mirror to perfect your look.
    21. What time is good for shooting during winter in Beijing?
    A.9a.m.-10a.m. B. 10a.m.-11a.m.
    C.1p.m.-2p.m. D. 4p.m.-5p.m.
    22.You should not _______to prepare as a model.
    A.bring your DSLRs or smartphone
    B. stay up the night before your photo-shoot
    C. wear suitable make-up if necessary
    D.choose simple clothing instead of complex ones
    23.What will you appear if you stand upright and face the camera head-on?
    A.show much of the whites of your eyes B. appear a slimmer profile
    C.add some interest to your shots D.appear bigger in the shot
    24. Which are necessary for taking a good portrait of yourself?
    a. a DSLR b.good lighting c.a clean background d. a good pose
    A. abc B. bcd C.abd D. acd
    25. Where can the text most probably be found?
    A. In a novel. B. In a guidebook. C. In a storybook. D. In a magazine.
    Most of us like to know where we are and where we’re going. It can feel strange to be lost. The words“being lost”make us think of a dark and scary wood or street, but that’s not always the case.
    Once we were on holiday in Venice. My dad planned to go out to take photos early the next morning. Mum wasn't interested,but I would go with him, only because he promised I could have the biggest ever bowl of Italian ice cream if I did. Why else would I get up so early?
    So at 5 a.m. the next day we left the hotel and started walking in the empty streets. When the sun came up, Dad started taking photos and I followed him, down small streets and over little bridges. After about an hour, I turned to Dad and asked, “Where are we?”He said, “I have no idea.” I immediately felt a bit scared,but Dad just laughed and said, “We're lost!” I told him to take out his map or phone. He said, “I only brought the camera. Come on, let’s get more lost!” He laughed again.
    His laughter relaxed me and made me feel safe. Slowly people were appearing on the streets-----shops and cafes began to open.I began to forget that we were lost, and just started watching and taking in everything that was happening around me. Finally, after about four hours of walking around, we were back. Mum asked anxiously, “Where have you been?” I said with a big smile,“We got lost!”
    These days we hardly get lost with so many things around us-----maps, GPS, apps on our phones, and so on. But Dad showed me that being lost can sometimes simply be something to enjoy.
    26. Why did the boy get up so early one morning on holiday in Venice?
    A. Because he wanted to take photos with his father.
    B. Because his father promised him a big dinner.
    C. Because they wanted to watch the sunrise.
    D. Because this father promised him the biggest ice cream.
    27. Which word can best describe the boy’s father?
    A. Kind. B. Strict. C. Optimistic. D. Proud.
    28. The underlined word “anxiously” means________.
    A 焦急地 B. 生气地 C. 恼怒地 D. 欣喜地
    29. Which of the following sentences is true according to the text?
    A. The author called his mother after he got lost.
    B. The author and his father forgot they were lost.
    C. The author used the map on his phone to find his way.
    D. The author and his father asked for help in the street.
    30. What can we learn from the text?
    A. Don’t use maps, GPS or apps on our phones too often on your trip .
    B. It is always strange for us to be lost on the streets.
    C. Just watch and take in everything around you when you are lost.
    D.Being lost can sometimes simply be something enjoyable.
    You may think that bacteria (细菌) should be kept away from priceless old works of art. But some people are using bacteria to bring art back to life!
    According to Popular Science, special microbes have been used on everything from centuries-----old frescoes (壁画)to oil paintings to ancient walls. People use them to clean and bring back the bright color of these pieces of cultural artwork.
    Recently, an Italian art restoration team tried to clean the marble (大理石) in the Medici Chapel in Florence. It was carved by the famous artist Michelangelo(1475 - 1564). They chose eight of the most promising types of bacteria from about 1,000 and tested them on the marble. The bacteria successfully cleaned it while leaving the marble unharmed.
    “Bio-cleaning”----- using bacteria to clean artworks - was first used in the 1990s by Italian biologist Giancarlo Ranalli. A team was trying to clean frescoes at a cemetery in Pisa, Italy. When the cemetery was ruined in World War II, people used animal glue to hold the works together. The team wanted to clean away the glue. They turned to Ranalli and asked: Dr Ranalli, can't you do anything with your bugs?
    It turns out that bacteria are perfect for this kind of task----- if you choose the right one. For Ranalli, it was Pseudomonas stutzeri (施氏假单胞菌). It ate through the animal glue while leaving the original color of the artworks. Now scientists have grown different types of bacteria for certain contaminants, reported Forbes.
    It is the artists who create art works, but it is the bacteria that help people enjoy them in the future.
    31. What can people do to clean and bring back the bright color of cultural artwork?
    A. They can keep away microbes from old works of art.
    B. They can use a special kind of bacteria on the artwork.
    C. They can use animal glue to hold the works together.
    D. They can paint the original color of the artworks.
    32. How was the marble after it was cleaned by the bacteria according to the third paragraph?
    A. It is unharmed. B. It was destroyed. C. The color changed. D. It turned brighter.
    33.Where was Bio-cleaning first used to clean artworks ?
    A. Old oil paintings. B. Ancient walls. C. A cemetery in Italy. D. Cultural museums.
    34. What is the theme (主题) of the text?
    A. Artwork. B.Culture. C. Technology. D. Education
    35. What’s the best title for the text?
    A. Bacteria are perfect for artwork. B. Bacteria bring art back to life.
    C. Bio-cleaning in Italian history. D. Bacteria and cultural artwork.
    Think about a world without insects (昆虫), It might sound nice at first. There would be no annoying bugs or flies in your room. 36
    The number of insects has dropped a lot in recent years, according to British biologist Dave Goulson. In the 27 years from 1989 to 2016, the number of insects fell by 75 percent," Goulson wrote.Scientists say the main reason for this is the use of pesticides (农药). They destroy the places that insects live in. 37 It’s almost impossible to predict, but the results would be far-reaching. We need insects to pollinate crops (给庄稼授粉). They also break down dead plants and animals. 38 We need them to keep the soil (土地) healthy and do much more. Without insects, many animals would have nothing to eat. 39 The ecosystem (生态系统) would be off balance.
    The first step to stop this is to let more people understand“the values of the natural world, both for what it does for us and for its own sake,”Goulson said.“ 40 We should encourage environmental awareness (意识) from an early age.”
    A.What would happen without insects?
    B.The best place to start is with our children.
    C. And then they turn them into new useful things.
    D. But in fact, this could be really bad news.
    E. They would go hungry and die.
    A young man went to see a wise man, saying that after graduation, he set goals for himself, but years later he still achieved nothing. The wise man was 41 in the small house by the river when the young man found him. With a 42 , the wise man put down the book, heard the young man’s words and said to him, “Come to help me boil a pot of 43 first!” The young man saw a big pitcher(水罐) standing in the corner, next to a small fire stove(炉子), but he found no firewood in the stove, so he went out for it.
    He came back 44 some dead wood, filled up the pot with water and put on the stove. He put some firewood in the stove and 45 up, but because the pot was too large, when the wood burned out, the water did not boil. Then he ran off to get firewood. When he went back, the water had nearly turned 46 . This time he became smart, so he was not eager (急切的)to light the fire, but went out to 47 some firewood again. Because the firewood was 48 prepared, the water boiled pretty soon.
    The wise man suddenly asked him,“If there is not 49 firewood, how should you boil the water?”The young man thought for a moment and 50 his head. The wise man said, “If so, pour out some water of the pot!” The young man nodded thoughtfully. The wise man continued, "You had so many things you want at first and set too many 51 , just as the large pot was filled with too much water but you didn’t have enough firewood, 52 you couldn’t boil water, and if you wanted to make the water boil , you’d better 53 some of the water. The young man saw his light suddenly. When he went hack he removed many listed goals from his plan, leaving only a few recent ones, while with the 54 time he studied all kinds of hobbies. A few 55 later, his goals came true.
    41.A. sleeping B. playing C. reading D. fishing
    42.A. smile B. fear C. surprise D. interest
    43.A. tea B. water C. drink D. coffee
    44.A. with B. for C. as D. after
    45.A. lit B. burned C. sat D. boiled
    46.A. cold B. cool C. hot D. warm
    47.A. look at B. look for C. look into D. look up
    48.A. fully B. quickly C. totally D. well
    49.A. enough B.little C. many D. few
    50.A. moved B. agreed C.nodded D. shook
    51.A. objects B. goals C.channels D. plans
    52.A. then B. so C. but D. and
    53.A. empty B. fill C. pour D. drink
    54.A. hard B. spare C. good D. daily
    55.A. days B. minutes C. months D. years
    collect he mostly farmer which discover different tourist death one

    The Terracotta Army (兵马俑)is known in Chinese as the “Soldier and horse funerary statues”. It is a super large 56 of over 8,000 life-size Chinese terracotta figures of warriors and horses. The terracotta army covers 22,000 square meters and is divided into 11 columns ,which was 57 by accident in 1974 near Xi'an, Shaanxi Province, China, by local 58 digging a water well. It was opened to the public in 1979.
    In 221 B.C., Emperor Qin Shi Huang (259BC- 210BC) unified the warring states and established the 59 centralized(集中制)feudal dynasty——the Qin Dynasty in China. After his 60 , he was buried at the northern foot of Lishan Hill in the east of Lintong County near Xi'an. The terracotta army was constructed to protect the emperor's tomb and help 61 continue his reign in the afterlife. The terracotta army is unique. The statues 62 represent soldiers and horses, but there are also chariots, weapons, and other objects, 63 are all extremely detailed. Warriors wear 64 uniforms according to rank, and each one has distinctive facial features and expressions. They are also positioned in precise military formation, according to duty and rank, which provides a wealth of information for in-depth study of the Qin Dynasty military. The Terracotta Army is now a popular 65 attraction.
    56. _______ 57._______ 58._______ 59._______ 60._______
    61._______ 62._______ 63._______ 64._______ 65._______
    Wang Hua
    My family activities on New Year’s Eve
    Dear Alice,
    My hometown is in the northeast part of China. It’s a small village 66 lies in a valley. On the day before the Spring Festival it is Chinese New Year’s Eve, our family usually visits my grandparents.We make dumplings together for dinner while others do the spring cleaning. Then the children get lucky money from 67 adults, watch them light firecrackers 68 put up new year scrolls. We always have some fish at the end of the New Year’s Eve dinner. Then, the adults stay 69 to welcome the New Year. They don’t let us stay up too late because it is not good 70 our health.
    I’m looking forward to your reply. I hope you can come and spend the winter holiday with me.
    Wang Hua
    66._______ 67. _______ 68._______ 69._______ 70._______
    根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。A: Hi, Peter. What magazine are you reading?
    B: It’s a car magazine about electric cars. 71._____________________?
    A: No, they aren’t very common. Are you interested in them?
    B: 72.___________________. A big company is making a new kind of electric car this year.
    A: Is there something special about it?
    B:Yes, it can drive much farther than most electric cars.
    A: 73._____________________________.
    B: No, it won’t be expensive. Actually, it will be the cheapest. I did some research on the new car.
    A: Really? What did you find out?
    B: Many people are excited about its design. 74._______________________.
    A: Wow, its top is really special!
    B: Besides, electric cars don’t use gas.That means less air pollution.
    A: 75.____________________.Science and technology make our life better.
    六、 书面表达(20分)
    “双减”之后,同学们有了更多的课余时间。请你结合下面的图示信息,以“How I make my spare time more meaningful”为题,根据写作要求,用英语写一篇短文,向学校校刊的英语专栏投稿。

    写作要求: 1) 文中须包含上图提示的所有信息,可适当发挥;
    2) 文中不得出现考生的真实姓名和学校名称;
    How I make my spare time more meaningful
    Nowadays, we students have much more spare time than ever before. ____________________

    1-5 ACCBBC 6-10 BACAC 11-15 ACACA 16-20 BADCE
    【A 篇短文大意】本文介绍了为他人拍照或者做摄影模特时的三个注意事项:场景的设置、拍摄用品的准备、使用不同的姿势等。
    【解析】考查细节理解。由第一个方框内第二段的第二句话“Outside, an hour after sunrise or an hour before sunset is the best time for shooting. ”可知,拍照的最佳时间段日出后1小时或者日落前1小时。北京的冬天日落时间一般为下午4:53,所以下午4-5点可以作为拍照的时段。故选D。
    22. 【答案】B
    【解析】考查细节理解。由第二个方框内第一句话“Get a great night’s sleep the day before your photo-shoot.”可知,作者建议拍照前一天晚上要有充足的睡眠,所以不应该熬夜是正确选项。故选B。
    23. 【答案】D
    【解析】考查细节理解。由第三个方框内第二段第二句话“If you face the camera head-on, you will appear bigger in the shot. ”可知,拍照时如果直视镜头,姿势没有一定的角度,你会显得身材较胖。故选D。
    24. 【答案】B
    25. 【答案】D
    【B 篇短文大意】本文记叙了作者和他的父亲在威尼斯街头一次迷路的经历,他觉得这次迷路经历不但不令人害怕,还挺好玩儿。
    26. 【答案】D
    【解析】考查细节理解。由文中第二段第三句“only because he promised I could have the biggest ever bowl of Italian ice cream if I did. ”可知,父亲许诺了我可以吃意式冰淇淋,我才愿意早起跟他一起到街头拍照。故选D。
    27. 【答案】C
    【解析】考查推理判断。由第三段内容可知,父亲在威尼斯街头迷路的时候没有害怕或紧张,而是笑着对作者说““I only brought the camera. Come on, let’s get more lost!”可知,他是一个乐观向上的人。故选C。
    28. 【答案】A
    29. 【答案】B
    【解析】考查细节理解。由第四段第三句“I began to forget that we were lost, and just started watching and taking in everything that was happening around me.”可知我和父亲忘记了迷路,而是在欣赏路途中的人和事,之后在回到住所。故选B。
    30. 【答案】D
    【解析】考查主旨大意。本题可采取排除法,由文中最后一段“But Dad showed me that being lost can sometimes simply be something to enjoy”可知正确答案,故选D。
    31. 【答案】B
    【解析】考查细节理解。文中第二段“People use them to clean and bring back the bright color of these pieces of cultural artwork.”中的“them”指代的是“一种特殊的细菌”。故选B。
    32. 【答案】A
    【解析】考查推理判断。由第三段的最后一句“The bacteria successfully cleaned it while leaving the marble unharmed.”可以判断出“文物没有被破坏”。故选A。
    33. 【答案】C
    【解析】考查细节理解。综合第四段最第一句和第二句““Bio-cleaning”----- using bacteria to clean artworks - was first used in the 1990s by Italian biologist Giancarlo Ranalli. A team was trying to clean frescoes at a cemetery in Pisa, Italy. ”句意可知,“生物清洁法”首次被使用是在意大利一所墓园里。
    34. 【答案】C
    35. 【答案】B
    【解析】考查标题归纳。通读全文内容可知,本文是介绍了科学家们利用微生物——“细菌”来清洗恢复文物原貌的事实,因此B选型“Bacteria bring art back to life”紧扣短文主题。故选B。
    36. 【答案】D
    【解析】由前句“Think about a world without insects (昆虫), It might sound nice at first. There would be no annoying bugs or flies in your room. ”可知,此处应填入表示句意转折的句子。故选D。
    37. 【答案】A
    【解析】由后句“It’s almost impossible to predict, but the results would be far-reaching. ”可知,前文应该是一个虚拟语气的问句,询问“没有昆虫的后果怎样?”,故选A。
    38. 【答案】C
    【解析】由前句“They also break down dead plants and animals. ”可知,此处应该填写一个表示动作的句子,由连词连接起来。故选E。
    39. 【答案】E
    【解析】由前句“Without insects, many animals would have nothing to eat. ”可知,没有了昆虫,动物失去了食物来源。后面应紧跟“它们就会饿死”这一结果。故选E。
    40. 【答案】B
    【解析】由后句中的“an early age”可知,树立生态意识应该从儿童时期开始培养。故选B。
    41. 【答案】C
    【解析】考查动词词义辨析。由后一句的“the wise man put down the book”可以推测出,年轻人找到智者时,智者正在读书。故选C。
    42. 【答案】A
    43. 【答案】B
    44. 【答案】A
    【解析】考查介词词义辨析。介词with放在动词后表示“表示“在......身边”“在......身上”。例如,Take an umbrella with you in case it rains 带把伞以防下雨。故选A。
    【知识拓展】with的用法还有:(1)表示人与人的协同关系,意为“一起”“和”,如go with 与......一起去play with 与......一起玩。(2)表示“用某种工具或手段”。如write with a pencil 用铅笔写字,cut the apple with a knife 用刀切苹果。(3)表示“带有”“拥有”,如tea with honey 加蜂蜜的茶,a house with a big garden 一个带有大花园的房子。(4)表示“在...之下”,如with the help of sb = with one’s help 在某人的帮助下。(5)表示“随着”,如with the development of ... 随着......的发展。
    45. 【答案】B
    46. 【答案】A
    47. 【答案】B
    【解析】考查动词短语辨析。look at意为“看......”,look for意为“寻找”,look into意为“调查(真相)”,look up意为“向上看;查阅”。结合下上文,此处应表示“年轻人又要出去寻找柴火”,故选B。
    48. 【答案】D
    【解析】考查副词词义辨析。故选D。根据上下文判断,此处句意应该是“柴火准备的很好”,所以使用副词well, 故选D。
    【知识拓展】well的用法:(1)形容词,意为“健康的;痊愈的”,如 in good health;Please get well soon.请尽快康复吧。(2)副词,意为“良好地;正常地;令人满意地” 如Well done!做得好!(3)名词,意为“井,水井”,如We have water from the well.我们用一个水泵从井里抽水。
    49. 【答案】A
    50. 【答案】D
    51. 【答案】B
    52. 【答案】B
    53. 【答案】A
    54. 【答案】B
    55. 【答案】D
    56.collection 57. discovered 58.farmers 59.first 60.death
    61. him 62.mostly 63.which 64. different 65.tourist
    66. that/which 67. the 68. and 69. up 70. for
    71.Do you know anything about them?
    72.Yes, I am.
    73.Is it expensive?/Does it cost much?
    74.Look at the picture./ See it’s picture here.
    75.That’s great./ It sounds good.
    One possible version:
    My favorite Chinese traditional handcraft
    China is a country with a long history.  It has a great traditional culture, especially Chinese handcrafts.My favorite Chinese traditional handcraft is Paper-cutting. It has a history of more than 1500 years and it represents cultural values of the people throughout China.
    Paper-cutting can be seen in many parts of China during the Spring Festival. The main cutting tools are paper and scissors. It soundsvery easy to do, but it is difficult to master paper-cutting.They were first put on windows, doors and walls as symbols of wishes for good luck and a happy new year. 
    1. W: You’d better take an umbrella with you. Look at the clouds. I think it will rain soon.
    M: OK. Thanks for you advice.
    2. W: How does Lily go to school?
    M: She goes by bike, the same as me.
    3. W: Have you ever heard of Chinese paper cutting, Jason?
    M: Yeah. It’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.
    4. M: What time is it now?
    W: It’s half past two.
    M: Oh, I must leave now. The soccer match will begin in half an hour.
    5. W: Is there a good place to have dinner?
    M: What food do you like best?
    W: Beef noodles with tomatoes.
    M: Oh, there is a famous noodle house over there.
    M: Hi, Tina! How are you going? I haven’t seen you for nearly 2 years.
    W:Wait! Are you Bob?
    M: Yeah, I am.
    W: You’ve changed so much. I can hardly recognize you.
    M: I used to short and overweight. Now I have a balanced diet and do running every day to keep fit.
    W:You look great.
    W: Hi, Dale. Long time no see. Where have you been to?
    M: Hi, Lucy. It's great to see you again. I've been away on business.
    W: Really? Where did you go?
    M: Well, first I flew to Sydney . After that, I flew to London, where I had a company meeting.
    W: It sounds like you've been busy.
    M. Yeah, I just got home last night.
    I like trying new things. I used to think it’s difficult to cook. Last Sunday, my parents were out, leaving me alone at home. Although they let me eat out, I don't like to. I like beef best, so I decided to cook stewed beef with potatoes. I looked up how to it on the Internet and did accordingly. And I made a delicious dish which made my parents very surprised.
    I have been through many this kind of things. New things are unknown to me ,and I may have little expectation to them, however it usually turns out to be good when I try them. I will get a great sense success after I overcome the difficulty. Even if it is not, I will always learn something from them.
    W: Can you give me some advice on good places to visit? I'll have a two-week holiday.
    M: Well actually, you don’t have to go abroad. There are some nice places to visit in England, Last week I was in a place called Stonebridge. It' s in the southwest of England.
    W: What’s the best way to travel there?
    M: You can buy a return ticket on the train but actually I think you should drive a car. Then you can drive along the coast.
    W: What’ s the weather like at this time of year?
    M: Usually, it’ s cool, you ’ better not swim in the sea. Sometimes it rains so you should take a coat.
    W: OK. I will.
    I will give you some suggestions on how to improve your English. First, I think you should get a dictionary, pick out 5 words on each page every day and learn them. Second, try to read English newspaper. Reading is one of the best ways to learn new vocabularies. Third, find an interesting English movie. Watch it twice. Forth, keep an English diary. Start by writing a few sentences a day and then get into the habit of writing more. The last but not least, get help! If you don’ t understand something, you need to ask someone. Ask your teacher, classmates or friends for help.


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