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    1.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
    One way to know how much soda people drink is to ask them.
    The problem? We tend to underestimate, lie or forget what we’ve consumed.
    And this is a challenge for researchers who study the links between sugar­sweetened beverages and obesity.
    A new study published in the Journal of Nutrition explains a technique that could help researchers get a good measurement of sugary beverage consumption — by analyzing a piece of hair or a blood sample.
    Researcher Diane O’Brien of the University of Alaska and her colleagues have used carbon isotope (同位素)analysis to develop their measuring tool. “We’re isolating the [carbon] isotope ratio in a specific molecule,” explains O’Brien. The molecule is an amino acid called alanine, which captures carbon from sugars.
    It turns out that when you consume sweetened soda, slightly more of a particular kind of carbon called C­13 gets trapped in alanine and incorporated into proteins. And proteins hang around in the body much longer than sugar does. So the scientists say they can sample proteins to look for extra amounts of C­13 in alanine. People with a lot of C­13 are likely to be people who have consumed a lot of corn syrup and cane sugar.
    Using this technique, O’Brien says, you can capture a longer­term picture of sugar consumption compared with urine samples — which only reveal how much sugar a person has consumed in the past day or so.
    Carbon isotope analysis has helped scientists piece together ancient dietary patterns, explains Dale Schoeller of the University of Wisconsin, Madison, in a commentary about the study: “The use of stable isotope signatures has even provided information about the diet of Otzi aka The Iceman, the 5,000­year­old natural mummy found in the Alps in 1991.”
    And he writes that he thinks the technique will be helpful for researchers studying the obesity epidemic.
    “This should be a major step toward resolving the controversy over the role of caloric sweetener intake in the development of obesity,” writes Schoeller.
    2.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main points of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
    Parents, teachers, and anyone who regularly deals with teenagers knows how difficult the adolescent years can be. Adolescents have always been known to do wild — even dangerous — things. This was thought to be due to the foolishness of youth. Now, brain-imaging technology allows scientists to study the physical development of the brain in more detail than ever before. Their discoveries have led to a new theory of why teens act the way they do.
    Recently, scientists discovered that though our brains are almost at their full size by the age of six, they are far from fully developed. Only during adolescence do our brains truly “grow up”. During this time, they go through great changes, like a computer system being upgraded. This “upgrade” was once thought to be finished by about age 12. Now, scientists have concluded that our brains continue to change until age 25. Such changes make us better at balancing our impulses with the need to follow rules. However, a still-developing brain does this clumsily. The result, scientists claim, is the unpredictable behavior seen in teenagers.
    The studies confirm that teens are more likely to take risks and behave in extreme ways. Fortunately, the news isn’t all negative. As brain scientist B.J. Casey points out, the teen brain inspires such behavior in order to help teenagers prepare for adult life.
    One way the brain does this is by changing the way teens measure risk and reward. Researchers found that when teens think about rewards, their brains release more of the chemicals that create pleasure than an adult brain would. Researchers believe this makes the rewards seem more important than the risks, and makes teens feel the excitement of new experiences more keenly than adults do.
    Research into the structure of the teen brain also found that it makes social connections seem especially rewarding. As such, teens have an intense need to meet new people.
    Scientists suggest this is because as teens, we begin to realize that our peers may one day control the world we live in. Because it is still developing, a teen brain can change to deal with new situations. It therefore connects social rewards with even more pleasure. In this way, the brain encourages teens to have a wide circle of friends, which is believed to make us more successful in life.
    3.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
    Hugging’s Evolutionary Origins
    After long stretches of social isolation, many of us are longing for the warmth of a hug. Degges-White, a professor focused on social relationships, says that our need for a hug goes all the way back to the survival of our species. When we’re born, we can’t care for ourselves and we need to be comfortable with being held in order to survive. We’re rewarded with a rush of feel-good hormones that come from a nice embrace.
    When we hug, our brains release the oxytocin hormone, making us feel connected. This connection and sense of community has an important evolutionary role because for humans, the security of our small groups and later communities was crucial to survival. Close contact helped build civilization. We may not know what we are getting from greeting our friends and family with a hug; we just enjoy it. It isn’t until those experiences are taken away that we feel pain and sadness. An elbow bump or air greeting are not enough. Research published in the journal Psychological Science has shown that hugging has a “stress cushioning” effect that may even protect us from chronic illness and infections.
    When children don’t experience healthy touch, it can impact their development. Kids who didn’t grow up being held, miss out on that sense of safety and protection. They may act out or isolate themselves from those around them. In some cases, the opposite may also be true. Some children may show too much affection, eager for any form of positive attention that they didn’t get at home.
    Still, to hug or not to hug? That’s the question right now. According to Degges-White, if you’re both vaccinated, go for it; research has shown that the risk of transmission is extremely low. And if you’re vaccinated but you don’t know for sure whether the person you’re hugging has also been vaccinated, it’s still most likely safe.
    4.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
    Teamwork Doubles the Strength
    Teamwork is really important for any class or team to achieve its goals and objectives. Let me give you three reasons why teamwork is advantageous.
    As individuals, we possess diverse talents, strengths, weaknesses and experiences. A team is like a blanket that weaves what each of us possesses, resulting in an end product that is diverse yet similar. As team members exchange thoughts and experiences, there can be more efficiency and effectiveness at problem-solving. This pooling of talents can also lead to greater innovation and success.
    Take Leicester City, for example. It won the Premier League in 2016, to the disbelief of many soccer fans. Leicester City, previously regarded as the underdog in the League, displayed surprisingly impressive teamwork that led to its unbelievable victory in soccer history.
    Next, teamwork helps to increase efficiency and productivity as members share the workload. It reduces the stress on each of us and ensures the completion of tasks within the regulated time frame. When work is distributed and each of us in a team specializes in specific tasks, we can expect greater job satisfaction.
    And finally, working in a team multiplies learning opportunities. Team members learn from more experienced members who may offer deeper insights and perspectives. Newer members may also contribute new and brave ideas. Besides encouraging the sharing of knowledge and experiences, teamwork also develops soft skills like communication and interpersonal skills. We learn to respect differences in working styles and opinions, and develop trust when working with others.
    Some may think that working in isolation is more efficient since more time is taken when cooperating with others. For more talented individuals, working alone means being the star of a project — there’s no need to share the success or glory with others. But, the loss of cooperativity that only team effort can generate may also prevent the team from reaching its fullest potential.
    5.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize in no more than 60 words the main idea of the passage and how it is illustrated. Use your own words as far as possible.
    Secrets of the ginkgo tree
    New research into an incredibly long-lived tree has revealed some of the tricks that help it survive for thousands of years. The ginkgo is a huge, slow-growing tree with fan-shaped leaves, native to China, but planted in parks and gardens across the world. Some of the largest ginkgoes are said to be more than 3,000 years old.
    In order to discover how these and other trees can live for so long, scientists from the US and China took samples from 34 healthy ginkgoes of various ages. The team studied growth rings in each tree’s trunk, as well as individual cells from the bark (树皮), leaves and seeds. They found that 600-year-old trees were just as healthy as 20-year-olds.
    To learn more, the team then looked in detail at the DNA of nine trees aged between three and 667 years old. At the beginning of a tree’s life, DNA instructs the cells in a seedling (幼苗) to divide frequently so the tree grows rapidly. The cells also make special chemicals to help the young plant survive stressful situations, such as disease and lack of water. As most trees grow older and tougher, their DNA tells the cells to divide more slowly and to make fewer chemical defences.
    Ginkgoes, however, do things differently. The team found that although their growth eventually slows, both young and old trees make protective chemicals. The secret is maintaining a really healthy defence system. As ginkgoes age, they show no evidence of weakening their ability to defend themselves from stresses. Other trees that live for a long time may have the same ability.
    For all their defences, though, ginkgoes cannot live forever—they eventually meet with fatal accidents such as fire, disease and storms. While they last, however, these leafy giants are some of the most beautiful trees in the world.
    6.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
    We don’t choose our siblings the way we choose our partners and friends. Of course, we don’t choose our parents either, but they usually make that up to us by accompanying us on the way to adulthood. Brothers and sisters are just sort of there. And yet, when it comes to our development, they can be more influential than parents.
    Whether these relationships make our life better or worse is a more complicated question. On the upside, positive interactions with siblings during adolescence foster empathy, prosocial behavior, and academic achievement. However, when a sibling relationship is bad, it can be really bad. Tense sibling relationships make people more likely to be depressed and anxious in adolescence. Moreover, sibling bullying makes a kid involved in self-harm as a teen and develop mental problems in adulthood.
    Whether a person models himself after his siblings or tries to distinguish himself has particularly important consequences. One study found that siblings who felt positive about each other tended to achieve similar education levels while those who spent unequal time with their dad and got unequal parental treatment had different educational fortunes. That difference is changeable. On the other hand, following your sibling can be a mistake: teenagers are more likely to be involved in risky behavior if an older sibling did so first.
    One way or another, sibling influence is lasting. A study of more than one million Swedes found that one’s risk of dying of a heart attack multiplies after a sibling dies of one, due not only to shared DNA but also to the stress of losing such a key figure. The findings make sense: Most of us are different people than we’d have been if our brothers or sisters were never born.
    7.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
    Does Zoom exhaust you?
    During the COVID-19 pandemic, as social distancing has kept people apart physically, more people are logging on to popular video chat platforms to connect with colleagues, family and friends. And as a result, virtual meetings, or “zooming”, have skyrocketed. However, communication professor Jeremy Bailenson, founding director of the Stanford Virtual Human Interaction Lab (VHIL) examined the psychological consequences of spending hours per day on these platforms, warning that those video calls are likely tiring you out.
    In a normal meeting, people will variously be looking at the speaker, taking notes, or looking elsewhere. But on Zoom calls, everyone is looking at everyone, all the time. A listener is treated nonverbally like a speaker, so even if you don’t speak once in a meeting, you are still looking at faces staring at you. The amount of eye contact is dramatically increased. “Social anxiety of public speaking is one of the biggest fears that exist in our population,” Bailenson said. “When you’re standing up there and everybody’s staring at you, that’s a stressful experience.”
    Most video platforms show a square of what you look like on camera during a chat, which is unnatural. Bailenson said, “In the real world, if somebody was following you around with a mirror constantly so that you were seeing yourself in a mirror while you were talking to people, making decisions, giving feedback, etc., that would just be crazy.” He cited studies showing that when you see a reflection of yourself, you are more critical of yourself and there will be negative emotional consequences.
    Moreover, video chats dramatically reduce our usual mobility. In-person and audio phone conversations allow humans to walk around and move. But with videoconferencing, most cameras have a set field of view, meaning a person has to generally stay in the same spot. Movement is limited in ways that are not natural. “There’s a growing research now that says when people are moving, they’re performing better cognitively,” Bailenson said.
    8.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
    Interview Tips
    First impressions are often lasting ones. Studies show that people form impressions about us within the first few minutes of meeting.
    As Simon Grant, hotel manager, says: ‘Interviewees who look as if they care about themselves are more likely to care about their jobs. People think it’s what’s inside that counts, but in an interview you should aim to come across in the best possible way.’
    Yet many people ignore the importance of having a professional image. For example, Janet Goodwood worked for ten years as an imaginative assistant in a large accounting firm. When the office manager retired, she applied for the position but wasn’t even given an interview. ‘I thought it was a mistake so I asked the Director of Personnel what had happened,’ she says. ‘He told me I didn’t fit the image of an office manager. He suggested I improve my wardrobe before I applied again for promotion.’
    Movement and gestures will also influence an interviewer’s first impression of a candidate. Psychologist Albert Mehrabian has discovered that 7% of any message about our feelings and attitudes comes from the words we use, 38% from our voice and a surprising 55% from our facial expressions. When our facial expressions and our words send different messages the listener will put more weight on the non-verbal message. So make sure your words agree with your body language. Mixed messages will only confuse the interviewer.
    Finally, a consideration of what we say and how we say it will contribute to the success of an interview. David Artesio, the manager of an employment agency, suggests that it’s a good idea to inform yourself about the company before you go for an interview. ‘The annual report, for example, will tell you about areas of company involvement. Mention an area that interests you during the interview. This will give a positive note and convince others of your interest in the company.’
    9.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
    Plan for Domino Effects on Sustainability Goals
    Climate change is causing ever-more-extreme events, from storms and droughts to floods and violent windstorms, and these risks interact across many environmental and social systems. A heatwave can spark forest fires, which lead to air pollution. Drought-wrecked harvests can result in food-price unpredictability.
    Yet these domino effects are barely considered in most countries’ strategies for achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. Many countries that are working hard to reach these goals insufficiently consider the impact of extreme weather. Take Germany as an example. Its 2018 strategy on sustainable development runs to 60 pages yet the word ‘disaster’ appears only once. There is no analysis of the consequences of an increase in such events.
    Although many people are now aware that climate change is making fires, floods, heatwaves and storms more frequent, more severe or both, this knowledge isn’t changing policy or research enough. Part of the problem is perception. Future disasters feel unreal to decision-makers, as we’ve experienced with so many governments’ lack of pandemic preparedness, despite years of warning that something similar to COVID-19 was a case of when, not if. Other obstacles are inadequate national and international governance, and communication challenges. The research community has not yet provided effective guidance.
    As a consequence, many efforts to achieve the SDGs will, like a house of cards, fall at the first shaking. Our global efforts need to be much more vigorous to the changing and interconnected nature of risk in a warming world.
    What now? Researchers must create models that are more understandable and useful to policymakers. When possible, SDG targets and indicators should be redesigned to capture weakness to heatwaves, fires, droughts, floods, hurricanes, mudslides and more. And politicians need to be convinced to invest in precautionary measures and adaptation.
    10.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
    Why Is Littering a Surprisingly Big Issue?
    Compared with the blindingly obvious environmental issues we hear about every day, littering often takes a backseat -- but it’s more pressing than we may think.
    If you were to throw, say, a banana peel (香蕉皮) out of your car while driving along the motorway, that would be a completely harmless action, due to the fact that it’s part of a fruit -- right? Actually, no. A banana peel can take up to two years to decompose (分解), and with a third of motorists admitting to littering while driving, that’s a whole lot of abandoned banana peels, or much worse. An orange peel and a cigarette butt has a similar biodegrading (生物降解) term to that of a banana, but tin and aluminium cans last up to 100 years, and plastic bottles last forever, as do glass bottles, Styrofoam cups and plastic bags.
    Despite the fact that longer-lasting materials will serve to damage the environment and its animals for longer, we can’t only measure the severity of a certain type of rubbish by its lifetime. For example, despite having a fairly short biodegrading period, more than 120 tons of cigarette-related litter is abandoned in the UK every day. Similarly, our regular littering here and there has caused the UK’s rat population to increase by 60 million. This suddenly isn’t so mysterious when you consider that since the 1960s our annual littering has increased by an astonishing 500 per cent.
    It’s not a cheap habit either: UK taxpayers shelve out £500 million in order to keep our streets clean, and when you include our green spaces, that goes up to £1 billion. So, it’s not surprising that if caught fly-tipping you could face a £20,000 fine or even jail time and, if you littered something dangerous, the court could give you five years to serve.
    To take back our beautiful countryside and cities we need to do more than simply not leaving rubbish where it ought not to be. We need a pride makeover, and we need to truly care more about the world around us.

    1.Researchers feel it hard to exactly measure the consumption of sugary beverages. A technique using carbon isotope analysis could measure it accurately by analyzing hair or blood sample. Not only will it contribute to studying the obesity epidemic but it also will be significant to figure out the links between sugarsweetened beverages and obesity.
    ①One way to know how much soda people drink is to ask them. It is a challenge for researchers who study the links between sugarsweetened beverages and obesity.
    ②A new study published in the Journal of Nutrition explains a technique that could help researchers get a good measurement of sugary beverage consumption — by analyzing a piece of hair or a blood sample. They used carbon isotope analysis to develop their measuring tool.
    ③He thinks the technique will be helpful for researchers studying the obesity epidemic.
    ④This should be a major step toward resolving the controversy over the role of caloric sweetener intake in the development of obesity.
    Researchers feel that measuring the consumption of sugary beverages exactly is hard.
    A technique which was developed by using carbon isotope analysis could measure it accurately by analyzing hair or blood sample.
    It will not only contribute to studying the obesity epidemic but also be significant to figure out the links between sugarsweetened beverages and obesity.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Researchers feel it hard to exactly measure the consumption of sugary beverages.(运用it作形式主语,不定式短语作真正主语的形式对原文前三段内容进行了概括,表达高级)
    【高分句型2】Not only will it contribute to studying the obesity epidemic but it also will be significant to figure out the links between sugarsweetened beverages and obesity.(运用一个含有倒装结构的并列句概括了原文后两段的内容,其中not only置于句首,句子使用部分倒装结构的用法比较高级)
    2.One possible version:
    Traditionally teenagers’ risk-taking behavior was attributed to silliness of adolescence, while new research suggests their brain, undergoing dramatic change and struggling between instinct and discipline, accounts for it. Meanwhile the teen brain also makes teenagers value rewards and new experiences more by producing more pleasure-generating chemicals. Additionally, it stimulates teens to extend social circle, which is believed to bring success.
    【详解】1. 要点摘录
    ①Parents, teachers, and anyone who regularly deals with teenagers knows how difficult the adolescent years can be. Adolescents have always been known to do wild — even dangerous — things.
    ②Now, scientists have concluded that our brains continue to change until age 25. Such changes make us better at balancing our impulses with the need to follow rules.
    ③One way the brain does this is by changing the way teens measure risk and reward. Researchers found that when teens think about rewards, their brains release more of the chemicals that create pleasure than an adult brain would.
    ④In this way, the brain encourages teens to have a wide circle of friends, which is believed to make us more successful in life.
    2. 缜密构思
    Traditionally teenagers’ risk-taking behavior was attributed to silliness of adolescence, while new research suggests their brain, undergoing dramatic change and struggling between instinct and discipline, accounts for it. Meanwhile the teen brain also makes teenagers value rewards and new experiences more by producing more pleasure-generating chemicals. Additionally, it stimulates teens to extend social circle, which is believed to bring success.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Traditionally teenagers’ risk-taking behavior was attributed to silliness of adolescence, while new research suggests their brain, undergoing dramatic change and struggling between instinct and discipline, accounts for it.运用了现在分词作后置定语,修饰brain,表达高级。
    [高分句型2] Additionally, it stimulates teens to extend social circle, which is believed to bring success.运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句,表达高级。
    3.Hugging has an evolutionary origin. First, new-borns need hugging to survive, for it makes them feel comfortable. Besides, hugging means close contact, which helped to build civilization. When people hug, they feel more bonded. Additionally, hugging helps people feel less stressed and its absence can affect kids’ development negatively. Therefore, hugging is recommended for people who are vaccinated.
    【详解】1 要点摘录
    ①Degges-White, a professor focused on social relationships, says that our need for a hug goes all the way back to the survival of our species. When we’re born, we can’t care for ourselves and we need to be comfortable with being held in order to survive.
    ②When we hug, our brains release the oxytocin hormone, making us feel connected. Close contact helped build civilization.
    ③Research published in the journal Psychological Science has shown that hugging has a “stress cushioning” effect that may even protect us from chronic illness and infections.
    ④Still, to hug or not to hug? That’s the question right now. According to Degges-White, if you’re both vaccinated, go for it; research has shown that the risk of transmission is extremely low.
    2.缜密构思 将第1个要点进行总说,将第2、3、4三个要点进行分说。
    Hugging has an evolutionary origin. First, new-borns need hugging to survive, for it makes them feel comfortable.
    Besides, hugging means close contact, which helped to build civilization. When people hug, they feel more bonded.
    Additionally, hugging helps people feel less stressed and its absence can affect kids’ development negatively.
    Therefore, hugging is recommended for people who are vaccinated.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Besides, hugging means close contact, which helped to build civilization.运用非限制性定语从句对原文第二段进行了概括。
    [高分句型2] Therefore, hugging is recommended for people who are vaccinated.用who引导定语从句对最后一段进行了概括,表达非常高级。
    4.Teamwork is important for any group to reach its goals for three reasons. Firstly, pooling talents helps to solve problems and motivate innovation and success. Secondly, teamwork enhances efficiency and productivity due to shared workload, reduced stress and specific tasks. Finally, teamwork multiplies learning opportunities for both experienced members and newer ones, encouraging sharing and maximizing team’s potential. (58 words)
    ①Teamwork is really important for any class or team to achieve its goals and objectives. Let me give you three reasons why teamwork is advantageous.
    ②As team members exchange thoughts and experiences, there can be more efficiency and effectiveness at problem-solving. This pooling of talents can also lead to greater innovation and success.
    ③Next, teamwork helps to increase efficiency and productivity as members share the workload. It reduces the stress on each of us and ensures the completion of tasks within the regulated time frame.
    ④And finally, working in a team multiplies learning opportunities. But, the loss of cooperativity that only team effort can generate may also prevent the team from reaching its fullest potential.
    2.缜密构思 将第1个要点进行总说,将第2、3、4三个要点进行分说。
    Teamwork is important for any group to reach its goals for three reasons.
    Firstly, pooling talents helps to solve problems and motivate innovation and success.
    Secondly, teamwork enhances efficiency and productivity due to shared workload, reduced stress and specific tasks.
    Finally, teamwork multiplies learning opportunities for both experienced members and newer ones, encouraging sharing and maximizing team’s potential.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Firstly, pooling talents helps to solve problems and motivate innovation and success.运用动名词作主语对原文第二段进行了概括。
    [高分句型2] Finally, teamwork multiplies learning opportunities for both experienced members and newer ones, encouraging sharing and maximizing team’s potential.用现在分词作状语对最后两段进行了概括,表达非常高级。
    5.One possible version:
    Research has disclosed some mystery of ginkoes’ longevity by studying the samples of different-aged ginkoes and other trees. Not like the latter whose DNA directs their cells to defend less efficiently when aging, ginkoes’ defence system constantly maintains healthy, thus ensuring these China-originated slow-growing leafy giants a long life if no deadly accidents occur.
    【详解】1 要点摘录
    ①New research into an incredibly long-lived tree has revealed some of the tricks that help it survive for thousands of years.
    ②In order to discover how these and other trees can live for so long, scientists from the US and China took samples from 34 healthy ginkgoes of various ages.
    ③At the beginning of a tree’s life, DNA instructs the cells in a seedling (幼苗) to divide frequently so the tree grows rapidly. The cells also make special chemicals to help the young plant survive stressful situations, such as disease and lack of water. As most trees grow older and tougher, their DNA tells the cells to divide more slowly and to make fewer chemical defences.
    ④he team found that although their growth eventually slows, both young and old trees make protective chemicals. The secret is maintaining a really healthy defence system. As ginkgoes age, they show no evidence of weakening their ability to defend themselves from stresses. Other trees that live for a long time may have the same ability.
    ⑤For all their defences, though, ginkgoes cannot live forever—they eventually meet with fatal accidents such as fire, disease and storms. While they last, however, these leafy giants are some of the most beautiful trees in the world.
    Research has disclosed some mystery of ginkoes’ longevity by studying the samples of different-aged ginkoes and other trees.
    Not like the latter whose DNA directs their cells to defend less efficiently when aging, ginkoes’ defence system constantly maintains healthy, thus ensuring these China-originated slow-growing leafy giants a long life if no deadly accidents occur.
    【点睛】[高分句型1]Research has disclosed some mystery of ginkoes’ longevity by studying the samples of different-aged ginkoes and other trees.(运用介词by后接动名词作宾语)
    [高分句型2]Not like the latter whose DNA directs their cells to defend less efficiently when aging, ginkoes’ defence system constantly maintains healthy, thus ensuring these China-originated slow-growing leafy giants a long life if no deadly accidents occur. .(运用whose引导的定语从句和现在分词作结果状语)
    6.Sibling influence is strong and lasting, in a positive or negative way. A healthy relationship with siblings helps us to be a better person and do better at school, while a bad one might bring great harm to our physical and psychological health. Moreover, whether siblings set good examples matters a lot, because people might follow their siblings’ steps.
    ①And yet, when it comes to our development, they can be more influential than parents.
    ②On the upside, positive interactions with siblings during adolescence foster empathy, prosocial behavior, and academic achievement. However, when a sibling relationship is bad, it can be really bad. Tense sibling relationships make people more likely to be depressed and anxious in adolescence. Moreover, sibling bullying makes a kid involved in self-harm as a teen and develop mental problems in adulthood.
    ③Whether a person models himself after his siblings or tries to distinguish himself has particularly important consequences.
    2.缜密构思 将第1个要点进行总说,将第2、3要点进行分说。
    Sibling influence is strong and lasting, in a positive or negative way.
    A healthy relationship with siblings helps us to be a better person and do better at school, while a bad one might bring great harm to our physical and psychological health.
    Moreover, whether siblings set good examples matters a lot, because people might follow their siblings’ steps.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] A healthy relationship with siblings helps us to be a better person and do better at school, while a bad one might bring great harm to our physical and psychological health.运用while连接并列句对原文第二段进行了概括。
    [高分句型2] Moreover, whether siblings set good examples matters a lot, because people might follow their siblings’ steps.用because引导原因状语从句对最后一段进行了概括,表达非常高级。
    7.According to Jeremy Bailenson, although virtual meetings are popular, they can be exhausting. Firstly, excessive amounts of eye contact may cause people feel stressed. Secondly, seeing yourself reflected during video chats constantly contributes to negative emotions. Thirdly, video chats greatly prevent us from moving in a natural way, which reduces cognitive performance.
    【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍说,Jeremy Bailenson表示,虽然虚拟会议很受欢迎,但它可能会让人筋疲力尽。首先,过多的眼神交流可能会让人感到压力。其次,在视频聊天中不断看到自己会导致负面情绪。第三,视频聊天极大地阻碍了我们以自然的方式移动,降低了认知能力。
    【详解】1 要点摘录
    ①However, communication professor Jeremy Bailenson, founding director of the Stanford Virtual Human Interaction Lab (VHIL) examined the psychological consequences of spending hours per day on these platforms, warning that those video calls are likely tiring you out.
    ②“Social anxiety of public speaking is one of the biggest fears that exist in our population,” Bailenson said. “When you’re standing up there and everybody’s staring at you, that’s a stressful experience.”
    ③He cited studies showing that when you see a reflection of yourself, you are more critical of yourself and there will be negative emotional consequences.
    ④Moreover, video chats dramatically reduce our usual mobility. In-person and audio phone conversations allow humans to walk around and move. But with videoconferencing, most cameras have a set field of view, meaning a person has to generally stay in the same spot.
    2.缜密构思 将第1个要点进行总说,将第2、3、4三个要点进行分说。
    According to Jeremy Bailenson, although virtual meetings are popular, they can be exhausting.
    Firstly, excessive amounts of eye contact may cause people feel stressed.
    Secondly, seeing yourself reflected during video chats constantly contributes to negative emotions.
    Thirdly, video chats greatly prevent us from moving in a natural way, which reduces cognitive performance.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] According to Jeremy Bailenson, although virtual meetings are popular, they can be exhausting.运用让步状语从句对原文第一段进行了概括。
    [高分句型2] Thirdly, video chats greatly prevent us from moving in a natural way, which reduces cognitive performance.用which引导非限制性定语从句对最后一段进行了概括,表达非常高级。
    8.To have a successful interview, one should be aware of showing positive first impressions. Firstly, it is suggested that you should present your professional image by wearing proper clothes. Secondly, your body language carries weight so that make sure what you say should be in line with gestures and movements. Finally, considering the words you say and the way to express them is helpful.
    ①First impressions are often lasting ones. People think it’s what’s inside that counts, but in an interview you should aim to come across in the best possible way.
    ②Yet many people ignore the importance of having a professional image.
    ③Movement and gestures will also influence an interviewer’s first impression of a candidate.
    ④Finally, a consideration of what we say and how we say it will contribute to the success of an interview.
    Firstly, it is suggested that you should present your professional image by wearing proper clothes.
    Secondly, your body language carries weight so that make sure what you say should be in line with gestures and movements.
    【点睛】[高分句型1]:Firstly, it is suggested that you should present your professional image by wearing proper clothes.运用了形式主语it,that引导的主语从句对原文的第三段进行了概括,表达高级。
    [高分句型2]:Secondly, your body language carries weight so that make sure what you say should be in line with gestures and movements.运用了so that 引导的结果状语从句以及what引导的主语从句对原文第四段进行了概括,表达高级。
    9.One possible version:
    Despite the negative domino effects resulting from climate change, strategies for achieving sustainability goals seldom consider the impact, due to false perception, lack of effective governance and communication failures. Therefore, more vigorous measures are required, which include the creation of useful models understandable to policymakers, the redesign of sustainability goals and indicators and politicians’ devotion to investing in precautions. (59)
    ①Climate change is causing ever-more-extreme events. Yet these domino effects are barely considered in most countries’ strategies for achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
    ②Part of the problem is perception. Other obstacles are inadequate national and international governance, and communication challenges.
    ③Our global efforts need to be much more vigorous to the changing and interconnected nature of risk in a warming world.
    ④Researchers must create models that are more understandable and useful to policymakers. SDG targets and indicators should be redesigned to capture weakness. And politicians need to be convinced to invest in precautionary measures and adaptation.
    Despite the fact that climate change is causing harmful domino effects, most countries’ strategies for achieving sustainability goals fail to take it seriously
    It is because of lacking perception, proper governance and communication.
    Much more vigorous efforts should be made by creating understandable and useful models to policymakers, redesigning sustainability goals and indicators and involving politicians devoting themselves to investing in precautions.
    【点睛】[高分句型1]:Despite the negative domino effects resulting from climate change, strategies for achieving sustainability goals seldom consider the impact, due to false perception, lack of effective governance and communication failures.(运用了despite引导让步状语从句对原文前三段进行了概括。其中resulting from使用了现在分词作定语,表达高级。)
    [高分句型2]:Therefore, more vigorous measures are required, which include the creation of useful models understandable to policymakers, the redesign of sustainability goals and indicators and politicians’ devotion to investing in precautions.(运用了一个复杂的主从复合句概况了最后两段的内容。其中which 引导非限制性定语从句,表达高级。)
    10.Though often overlooked, littering is actually an urgent environmental problem. The first thing is that litter like plastic bottles may take years to decompose and plastic bottles last forever, thus causing a destructive effect on the environment. Even rubbish with a shorter biodegrading term can bring about serious problems like rat issues. Furthermore, it is surprisingly costly to clear up litter thrown on the street.

    【详解】1 要点摘录
    ①Littering often takes a backseat -- but it’s more pressing than we may think
    ②An orange peel and a cigarette butt has a similar biodegrading (生物降解) term to that of a
    banana, but tin and aluminium cans last up to 100 years, and plastic bottles last forever, as do glass bottles, Styrofoam cups and plastic bags.
    ③For example, despite having a fairly short biodegrading period, more than 120 tons of cigarette-
    related litter is abandoned in the UK every day. Similarly, our regular littering here and there has caused the UK’s rat population to increase by 60 million.
    ④It’s not a cheap habit either: UK taxpayers shelve out £500 million in order to keep our streets clean and when you include our green spaces, that goes up to £1 billion.
    Though often overlooked, littering is actually an urgent environmental problem.
    The first thing is that litter like plastic bottles may take years to decompose and plastic bottles last forever, thus causing a destructive effect on the environment.
    Even rubbish with a shorter biodegrading term can bring about serious problems like rat issues.
    Furthermore, it is surprisingly costly to clear up litter thrown on the street.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Though often overlooked, littering is actually an urgent environmental problem.运用了一个主从复合句改写了第一段的内容。其中though引导让步状语从句。
    [高分句型2]:The first thing is that litter like plastic bottles may take years to decompose and plastic bottles last forever, thus causing a destructive effect on the environment. 用that引导的表语从句对第二段进行了概括,现在分词causing引出结果状语,表达非常高级。
    [高分句型3]:It is surprisingly costly to clear up litter thrown on the street. 用it作形式主语,不定式to clear up litter作为真正主语、thrown过去分词作后置定语的用法比较高级。


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