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    1.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
    Plan for Domino Effects on Sustainability Goals
    Climate change is causing ever-more-extreme events, from storms and droughts to floods and violent windstorms, and these risks interact across many environmental and social systems. A heatwave can spark forest fires, which lead to air pollution. Drought-wrecked harvests can result in food-price unpredictability.
    Yet these domino effects are barely considered in most countries’ strategies for achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. Many countries that are working hard to reach these goals insufficiently consider the impact of extreme weather. Take Germany as an example. Its 2018 strategy on sustainable development runs to 60 pages yet the word ‘disaster’ appears only once. There is no analysis of the consequences of an increase in such events.
    Although many people are now aware that climate change is making fires, floods, heatwaves and storms more frequent, more severe or both, this knowledge isn’t changing policy or research enough. Part of the problem is perception. Future disasters feel unreal to decision-makers, as we’ve experienced with so many governments’ lack of pandemic preparedness, despite years of warning that something similar to COVID-19 was a case of when, not if. Other obstacles are inadequate national and international governance, and communication challenges. The research community has not yet provided effective guidance.
    As a consequence, many efforts to achieve the SDGs will, like a house of cards, fall at the first shaking. Our global efforts need to be much more vigorous to the changing and interconnected nature of risk in a warming world.
    What now? Researchers must create models that are more understandable and useful to policymakers. When possible, SDG targets and indicators should be redesigned to capture weakness to heatwaves, fires, droughts, floods, hurricanes, mudslides and more. And politicians need to be convinced to invest in precautionary measures and adaptation.
    2.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
    Why Is Littering a Surprisingly Big Issue?
    Compared with the blindingly obvious environmental issues we hear about every day, littering often takes a backseat -- but it’s more pressing than we may think.
    If you were to throw, say, a banana peel (香蕉皮) out of your car while driving along the motorway, that would be a completely harmless action, due to the fact that it’s part of a fruit -- right? Actually, no. A banana peel can take up to two years to decompose (分解), and with a third of motorists admitting to littering while driving, that’s a whole lot of abandoned banana peels, or much worse. An orange peel and a cigarette butt has a similar biodegrading (生物降解) term to that of a banana, but tin and aluminium cans last up to 100 years, and plastic bottles last forever, as do glass bottles, Styrofoam cups and plastic bags.
    Despite the fact that longer-lasting materials will serve to damage the environment and its animals for longer, we can’t only measure the severity of a certain type of rubbish by its lifetime. For example, despite having a fairly short biodegrading period, more than 120 tons of cigarette-related litter is abandoned in the UK every day. Similarly, our regular littering here and there has caused the UK’s rat population to increase by 60 million. This suddenly isn’t so mysterious when you consider that since the 1960s our annual littering has increased by an astonishing 500 per cent.
    It’s not a cheap habit either: UK taxpayers shelve out £500 million in order to keep our streets clean, and when you include our green spaces, that goes up to £1 billion. So, it’s not surprising that if caught fly-tipping you could face a £20,000 fine or even jail time and, if you littered something dangerous, the court could give you five years to serve.
    To take back our beautiful countryside and cities we need to do more than simply not leaving rubbish where it ought not to be. We need a pride makeover, and we need to truly care more about the world around us.
    3.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
    Cargo Bikes Bring Home the Goods
    Since the first lockdown (封锁), increasing numbers of companies have started delivering their products on electric cargo bikes. According to the Brought by Bike, there are nearly 450 independent businesses and tradespeople across the UK delivering goods to customers using electricity and pedal (踏板) power.
    The Bike Drop was established in the early days of the pandemic (疫情) to help businesses struggling to reach customers. “There was interest as soon as we opened. Companies wanted to choose the greener option for deliveries while customers loved having their shopping delivered by bike—and we all love having cleaner, quieter, safer streets,” said Harry McKeown, the managing director of the Bike Drop. During the first month of lockdown the grocery sector recorded a 91% increase in home deliveries. McKeown said demand for their delivery services started high and had continued to climb. “We soon had 13 employees delivering items for 36 local businesses,” he said. “We now have a group of electric bikes that have made over 6,500 individual pickups and deliveries for local businesses, cycled over 10,000 kilometers and saved more than 2,300 kilos of CO 2.” E-cargo bikes can move quickly through city streets, meaning they are able to deliver packages 60% faster than their van equivalents. They are cleaner— saving about 90% in carbon emissions—quieter, and cut traffic jams as a bike uses a small part of the road space of a van.
    There are also a growing number of electric cargo bikes covering remote areas: Cargodale started delivering in the valleys of West Yorkshire and has experienced a business boom. The Cargodale co-founder Beate Kubitz said: “I live in a rural area and when lockdown happened and home deliveries increased, I saw parades of vans coming down my little lane, destroying the delicate countryside roads and polluting our air. I couldn’t believe there wasn’t an alternative.” Kubitz and some of her mountain-biker friends hired a cargo bike and experimented with local deliveries. “The interest from businesses and customers was immediate and strong,” she said. Cargodale has 15 riders delivering for up to 100 local businesses.
    4.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
    There’s a longstanding debate on how to reduce emissions in the trucking industry. Germany is testing out a new system — eHighways, which feed electricity to trucks while they drive.
    Figuring out how to reduce emissions in the commercial trucking industry is key to the fight against climate change. Because long-haul diesel(柴油机) trucks spend so much time on the road, they disproportionately produce pollutants, greenhouse gases, and contribute to dirty air.
    Germany is at the forefront of this fight against truck emissions.
    Using wires strung above the highway and a pantograph (current collector) mounted to the top of a truck, Germany’s e Highways use technology similar to that of an electric city bus. The system delivers power directly from the electrical line straight to the truck’s motor.
    Adapting the same equipment that is used for driving trains and urban street cars, Siemens, the German electricity company, provided the equipment for the test route — stringing miles of high-voltage electrical cable above the Autobahn.
    The eHighway system saves truckers weight and money compared to outfitting trucks with electric batteries — which could be both heavy and expensive. Using overhead wires on the freeway, a truck would only need a big enough battery to drive the short distance from the offramp to its destination. Not to mention, the money trucking companies would save on fuel, their largest cost.
    While this system saves money in the long term, stringing thousands of miles of electrical cable above freeways would be costly to German taxpayers. Is it feasible? For now, Germany is just testing it out. The eHighway system has also been tested in Sweden and a 1-mile stretch near Long Beach, California.
    It would take 2,500 miles of electrical wiring to accommodate about 60% of German truck traffic. So far, only a couple 3-mile-stretches of highway outside Frankfurt, Schleswig-Holstein, and Baden-Württemberg are equipped with overhead electrical cables. By the end of the year, more than 20 trucks carrying real loads will be using the system. The companies funding the project want to see how the eHighway stretch performs in everyday use.
    Building the overhead cables would cost the German government about $5 million dollars per mile. Germany’s Ministry of Environment will compare the results of this project with studies of trucks using electric batteries and hydrogen fuel cells. Based on the data, the ministry plans to decide in three to four years which eco-friendly technology to invest in and support.
    “Numerous studies have come to the conclusion that overhead cable trucks, despite the high infrastructure costs, are the most cost-effective option,” the Ministry of Environment said to The New York Times.
    No matter which option the ministry chooses, the goal is to create a more environment-friendly future for the commercial trucking industry.
    5.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
    Fatigue is a feeling of being extremely tired. Basically, there are three types of fatigue, physical, pathological (由疾病引起的), and psychological. As you might suspect, each differs significantly from the others.
    When you exercise your body, you produce waste products. Muscles, for example, release lactic acid (乳酸) into the blood; cells dump in carbon dioxide. When these wastes reach a certain level in the blood, the brain is informed and your activity level drops. Excess wastes in the muscles may produce soreness. The solution to this type of fatigue is simple — rest. That should refresh you; if it doesn’t, another cause should be sought.
    Have you ever become involved in so many activities that you had to be in two places at once? This is what happens when your body has a disease. The cells are overused and cannot keep up with both fighting the disease and keeping you active. The result is fatigue. Some communicable diseases like the flu and colds are “well” known for draining your energy. Other non-communicable diseases, like anemia (贫血), drain you because you are lacking an important body ingredient. Being overweight can cause pathological fatigue. It should be obvious that this type of fatigue is not going to go away without treatment. In a way, pathological fatigue is a lifesaver. It lets you know something is wrong and that you need rest.
    Here is the most common type of fatigue. Almost everybody experiences it now and then. Often, the cause is an emotional war you are having with yourself or those around you. Some of these familiar factors can bring on psychological fatigue: worries, stress, lack of exercise, boredom, depression. If you know someone with psychological fatigue, would you advise him to rest? No way! That might be fine for our other types of fatigue, but for this one, it’s deadly. If you are ever going to be able to cope with stress, depression, or worry, you need oxygen in your cells and a more optimistic attitude. Get out of the chair and do something! Believe it or not, many people throw themselves into physical labor like cleaning to “de-fatigue” themselves. If you find yourself in a particularly stressful situation that you can’t physically escape, escape mentally. When fatigue continues, maybe you need to get to the root of the problem.
    6.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
    Hanks, wining the Golden Globe Cecil B.deMille Award which is for “outstanding contributions to the world of entertainment”, shared a story of when he worked in his first professional job as an intern at the Great Lakes Shakespeare Festival. Hanks said he and his fellow interns showed up to rehearsals after doing a little too much partying the previous night. The director wasn’t having it.
    “He screamed at us,” said Hanks. “You know what your job is?” the director asked. “You have got to show up on time, and you have to know the text, and you have to have a head full of ideas. Otherwise I can’t do my job.”
    And there it is, a simple, brilliant, three-step formula for success:
    Show up on time, know the text and have a head full of ideas.
    Show up on time
    “Showing up on time is one of the greatest liberating acts you can give yourself in a movie. You have the freedom of being there early enough to settle down - because when the time comes, you have to hit the marks,” explains Hanks.
    Know the text
    “Knowing your text - it’s not just your lines, it’s the whole thing,” Hanks continued. “You might not be right in the opinion you bring to it. But you’ve got to come at it with some direction.”
    In a word, Hanks is speaking here about preparation. Generally speaking, the more prepared you are, the more successful you’ll be.
    Think about it - professional athletes, creatives even analysts, it’s not the smartest or most talented person in the room who’s the most successful.
    It’s the one who comes most prepared.
    Have a head full of ideas
    Speaking to this final point, Hanks said the following:
    “Bring anything. Try anything. They might not use it. If it is not fit, they won’t use it.”
    The best companies are successful because their employees are constantly seeking to try new things to grow and improve.
    Routines and processes are helpful, but growth doesn’t happen when you always do things the exact same way. Growth is a result of being willing to take risks, to break out of your comfort zone and to embrace failure when it happens.
    Because out of failure comes learning. And out of learning comes growth.
    7.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s)of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
    How does your mind process bad news?
    When you experience stressful events, a physiological change happens that can cause you to take in any sort of warning and become fixed on how it develops. A study using brain imaging to look at the neural activity of people under stress revealed that this ‘switch’ was related to a sudden increase in a neural signal known as a prediction error, specifically in response to unexpected signs of danger.
    When our ancestors found themselves in a cave filled with hungry animals, they benefited from such an ability to take in the warning and guard against dangers so as to avoid fierce animals. In this way, they survived. In a safe environment today, however, it would be wasteful to be on high alert constantly. A system that automatically increases or decreases your ability to process warnings in response to changes in your environment might be useful in handling negative messages of different levels. In fact, people with certain diseases seem unable to switch away from a state in which they absorb all the negative messages around them.
    If your co-worker is stressed, you are more likely to tense up and feel stressed yourself. Our brains are designed to transmit emotions quickly to one another, because they often pass on important information. When infants are held by their mothers who have just experienced a socially stressful event, the infants’ heart rates go up too. Studies show that if you observe negative posts, such as complaints about a long queue at the coffee shop, you will in turn create more negative posts.
    The good news, however, is that positive emotions, such as hope and love, can spread too, and they are powerful in lifting people’s mood. If you observe positive feeds on social media, such as images of a pink sunset, you are more likely to post uplifting messages yourself. Therefore, why not frame our messages wisely in the hope of avoiding negative reactions?
    8.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
    Working Out Worries by Writing
    After his father was driven to the hospital for emergent treatment, 43-year-old Yanatha Desouvre began to panic. So, he did one thing that he knew would calm himself: He wrote. Over the next few weeks, Desouvre filled several notebooks, writing about his worry as well as his happy memories with his dad. “Writing allowed me to face my fear and process my pain,” he says. Psychologists refer to that kind of writing as “expressive writing”. People do it by recording their deepest thoughts and feelings. However, different from writing in a journal, expressive writing is to reflect honestly and thoughtfully on a particular frustration or challenge.
    A well-known psychology professor says that hundreds of studies have looked at the potential benefits of expressive writing and found it can help reduce pain and improve mood, sleep and memory. It may even help reduce symptoms of various illnesses, and prevent colds and flu.
    Expressive writing takes effect because translating a painful experience into language allows people to make meaning out of it, some experts say. The process forces them to organize their thoughts and offers a sense of control, thus completing the pursuit of value from such an experience. Another research suggested that during expressive writing, the act of labeling a feeling can lessen the activity relating to nerves in the threat area of the brain. With these nerves relaxed, people can lower the symptoms of their diseases, enhance their appreciation for life, and increase the acceptance of various experiences in their lives.
    What can’t be ignored is that it shouldn’t be used as a replacement for other medical treatments. And people coping with a severe depression may not find it useful to do on their own, without therapy. Yet, it can be a powerful coping tool for many, in large part because it helps battle against their reluctance to face negative emotions.
    9.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
    Ever walked to the shops only to find, once there, you’ve completely forgotten what you went for? Or struggled to remember the name of an old friend? For years we’ve accepted that a forgetful brain is as much a part of aging as wrinkles and gray hair. But now a new book suggests that we’ve got it all wrong.
    According to The Secret Life of the Grown-up Brain, by science writer Barbara Strauch, when it comes to the important things, our brains actually get better with age. In fact, she argues that some studies have found that our brain hits its peak between our 40s and 60s — much later than previously thought.
    Furthermore, rather than losing many brain cells as we age, we keep them, and even produce new ones well into middle age. For years it’s been assumed that brain, much like the body, declines with age. But the longest, largest study into what happens to people as they age suggests otherwise.
    This continuing research has followed 6,000 people since 1956, testing them every seven years. It has found that on average, participants performed better on cognitive tests in their 40s and 50s than they had done in their 20s. Specifically, older people did better on tests of vocabulary, verbal memory (how many words you can remember) and problem solving. Where they performed less well was number ability and perceptual speed — how fast you can push a button when ordered. However, with more complex tasks such as problem-solving and language, we are at our best at middle age and beyond. In short, researchers are now coming up with scientific proof that we do get wiser with age.
    Neuroscientists are also finding that we are happier with aging. A recent US study found older people were much better at controlling and balancing their emotions. It is thought that when we’re younger we need to focus more on the negative aspects of life in order to learn about the possible dangers in the world, but as we get older we’ve learned our lessons and are aware that we have less time left in life: therefore, it becomes more important for us to be happy.
    10.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
    Building Trust in Virtual Environments
    Research into the science behind human communication tells us that up to 90 percent of what we tell one another is nonverbal. It’s the countless eye, facial and body movements we flash one another that help us understand someone’s intention and determine if we should trust them.
    The challenge we all face is figuring out ways to build trust in virtual environments. Sure, we have some interactions on videoconferences, but the physical cues (暗示) we’ve become accustomed to reacting to are restricted and masked. This is forcing us to develop new ways to trust one another. Good leaders are working to engineer those opportunities to build trust in their now virtual teams.
    There are lessons we can learn from global multinational companies that have figured out how to make virtual relationships work over the past few decades. If you have vital business partners, or even employees working overseas, you have, at best, limited opportunities to meet them in person. What these companies have learned is that actions speak louder than words, and people base a simple analysis of trustworthiness on delivering on commitments. People that do are trustworthy; people that don’t aren’t.
    When you hire virtual workers and get a new virtual team member, there is the question of whether someone has the background and experience they claim to have. That means we all need to lean on tools and techniques to help certify (证实) someone’s background. Some companies have built talent databases in which people can search their teammates and confirm their impressive backgrounds. Knowing that you are working with a certified superstar builds trust.
    Finding ways to get someone to prove their trustworthiness by doing what they say they will and backing up their claims of experience will go a long way in helping you adapt to the new reality that we work in.

    1.One possible version:
    Despite the negative domino effects resulting from climate change, strategies for achieving sustainability goals seldom consider the impact, due to false perception, lack of effective governance and communication failures. Therefore, more vigorous measures are required, which include the creation of useful models understandable to policymakers, the redesign of sustainability goals and indicators and politicians’ devotion to investing in precautions. (59)
    ①Climate change is causing ever-more-extreme events. Yet these domino effects are barely considered in most countries’ strategies for achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
    ②Part of the problem is perception. Other obstacles are inadequate national and international governance, and communication challenges.
    ③Our global efforts need to be much more vigorous to the changing and interconnected nature of risk in a warming world.
    ④Researchers must create models that are more understandable and useful to policymakers. SDG targets and indicators should be redesigned to capture weakness. And politicians need to be convinced to invest in precautionary measures and adaptation.
    Despite the fact that climate change is causing harmful domino effects, most countries’ strategies for achieving sustainability goals fail to take it seriously
    It is because of lacking perception, proper governance and communication.
    Much more vigorous efforts should be made by creating understandable and useful models to policymakers, redesigning sustainability goals and indicators and involving politicians devoting themselves to investing in precautions.
    【点睛】[高分句型1]:Despite the negative domino effects resulting from climate change, strategies for achieving sustainability goals seldom consider the impact, due to false perception, lack of effective governance and communication failures.(运用了despite引导让步状语从句对原文前三段进行了概括。其中resulting from使用了现在分词作定语,表达高级。)
    [高分句型2]:Therefore, more vigorous measures are required, which include the creation of useful models understandable to policymakers, the redesign of sustainability goals and indicators and politicians’ devotion to investing in precautions.(运用了一个复杂的主从复合句概况了最后两段的内容。其中which 引导非限制性定语从句,表达高级。)
    2.Though often overlooked, littering is actually an urgent environmental problem. The first thing is that litter like plastic bottles may take years to decompose and plastic bottles last forever, thus causing a destructive effect on the environment. Even rubbish with a shorter biodegrading term can bring about serious problems like rat issues. Furthermore, it is surprisingly costly to clear up litter thrown on the street.

    【详解】1 要点摘录
    ①Littering often takes a backseat -- but it’s more pressing than we may think
    ②An orange peel and a cigarette butt has a similar biodegrading (生物降解) term to that of a
    banana, but tin and aluminium cans last up to 100 years, and plastic bottles last forever, as do glass bottles, Styrofoam cups and plastic bags.
    ③For example, despite having a fairly short biodegrading period, more than 120 tons of cigarette-
    related litter is abandoned in the UK every day. Similarly, our regular littering here and there has caused the UK’s rat population to increase by 60 million.
    ④It’s not a cheap habit either: UK taxpayers shelve out £500 million in order to keep our streets clean and when you include our green spaces, that goes up to £1 billion.
    Though often overlooked, littering is actually an urgent environmental problem.
    The first thing is that litter like plastic bottles may take years to decompose and plastic bottles last forever, thus causing a destructive effect on the environment.
    Even rubbish with a shorter biodegrading term can bring about serious problems like rat issues.
    Furthermore, it is surprisingly costly to clear up litter thrown on the street.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Though often overlooked, littering is actually an urgent environmental problem.运用了一个主从复合句改写了第一段的内容。其中though引导让步状语从句。
    [高分句型2]:The first thing is that litter like plastic bottles may take years to decompose and plastic bottles last forever, thus causing a destructive effect on the environment. 用that引导的表语从句对第二段进行了概括,现在分词causing引出结果状语,表达非常高级。
    [高分句型3]:It is surprisingly costly to clear up litter thrown on the street. 用it作形式主语,不定式to clear up litter作为真正主语、thrown过去分词作后置定语的用法比较高级。
    3.E-cargo bikes are increasingly used to deliver goods in UK during the pandemic. A company named The Bike Drop has developed quickly because of its growing businesses, which are faster, more eco-friendly and cause less traffic problems. Cargodale, another company offering similar services to remote areas, is also successful and its service does less harm to environment than vans do.

    【导语】本文是一篇新闻报道。疫情期间,英国越来越多地使用电子货运自行车送货。一家名为The Bike Drop的公司发展迅速,因为它的业务不断增长,速度更快,更环保,造成的交通问题更少。另一家为偏远地区提供类似服务的公司Cargodale也取得了成功,其服务对环境的危害比货车小。
    【详解】1 要点摘录
    ①Since the first lockdown (封锁), increasing numbers of companies have started delivering their products on electric cargo bikes.
    ②The Bike Drop was established in the early days of the pandemic (疫情) to help businesses struggling to reach customers.
    ③ E-cargo bikes can move quickly through city streets, meaning they are able to deliver packages 60% faster than their van equivalents. They are cleaner— saving about 90% in carbon emissions—quieter, and cut traffic jams as a bike uses a small part of the road space of a van.
    ④ We now have a group of electric bikes that have made over 6,500 individual pickups and deliveries for local businesses, cycled over 10,000 kilometers and saved more than 2,300 kilos of CO 2.
    ⑤ There are also a growing number of electric cargo bikes covering remote areas: Cargodale started delivering in the valleys of West Yorkshire and has experienced a business boom.
    ⑥ I saw parades of vans coming down my little lane, destroying the delicate countryside roads and polluting our air.
    E-cargo bikes are increasingly used to deliver goods in UK during the pandemic.
    A company named The Bike Drop has developed quickly because of its growing businesses, which are faster, more eco-friendly and cause less traffic problems.
    Cargodale, another company offering similar services to remote areas, is also successful and its service does less harm to environment than vans do.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] A company named The Bike Drop has developed quickly because of its growing businesses, which are faster, more eco-friendly and cause less traffic problems. (运用了过去分词作定语,which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2] Cargodale, another company offering similar services to remote areas, is also successful and its service does less harm to environment than vans do. (运用了现在分词为定语,比较状语从句)
    4.One possible version:
    Germany is experimenting on eHighways, an emission-reducing system that provides electricity to trucks directly through power line along the road. It helps to cut truck’s weight and energy expenses in the long run, but the cables are still costly at the beginning of construction. However, researches have proved eHighways the most cost-effective one compared to other solutions.
    【详解】1. 要点摘录
    ①There’s a longstanding debate on how to reduce emissions in the trucking industry. Germany is testing out a new system — e Highways, which feed electricity to trucks while they drive.
    ②The e Highway system saves truckers weight and money compared to outfitting trucks with electric batteries — which could be both heavy and expensive.
    ③While this system saves money in the long term, stringing thousands of miles of electrical cable above freeways would be costly to German taxpayers.
    ④“Numerous studies have come to the conclusion that overhead cable trucks, despite the high infrastructure costs, are the most cost-effective option,” the Ministry of Environment said to The New York Times.
    3.遣词造句Germany is testing out a new system — e Highways, which feed electricity to trucks while they drive.
    Truckers outfit with electric batteries — which could be both heavy and expensive.
    Researches have proved e Highways the most cost-effective one compared to other solutions.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Germany is experimenting on e Highways, an emission-reducing system that provides electricity to trucks directly through power line along the road.(运用了that引导的限制性定语从句。)
    [高分句型2] It helps to cut truck’s weight and energy expenses in the long run, but the cables are still costly at the beginning of construction.(用but的转折对第二,第三要点进行了概括整合,表达非常高级。)
    5.One possible version:
    Three kinds of fatigue exist. They are caused by different reasons and should be relieved with different methods. Exercise causes physical fatigue, which simple rest can eliminate. Pathological fatigue can be caused by diseases or overweight and should be seriously treated. Psychological fatigue is related to one’s unstable emotion, so physical labor or mental treatment can work.
    【详解】1 要点摘录
    ①Basically, there are three types of fatigue, physical, pathological (由疾病引起的), and psychological.
    ②When you exercise your body, you produce waste products.
    ③The solution to this type of fatigue is simple — rest.
    ④Some communicable diseases like the flu and colds are “well” known for draining your energy.
    ⑤Being overweight can cause pathological fatigue. It should be obvious that this type of fatigue is not going to go away without treatment.
    ⑥Some of these familiar factors can bring on psychological fatigue: worries, stress, lack of exercise, boredom, depression.
    ⑦If you are ever going to be able to cope with stress, depression, or worry, you need oxygen in your cells and a more optimistic attitude.
    Three kinds of fatigue exist.
    They are caused by different reasons and should be relieved with different methods.
    Exercise causes physical fatigue, which simple rest can eliminate.
    Pathological fatigue can be caused by diseases or overweight and should be seriously treated.
    Psychological fatigue is related to one’s unstable emotion, so physical labor or mental treatment can work.
    【点睛】[高分句型1]:Exercise causes physical fatigue, which simple rest can eliminate.(运用which引导的非限定性定语从句)
    [高分句型2]:Psychological fatigue is related to one’s unstable emotion, so physical labor or mental treatment can work. (运用so引导的并列句)
    6.It is about three critical aspects Tom Hanks mentioned for success: punctuality, preparation and creation. Punctuality means not being late, which can help us get more calm and confidence. Preparation means we should prepare as much as possible even for all details. Creation means we should try to be creative and not afraid of failures. (55w)
    ①And there it is, a simple, brilliant, three-step formula for success: Show up on time, know the text and have a head full of ideas.
    ②Show up on time. You have the freedom of being there early enough to settle down - because when the time comes, you have to hit the marks.
    ③Know the text. In a word, Hanks is speaking here about preparation. It’s not just your lines, it’s the whole thing.
    ④Have a head full of ideas. Growth is a result of being willing to take risks, to break out of your comfort zone and to embrace failure when it happens.
    It is a simple, brilliant, three-step formula Tom Hanks mentioned for success: punctuality, preparation and creation.
    Punctuality means showing up on time, which can help us get more calm and confidence.
    Preparation means we should prepare even for the whole thing.
    Creation means we should try to be creative and embrace failure when it happens.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Punctuality means not being late, which can help us get more calm and confidence.(运用一个主从复合句对原文show up on time这一要点进行了概括。其中which引导非限制性定语从句表达高级)
    【高分句型2】Preparation means we should prepare as much as possible even for all details.(运用了一个主从复合句对原文know the text这一要点进行了概括。其中means后接省略that引导的宾语从句,以及as …as possible表达高级)
    7.When facing worrying affairs, people focus on warnings and their development due to an increased neural signal. Such mechanism helped early humans to survive but automatic reaction adjustment according to different danger levels is important today. Negative emotions travel rapidly between people. Luckily, positive feelings spread too, calling for sensible message producers.
    【详解】1 要点摘录
    ①When you experience stressful events, a physiological change happens that can cause you to take in any sort of warning and become fixed on how it develops
    ②A study using brain imaging to look at the neural activity of people under stress revealed that this ‘switch’ was related to a sudden increase in a neural signal known as a prediction error, specifically in response to unexpected signs of danger.
    ③When our ancestors found themselves in a cave filled with hungry animals, they benefited from such an ability to take in the warning and guard against dangers so as to avoid fierce animals. In this way, they survived. In a safe environment today, however, it would be wasteful to be on high alert constantly.
    ④If your co-worker is stressed, you are more likely to tense up and feel stressed yourself. Our brains are designed to transmit emotions quickly to one another, because they often pass on important information.
    ⑤The good news, however, is that positive emotions, such as hope and love, can spread too, and they are powerful in lifting people’s mood.
    ⑥If you observe positive feeds on social media, such as images of a pink sunset, you are more likely to post uplifting messages yourself.
    When facing worrying affairs, people focus on warnings and their development due to an increased neural signal.
    Such mechanism helped early humans to survive but automatic reaction adjustment according to different danger levels is important today.
    Negative emotions travel rapidly between people.
    Luckily, positive feelings spread too, calling for sensible message producers.
    【点睛】[高分句型1]:When facing worrying affairs, people focus on warnings and their development due to an increased neural signal.(运用when引导时间状语从句的省略结构)
    [高分句型2]:Luckily, positive feelings spread too, calling for sensible message producers. (运用了现在分词作状语)
    8.Writing can help people deal with negative feelings. Desouvre once adopted expressive writing, a reflection of an unpleasant experience by recording inner feelings. It benefits patients mentally and physically because it helps them find value of painful experiences or relaxing their nerves. Though not a substitute for medical treatment, expressive writing works for many. (54 words)
    【详解】1 要点摘录
    ①“Writing allowed me to face my fear and process my pain,” he says.
    ②Psychologists refer to that kind of writing as “expressive writing”.
    ③A well-known psychology professor says that hundreds of studies have looked at the potential benefits of expressive writing and found it can help reduce pain and improve mood, sleep and memory. It may even help reduce symptoms of various illnesses, and prevent colds and flu.
    ④Expressive writing takes effect because translating a painful experience into language allows people to make meaning out of it, some experts say.
    ⑤With these nerves relaxed, people can lower the symptoms of their diseases, enhance their appreciation for life, and increase the acceptance of various experiences in their lives.
    ⑥What can’t be ignored is that it shouldn’t be used as a replacement for other medical treatments.
    ⑦Yet, it can be a powerful coping tool for many, in large part because it helps battle against their reluctance to face negative emotions.
    2.缜密构思 将第3/4/5三个要点进行重组,将第1/2、6/7要点进行整合。
    Writing contributes to coping with negative feelings.
    Desouvre once recorded inner feelings by expressive writing, which was a reflection of an unpleasant experience.
    Not only does it benefit patients’ mental health but it makes for physical well-being, for it reveals the value of painful experiences or relaxing their nerves.
    Though expressive writing can't be replaced for medical treatment, it still functions for many.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] It benefits patients mentally and physically because it helps them find value of painful experiences or relaxing their nerves. (运用了because引导的状语从句对二、三段内容进行概括)
    [高分句型2] Desouvre once adopted expressive writing, a reflection of an unpleasant experience by recording inner feelings. (运用了同位语结构对第一段进行概括)
    9.Contrary to popular wisdom that our brain gets forgetful with age, it actually performs better, reaching its peak later than thought. Besides, new brain cells continue to be produced until middle age, contributing to its better performance with complex tasks, enabling us to handle complex tasks better. As we age, we value time more and manage our emotions better, thus becoming happier.
    【详解】1 要点摘录
    ①According to The Secret Life of the Grown-up Brain, by science writer Barbara Strauch, when it comes to the important things, our brains actually get better with age. In fact, she argues that some studies have found that our brain hits its peak between our 40s and 60s — much later than previously thought.
    ②Furthermore, rather than losing many brain cells as we age, we keep them, and even produce new ones well into middle age. However, with more complex tasks such as problem-solving and language, we are at our best at middle age and beyond. In short, researchers are now coming up with scientific proof that we do get wiser with age.
    ③Neuroscientists are also finding that we are happier with aging. A recent US study found older people were much better at controlling and balancing their emotions.
    2.缜密构思 将第1个要点进行总说,将第2、3要点进行分说。
    Contrary to popular wisdom that our brain gets forgetful with age, it actually performs better, reaching its peak later than thought.
    Besides, new brain cells continue to be produced until middle age, contributing to its better performance with complex tasks, enabling us to handle complex tasks better.
    As we age, we value time more and manage our emotions better, thus becoming happier.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Contrary to popular wisdom that our brain gets forgetful with age, it actually performs better, reaching its peak later than thought.运用同位语从句对原文第一段进行了概括。
    [高分句型2] Besides, new brain cells continue to be produced until middle age, contributing to its better performance with complex tasks, enabling us to handle complex tasks better.运用了现在分词作状语对第三段、第四段进行了概括,表达非常高级。
    10.Physical cues, vital in communication, help build trust. But these cues are limited in virtual environments, which blocks trust-building, so we should seek new ways to prove trustworthiness. First, we can trust those who do as promised. Second, people whose claimed background and experience have been confirmed are worth trusting. (50 words)
    ①It’s the countless eye, facial and body movements we flash one another that help us understand someone’s intention and determine if we should trust them.
    ②The physical cues we’ve become accustomed to reacting to are restricted and masked. This is forcing us to develop new ways to trust one another.
    ③People base a simple analysis of trustworthiness on delivering on commitments. People that do are trustworthy.
    ④There is the question of whether someone has the background and experience they claim to have. We all need to lean on tools and techniques to help certify someone’s background.
    Physical cues, which are vital in communication, help build trust.
    Physical cues are limited in virtual environments, which blocks trust-building, so it forces us to seek new ways to prove trustworthiness.
    First, we can trust those who deliver on commitments.
    Second, people who have the background and experience they claim to have are worth trusting.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】But these cues are limited in virtual environments, which blocks trust-building, so we should seek new ways to prove trustworthiness.(运用了一个复杂的主从复合句对第二段进行了概括。其中which引导的非限制性定语从句表达高级)
    【高分句型2】Second, people whose claimed background and experience have been confirmed are worth trusting.(运用了一个复杂的主从复合句对第四段进行了概括。其中whose引导的限制性定语从句表达高级)


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