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    2023年高考英语全真模拟终极冲刺卷(新高考卷) 09 考试版

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    2023年高考英语全真模拟终极冲刺卷(新高考卷) 09 考试版


















    B) 中国玉兔二号月球车探月过程





    (考试时间:120分钟  试卷满分:150分)





    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30)



    1. What is the woman probably doing?

    A. Watching TV.   B. Changing the curtain.   C. Reading a book.

    2. Where does the conversation probably take place?

    A. In a store.    B. At home.     C. In a hotel.

    3. What will the woman do next?

    A Call Mr. Wilson.   B. Have an interview.   C. Make an appointment.

    4. How does the man probably feel this week?

    A. Surprised.    B. Excited.     C. Stressed.

    5. Why did the man start to learn a musical instrument?

    A. He had a music class at school.

    B. He wanted to start a new hobby.

    C. He was asked to do it by his parents.




    6. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

    A. Preparing a meal.  B. Doing grocery shopping.  C. Visiting countries in Asia.

    7. What will the man do next?

    A. Visit his mother.   B. Tidy the kitchen.    C. Have some soup.


    8 What’s the relationship between the speakers?

    A. Co-workers.   B. Neighbors.     C. A couple.

    9. What is the man’s major probably?

    A. Law.     B. Medicine.     C. Art.

    10. What does the man say about Los Angeles?

    A. It’s very busy.   B. It’s too cold in winter.   C. It’s the most fun place to live in.


    11. What are the speakers going to do tonight?

    A. Play sports.    B. Watch a game.    C. Finish a report.

    12. What time will the man get off work today?

    A. At 5:45.    B. At 6:00.     C. At 6:15.

    13. What will the speakers eat tonight?

    A. Italian food.   B. Chinese food.    C. Mexican food.


    14. When did Julie leave for Mexico?

    A. In June.    B. In July.     C. In August.

    15. What did Julie like best about Mexico?

    A. The food.    B. The people.     C. The events.

    16. Which language does Tom speak besides English?

    A. Spanish.    B. French.     C. Chinese.

    17. Why doesn’t Tom leave his country now?

    A. He doesn’t have a passport.

    B. He doesn’t know where to travel.

    C. He can’t afford to visit other countries.


    18. What is the main reason for people to go back to school?

    A. They want to learn new knowledge.

    B. They want to experience school life again.

    C. They are not satisfied with their present careers.

    19. What challenge will older students face?

    A. Having to quit their present jobs.

    B. Studying together with teenagers.

    C. Spending a lot of money and energy.

    20. How do most people balance their work and study?

    A. They take night classes.

    B. They have fewer classes.

    C. They don’t study after class.

    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50)




    Are you keen on learning something new? Are you looking for application programs that can help you learn with confidence. The following apps will just suit your needs.


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    Stress is something that most of us face on a daily basisbe it at work or at homeand continual worry and stress can be harmful to your health.

    Whether the aim is to improve mental well-being, mindfulness, stress management or personal or professional relationships, Remente guides users through every step in order to make their goals a reality. It does this through dividing your overall aim into daily goals, making large tasks manageable and keeping you on track.

    21. Which app will a learner consider if money is a concern?

    A. Remente B. Blinkist C. Babbel D. Quizlet

    22. What do Babbel, Blinkist and Remente try to ensure?

    A. Successful learning B. Enjoyable learning

    C. Autonomous learning D. Interactive learning

    23. Why does the author recommend the four apps?

    A. To advocate online learning. B. To promote modern technology.

    C. To attract people to use them. D. To encourage life-long learning.


    It was a dream born in fire. Andrea Peterson was five when she and her mother were trapped on the ledge (窗台) of a burning building.

    “Throw the kid down!” said one of the firemen below, and little Andrea leaped into lifesaving arms and a life-long ambition: She wanted to fight fires like her rescuers did.

    She told that to the men who had saved her, and they laughed good-naturedly the way grown-ups do when a kid says they want to be an astronaut or a sports star. But this was back in a time when little girls weren’t even allowed to fantasize about such grand goals.

    “You’ll be a good mommy,” the firemen told her, “you’ll be a good teacher, maybe you’ll be a nurse, but you can never be a fireman.”

    And then, as it tends to do, life sidelined her dreams. She was studying for a degree in aviation (航空) technology — the only female in her class — and that’s where she met her husband, Dennis.

    Later, Dennis was diagnosed with cancer, and Peterson spent 31 years caring for him. At 61, she went on an ambulance ride-along. It turned out to be a life-and-death situation, and Peterson felt that long-ago childhood calling. She earned her emergency medical technician license and responded to fire calls with the ambulance. She found that her years of tending to Dennis had prepared her for dealing with various hurts and ills.

    After a year, she told her boss she wanted to be a firefighter.

    The fact that everyone else in her training unit was between 18 and 21 didn’t stop her. She passed the written test, she cleared the physical and, finally, that little girl’s dream became a reality.

    24. What inspired Peterson to be a firefighter?

    A. Her physical abilities. B. Her being rescued in fire.

    C. Her mother’s expectation. D. Her lifesaving experience.

    25. Why did the rescuers laugh about Peterson’s dream?

    A. They thought it was a satisfying dream.

    B. They thought she was gifted in being a nurse.

    C. They thought it was just a childish dream for a girl.

    D. They thought kids should dream of being an astronaut.

    26. Which words can best describe Peterson?

    A. Curious and wise. B. Talented and educated.

    C. Creative and devoted. D. Determined and caring.

    27. What can we know from the text?

    A. She was most experienced in her training unit.

    B. Her dream came true because of her childhood calling.

    C. Her aviation technology enabled her to realize her dream.

    D. Years of attending her husband contributed to realizing her dream.


    Today, poetry and science are often considered to be mutually exclusive(互相排斥)career paths. But that wasn’t always the case. The mathematician Ada Lovelace and the physicist James Clerk Maxwell were both accomplished poets. The poet John Keats was a licensed surgeon. Combining the two practices fell out of favor in the 1800s. But translating research into lyrics, haiku, and other poetic forms is resurging(再现)among scientists as they look for alternative ways to inspire others with their findings.

    “Poetry is a great tool for questioning the world,” says Sam Illingworth, a poet and a geoscientist who works at the University of Western Australia. Through workshops and a new science-poetry journal, called Consilience, Illingworth is helping scientists to translate their latest results into poems that can attract appreciation from those outside of their immediate scientific field.

    Stephany Mazon, a scientist from the University of Helsinki in Finland, joined one of Illingworth’s workshops. In the workshop, she was grouped with other scientists and tasked with writing a haiku, a 17-syllable-long poem, which spotlighted water, a fluid that featured in all of the group members’ research projects. “It was a lot of fun, and surprisingly easy to write the poem,” Mazon says. She plans to continue writing. “We do a disservice(伤害)to ourselves to think that scientists can’t be artistic and that art can’t be used to communicate scientific ideas,” Mazon says.

    That viewpoint is echoed by Illingworth, who thinks science communication initiatives are too often dominated by public lectures with their hands-off PowerPoint slides. “Actually, when science communication involves writing and sharing poems, it invites a two-way dialogue between experts and nonexperts,” he says. Scientist-poet Manjula Silva, an educator at Imperial College London, agrees. Poetry provides a way to translate complex scientific concepts into a language that everyone can understand, Silva says.

    Scientists and poets are both trying to understand the world and communicate that understanding with others. The distinction between scientists and poets is less than people might think. We’re all just people with hopefully really interesting things to say and to share.

    28. What is the purpose of mentioning the celebrities in paragraph 1?

    A. To display they were talented.

    B. To confirm they were out of favor.

    C. To encourage different career paths.

    D. To show poetry and science can be combined.

    29. What are Illingworth’s workshops aimed to do?

    A. Promote a new science-poetry journal.

    B. Inspire outsiders to pursue their careers in science.

    C. Encourage science communication through poems

    D. Get scientists to exchange ideas about the latest research.

    30. What does Illingworth think of the dominant ways of science communication?

    A. Conventional. B. Effective. C. Innovative. D. Complex.

    31. Which of the following is the best title for the text?

    A. Scientists Take on Poetry

    B. Scientists and Poets Think Alike

    C. Poetry: A Great Tool to Question the World

    D. Science Communication: A Two-way Dialogue


    A Norwegian company has created what it calls the world’s first zero-emission(排放), autonomous cargo ship(货船). Developed by chemical company Yara International, the ship was designed to reduce emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases, and move goods away from roads to the sea.

    The shipping industry accounts for between 2.5% and 3% of global greenhouse gas emissions, according to the International Maritime Organization. Nearly all of Norway’s electricity is generated by hydroelectric power, which is generally considered to have much lower carbon emissions than burning fossil fuels, despite the fact that it still produces greenhouse gases.

    Capable of carrying 103 containers and with a top speed of 13 knots, it will use a 7 MWh battery, with about a thousand times the capacity of one electrical car. The ship will be charged near the port before sailing to container harbors along the coast and then back again, replacing 40,000 truck journeys a year.

    As well as providing a greener option compared to conventional cargo ships, there is no crewman, which means it will be more cost-effective to operate. Initially, loading and unloading the ship will require humans, but gradually, all loading, discharging, and some other operations will also be eventually operated using autonomous technology. That will involve developing autonomous cranes(起重机) and carriers, which are the vehicles that place containers onto ships.

    According to researchers, fully autonomous ships are the future. But there are many challenges to overcome before autonomous ships can be used for commercial long sea journeys. Navigating traffic in large ports could be a major barrier.

    Without a crew aboard to carry out maintenance checks, autonomous ships would need built-in self-diagnosing systems with the ability to detect and fix problems, or call for human assistance.

    Although Yara International has no plans to add more autonomous ships to its operations, we may see more elements of AI technology used on commercial ships in the future. Elements are already being used in shipping today when it comes to the voyage and we’ll see more partly autonomous elements added.

    32. What’s the good news about the new ship?

    A. It’s conventionally designed. 

    B. It has been fully marketed.

    C. It’s environmentally friendly. 

    D. It is luxuriously equipped.

    33. What plays a critical role in the ship’s successful operation?

    A. The autonomous carriers. 

    B. The latest navigating traffic.

    C. The burning of fossil fuels. 

    D. The massive battery capacity.

    34. What can we learn from paragraphs 4-6?

    A. Researchers are pessimistic about its future.

    B. The new ship isn’t completely autonomous yet.

    C. A lot more such ships will be in operation soon.

    D. No human labor is needed to maintain the ship.

    35. What is the author’s attitude to technology being applied to shipping?

    A Favorable. B. Reserved. C. Suspicious. D. Disapproving.



    Going to the gym after a long day at work can be a tiring task. However, once you get into the habit of making exercise a priority (优先事项), it gets easier! David Stine, author of The Whole Life, explains how you can make fitness a lifestyle choice. ____36____. His physical activities have become a must on his calendar. He shared some of his thoughts with me. No matter what fitness plan you use, these points are practical and will do good to you.


    Based on your age, physical condition and body type, choose workouts that are realistic as far as what you can and should do. What was appropriate for you at a certain age or life stage may not work for you today.

    Find workouts that you will enjoy

    Try doing different kinds of sports, like tennis or basketball as well as exercises and workouts. By doing so you will not get bored. ____38____.

    Create chances to motivate yourself

    Activities, competitions, and classes are offered year-round, both indoors and outdoors. ____39____. It can encourage you to carry out your fitness plans.

    Use your calendar to keep yourself accountable (负责任)

    My tennis nights differ each week, depending upon with whom and when I can play, but I practice at least three nights a week, after the kids are off to bed, early in the morning, or even on my lunch hour. ____40____, since I can still be with my family at night and have time to walk. Putting these times in my calendar forces me to make room for workouts.

    A. Be realistic in what you do

    B. These short periods of time work best

    C. Spend 30 to 60 minutes daily exercising

    D. He has made playing tennis part of his life

    E. Take part in races held by communities or schools

    F. Doing things you enjoy will keep you coming back for more

    G. Remember, it’s not about having time, it’s about making time


    第一节(15小题; 每小题1分,满分15)


    Sean looked at his father, who was standing confidently at the helm(). Sean couldn’t ____41____ all of the sailing terms father taught him. He hated to ask, but pushed himself anyway. “Which way are we turning?”, anticipating father’s ____42____. “ We’ re coming about,” his father said ____43____.

    Suddenly, the sky turned grey and the wind began blowing wildly. “Sean, take the helm.” father called. Sean ____44____ He didn’t want to, but he also didn’t want to see father’s ____45____ look. “Uh…sure,” Sean replied.

    “Just keep her going straight. I’ ll check something.” Sean ____46____ the helm from time to time. Now the ____47____ wind changed its direction, catching him off guard. The boat ____48____ , leaving ropes and nets slipping to the opposite side. “Dad!” Sean cried, but the wind swallowed(吞没) his ____49____ . Sean didn’t see his father as the sail blocked his _____50_____.

    Then he saw his father in the water! Sean _____51_____ the rope that his father had used to teach him sailing knots() now to save his father.

    As he _____52_____ the trick father taught him, he formed the knot and pulled it tight. He quickly tied the other _____53_____ onto the boat, then threw the rope to his father. After climbing back, his father said, “You _____54_____ my life, son.” Sean felt a rush of _____55_____ and pride, smiling.

    41. A. revise B. choose C. translate D. remember

    42. A. approval B. response C. encouragement D. understanding

    43. A. repeatedly B. sadly C. firmly D. politely

    44. A. refused B. cheered C. waved D. hesitated

    45. A. blank B. curious C. pained D. disappointed

    46. A. grasped B. righted C. shifted D. missed

    47. A. calm B. fresh C. soft D. strong

    48. A. tipped B. stopped C. sank D. floated

    49. A. anger B. complaint C. voice D. body

    50. A. view B. way C. action D. thought

    51. A. packed up B. wound up C. reached for D. wished for

    52. A. recorded B. recited C. shared D. explained

    53. A. end B. side C. net D. rope

    54. A. saved B. changed C. defined D. shaped

    55. A. puzzle B. relief C. guilt D. gratitude

    第二节(10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15)


    A) China’s first overpass for wildlife migration has already come into use. Lying over the ____56____ (new) constructed National Highway 216, the bridge is able to link animal habitats ____57____ (separate) by the road.

    The national highway ____58____ (design) with the environmental protection as a top priority. Based on years of ____59____ (science) observation of wildlife migration in the region, the bridge was built with the purpose of reducing the highway’s effect ____60____ the animals. The wildlife overpasses and underpasses let animals ____61____ (cross) over or under busy roadways safely and allow them to use ____62____ (they)customary paths, which would otherwise be blocked. Those passageways, with ____63____ total length of 59 kilometers, enable antelopes and other animals to go across the railway freely.

    So far, China ____64____ (put) great effort into achieving harmonious coexistence between human development and the protection of wildlife. The Qinghai—Tibet Railway, ____65____ is the world’s highest railroad, has 33 underpasses for the migrating animals.

    B)It is familiar to us Chinese that the year of 2023 is the Year of the Rabbit, ___56___reminds us of the “rabbit” on the moon, China’s Yutu-2 lunar rover (月球车).

    The Yutu-2 is named ___57___ the pet rabbit of the Chinese moon goddess Chang’e. On January 3, 2019, the rover was brought to the far side of the moon by China’s Chang’e-4 lunar probe. It was the first-ever soft landing on the___58___ (previous) uncharted area of the lunar surface.

    The Chang’e-4 lunar probe consists of a lander and the Yutu-2 rover. Before its launch, a relay satellite ___59___ (send) into space in May 2018 to facilitate earth-moon communication. So far, the rover has collected___60___(value) data on solar wind, soil, gel-like rocks and dead volcanoes. The data and images sent back by the Yutu-2 have enhanced geography knowledge of the landing site, ___61___ (deepen) understanding of the formation and evolution of the moon.

    Of the many pictures of the lunar landscape___62___(take) by the Yutu-2, one square object caused great debate among people on Earth. When the rover finally approached the object, it turned out to be___63___rabbit-shaped rock. What an interesting coincidence!

    The Yutu-2___64___(travel) more than 1, 400 meters on the far side of the moon till now. It will continue to uncover more____65____(mystery) of the moon.

    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)


    假定你是校英语社团负责人李华,邀请了Green 教授来学校做主题为“How to enjoy English poems”的讲座。请你写一篇主持词开场白,内容包括:   



    3. 对观众的要求。

    注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;

    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

    Dear fellow students


    Now let’s show our warm welcome!



    Sam was a junior high school student. He lived in a community in Charlotte and usually had little exposure to country life. So much of what he knew about plants came from text-books. Sam was a kind-hearted person. He longed for a chance to explore nature and he wanted to do his part to beautify the world.

    Finally, the opportunity came. On Arbor Day (植树节), his class organized a trip to a local village to plant trees. Sam was excited about it and couldn’t wait to tell his mom the good news. So the next day, Sam and his mom went to buy some tools for planting trees, including a shovel(), a bucket, gloves and so on.

    On the day of the event, Sam and his classmates arrived early at the starting point. It was a beautiful day and everyone looked particularly happy. With the tools in hand, Sam got into the bus with everyone else and headed off to their destination.

    As soon as they reached the village, all the students were divided into three teams by their teacher. One team was responsible for planting the trees, one team for shovelling the soil and one team for watering the trees. At the teacher’s command, everyone started to do their job.

    However, it was the first time that many of the students had taken part in planting trees, so they had no idea about how to start. Of course, Sam was one of them. Fortunately, their teacher was a middle-aged man from the countryside who had some knowledge of planting trees. In order to set an example to the students, the teacher started to plant trees himself. After watching the teacher plant the trees, everyone also became busy. Before long, they planted hundreds of trees. Sam watched very carefully, not wanting to miss any of the details. Finally, Sam learned how to plant trees by himself and felt happy.




    A few days later, a storm damaged some young trees in the community.


    The neighbours praised Sam for what he had done




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