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    2023年高考英语全真模拟终极冲刺卷(新高考卷) 02 考试版
    2023年高考英语全真模拟终极冲刺卷(新高考卷) 02 考试版01
    2023年高考英语全真模拟终极冲刺卷(新高考卷) 02 考试版02
    2023年高考英语全真模拟终极冲刺卷(新高考卷) 02 考试版03
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    2023年高考英语全真模拟终极冲刺卷(新高考卷) 02 考试版

    这是一份2023年高考英语全真模拟终极冲刺卷(新高考卷) 02 考试版,共11页。


    2023年高考考前押题密卷02  考试版























    (考试时间:120分钟  试卷满分:150分)





    第一部分  听力(共两节满分30



    1. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

    A. Tour guide and tourist.  B. Ticket seller and tourist.   C. Flight attendant and passenger.

    2. How will the man go to school?

    A. By car.     B. On foot.      C. By bike.

    3. What does the woman want to do?

    A. Get a receipt.    B. Deposit her luggage.    C. Purchase some products.

    4. In which department does Mrs. Lauren work?

    A. The sales department.   

    B. The management department.  

    C. The human resources department.

    5. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

    A. The size of the Lincoln Park. B. The location of the Lincoln Park. C. The shortcut to the Lincoln Park.




    6. How tall is the Eiffel Tower?

    A. About 230 meters.   B. About 320 meters.    C. About 430 meters.

    7. What is the man’s attitude towards Gustave Eiffel?

    A. Confusing.     B. Forgiving.      C. Admiring.


    8. When did the man start to have a fever?

    A. Yesterday afternoon.   B. Last night.      C. This morning.

    9. What will the man probably do first?

    A. Take some medicine.   B. Fill in the registration slip.   C. Go to the Medical Department.


    10. What work is the restaurant offering?

    A. Serving the food.   B. Washing the dishes.    C. Answering the phone.

    11. How does the woman feel about the working hours?

    A. Worried.     B. Satisfied.      C. Disappointed.

    12. What does the man advise the woman to get from her tutor?

    A. A work permit.    B. A leave note.     C. An application form.


    13. Who is the woman?

    A. The chair of the Youth Council. 

    B. The accountant of the Youth Council.

    C. The administrator of the Youth Council.

    14. Why does the man want to join the Youth Council?

    A. To learn from Stephanie.  B. To gain experience in it.   C. To get to discuss local issues.

    15. Which age group is the Youth Council for?

    A. The 13-18 age group.   B. The 12-16 age group.    C. The 10-15 age group.

    16. Where will the man probably stay on Saturday night?

    A. In a hostel.     B. At his parents’.     C. In the council’s flat.


    17. Which is the most popular among visitors?

    A. The sculpture gallery.   B. The 19th century paintings.  C. The 20th and 21st century paintings.

    18. How was the museum started?

    A. By artists donating works.  B. By historians raising money.  C. By ordinary people’s discovery.

    19. What does the speaker say about the collection of coins?

    A. It is a focused collection.  B. It has coins made 2, 000 years ago. C. It has coins from all over the world.

    20. What will the speaker probably talk about next?

    A. The museum’s repair work. B. The museum’s long history.  C. The museum’s public facilities.

    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50)




    Natural World Photography Competition Now Open!

    Now in its 10th year, Big Picture encourages photographers from around the world to contribute their works to this competition that both celebrates and illustrates the rich diversity of life on Earth and inspires action to protect and conserve it through the power of imagery. Click here and enter your work for a chance to win cash prizes and be exhibited at the California Academy of Sciences!


    Big Picture is open to all photography worldwide to compete for a chance to win the $5, 000 grand prize. Winning images include images named as grand prize, first place, and finalist images. They will be displayed at the California Academy of Sciences for all visitors to enjoy.

    Competition Period

    The Big Picture Photo Competition begins at 12:00 am on December 1,2022 and closes at 11:59 pm on March 1, 2023.

    Entry Fees

    Each photographer can enter photos as follows:

    $ 25 for up to 10 single image submissions in any category.

    $ 15 for each 6 - 8 image Photo Story submission.

    Photographers are limited to up to 10 image submissions per registered email address and may register an unlimited number of email addresses. Entry fees are used to provide the competition prizes and help the Academy in its mission and cant be returned.


    Big Picture is open to all photography enthusiasts and professionals alike worldwide, except employees, volunteers and Board Members of the Academy (as well as their sponsors) and the immediate families and individuals living in the same household.

    21. Where is the text most likely from?

    A. A picture book. B. A science journal.

    C. A camera guidebook. D. A conservation website.

    22. If a photographer submits 17 single images, how much will he pay?

    A. $ 25. B. $ 40. C. $ 50. D. $ 15.

    23. Who can participate in the competition?

    A. Amateurs unrelated to the Academy.

    B. Experts as members of the Academy.

    C. Volunteers working for the Academy.

    D. Enthusiasts of the board member’s family.


    It is impossible to tell what the future holds. For Nelly Cheboi, the future was guided by her childhood dream of wanting to change the lives of those around her; little did she know that technology would become the gateway for such change.

    A native of Mogotio, Kenya, Nelly Cheboi grew up in a run-down house, walked to school barefoot every day, and went to bed hungry every night-something not uncommon for those in her community. Nevertheless, she studied hard and earned a full-ride college scholarship. She had consumed plenty of books growing up, but didn’t know a thing about computers. If given a ten page paper in college, Cheboi would choose to hand-write it because she typed too slowly.

    It was only in Cheboi’s third year of college that she encountered computer science—a subject she was fascinated by. She learned low technology could serve the economy and realized that, in order to fix the systems in Kenya that kept people in a cycle of poverty (贫穷), she could encourage her community to work online. That then became the motivation for TechLit Africa.

    Founded in 2018, TechLit Africa is Cheboi’s nonprofit organization that provides students in rural Kenya with access to technology and the ability to learn fundamental digital skills. Computers are donated, transported to Kenya, and then refurbished(翻新)locally. TechLit Africa provides the computers and curriculum to schools. Schools and parents cover for the costs of local operations.

    Today, Cheboi is working on ensuring TechLit Africa keeps running, especially in terms of funding. She says that TechLit Africa’s programs are the highlight of students’ days-but it is difficult to convince parents, teachers and the county government of the digital economy and how technology can financially support people.

    “In a way, TechLit Africa serves as a bridge to connect two worlds-kids interact, ask questions and imagine what life is like out there while understanding the value of the Internet,” Cheboi says. In doing so, kids unlock global opportunities and a second chance at a more fulfilling life.

    24. Where did Cheboi’s weakness lie according to paragraph 2?

    A. Taking care of herself.    B. Reading academic books.

    C. Handwriting papers.     D. Using a computer.

    25. Why did Cheboi decide to establish TechLit Africa?

    A. To free her community from heavy physical work.

    B. To encourage online communication among locals.

    C. To raise funds for uneducated children in poor areas.

    D. To lift her community out of poverty by the Internet.

    26. What does paragraph 5 mainly tell us about Cheboi’s program?

    A. Its development.      B. Its impact.

    C Its challenge.      D. Its popularity.

    27. How does TechLit Africa benefit kids in Africa?

    A. It ensures future employment.   B. It provides a global perspective.

    C. It increases chances of traveling.  D. It inspires passion for charity.


    An artificial intelligence can decode (解码) words and sentences from brain activity with surprising accuracy. Using only a few seconds of brain activity data, the AI guesses what a person has heard. It lists the correct answer in its top 10 possibilities, researchers found in a primary study.

    Developed at the parent company of Facebook, Meta, the AI could eventually be used to help thousands of people around the world who are unable to communicate through speech, typing or gestures.

    Most existing technologies to help such patients communicate require risky brain surgeries to put in electrodes (电极). This new approach “could provide a possible path to help patients with communication problems, avoiding the use of surgeries,” says neuroscientist Jean-Rémi King, a Meta AI researcher.

    King and his colleagues trained a computational tool, also known as a language model, to detect words and sentences on 56, 000 hours of speech recordings from 53 languages. The team applied an AI with this language model to databases from four institutions that included brain activity from 169 volunteers. In these databases, participants listened to various stories and sentences, while the people’s brains were scanned by magnetoencephalography (MEG)(脑磁图).

    Then with the help of a computational method that helps account for physical differences among actual brains, the team tried to decode what participants had heard using just three seconds of brain activity data from each person. The team instructed the AI to match up the speech sounds from the story recordings with patterns of brain activity that the AI computed as corresponding to what people were hearing. It then made predictions about what the person might have been hearing during that short time, given more than 1, 000 possibilities. Using MEG, the correct answer was in the AI’s top 10 guesses, the researchers found.

    “The new study is decoding of speech recognition, not production,” King agrees, “Though speech production is the final goal, for now, we’re quite a long way away.”

    28. What is the main advantage of the new technology?

    A. Avoiding dangerous operations on patients.

    B. Freeing patients from risky brain operations.

    C. Providing a path to communicate with others.

    D. Helping patients with communication problems.

    28. What does the AI require to make its prediction?

    A. Top ten guesses.

    B. Speech production.

    C. Patterns of brain activity.

    D. Volunteers with disability.

    30. What does Jean-Rémi King think of the new study?

    A. Disappointing. B. Promising.

    C. Surprising. D. Exciting.

    31. What is the best title for the text?

    A. A New Way to Decode Speech

    B. The Application of MEG Technology

    C. A New Study on Artificial Intelligence

    D. A Solution to Communication Problems


    Cancer is caused by gene mutations (突变) that accumulate in cells over time, yet long-lived animals that have lots of cells, such as elephants and whales, hardly ever get it. Why?

    For elephants, at least, part of the answer may be the gene commonly known as p53, which also helps humans and many other animals repair DNA damaged during replication (复制). Elephants have an amazing 20 copies of this gene. Those copies, each with two variations produce a total of 40 proteins, compared with humans’ (and most animals’) single copy producing two proteins.

    In mammals, p53 plays a crucial role in preventing mutated cells from turning into tumors (肿瘤). It works by pausing replication and then either initiating repair or causing cells to self-destruct if the damage is too extensive. Without action from p53, cancer can easily take hold: in more than half of all human cancers, the gene’s function has been lost through random mutations.

    The scientists virtually modeled and studied carefully elephants’ 40 p53 proteins, finding two ways the gene could help elephants avoid cancer. First, the fact that elephants possess multiple copies lowers the chance of p53 no longer working because of mutations. Additionally, elephants’ p53 copies activate in response to varying mutations and so respond to damaged cells differently, which likely gives an edge when detecting and getting rid of mutations.

    These “remarkable” results imply that elephants have a series of means though which p53 can operate, says Sue Haupt, a cell biologist who was not involved in the work. This points to “exciting possibilities for exploring powerful new approaches to cancer protection in humans,” she adds.

    Study co-author Robin Fahraeus and his colleagues are now following up on these results using blood samples from an African elephant at the Vienna Zoo. They are exploring how its p53 proteins interact with damaged cells and plan to compare those findings with results from human cells.

    32. What does the underlined word “initiating” mean in paragraph 3?

    A. Delaying.   B. Indicating.   C. Stopping. D. Starting.

    33. How do p53 copies free elephants from cancer?

    A. By preventing the replication thoroughly.

    B. By providing precise response continuously.

    C. By lowering the chance of mutations in advance.

    D. By repairing the damaged cells in the same way.

    34. What can we conclude from the last 2 paragraphs?

    A. The results need further tests.

    B. More biologists will participate in the study.

    C. The results throw light on humans’ fighting cancer.

    D. Researchers have new findings in African elephants.

    35. What is the text mainly about?

    A. Why elephants don’t get cancer.

    B. What contributes to elephants’ long life.

    C. Where the anticancer breakthrough lies.

    D. How the key cancer-fighting gene works.



    It’s normal for friends to experience conflict, disagreements, and even fight.   36    Most times conflict with a friend is easily solved. But in some cases, the disagreement and the conflict grow leading to anger, sadness and even the end of a friendship. Learning to handle the conflict with friends in a healthy way is beneficial for both sides. Here are some tips.

    Calm down. The first thing is to calm down.  37    Prevent further damage to the relationship by taking a moment to calm down. Get some alone time. Tell your friend that you need a moment to clear your head. You can either go for a walk or just take a warm bath.

      38    It may feel as if it helps you explain your concerns more thoroughly if you bring in related examples from past events. Avoid this at all costs. Past issues for discussion only make things worse. Remember it’s important to focus on the issue at hand, not past events.

    Work towards a compromise. Unfortunately, some people believe that a compromise means a  “lose/lose situation” because each person has to give up something. While this is true, every healthy relationship usually involves compromise and adjusting to others’ needs or wants. It takes two to make it work.  39   

    Be careful of unhealthy friendships. It’s generally a good idea to work through conflicts with friends.  40    If you are in a friendship that is based more on conflict or you seem to be the one always apologizing, you need to re-evaluate if this friendship is worth keeping and consider when to walk away.

    A. Remain on the current matter.

    B. You can’t always agree on everything.

    C. Avoid explaining your concerns repeatedly.

    D. Just “give a little” to allow your friend to “get a little”.

    E. In a heated situation, it’s easy to say or do things we later regret.

    F. But it isn’t in your best interest if the friendship causes more harm than good.

    G. It’s important to surround yourself with people who positively influence your life.


    第一节(15小题; 每小题1分,满分15)


    It was the middle of winter some 30 years ago. I was a young father with three little mouths to   41   . My college education, however, didn’t help me to   42    a well-paid job. I was working in a woodcutting business for just above the   43   wage. Working outdoors for 8 hours a day had caused my   44    to split (裂开) and bleed at their tips in the cold, dry air.

    That day at work was harder than normal. We   45    workers. Worse still, the machines kept breaking down. When the day finally ended, I took off the gloves and   46    my painful hands. The splits were   47    than ever and I had bled through the band-aids again. I tried to   48    my back but it hurt badly. I had never felt that tired and   49   before, wondering why life was so tough and how long I could keep doing this.

    I tried to   50    a smile as I got home. My daughter ran up to me merrily, yelled “Daddy!”, and   51    her little arms around my neck. My heart exploded with   52   . My aches and tiredness disappeared into her   53    . And the joy in my heart   54     the depression away. At that moment I knew I could continue on and that things would get better.

    We all have   55    fingers and band-aid days in our lives here. But with love we can make it through them all.

    41. A. water B. hold C. feed D. whisper

    42. A. quit B. offer C. reject D. secure

    43. A. minimum B. appropriate C. desired D. original

    44. A. lips B. legs C. feet D. fingers

    45. A. trained B. lacked C. motivated D. fired

    46. A. ignored B. cured C. examined D. washed

    47. A. worse B. dirtier C. smaller D. nicer

    48. A. lighten B. protect C. straighten D. shake

    49. A. homesick B. free C. embarrassed D. down

    50. A. count on B. put on C. run after D. show off

    51. A. reached B. wrapped C. broke D. crossed

    52. A. sadness B. complaint C. pity D. love

    53. A. worry B. mind C. hug D. room

    54. A. drove B. turned C. gave D. scared

    55. A. flexible B. bleeding C. powerful D. amazing

    第二节(10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15)


    No doubt, one of the most admired Chinese paintings of all time is the Qingming Shang He Tu. The painting is on a silk scroll (卷轴) that is 24.8cm wide and 528.7cm long,   56    (bear) Emperor Huizong’s name. Created by Zhang Zeduan, it represents the daily life of people and the landscape of then Bianjing,  57    was the capital during the Northern Song.

    After its appearance, this amazingly detailed painting quickly   58    (become) a national treasure. Although the original painting was lost for some time, it is now   59    (proud) placed in the Palace Museum in Beijing. As an artistic creation, the piece has been admired and court artists of subsequent   60    (dynasty) have made many copies.

    The theme celebrates the festival spirit and prosperous street scene at the Qingming Festival,  61    time when Chinese people visit their ancestors’ graves (坟墓).

      62    (paint) on the silk scroll, the piece of art reveals the lifestyle of all levels of society and it gives us a rare insight   63    daily life in ancient China. Its great appeal is that it provides a whole picture of ordinary people’s lives in the Song Dynasty.

    The painting   64    (display) every few years. However, using computer animation, it recently has been remade into a digital version which contains moving characters and objects for all   65    (enjoy). In 2010, an electronic version was created for exhibition at the Shanghai Expo.

    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)


    假定你是李华,你校英语俱乐部将举办以“Studying Abroad: Is It a Good or Bad Idea?”为主题的辩论赛。请你代表俱乐部写一则通知,内容包括:










    English Club



    Having held the interschool storytelling championship for the past two years, I was the shining star of my school. When it came to choosing the right candidate to participate in such competitions, I was always the first choice. Naturally, I was once again selected to represent my school in the approaching contest this year.

    Upon hearing the fact that I was chosen again my classmates and friends acknowledged that I would undoubtedly emerge as the champion again. Consequently, I became conceited. I was so proud that I neglected the importance of practicing for the contest.

    A week before the contest, my teacher Ms. Sara asked, “Selena, would you like to stand in front of the class to rehearse for the contest?” She had tutored me in the past two competitions and knew how important practice was. “Just imagine you are on the stage in the presence of the audience,” she added.

    “I’m sorry, Ms. Sara,” I replied. “I have a bit of a sore throat.”

    This was usually the lie I would tell whenever my teacher requested me to practice in front of the class. I always found excuses to avoid doing it because I believed that I was the best and therefore the practice was unnecessary. On one occasion, I even told Ms. Sara not to worry too much as I was well prepared for the contest. In fact, I did everything but practice my script. I only managed to glance briefly through the story the day before the contest. As the best storyteller among the students of the local secondary schools, I was too vain to practice and expected everything to be fine.

    The contest was being held in the local community hall. On the day of the contest, the hall was packed. My school teachers and principal were there along with many of my classmates and schoolmates. I was the eighth contestant out of twenty in total. Those who spoke before me did extremely well. On seeing their fascinating and outstanding performance, I began to lose confidence in myself. My palms sweated heavily and I started to feel nervous.

    Paragraph 1:

    Soon, it was my turn to talk.


    Paragraph 2:

    Finally, results were announced after the contest.




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