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    第14讲 unit14  I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. 拔尖版 教案01
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    第14讲 unit14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. 拔尖版 教案

    这是一份第14讲 unit14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7. 拔尖版,文件包含第6讲unit14IremembermeetingallofyouinGrade7拔尖版教师版doc、第6讲unit14拔尖版学生版doc等2份教案配套教学资源,其中教案共65页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第六讲 Unit 14 I remember meeting all of you in Grade 7.

    Survey  n. 调查        standard   n. 标准;水平    
    row  n. 一排;一列;一行     in a row  连续几次地  
    keyboard n. 琴键; 键盘    instruction   n. 指示;命令  
    double  v.加倍;是⋯的两倍adj. 两倍的;加倍的   shall /S   v. 将要;将会   
    overcome  v.  克服;战胜   make a mess 弄得一团糟,一塌糊涂    
    graduate  v. 毕业;获得学位   keep one’s cool 沉住气;保持冷静   
    ours  pron. 我们的 senior   adj. 级别(或地位)高的   
    senior high (school) 高中          text n. 课文;文本       
    level n. 标准;水平 degree  n(.大学)学位; 度数;程度   
    manager  n. 经理;经营者    believe in 信任;信赖      
    gentleman  n. 先生    graduation n. 毕业   
    ceremony   n. 典礼;仪式   congratulate   v. 祝贺  
    thirsty   adj. 口渴的; 渴望的    none   pron. 没有一个;毫无   
    task   n. 任务;工作    ahead   adv. 向前面;在前面   
    responsible  adj. 承担责任;有责任   be responsible for 对⋯⋯有责任;负责任   
    separate   adj. 单独的; 分离的  v. 分开;分离  wing  n. 翅膀;翼 
    1. remember doing sth.记得做过某事(动作已发生) 2. remember to do sth.记得要做某事(动作未发生)
    3. win a prize 获奖 4. meet the standard 符合标准;达标
    5. meet the needs 满足需要 6. meet a friend 遇见一个朋友
    7. junior high school 初中;初级中学 8. in a row 连续几次地
    9. play the keyboard 演奏电子乐器 10. take a break 休息一会
    11. be patient with sb. 对…有耐心 12. work out 解决,解答,算出
    13. no matter how 不管怎样,无论怎样 14. put in more effort 更加努力
    15. look back at 回首; 回顾;回忆 16. morning reading 早读
    17. overcome fear 克服恐惧感 18. prepare for 为......做准备
    19. make a mess 弄得一团糟 20. keep one's cool 保持冷静,沉住气
    21. enter / get into senior high school进入高中; 22. look forward to doing sth. 期盼/期望/期待做某事
    23. join the school swim team 加入学校游泳队 24. go by (时间)逝去, 消逝
    25. with one's help 在某人的帮助下 / without one's help 没有某人的帮助
    26. believe in sb. 相信/信任/信赖某人
    27. attend the graduation ceremony 出席/参加毕业庆典
    28. First of all 首先 29. be full of... 充满...
    30. be thirsty of ... 渴望/渴求... 31. deal with ... 处理,对付
    32. be proud of... 以... 自豪/为...骄傲33. none of ... (三者或以上)都不 ,全部都不,没有一个
    34. be thankful to sb. 对某人心存感激;向某人表达感激35. ahead of ... 在...之前, 在...前面
    36. give up (doing) sth. 放弃... 37. along with ... 连同..., 除...以外还
    38. be responsible for ... 对...负责 39. set out开始; 出发; 启程
    40. separate from sb. 与…分别/分离
    1.What happened in Grade 7 that was special? 在七年级时发生了什么特别的事?
    2. How have you changed since you started junior high school?你上初中后有什么变化?
    I’ve become much better at speaking English. 我在说英语方面比以前好得多了。
    3. How do you think things will be different in senior high school? 你认为在高中会有什么不同?
    4. What are your plans for next year? 你明年的计划是什么?
    I’m going to join the school volleyball team. 我打算加入学校排球队。
    5. I remember being a volunteer. 我记得当过一名志愿者。
    6. What did you use to do that you don’t do now? 你过去经常做而现在不做的事是什么?
    I used to take dance lessons, but I don’t anymore. 我以前经常上舞蹈课,但现在不上了。
    7. What are you looking forward to? 你期望做什么?
    I’m looking forward to going to senior high school. 我期望上高中。
    8. She helped you to worked out the answers yourself no matter how difficulty they were.
    9. How fast time goes by! 光阴似箭!/ 时光流逝!
    10. Junior high school days are over. 初中生活结束了。
    11. I remember I scored two goals in a row during a soccer competition.
    12. He always took time to explain things to me clearly whenever I couldn’t understand anything.
    13. Because of her, I put in more effort and my exam scores doubled.
    14. Shall we get each of them a card and gift to say thank you?
    15. Looking back at these past three years, I remember many things.
    16. It is time for our lunch. It is time to say goodbye, but none of us want to leave.
    17. This year, with Mr. Trent’s help, my English level has been improving.
    今年在Mr. Trent的帮助下,我的英语水平一直在不断提高。
    18. The key is to learn from mistakes and never give up.
    19. Along with difficulties, there will also be many exciting things waiting for you.
    20. As you set out on your new journey, you shouldn’t forget where you came from.
    21. You were all so full of energy and thirsty for knowledge. Knowledge will give us wings to fly.
    22. The future is yours. 未来是属于你们的。

    Section A 考点知识梳理
    1. a friend help me with a problem一个朋友帮助我解决问题
    ①help sb do sth.意为“帮助某人做某事”
    ◆I can help you learn English.我能帮助你学习英语。
    ②help sb to do sth.意为“帮助某人做某事”
    ◆ I can help you to learn English.我能帮助你学习英语。
    ③help sb with sth.意为“帮助某人做某事”
    ◆I can help you with (learning) English.我能帮助你学习英语。
    拓展: (1)with the help of sb=with one’s help意为“在某人的帮助下”
    with the help of him=with his help.在他的帮助下
    ◆With the help of policemen,we found our lost child.在警察的帮助下,我们找到了丢失的孩子。
    (2)在招待客人时,我们可以说:help oneself to sth意为“随便吃……”。
    ◆Tom, help yourself to some bread,please.汤姆,随便吃点面包吧。
    (3)can’t/couldn’t help doing sth意为“情不自禁地做某事,忍不住做某事”
    ◆She couldn’t help crying when she heard the news.她听到这个消息后,情不自禁的哭起来。
    2. try one’s best to do sth意为“尽某人的最大努力去做某事”.
    ◆We must try our best to finish the work in two days.我们必须尽全力两天内完成这项工作。
    3. be strict with sb“对某人要求严格”be strict in sth“对某事要求严格”
    ◆The teacher should be strict with the students and the students should be strict in their study.老师们应该严格要求学生,学生应该严格要求他们的学习。
    4. learned to play the keyboard in music class在音乐课上学会了弹琴
    (1)①learn to do sth意为“学习做某事”
    ◆My younger brother is learning English.我弟弟正在学习英语
    ②learn from意为“向……学习”
    ◆We must learn from Lei Feng.我们必须要向雷锋学习
    ③learn by oneself意为“自学”
    ◆He learns French by himself.他自学法语
    ④learn about意为“了解,知道”
    ◆The more you learn about the Chinese history,the more you enjoy living in China.你了解的中国历史越多,你越喜欢在中国居住。
    (2) 乐器前必须加定冠词the,球类运动前不加任何冠词。
    play the piano 弹钢琴 play soccer踢足球
    ◆Dave doesn’t like playing volleyball,but he likes playing the piano.
    5. Someone was advised to take a break from running by a teacher.有人被老师建议暂停跑步。
    (1)advise doing sth“建议做某事” advise sb to do sth“建议某人做某事”
    ◆Mrs Brown advises us to eat healthy food.布朗先生建议我们吃健康食物。
    ◆I advise waiting till the right time.我建议等到合适的时间
    (2)break用作名词时,意为“休息;休息时间”。take a break意为“休息一会儿”
    ◆She’s worked for 27 hours without a break.她连续工作了27个小时
    6.Who wants to study medicine?谁想学医?
    表示“吃药”时,常用take the medicine,一般不用eat或 drink。
    ◆I took some medicine for my headache just now.刚才我吃了一些药因为头疼。
    7.He gave really clear instructions during P.E class.在体育课上他给出很明确的指示。
    ◆The instructions on the medicine box are very confusing.药盒上的说明很模糊。
    8.be patient with sb对某人有耐心 be patient of sth忍耐某事
    ◆You should learn to be patient.你要学会耐心。
    ◆I am patient with my sister.我对妹妹很有耐心。
    9. She helped you to work out the answers yourself no matter how difficult they were.
    (1) work out意为“解决;算出”;另外,work out还有“结果为”之意,
    work out fine/well意为“奏效”。
    ◆This problem is so hard that I can’t work it out.这个问题太难了,我答不出来。
    ◆Everything is working out well.一切都奏效了。
    (2) no matter what=whatever意为“无论什么”
    no matther where=wherever无论在哪
    no matter when=whatwhen无论什么时候
    ◆No matter what you say,I won’t believe you.不管你怎么说,我都不会相信你。
    10.guide sb to do sth “指导某人做某事” guide sb to +某地“指引某人去某地”
    ◆He can guide you to find the way.他可以知道你找到路。
    ◆I guided him to his seat.我指引着他去座位上。
    11.She encouraged me in English class.他在英语课上鼓励我。
    ①encourage sb to do sth“鼓励某人做某事”
    ②encourage sb in sth“在……方面鼓励某人/助长某人的某种行为”
    ◆Parents should encourage children to do things by themselves.父母应该鼓励孩子自己动手。
    ◆Don’t encourage him in laziness.不要滋长他懒惰行为。
    12.prepare for意为“为……作准备”;
    ◆I can’t go to the movies with you because I have to prepare for an exam.我不能陪你去看电影了,因为我要为考试做准备。
    prepare to do sth“准备做某事”
    ◆Taking out a piece of paper,he prepared to write to his parents.他拿出一张纸来准备给他的父母写信。
    13.have fun=have a good time=enjoy oneself意为“做某事很开心”后面都接动词-ing形式。
    We had a good time in the park yesterday afternoon.(同义句转换)
    =We enjoy ourselves in the park yesterday afternoon.
    14. wish to do sth “希望做某事”
    ◆We wish to live in a big house with a big garden.我们希望住进一个带着花园的大房子里。
    wish sb to do sth “希望某人做某事”
    ◆We wish our teacher to join us.我们希望老师加入我们。
    拓展:hope to do 意为“希望做某事”不可用于hope sb to do sth.结构
    ◆I hope to go to Beijing. 我希望去北京。
    15.①It’s time for sth意为“该是(做)……的时候了”
    ◆Boys and girls,it’s time for class.孩子们,到了上课时间。
    ②It’s time (for sb )to do sth意为“该是(某人)做某事的时候了”
    ◆It’s time to go to school.该上学了。
    ◆It’s time for you to clean the classroom.你该打扫教室了。
    16.graduate from意为“从……毕业”
    ◆Tom graduated from the university last year.汤姆去年从大学毕业。
    17. lovely 意为“可爱的;美丽的;美好的”
    ◆You look lovely with your short hair.留短发你看起来很可爱。
    ◆Mr Brown always makes his class lively.布朗先生总是让他的课堂充满生气。
    18.情态动词have to和must的区别
    ①have to意为“必须,不得不”表示客观的需求,有人称、数和时态的变
    化。能用于过去时或将来时。don’t have to意为“不必”
    ◆I must do my homework now. 我现在必须做作业了。(主动)
    ◆I have to do my homework now. 我现在不得不做作业了。(被动)
    19. need的用法
    当主语是人时,后跟动词不定式,即need to do sth意为“需要做某事”,用于肯定句
    ◆I am tired,I need to have a good rest.
    当主语是物时,后接动名词,即need doing.“需要被做”
    ◆My hair is long,it need cutting.
    (2) need做情态动词时,后跟动词原形,一般用于否定句和疑问句中.
    在回答need引导的疑问句时,其肯定回答用must;在回答 must引导的疑问句中,其否定回答用 needn’t如
    ◆—Need I go to the party tomorrow evening?
    —Yes,you must/No,you needn’t/you don’t have to
    —Must I go home now?
    —Yes,you must/No,you needn’t/No,you don’t have to
    20.have problems with sth意为“在某方面有困难”
    ◆I have problems with my English sometimes有时我英语方面有困难
    have problems in doing sth意为“做某事有困难”
    ◆We had some problems getting to the top of the mountain.到达山顶我们有些困难。
    21.go by意为“(时间)过去;消逝”
    ◆ Time goes by quickly on vacation.假期时间过得飞快。
    (1)in the end= at last= finally(in the end后面没词)
    ◆In the end they reached a place of safety.最终他们到了一个安全的地方。
    (2)at the end of …意为“在…的最后”(at the end of 后面必须有词)
    at the end of the road在路的尽头 at the end of the class在这节课的末尾
    (3)by the end of…意为“到……结束时”,常用于过去完成时。
    ◆By the end of last year,I had written two books.截止去年,我已经写了两本书了。
    SectionB 考点知识梳理

    1. believe in表示信任某人,相信某人的价值,也可指“信仰、信奉(真理、宗教)等。
    ◆Some people believe in God.一些人相信上帝。
    ◆I believe you.=I believe what you said.我相信你说的。
    2. 区分receive 和accept
    receive a letter from sb“收到……的来信”相当于get a letter from sb /hear from sb
    ◆Yesterday I received a gift but I didn’t accept it.昨天我收到一份礼物,但我没有接受。
    3. thanks for意为“因……而感谢”,后跟感谢的原因。
    thanks to意为“多亏;由于”,后跟感谢的对象。有时可与with the help of互换。
    ◆Thanks to my teacher,I can finish the work on time.多亏了我的老师,我才能及时完成作业。
    4. attend意为“参加”。用于参加会议、婚礼、葬礼、典礼,去上课、上学,听报告等。
    ◆He’ll attend an important meeting tomorrow.明天他将参加一个很重要的会议。
    5. energy不可数名词,意为“活力;精力”。 energetic“充满活力的,精力充沛的”
    ◆Young people usually have lots of energy.年轻人总是充满活力。
    ◆He is an energetic basketball player.他是一位精力充沛的篮球运动员。
    6. be thirsty for意为“渴望,渴求”
    ◆Young men should be thirsty for knowledge.年轻人应该渴求知识。
    7. deal with“处理”常与how连用,侧重于解决问题,强调处理问题的方法。
    do with“处理”一般与what搭配使用,侧重于对某物的利用。
    ◆He has learned to deal with his problem. 他已经学会处理这个问题。
    ◆What do you do with your camera?你怎样使用照相机?
    8. grow up意为“长大”。
    —What do you think Peter wants to be when he grow up?你认为皮特长大后做什么?
    —A doctor, I guess.我猜是医生。
    9. so many+可数名词复数,意为“如此多的……”,
    so much+不可数名词,意为“如此多的……”,
    so liltte+不可数名词,意为“如此少的……”,
    so few+可数名词复数,意为“如此少的……”。
    10. be proud of=take pride in意为“为……感到自豪,为……骄傲”
    ◆The young mother took pride in her son.=The young mother was proud of her son.这位年轻的妈妈以儿子为骄傲。
    11.consider doing sth=think about doing sth意为“考虑做某事”
    ◆ I’m considering changing my job.我考虑换一份工作。
    12. fail to do sth.“没能做成某事”
    ◆He failed to catch up with the others.他没能赶上其他人。
    fail in sth“……不及格;没通过……”
    ◆Li Ming failed (in) the English test.李明考试不及格。
    13.ahead of意为“(在空间或时间上比某人或某事)更前,更早”或“比……更先进;领先”
    ◆He left one day ahead of me.他比我早走一天。
    ◆He is always ahead of the age.他总在走在时代的前面。
    (2) 表示“比……强(高),主要用作表语。
    ◆He’s ahead of me in English.他在英语方面比我强。
    (3)ahead of time意为“提前;提早”,也可表示为 ahead of schedule
    ◆The work was done ahead of time.工作提前完成了。
    ◆He finished his job ahead of schedule.他提前完成了任务。
    14.make mistakes in=make a mistake in“在……方面犯错误”
    ◆I used to make mistakes in spelling.我经常在拼写方面犯错。
    by mistake“错误地”
    ◆I saw him running along the road.我看见他沿着这条路跑步。
    ◆We walked across the street.我们穿过这条街
    (3)through指“从物体的空间或内部穿过”穿过 forest(森林)、window(窗户)
    16.wait for sb /sth “等侯某人/某物”
    ◆She is waiting for her friend at the station.他在车站等她的朋友。
    17. have a chance to do sth.= have a chance of doing sth意为“有机会去做某事”
    ◆Do you have a chance to study abroad?你哟机会去国外学习吗?
    18.make one’s own choice意为“做出某人自己的选择”
    choose to do sth意为“选择做某事”
    ◆We each had to make a choice.每一个人必须做选择。
    ◆I choose to be your friend.我选择做你的朋友。
    19.be responsible for sth意为“对某事负责任”
    be responsible to sb意为“对某人负责”
    ◆Who is responsible for the project?谁对这个项目负责?
    ◆She is my child,and I am responsible to her.她是我的孩子,我对她负责。
    20.make one’s own decision意为“做某人自己的决定”
    ◆Teenagers should be allowed to make their own decisions.青少年应该被允许自己做决定。
    21.set out意为“动身,启程”,相当于set off
    ◆They’ve set out/off on a journey around the world.他们已经出发开始环球旅行
    ◆They are on a wedding tour.他们正在进行新婚旅行
    23.辨析:separate from与divide into
    (1)separate 意为“分开”,指把原来连在一起或靠近的物体“分隔开来”,常与from搭配。 separate from“与……分离,分开”
    ◆The fence separates the garden from the yard.围栏把花园和院子分隔开了。
    (2)divide指把整体“划分”成若干部分,常与 into搭配。
    ◆The apple is divided into two parts.这个苹果被一分两半。
    ◆She doesn’t like Mozart,and neither do I.她不喜欢莫扎特,我也不喜欢。
    ②So+助动词/情态动词/系动词be+主语意为“某人也这样”She likes Mozart,and so do I.
    Me too“我也是” 和Me neither“我也不是”意义相反
    ◆Neither he nor I have been to the museum.我和他都没去过博物馆
    ⑤either意为“两者中的任何一个”,相当于each. any意为“三者中的任何一个”
    on each/either side of the road=on both sides of the road.在路的两边
    ◆Either you or he is right.或者你或者他是正确的
    ⑦both…and…意为“两者都……”相当于not only …but also…(不但……而且……)
    ◆Both my father and my mother are doctors.=Not only my father but also my mother is doctor.我爸爸妈妈都是医生。
    28.give sb some suggestions=give sb some advice.意为“给某人一些建议”
    ◆Could you give me some suggestions on how to learn English well?你能给我一些如何学好英语的建议吗?
    29. (1)feel like doing sth.相当于would like to do sth“想要做某事”
    ◆I don’t feel like eating anything.我不想吃任何东西
    (2)feel like“感觉起来像…/摸起来像…”
    ◆I feel like a child. 我感觉像个孩子。

    一般将来时由一般将来时表示将来某个时间将要发生的动作或存在的状态,一般将来时由“主语+will (shall)+动词原形”或“主语+be going to=动词原形”构成。常用的时间状语有:tomorrow, next week (year, month),in two days等。如:
    I will go to my hometown next week.下周我要回老家。
    一般过去时表示过去发生的动作或存在的状态,一般过去时由“主语+was(were)+表语” 或“主语+实义动词的过去式”构成。常用的时间状语有yesterday, ago, last night(week, month),just now, in 2000等。如:
    It was very cold yesterday.昨天非常冷。
    Do you know where Mr. Trent graduated from?你知道特伦特先生毕业于哪里吗?
    He said that Jim would work hard.他说吉姆将努力学习。
    2.当宾语从句是一般疑问句时,引导词用if或whether。if与whether都有“是否”之意,在句子中不作任何成分,但是不能省略。 如:
    He asked me if/whether I worked in the company.他问我是否在那个公司工作。
    He asked me when I was leaving for Beijing.他问我什么时候动身去北京。
    I hear that Bill has been to Hainan already.我听说比尔曾经去过海南。
    2. 若主句的谓语动词是过去时,那么宾语从句也要用过去的某种时态与之对应。如:
    He said that he went to the beach last weekend.他说上周末他去海滩了。
    3. 若宾语从句讲述的是客观事实或一般真理,那么不管主句用何种时态,宾语从句必须用一般现在时。如:
    Miss Chen told us that Sunday is the first day of the week.陈老师告诉我们星期一是一周的第一天。
    1. The movie that we _______ (see) last night was fantastic.
    2. I was looking for the pen which I _______ (buy) yesterday when you called me.
    3. This is the primary school where I_______ (study) three years ago.
    4. Where we (go) for a picnic this Sunday?
    5. It (rain). Please take the umbrella with you.
    6. Could you please tell me what to do next?(改为含有宾语从句的复合句)
    Could you please tell me _______ _______ _______ _______ next?
    7. I find it hard to get along well with all my classmates.(改为含有宾语从句的复合句)
    I find _______ _______ _______ _______ to get along well with all my classmates.
    8. It is two years since I bought the computer.(改为同义句)
    I bought the computer .
    9. I will buy a tie for my father on his birthday.(对画线部分提问)
    you buy for your father on his birthday?
    10. Light travels faster than sound. Our teacher told us.(合并成一句)
    Our teacher told us faster than sound.
    单元语法小专题Grammar Focus
    Ⅰ. 1. saw 2/ bought 3. studied 4. will; go ∕are; going 5. is going to
    Ⅱ. 6. what I should do 7. that it is hard 8. two years ago 9. What will 10. that light travel


    1.(1分)People now in many big cities have to ____ early to avoid the heavy traffic in the morning.
         A.set out      B.put out      C.take out      D.give out
    2.(1分)Located beside Hangzhou's beautiful West Lake, a new private university will soon rise. Shi Yigong is recommended ____ the first president.
         A.to      B.as      C.for      D.with
    3.(1分)Jane Austen, the writer of Pride and Prejudice, wrote many stories of love. But she ____ single all her life.
         A.reminded      B.remained      C.realized      D.required
    4.(1分)—I wonder why more and more people are taking up fishing these days.
    —You know, it's real fun ____ you try it.
         A.once      B.because      C.before      D.since
    5.(1分)—Jack, remember ____ off the lights when ____ the home.
    —OK, I won't forget, mom.
         A.turning; leaving      B.to turn; leave
         C.turning; left      D.to turn; leaving
    6.(1分)Zhao Liying, who played the lead role in Journey of Flowers, says "As an actress, you ____ never be too hard-working."
         A.must      B.may      C.can      D.should
    7.(1分)—Why does he look so tired out these days?
    —He practises basketball every day so that he could ____ for the Slam Dunk Contest.
         A.stay out      B.try out      C.break out      D.work out
    8.(1分)If you want to make a fruit salad, you should choose fruit ____ and never leave it in the air for ____, or it'll turn brown quickly.
         A.in a season; sometime      B.in season; some time
         C.in the season; sometimes      D.in season; some times
    9.(1分)—Can you give me a hand? I can't work out this Math problem.
    —Sorry. But it is ____ my ability, too.
         A.off      B.over      C.past      D.beyond
    10.(1分)____ you know little about this art form, you can find a book to learn more.
         A.Though      B.While      C.As      D.Since
    11.(1分)He said he would come to see us         the next afternoon.
         A.sometime      B.some time      C.sometimes      D.some times
    12.(1分)How much work have they finished ____ for the welcome party?
         A.prepared      B.to prepare      C.preparing      D.to be prepared
    13.(1分)The suspect's friend denies ____ him destroy evidence.
         A.help      B.helped      C.helping      D.to help
    14.(1分)They devoted as much as they could ____ the children in poor areas.
         A.to helping      B.help      C.to help      D.helped
    15.(1分)An e-mail address consists ____ letters and dots and the symbol "@".
         A.in      B.of      C.for      D.with
    16.(1分)We were all ____ favor of this plan after we discussed for about two hours.
         A.at      B.in      C.to      D.on
    17.(1分)I remembered ____ the door before I left the office, but forgot to turn off the light.
         A.locking      B.locked      C.to lock      D.lock
    18.(1分)—Will you fix up the machine according to the ____, David?
    —Yes, I will.
         A.instructions      B.inventions      C.invitations      D.interviews
    19.(1分)Uncle Li ____ I worked three years ago has retired now.
         A.who      B.whom      C.at whom      D.with whom
    20.(1分)I remember ____ to Beijing when I was a child.
         A.to take      B.taking      C.to be taken      D.being taken
    21.(1分)We'll do what we can ____ the sick man.
         A.to help      B.help      C.helps      D.helped
    22.(1分)—Well, it is time to ____.
    —So it is. Otherwise, we may miss the train.
         A.set on      B.set up      C.set in      D.set out
    23.(1分)—What do you think of the new teaching ____?
    —They're great. They can encourage children to think by themselves.
         A.methods      B.instructions      C.laws      D.standards
    24.(1分)一How much juice is there in the fridge?
    一____. Let's go to the supermarket and buy some after supper.
         A.None      B.Nothing      C.Nobody
    25.(1分)—I don't know how to use this kind of washing machine.
    —It doesn't matter. Here is the ____.
         A.instruction      B.ingredient      C.information

    26.(15分)     It was a Sunday morning. Lori was busy writing in her book. Marilyn was drinking coffee and I was reading a newspaper. Suddenly, Lori looked up and asked, "Why are there more pictures of Lisa than there are of   1  ?" Lisa is our older daughter.
         I stared back, not understanding the   2  . Lori left the room. I looked at Marilyn, "Are there more pictures of Lisa than of Lori?"
         "I've never   3   them. I don't know," replied Marilyn.
         "But   4   would Lori ask such a question?" I asked. After a few minutes of thought Marilyn said, "When Lisa was born, you were taking photos. You hardly went   5   without a camera. When Lori was born videos became   6  . You used a video camera to record nearly everything in our life. There must be hundreds of videos of Lori in the computer that Lori has   7   seen or doesn't remember."
         Late that night, when we were alone, I turned on the computer and found the   8   about Lori.
         "What are you going to do?" Marilyn asked.
         "Her birthday is coming," I said. "Let's make an album for her as a gift. I don't know if the album will answer her question, but at least she'll know that we   9   enough to find her an answer."
         Over the next few days, we secretly   10   all the videos. We watched and selected until we were   11  . Marilyn had them made into photos. When the photos were returned, we placed them into an album. When we looked at the album, all the sweet memories came   12  . We hoped it showed how   13   she was to us.
         On June 7, when passing Loris room to leave for work. I opened the door and slipped the album inside. Attached to it was a birthday card with a note   14   why her mother and I had put the album together.
         It was about eight o'clock when my office telephone rang. I picked up the receiver. A tiny voice spoke, "I love you, Daddy," she said and disconnected. I knew our   15   had been received.
          (1)A.him B.her C.me D.them
          (2)A.question B.book C.newspaper D.answer
          (3)A.seen B.counted C.taken D.bought
          (4)A.where B.how C.when D.why
          (5)A.anywhere B.everywhere C.somewhere D.nowhere
          (6)A.popular B.effective C.expensive D.obvious
          (7)A.ever B.never C.already D.just
          (8)A.emails B.pictures C.news D.videos
          (9)A.respect B.benefit C.care D.regret
          (10)A.took up B.pointed out C.went through D.handed in
          (11)A.relaxed B.satisfied C.active D.lucky
          (12)A.back B.down C.off D.on
          (13)A.kind B.helpful C.proud D.important
          (14)A.discussing B.comparing C.explaining D.importing
          (15)A.message B.prize C.memory D.view
    27.(5分)     How do you decide if someone is smart? One way is to find __A__ the person's intelligence quotient (智商), or IQ.
         A 12-year-old girl recently took an IQ test. People found that her IQ is higher than Albert Einstein's and Stephen Hawking's! Rajgauri Pawar, an Indian girl studying in England, scored 162 in the famous Mensa IQ test, reported The Independent. Mensa, founded in England in 1946, is the largest and oldest high IQ society in the world. To become a Mensa member, you must have an IQ that falls in the top 2 percent of the population that take the tests. Hawking got a score of 160. Although Einstein never took the test, ①Hawking's, his, said, as, would, same, experts, score, the, be, the.
         However, what does having a high IQ mean? Will those with a high IQ definitely become the next Einstein or Hawking?
         Not necessarily, most IQ tests, including the Mensa one, test one's ability in math, language and memory. However, these tests didn't test abilities __B__ knowing how to make things work, according to Richard Nisbett, a professor of psychology at the University of Michigan, the US. It doesn't test your creativity or curiosity, either. Also a lot of things can affect one's IQ score, including poverty, nutrition (营养), stress and how familiar you are with the tests.
         Lisa Van Gemert, a Mensa expert, said that good habits, perseverance and a strong work ethic are just as important as intelligence. ② "If you don't develop those other qualities, you can waste a smart IQ," she said.
    (4)任务四:请回答问题:What can also influence one's IQ score?

    28.(5分)     John Roberts, the US Supreme Court Chief Justice (美国最高法院首席大法官), who graduated from Havard, is 50 years old now. He is good at making a speech and his ideas are quite different from others.   1   He called it "I wish you misfortune". Here are some parts of it.
           2   In this way, you will know the value of justice. (公正).
         I hope you will know the importance of loyalty (忠诚).   3   Then, you will feel lonely because you regarded them as the biggest part in your life before.
         I hope you will meet some bad luck so that you can realize that chances play an important role. Then you can understand your success is not completely deserved and the failure of others is not completely deserved, either.   4   This is the importance of sportsmanship (竞技精神).
         I hope you will not be paid attention to by others while talking.   5   Sometimes, this kind of compassion can cheer him up.
         People say "be yourself". But you should understand what that means. Unless you are perfect, it does not mean don't make any changes. In a certain sense, you should not be yourself. You should try to become something better.
         A.When you fail, your competitor will laugh at you.
         B.Last month at his son's ninth-grade graduation, he gave some advice to all the graduates.
         C.Then, when someone has trouble, you can listen to him and give him encouragement.
         D.I hope you will be treated unfairly from time to time.
         E.Sometimes you will experience that some friends cheat you or tell your secrets to others.

    29.(6分)完成句子 按所给的汉语,用英语完成下列句子。
    During net period, school bullying                        .
    A child should be encouraged to tell the truth                    whenever he or she has done something wrong.
    The readers                         CCTV covered it.
                                               for you to achieve success.
    (5)Frank 对唱歌很感兴趣,已经参加了好几次“中国好声音”的选拔。
    Frank shows such a great                                Voice of China several times.
    To everyon's surprise, the suspect                           this case.

    30.(15分)       “中国核潜艇之父”黄旭华院士,是央视王牌节目“开讲啦”开播以来最年长的演讲者。上周五下午,全校师生观看完该视频后,都眼含热泪。
           为了学习英雄的先进事迹,请你根据提示内容.以“Huang Xuhua—the Father of China's Nukes”为题,写一解人物介绍。
    1. 他出生于富裕家庭,但为了祖国强盛,放弃成为一名医生的机会,学习建造核艇;
    2. 在当时条件艰苦的环境下,他专心于核潜艇的研究和建造;
    3. 为了保护国家安全,他曾隐姓理名工作,30年不为人所知,现虽年过 90 仍奋斗不止;
    4. 他的行为向我们诠释了什么是对国家和人民的热爱。
    1. 文章不能出现真实的姓名和校名;
    2. 文章必须包含所提供的主要信息,必要时可作适当发挥;
    3. 词数 80 个以上,文章的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总字数。
    核潜艇 nuke;国家安全 national security;隐姓埋名 conceal one's identity
    Huang Xuhua—the Father of China's Nukes
         Last Friday afternoon, all the teachers and students in the school watched the video about Huang Xuhua—the father of China's nukes.

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