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    北师大版高中英语选择性必修第一册·UNIT3 LESSON 1(课件+练习)01
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    英语北师大版 (2019)Lesson 1 The Sixth Extinction完整版ppt课件

    这是一份英语北师大版 (2019)Lesson 1 The Sixth Extinction完整版ppt课件,文件包含UNIT4TOPICTALK课件PPTpptx、UNIT4PartITOPICTALK同步练习含答案docx等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共37页, 欢迎下载使用。

    What d yu knw abut the extinctin f life in the wrld?Talk abut it with yur partner.
    ACTIVATE AND SHAREHw much d yu knw abut extinctin? Chse the ptin based n yur knwledge. 1 Hw many times up t tday has life n Earth almst died ut ? a Once. b Five times. c Mre than 10 times.  2 Abut what percent f all species n Earth became extinct during the mass extinctin knwn as the “Great Dying”? a Less than 10%. b Nearly 50%. c Mre than 90%.  3 What d scientists think will cause the next mass extinctin? a Human activity. b Natural causes. c Unknwn reasns.
    READ AND EXPLORE Read a text abut extinctin. Then check yur answers in Activity 1.
    READ AND EXPLORE 3 Read the text. Cmplete the ntes. Then talk abut the different aspects f extinctins.
    Key: (frm left t right)1 Meaning f extinctin:entire species are wiped ut2 The number f extinctins that have ccurred s far:ver 90% f all species that ever lived3 Tw ntable extinctins and their cnsequences:the third mass extinctin,killed 90% t 96% f all species;the fifth event,which ccurred 66 millin years ag,caused the death f the dinsaurs4 Main reasns that cause extinctins:vlcanic eruptins,asterids hitting the Earth frm space,changes in sea levels,the decrease f xygen cntent f the sea,glbal warming5 Hw t avid the sixth mass extinctin:change the way we live,including setting up special areas where plants and animals can be prtected;change hw we wrk and travel by using cleaner,mre natural surces f energy;imprve ur farming methds
    4 Read again. Answer the questins. 1 What did scientists find ut in 2015? 2 Why des the writer think the sixth mass extinctin will cme? 3 Why des the writer believe we’ll prbably die ut if 75% f the Earth’s species die ut? 4 What did peple d in the case study t prtect black rbins? Which claim(s)did the case study supprt in the text?
    Key:1 The study fund that hw quickly species die ut due t natural causes, that is, the “backgrund extinctin rate”. They fund that human activity is causing species t die ut 1,000 times faster than nrmal.2 Because human activity has negatively affected all ther species n Earth,including animals and plants.3 Because ur wrld and ur lives depend n the balance in nature between animals and plants.4 Peple prtected Old Blue’s eggs,helped them t hatch,and tk care f the chicks. Peple are restring their habitats and remving pests like mice and cats frm the islands where they live. The case study shwed that even in desperate situatins,we can d smething t help. In shrt,it’s never t late.
    READ AND EXPLORE 5 Grup Wrk Think and share. 1 Use different clured pens t highlight at least ne example fr each f the fur elements listed. Then find ut:( 1)What typical language is used? ( 2)What text type is this piece f writing? ( 3)What is its cmmunicative purpse? ·facts ·reasns ·pinins/predictins ·slutins 2 What ways f argument des the writer use t cnvince readers? Are yu cnvinced? Why r why nt?
    Key:1(1)·Facts:ver 90 percent f all species that ever lived are nw extinct;the “Great Dying”,which killed 90% t 96% f all species;human activity is causing species t die ut 1,000 times faster than nrmal.·Reasns:air and water pllutin,frests being destryed,factry farming and verfishing;withut frests,we wuld have n air t breathe,and withut clean water we wuld be unable t survive.·Opinins/predictins:many scientists say we are nw entering the Earth’s sixth mass extinctin;scientists believe that up t three quarters f all species n Earth culd die ut.·Slutins:we need t take steps t save endangered species,including setting up special areas where plants and animals can be prtected;we need t change hw we wrk and travel...;we als need t imprve ur farming methds...(2)This piece f writing is an expsitin.(3)Its cmmunicative purpse is t explain what the sixth extinctin is and its effects and call n peple t take actin t prevent it frm happening.
    2 The writer uses ways such as citing ideas frm experts r authrities,giving examples and using data. I believe that if we take actin nw it is nt t late t save ther species frm extinctin. The black rbin was saved frm extinctin when nly five birds remained,s I think it is pssible t save any species if we act right nw.
    READ AND EXPLORE Use the adjectives and nuns t make meaningful expressins. Then use each expressin t make a sentence. Write the sentences in the space prvided. entire endangered significant natural mass slar
    Key: entire species,endangered animals,significant change,natural resurces,mass extinctin,slar energy
    change resurce extinctin species energy animal
    READ AND EXPLORE 7 Cmplete the paragraph abut extinctins using the crrect frm f the phrases belw. die ut be knwn as have affected depend n wipe ut take steps take actin set up take care f In the last 500 millin years,there have been five mass extinctin events n Earth. In the third event,which 1      the “Great Dying”,90% t 96% f all species 2     . Of curse,species died ut due t many causes. But nwadays,human activity 3_________________ all types f species that we 4      fr living. We need t 5     t avid the sixth mass extinctin. We shuld 6     t save endangered animals and plants, and 7 special areas t 8      them befre the next extinctin cmes that may 9____________the entire species.
    is knwn as
    has affected
    take actin
    take steps
    take care f
    FOCUS ON LANGUAGE: RELATIVE CLAUSES (4)—DEFINING AND NON-DEFINING CLAUSESRead the sentences and discuss which wrd(s)the clauses(in italics )refer t. 1 Extinctins,where entire species are wiped ut,are nt unusual in ur Earth’s histry. 2 These include the third mass extinctin,knwn as the “Great Dying”,which killed 90% t 96% f all species.  3 A 2015 study by scientists wh were based at Brwn University and Duke University in the US,lked at hw quickly species die ut due t natural causes...  4 If a sixth mass extinctin ccurs,scientists wh have studied the issue believe that up t three quarters f all species n Earth culd die ut.  5 We need t take steps t save endangered species,including setting up special areas where plants and animals can be prtected. Which f the clauses abve: (1)give infrmatin t identify the persns/bjects.(  )  (2)give extra infrmatin abut a persn r a thing,which can be left ut. (  )
    Key: 1 extinctins 2 the “Great Dying” 3 scientists 4 scientists 5 special areas (1)defining clauses (2)nn-defining clauses
    Underline the relative clauses in the sentences and decide if they are defining( D ) r nn-defining( ND ). Translate them int Chinese. Discuss the difference in meaning between the tw types f relative clauses. (  )1 He went t a city where irn was prduced in huge quantities.  (  )2 The bus which was full f turists stpped near the Leaning Twer f Pisa.  (  )3 Melissa lent me sme mney,which was very generus f her.  (  )4 The grund is cvered with snw and ice,which makes driving very dangerus. (  )5 I met the famus prfessr in the htel,where the meeting was held.
    EXPRESS YOURSELF10 Grup Wrk Chse tw r three envirnmental prblems that are caused by human activity. Offer slutins. Try t use relative clauses where apprpriate.
    Ⅰ 阅读理解(根据课文内容选择正确答案)1. We knw frm the first paragraph that     . A. extinctins are unusual in ur Earth’s histry B. it was in the third mass extinctin that the dinsaurs died ut C. it is human activity that will be t blame fr the Earth’s cming sixth mass extinctin D. the reasns fr extinctins are glbal warming and the decrease f the xygen cntent f the sea2. What can we learn abut the scientists’ findings frm Paragraphs 2 and 3? A. The rate fr species t die ut naturally is the main cncern fr the scientists. B. We humans are at risk f dying ut if a sixth mass extinctin ccurs. C. Our wrld and lives depend n the balance between human activity and wild animals. D. Human activity is causing species t die ut 100 times faster than nrmal.
    3. Hw can we d t avid a sixth extinctin accrding t the passage? A. We shuld change the way f ur life cmpletely. B. We shuld take effective measures t prtect the planet we live n. C. We shuld imprve ur farming methds t reduce the usage f water,air and land. D. It is time that we shuld d smething t stp water,air and land pllutin.4. What is the authr’s attitude twards the mass extinctin in this passage? A. Uninterested. B. Cncerned. C. Skeptical. D. Supprtive.
    II 语法填空(根据课文内容和语法规则完成短文)    Extinctins,where entire species 1     (wipe) ut,are nt unusual in ur Earth’s histry. In fact,ver 90 percent f all species that ever lived are nw extinct. The reasns fr extinctins are 2     (vary). Many scientists say we are nw entering the Earth’s sixth mass extinctin. This time,human activity will be 3      (blame). A 2015 study by scientists fund that human activity is causing species t die ut 1,000 times 4_____      (fast)than nrmal. 5      is clear that human activity has 6     (negative)affected all ther species n Earth,including animals and plants. If a sixth mass extinctin ccurs,scientists 7      have studied the issue believe that up t three quarters f all species n Earth culd die ut and we wuld als be at risk f 8      (die)ut. Experts say that if we take actin nw and a six mass extinctin can be avided. This wuld mean we have t significantly change the way we live. 9    shrt,if we want t survive,we need t stp 10     (destry)the planet that we live n and start t prtect it.                                              
    are wiped
    Ⅲ 概要写作  阅读课文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。
    Extinctins are nt unusual in ur Earth’s histry. Many scientists say we are nw entering the Earth’s sixth mass extinctin and human activity will be t blame. If a sixth mass extinctin ccurs,we wuld be at risk f dying ut. As a result,if we want t survive,we need t stp destrying the planet that we live n and start t prtect it.
    Language pints
    教材原句p.52 Hw many times up t tday has life n Earth almst died ut? 迄今为止,地球上的生命濒临灭绝几次了? 1 die ut 消失;绝迹,灭绝This species has nearly died ut because its habitat is being destryed. 因栖息地正受到破坏,这一物种已濒临灭绝。[词汇复现] That style f music died ut ten years ag. 那种风格的音乐10 年前就消失了。【归纳拓展】 die away(声音、光线、风等)逐渐减弱,逐渐消失die ff 相继死去,先后死去(直到死光) die dwn 逐渐变弱,逐渐平息The wind died away at dusk.黄昏时风逐渐减弱了。 Many trees are dying ff fr lack f water. 由于缺水,许多树相继枯死。[词汇复现]
    单句语法填空(1) The wild ppulatin f kalas is in danger f dying       ,s we shuld take steps t prtect them. (2) Sme ld custms are slwly dying        in China. (3) The fire died       ,s we put mre cal n it. (4) The sund f the car died        in the distance.
    教材原句p.52 Extinctins,where entire species are wiped ut,are nt unusual in ur Earth’s histry. 物种灭绝,即某个物种的彻底毁灭,在地球的历史上并非罕见。2 wipe ut 彻底毁灭;去除,抹去The disease threatens t wipe ut the entire ppulatin. 这种疾病有可能毁灭整个种群。[词汇复现] In rder t save ne type f race,yu wiped ut the ther. 为了拯救一个种族,你消灭了另一个。【归纳拓展】 wipe away 擦去;拂去 用……擦拭…… wipe up 擦干;擦净 从……上擦掉……
    单句语法填空(1)She dipped her handkerchief int the water and gently began t wipe the dirt     his face. (2)We wuld wipe them        if they shuld attack us. 完成句子(3) If I wash the dishes,will yu      them     (擦干)? (4) Yu’re nt alne,fr I am here. Let me          (擦去)yur every tear.
    wipe up
    教材原句p.52 These include the third mass extinctin,knwn as the“Great Dying”,which killed 90% t 96% f all species. 其中包括第三次物种大灭绝,即所谓的 “大灭绝”,90% 到 96% 的物种因此灭绝。3 mass adj. & n. (1)adj. 大量的;广泛的mass prductin 批量生产     mass extinctin大灭绝 the prblem f mass unemplyment 大批人失业的问题 weapns f mass destructin 大规模杀伤性武器 the mass market 大众市场 (2)n. 大量;团,块,堆a mass f/masses f 大量搭配a mass f sand 一堆沙a mass f treasure 大量财宝【学法点拨】 a mass f/masses f 后可接可数名词复数或不可数名词,作主语时谓语动词的单复数要和 f 后面的名词保持一致。A mass f bks were sent t Prject Hpe. 大量的书籍被送往希望工程。
    单句语法填空(1) Large       (mass)f cluds were mving twards here. (2) Sme peple may think that a garden is n mre than plants,flwers,patterns and masses        clur. (3) There       (be)masses f peple in the shps yesterday. 完成句子(4) Beijing Opera             (有广泛的群众基础). (5) The villagers fund            (大量财宝)when they built a huse. (6) Nw that yu have              (一大堆的工作)t d,yu dn’t have t help me with the husewrk.
    has a brad base f the masses
    a mass f treasure
    masses f wrk/a mass f wrk
    教材原句p.52 And the fifth event,which ccurred 66 millin years ag,caused the death f the dinsaurs. 第五次大灭绝事件发生在6 600万年前,导致了恐龙的死亡。4 ccur vi. 发生;存在(sth)ccur(s)t sb(主意或想法)浮现于某人脑海中搭配It ccurs t sb t d sth. 某人想到做某事。It ccurs t sb that... 某人想到…… An excellent idea ccurred t me when I was n my way t wrk this mrning.今天早上上班途中,我突然想到一个很棒的主意。It ccurred t him t tell the teacher abut the prblem.他想起要告诉老师那个问题。It ccurred t him that he had nt switched the light ff. 他突然想起自己没有把灯关上。[词汇复现]
    【归纳拓展】 “某人(突然)想到……”的其他表达: sth cmes t sb sth strikes/hits sb It strikes/hits sb that... It ccurred t me/hit me/struck me that I shuld fund a cmpany f my wn. 我突然想到我应该成立自己的公司。[词汇复现] 【一言助记】 It ccurred t me that an accident happened in that area a few days ag. Thugh great changes had taken place in the past five years,a fld brke ut and nthing remained. 我突然想到了几天前那个地区发生的一起事故。尽管在过去的五年里发生了很大的变化,可是一场洪水暴发了,一切都化为乌有。
    单句语法填空(1) Did        ccur t yu t put n yur favurite CD at yur birthday party? (2) It ccurred        me that I had left the cnstructin mdel at hme. (3) Mr Fster was wrking that night n his rad cnstructin jb,and was nt at hme when these events       (ccur). 完成句子(4) 他从未想到自己可能会爱上她。 ________________________________________________(5) When I was in danger,              (我想到了一个好主意),which helped me a lt. 同义句转换(6) It ccurred t him that he had an imprtant meeting t attend the next mrning. =            he had an imprtant meeting t attend the next mrning.  
    It never ccurred t him that he might fall in lve with her.
    a gd idea ccurred t me
    It struck/hit him that
    教材原句p.52 The reasns fr extinctins are varied. 灭绝的原因多种多样。5 varied adj. 各种各样的,形形色色的Our schl prvides a varied diet fr the students t make sure they can grw healthily. 我们学校为学生提供多样化的饮食,以确保他们能健康成长。A rich and varied cultural life is essential fr this cuple. 丰富多彩的、多样化的文化生活对于这对夫妇而言是必不可少的。【词语积累】 vary v. 相异,存在不同之处 varius adj. 各种各样的variety n. 种类 a variety f = varieties f = varius 各种各样的The lengths f the wires vary between 25 cm and 50 cm. 这些电线的长度从 25 厘米到 50 厘米不等。[词汇复现] He is always having varius/a variety f reasns fr being late. 他总是有各种各样的迟到理由。
    【词语辨析】varied与 varius (1)varied 和 varius 表示“各种各样的”时,一般可以换用,只是前者侧重于“不同”,后者侧重于种类数目的“多”。(2)varius 作定语时,其后通常接复数名词;而varied 还有“多变化的”的意思,这时它既可接单数名词也可接复数名词。【误区警示】 a variety f varieties f a variety f + 可数名词复数+ v.(复数) the variety f + 可数名词复数+ v.(单数) varieties f + 可数名词复数+ v.(复数)
    可数名词复数/ 不可数名词
    单句语法填空(1) In these pen spaces are numerus plants in        stages f grwth that attract a        f ther plant-eaters.(vary) (2) If yu cme t visit China,yu will experience a culture f amazing depth and _________       (vary). (3) There       (be)different varieties f plants in the garden. 完成句子(4)The dining rm ffers us students             (丰富多样的饮食). (5)With its        (多变的气候),the cuntry attracts bth winter and summer sprts enthusiasts. (6)The newspaper China Daily supplies us with      (各种各样的) news every day. (7)He planted      (各种各样的)flwers in the garden. Every day he watered them.
    a varied diet
    varied climate
    a variety f
    varieties f
    教材原句p.52 Accrding t scientists,they include vlcanic eruptins,asterids hitting the Earth frm space, changes in sea levels,the decrease f the xygen cntent f the sea and glbal warming. 据科学家说,它们(原因)包括火山爆发、小行星从太空撞击地球、海平面变化、海洋含氧量下降和全球变暖。6 decrease n. & v. (1)n. 减少;减少的量搭配 n the decrease 在减少 a decrease in 在……方面的减少The charge fr transprtatin is n the decrease because f lwer fuel csts. 由于更低的燃料成本,运输费用在降低。
    (2)vi. & vt. 减少 by 减少了…… t 减少到……The price f wheat has decreased by 5%. 小麦价格降低了 5%。The number f new students decreased(frm 1,200)t 900 this year.今年新生人数(从1 200)减少到了 900。They decreased the size f the grup frm 25 t 15.他们把小组的人数从25 人减少到15 人。【归纳拓展】drp by 减少了……drp t 减少到……increase by 增长了……increase t 增长到……
    搭配 decrease
    单句语法填空(1) It is said that crime is        the decrease. (2) There was a slight decrease        his weight after a week f dieting. (3) The number f students in each class is        the decrease. (4) The research budget decreased frm $175,000       $125,000. (5) In tw days,the price f the meat will increase        30%. (6) It’s reprted that the ppulatin f that cuntry has increased        mre than 1.3 billin and        0. 5% every year in the past ten years. 完成句子(7) He             (把车速降低到)40 kilmetres an hur when he entered the city. (8) The number f the utpatients at the clinic             (已经降低了) 20% recently.
    decreased the speed f his car t
    has decreased/ drpped by
    教材原句p.52 This time,human activity will be t blame. 这一次,人类活动将是罪魁祸首。7 blame vt. & n.(1)vt. 责怪,指责 搭配 blame sb fr(ding)sth 因(做)某事而指责某人 be t blame(fr sth)(对某事)负有责任(主动形式表被动意义)We shuld blame the man fr the dying ut f sme species.我们应该把某些物种的灭绝归咎于人类。It is his carelessness that is t blame fr his being injured.他受伤是由于他的粗心大意。(2)n. 过失,责备 搭配 accept/take the blame fr... 对……负责;为……承担责任 put/lay the blame fr sth n sb 把某事的责任推到某人身上If that happens,the cach will take the blame fr it.如果发生那样的事,教练将对此承担责任。【一言助记】Dn’t always blame yur failure n thers/blame thers fr yur failure;smetimes yu yurself are t blame. 不要总是把自己的失败归咎于他人,有时该怪你自己。
    单句语法填空(1) I feel it is yur husband wh is       (blame)fr the spiled child. (2)[词汇复现]       (blame)fr nt having finished his hmewrk,he felt a little upset. (3)[词汇复现]Hugh blames his mther      his lack f cnfidence. (4)[词汇复现]Mr Green std up in defence f the 16-year-ld by,saying that he was nt the ne       (blame). 完成句子(5) It was the natural disaster,rather than human errrs,that          (对…… 负有责任)the death f s many inncent peple. (6) N ne was prepared t          (为……承担责任)the incident.
    was t blame fr
    accept/take the blame fr
    教材原句p.52 A 2015 at hw quickly species die ut due t natural causes... ……2015 年的一项研究考察了物种因自然原因而灭绝的速度…… 8 due t 因为,由于Eventually,his schlarship was nt apprved due t varius reasns. 由于各种原因,他的奖学金最终没有被批准。[词汇复现] I think my lng and active life must be due t the healthy life I live. 我想我之所以长寿而且精力充沛,一定要归功于我过的健康生活。【词语辨析】due t,wing t,because f 与 thanks t (1)due t 常作状语、表语,一般不位于句首。(2)wing t 常作状语、表语。(3)because f 常作状语、表语。(4)thanks t 常作状语,多指好的方面。
    Because f/Owing t the snw,the flight has been cancelled. 由于下雪,航班已经取消了。(作状语) Thanks t yur help,we were successful. 多亏了你的帮助,我们得以成功。(作状语) It is mainly because f my fault. 这主要是由于我的过错。(作表语) His death was wing t an accident. 他的死是事故造成的。(作表语) 【误区警示】 due t,wing t,thanks t,because f 均为短语介词,后接名词、代词或动名词。【学法点拨】 due 作形容词,还可作“预期的”讲,常构成搭配 be due t d sth。The bat is due t arrive at 12 ’clck. 船预计在 12 点钟到达。
    单句语法填空(1) The flight,riginally due       (take) ff at 10 am,was cancelled finally because f the bad weather. (2) The sprts meeting,due       (hld) this weekend,has been put ff due t there       (be)rain these days. 选词填空(due t/thanks t/wing t/because f) (3) His gd health is       the prper diet and the regular exercise. (4)      yur help,I gt the psitin advertised in the schl newspaper. (5) They decided t put ff the match      the change f the weather. (6) David said that it was      his strng interest in cmputers that he chse the curse. 完成句子(7) The ftball team      (预定)fly t Spain next mnth. (8) The incident was     (由于)the cnstructin wrk at night.
    due t/wing t/ because f
    Thanks t/Owing t
    wing t/due t/ because f
    due t/wing t/because f
    教材原句p.53 It is clear that human activity has negatively affected all ther species n Earth,including animals and plants. 显然,人类活动已经对地球上所有其他物种产生了负面影响,包括动物和植物。9 affect v. 影响;使感染,侵袭;打动,使感动搭配:be affected by 被……感动;被……影响/ 侵袭Peple develp a preference fr a particular style f learning at an early age and these preferences affect learning. 人们在很小的时候就形成对某种学习方式的偏好,这些偏好影响学习。The area was affected by a heavy fld last night. 这个地区昨晚遭受了严重的水灾。【词语积累】 effect n. 影响,结果 have an effect n 对……的影响affectin n. 喜爱,钟爱 have a great affectin fr 非常喜爱…… Des televisin have an effect n children’s behaviur? 电视对孩子的行为有影响吗?
    By her cnduct we can judge whether she has an affectin fr the pr by. 通过她的行为,我们可以判断出她是否疼爱这个可怜的男孩。【词语辨析】affect,effect 与 influence (1)affect vt. 产生不良影响 强调“影响”的动作。(2)effect vt. 实现,引起 强调产生一种特殊的效果。(3)influence vt. 影响 指通过说服、举例等对另一方的行动、思想、性格等产生潜移默化的影响。
    单句语法填空(1)With the gvernment’s aid,thse        (affect)by the earthquake have mved t the new settlement. (2)[词汇复现]The wrst trnad f all time ccurred in 1925,       (affect) several US states. (3) The bk n health has a gd effect        the children as well as the adults. 完成句子(4) T much smking and drinking     (影响)him greatly,which meant bad living habits         (对……有影响)his health. (5) I           (被……深深打动) the film. 选词填空(affect/effect/influence) (6)[词汇复现]They are determined t     their plan thugh it has been much      by the current cnditins. (7) The spkesman      me t accept the idea. (8) He     (affect)by a high fever last week.
    had an effect n
    was deeply affected by
    was affected
    教材原句p.53 Of curse,as we humans depend n s many species fr ur survival,we wuld als be at risk f dying ut. 当然,由于我们人类依靠如此多的物种生存,我们也将面临灭绝的危险。10 be at risk 处境危险,受到威胁Yu are certainly at risk if yu are addicted t cigarette smking r alchl drinking. 如果你沉迷于吸烟或饮酒,那你肯定处境危险。These birds are at risk f dying ut s we shuld d smething t prtect them. 这些鸟有灭绝的危险,所以我们应该做些什么来保护它们。[词汇复现] 【归纳拓展】 at the risk f ding sth 冒着做某事的危险take the risk f ding sth 冒险做某事take a risk/risks 冒险risk ding sth 冒险做某事risk ne’s life ding sth 冒着生命危险做某事He saved my life at the risk f lsing his wn. 他冒着失去生命的危险救了我的命。He risked lsing the pprtunity f being hired by the cmpany t pint ut the mistake f the emplyer. 他冒着失去被公司雇用机会的危险来指出雇主的错误。[词汇复现]
    单句语法填空(1) As with all diseases,certain grups will be mre        risk than thers. (2) Yung peple may risk       (g) deaf if they are expsed t very lud music every day. (3)[词汇复现]This wuld mean putting ther children        risk. (4) Yu can use it,but it’s        yur wn risk. 完成句子(5) I dn’t think yu shuld         (冒这个险). It’s unnecessary. (6) N matter where yu are n the risk-seeking range,scientists say that yur willingness t                   /   (冒险)increases during yur teenage years.
    take the risk
    take risks take a risk
    重点句式 教材原句p.53 There is a lng list f reasns why s many species are dying ut... 如此多物种濒临灭绝的原因有很多…… 1 the reasn + why/fr which 引导的定语从句I dn’t knw the reasn why/fr which he didn’t turn t his gd friend fr help yesterday. 我不知道昨天他为什么没向他的好朋友求助。I dn’t knw the reasn why/fr which he behaved badly. 我不知道他表现差的原因。[词汇复现] 【归纳拓展】 The reasn(why...)is that...(……的)原因是…… It/This/That is because... 这/ 那是因为……(because 后接原因) It/This/That is why... 这/ 那就是为什么……(why 后接结果) The reasn why he didn’t cme is that he had nt received the invitatin. 他没来的原因是他没有收到请柬。[词汇复现]
    The wman was weeping bitterly. That was because her sn was drwned in a river. 那个女人痛哭流涕,那是因为她的儿子在河中溺亡了。(先果后因) The wman’s sn was drwned in a river. That was why she was weeping bitterly. 那个女人的儿子在河中溺亡了,那就是她痛哭流涕的原因。(先因后果)
    单句语法填空(1) He fell asleep during the lecture. This was        he gt bred with it. (2) The reasn        he missed the bus was that he gt up late. (3) He failed the exam again. The reasn was        he was t careless. (4) Frm space,the earth lks blue. This is        abut seventy-ne percent f its surface is cvered by water. (5) He admitted that his father was strict with him. That was        he made s many achievements. (6) The reasn        many peple were affected by chlera was        they were expsed t plluted water. 同义句转换(7) He was t nervus and embarrassed. That was why he failed in the interview. =_________________________________________________________________________
    why that
    The reasn why he failed in the interview was that he was t nervus and embarrassed.
    教材原句p.53 Withut frests,we wuld have n air t breathe, and withut clean water we wuld be unable t survive. 没有森林,我们就不能呼吸空气;没有干净的水,我们将无法生存。2 withut 引出含蓄条件句I wuld nt have succeeded withut the help f ur prfessr. 没有我们教授的帮助,我是不会成功的。Withut air,there wuldn’t be living things in the wrld. 没有空气,世界上就没有生物。【要点必记】 有时虚拟的条件并非直接通过条件句来表示,而是通过一些词或短语体现出来,如withut,but fr(要不是),therwise(否则), r,but,甚至暗含在上下文中,我们称之为“含蓄条件句”。谓语动 词的形式:对现在或将来的虚拟用“wuld/culd/might/shuld + d”;对过去的虚拟用“wuld/culd/might/shuld + have dne”。But fr yur help,I wuldn’t have made such great prgress.要不是你的帮助,我不会取得这么大的进步。
    单句语法填空(1) The ship        (sink)with all n bard withut the captain’s irn will. (2) It is lucky that we bked a rm,r we       (have)nwhere t stay nw. (3) I       (give)yu the bk yesterday, but I didn’t cver it cmpletely. 完成句子(4)Withut yur help,I            (就不会做成如此多的事). (5)Withut yu,he            (就会冒险)t g there alne.
    wuld have sunk
    wuld have
    wuld have given
    wuldn’t have achieved s much
    wuld have taken risks
    单元语法 限制性和非限制性定语从句1 定语从句的分类根据定语从句与先行词之间关系的紧密程度,可将定语从句分为限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句。(1)限制性定语从句修饰和限定先行词,说明先行词的性质、身份、特征等状况,主从句关系密切,如果去掉,则意思含糊不清。His uncle wrks as a prfessr in Beijing which/that is the capital f China. 他的叔叔在中国的首都北京当教授。The yung man wh/that is standing there is an extrardinary pianist. 站在那里的那个年轻人是一位非凡的钢琴家。[词汇复现] ( 2)非限制性定语从句是对先行词的附加说明,主从句的关系并不 十分密切,即使去掉,主句的意思仍然完整清楚。从句和主句之间往往用逗号隔开。Beijing,which is the capital f China,has develped int an internatinal city. 中国的首都北京已经发展成一个国际化的城市。Einstein,wh was a great Jewish scientist,funded the thery f relativity. 伟大的犹太科学家爱因斯坦创立了相对论。
    判断下列句子是哪种定语从句(1) D yu knw the prfessr wh is speaking at the meeting?   _________________   (2) Our guide,wh was a French Canadian,was an excellent ck. _________________      (3) This is the huse which I bught last year. ________________(4) My huse,which I bught last year,has gt a lvely garden. ________________    (5) English is an imprtant subject,which every student shuld study well. ________________      
    2 使用非限制性定语从句的情况(1)关系代词指代整个主句内容时。He is always cmplaining,which makes thse arund him a little annyed. 他总是抱怨,这令他周围的人有点恼火。[词汇复现] (2)先行词指代明确时,如专有名词和独一无二的事物。At last,we reached the Great Wall,which he paid a visit t last year. 最后,我们到达了长城,去年他去参观了长城。(3)先行词指的是某人只有一个亲属(sn,daughter,father,mther, wife 等)时。I have an elder brther,wh wrks in Beijing. 我有一个哥哥,他在北京工作。(只有一个哥哥) I have an elder brther wh wrks in Beijing. 我有一个在北京工作 的哥哥。(可能有几个哥哥,其中一个在北京工作) (4)当出现“sme/many/few/a few/little/much/mst/half + f + which/ whm”结构时。They thanked Tm,withut whse supprt they wuld nt have succeeded. 他们感激汤姆,没有他的支持他们是不会成功的。[词汇复现]
    单句语法填空(1) Tm has the gd qualities f kindness and hnesty,       is what his parents expect. (2) Karl Marx,        was brn in Germany,was a great philspher. (3) Qingda,        I have been three times,is an attractive city t freigners. (4) My father,        is a teacher,is very strict with us. (5) There are fifteen new players in ur team, tw f        cme frm Canada. (6) There is t much infrmatin n the Internet,sme f        is unreliable.
    3 限制性定语从句与非限制性定语从句的区别(1)形式不同限制性定语从句紧跟在先行词后,不用逗号隔开。非限制性定语从句用逗号和主句隔开。Peple wh wrk ut regularly will live lnger. 经常锻炼的人会活得长些。[词汇复现] Our teacher,wh lves us very much,is strict with us. 我们的老师很爱我们,对我们要求严格。(2)功能不同限制性定语从句起限定作用,不可省略,否则主句意思不完整。非限制性定语从句起补充说明作用,省略后主句意思仍然完整。Peter wh is sixteen years ld is studying in Shanghai. 16 岁的彼得在上海学习。Peter,whm yu met in Lndn,is nw back in Paris. 彼得现在回巴黎了,你在伦敦见过他
    (3)先行词不同限制性定语从句的先行词往往是某一个词。非限制性定语从句的先行词可以是一个词,也可以是主句的一部分,甚至是整个主句。He is the man whse car was stlen. 他就是那个车被偷了的人。(先行词是the man) He has realised his ambitin,which makes us very happy. 他已经实 现了他的抱负,这让我们很高兴。[词汇复现](先行词是整个主句) (4)关系词不同所有关系词都可以引导限制性定语从句,关系词在从句中作宾语时可省略。that 和 why 不能引导非限制性定语从句。关系代词 whm 在限制性定语从句中作宾语时可用 wh 代替, 但在非限制性定语从句中作宾语时不可用 wh 代替。I dn’t knw the reasn why he gt s depressed. 我不知道他为什么 那么沮丧。[词汇复现](why 只用于限制性定语从句)
    (5)翻译方式不同限制性定语从句一般译为定语,而非限制性定语从句一般译为并列分句。I invited Tm wh lives next dr. 我邀请了住在隔壁的汤姆。 I invited Tm,wh lives next dr. 我邀请了汤姆,他住在隔壁。
    单句语法填空(1) The man        I met in the street was an adviser frm a famus cmpany. (2) Last night I saw a very gd film,        was abut the great thinker,Cnfucius. (3) The bk,        cver is red,is mine. (4) He has passed the cllege entrance examinatin,     makes his parents quite happy. (5)        is knwn t everybdy,the earth travels rund the sun nce every year. (6) Charles Smith,        was my frmer teacher,retired last year. (7) The next day we arrived in New Yrk,        we were interviewed n the radi. (8) The day        he jined the club is ne f the mst imprtant mments in his life. (9) The yung man had a new girlfriend,       he wanted t shw all his lve fr. (10)D yu have the pht        we tk tgether in ur primary schl? (11)I tld them the reasn,        which I didn’t attend the party last week. (12)She is the new student        I want t intrduce t yu. (13)All the bks there,        have beautiful pictures in them,were written by him.

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