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    高中英语北师大版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Lesson 1 The Sixth Extinction教课课件ppt

    这是一份高中英语北师大版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Lesson 1 The Sixth Extinction教课课件ppt,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了课前自主预习,Ⅰ猜词意,课文语篇研读,课堂新知讲练,语言提升,突 破 语 法,随堂知能小练等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1.The hen must find a warm place t hatch her eggs.(  )2.After a week in bed,she was fully restred t health.(  )3.The divrce affected every aspect f her life.(  )4.With its varied climate,the cuntry attracts bth winter and summer sprts enthusiasts.(  )5.Saturn is the secnd biggest planet in the slar system.(  )【答案】1—5 BEDCA
    Ⅱ.猜单词拼写1.usual adj.→ __________ adj.异常的;不平常的2.increase v.→ __________ vi.& vt.减少n.减少;减少的量3.danger n.→ __________ adj.濒危的【答案】1.unusual 2.decrease 3.endangered
    Ⅲ.猜短语填空be at risk,be t blame,have a bad effect n,die ut,wipe ut1.Sme f the traditinal custms are disappearing in China.=Sme f the traditinal custms are ____________ in China.2.The villages were all destryed cmpletely in the war.=The villages were all __________ in the war.【答案】1.dying ut 2.wiped ut
    3.The driver shuld bear the blame fr the traffic accident.=The driver __________________ fr the traffic accident.4.The cars have a bad influence n the envirnment.=The cars ________________________ the envirnment.5.All huses near the seas are in danger f flding.=All huses near the seas __________________ f flding.【答案】3.was t blame 4.have a bad effect n5.are at risk
    Ⅰ.根据课文完成表格,每空不多于三个单词The Sixth Extinctin
    【答案】1.Explanatin 2.Histrical examples
    【答案】3.vlcanic eruptin 4.dying ut5.negatively affected
    【答案】6.three quarters 7.Hw t avid8.endangered species 9.lifestyles 10.farming methds
    Ⅱ.判断正误(  )1.Over 90 percent f all ever living species extincted in the last 500 millin years.(  )2.It is natural fr species t die ut usually.(  )3.If a sixth mass extinctin ccurs,entire species will be wiped ut.(  )4.In rder t avid the sixth extinctin,we need t stp travelling arund.【答案】1-4 FTFF
    Ⅲ.阅读理解(  )1.What is ne f the reasns fr extinctin?A.Sleep f vlcan.B.Changes in sea levels.C.Rise in xygen.D.Drp in temperature.(  )2.What are scientists mainly cncerned abut as t reasns f species death?A.Ages.B.Ways.C.Numbers.D.Rates.【答案】1-2 BD
    (  )3.What wuld happen if 75% f all species n Earth culd die ut?A.We wuld be at risk f dying ut.B.We wuld nt have enugh fd t eat.C.We wuld have n place t live in.D.We wuld have n clean water t drink.【答案】A
    (  )4.Hw can we avid the sixth extinctin?A.By prducing mre species.B.By stpping destrying the planet.C.By taking actin t prtect urselves.D.By mving t anther planet immediately.【答案】B
    Ⅳ.课文语法填空In the last 500 millin years,there have been five times 1.______ life n Earth has almst ended.Many 2._______(scientist) say we are nw entering the Earth’s sixth mass extinctin.There is 3._______ lng list f reasns why s many species 4._______(die) ut.【答案】1.when 2.scientists 3.a 4.are dying
    This time,human activity will be 5.______(blame) because human activity is causing species t die ut 1,000 times 6.________(fast) than nrmal and has 7.________(negative) affected all ther species n Earth,including animals and plants.If a sixth mass extinctin 8.________(ccur),【答案】5.t blame 6.faster 7.negatively 8.ccurs
    we wuld als be 9.________ risk f dying ut as ur wrld and ur lives depend n the balance in nature between animals and plants.In rder t avid the sixth extinctin,we need t take steps t stp 10.________(destry) the planet that we live n and start t prtect it.【答案】9.at 10.destrying
    ◇词汇拓讲1.wipe ut 彻底毁灭(P52) Extinctins,where entire species are wiped ut,are nt unusual in ur Earth’s histry.【翻译】物种灭绝,即某个物种的完全消失,在地球的历史上并不罕见。
    wipe ut是个多义词语,可以表示:(1)彻底消灭,全部摧毁(具体的物品)(2)去除,擦掉(抽象的东西)wipe sth dwn (用湿布)彻底揩擦干净wipe sth ff/frm sth 从……除掉(或抹掉)
    The disease threatens t wipe ut the entire ppulatin.这种疾病有可能毁灭整个种群。Please wipe the dust ff the chair.请把灰尘从椅子上擦掉。
    wipe sth n/with sth 擦拭;抹;揩;蹭wipe sth away=wipe sth ut把某物清除掉
    【针对练习】完成句子(1)A vlcanic eruptin nearly __________________________ f Mntserrat in 1997.在1997年的一次火山喷发差点把蒙特色拉特这个小岛给毁灭了。【答案】(1)wiped ut the small island
    (2)A disease has _________________.一场疾病把他所有的记忆都抹去了。(3)A big fire _________________.一场大火把那座小木屋烧毁了。【答案】(2)wiped ut all his memries(3)wiped ut the small wden huse
    单句语法填空(4)Lcusts are pests but they aren’t easily wiped ________ by their enemies.(5)Then I wiped the dust _______ all the furniture and mpped the flrs.【答案】(4)ut (5)ff
    2.unusual adj.异常的;不平常的(P52) Extinctins,where entire species are wiped ut,are nt unusual in ur Earth’s histry.【翻译】物种灭绝,即某个物种的完全消失,在地球的历史上并不罕见。
    (1)unusual adj.不寻常的;罕见的;独特的;与众不同的nt unusual 常见的;普遍的It is unusual (fr sb) t d sth做某事对某人来说是不寻常的。It is unusual that sb d sth某人做某事是不寻常的。
    (2)unusually adv.不寻常地usual adj.通常的than usual 比平时as usual 像平常那样usually adv.通常地
    It’s nt unusual fr him t feel very angry in a situatin like this.在像这样的情况下他觉得非常生气并不罕见。He was an unusual man with great business talents.他不同凡响,很有商业天赋。It is nt unusual that she ften reaches ut her helping hand.她经常伸出援手,这并不罕见。
    【语境助记】It is unusual that the rain suddenly falls tday,but he still ges running in the park as usual.He usually says,“Once yu have gt int the habit f exercising,yu will stick t it.”不寻常的是,今天突然下起雨来,但是他仍然像往常一样在公园里跑步。他经常说,“你一旦养成了锻炼的习惯,就会坚持。”
    【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)Chpsticks are ________(usual) tw lng,thin pieces f wd r bamb.They can als be made f plastic,animal bne r metal.【答案】(1)usually
    (2)This time,we stayed tgether,in case anything else ________(usual) happened.(3)But a few days ag,this ancient twn was _______(usual) full f peple.【答案】(2)unusual (3)unusually
    3.mass adj.大量的(P52) These include the third mass extinctin,knwn as the “Great Dying”,which killed 90% t 96% f all species.【翻译】这些包括被称为“大灭绝”的第三次物种大灭绝,它杀死了90%到96%的物种。
    (1)mass n.大量,许多;团,块,堆;群众,民众a mass f许多,一堆masses f许多,大量的(泛指)the mass f大量的(特指)in mass整个地,全部地the masses群众,平民百姓
    There is a mass f snw in frnt f the huse.房子前面有一堆雪。
    (2)mass adj.大量的;群众的,民众的;大规模的
    【温馨提示】a mass f/masses f后可跟可数名词复数,也可跟不可数名词。“a mass f/masses f+n.” 作主语时,谓语动词的数与f后面名词的数保持一致。
    【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)A mass ________ clurs — frm the palest ivry t the deepest lemn and then t the mst vivid pink — shne like a carpet befre us.(2)The plar bear is fund in the Arctic Circle and sme big land ________(mass) as far suth as Newfundland.【答案】(1)f (2)masses
    (3)It’s time t have lunch,s I think there surely are _______ (mass) f peple in the dining rm.(4)With frests destryed,masses f fertile sil ________(be) being washed away each year.【答案】(3)masses (4)is
    4.varied adj.各种各样的,形形色色的(P52) The reasns fr extinctins are varied.【翻译】物种灭绝的原因多种多样。
    (1)varied adj.不同的,多变的,各种各样的,形形色色的(=varius)(2)vary vi.(根据情况)变化,改变;(大小、形状等)相异,不同
    Representatives frm varied parts f the cuntry have arrived in Beijing.来自全国各地的代表们到达了北京。
    vary with...随……而变化vary frm...不同于……vary in...在……方面不同;有差异vary 从……到……不等/不同
    【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)The three grups f vilinists ________(vary) a lt in their practice times last mnth.(2)Wrld Wildlife Day celebrates bidiversity,including wild fauna and flra,in all its ________(vary) and beautiful frms.【答案】(1)varied (2)varied
    (3)I like reading bks very much,especially strybks,varying frm Chinese stries ________ English stries.(4)Changes in price nrmally vary _______ changes f supply and need.(5)Thugh Lucy and Lily are twins,they vary ____________ characters.【答案】(3)t (4)with (5)in
    5.decrease vi.& vt.减少 n.减少;减少的量(P52) Accrding t scientists,they include vlcanic eruptins,asterids hitting the Earth frm space,changes in sea levels,the decrease f the xygen cntent f the sea and glbal warming.【翻译】根据科学家的说法,它们包括火山爆发、小行星从太空撞击地球、海平面变化、海洋含氧量减少和全球变暖。
    (1)decrease vi.& vt.(使大小、数量等)减少,减小,降低decrease by...减少了……(表示减少的比例)decrease t...减少到……(表示减少后的数量)decrease in...在……方面减少(2)decrease n.减少,降低(可数或不可数)a decrease in...在……方面减少n the decrease在减少
    (3)increase vi.& vt.(使)增长,增多,增加 n.增长,增多,增加increase t...增加到……(表示增加后的量)increase by...增加了……(表示增加了多大的比例)an increase in...在……方面增加n the increase在增加
    Peple planted trees n the waste hills t decrease sil ersin.人们在荒丘上种植了树木,以减少水土流失。The number f the students in ur schl has decreased t 1,200.我们学校的学生数量已减少到一千二百人。The demand fr crn is n the decrease each year in this cuntry.这个国家对玉米的需求量在逐年减少。
    【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)In recent years,sme Inuit peple in Nunavut reprted increases ________ bear sightings arund human settlements.(2)In September,an Australian Senate cmmittee reprted that there was n questin the kala’s ppulatin is ________ the decrease.【答案】(1)in (2)n
    (3)Als pwer walking _______(decrease) the risks f serius diseases like high bld pressure,heart attacks and certain types f cancers.(4)The accidents have decreased ________ 20% since the measures were taken.(5)The crime rate in this area has decreased ______ the lwest level nwadays.【答案】(3)decreases (4)by (5)t
    6.die ut灭绝,死光(P52) Althugh it is nt unusual fr species t die ut naturally,the rate at which this is nw happening is cause fr cncern.【翻译】虽然物种的自然灭绝并不罕见,但现在灭绝的速度让人担忧。
    T ur sadness,many ld custms are gradually dying ut.让我们伤心的是,许多旧习俗都在渐渐消失。
    die ff相继死去,先后死去die dwn逐渐变弱,逐渐平息die frm/f...死于……die away逐渐减弱,逐渐消失be dying fr sth/t d sth渴望某物/做某事
    【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)We are dying ________(explre) the ancient ruins in that cuntry.(2)We’re hping that the strm can die ________ befre we g ut sailing.(3)If the snwstrm des nt blw ver,the cattle will die ________.【答案】(1)t explre (2)dwn (3)ff
    7.blame vt.责怪,指责(P52) This time,human activity will be t blame.【翻译】这一次,人类活动应受到指责。
    (1)blame vt.责备;谴责;把……归咎于blame sb fr (ding) sth因(做)某事责备某人blame sth n sb/sth把某事归咎于某人/某事
    be t blame fr (ding) sth因(做)某事应受责备;对(做)某事负有责任(用不定式的主动形式表示被动意义)(2)blame n.责任,责备take/bear the blame fr sth 承担某事的责任lay/put the blame (fr sth) n...把(某事的)责任归咎于……
    They blamed the failure f the business n the ecnmic dwnturn.他们把生意的失败归咎于经济衰退。We were ready t take the blame fr what had happened.我们准备对所发生的事承担责任。
    【语境助记】He is blamed fr the big mistake,but he blamed it n thers.In fact,it is he,nt thers,that is t blame fr it.他因这次严重的错误受到了责备,但他把它归咎于别人。事实上,应该是他,而不是别人,要对此负责。
    【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)Our task nw is nt ________(blame) the past,but t plan fr the future.(2)Jel blamed Harry _______ using all f the bug spray.Harry tld Jel he smelled terrible,and Jel realised her mistake.(3)Lts f peple find it hard t get up in the mrning,and put the blame ________ the alarm clck.【答案】(1)t blame (2)fr (3)n
    8.affect vt.影响(P53) It is clear that human activity has negatively affected all ther species n Earth,including animals and plants.【翻译】显然,人类活动对地球上所有其他物种都产生了负面影响,包括动物和植物。
    (1)affect vt.影响;感染;假装affect vt.(感情上)深深打动(一般用被动形式);使悲伤(或怜悯等)affect vt.(指疾病)侵袭,感染(2)affectin n.影响;喜爱,钟爱have/shw affectin fr sb/sth钟爱某人或某物affectins爱情
    He was deeply affected by the music.那段音乐深深打动了他。The disease is beginning t affect her brain.疾病开始侵袭她的大脑。
    【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)It is certain that peple’s views n happiness________ (affect) greatly by their wn life experience.(2)His mther had a deep________(affect) fr him.【答案】(1)are affected (2)affectin
    9.up t高达(P53) If a sixth mass extinctin ccurs,scientists wh have studied the issue believe that up t three quarters f all species n Earth culd die ut.【翻译】研究这一问题的科学家们认为,如果第六次物种大灭绝发生,地球上多达四分之三的物种将会灭绝。
    up t意为“高达”,表达“某个数量”,还可以表示:(1)“达到……程度”(2)“直到……为止”,相当于till或untilup t nw直到现在(常与现在完成时连用)up t then直到那时(常与过去完成时连用)
    (3)“(体力或智力上)能胜任”(4)“是(某人)的责任,由……决定,取决于”It’s up t sb t d sth做某事是某人的职责。/做某事由某人决定。It’s up t sb+whether/hw/when...是否/如何/何时/……由某人决定。
    I’m afraid Tim just isn’t up t the jb.我恐怕蒂姆干不了这份工作。It’s up t yu.(交际用语)由你决定。Our team played up t its best in the last ftball league.我们的足球队在上届联赛中发挥了最高水平。
    【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)Almst ne in ten admits spending up ________ three hurs utside their nrmal wrking day checking wrk emails.(2)Up t nw,the prgramme ________(save) thusands f children wh wuld therwise have died.(3)It is up t yu ________(decide) when t g shpping.【答案】(1)t (2)has saved (3)t decide
    10.be at risk 处境危险,受到威胁(P53) Of curse,as we humans depend n s many species fr ur survival,we wuld als be at risk f dying ut.【翻译】当然,由于我们人类的生存依赖如此多的物种,我们也会面临灭绝的危险。
    (1)at risk (frm/f sth) 有危险;冒风险(2)at the risk f ding sth冒着……的风险(3)at risk t neself/sb/sth冒着伤及……的危险(4)d sth at yur wn risk (常见于告示)自担风险;责任自负(5)run a risk (f sth/f ding sth)冒风险;有……的危险
    (6)run the risk (f sth/f ding sth)冒……的危险;冒险(做某事)(7)take a risk/take risks t d sth冒险(做某事)(8)reduce/cut the risk f (ding) sth减少(做)某事的危险(9)lwer the risk f (ding) sth降低危险
    Valuables are left at their wner’s risk.贵重物品需看管,否则风险自负。Investment is all abut running risks.投资就是要冒风险。That’s a risk I’m nt prepared t take.我不愿意去冒这个险。
    【针对练习】完成句子(1)This methd can shrten the time f peratin,_________ (减少手术风险),and prduce a suitable repair result fr patients.(2)__________________(冒着失去积蓄的风险),Jack invested in a start-up cmpany that he believed in.【答案】(1)reduce/cut the risk f peratin(2)the risk f lsing his savings
    11.survive v.幸存;存活(P53) Withut frests,we wuld have n air t breathe,and withut clean water we wuld be unable t survive.【翻译】没有森林,我们就没有空气呼吸;没有干净的水,我们就无法生存。
    (1)survive n sth依靠……生活(2)survive vt.幸存,幸免于难。其宾语通常是war,accident,fld,fire,earthquake,air crash等。(3)survive vt.比……活(或存在)的时间长survive sb by+时间段 比某人多活……(4)survival n.幸存,生存,存活(不可数)survivr n.幸存者,生还者(可数)
    Hw d yu survive n such a lw salary?你是如何靠这么低的工资维持生计的?She survived her husband by ten years.她比她的丈夫多活了十年。【语境助记】Mr Green was ne f the survivrs wh survived the earthquake.Everyne said his survival was a wnder.格林先生是这次地震的幸存者之一。每个人都说他的幸存是一个奇迹。
    【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)They are adaptable fragers that learn t survive ________ a wide range f fd surces.(2)We depend n wildlife and n the planet’s rich bidiversity fr ur ________(survive) and well-being.(3)The nly ________(survive) f a shipwreck was washed up n a small island where n ne lived.【答案】(1)n (2)survival (3)survivr
    12.lay vt.&vi.产(卵)(P53) Only ne f thse birds,a female called Old Blue,was able t lay eggs.【翻译】在那些鸟中,只有一只叫作“老蓝”的雌性鸟能下蛋。
    lay vt.(指轻轻地或小心地)放置,安放,搁lay aside放弃;把……放在一边lay dwn放下;中断(工作),辞(职)lay ff解雇lay ut摆开,展开;布置,策划lay the table(相当于set the table) 摆餐具lay stress n...强调……
    The cuck lays its eggs in ther birds’ nests.杜鹃在其他鸟的巢中产蛋。She laid the baby dwn gently n the bed.她把婴儿轻轻地放在床上。
    【易混辨析】lay& lie
    【针对练习】用lay的相关短语的正确形式完成句子(1)The factry had t _____________ sme wrkers due t the financial crisis.(2)She _____________ all her new clthes n the bed and tried them n ne by ne.(3)When supper was ready,her mther tld her t ________.【答案】(1)lay ff (2)laid ut (3)lay the table
    用lay或lie的适当形式填空(4)He ________ a hand n my shulder fr cmfrt just nw.(5)She fund Irene ________ n the bed crying pitiably.(6)It is nt that he _____________ exactly,but he did tend t exaggerate(夸大).【答案】(4)laid (5)lying (6)lied
    ◇句式解读1.(P52) In the last 500 millin years,there have been five times when life n Earth has almst ended.【翻译】在过去的五亿年里,曾经有五次地球上的生命几乎灭绝。
    【句式剖析】不少同学对本句中的“there have been five times”结构感到困惑,他们认为there be结构是不可以同have连用的。实际上,表示“有”的there be结构,不同于用作实义动词的have。本句的have是一个助动词,同后面的been构成现在完成时。
    【句式提升】(1)there be结构有各种时态。there be结构中的be动词可以根据具体情况,有一般现在时、一般过去时、一般将来时、used t结构等。There used t be a twer by the river.河边曾经有一座塔。
    (2)there be结构还可以根据具体的情况,同情态动词或seem,happen,remain等连用。There seems t be smene crying in the next rm.隔壁似乎有人在哭。There happened t be a bus waiting at the bus stp.在公交车站碰巧有一辆公共汽车等着。
    (3)there be句型中,be动词有时可用lie,stand,live,exist等替换,表示某个时候或某地有某物。There stands a tree in frnt f the huse.房子前面有一棵树。
    【针对练习】完成句子(1)Between the tw buildings _________________ in which a few children are swimming.在这两幢楼之间有一个游泳池,里面有几个孩子在游泳。(2)The mment ur class meeting was ver,______________ a heated discussin.班会一结束,接着就是一场激烈的讨论。【答案】(1)there lies a swimming pl (2)there fllwed
    (3)______________ n ideal slutin t these tugh prblems.对于这些棘手的问题似乎没有理想的解决办法。(4)________________ lts f challenges if we are t classify garbage in a shrt time.如果我们要在短时间内对垃圾进行分类,仍然会有很多挑战。【答案】(3)There seems t be (4)There will still be
    2.(P53) It is clear that human activity has negatively affected all ther species n Earth,including animals and plants.【翻译】显然,人类活动对地球上所有其他物种都产生了负面影响,包括动物和植物。【句式剖析】本句中的It是一个形式主语。其后接的is clear是一个系表结构。后面的that从句是真正的主语。
    【句式提升】(1)It is+形容词(表语)+that从句(真正的主语)。在这个结构中,that从句的谓语部分通常是“shuld+动词原形”。It is necessary that yu shuld behave well at schl.在学校你应该表现好一点。(2)这句型中的表语,除了是形容词外,还可以是名词。It is yur duty that yu shuld take gd care f yur parents.照顾好你的父母是你的职责。
    (3)这个句型中的that从句可以转换成动词不定式短语fr sb t d sth。(4)出现在这个句型中的形容词通常有:imprtant,necessary,basic,wrng,pssible,impssible,vital,natural,cmmn,strange,nrmal,fundamental等。
    【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)________ is impssible that the small by shuld have made the same mistake nce again.(2)It is quite true ______ Mike gt the first prize in the speech cntest last week.(3)It is necessary ________ yu t give up smking in rder t keep healthy.(4)It is vital fr us ________(keep) the envirnment clean.【答案】(1)It (2)that (3)fr (4)t keep
    3.(P53) Withut frest,we wuld have n air t breathe...【翻译】没有森林,我们就没有空气呼吸……【句式剖析】本句的介词withut引出的条件是一个假设的条件,句子的谓语动词用了虚拟语气。
    【句式提升】withut后接虚拟条件时,谓语动词要使用虚拟语气。这时,谓语动词有如下三种形式:(1)与现在事实相反,谓语部分:wuld/culd/might (nt) d sth。Withut air,man culdn’t exist n the earth.没有空气的话,人类将不能在地球上生存。
    (2)与过去事实相反,谓语部分:wuld/culd/might (nt) have dne sth。Withut yur help,I wuld have failed the exam last week.没有你帮助的话,我上周考试可能就通不过了。(3)与将来事实相反,谓语动词:wuld/culd/might (nt) d sth。Withut yur ticket,I wuldn’t be able t g t the cncert tmrrw.要是没有你的票,我明天就不能去听音乐会了。
    【针对练习】完成句子(1)Withut yur help,_________________(我就不能完成我的工作) yesterday.(2)Withut the Internet,_________________(我们的生活就不会那么方便) tday.【答案】(1)I culdn’t have finished my wrk(2)ur life wuldn’t be s cnvenient
    4.(P53) T help them survive, peple are restring their habitats and remving small animals that hunt them,such as mice and cats frm the islands where they live.【翻译】为了它们的生存,人们正在恢复黑知更鸟的栖息地并移除捕杀它们的小动物,例如岛上的老鼠和猫。【句式剖析】本句中“T help them survive”为动词不定式作目的状语,表明人们恢复栖息地和移除小动物的目的。
    【句式提升】(1)动词不定式作目的状语,意为“为了……;以便……”,常用t d,in rder t d,s as t d等结构。t d和in rder t d放在句首或句中都可以,s as t d只能放在句中。They wrk hard in rder t / s as t make a better life.为了过上更好的生活,他们努力工作。
    (2)用动词不定式作目的状语时,需要注意以下三点:①动词不定式作目的状语时,其动作通常迟于谓语动词表示的动作。I said that t encurage him.我那样说是为了鼓励他。②动词不定式表示否定时,in rder或s as不能省略,即要用in rder nt t或s as nt t形式。She walked quietly s as nt t disturb the baby.她轻轻地走着,以免惊动婴儿。
    ③不定式作目的状语可以转换为s that / in rder that或引导的目的状语从句。【针对练习】单句语法填空(1)He shuted and waved in rder ______(ntice).【答案】(1)t be nticed
    同义句转换(2)He practised hard in rder t reach the final.He practised __________________ he culd reach the final.He practised hard ________________ he culd reach the final.【答案】(2)s hard that;s that/in rder that
    □观察领悟【例句观察】请认真理解句意,体会画线单词在句中的作用和语法功能。1.Extinctins,where entire species are wiped ut,are nt unusual in ur Earth’s histry.2.In the last 500 millin years,there have been five times when life n Earth has almst ended.
    3.There is a lng list f reasns why s many species are dying ut: air and water pllutin,frests being destryed,factry farming and verfishing.4.These include the third mass extinctin,knwn as the “Great Dying”,which killed 90% t 96% f all species.5.Tm wn the first prize in the cmpetitin,which made his parents very happy.6.I have kept in mind everything that yu tld me.
    5.句5中,which是一个关系代词,引导一个定语从句。其先行词是前面的________。which在从句中作________。6.句6中,that是一个关系代词,引导一个定语从句,修饰先行词________。that在从句中作________。keys:1.定语;Extinctins;地点状语2.times;时间状语 3.reasns;原因状语 4.Great Dying;主语 5.整个句子;主语 6.everything;宾语
    Peple wh take physical exercise live lnger.(若把从句去掉句子意思不完整)进行体育锻炼的人活得长些。His daughter,wh is in Bstn nw,is cming hme next week.(若把从句去掉,句子意义仍然完整)他的女儿现在在波士顿,她下星期回来。
    区别三:翻译不同。在翻译定语从句时,一般把限制性定语从句翻译在它所修饰的先行词之前,而非限制性定语从句常与主句分开。He is the man whse car was stlen.他就是汽车被窃的那个人。I’ve invited Jim,wh lives in the next flat.我邀请了吉姆,他就住在隔壁。
    区别四:含义不同。 比较下面的两个句子:I have a sister wh is a dctr.我有一个医生的姐姐。(不止一个姐姐)I have a sister,wh is a dctr.我有一个姐姐,她是当医生的。(只有一个姐姐)
    Peter drve t fast,which was dangerus.(which指drve t fast)彼得开车很快,这是很危险的。He changed his mind,which made me very angry.(which指整个主句)他改变了主意,这使我很生气。
    注意:下列情形只能用非限制性定语从句:1.当“不定数量词 (如sme,several)/数词+f which/ whm” 表示“整体中的一部分”的概念时。2.当先行词为专有名词或被物主代词或指示代词修饰时,其后的定语从句通常是非限制性的。
    二、非限制性定语从句的关系词1.限制性定语从句的先行词往往是某一个词,但非限制性定语从句的先行词可以是一个词,也可以是句子的一部分,甚至是整个主句,此时非限制性定语从句一般由关系代词which或as引导,as引导的非限制性定语从句常用在as is said/ knwn/expected/mentined/reprted/annunced等结构中。As is knwn t everybdy,the mn travels rund the Earth nce every mnth.
    2.that 不可引导非限制性定语从句。Her father gave her a cmputer fr her birthday,which pleased her a lt.3.why 不用在非限制性定语从句中,需用fr which代替。I tld them the reasn,fr which I didn’t attend the party last week.
    4.在限制性定语从句中作宾语时可用 wh代替whm,但whm在非限制性定语从句中作宾语时不可用wh代替。This is the girl whm (wh) I have been in lve with fr six years.5.关系代词省略。关系代词在限制性定语从句中作宾语时可以省略;非限制性定语从句的所有关系代词均不可省略。She is the new student (whm/wh/that) I want t intrduce t yu.
    □追踪练习Ⅰ.单句语法填空1.In ancient China lived an artist ________ paintings were almst lifelike.2.We have entered int an age __________ dreams have the best chance f cming true.【答案】1.whse 2.when
    3.Their baby is at the stage ________ she can say individual wrds but nt full sentences.4.Nw lrene Astbury wrks frm 9 am t 5 pm daily at the pet shp in Macclesfield,______ she pened with her late husband Les.5.They were well trained by their masters _______ had great experience with caring fr these animals.【答案】3.where 4.which 5.wh/that
    6.On the edge f the jacket,there is a piece f clth ______ gives ff light in the dark.7.The students benefiting mst frm cllege are thse _____ are ttally engaged in academic life.8.The reasn ________ the injectin needs repeating every year is that the virus changes.【答案】6.that/which 7.wh 8.why
    9.Hwever,Mlai went lking n his wn and discvered a nearby island ________ he began t plant trees.10.The village lay near sme wetlands ________ became his secnd hme.【答案】9.where 10.which/that
    Ⅱ.完成句子1.One afternn,________________________(那时我还在上小学),I was walking by the schl playgrund.2.In the cafe,custmers will enjy themselves in the histrical envirnment ______________________(为他们创设的).【答案】1.when I was in primary schl2.which/that is created fr them
    3.She and her family bicycle t wrk,_______________(这有助于他们保持健康).4.Kate,____________________________(我和她共用一个房间)when we were at cllege,has gne t wrk in Australia.5.The stadium __________________________(它的旁边有一家电影院) will be recnstructed.【答案】3.which helps them keep fit4.whm I shared a rm with 5.beside which stands a theatre
    Ⅰ.单词拼写1.Chicks are ________(孵化) frm the eggs.2.He gathered a huge ________(大量的) f snw and dug ut a hle in the middle.3.She is ppular with her students as her teaching methds are ________(不平常的).【答案】1.hatched 2.mass 3.unusual
    4.They have invented a new car,which is pwered by ________(太阳能的) batteries.5.We ught t ensure smething that ________(使恢复) ur lst energy and cheers us up.6.Anther disadvantage f the Internet was that it was _____ (影响) peple’s private lives.【答案】4.slar 5.restres 6.affecting
    7.This has been the mst cnvincing scientific evidence s far that they are indeed different ________(物种).8.Businessmen feel wrried that grwing ecmmerce will ________(减少) their share f the market.【答案】7.species 8.decrease
    Ⅱ.单句语法填空1.The glass appears t reflect light ________(natural).2.Every mther has affectin ________ her children.3.This rare bird has becme an ________(endanger) species.4.They demanded the _______(restre) f all their lst lands.【答案】1.naturally 2.fr 3.endangered 4.restratin
    5.A ______(vary) and ancient fd culture shuld be famus wrldwide.6.We can’t affrd t verlk such serius _______(pllute) t the envirnment.7.On the ther hand,there are always sme peple wh view this gap ________(negative).【答案】5.varied 6.pllutin 7.negatively
    Ⅲ.完成句子1.We __________________ the gal withut yur help.没有你的帮助,我们就不能实现目标了。2.We dn’t find the bk by assciatin.__________,we dn’t find the bk by referring t its cntents.我们不是通过关联来找书,也就是说,我们不会通过其内容来查找。【答案】1.culdn’t have achieved 2.That is

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