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      07 苏州专用-备战2023年中考英语模拟冲刺卷(江苏专用)(原卷版).docx
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      07 苏州专用-备战2023年中考英语模拟冲刺卷(江苏专用)(解析版).docx
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    这是一份备战2023年中考英语模拟试题(苏州专版卷一),文件包含07苏州专用-备战2023年中考英语模拟冲刺卷江苏专用解析版docx、07苏州专用-备战2023年中考英语模拟冲刺卷江苏专用原卷版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共28页, 欢迎下载使用。




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    Sally is an 8-year-old girl. She likes ___1___ very much. She thinks they are people’s friends. Of all the animals, pandas are her favorite because the panda is one of ___2___, and she goes to the zoo to see them every month.

    One Sunday afternoon, Sally goes to the zoo with her parents by bus. When they ____3____ there, she runs to the pandas’ house quickly. There are two pandas in the zoo. They are Lucy and Lily. She is happy ___4___ them every time.

    But when Sally gets to the pandas’ house, she sees lots of people talking in front of the house. And it’s kind of ___5___ . “What’s wrong with the pandas?” Sally asks anxiously(焦急地).

    “Oh! Don’t worry(担心), little girl. The pandas are ____6____,” an old woman answers.

    Then Sally looks into the house. Lucy and Lily are in the house. They ____7____ with a ball. And she also finds another panda in it.

    ____8____ is he?” she asks.

    “He’s Peter. He ____9____ another zoo,” a man in uniform(制服) says. “Next year, you may see a small panda here.”

    “A small panda! I love that,” Sally says _____10_____.

    1Asports Bnames Crules Danimals

    2AChina’s symbols BChina’s symbol CChinese symbols              DChinese symbol

    3Aleave Btake Carrive Dbring

    4Ato see Bseeing Csee Dsees

    5Aquiet Bnoisy Cfunny Dboring

    6Afriendly Bscary Cterrible Dhealthy

    7Aare playing Bplay Cplays Dplayed

    8AWhat BHow CWho DWhere

    9Athinks of Bcomes from Chears of Dlearns from

    10Afast Bquick Chappy Dhappily




    British people are good at waiting, especially in a line. In the UK, it’s common to see lines everywhere.

    Waiting in line in the UK isn’t simply about showing politeness. British people like everything to be in perfect order, so being rude (粗鲁) like pushing the way ahead of someone in a line is something that most British try to avoid.

    Actually, the tradition started during the World War Ⅱ. At that time, people had to wait in line to get things like food in shops. The government was worried that trouble and disorder would occur (发生) . So people were told to wait in line politely and patiently. And that message is still alive today.

    There is probably only one thing that will influence British people’s habit-the weather. One minute it can be sunny and the next it can be wet and windy. When the weather is bad, people only hope the bus can arrive very soon, or people in front of them waiting for the food will give up and leave. If someone decides not to follow the rule in bad weather, most Brits will warn him.

    Waiting in line can be fun if the weather is good. Although people are waiting, they may be excited about the thing they’re waiting for, for example, a pop concert. The excitement can make waiting for something a very enjoyable experience.

    11British people have the habit of ________ according to Paragraph 2.

    Ashowing rudeness to people around them Bpushing the way ahead of someone in a line

    Cmaking everything in a mess Dputting everything in great order

    12How will the British probably feel if some jumps into the line in bad weather?

    AExcited. BSurprised. CPeaceful. DAngry.

    13In which part of a magazine can we read the text?

    APeople. BCulture. CBusiness. DTechnology.


    Speaking fluent Mandarin (普通话) or Putonghua, Australian Rachel Gilmour was teaching her students in Southeast China’s Fujian Province, and the classroom was filled with laughter. But the cards she always carried with her showed that those kids were not ordinary students — they were orphans (孤儿), and most of them had physical or intellectual (智力的) disabilities.

    Pictures on the cards were a special way for Gilmour to communicate with them. “These kids are amazing,” said the 35-year-old teacher, who, always with a smile, was known as the madam Mo Ruijie at the Zhangzhou Social Welfare Center.

    Previously as a teacher in Australia between 2008 and 2010, she taught the third grade students in a small regional school. One of her students at that time had an intellectual delay (延迟), but she did not really know how to help her. In the meantime, she found herself “had a love for China”.

    “I heard a lot of stories about China and I don’t know where the love is from,” said the woman who arrived in China in 2011. Then she visited an orphanage for the first time, and became overwhelmed (不知所措的) because all the children had disabilities. While she was moved with compassion (同情), a desire (愿望) was birthed that day — to do all she could to help Chinese orphans with disabilities.

    14Who were in Gilmour’s class?

    AThe kids who were ordinary.

    BThe kids who were orphans.

    CThe kids who carried the cards.

    DThe kids who were interested in Mandarin.

    15What is the special way for Gilmour to communicate with kids?

    ALetters. BHands. CPictures. DBooks.

    16What is the last paragraph mainly about?

    AExperiences of teaching in Australia.

    BReasons for teaching in China.

    CWays of teaching Mandarin.

    DAdvantages of teaching in China.

    17What can we learn about Gilmour from the text?

    AShe had a strong desire to help disabled orphans in China.

    BShe only taught ordinary kids in Australia.

    CShe didn’t know how to help disabled orphans in China.

    DShe was a 33-year-old teacher.


    After traveling around the earth six months, the three members of China’s Shenzhou XIII returned to the earth on the morning of April 16, 2022. They set a new record by finishing the nation’s longest space flight(飞行).

    At 10:03, the three astronauts were then carried out one by one and placed onto chairs to get used to the earth gravity(地心引力). The three-member team leader, Zhai Zhigang told CCTV, “I’m feeling very good. I’m very proud to tell everyone we have successfully completed the Shenzhou XIII tasks. We wish to thank everyone who cares about, supports and encourages us a lot.” Among them, Wang is the first Chinese woman to live in space station and walk in space.

    They were the second to live in China’s space station. During their space life, they have carried out two space walks for over 12 hours. They did many tests and had three science lessons for Chinese students. They showed how they lived and worked. It marked the start of the Tiangong Class. It can encourage the young to follow their space dreams. They were the first to spend and celebrate Spring Festival in space. And they recorded a video to answer many students’ questions.

    18Why did the astronauts need to sit on the chairs after getting to the earth?

    ATo have a good rest. BTo get used to the earth gravity.

    CTo get the fresh air. DTo keep safe and healthy.

    19How did Zhai feel when he got to the earth?

    AHe was very tired. BHe was pretty proud.

    CHe was quite sick. DHe was very surprised.

    20Which of the following about the three astronauts is TRUE?

    AWang is the first woman to live and walk in space.

    BThey stayed out of the space station for 12 hours a time.

    CThey were the first to spend Mid-Autumn Festival in space.

    DThey made a video in space to answer many students’ questions.

    21In which part of a newspaper can we read this text?

    AScience. BEnvironment. CSociety. DHistory.


    Lots of teenagers think that it is difficult to set and achieve goals(目标). What about you? If your answer is yes, don’t feel sad. The following suggestions can help you.

    Specific(具体的) goals work best. “I’m going to recycle all my used bottles and magazines” is a much more feasible goal than “I’m going to do more for the environment”, and it is easier to stick to.

    It takes some time for a change to turn into a habit. It will probably take several months before a change—like getting up half an hour earlier than ever before to exercise—turns into a habit. That’s because your brain needs some time to get used to the idea that the new thing you’re doing is a part of your life.

    Repeating goals helps you stick to them. Say out your goals loudly each morning to remind(提醒) yourself about what you want and what you’re working for. Every time you remind yourself of your goals, you’re training yourself to stick to them.

    Make changes to please yourself. The key to making changes is that you will make changes because you like it, not because of your parents, teachers or someone else.

    Making mistakes doesn’t mean failure. Making mistakes is actually a part of learning. It may take a few tries to achieve your goals. It’s natural for you to give up a few times when you try to make a change. Remember that everyone makes mistakes. Just remind yourself to get back on the right way.

    22How many suggestions are offered by the writer?

    AThree. BFour. CFive. DSix.

    23What does the underlined word “feasible” mean in Chinese?

    A.困难的 B.可行的 C.高尚的 D.不现实的

    24Why does it take time for a change to turn into a habit?

    ABecause the change isn’t specific.

    BBecause your parents want you to make the change.

    CBecause you will make mistakes during the learning.

    DBecause it takes some time for your brain to get used to the change.

    25This article gives teenagers some advice on ________.

    Ahow to make friends Bhow to deal with failure

    Chow to form good habits Dhow to set and achieve goals



    For most students, the time before exams is very stressful and difficult. ___26___If exams really make you anxious or worried, you don’t need to hide your feelings. Talk to someone about it.

    How to get through an important test? Here is some advice.

    Ask a teacher about how to review the lessons and improve testing skills.

    ___27___ If your mind is tired, it will not work well.

    Get enough sleep and eat healthy food. Have a positive attitude: Don’t be afraid of exams.

    Stop thinking about the future and failure.

    If you feel anxious, you can talk to someone about your feelings. ___28___ Some stress before exams makes you work hard for them.

    If it upsets you to talk to your friends about the exam when it finished, don’t do it! In fact, do not even think about the exam you have finished. ___29___

    If you study in the evening, you’d better not go straight to bed. Your mind will still be “going round and round”—thinking too much. ___30___ Do something that makes you relaxed and think about other things.

    ATake short breaks during study.

    BSleep before exams is very important.

    CBecause they are afraid of failing and letting their parents down.

    DDo something else, maybe take a walk or take exercise.

    EAll in all, we should try all ways to improve our grades.

    FBut don’t be too relaxed!

    GAfter all, you cannot change what you have written.



    31Why don’t you do your homework more ________(仔细地)? You make the same mistakes all the time.

    32When will you ________(允许)me to have my own smart phone?

    33The T—shirt is so nice but it is too ________(昂贵的) for me to buy it.

    34This activity showed us the ________ (重要性) of protecting our environment.

    35Aunt Liu treats everyone with kindness and ________ (温暖).

    36My parents want me to be a doctor but it’s not e________ what I want.

    37Tom felt d________ about the possibility of carrying out the project. After all, the time was too short for him.

    38She made a decision w________, so she won the game.

    39It’s really c________ to cut off the sharks’ fins and throw them back to the sea.

    40Tomorrow will be sunny and warm. What about going out for a p________ (野餐)?


    Exercises   return to   such as   make sure   need


    Experts recommend that teens do 60 minutes or more of physical activity every day. Most of that should be moderate to vigorous aerobic (有氧的) activity. Aerobic activity can get your heart going -___41___ biking, dancing, or running. Then take a few minutes for some strength training. ___42___ like the ones below help build muscle and improve metabolism (新陈代谢).

    You can do these three strength-building exercises at home. There’s no ___43___ for special equipment (设备), expensive gym fees, or lots of time. Just check with your doctor, PE teacher, or coach first to ___44___ these exercises are OK for you.

    Sit Backs: Step 1

    Sit on floor, legs bent. Arms straight in front. Sit Backs: Step 2 Lean back gradually.

    Keep arms straight and stomach tight. Take it as far back as comfortable. Slowly ___45___ sitting position. Repeat.

    Chair Squats: Step 1

    Stand tall with chair behind you.

    Chair Squats: Step 2

    Arms straight in front.

    Slowly start to sit down and stop before your bottom hits the chair. Slowly straighten to standing and then repeat.



    Have you ever picked strawberries _____46_____ (you)? The sweet fruit looks nice, but light pressure can make them out of _____47_____ (形状), so you have to be very careful when picking them. Nowadays, there are many young people who are just _____48_____ strawberries. They easily break down when they face difficulties. There is a name for them—strawberry kids.  

    Why are many children so easy to break down? Many students are _____49_____ only child in their family. Their parents do almost everything for them in their life. They hardly ever get criticized (被批评) at home and always feel good about themselves. If these students are criticized strictly by teachers, they will feel upset and begin _____50_____ (doubt) their own abilities. And many schools care more about _____51_____ (student) grades instead of developing their personality. As a result, students get satisfying grades w_____52_____ they are not mentally (精神上地) strong enough.  

    Young people should learn how to make themselves mentally strong. An expert said, “Whenever you are in trouble, don’t ask for help too quickly. You should try to deal with problems _____53_____ (one) by yourself. _____54_____ (take) an active part in sports and social activities. That can help you become much stronger mentally.”

     Growing up is not just a happy process. Pains also go along. The most important thing is to face the pains ______55______ (brave) and learn from them.



    Once upon a time, there was a boy who was out playing on the beach with his friends. While they were playing, the boy found a stone which looked strange. It wasn’t the same as other stones. It was a little bit shining. But it was quite dirty. The boy took the stone home because he wanted to polish it.

    His friends felt surprised and they asked, “Why are you polishing that ugly stone?”, but the boy didn’t reply. From then on, when they went out to play, the boy would take the stone with him. He would polish it whenever he had a rest.

    This went on for some time. Then one day, the boy played with his friends as usual. He had a surprise for them. When he showed the stone to them, they were amazed. It was, in fact, not a common stone at all—it was a beautiful diamond. The boy had been polishing it until it was completely clean and bright.

    In our lives, there will be times when people try to discourage us. The best thing we can do is to continue to work towards our goals. We can turn a rough stone into a diamond. This story tells us that anything is possible if we go for it.

    56Why did the boy take the stone home? (不超过15个词)


    57Who felt surprised when the boy was polishing the stone? (不超过15个词)


    58What does the story tell us? (不超过15个词)




    要点:1. 同学们的讨论情况;

    2. 你的观点及理由。

    注意:1. 词数80-100,开头已给出,但不计入总词数;

    2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

    3. 文中不得出现真实姓名及学校名称。


    Recently our class have had a discussion about whether we need labor classes. Here are most of the thoughts on this point. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



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