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      02 南京专用-备战2023年中考英语模拟冲刺卷(江苏专用)(原卷版).docx
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      02 南京专用-备战2023年中考英语模拟冲刺卷(江苏专用)(解析版).docx
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    这是一份备战2023年中考英语模拟试题(南京专版卷二),文件包含02南京专用-备战2023年中考英语模拟冲刺卷江苏专用解析版docx、02南京专用-备战2023年中考英语模拟冲刺卷江苏专用原卷版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共33页, 欢迎下载使用。

    1. 本试卷共8页。全卷满分90分。考试时间为90分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。考生答题全部答在答题卡上,答在本试卷上无效。
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    3. 答选择题必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案。答非选择题必须用0. 5毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡的指定位置,在其他位置答题一律无效。
    1.—I think one person’s ________ doesn’t depend on how much money he has made.
    —I agree with you. But it depends on how many things he has done for our country.
    A.value B.health C.wealth D.advice
    【详解】句意:——我认为一个人的价值并不取决于他挣了多少钱。——我同意。但这取决于他为我们国家做了多少事情。考查名词辨析。value价值;health健康;wealth财富;advice建议。根据“But it depends on how many things he has done for our country.”可知此处指人生价值。故选A。
    2.There isn’t ________ in the classroom. All the students are doing morning exercises in the playground.
    A.nobody B.everybody C.somebody D.anybody
    【详解】句意:教室里一个人也没有。所有的学生都在操场上做早操。考查不定代词。nobody没有人;everybody每个人;somebody某人;anybody任何人。根据“All the students are doing morning exercises in the playground.”可知教室里没人,再由“isn’t”可知否定句中用anybody。故选D。
    3.He went out of the room ________ making any noise because the baby was sleeping.
    A.by B.in C.without D.for
    【详解】句意:因为婴儿在睡觉,他没有发出任何声音就走出了房间。考查介词辨析。by通过,被;in在……里;without无,表伴随;for为了。根据句中“because the baby was sleeping.”可知,此处是指“没有发出任何声音”。故选C。
    4.The match is so ________ that we all feel ________.
    A.excite; exciting B.exciting; excite C.exciting; excited D.excited; exciting
    【详解】句意:这场比赛太激动人心了,我们都感到兴奋。考查形容词辨析。excite使兴奋,动词;exciting令人激动的,修饰物;excited兴奋的,修饰人。根据“The match is so ... that we all feel...”可知,空一表示这场比赛激动人心,修饰物,用exciting;空二表示我们感到兴奋,修饰人,用excited。故选C。
    5.—Sam, do you like baseball ________ tennis?
    —Tennis. I think tennis is very interesting.
    A.and B.or C.but D.so
    6.—Could you swim at the age of five?
    —No, I ________. I started at six.
    A.can’t B.didn’t C.needn’t D.couldn’t
    7.—Which is the ________ way of getting around, walking, driving or taking the subway?
    —Of course walking is. Because it produces no pollution to the environment.
    A.greener B.greenest C.healthier D.healthiest
    【详解】句意:——你认为以下哪一个是周边行的最环保的方式,步行、开车、还是乘地铁?——当然是步行。因为步行不会对环境产生污染。考查形容词最高级。根据“Because it produces no pollution to the environment.”可知此处指环保的方式,而不是健康方式,故排除C,D;比较的对象有三者,所以用最高级。故选B。
    8.Kate wanted to turn the room into a study, ________ her husband preferred a kitchen.
    A.while B.and C.although D.or
    9.—I rushed here to buy a drink. Why is the shop still closed?
    —They ________ a short staff meeting. Be patient.
    A.were having B.have had C.had D.are having
    【详解】句意:——我冲过来买饮料。为什么商店还关着?——他们正在开一个简短的员工会议。要有耐心。考查动词时态。根据“Why is the shop still closed”及“a short staff meeting”可知,正在开会所以商店还关着,用现在进行时表示正在进行的动作,故选D。
    10.Last craft class, Ms Li taught her students how the paper ________ a beautiful flower.
    A.turned into B.was turned into C.is turned into D.turns into
    考查宾语从句的时态及被动语态。根据“how the paper… a beautiful flower”可知此处为how引导的宾语从句,主句时态为一般过去时,从句应用相应的过去时;分析从句主语“the paper”和谓语“turn into”可知,此处为被动关系,应用被动语态,故空处应为一般过去时的被动语态,故选B。
    11.Over and over the policeman warned the driver ________ after drinking wine.
    A.not to drive B.not driving C.not drive D.don’t drive
    考查非谓语动词。根据“policeman warned the driver...after drinking wine.”可知警察警告司机不要酒后驾车。warn sb. not to do sth.意为“警告某人不要做某事”,为固定短语,故选A。
    12.My family always go somewhere interesting ________ the holiday begins.
    A.so that B.even though C.as soon as D.unless
    考查从属连词辨析。so that以便;even though尽管;as soon as一……就;unless除非。根据“My family always go somewhere interesting”可推出是假期一开始就去有趣的地方,用as soon as引导时间状语从句。故选C。
    13.The tall man ________ wears a new coat is our new English teacher.
    A.who B.whose C.what D.which
    考查定语从句。分析句子可知,本句是定语从句,先行词是The tall man,指人,空处在句中作主语,所以关系词用who,故选A。
    14.—How do the students usually go to school?
    —About ________ of the students in our school ________ to school by bus.
    A.two fifth; go B.two fifths; go C.two fifth; goes D.two fifths; goes
    考查分数和主谓一致。英语中分数的表达结构是“分子用基数词,分母用序数词,分子大于1时,分母用复数形式”,此处表达“五分之二”应是two fifths,排除A/C选项;由分数连接的主语,谓语动词与of后的名词保持一致,此处名词是复数名词,动词应用原形,故选B。
    15.—Are your parents against your leaving for Shanghai?
    —________. They say there are more chances in big cities.
    A.Don’t mention it B.That’s all right C.Of course not D.It’s my pleasure
    【详解】句意:——你父母反对你去上海吗? ——当然不。他们说在大城市有更多的机会。
    考查情景交际。Don’t mention it别提了;That’s all right没关系;Of course not当然不;It’s my pleasure这是我的荣幸。根据“They say there are more chances in big cities.”可知,不反对去上海,应用of course not。故选C。
    Sometimes, a person’s whole life is easily changed by something unexpected.
    Matthew Newman who always stayed alone had a ___16___ time making friends in Grade 5. At that time, he was introduced to the fantasy novel Red Wall written by English writer Brian Jacques. “I ___17___ in love with it,” said Mathew. “Brian Jacques is my hero.” So he thought ___18___ were a comfort.
    Later, as a high school student, he was surprised to hear ___19___ the author’s death. “I burst into tears.” Matthew recalled. This was a turning point for Mathew and made him want to become a ___20___. “If this man I’d never met influenced me by writing books, imagine ___21___ I could do something to make the world a better place.”
    Matthew came out two novels when he was 18 and was ___22___ about writing. “I’ve got this kid who is so sunny,” said Eric White, who taught him creative writing at high school. Matthew Newman said “I want to learn to be a better writer.”
    Mathew practices his writing ___23___, at least for an hour. He said, “I can’t imagine life ___24___ writing.” Now, Mathew is beginning to think more about his future. He has decided he wants to work on coming out his own books.
    Profits(收益)from writing are not his main ____25____. Matthew said: “I want my writing can cheer some people up and helping other people in need.”
    16.A.hard B.full C.good D.quiet
    17.A.caught B.got C.held D.fell
    18.A.movies B.books C.games D.photos
    19.A.from B.for C.of D.out
    20.A.teacher B.writer C.singer D.designer
    21.A.because B.if C.but D.or
    22.A.shy B.lucky C.crazy D.bored
    23.A.yearly B.monthly C.weekly D.daily
    24.A.without B.with C.in D.through
    25.A.work B.job C.way D.goal
    16.A    17.D    18.B    19.C    20.B    21.B    22.C    23.D    24.A    25.D
    hard艰难的;full满的;good好的;quiet安静的。根据“who always stayed alone”可知孤独的人很难交到朋友,故选A。
    caught抓住;got得到;held举办;fell跌落。fall love with sb“爱上”,固定搭配,故选D。
    movies电影;books书;games游戏;photos照片。根据“he was introduced to the fantasy novel Red Wall written by English writer Brian Jacques”可知,马修把读书当作了安慰,故选B。
    from从;for为了;of……的;out在外面。根据下文“the author’s death”可知,是听说作者的死讯,故选C。
    teacher教师;writer作家/作者;singer歌手;designer设计师。根据上文“Brian Jacques is my hero”可知,马修想成为布莱恩·雅克那样的作家,故选B。
    because因为,表原因;if如果,表条件;but但是,表转折;or或者,表选择。根据题干“imagine…I could do something to make the world a better place”可知是含有条件状语从句的祈使句,故选B。
    shy害羞的;lucky幸运的;crazy疯狂的;bored感到无聊的。根据上文“Matthew came out two novels when he was 18”,18岁就出版了两部小说,可知他对写作着迷,故选C。
    yearly每年;monthly每月;weekly每周;daily每日。根据下文“at least for an hour”,可知前面三项不合实际,故选D。
    without没有;with有/和;in在……里面;through通过。根据题干“I can’t imagine life…writing”,结合他对写作的痴迷,可知马修无法想象没有写作的生活,故选A。
    work工作,不可数名词;job工作,可数名词;way方式;goal目标。根据马修的话“I want my writing can cheer some people up and helping other people in need”可知,赚钱不是他写作的主要目标,故选D。
    Scotland is on the north of England. It is beautiful with many mountains, forests, beaches, rivers and lakes. In the north of Scotland, it is light until 11 :30 pm in summer and in winter you can sometimes see the Norther Lights. About five million people live in Scotland. Most of them live in the south, in and around the cities of Edinburgh, Glasgow, Perth and Dundee.
    Language  There are three languages in Scotland. Most people speak English and Scots. Around 1% of the Scottish people speak Scottish Gaelic.
    Food  When it comes to Scottish food, people often think of haggis, a kind of sausage (香肠) made from the sheep’s heart, lungs and liver. It’s rich in vitamins and protein.
    Sport  The most popular sport in Scotland is football. Another popular game, golf, was invented in Scotland in the Middle Ages. You can go skiing or snowboarding in Scotland. The Scottish Highland Games is famous. People do heavy sports like throwing big tree trunks and there is traditional Scottish music and dance.
    26.Where do most Scottish people live?
    A.In the north. B.In the south. C.In the west. D.In the east.
    27.What can we learn from the text?
    A.Haggis is a kind of vegetable in Scotland.
    B.Most people in Scotland speak Scottish Gaelic.
    C.Cutting down big trees is a popular sport in Scotland.
    D.People play heavy sports in the Scottish Highland Games.
    28.What is the purpose of the text?
    A.To tell us some facts about Scotland.
    B.To encourage people to visit Scotland.
    C.To introduce some traditions in Scotland.
    D.To talk about some places of interest in Scotland.
    【答案】26.B    27.D    28.A
    26.细节理解题。根据第一段“Most of them live in the south”可知大部分苏格兰人住在南方。故选B。
    27.细节理解题。根据最后一段“The Scottish Highland Games is famous. People do heavy sports like throwing big tree trunks”可知人们做重运动。故选D。
    Katie was really excited as her parents finally agreed to take her to see a movie. When Katie sat in her parents’ car on the way to the cinema, she couldn’t help telling them how funny the main character of the movie was.
    However, while Katie was watching the movie at the cinema, she found herself being unable to enjoy in the way she wanted to. A patron(顾客)who sat beside her was-watching something on his mobile phone. From time to time, Katie was distracted(分心)by the bright light from his phone. Later, the young man even started talking loudly on his phone. Deciding that she wouldn’t stand his actions any more, Katie made a “shh” sound to the young man. However, to Katie’s surprise, he paid no attention to her and continued talking on the phone. After a while, Katie’s parents and other patrons were also angry with the young man. One of the patrons even stood up and left the hall.
    Soon, the patron returned with a member of the cinema staff. The cinema staff politely told the young man that he would have to leave the cinema to use his mobile phone. Katie was glad that this prevented the patron from using his phone. Finally, she was able to enjoy the movie.
    29.How did Katie get to the cinema?
    A.On foot. B.By bus. C.By bike. D.By car.
    30.What was Katie distracted by?
    A.A patron’s phone. B.A patron’s camera. C.Two patrons’ talk. D.Her mom’s voice.
    31.Who prevented the patron from using his phone?
    A.A policeman. B.A cinema staff. C.Katie’s mom. D.Other patrons.
    【答案】29.D    30.A    31.B
    29.细节理解题。根据“When Katie sat in her parents’ car on the way to the cinema, she couldn’t help telling them how funny the main character of the movie was. ”可知,乘车去的电影院。故选D。
    30.细节理解题。根据“A patron(顾客)who sat beside her was-watching something on his mobile phone. From time to time, Katie was distracted(分心)by the bright light from his phone. ”可知,凯迪被顾客的电话所分心。故选A。
    31.细节理解题。根据“The cinema staff politely told the young man that he would have to leave the cinema to use his mobile phone. Katie was glad that this prevented the patron from using his phone.”可知,影院职工人员禁止在影院用手机。故选B。
    People do not often think about the women’s national team when it comes to Chinese football. That was until the ladies completed an amazing second-half comeback in the final of the 2022 AFC Women’s Asian Cup on February 6.
    The ladies were playing against South Korea. The halftime score (2-0) came as a big disappointment. However, the Chinese ladies on the field didn’t lose heart. Instead, they fought back. In the second half of the match, Tang Jiali, Zhang Linyan and Xiao Yuyi each scored a goal and beat South Korea 3-2.
    Their final win sent the team to the headlines of almost every newspaper in China. But it’s hard to say how long this spotlight(聚光灯)will last. Will people continue to care about these female players and the successors who come after in the years to come? There has long been a belief that football is only for boys. Pu Wei, now retired, is one of the best female footballers in Chinese history. When she was a little girl, her father wanted her to become a dancer or a pianist. He could hardly imagine his little girl chasing after a ball. Pu had to fool her father into believing that she was just going jogging when, in fact, she was going to play football. Many female footballers had similar experiences when they were young.
    Apart from the absence of support and attention, female footballers face many other challenges. They are, for example, often paid much less than male footballers. In terms of income, none of the top ten international footballers is a female.
    When we congratulate the female footballers on their historic win, we shouldn’t forget all of the difficulties they have bravely overcome to get where they are today. The next time you talk about Chinese national football, be sure to mention the team that has won the Asian Cup. The girls deserve more of our attention and support.
    32.According to the passage, to complete the second-half comeback was ________.
    A.impossible B.lucky C.surprising D.uneasy
    33.The underlined word “successors” in Paragraph Three probably refers to ________.
    A.coaches B.younger players C.supporters D.football fans
    34.We can find that Pu Wei ________.
    A.had a good growing environment B.was trained too much by her father
    C.cheated her father and hurt him D.kept playing football a secret from her father
    35.We can infer that the writer’s writing purpose is to ________.
    A.make football more popular B.voice for women’s rights
    C.collect more football followers D.draw attention to women’s football
    【答案】32.C    33.B    34.D    35.D
    32.推理判断题。根据“That was until the ladies completed an amazing second-half comeback in the final of the 2022 AFC Women’s Asian Cup on February 6.”可知,下半场的反击是惊人的。故选C。
    33.词义猜测题。根据“Will people continue to care about these female players and the successors who come after in the years to come?”可知,此处询问人们是否会持续关注这些女运动员以及未来几年后的接班人,由此可推知,此处应指更年轻的运动员。故选B。
    34.细节理解题。根据“Pu had to fool her father into believing that she was just going jogging when, in fact, she was going to play football.”可知,Pu Wei一直瞒着她的爸爸自己踢足球的事实。故选D。
    35.目的意图题。通读全文尤其是最后一段最后一句“The girls deserve more of our attention and support.”可知,作者写本文是为了呼吁人们要关注女足。故选D。
    Jacob was a driver sent to pick me up for a three hour drive. I needed to go to Mexico. As we were driving, he started to tell me his story. He shared that since the pandemic (疫情) he had to change jobs. He was spending six days a week in a town with more work, away from his family.
    He said the name of his hometown “Nah Bok”. On his only day off, he rode three different buses for five hours there and back, so he could have time with his family.
    My father worked away when I was young, sometimes for weeks or months at a time. I remember us kids waiting our turns to have just a couple of minutes on the phone with him.
    After two hours into our drive, when I saw a sign saying Nah Bok, I asked him if that was where his family lived. He said, “Yes, it is about 5 kilometers down the road.”
    I said, “Why don’t we stop and say hello?” He looked at me like I was crazy or joking. He clearly didn’t want to get in any trouble. He was hesitant (犹豫的). He asked if I was sure. I absolutely (绝对地) was.
    As we pulled over, his wife was chatting on the side of the road with her mother. They were excited to see him. All of their children came out and I got to hear a little bit about each of their lives.
    Slow down and listen to people’s stories. Take time when you can to give a gift to somebody else, even if it’s just your time.
    36.What is the driver’s life like?
    A.He drove trucks in a town. B.He couldn’t support his family.
    C.He could go home once a week. D.He worked to help fight the pandemic.
    37.Why is the writer’s childhood mentioned in Paragraph 3?
    A.To show fathers usually had to work very hard.
    B.To show kids missed their fathers when they were away.
    C.To show fathers shouldn’t leave their homes for work.
    D.To show children couldn’t live without their fathers.
    38.What did the driver think about the writer’s offer?
    A.He was uncertain at first. B.He couldn’t wait to see his family.
    C.The writer might want to have a rest. D.The writer wanted to make trouble.
    39.How did the writer feel when he heard the driver’s story?
    A.Upset. B.Happy. C.Angry. D.Sorry.
    40.What would the writer encourage us to do?
    A.To spend more time with our friends. B.To follow in others’ footsteps.
    C.To chat with drivers on the journey. D.To do something small for someone else.
    【答案】36.C    37.B    38.A    39.D    40.D
    36.细节理解题。根据“He was spending six days a week in a town with more work...”和“On his only day off, he rode... have time with his family.”可知,司机Jacob能一周回家一次。故选C。
    37.推理判断题。根据“My father worked away... sometimes for weeks or months at a time.”和“I remember us kids... have just a couple of minutes on the phone with him.”可知,作者的父亲有时工作而离家太久,小孩们排着队只为和父亲通上几分钟的电话。作者提及此事以表示孩子们对离家的父亲的想念。故选B。
    38.细节理解题。根据“He looked at me like I was crazy or joking... He was hesitant. He asked me if I was sure.”可知,在听到作者的提议时,司机一开始是不确定的。故选A。
    39.推理判断题。根据“I said, ‘Why don’t we stop and say hello’ ”和“He asked me if I was sure. I absolutely was.”可知,作者在得知司机的故事后感到同情,所以在途径司机家不远处时,提议让司机回家一趟。故选D。
    40.推理判断题。根据文中末段“Slow down and ... Take time when you can to give a gift to somebody else, even if it’s just your time.”可知,作者鼓励人们如果可以,就为他人做一些小事。故选D。
    41.Lao She is a great Chinese writer in the ________ (第二十) century.
    42.Mary ________ (借给) a pen to her good friend yesterday.
    43.We must take action because the air ________ (污染) is becoming worse.
    44.His health problems may have had some bad effects on his ________. (决定)
    45.For your ________ (安全), you’d better follow the traffic rules.
    46.We believe it is ________ the best food in Shanghai and can’t wait to go back. (probable)
    【详解】句意:我们相信这可能是上海最好的食物,我们迫不及待地想回去。根据“it is...the best food”可知可能是最好的食物,此处用副词probably“可能”。故填probably。
    47.I will never ________ the days I spent with my grandparents in the countryside. (forgetful)
    【详解】句意:我永远不会忘记我和祖父母在农村度过的日子。根据“I will never...”可知此处用动词原形forget“忘记”。故填forget。
    48.Kitty, a good friend of ________, attended the fifth China International Import Expo. (my)
    【详解】句意:我的一位好朋友Kitty参加了第五届中国国际进口博览会。根据“a good friend of”可知,此处为双重所有格结构,因此空处用名词所有格mine。故填mine。
    49.Teachers in our school do their best ________ (make) their class lively.
    【答案】to make
    【详解】句意:我们学校的老师尽力使他们的课堂生动。根据do one’s best to do sth.“尽力做某事”可知,空处应用动词不定式to make。故填to make。
    50.Linda was busy ________(study)for an exam when I saw her.
    【详解】句意:我见到琳达时,她正忙着学习考试。study“学习”,be busy doing sth.“忙于做某事”。故填studying。
    calm  get to know  thousands of  lives  flying through

    The job of a pilot is difficult and risky, but highly respected. Airline pilots often travel ____51____ kilometers and can find themselves in a different time and climate zone every day. They see many parts of the world and ____52____ new people most of the time. But pilots also face problems. They often suffer from jet lag (飞行时差反应) and can become tired when ____53____ different time zones. They spend many days away from home and their families.
    Although many people think it is a real dream job, pilots must be responsible (负有责任的) people because they have the ____54____ of up to a few hundred passengers in their hands. They have to have hundreds of hours of training before they can do their job. Pilots must remain ____55____ in dangerous situations and have to make the right decisions.
    【答案】51.thousands of    52.get to know    53.flying through    54.lives    55.calm
    51.句意:航空公司的飞行员经常飞行数千公里,发现自己每天都在不同的时间和气候区。根据“kilometers and can find themselves in a different time and climate zone every day”及选词可知,此处指的是“数千公里”,表示概数用thousands of表示,故填thousands of。
    52.句意:他们游览了世界的许多地方,大部分时间都在结识新朋友。根据“new people most of the time”及选词可知,此处指的是“结识新朋友”,此处与动词“see”保持一致,应用动词原形,故填get to know。
    53.句意:他们经常会有时差反应,在穿越不同时区时可能会感到疲劳。根据“They often suffer from jet lag (飞行时差反应) and can become tired when...different time zones.”及选词可知,此处指的是“飞过不同的时区”,故填flying through。
    54.句意:虽然许多人认为这是一份真正的梦想工作,但飞行员一定是负责任的人,因为他们手中掌握着多达几百名乘客的生命。根据“up to a few hundred passengers in their hands”及选词可知,数百人的生命在飞行员手中,此处用复数形式,故填lives。
    55.句意:飞行员必须在危险的情况下保持冷静,做出正确的决定。根据“Pilots must remain...in dangerous situations and have to make the right decisions.”及选词可知,此处指的是“在危险情况下仍然要保持冷静”,故填calm。
    The way in which we communicate with others can be greatly improved by building a better vocabulary. In our personal life, we communicate and share experiences with others. However, how well we do it depends on our ability to express ourselves through spoken and written language. Luckily, increasing our word power can make us own the skills we need to communicate better with others and can also help us get better results in our study.
    When you see a new word, whether through reading or hearing someone say the word, just be ready to take out your dictionary and look it up —learn about the word and anything that relates(与……相关)to it. If you understand the word, you’ll hopefully remember it well.
    Meanwhile, you’d better write down words to learn. You can go through the dictionary, magazine and newspaper and write down the words that you don’t know. Try go over them every day—look at the words and speak them out loudly. Copy the words over and over again, along with their meanings, and you will surprisingly remember them in no time.
    You can also do word games, such as word searches, crossword puzzles and so on. Playing these games, you are more likely to come across new words, and when you don’t know the words, study them. The more words you have in your brain’s word bank, the better you will become at these word games. You will be remembering, learning and having fun, too.
    Finally, reading is also believed to be an excellent way to learn new words and build up your vocabulary. Read things you are interested in, because in this way, you are less likely to become bored. But don’t skip over (忽略) those words you don’t know. Instead, you should remember and use them in your own daily conversations. Use them more, and you’ll surely have a better chance of remembering them.
    Topic: Increasing Your Vocabulary
    ____56____ of building a better vocabulary
    u Express ourselves well through spoken and written language ____57____ on our vocabulary ability.
    u Our study can be ____58____ if we increase our word power.
    Suggestions on remembering new words
    1. Remember every new word you meet with by ____59____ it.
    u Learn about the word and anything relates to it by working it up in your dictionary.
    2. Make a list of new words to learn.
    u Write down the ____60____ words you read.
    u ____61____ the words every day by looking at and speaking them out loudly.
    3. Do word ____62____.
    u It may be possible to come across new words when playing these games. Study them when you are ____63____ in new words.
    4. Learn words through reading.
    u Don’t forget to read things you ____64____.
    u _____65_____ skipping over new words, but remember and use them more.
    56. Advantages    57.depending    58.improved    59.understanding    60.unknown   
     61.Review    62.games    63.caught    64.like    65.Avoid
    56.根据表格内容及文中第一段“Luckily, increasing our word power can make us own the skills we need to communicate better with others and can also help us get better results in our study.”可知,这里讲的是增进词汇量的好处,advantages“好处”,句首首字母大写。故填Advantages。
    57.根据文中第一段“how well we do it depends on our ability to express ourselves through spoken and written language.”可知,用口语和书面语很好地表达自己取决于我们的词汇能力,depend“取决于”,此处应用动名词作状语。故填depending。
    58.根据文中第一段“increasing our word power can make us own the skills we need to communicate better with others and can also help us get better results in our study.”可知,如果我们增加词汇能力,我们的学习就可以提高,主语和谓语之间是动宾关系,因此用过去分词。故填improved。
    59.根据第二段“If you understand the word, you’ll hopefully remember it well.”可知,此处是讲通过理解记忆单词,by后跟动词-ing。故填understanding。
    60.根据第三段“You can go through ... write down the words that you don’t know.”可知,此处是讲写下你不知道的单词。故填unknown。
    61.根据第三段“Try go over them every day—look at the words and speak them out loudly.”可知,说的是每天要复习单词,review“复习”,位于句首首字母大写。故填Review。
    62.根据第四段“You can also do word games”可知,说的是做单词游戏。故填games。
    63.根据第四段“Playing these games, you are more likely to come across new words, and when you don’t know the words, study them.”可知,说的是在做游戏中遇到新单词的时候,去学习它们。catch“看见,抓住”,此处表被动,用过去分词。故填caught。
    64.根据最后一段“Read things you are interested in, because in this way, you are less likely to become bored.”可知,说的是读一些你喜欢的内容。故填like。
    65.根据最后一段“don’t skip over (忽略) those words you don’t know. Instead, you should remember and use them in your own daily conversations. Use them more ... them.”可知,说的是要避免忽略那些不知道的单词,avoid doing sth“避免做……”,位于句首,首字母大写。故填Avoid。
    “So here’s the plan,” I said. “We’ll wait u____66____ the old man goes to sleep. Then, we’ll steal the key out of his britches.”
    Tom scratched his chin like he was t____67____ hard. Well, that plan would work, but it’s too s____68____.What good is planning something too easy?
    I’ve known Tom Sawyer all my life, and he a____69____ had to turn things into an adventure. He came up with a new plan, and I agreed to it. I’d do a____70____ to save Jim.
    When everything was dark and still, we slipped down to the hut. We circled around, c____71____ for ways in and out.
    Then I whispered through the slats, “Jim, are you in there?”
    “Huck!” Jim called back. I could tell he was h____72____ to hear my voice. “You came for me!”
    “Yep,” I said. “And Tom Sawyer is here, too.”
    “Can you boys get me out of here?”
    I looked around and saw a window high up that had a board nailed a____73____ it. “I bet Jim would f____74____ through there,” I told Tom.
    Tom shook his head. “That is as easy as one, two, three. We need something that’ll take twice as long. We are not in any h____75____.”
    66. (u)ntil    67.(t)hinking    68.(s)imple    69.(a)lways    70.(a)nything    
    71.(c)hecking    72.(h)appy    73.(a)cross    74.(f)it    75.(h)urry
    67.句意:汤姆挠着下巴,好像在苦苦思索。根据语境“ scratched his chin ”可知,这里表示在“思考”,且由空前的was可知,是过去进行时。故填(t)hinking。
    68.句意:嗯,那个计划可能行得通,但是太简单了。根据后文“What good is planning something too easy?”可知,这个计划太“简单的”。故填(s)imple。
    71.句意:我们绕了一圈,寻找进出的路。结合首字母和语境“We circled around”可以推测这里表示“检查,寻找”,且这里需要现在分词作伴随状语。故填(c)hecking。
    72.句意:我可以说他很高兴听到我的声音。空前是be动词,后跟形容词作表语;根据后文“You came for me!”可以推测,他是非常“开心的”。故填(h)appy。
    74.句意:我打赌吉姆能从那里穿过去。这里缺少谓语动词,结合首字母和空格后的“through there”可知,这里表示“适合”从那里穿过,且前有情态动词would,所以用动词原形。故填(f)it。
    75.句意:我们不着急。根据前文“That is as easy as one, two, three. ”可知,这件事很简单,所以我们“不慌不忙”。故填(h)urry。
    76.劳动创造了历史,劳动也可创造未来。劳动教育是学生学习的重要组成部分之一,请以“Leaning by working”为题,根据以下要点和要求,用英语写一篇发言稿,参加我校的英语主题演讲活动,内容包括:
    (2)短文应该包括所给内容要点, 可适当发挥。使文章连贯;
    Learning by working
    Good morning, everyone. The topic of my speech today is learning by working. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Learning by working
    Good morning, everyone. The topic of my speech today is learning by working. In my opinion, working is very important. It can help us understand the meaning of working hard. Moreover, step by step, we can have the habit of working at home or school. More importantly, our ability of doing things can be improved.
    Last Sunday, I helped my mother make rice dumplings. At first it was very hard for me to make one. But I tried again. In the end, I made one by myself.
    Working can bring us useful experiences and happy memories. Let’s work now!
    ①step by step一步一步地,逐步地
    ②have the habit of doing养成做某事的习惯
    ③more importantly更重要的是
    ①It can help us understand the meaning of working hard.(动名词作宾语)
    ②At first it was very hard for me to make one.(it作形式主语,动词不定式作真正的主语)


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