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    UNIT 1  Part III  Developing ideas(同步练习含答案)01
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    UNIT 1  Part III  Developing ideas(同步练习含答案)03
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    高中英语外研版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 1 Knowing me, Knowing you精品练习

    这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)必修 第三册Unit 1 Knowing me, Knowing you精品练习,共8页。


    Part III  Developing ideas



    1. She can tell you how to w_____________(编,织) reeds(芦苇) into a beautiful basket.

    2. So a gentleman can be d_____________(欺骗)by lies that look reasonablenot by things unreasonable.

    3. The help you have provided and the words you said can j_____________(证实) your honesty.

    4. To be f_____________(坦率的),I can not agree with your opinion for the reasons below.

    5. The farewell ceremony endedthey bid each other goodbye with t_____________(眼泪) in eyes.

    6. Forced to make a choice between family and careershe chose the l_____________(后者).

    7. M_____________(此外),each of us needs to consume at least 5 liters of water per dayand everything we eat and drink contains water.

    8. Arts agencies employ more than 10000 people as fulltime or part-time employees or i_____________(独立的)contractors.

    9. A young male polar bear stood on his back legs and pushed at the wooden f_____________(栅栏)posts.

    10. An essay usually c_____________(组成) of three partsintroductionmain body and conclusion.

    . 单句语法填空

    1. Thereforewhatever your aim isyou must work _____________honestto achieve it.

    2. But no matter how rich they wereDawson was never _____________comfort.

    3. Only social practice can be the criterion of _____________true.

    4. Yet the ___________majorof these employees have no voiceespecially when it comes to their own safety.

    5. The government has taken measures to raise its citizens’ awareness of environmental _____________protect.

    6. Despite _____________criticizeby some citizensthe mayor kept on carrying out the project which encouraged people to plant trees in the park.

    7. Come a little _____________close),so you can see better.

    8. One of the reasons for telling a white lie is _____________giveencouragement.

    9. Most food webs consist _____________ many weak links rather than a few strong ones.

    10. Porcupines eventually found the ideal distance where they could feel warm while _____________managenot to hurt each other.

    . 用所给短语的适当形式填空

    give encouragementmanage toask for advicemove apartinstead oftell a lieto be frank

    1. If you _____________ one timeyou will be considered unreliable as people think you often tell lies.

    2. He often _____________ to people who are not confident. Thats why he is very popular.

    3. Although it was considered impossiblehe _____________ make it at last.

    4. _____________I dont think your approach works well in my case.

    5. He visited his old teacher and _____________ on how to cope with other companies.

    6. After that quarrelthey started to _____________their friendship breaking up.

    7. Appreciate and honor what you have _____________ focusing on what you do not.

    . 根据汉语意思完成句子

    1. 母亲用一个发出奇怪声音的玩具来安慰孩子。

    Mother_____________ the baby_____________ a toy that gave out strange sound.

    2. 我们应该做些什么来保护河流不受污染。

    We should do something to_____________ the rivers _____________ _____________.

    3. 即使你不喜欢他们的观点,你也应该尊重他们。

    You shall respect those people _____________ _____________ you don’t like their opinions.

    4. 别人的意见在多大程度上会影响到你和你的决定呢?

    And _____________ _____________ _____________can others advice influence you and your decision?

    5. 他的朋友提前为他订了生日蛋糕,他很感动。

    He was moved that his friend ordered the birthday cake for him _____________ _____________.

    6. 回到第一段,你就会明白为什么作者做出这个关于地球的预测了。

    _____________ _____________ _____________ the first paragraphyou will understand why the author makes that prediction about earth.



      We all know that 1. _____________honestis an important value and 2. _____________ lying is wrongbut who can honestly say that theyve never told a lie? Perhaps we comfort ourselves 3. _____________ the knowledge that most of the lies we tell arewhite lieslittle lies that we tell to protect others from the truth.

      There are many reasons for 4. _____________tella lie. Firstlyit is to try to make others feel better and protect ourselves from the disappointment and anger of others. Secondlyits to give 5. _____________encourage. Perhaps others want some frank comments from you so that they can improve themselves. 6. _____________last),telling a white lie is 7. _____________protect others from bad news. We should respect their concern and ask for their advice.

      We know even white lies have results we cant know in advance. So 8. _____________support and comforted by youthey would find a suitable way to improve themselves. When it 9. _____________come to telling a lieit all depends whether we should tell a white lie10. _____________ dont tell a lie.


      At 16my father studied under the street lights. Sometimesthe school guard would let him slip into the empty passages to  1  the cold. The  2  of electricity in the home was one of the easier roadblocks on his path to becoming a  3 .

      Despite poor conditionsmy father managed to establish his own clinic. Howeverhe decided to  4  this comfortable lifestyle and move to America.

      Indeedhe  5  something. Because of my fatherI tried to take advantage of every opportunity. I changed my school from my familiar middle school in the countrywhere I stood outto the  6  International BaccalaureateIBDiploma Programme. Although I also gave up somethinglike my fatherby changing schoolsI have no  7 . At my current high schoolI have endless  8  to make progress and communicate with students from many backgrounds.

      Changing schools gave me the  9  to look for strict courses. My academic future challenges and pushes me.

      For the rest of high schoolI hope to keep my  10  grades and participate in summer programs. I am encouraged to studylike my father 11  I reach success.

      I believe that to develop our society we must first help the less  12 . My dream to become a doctor results from my desire to reduce the  13  of others. AlsoI realize  14  is the groundwork of my future and that I must  15 a good foundation.

    1. A. keep B. escape C. defend D. fight

    2. A. lack B. danger C. delivery D. power

    3. A. lawyer B. writer C. doctor D. professor

    4. A. check B. appreciate C. prepare D. leave

    5. A. gave up B. gave in C. gave away D. gave out

    6. A. enjoyable B. admirable C. developing D. challenging

    7. A. ideas B. regrets C. deaths D. excuses

    8. A. gifts B. wishes C. opportunities D. decisions

    9. A. drive B. award C. vehicle D. turn

    10. A. good B. equal C. typical D. common

    11. A. though B. if C. until D. since

    12. A. energetic B. friendly C. ambitious D. lucky

    13. A. burden B. pain C. worry D. damage

    14. A. freedom B. interest C. health D. education

    15. A. build B. follow C. shake D. give

    . 七选五

    Turning acquaintances into friends

      We all have acquaintances in our lifepeople we exchange small talks with or trade jokes with online. While these relationships can delight you in their own rightyou can turn an acquaintance into a true friend.  1 

      Open up a little about yourself. Friendships are characterized by closeness. True friends know about each other’s valuesstrugglesgoalsand interests.  2  You don’t have to give away your most closely-held secretjust a little more than talking about the weather or something you watched on TV and see how other people reply. Do they seem interested? Do they share something about themselves?

      Invite an acquaintance out for a drink or to a movie. Lots of other people feel just as uncomfortable about reaching out and making new friends as you do.  3  Take the first step and reach out to a neighbor or workmatefor examplethey will thank you later.

      Carpool to work.  4  If your employer doesn’tsimply ask a workmate if they’d like to share rides. Spending regular time together is a great way to get to know others better and offer the opportunity for uninterrupted and deeper conversations.

       5  It’s easy to lose touch with friends when you move or change jobs. Howeverdespite the distancemake the effort to contact them by chatting on Facebook or Twitter.

    A. Be the one to break the ice.

    B. Many companies offer such programs.

    C. Track down old friends through social media.

    D. Your friends reflect what you are interested in.

    E. Stay in touch in the real worldnot just online.

    F. Here are some tips for strengthening an acquaintance into a friend.

    G. So try sharing something a little bit more personal than you would normally.


    Part III  Developing ideas



    1. weave 句意:她能教你怎样用芦苇编织漂亮的篮子。

    2. deceived 句意:所以说,正人君子可以被合乎情理的谎言欺骗,而违反道理的话是欺骗不了他的。

    3. justify 句意:你提供的帮助和你说的话可以证明你的诚实。

    4. frank 句意:坦率地说,我不同意你的观点,原因如下。

    5. tears 句意:欢送仪式结束后,他们含着眼泪互相道别。

    6. latter 句意:她不得不在家庭和事业之间做出选择,最终她选择了后者。

    7. Moreover 句意:此外,我们每人每天至少消耗 5 升的水,我们所吃所饮的一切东西也都包含着水。

    8. independent 句意:艺术机构雇用了 10 000 多人作为全职或兼职雇员或独立承包商。表示“独立的”用形容词independent,作 contractors 的定语。

    9. fence 句意:一只年轻的雄性北极熊用后腿站立起来,推着木栅栏的柱子。

    10. consists 句意:文章通常由引言、正文和结语三部分组成。consist of 是固定短语,意为“由……组成”。

    . 单句语法填空

    1. honestly 考查副词。句意:因此,不管你的目标是什么,你必须诚实地工作来实现这个目标。work 为动词,需要副词修饰。

    2. comfortable 考查形容词。句意:但不管他们多么富有,道森从来都不舒服。was 为系动词,后面需要跟形容词作表语。

    3. truth 考查名词。句意:真理的标准只能是社会的实践。of为介词,后面跟名词。

    4. majority 考查名词。句意:然而,这些雇用员工大多数没有发言权,特别是当涉及自己的安全时。the... of 结构中,the后面跟名词。

    5. protection 考查名词。句意:政府已经采取措施提高公民的环保意识。environmental 为形容词,后面跟名词。

    6. being criticized 考查动名词。句意:尽管受到一些市民的批评,市长还是继续实施鼓励人们在公园里植树的计划。despite 为介词,后面跟名词或动名词,criticize major 之间为动宾关系,因此用 being+ 过去分词。

    7. closer 考查副词比较级。句意:靠近一点,这样你就能看得更清楚了。根据后面句子中的 better,可知空格处有比较的含义,且空格前面有形容词 a little 修饰,故填 close 的比较级。

    8. to give 考查非谓语动词。句意:说善意的谎言的一个理由是给予鼓励。不定式作表语,对主语解释说明。

    9. of 考查固定搭配。句意:大多数食物网是由许多薄弱环节组成的,而不是几个强大的环节。表示“由……组成”用consist of

    10. managing 考查非谓语动词。句意:豪猪最终找到了能相互取暖而不相互伤害的理想的距离。while 引导时间状语从句,但省略了主语和 be 动词,而 porcupines manage之间是主动关系,故用现在分词。

    . 用所给短语的适当形式填空

    1. tell a lie 2. gives encouragement 3. managed to  4. To be frank 5. asked for advice 6. move apart

    7. instead of

    . 根据汉语意思完成句子

    1. comfortedwith 2. protectfrom being polluted  3. even if 4. to what extent 5. in advance 6. Going

    back to  


    1. honesty 考查名词。句意:我们都知道诚实是一种重要品质…… 名词honesty在宾语从句中作主语。

    2. that 考查连词。根据句子结构可知,know后跟两个that引导的宾语从句,第二个that不能省略。

    3. with 考查介词。comfort sb. with sth.是固定搭配,意为“用某物安慰某人”。

    4. telling 考查非谓语动词。作介词for的宾语,应该用动名词telling

    5. encouragement 考查名词。作动词give的宾语用名词encouragement

    6. Lastly 考查副词。根据前面的firstlysecondly可知,此处用副词lastly表次序。

    7. to protect 考查非谓语动词。根据句意可知,不定式作表语,对主语进行解释说明。

    8. supported 考查非谓语动词。根据句子结构可知,动词supportcomfort是并列的成分,句子主语they与它们之间是被动关系,故用过去分词作状语,表被动。

    9. comes 考查固定结构。When it comes to...是常用结构,意为“当谈到……时”。

    10. but 考查连词。根据句意可知,前后句子之间是转折关系,故用but

    . 完形填空


    1. B 根据“At 16my father studied under the street lights.”及the cold可知,父亲家不富裕,需要在路灯下学习,外面的天气很冷,所以保安让父亲溜进学校无人的走廊里避(escape)寒。

    2. A 根据上文“At 16my father studied under the street lights.”及下文“Despite poor conditionsmy father managed to establish his own clinic.”可知,在父亲16岁时,家境并不富裕,需要到路灯下学习,故推知家里缺(lack)电。

    3. C 根据“Despite poor conditionsmy father managed to establish his own clinic.”可知,父亲创建了他自己的诊所,由此可知,父亲的目标是成为一名医生(doctor)。

    4. D 根据move to America可知,父亲搬到美国,故推知父亲离开家,离开(leave)了舒适的生活方式。

    5. A 根据下文“Although I also gave up somethinglike my father...”可知,作者和父亲一样,放弃了一些东西。故此处表示父亲放弃(give up)了一些东西。give in屈服;give away赠送;give out分发。

    6. D 根据下文“My academic future challenges and pushes me.”可知,这所学校以及课程对作者来说具有挑战性(challenging)。

    7. B 根据下文“At my current high schoolI have endless...to make progress and communicate with students from many backgrounds.”可知,虽然作者通过转校的方式做出了牺牲,但是作者在现在的中学,有无尽的机会取得进步,并与来自不同背景的学生交流。所以作者并不后悔(regret)。

    8. C 根据下文“Changing schools gave me the...to look for strict courses.”可知,因为这所学校为作者提供了严格的课程等一系列之前的学校无法提供的东西。因此作者认为在新学校有无限的机会(opportunity)取得进步,并且有机会与不同背景的学生交流。

    9. A 根据下文可知,新学校的课程对作者很有挑战性,所以新学校推动着作者,并给了作者学习严格课程的动力(drive)。

    10. A 根据下文“I am encouraged to studylike my father...I reach success.”可知,作者想像父亲一样努力学习,故推知作者希望能保持好的(good)成绩。

    11. C 根据下文“AlsoI realize...is the groundwork of my future and that I must...a good foundation.”可知,作者认为教育是他未来的基础,所以他会像父亲一样,一直努力学习,直到(until)取得成功。

    12. D 根据下文“My dream to become a doctor results from my desire to reduce the...of others.”可知,作者想成为一名医生,帮助那些不那么幸运(lucky)的人。

    13. B 根据My dream to become a doctor可知,作者想成为一名医生,目的是减轻他人的痛苦(pain)。

    14. D 根据上文For the rest of high schoolI hope to keep my...grades and participate in summer programs. I am encouraged to studylike my father...I reach success.可知作者会像父亲一样努力学习直到成功认为努力学习能够让他取得成功故推知教育education是作者未来的基础所以他努力学习。

    15. A 根据上文For the rest of high schoolI hope to keep my...grades and participate in summer programs.I realize...is the groundwork of my future可知作者意识到教育是他未来的基础故推知作者想要打build好这个基础努力学习。

    . 七选五


    1. F 根据上文“We all have acquaintances in our lifepeople we exchange small talks with or trade jokes with online...you can turn an acquaintance into a true friend.”并结合后文说明了让熟人成为朋友的方法可知,F选项“这里有一些建议,可以让熟人成为朋友”符合语境。

    2. G 根据上文True friends know about each others valuesstrugglesgoalsand interests.以及后文...talking about the weather or something you watched on TV and see how other people reply. Do they seem interested? Do they share something about themselves?可知后文提到不必泄露你最保守的秘密可见本空是在建议要分享一些私人的东西G选项所以试着分享一些比平时更私人的东西符合语境。

    3. A 根据上文Invite an acquaintance out for a drink or to a movie...making new friends as you do.以及后文Take the first step and reach out to a neighbor or workmatefor examplethey will thank you later.可知上文提到相处不自在后文提到迈出第一步可见本空是在讲成为打破僵局的人。故A选项“成为打破僵局的人”符合语境。

    4. B 根据上文Carpool to work.以及后文...ask a workmate if theyd like to share rides. Spending regular time together is a great way to get to know others better...”可知,本段主要是讲拼车去上班这一活动,B选项such programs指代上文的Carpool to work。故B选项“许多公司都提供这样的项目”符合语境。

    5. C 根据后文“...make the effort to contact them by chatting on Facebook or Twitter.”可知,本段的主旨是通过社交媒体来寻找以前的朋友。故C选项“通过社交媒体寻找老朋友”符合语境。


    open up畅所欲言;打开 give away泄露 lose touch with...和……失去联系


    If your employer doesntsimply ask a workmate if theyd like to share rides.


    句法分析:本句是主从复合句,If your employer doesnt是条件状语从句,后面的主句本身也是复合句,其中if theyd like to share rides是宾语从句。


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        UNIT 1 Part III Developing ideas(同步练习含答案)
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