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    Unit 5 Revealing Nature Developing ideas高二英语上学期(外研版2019选择性必修第一册)课件PPT
    Unit 5 Revealing Nature Developing ideas高二英语上学期(外研版2019选择性必修第一册)课件PPT01
    Unit 5 Revealing Nature Developing ideas高二英语上学期(外研版2019选择性必修第一册)课件PPT02
    Unit 5 Revealing Nature Developing ideas高二英语上学期(外研版2019选择性必修第一册)课件PPT03
    Unit 5 Revealing Nature Developing ideas高二英语上学期(外研版2019选择性必修第一册)课件PPT04
    Unit 5 Revealing Nature Developing ideas高二英语上学期(外研版2019选择性必修第一册)课件PPT05
    Unit 5 Revealing Nature Developing ideas高二英语上学期(外研版2019选择性必修第一册)课件PPT06
    Unit 5 Revealing Nature Developing ideas高二英语上学期(外研版2019选择性必修第一册)课件PPT07
    Unit 5 Revealing Nature Developing ideas高二英语上学期(外研版2019选择性必修第一册)课件PPT08
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    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 5 Revealing nature获奖ppt课件

    这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第一册Unit 5 Revealing nature获奖ppt课件,共37页。PPT课件主要包含了myth ,legend ,detect ,wasp ,pesticide ,root ,chilli ,link ,fungus ,fungi 等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Develping idaes
    Step 1. Lead-in
    Step 2. Extensive reading
    Step 3. Intensive reading
    Step 4. Writing task
    D Plants Think?Hw aware are plants? This is the central questin behind a fascinating new bk, What a Plant Knws by Daniel Chamvitz, directr f the Manna Center fr Plant Bisciences at Tel Aviv University(特拉维夫大学). A plant, he argues, can see, smell and feel. It can munt a defense when under siege, and warn its neighbrs f truble n the way. A plant can even be said t have a memry. But des this mean that plants think — r that ne can speak f a “neurscience” f the flwer? Chamvitz answered questins frm Mind Matters editr Gareth Ck.
    D yu knw what plants can d?
    1. The average strawberry has 200 seeds. It's the nly fruit that bears its seeds n the utside.2. Peaches, pears, apricts, quinces, strawberries, and apples are members f the rse family. 桃子、梨、杏子、木瓜、草莓和苹果都是蔷薇科的成员。3. The difference between nectarines and peaches is that nectarines dn't have fuzzy skins. Yu can graft peach branches nt a nectarine tree r nectarine branches nt a peach tree s yu have bth types f fruits.油桃和桃子的区别是油桃没有绒毛皮。你可以把桃枝嫁接到油桃树上,或者把油桃枝嫁接到桃树上,这样你就可以同时获得两种水果。4. Trees are the lngest-living rganisms n earth.树木是地球上寿命最长的生物。
    1. Arund 2000 different types f plants are used by humans t make fd.2. There are ver 200,000 identified plant species and the list is grwing all the time.3. Bamb is the fastest-grwing wdy plant in the wrld; it can grw 35 inches in a single day.4. Archaelgists have uncvered evidence that grapes were grwn t make wine abut 8,000 years ag in Mesptamia (tday's Iraq), althugh the ancient Egyptians were the first t recrd the prcess f making wine abut 5,000 years ag.
    1. Tmat juice is the fficial state beverage f Ohi, hnring the part A. W. Livingstn f Reynldsburg, Ohi, played in ppularizing the tmat in the late 1800s.番茄汁是俄亥俄州的官方饮料,是为了纪念俄亥俄州雷诺兹堡的利文斯顿在19世纪晚期推广番茄的过程中发挥的作用。2. The wrd pineapple cmes frm Eurpean explrers wh thught the fruit cmbined the lk f a pinecne with flesh like that f an apple. Pineapples are the nly edible members f the brmeliad family.菠萝这个词来自欧洲探险家,他们认为这种水果结合了松果的外观和苹果的果肉。菠萝是凤梨科中唯一可食用的成员。3. Frm a btanical standpint, avcads and pumpkins are fruits, nt vegetables, because they bear the plants' seeds. Rhubarb, n the ther hand, is a vegetable.从植物学的角度来看,鳄梨和南瓜是水果,而不是蔬菜,因为它们有植物的种子。而大黄则是一种蔬菜。
    1. A sunflwer lks like ne large flwer, but each head is cmpsed f hundreds f tiny flwers called flrets, which ripen t becme the seeds. This is the case fr all plants in the sunflwer family, including daisies, yarrw, gldenrd, asters, crepsis, and bachelr's buttns.向日葵看起来像一朵大花,但每个花头都由数百朵小花组成,小花成熟后成为种子。向日葵家族的所有植物都是如此,包括雏菊、蓍草、一枝黄、紫苑、金鸡菊和矢车菊。2. The title fr the wrld's httest chili pepper remains cntested. Bhut jlkia, 401.5 times htter than bttled ht pepper sauce, earned the Guinness Wrld Recrds title in 2007, but several htter chilis have claimed the title since then.世界上最辣辣椒的称号仍有争议。比瓶装辣椒酱辣401.5倍的Bhut jlkia在2007年赢得了吉尼斯世界纪录,但从那以后,几个更辣的辣椒声称拥有这一称号。
    1. n.(古代的)神话2. n.传说,传奇(故事)3. v.发现,察觉(尤指不易觉察到的事物)4. n.黄蜂5. n.杀虫剂,农药6. n.根7. n.辣椒
    8. v.把……联系起来;连接9. n.真菌10. n. 真菌(复数)11. adj.真菌的12. n.网络犯罪13. n.厘米
    Extensive reading fr1. the main idea f the passage (skimming)2. the main idea f each paragraph (skimming)3. the rganizatin f the passage4. specific details in the passage (scanning)
    Talking plants have lng been a thing f myths and legends. Many cultures have stries f talking trees that give advice as well as warnings t peple. Alexander the Great and Marc Pl were said t have visited such a tree in India. And in sme mdern stries, such as the film Avatar, trees can cmmunicate with animals and peple.会说话的植物一直是神话传说中的一大元素。在许多种文化中流传下来的故事里,会说话的树给予人们忠告和警示。据说亚历山大大帝和马可·波罗曾在印度见过一棵会说话的树。在一些现代故事,例如电影《阿凡达》中,树可以与人类和动物沟通交流。
    Main idea: Talking plants have lng been a thing f myths and legends.
    The first paragraph is used t intrduce the main tpic f the passage.
    With us lng believing that talking plants are fantasy, new research has revealed smething amazing: it appears that plants can cmmunicate after all.我们一直认为会说话的植物只存在于幻想之中,但新研究有了令人惊奇的发现:植物间似乎确实可以交流。
    Main idea: New research has revealed that plants can cmmunicate.
    The secnd paragraph is used t clearly illustrate the thesis statement
    It has been knwn fr sme time that plants use chemicals t cmmunicate with each ther. This happens when a plant, say a bean plant, gets attacked by insects. The plant releases tiny amunts f chemicals frm the leaves that are being eaten. This is like a warning, r a call fr help: “I”m being attacked!” When anther bean plant detects the chemicals frm its injured neighbur, it starts t release its wn, different chemicals. Sme f these chemicals drive insects away. Others attract insects—the wasps! The wasps kill the insects that are eating the bean plants. Scientists hpe t learn mre abut this plant warning system, s that we can use it t grw crps withut pesticides.人们早就知道植物可以利用化学物质相互交流。当一株植物—比如豆科植物—被昆虫袭击时,就会发生这种情况。植物从正遭受啃食的叶子中释放出微量的化学物质,这像是警示,抑或求救:“我被攻击了!” 当另一株豆类植物检测到附近受伤同伴释放的化学物质时,它自身便开始释放不同的化学物质,其中一些能驱赶昆虫,而另一些则会吸引另一种昆虫—黄蜂!黄蜂会杀死那些啃食豆类植物的昆虫。科学家希望能进一步了解这种植物警报系统,从而将其应用于种植不用使用农药的农作物。
    Main idea: It has been knwn fr sme time that plants use chemicals t cmmunicate with each ther.
    Pint 1Using chemicals
    Main idea: Plants als use sund t cmmunicate.
    Mre surprisingly, plants als use sund t cmmunicate. Peple can't hear these sunds, but plants are making them. Sme plants make nises with their rts. Crn and chilli plants d this. They als “listen” t the nises frm ther plants. A chilli plant can tell if a neighburing plant is helpful, r unfriendly. Sme trees make clicking nises when there is nt enugh water, indicating drught is arriving.更不可思议的是,植物还能用声音进行交流。虽然人类听不到,但植物确实正在发出声音。有些植物通过根部发出声响,比如玉米和辣椒。它们还能“听见”其他植物发出的声响。由此,辣椒可以知道自己附近的植物是敌是友。还有些树木在缺水时会发出咔嗒声,以示干旱就要来了。
    Pint 2Using sunds
    Main idea: Plants have a cmmunicatin system called “wd wide web” in a frest.
    Mst surprisingly f all, plants have an amazing system f cmmunicatin that can link nearly every plant in a frest. Scientists call this system the “wd wide web”. It is in sme ways similar t the Internet we use. While the Internet is a wrldwide netwrk f cmputers linked by cables and satellites, the wd wide web is linked undergrund by fungi. This fungal netwrk links the rts f different plants t each ther. Using the wd wide web, plants can share infrmatin and even fd with each ther. Fr example, sme pine trees can send fd t smaller pine trees t help them grw. But just like ur wn Internet, the wd wide web has its wn versin f “cybercrime”. Plants can steal fd frm each ther, r spread pisns t attack ther plants. Perhaps ne day scientists will learn hw t create a “firewall” t help prevent these attacks within the wd wide web.然而最令人惊奇的是,植物拥有一套神奇的信息交流系统,几乎可以连接起森林中所有的植物。科学家们称之为“植物万维网”。在某种程度上,它很像人类使用的互联网。互联网是通过电缆和卫星连接的全球计算机网络,而植物万维网则是在地下通过真菌连接而成的。这个真菌网络将不同植物的根彼此连接。通过“植物万维网”,植物可以互相分享信息甚至是食物。比如,某些松树会通过真菌网络向松树幼苗输送养分,帮助它们生长。但是,像互联网一样,植物万维网也会发生“网络犯罪”。植物会偷取同伴的养分,或散播有毒物质攻击其他植物。也许未来某一天,科学家会研究出建造“防火墙”的方法来阻止植物万维网中的这些攻击。
    Pint 3Using cmplicated cmmunicatin system
    Main idea: Scientists are learning mre abut the secret language f plants.
    Scientists are learning mre every day abut the secret ways in which plants talk t each ther. Wh knws? Maybe ne day we will knw enugh abut plant cmmunicatin t be able t “talk” with them urselves.科学家们每天都在增进对植物间相互沟通的秘密方式的了解。谁知道呢?说不定哪一天,我们就能足够了解植物沟通的知识,从而亲自和植物“聊天”了。
    The last paragraph is used as a cnclusin and a restatement
    This passage is an Expsitry EssayThe wrd “expsitry” is a derivative f the wrd “expsitin”. As yu can already understand frm the name, the cre task behind an expsitry essay is t expse infrmatin. Simply put, t expse smething means t lay smething uncver, r discver infrmatin in a way t make it understandable fr a reader.Thus, an expsitry essay is a structured academic paper that investigates an idea, prvides argumentatin, and presents everything in simple language t make the cncept clear fr everyne.
    Expsitry Essay StructureAs a rule, expsitry writing typically has a standard 5-paragraph essay structure:Paragraph 1: Intrductin with a tpic/hk t grab the readers' attentin, and a thesis statement(主旨句) that clearly presents the main cncept and gal f yur essay.Paragraph 2: Bdy, 1st pint/argument with supprting evidence.Paragraph 3: Bdy, 2nd pint/argument with supprting evidence.Paragraph 4: Bdy, 3rd pint/argument with supprting evidence.Paragraph 5: Cnclusin with a cncise summary f yur key pints/a thesis restatement.
    Organizatin f the passage
    Part 1:Intrductin and thesis statementPara.1-2 Plants can cmmunicate
    Part 2:BdyPara. 3-5 Plants have varius ways t cmmunicte
    Part 3: CnclusinPara. 6 Scientists are learning mre abut the language f plants.
    Mdern research is shwing that plants can_______________
    Using chemicals* The plant releases chemicals_____________________that are being eaten.* When anther plants detects the chemicals, it starts t _____________
    Maybe ne day we will be able t “talk”with plants.
    frm the leaves
    release its wn chemicals
    Using sund* Sme plants make nise _____________________* A chilli plant can __________________* Sme trees make _____________
    with their rts
    tell if a neighburing palnt is helpful r unfriendly
    clicking nise t indicate drught's cming
    Using the wd wide web* This fungal netwrk links ___________________* Plants can ______________ with each ther* Plants can_______________ t attack ther plants
    the rts f different plants
    share infrmatin
    spread pisns
    Intensive reading fr1. key wrds and expressin in the passage2. grammar structure in the passage
    Talking plants have lng been a thing f myths and legends. Many cultures have stries f talking trees that give advice as well as warnings t peple. Alexander the Great and Marc Pl were said t have visited such a tree in India. And in sme mdern stries, such as the film Avatar, trees can cmmunicate with animals and peple.
    talking plants, 会说话的树,talking 为现在分词作定语,可以替换成一个定语从句,plants that talk
    sb be said t have dne 据说某人曾经做过某事
    1. The minister gave a _____________(warn) that if war brke ut, it wuld be a catastrphy.2. Hackers are said ________________(start) t have started a cmputer virus and many Interneters have been affected .
    t have started
    注意2:在message letter sign news ntice等词后要用现在分词作定语,不 用过去分词,这是考试的易错点。
    1. There was a terrible nise ___________(fllw) the sudden burst f light.2. He saw a ___________(fly) bird and raised his bw.3. I was satisfied with the ___________(excite) speech.4. We've had an urgent message ___________(say) that yur father's ill.
    With us lng believing that talking plants are fantasy, new research has revealed smething amazing: it appears that plants can cmmunicate after all.
    with+名词/代词+ding, 现在分词和前面的名词或代词是逻辑上的主谓关系,表示主动
    1. With prices ____________(ging up s fast, we can't affrd luxuries.2. With the crwds ____________(cheer), they drve t the palace.3. With exams ____________(apprach), it's a gd idea t review yur class ntes.4. I cycled ff dwn the rad withte dg ____________(run) bhind.
    with或withut+名词/代词+非谓语动词 的其他情况With n ne __________(talk)t, Jhn felt miserable.With a lt f wrk __________(d), he wasn't allwed t g ut.I sat in my rm fr a few minutes with my eyes __________(fix) n the ceiling.She had t walk hme with her bike __________(steal).
    with或withut+名词/代词 +动词不定式,不定式表示将发生的动作。
    with + 名词 (或代词) + 过去分词,过去分词和前面的名词或代词是逻辑上的被动关系。
    It has been knwn fr sme time that plants use chemicals t cmmunicate with each ther. This happens when a plant, say a bean plant, gets attacked by insects. The plant releases tiny amunts f chemicals frm the leaves that are being eaten. This is like a warning, r a call fr help: “I”m being attacked!” When anther bean plant detects the chemicals frm its injured neighbur, it starts t release its wn, different chemicals. Sme f these chemicals drive insects away. Others attract insects—the wasps! The wasps kill the insects that are eating the bean plants. Scientists hpe t learn mre abut this plant warning system, s that we can use it t grw crps withut pesticides.
    that引导的定语从句,关系词that也可以用which, 关系词在定语从句中作主语,不可以省略
    warning,-ing frm做定语,表示功能,用途
    1. We must adapt ur thinking t the _________(damage) living cnditins. 2. The cncert _________(give) by their friends was a success.3. The meeting, _________(attend) by ver five thusand peple,welcmed the great her. 4. The by lked up with a _________(satisfy) expressin. 5. He is the man _________ helped the girl ut f the water.6. _________ he finished writing the cmpsitin in such a shrt time surprised us all.
    Mre surprisingly, plants als use sund t cmmunicate. Peple can't hear these sunds, but plants are making them. Sme plants make nises with their rts. Crn and chilli plants d this. They als “listen” t the nises frm ther plants. A chilli plant can tell if a neighburing plant is helpful, r unfriendly. Sme trees make clicking nises when there is nt enugh water, indicating drught is arriving.
    1. On the last day f ur week­lng stay, we were invited t attend a private cncert n a beautiful farm n the Nrth Shre under the stars, ___________(listen) t musicians and meeting interesting lcals.2. Many Chinese brands,__________________( develp) their reputatins ver centuries, are facing new challenges frm the mdern market.3. A city is the prduct f the human hand and mind, __________( reflect )man’s intelligence and creativity.4. __________(spend) much time at a desk, ffice wrkers are generally trubled by health prblems.
    having develped
    Mst surprisingly f all, plants have an amazing system f cmmunicatin that can link nearly every plant in a frest. Scientists call this system the “wd wide web”. It is in sme ways similar t the Internet we use. While the Internet is a wrldwide netwrk f cmputers linked by cables and satellites, the wd wide web is linked undergrund by fungi. This fungal netwrk links the rts f different plants t each ther. Using the wd wide web, plants can share infrmatin and even fd with each ther. Fr example, sme pine trees can send fd t smaller pine trees t help them grw. But just like ur wn Internet, the wd wide web has its wn versin f “cybercrime”. Plants can steal fd frm each ther, r spread pisns t attack ther plants. Perhaps ne day scientists will learn hw t create a “firewall” t help prevent these attacks within the wd wide web.
    in sme way在某种程度上
    similar t...与...相似
    菌类fungus单数,fungi 复数,fungal形容词
    persnificatin is used here t make the descriptin mre vivid.
    1. The study further strengthens the evidence_________(link) smking with early death.2. Generally _________(speak), there are several reasns accunting fr this accident. 3. _________(judge) frm his wrried face, we knew that he must have had sme truble. 4. This _________(fungus) infectin spreads easily at yur lcal gym. 5. __________________(最令人吃惊的是), quite a few said they dn't intend t vte at all. 6. The meeting heard that tw wrkers had been fired n the spt with n fficial reasn ______(give).
    Mst surprisingly
    Writing Task f Unit 5
    Hw t write an bservatinal jurnal abut the sunflwer?
    First mnth Sunflwers can be grwn in pts. They can be started ff indrs in any seasn. Sw ne seed per pt and water t make the sil mist.Sunflwer has sht within a week t ten days f swing the seed. Supprting them with a cane will keep them upright until they are big enugh t supprt themselves – if yu dn’t have any canes yu culd cnsider using pencils, chpsticks r knitting needles.
    Secnd mnthSunflwers like plenty f sun but als like t be kept mist. Put the pt at a sunny spt and water it regularly. The stem is thicker with ver ten leaves n it. The leaves are becming bigger ver time. There are sme fluffs n the leaves.
    Week 8 The stem has grwn t aund 30 meters tall and has prduced a flwer. The fler is yellw, and shaped like the sun. Yur rm will be brighten up with their large, dramatic heads and petals.

    英语选择性必修 第一册Unit 5 Revealing nature示范课ppt课件: 这是一份英语选择性必修 第一册Unit 5 Revealing nature示范课ppt课件,共23页。PPT课件主要包含了发现之旅,Summary ,Homework等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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        Unit 5 Revealing Nature Developing ideas高二英语上学期(外研版2019选择性必修第一册)课件PPT
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