英语Unit 2 I have a rabbit教案
展开课题:Unit2. I have a rabbit. 第 1 课时
教学目标 | 1.认知目标:能听懂、会说、会读单词 rabbit, dog, hamster, cat, big, small. 2.能力目标:能理解、并会读story; 能听懂、会说、会读句型: I have a …. It’s …. It’s …. 3.情感目标:通过课文的学习来培养爱护、保护小动物的感情。 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
教学重难点 | 1.重点:能听懂、会说、会读词汇 rabbit, dog, hamster, cat, big, small ; 能听懂、会说、会读句型: I have a …. It’s …. It’s …. 2.难点:词汇 hamster ,rabbit的读音; 句型 I have a …. It’s …. It’s ….的用法。 3.小组合作并能表演出故事情节。 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
教学准备 | 课件、图片、录音机 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||
教 学 过 程 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
学生活动单 | 教学内容设计 | 个性调整 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
课前导入 活动一:
自主学习我快乐! 活动二:
It’s.../ It’s...
合作学习收获多! 活动三:
合作探究我展示! 活动四: 通过自己带的照片或自己画的图片介绍自己的宠物,用句型: I have a ... It’s... It’s... 将本课的核心词汇和句型运用到日常生活中。
拓展提升,我可以! 通过相关视频教育学生要学会关爱和保护小动物。
| 一、课前导入 Activity1. Lead in
T: Hello. How are you?/ Is this …?/ … Ss: I’m fine. Ss: Yes, it is. /No , it isn’t.
Play the video of the song <I have a pet>. (Lyrics: I have a pet. It is a dog. It says Woof, Woof, Woof, Woof, Woof. I have a pet. It is a …) 【设计思路】通过互致问候来活跃课堂气氛,拉近师生间的距离。通过简单的歌曲和生动的画面让学生初步了解本单元重点词汇。 二、自主学习 Activity2. Presentation 1. Look and say: Show the pictures. T: I have a hamster. It’s small. T: I have a dog. It’s big. Teach the new sentence “I have a …. It’s ….” Show more pictures. Lead Ss to practice and make more sentences. Ss: I have a... . / It’s... / It’s... 【设计思路】看图片描述动物,学习I have a…. It’s… . 2.Let’s watch Watch the video of the story Play the video of the story. Students need to watch carefully and answer the question. Q: What pets to the children have? Watch and complete the table:
【设计思路】带着问题观看故事视频,让学生更加专注。看卡通完成表格,直接填入单词对低年级学生来说还是比较困难的,给出选项来完成降低了难度。 3.Learn the vocabulary Teach the new words: a rabbit, a dog, a hamster, a cat, big, small. Read the words together. 4.Learn the sentence structures Show children’s speech bubbles. Teach the sentence structures. Use the sentence structures to describe the pets. 5.Chant Use the chant to consolidate the key words and sentence structures. I have a rabbit. It’s white. It’s small. It is cute! Read the chant together. Ask students to make a new chant. I have a ______. It’s ______. It’s _______. It is ______! 【设计思路】学习本单元重点词汇、重点句型。伴随节奏巩固核心词汇和句型。 6.Listen and repeat. 7. Read together 【设计思路】跟读课文,注意语音语调。 三、合作交流,师生共建 Activity 3 Practice 1.Happy reading Read in pairs Ask students to work in pairs and read the story. If they can read together, they can get 1 point. If they can read in roles, they can get 2 points. Give students 1 min to practise. Invite 3 pairs of students to stand up and read the story. 【设计思路】通过合作的方式完成对课文的巩固。学生可以自行选择朗读方式,提高学生朗读积极性。 2.Look and say Show the pictures of pets on the slide. Give the key words and sentence structures on the slide. Ask students to introduce the pets using the key words and sentence structures. 3.Act the story in roles. 【设计思路】看图说话,继续巩固核心知识。学生可以通过小组合作完成故事表演。教师可以在学生分角色有分歧时给予建议。将本节课核心词汇和句型运用到日常生活中。 四、合作探究爱展示 Activity4: Summary. Introduce your pets Give the key words and sentence structures on the slide. Ask students to introduce their pets or their dream pets in groups. Students can bring the photos to school or draw the pictures to introduce. Give students enough time to practice. 【设计意图】创设更多的情境要求学生来回答,清晰梳理并回顾了本节课的重要知识,将本节课核心词汇和句型运用到日常生活中。 五、拓展提升 教育学生要关爱和保护小动物。
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作业布置 | 作业设计:( 家庭作业至少选择一项完成,完成一项+1)
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板书设计 | Unit 2 I have a rabbit I have a …. It’s …. It’s ….
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教学后记 |
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课题:Unit2. I have a rabbit. 第 2课时
教学目标 | 1.认知目标:能听懂、会说、会读家庭成员类单词 rabbit, dog, hamster, cat, big, small. 2.能力目标:能听懂、会说、会读句型 I have a …. It’s …. It’s …. 3.情感目标:通过课文的学习来培养爱护、保护小动物的感情。
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教学重难点 | 重点:能听懂、会说、会读词汇 rabbit, dog, hamster, cat, big, small ;能听懂、会说、会读句型: I have a …. It’s …. It’s …. 难点:词汇 hamster ,rabbit的读音;句型 I have a …. It’s …. It’s ….的用法。 | |||
教学准备 | 课件、图片、录音机
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教 学 过 程 | ||||
学生活动单 | 教学内容设计 | 个性调整 | ||
课前导入 活动一:
自主学习我快乐! 活动二:
Introduces toy pets(找出正确的宠物图片)
合作学习,我展示! 活动三: Practice
合作学习,我展示! 活动四:Show 1.一位学生模仿动物特征,其他学生猜测动物单词。 2.Draw and say 画出自己喜欢的小动物,然后用所学句型来描述这个动物。
拓展提升 活动五: Love the animals!
| 一、课前导入 Activity1.Warming-up and revision 1. Free talk: T: Hello. How are you?/ Is this …?/ … Ss: …. 2.Revision: (1) Play a game: Super Memory Find the words missing in the table as soon as possible. rabbit, dog, hamster, cat, big, small (2)Read and match Match the sentences with the correct pictures. 【设计意图】通过互致问候或唱上个单元的歌曲来活跃课堂气氛,拉近师生间的距离。游戏: Super Memory 和看图搭配复习本单元的重点单词: rabbit, dog, hamster, cat, big, small 二、自主学习 Activity 2 Presentation 1. Listen and choose: Introduces toy pets. T: I have a cat. It’s brown. It’s big. Ss listen and help T choose the correct one in the bag. 2. Guess and say: Show part of body of one animal. Ss guess the name of the animal and introduce it. T: What’s this? T: No. T: Yes. Can you introduce it? Ss: A hamster! Ss: A rabbit! Ss: It’s white. It’s small. 【设计意图】教师描述自己的小宠物,让学生来找出正确的宠物照片,复习句型I have a…. It’s… . 三、合作交流,师生共建 Activit3 Practice 1. Show and tell: Ss work in groups. Show their toy pets and introduce them to classmates. Ss: I have a …. It’s …. 【设计意图】教师描述宠物的身体特征,让学生猜是什么动物。由此来复习形容词:颜色和大小。
2. Show time:A toy party Select some Ss to be on behalf of their groups. Ss: Come front to show their toys and introduce them. Vote for the best group and reward them. 【设计意图】通过一节课的学习学生已经掌握了I have….It’s…出示表格,让学生小组里介绍自己的宠物再上台展示自己的宠物。 四、汇报展示 1.Play a game: Look and guess One student copies the action of the animal and the other students guess the word. 【设计意图】巩固动物词汇。 2.Draw and say 1).Draw the animals 2).Talk about the animals they draw. 【设计意图】低年级的学生比较喜欢画画,结合这个心理,让学生画出自己喜欢的小动物,然后描述这个动物来巩固句型。 五、拓展提升 教育学生要做一个有爱心,珍惜动物的人。 六、课堂小结: Summarize the key words and sentences to introduce your pets to your friends.
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作业布置 | ( 家庭作业至少选择一项完成,完成一项+1) 1、Read story time after the tape 听录音,跟读story time课文录音。 2、Recite story time 背诵story time部分课文。
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板书设计 | Unit 2 I have a rabbit I have a cat/ dog/ rabbit/ hamster/…. It’s white/brown/…. It’s big/ small/ ….
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教学后记 |
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课题:Unit2. I have a rabbit. 第 3 课时
教学目标 | 1.认知目标:能听懂、会说、会读小诗 I have a cat . 2.能力目标:能听懂、会说、会读句型 I have a …. It’s …. It’s … 3.情感目标:通过课文的学习懂得爱惜小动物。 | |||
教学重难点 | 1.重点:能听懂、会说、会读小诗 I have a cat . 2.难点:词汇 mat 的读音;句型 I have a …. It’s …. It’s ….的用法。 | |||
教学准备 | 课件、图片、录音机
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教 学 过 程 | ||||
学生活动单 | 教学内容设计 | 个性调整 | ||
课前导入 活动一:
Find the words of the category(找出同类别单词)
自主学习我快乐! 活动二: 1.Make sentences(造句) 用句型:Is this...?/ I have a... /It’s... 2.Look and learn 看图片,用句型:It’s... and...描述宠物特征。 3.Learn the rhyme《I have a cat》. 听录音跟着读
合作学习收获多! 活动三: 1.小组合作,编一首新韵律小诗。 2.小组竞赛,评选最佳朗读者。
合作探究我展示! 活动四: 小组合作,表演对话
拓展提升,我可以! 活动五: 《活动手册》P5-8
| 一、课前导入 Activity One: Lead in 1. Free talk: T: Hello.How are you?/ Is this XXX?/… Ss: …. Point one student and ask his/ her partner. Ss: How are you? Ss: Yes, it is. No , it isn’t. 【设计意图】通过互致问候和来活跃课堂气氛,拉近师生间的距离,也可以帮助学生缓解开学的紧张感 2.Revision: Brain storm (1)Find the words of the same category. uncle: aunt, mum, dad,… white: brown, red,… rabbit: cat, dog, hamster, … big: small, tall, short, fat, … Teach the new word “red” and “fat”. Play the game: Brain storm
【设计意图】游戏Brain storm 来复习本单元的重点单词以及之前学习过的词。 二、自主学习 Activity 2 :Presentation 1.Make sentences Use at least two words to make sentences. E.g. Is this a brown hamster? I have a rabbit. It’s brown. 【设计意图】通过造句来巩固第一单元的一般疑问句型:Is this …?和本单元的的I have a…. It’s… . 2. Look and learn Show the picture. T: I have a rabbit. T: It’s big. It’s fat. It’s big and fat. Teach the sentence “It’s … and ….” Show more pictures for practice. s: It’s big. Ss: It’s fat. 【设计意图】教师描述宠物的身体特征,学习It’s… and… 的句型。
Listen to the rhyme I have a cat and understand the meaning. Read and master the meaning. Listen and follow it. Try to chant the rhyme together. Try to chant with gestures. Ss: Read and master the meaning. Listen and follow it. Chant the rhyme together. Chant with gestures. 【设计意图】通过上面的铺垫学习学生已经掌握It’s…and…出示小诗,让学生跟读掌握句意。 三、合作交流,师生共建 Activity 3: Practice 1.Make a new rhyme I have a I have a . It’s and . Look at my . On the red mat. Ss work in groups and try to make a new rhyme. 2.Have a competition: the best reciter Ss have a competition. Vote for the best group and the the best reciter.
四、探究总结,汇报展示 Activity 4 Consolidation Consolidation 1. Work in groups.
五、拓展提升 1.《活动手册》P.5-8 A. Listen and number B. Draw and say C .Read and match D. Look and write
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作业布置 | ( 家庭作业至少选择一项完成,完成一项+1) 1.练习小诗《I have a cat》。 2.鼓励学生平时用本单元所学的用语相互介绍自己的favorite animal. 3.读一个英语绘本故事。
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板书设计 |
Unit 2 I have a rabbit I have a cat/ dog/ rabbit/ hamster/…. It’s white/brown/…. It’s big/ small/ ….
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教学后记 |
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牛津译林版二年级上册Unit 3 It has a short tail教案: 这是一份牛津译林版二年级上册Unit 3 It has a short tail教案,共2页。
牛津译林版二年级上册Unit 3 It has a short tail教案设计: 这是一份牛津译林版二年级上册Unit 3 It has a short tail教案设计,共2页。
牛津译林版二年级上册Unit 2 I have a rabbit教学设计: 这是一份牛津译林版二年级上册Unit 2 I have a rabbit教学设计,共2页。