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    Say Thanks
    If writing thank-yu letters is a task yu readily dismiss, yu aren’t alne. Hwever, saying thanks culd be the best gift yu can give, t yurself and thers.
    The benefits f gratitude have lng been champined in philsphical thinking. In recent years, the science has been catching up: it shws that peple wh feel mst grateful generally get a psychlgical bst (促进) as a result. They als have greater life satisfactin, fewer visits t the dctr and better sleep. This has led t gratitude being a part f ur culture, inspiring an explsin f gratitude jurnals, in which yu recrd things yu are thankful fr. It has als led t renewed interest in the neurscience and psychlgy f gratitude.
    Hwever, the benefits f actually expressing this gratitude have received less attentin. Nw evidence is piling up that shws turning ur inner gratitude int actin can make ur lives even better.
    Fr instance, a simple thank yu can build relatinships, even with strangers. Take peple wh have received a nte f thanks fr smething they have dne frm a peer they dn’t knw. They are mre likely t share their cntact details with that persn in an attempt t cntinue the relatinship than peple wh receive a nte that desn’t cntain thanks. A simple thank yu seems t signal interpersnal warmth.
    But the benefits g further than just strengthening scial relatinships, they can have an impact n health, t. A study f mre than 200 nurses wrking in tw Italian hspitals fund that gratitude expressed by patients culd prtect nurses frm burnut. That was especially s in the emergency rm, where persnal interactins with patients are typically shrter and less rewarding. This psitive feedback frm patients reduced feelings f exhaustin amng nurses, says Mara Martini at the University f Turin, wh carried ut the wrk.
    2.Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Summarize the main idea and the main pint(s) f the passage in n mre than 60 wrds. Use yur wn wrds as far as pssible.
    Hugging’s Evlutinary Origins
    After lng stretches f scial islatin, many f us are lnging fr the warmth f a hug. Degges-White, a prfessr fcused n scial relatinships, says that ur need fr a hug ges all the way back t the survival f ur species. When we’re brn, we can’t care fr urselves and we need t be cmfrtable with being held in rder t survive. We’re rewarded with a rush f feel-gd hrmnes that cme frm a nice embrace.
    When we hug, ur brains release the xytcin hrmne, making us feel cnnected. This cnnectin and sense f cmmunity has an imprtant evlutinary rle because fr humans, the security f ur small grups and later cmmunities was crucial t survival. Clse cntact helped build civilizatin. We may nt knw what we are getting frm greeting ur friends and family with a hug; we just enjy it. It isn’t until thse experiences are taken away that we feel pain and sadness. An elbw bump r air greeting are nt enugh. Research published in the jurnal Psychlgical Science has shwn that hugging has a “stress cushining” effect that may even prtect us frm chrnic illness and infectins.
    When children dn’t experience healthy tuch, it can impact their develpment. Kids wh didn’t grw up being held, miss ut n that sense f safety and prtectin. They may act ut r islate themselves frm thse arund them. In sme cases, the ppsite may als be true. Sme children may shw t much affectin, eager fr any frm f psitive attentin that they didn’t get at hme.
    Still, t hug r nt t hug? That’s the questin right nw. Accrding t Degges-White, if yu’re bth vaccinated, g fr it; research has shwn that the risk f transmissin is extremely lw. And if yu’re vaccinated but yu dn’t knw fr sure whether the persn yu’re hugging has als been vaccinated, it’s still mst likely safe.
    3.Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Summarize the main idea and the main pint(s) f the passage in n mre than 60 wrds. Use yur wn wrds as far as pssible.
    Wrking Out Wrries by Writing
    After his father was driven t the hspital fr emergent treatment, 43-year-ld Yanatha Desuvre began t panic. S, he did ne thing that he knew wuld calm himself: He wrte. Over the next few weeks, Desuvre filled several ntebks, writing abut his wrry as well as his happy memries with his dad. “Writing allwed me t face my fear and prcess my pain,” he says. Psychlgists refer t that kind f writing as “expressive writing”. Peple d it by recrding their deepest thughts and feelings. Hwever, different frm writing in a jurnal, expressive writing is t reflect hnestly and thughtfully n a particular frustratin r challenge.
    A well-knwn psychlgy prfessr says that hundreds f studies have lked at the ptential benefits f expressive writing and fund it can help reduce pain and imprve md, sleep and memry. It may even help reduce symptms f varius illnesses, and prevent clds and flu.
    Expressive writing takes effect because translating a painful experience int language allws peple t make meaning ut f it, sme experts say. The prcess frces them t rganize their thughts and ffers a sense f cntrl, thus cmpleting the pursuit f value frm such an experience. Anther research suggested that during expressive writing, the act f labeling a feeling can lessen the activity relating t nerves in the threat area f the brain. With these nerves relaxed, peple can lwer the symptms f their diseases, enhance their appreciatin fr life, and increase the acceptance f varius experiences in their lives.
    What can’t be ignred is that it shuldn’t be used as a replacement fr ther medical treatments. And peple cping with a severe depressin may nt find it useful t d n their wn, withut therapy. Yet, it can be a pwerful cping tl fr many, in large part because it helps battle against their reluctance t face negative emtins.
    4.Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Summarize the main idea and the main pint(s) f the passage in n mre than 60 wrds. Use yur wn wrds as far as pssible.
    Teamwrk Dubles the Strength
    Teamwrk is really imprtant fr any class r team t achieve its gals and bjectives. Let me give yu three reasns why teamwrk is advantageus.
    As individuals, we pssess diverse talents, strengths, weaknesses and experiences. A team is like a blanket that weaves what each f us pssesses, resulting in an end prduct that is diverse yet similar. As team members exchange thughts and experiences, there can be mre efficiency and effectiveness at prblem-slving. This pling f talents can als lead t greater innvatin and success.
    Take Leicester City, fr example. It wn the Premier League in 2016, t the disbelief f many sccer fans. Leicester City, previusly regarded as the underdg in the League, displayed surprisingly impressive teamwrk that led t its unbelievable victry in sccer histry.
    Next, teamwrk helps t increase efficiency and prductivity as members share the wrklad. It reduces the stress n each f us and ensures the cmpletin f tasks within the regulated time frame. When wrk is distributed and each f us in a team specializes in specific tasks, we can expect greater jb satisfactin.
    And finally, wrking in a team multiplies learning pprtunities. Team members learn frm mre experienced members wh may ffer deeper insights and perspectives. Newer members may als cntribute new and brave ideas. Besides encuraging the sharing f knwledge and experiences, teamwrk als develps sft skills like cmmunicatin and interpersnal skills. We learn t respect differences in wrking styles and pinins, and develp trust when wrking with thers.
    Sme may think that wrking in islatin is mre efficient since mre time is taken when cperating with thers. Fr mre talented individuals, wrking alne means being the star f a prject — there’s n need t share the success r glry with thers. But, the lss f cperativity that nly team effrt can generate may als prevent the team frm reaching its fullest ptential.
    5.Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Summarize in n mre than 60 wrds the main idea f the passage and hw it is illustrated. Use yur wn wrds as far as pssible.
    Secrets f the ginkg tree
    New research int an incredibly lng-lived tree has revealed sme f the tricks that help it survive fr thusands f years. The ginkg is a huge, slw-grwing tree with fan-shaped leaves, native t China, but planted in parks and gardens acrss the wrld. Sme f the largest ginkges are said t be mre than 3,000 years ld.
    In rder t discver hw these and ther trees can live fr s lng, scientists frm the US and China tk samples frm 34 healthy ginkges f varius ages. The team studied grwth rings in each tree’s trunk, as well as individual cells frm the bark (树皮), leaves and seeds. They fund that 600-year-ld trees were just as healthy as 20-year-lds.
    T learn mre, the team then lked in detail at the DNA f nine trees aged between three and 667 years ld. At the beginning f a tree’s life, DNA instructs the cells in a seedling (幼苗) t divide frequently s the tree grws rapidly. The cells als make special chemicals t help the yung plant survive stressful situatins, such as disease and lack f water. As mst trees grw lder and tugher, their DNA tells the cells t divide mre slwly and t make fewer chemical defences.
    Ginkges, hwever, d things differently. The team fund that althugh their grwth eventually slws, bth yung and ld trees make prtective chemicals. The secret is maintaining a really healthy defence system. As ginkges age, they shw n evidence f weakening their ability t defend themselves frm stresses. Other trees that live fr a lng time may have the same ability.
    Fr all their defences, thugh, ginkges cannt live frever—they eventually meet with fatal accidents such as fire, disease and strms. While they last, hwever, these leafy giants are sme f the mst beautiful trees in the wrld.
    6.Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Summarize the main idea and the main pint(s) f the passage in n mre than 60 wrds. Use yur wn wrds as far as pssible.
    We dn’t chse ur siblings the way we chse ur partners and friends. Of curse, we dn’t chse ur parents either, but they usually make that up t us by accmpanying us n the way t adulthd. Brthers and sisters are just srt f there. And yet, when it cmes t ur develpment, they can be mre influential than parents.
    Whether these relatinships make ur life better r wrse is a mre cmplicated questin. On the upside, psitive interactins with siblings during adlescence fster empathy, prscial behavir, and academic achievement. Hwever, when a sibling relatinship is bad, it can be really bad. Tense sibling relatinships make peple mre likely t be depressed and anxius in adlescence. Mrever, sibling bullying makes a kid invlved in self-harm as a teen and develp mental prblems in adulthd.
    Whether a persn mdels himself after his siblings r tries t distinguish himself has particularly imprtant cnsequences. One study fund that siblings wh felt psitive abut each ther tended t achieve similar educatin levels while thse wh spent unequal time with their dad and gt unequal parental treatment had different educatinal frtunes. That difference is changeable. On the ther hand, fllwing yur sibling can be a mistake: teenagers are mre likely t be invlved in risky behavir if an lder sibling did s first.
    One way r anther, sibling influence is lasting. A study f mre than ne millin Swedes fund that ne’s risk f dying f a heart attack multiplies after a sibling dies f ne, due nt nly t shared DNA but als t the stress f lsing such a key figure. The findings make sense: Mst f us are different peple than we’d have been if ur brthers r sisters were never brn.
    7.Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Summarize the main idea and the main pint(s) f the passage in n mre than 60 wrds. Use yur wn wrds as far as pssible.
    Des Zm exhaust yu?
    During the COVID-19 pandemic, as scial distancing has kept peple apart physically, mre peple are lgging n t ppular vide chat platfrms t cnnect with clleagues, family and friends. And as a result, virtual meetings, r “zming”, have skyrcketed. Hwever, cmmunicatin prfessr Jeremy Bailensn, funding directr f the Stanfrd Virtual Human Interactin Lab (VHIL) examined the psychlgical cnsequences f spending hurs per day n these platfrms, warning that thse vide calls are likely tiring yu ut.
    In a nrmal meeting, peple will variusly be lking at the speaker, taking ntes, r lking elsewhere. But n Zm calls, everyne is lking at everyne, all the time. A listener is treated nnverbally like a speaker, s even if yu dn’t speak nce in a meeting, yu are still lking at faces staring at yu. The amunt f eye cntact is dramatically increased. “Scial anxiety f public speaking is ne f the biggest fears that exist in ur ppulatin,” Bailensn said. “When yu’re standing up there and everybdy’s staring at yu, that’s a stressful experience.”
    Mst vide platfrms shw a square f what yu lk like n camera during a chat, which is unnatural. Bailensn said, “In the real wrld, if smebdy was fllwing yu arund with a mirrr cnstantly s that yu were seeing yurself in a mirrr while yu were talking t peple, making decisins, giving feedback, etc., that wuld just be crazy.” He cited studies shwing that when yu see a reflectin f yurself, yu are mre critical f yurself and there will be negative emtinal cnsequences.
    Mrever, vide chats dramatically reduce ur usual mbility. In-persn and audi phne cnversatins allw humans t walk arund and mve. But with videcnferencing, mst cameras have a set field f view, meaning a persn has t generally stay in the same spt. Mvement is limited in ways that are nt natural. “There’s a grwing research nw that says when peple are mving, they’re perfrming better cgnitively,” Bailensn said.
    8.Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Summarize the main idea and the main pint(s) f the passage in n mre than 60 wrds. Use yur wn wrds as far as pssible.
    Ever walked t the shps nly t find, nce there, yu’ve cmpletely frgtten what yu went fr? Or struggled t remember the name f an ld friend? Fr years we’ve accepted that a frgetful brain is as much a part f aging as wrinkles and gray hair. But nw a new bk suggests that we’ve gt it all wrng.
    Accrding t The Secret Life f the Grwn-up Brain, by science writer Barbara Strauch, when it cmes t the imprtant things, ur brains actually get better with age. In fact, she argues that sme studies have fund that ur brain hits its peak between ur 40s and 60s — much later than previusly thught.
    Furthermre, rather than lsing many brain cells as we age, we keep them, and even prduce new nes well int middle age. Fr years it’s been assumed that brain, much like the bdy, declines with age. But the lngest, largest study int what happens t peple as they age suggests therwise.
    This cntinuing research has fllwed 6,000 peple since 1956, testing them every seven years. It has fund that n average, participants perfrmed better n cgnitive tests in their 40s and 50s than they had dne in their 20s. Specifically, lder peple did better n tests f vcabulary, verbal memry (hw many wrds yu can remember) and prblem slving. Where they perfrmed less well was number ability and perceptual speed — hw fast yu can push a buttn when rdered. Hwever, with mre cmplex tasks such as prblem-slving and language, we are at ur best at middle age and beynd. In shrt, researchers are nw cming up with scientific prf that we d get wiser with age.
    Neurscientists are als finding that we are happier with aging. A recent US study fund lder peple were much better at cntrlling and balancing their emtins. It is thught that when we’re yunger we need t fcus mre n the negative aspects f life in rder t learn abut the pssible dangers in the wrld, but as we get lder we’ve learned ur lessns and are aware that we have less time left in life: therefre, it becmes mre imprtant fr us t be happy.
    9.Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Summarize the main idea and the main pint(s) f the passage in n mre than 60 wrds. Use yur wn wrds as far as pssible.
    Plan fr Dmin Effects n Sustainability Gals
    Climate change is causing ever-mre-extreme events, frm strms and drughts t flds and vilent windstrms, and these risks interact acrss many envirnmental and scial systems. A heatwave can spark frest fires, which lead t air pllutin. Drught-wrecked harvests can result in fd-price unpredictability.
    Yet these dmin effects are barely cnsidered in mst cuntries’ strategies fr achieving the United Natins Sustainable Develpment Gals (SDGs) by 2030. Many cuntries that are wrking hard t reach these gals insufficiently cnsider the impact f extreme weather. Take Germany as an example. Its 2018 strategy n sustainable develpment runs t 60 pages yet the wrd ‘disaster’ appears nly nce. There is n analysis f the cnsequences f an increase in such events.
    Althugh many peple are nw aware that climate change is making fires, flds, heatwaves and strms mre frequent, mre severe r bth, this knwledge isn’t changing plicy r research enugh. Part f the prblem is perceptin. Future disasters feel unreal t decisin-makers, as we’ve experienced with s many gvernments’ lack f pandemic preparedness, despite years f warning that smething similar t COVID-19 was a case f when, nt if. Other bstacles are inadequate natinal and internatinal gvernance, and cmmunicatin challenges. The research cmmunity has nt yet prvided effective guidance.
    As a cnsequence, many effrts t achieve the SDGs will, like a huse f cards, fall at the first shaking. Our glbal effrts need t be much mre vigrus t the changing and intercnnected nature f risk in a warming wrld.
    What nw? Researchers must create mdels that are mre understandable and useful t plicymakers. When pssible, SDG targets and indicatrs shuld be redesigned t capture weakness t heatwaves, fires, drughts, flds, hurricanes, mudslides and mre. And pliticians need t be cnvinced t invest in precautinary measures and adaptatin.
    10.Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Summarize the main idea and the main pint(s) f the passage in n mre than 60 wrds. Use yur wn wrds as far as pssible.
    Why Is Littering a Surprisingly Big Issue?
    Cmpared with the blindingly bvius envirnmental issues we hear abut every day, littering ften takes a backseat -- but it’s mre pressing than we may think.
    If yu were t thrw, say, a banana peel (香蕉皮) ut f yur car while driving alng the mtrway, that wuld be a cmpletely harmless actin, due t the fact that it’s part f a fruit -- right? Actually, n. A banana peel can take up t tw years t decmpse (分解), and with a third f mtrists admitting t littering while driving, that’s a whle lt f abandned banana peels, r much wrse. An range peel and a cigarette butt has a similar bidegrading (生物降解) term t that f a banana, but tin and aluminium cans last up t 100 years, and plastic bttles last frever, as d glass bttles, Styrfam cups and plastic bags.
    Despite the fact that lnger-lasting materials will serve t damage the envirnment and its animals fr lnger, we can’t nly measure the severity f a certain type f rubbish by its lifetime. Fr example, despite having a fairly shrt bidegrading perid, mre than 120 tns f cigarette-related litter is abandned in the UK every day. Similarly, ur regular littering here and there has caused the UK’s rat ppulatin t increase by 60 millin. This suddenly isn’t s mysterius when yu cnsider that since the 1960s ur annual littering has increased by an astnishing 500 per cent.
    It’s nt a cheap habit either: UK taxpayers shelve ut £500 millin in rder t keep ur streets clean, and when yu include ur green spaces, that ges up t £1 billin. S, it’s nt surprising that if caught fly-tipping yu culd face a £20,000 fine r even jail time and, if yu littered smething dangerus, the curt culd give yu five years t serve.
    T take back ur beautiful cuntryside and cities we need t d mre than simply nt leaving rubbish where it ught nt t be. We need a pride makever, and we need t truly care mre abut the wrld arund us.
    Gratitude has lng been revered by philsphical thinking, and in recent years the physical and psychlgical benefits f gratitude have sparked renewed interest in neurscience and the psychlgy f gratitude. But nw there is grwing evidence that gratitude can turn ur inner gratitude int actin. Nt nly can it strengthen scial relatinships and transmit interpersnal warmth, but als it can have an psitive impact n ur health, which is bund t make ur life better.
    1 要点摘录
    ①In recent years, the science has been catching up: it shws that peple wh feel mst grateful generally get a psychlgical bst as a result.
    ②Nw evidence is piling up that shws turning ur inner gratitude int actin can make ur lives even better.
    ③ A simple thank yu seems t signal interpersnal warmth.
    ④But the benefits g further than just strengthening scial relatinships, they can have an impact n health, t.
    Gratitude has lng been revered by philsphical thinking, and in recent years the physical and psychlgical benefits f gratitude have sparked renewed interest in neurscience and the psychlgy f gratitude.
    But nw there is grwing evidence that gratitude can turn ur inner gratitude int actin.
    Nt nly can it strengthen scial relatinships and transmit interpersnal warmth, but als it can have an psitive impact n ur health, which is bund t make ur life better.
    [高分句型1] But nw there is grwing evidence that gratitude can turn ur inner gratitude int actin. 运用了同位语从句。
    [高分句型2]:Nt nly can it strengthen scial relatinships and transmit interpersnal warmth, but als it can have an psitive impact n ur health, which is bund t make ur life better.运用倒装句强调感恩所带来的好处,同时使用which引导的非现制定语从句突出对生活产生的积极影响,表达复杂和高级。
    2.Hugging has an evlutinary rigin. First, new-brns need hugging t survive, fr it makes them feel cmfrtable. Besides, hugging means clse cntact, which helped t build civilizatin. When peple hug, they feel mre bnded. Additinally, hugging helps peple feel less stressed and its absence can affect kids’ develpment negatively. Therefre, hugging is recmmended fr peple wh are vaccinated.
    1 要点摘录
    ①Degges-White, a prfessr fcused n scial relatinships, says that ur need fr a hug ges all the way back t the survival f ur species. When we’re brn, we can’t care fr urselves and we need t be cmfrtable with being held in rder t survive.
    ②When we hug, ur brains release the xytcin hrmne, making us feel cnnected. Clse cntact helped build civilizatin.
    ③Research published in the jurnal Psychlgical Science has shwn that hugging has a “stress cushining” effect that may even prtect us frm chrnic illness and infectins.
    ④Still, t hug r nt t hug? That’s the questin right nw. Accrding t Degges-White, if yu’re bth vaccinated, g fr it; research has shwn that the risk f transmissin is extremely lw.
    2.缜密构思 将第1个要点进行总说,将第2、3、4三个要点进行分说。
    Hugging has an evlutinary rigin. First, new-brns need hugging t survive, fr it makes them feel cmfrtable.
    Besides, hugging means clse cntact, which helped t build civilizatin. When peple hug, they feel mre bnded.
    Additinally, hugging helps peple feel less stressed and its absence can affect kids’ develpment negatively.
    Therefre, hugging is recmmended fr peple wh are vaccinated.
    [高分句型1] Besides, hugging means clse cntact, which helped t build civilizatin.运用非限制性定语从句对原文第二段进行了概括。
    [高分句型2] Therefre, hugging is recmmended fr peple wh are vaccinated.用wh引导定语从句对最后一段进行了概括,表达非常高级。
    3.Writing can help peple deal with negative feelings. Desuvre nce adpted expressive writing, a reflectin f an unpleasant experience by recrding inner feelings. It benefits patients mentally and physically because it helps them find value f painful experiences r relaxing their nerves. Thugh nt a substitute fr medical treatment, expressive writing wrks fr many. (54 wrds)
    1 要点摘录
    ①“Writing allwed me t face my fear and prcess my pain,” he says.
    ②Psychlgists refer t that kind f writing as “expressive writing”.
    ③A well-knwn psychlgy prfessr says that hundreds f studies have lked at the ptential benefits f expressive writing and fund it can help reduce pain and imprve md, sleep and memry. It may even help reduce symptms f varius illnesses, and prevent clds and flu.
    ④Expressive writing takes effect because translating a painful experience int language allws peple t make meaning ut f it, sme experts say.
    ⑤With these nerves relaxed, peple can lwer the symptms f their diseases, enhance their appreciatin fr life, and increase the acceptance f varius experiences in their lives.
    ⑥What can’t be ignred is that it shuldn’t be used as a replacement fr ther medical treatments.
    ⑦Yet, it can be a pwerful cping tl fr many, in large part because it helps battle against their reluctance t face negative emtins.
    2.缜密构思 将第3/4/5三个要点进行重组,将第1/2、6/7要点进行整合。
    Writing cntributes t cping with negative feelings.
    Desuvre nce recrded inner feelings by expressive writing, which was a reflectin f an unpleasant experience.
    Nt nly des it benefit patients’ mental health but it makes fr physical well-being, fr it reveals the value f painful experiences r relaxing their nerves.
    Thugh expressive writing can't be replaced fr medical treatment, it still functins fr many.
    [高分句型1] It benefits patients mentally and physically because it helps them find value f painful experiences r relaxing their nerves. (运用了because引导的状语从句对二、三段内容进行概括)
    [高分句型2] Desuvre nce adpted expressive writing, a reflectin f an unpleasant experience by recrding inner feelings. (运用了同位语结构对第一段进行概括)
    4.Teamwrk is imprtant fr any grup t reach its gals fr three reasns. Firstly, pling talents helps t slve prblems and mtivate innvatin and success. Secndly, teamwrk enhances efficiency and prductivity due t shared wrklad, reduced stress and specific tasks. Finally, teamwrk multiplies learning pprtunities fr bth experienced members and newer nes, encuraging sharing and maximizing team’s ptential. (58 wrds)
    ①Teamwrk is really imprtant fr any class r team t achieve its gals and bjectives. Let me give yu three reasns why teamwrk is advantageus.
    ②As team members exchange thughts and experiences, there can be mre efficiency and effectiveness at prblem-slving. This pling f talents can als lead t greater innvatin and success.
    ③Next, teamwrk helps t increase efficiency and prductivity as members share the wrklad. It reduces the stress n each f us and ensures the cmpletin f tasks within the regulated time frame.
    ④And finally, wrking in a team multiplies learning pprtunities. But, the lss f cperativity that nly team effrt can generate may als prevent the team frm reaching its fullest ptential.
    2.缜密构思 将第1个要点进行总说,将第2、3、4三个要点进行分说。
    Teamwrk is imprtant fr any grup t reach its gals fr three reasns.
    Firstly, pling talents helps t slve prblems and mtivate innvatin and success.
    Secndly, teamwrk enhances efficiency and prductivity due t shared wrklad, reduced stress and specific tasks.
    Finally, teamwrk multiplies learning pprtunities fr bth experienced members and newer nes, encuraging sharing and maximizing team’s ptential.
    [高分句型1] Firstly, pling talents helps t slve prblems and mtivate innvatin and success.运用动名词作主语对原文第二段进行了概括。
    [高分句型2] Finally, teamwrk multiplies learning pprtunities fr bth experienced members and newer nes, encuraging sharing and maximizing team’s ptential.用现在分词作状语对最后两段进行了概括,表达非常高级。
    5.One pssible versin:
    Research has disclsed sme mystery f ginkes’ lngevity by studying the samples f different-aged ginkes and ther trees. Nt like the latter whse DNA directs their cells t defend less efficiently when aging, ginkes’ defence system cnstantly maintains healthy, thus ensuring these China-riginated slw-grwing leafy giants a lng life if n deadly accidents ccur.
    1 要点摘录
    ①New research int an incredibly lng-lived tree has revealed sme f the tricks that help it survive fr thusands f years.
    ②In rder t discver hw these and ther trees can live fr s lng, scientists frm the US and China tk samples frm 34 healthy ginkges f varius ages.
    ③At the beginning f a tree’s life, DNA instructs the cells in a seedling (幼苗) t divide frequently s the tree grws rapidly. The cells als make special chemicals t help the yung plant survive stressful situatins, such as disease and lack f water. As mst trees grw lder and tugher, their DNA tells the cells t divide mre slwly and t make fewer chemical defences.
    ④he team fund that althugh their grwth eventually slws, bth yung and ld trees make prtective chemicals. The secret is maintaining a really healthy defence system. As ginkges age, they shw n evidence f weakening their ability t defend themselves frm stresses. Other trees that live fr a lng time may have the same ability.
    ⑤Fr all their defences, thugh, ginkges cannt live frever—they eventually meet with fatal accidents such as fire, disease and strms. While they last, hwever, these leafy giants are sme f the mst beautiful trees in the wrld.
    Research has disclsed sme mystery f ginkes’ lngevity by studying the samples f different-aged ginkes and ther trees.
    Nt like the latter whse DNA directs their cells t defend less efficiently when aging, ginkes’ defence system cnstantly maintains healthy, thus ensuring these China-riginated slw-grwing leafy giants a lng life if n deadly accidents ccur.
    [高分句型1]Research has disclsed sme mystery f ginkes’ lngevity by studying the samples f different-aged ginkes and ther trees.(运用介词by后接动名词作宾语)
    [高分句型2]Nt like the latter whse DNA directs their cells t defend less efficiently when aging, ginkes’ defence system cnstantly maintains healthy, thus ensuring these China-riginated slw-grwing leafy giants a lng life if n deadly accidents ccur. .(运用whse引导的定语从句和现在分词作结果状语)
    6.Sibling influence is strng and lasting, in a psitive r negative way. A healthy relatinship with siblings helps us t be a better persn and d better at schl, while a bad ne might bring great harm t ur physical and psychlgical health. Mrever, whether siblings set gd examples matters a lt, because peple might fllw their siblings’ steps.
    ①And yet, when it cmes t ur develpment, they can be mre influential than parents.
    ②On the upside, psitive interactins with siblings during adlescence fster empathy, prscial behavir, and academic achievement. Hwever, when a sibling relatinship is bad, it can be really bad. Tense sibling relatinships make peple mre likely t be depressed and anxius in adlescence. Mrever, sibling bullying makes a kid invlved in self-harm as a teen and develp mental prblems in adulthd.
    ③Whether a persn mdels himself after his siblings r tries t distinguish himself has particularly imprtant cnsequences.
    2.缜密构思 将第1个要点进行总说,将第2、3要点进行分说。
    Sibling influence is strng and lasting, in a psitive r negative way.
    A healthy relatinship with siblings helps us t be a better persn and d better at schl, while a bad ne might bring great harm t ur physical and psychlgical health.
    Mrever, whether siblings set gd examples matters a lt, because peple might fllw their siblings’ steps.
    [高分句型1] A healthy relatinship with siblings helps us t be a better persn and d better at schl, while a bad ne might bring great harm t ur physical and psychlgical health.运用while连接并列句对原文第二段进行了概括。
    [高分句型2] Mrever, whether siblings set gd examples matters a lt, because peple might fllw their siblings’ steps.用because引导原因状语从句对最后一段进行了概括,表达非常高级。
    7.Accrding t Jeremy Bailensn, althugh virtual meetings are ppular, they can be exhausting. Firstly, excessive amunts f eye cntact may cause peple feel stressed. Secndly, seeing yurself reflected during vide chats cnstantly cntributes t negative emtins. Thirdly, vide chats greatly prevent us frm mving in a natural way, which reduces cgnitive perfrmance.
    本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍说,Jeremy Bailensn表示,虽然虚拟会议很受欢迎,但它可能会让人筋疲力尽。首先,过多的眼神交流可能会让人感到压力。其次,在视频聊天中不断看到自己会导致负面情绪。第三,视频聊天极大地阻碍了我们以自然的方式移动,降低了认知能力。
    1 要点摘录
    ①Hwever, cmmunicatin prfessr Jeremy Bailensn, funding directr f the Stanfrd Virtual Human Interactin Lab (VHIL) examined the psychlgical cnsequences f spending hurs per day n these platfrms, warning that thse vide calls are likely tiring yu ut.
    ②“Scial anxiety f public speaking is ne f the biggest fears that exist in ur ppulatin,” Bailensn said. “When yu’re standing up there and everybdy’s staring at yu, that’s a stressful experience.”
    ③He cited studies shwing that when yu see a reflectin f yurself, yu are mre critical f yurself and there will be negative emtinal cnsequences.
    ④Mrever, vide chats dramatically reduce ur usual mbility. In-persn and audi phne cnversatins allw humans t walk arund and mve. But with videcnferencing, mst cameras have a set field f view, meaning a persn has t generally stay in the same spt.
    2.缜密构思 将第1个要点进行总说,将第2、3、4三个要点进行分说。
    Accrding t Jeremy Bailensn, althugh virtual meetings are ppular, they can be exhausting.
    Firstly, excessive amunts f eye cntact may cause peple feel stressed.
    Secndly, seeing yurself reflected during vide chats cnstantly cntributes t negative emtins.
    Thirdly, vide chats greatly prevent us frm mving in a natural way, which reduces cgnitive perfrmance.
    [高分句型1] Accrding t Jeremy Bailensn, althugh virtual meetings are ppular, they can be exhausting.运用让步状语从句对原文第一段进行了概括。
    [高分句型2] Thirdly, vide chats greatly prevent us frm mving in a natural way, which reduces cgnitive perfrmance.用which引导非限制性定语从句对最后一段进行了概括,表达非常高级。
    8.Cntrary t ppular wisdm that ur brain gets frgetful with age, it actually perfrms better, reaching its peak later than thught. Besides, new brain cells cntinue t be prduced until middle age, cntributing t its better perfrmance with cmplex tasks, enabling us t handle cmplex tasks better. As we age, we value time mre and manage ur emtins better, thus becming happier.
    1 要点摘录
    ①Accrding t The Secret Life f the Grwn-up Brain, by science writer Barbara Strauch, when it cmes t the imprtant things, ur brains actually get better with age. In fact, she argues that sme studies have fund that ur brain hits its peak between ur 40s and 60s — much later than previusly thught.
    ②Furthermre, rather than lsing many brain cells as we age, we keep them, and even prduce new nes well int middle age. Hwever, with mre cmplex tasks such as prblem-slving and language, we are at ur best at middle age and beynd. In shrt, researchers are nw cming up with scientific prf that we d get wiser with age.
    ③Neurscientists are als finding that we are happier with aging. A recent US study fund lder peple were much better at cntrlling and balancing their emtins.
    2.缜密构思 将第1个要点进行总说,将第2、3要点进行分说。
    Cntrary t ppular wisdm that ur brain gets frgetful with age, it actually perfrms better, reaching its peak later than thught.
    Besides, new brain cells cntinue t be prduced until middle age, cntributing t its better perfrmance with cmplex tasks, enabling us t handle cmplex tasks better.
    As we age, we value time mre and manage ur emtins better, thus becming happier.
    [高分句型1] Cntrary t ppular wisdm that ur brain gets frgetful with age, it actually perfrms better, reaching its peak later than thught.运用同位语从句对原文第一段进行了概括。
    [高分句型2] Besides, new brain cells cntinue t be prduced until middle age, cntributing t its better perfrmance with cmplex tasks, enabling us t handle cmplex tasks better.运用了现在分词作状语对第三段、第四段进行了概括,表达非常高级。
    9.One pssible versin:
    Despite the negative dmin effects resulting frm climate change, strategies fr achieving sustainability gals seldm cnsider the impact, due t false perceptin, lack f effective gvernance and cmmunicatin failures. Therefre, mre vigrus measures are required, which include the creatin f useful mdels understandable t plicymakers, the redesign f sustainability gals and indicatrs and pliticians’ devtin t investing in precautins. (59)
    ①Climate change is causing ever-mre-extreme events. Yet these dmin effects are barely cnsidered in mst cuntries’ strategies fr achieving the United Natins Sustainable Develpment Gals.
    ②Part f the prblem is perceptin. Other bstacles are inadequate natinal and internatinal gvernance, and cmmunicatin challenges.
    ③Our glbal effrts need t be much mre vigrus t the changing and intercnnected nature f risk in a warming wrld.
    ④Researchers must create mdels that are mre understandable and useful t plicymakers. SDG targets and indicatrs shuld be redesigned t capture weakness. And pliticians need t be cnvinced t invest in precautinary measures and adaptatin.
    Despite the fact that climate change is causing harmful dmin effects, mst cuntries’ strategies fr achieving sustainability gals fail t take it seriusly
    It is because f lacking perceptin, prper gvernance and cmmunicatin.
    Much mre vigrus effrts shuld be made by creating understandable and useful mdels t plicymakers, redesigning sustainability gals and indicatrs and invlving pliticians devting themselves t investing in precautins.
    [高分句型1]:Despite the negative dmin effects resulting frm climate change, strategies fr achieving sustainability gals seldm cnsider the impact, due t false perceptin, lack f effective gvernance and cmmunicatin failures.(运用了despite引导让步状语从句对原文前三段进行了概括。其中resulting frm使用了现在分词作定语,表达高级。)
    [高分句型2]:Therefre, mre vigrus measures are required, which include the creatin f useful mdels understandable t plicymakers, the redesign f sustainability gals and indicatrs and pliticians’ devtin t investing in precautins.(运用了一个复杂的主从复合句概况了最后两段的内容。其中which 引导非限制性定语从句,表达高级。)
    10.Thugh ften verlked, littering is actually an urgent envirnmental prblem. The first thing is that litter like plastic bttles may take years t decmpse and plastic bttles last frever, thus causing a destructive effect n the envirnment. Even rubbish with a shrter bidegrading term can bring abut serius prblems like rat issues. Furthermre, it is surprisingly cstly t clear up litter thrwn n the street.
    1 要点摘录
    ①Littering ften takes a backseat -- but it’s mre pressing than we may think
    ②An range peel and a cigarette butt has a similar bidegrading (生物降解) term t that f a
    banana, but tin and aluminium cans last up t 100 years, and plastic bttles last frever, as d glass bttles, Styrfam cups and plastic bags.
    ③Fr example, despite having a fairly shrt bidegrading perid, mre than 120 tns f cigarette-
    related litter is abandned in the UK every day. Similarly, ur regular littering here and there has caused the UK’s rat ppulatin t increase by 60 millin.
    ④It’s nt a cheap habit either: UK taxpayers shelve ut £500 millin in rder t keep ur streets clean and when yu include ur green spaces, that ges up t £1 billin.
    Thugh ften verlked, littering is actually an urgent envirnmental prblem.
    The first thing is that litter like plastic bttles may take years t decmpse and plastic bttles last frever, thus causing a destructive effect n the envirnment.
    Even rubbish with a shrter bidegrading term can bring abut serius prblems like rat issues.
    Furthermre, it is surprisingly cstly t clear up litter thrwn n the street.
    [高分句型1] Thugh ften verlked, littering is actually an urgent envirnmental prblem.运用了一个主从复合句改写了第一段的内容。其中thugh引导让步状语从句。
    [高分句型2]:The first thing is that litter like plastic bttles may take years t decmpse and plastic bttles last frever, thus causing a destructive effect n the envirnment. 用that引导的表语从句对第二段进行了概括,现在分词causing引出结果状语,表达非常高级。
    [高分句型3]:It is surprisingly cstly t clear up litter thrwn n the street. 用it作形式主语,不定式t clear up litter作为真正主语、thrwn过去分词作后置定语的用法比较高级。

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