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    Unit1 Reading and thinking 课件-2022-2023学年高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第二册
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    高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 1 Science and Scientists课文配套ppt课件

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 1 Science and Scientists课文配套ppt课件,共60页。

    Reading and Thinking
    Learning Objectives
    Find ut the stages f scientific research in this passage.Learn abut Jhn Snw’s research prcess Express yur idea n the given tpic thrugh creative thinking
    What qualities d yu need t be a scientist?
    Albert Einstein
    T raise new questins, new pssibilities, t regard ld prblems frm a new angle, requires creative imaginatin and marks real advance in science. ---- Albert Einstein & Lepld Infeld
    Lepld Infeld
    It used t be ne f the mst feared diseases in the wrld.It causes severe diarrhea, dehydratin, and even death.Millins f peple in Eurpe died frm it in the early 19th century.
    He is a British dctr wh defeats the chlera He attended t Queen Victria when she gave birth.
    Read the title and predict.
    run nucleic acid tests
    get vaccinated
    We are taking measures t fight against crnavirus!
    Are yu familiar with these situatins ?
    Cvid-19: Battling the devil
    It was discvered in the human bdy in 2019. The virus is generally characterised by fever, dry cugh and gradually dyspnea(逐渐出现呼吸困难). The virus was cnfirmed t be with the phenmenn f human transmissin and have latent infectin. The disease had n specific treatment at that time, s it brke ut in 2020 and swept the glbe.
    Besides crnavirus, what ther kinds f epidemics(流行病) have yu heard f?
    What are the symptms (症状) f Chlera?
    It begins in the stmach and a severe case can lead t death withut immediate treatment.
    Many years ag, the chlera in the wrld killed millins f peple. Peple were very afraid f it, but they didn't knw what t d. Luckily, a yung dctr decided t find ut hw t prevent and treat the disease. Finally, the dctr wn the battle.
    What will be talked abut frm the title ?
    Jhn Snw Defeats“King Chlera”
    Stages in scientific research
    Draw a cnclusin
    Cllect data
    Ask a questin
    Find a prblem
    Analyse the results
    Find supprting evidence
    Think f a methd
    While reading
    Wh was Jhn Snw?
    Hw did Jhn Snw defeat King Chlera?
    What is King Chlera?
    Activity 1: Read the title and predict.
    What des “ King ” imply in the title?
    Chlera is pwerful and hard t cure.
    a British dctr.
    ne f the mst feared diseases and millins f peple died frm it in the early 19th century.
    He cnducted research and fund ut hw chlera spread.
    Activity 2: Read the passage again and find the main infrmatin in each paragraph n hw Jhn Snw defeated King chlera.
    P1: Chlera hit Eurpe in the early 19th century and Jhn Snw shwed hw it culd be vercme.
    P2: Jhn Snw fund a prblem.
    P3: Jhn Snw cnducted research t stp the disease.
    P4: Jhn fund the truth abut chlera.
    P5: Jhn cntributed a lt t hw t prevent chlera and hw t study diseases.
    Para. 1: Chlera hit Eurpe in the early 19th century and Jhn Snw shwed hw it culd be vercme. Para.2: Jhn Snw fund a prblem. Para 3: Jhn Snw cnducted research t stp the disease. Para.4: Jhn fund the truth abut chlera. Para. 5: Jhn cntributed a lt t hw t prevent chlera and hw t study diseases.
    Summary f hw Jhn Snw defeated King chlera.
    Read the whle text quickly and match the main ideas.
    Jhn Snw desired t destry chlera.
    Jhn Snw decided t prve the secnd thery.
    Snw began his study by marking n the map.
    Truth f the infectin f chlera.
    Snw's cntributins.
    It's ne f ______________________ in the wrld, because it causes _______________________________.
    _____________________ (when), an utbreak f chlera hit ________ milins f peple ____________________.
    He rse t becme _______________ , and even __________ Queen Victria when she gave birth.
    Jhn Snw became ___________ because n ne knew _____________________________.
    Hwever, he had a desire t ______________ nce and fr all.
    the mst feared diseases
    severe diarrhea and dehydratin
    In the early 19th century
    died frm the disease
    hw t prevent r treat chlera
    a famus dctr
    attended t
    destry chlera
    Research backgrund
    Tw cntradictry theries
    Thery ne:caused by ________
    Thery tw:caused by _______
    cughsneezerunny nselung
    Snw subscribed t the secnd thery.
    Find a prblem
    What did Jhn Snw investigate when anther utbreak hit Lndn in 1854?
    He discvered that in tw particular streets the chlera utbreak was s severe that mre than 500 peple died in ten days. He was determined t find ut why.
    A map f Brad Street-”Chlera Map”
    What methd did Snw use?
    Which huses had mre than 4 deaths in Brad Street?
    Which huses had n death in Brad Street?
    Multiple deaths happened here.
    N death happened here.
    He suspected that the water frm the pump was t blame.
    Think f a methd & Cllect data & Anayse the results
    Find supprting evidence & Draw a cnclusin
    Pump water carried the chlera germs.
    In anther part f Lndn
    A wman and her daughter
    Died f chlera because f drinking the water delivered frm the pump
    Remve the handle f the pump
    The disease was stpped.
    ______ analyse the results ______ ask a questin______ draw a cnclusin ______ cllect data ______ find a prblem ______ find supprting evidence______ think f a methd
    Discuss the fllwing stages f scientific research in grups. What rder wuld yu put them in?
    Try t put the fllwing stages f scientific research in rder.
    Display the answers
    A: It was believed that chlera was caused by bad ____ r germs in _______________.
    B:Snw___________________the places where the peple wh _____ had lived
    C: Many deaths ccurred near the ___________ in Brad Street.
    Sme peple __________ drunk the water frm the pump, and lived.
    A wman and her daughter died in anther part f Lndn after ________________________.
    D: The pump water carried ____________.
    E: The _______ f the pump was remved.
    marked n the
    drinking water
    chlera germs
    Read frm Para. 2-3 again and cmplete the chart belw.
    cnclusin evidence prcess slutin theries
    frm the pump
    Water cmpanies sld water frm the River Thames that was plluted by raw waste, causing peple wh drank this water t get malaria.
    Water cmpanies began t sell clean water.The threat f chlera arund the wrld decreased.He helped peple knw hw t prevent chlera.Snw transfrmed the way scientists study diseases.
    2. What cntributins did Jhn Snw make?
    The Father f Mdern Epidemilgy
    1. What caused the utbreak f chlera in Lndn in 1854?
    Was chlera defeated cmpletely?
    Hw t prevent the chlera?
    T prevent chlera frm spreading, we'd better drink pure r biled water and eat clean fd.
    Fill in the blanks accrding t the text.
    In the early 19th century, an utbreak f chlera hit Eurpe, _______ (cause) millins f deaths. Seeing this, Jhn Snw became frustrated because n ne knew hw _________ (prevent) r treat chlera. At that time, dctrs had tw theries t explain hw chlera spread. One was that bad air caused the disease and anther was that chlera was caused by germs in fd r water. Jhn discvered that in tw particular street _____ chlera utbreak was ____ severe that ver 500 peple died in ten days. Thrugh his serius ____________ (investigate), he fund it was the pump water in Brad Street _______ resulted in the disease. Therefre, he had the handle f the pump ________ (remve) .
    It turned ut that the water frm the pump _______________ (infect) by waste. Thrugh Snw's tireless effrts, water cmpanies began t sell clean water, and the threat f chlera arund the wrld saw ____ substantial decrease. Snw transfrmed the way ________________ scientists study diseases. Fr this reasn, he is cnsidered the father f mdern epidemilgy.
    had been infected
    that / in which
    As a dctr, he helped us t ____________________.
    As a scientist, he fund ut _________________________.
    Evaluatin f Jhn Snw
    what caused chlera
    prevent chlera
    What qualities d yu think Jhn Snw has?
    What was the mst imprtant tl Snw used t defeat chlera? What cmmn medical tls, e.g. a micrscpe, didn't he use? Why?
    Para. 5 …, in his use f maps and statistics, Snw transfrmed the way scientists study diseases. Fr this reasn, …
    n. 统计数字=numbers=data
    He used maps and statistics t analyse where the deaths ccurred. He didn't use a micrscpe. He didn't test the water, nr did he draw bld r examine patients.
    The reasn was that medical science was nt s advanced at that time.
    Thrugh Snw’s tireless effrts, water cmpanies began t sell clean water and the threat f chlera arund the wrld saw a substantial decrease. ... Mrever, in his use f maps and statistics, Snw transfrmed the way scientists study diseases. Fr this reasn, …
    Hw has Jhn Snw’s wrk affected ur daily lives?
    Snw's wrk has prvided readily available clean water t drink, fr example, as well as an emphasis n hygiene such as the need t wash hands after they becme dirty. He als shwed hw t prevent chlera epidemics, and transfrmed the way scientists study diseases, which has allwed fr mre prtectin frm nce cmmn diseases such as chlera.
    Write ut the questins accrding t the answers.
    1. Q: What _________________________________? A: Snw thught that chlera was caused by germs in fd r water.2. Q: Why __________________________________________? A: Snw had the handle f the pump remved s that it culd nt be used.3. Q: Hw _______________________________? A: The chlera threat was defeated thanks t the wrk f Jhn Snw.
    caused chlera accrding t Snw
    did Snw have the handle f the pump remved
    was the chlera threat defeated
    He used maps and statistics t analyse where the deaths ccurred.He didn’t use a micrscpe. He didn’t test the water, nr did he draw bld r examine patients.The reasn was that medical science was nt s advanced at that time.
    Further thinking: What was the mst imprtant tl Snw used t defeat chlera? What cmmn medical tls, e.g., a micrscpe, didn’t he use? Why?
    Snw’s wrk has prvided readily available clean water t drink and an emphasis n hygiene, such as the need t wash hands. He als shwed hw t prevent chlera epidemics, and transfrmed the way scientists study diseases, which has allwed fr mre prtectin frm nce cmmn diseases such as chlera.
    Further thinking: Hw has Jhn Snw’s wrk affected ur daily lives?
    Para. 5: Thrugh Snw’s tireless effrts, water cmpanies began t sell clean water, and the threat f chlera arund the wrld saw a substantial decrease. … Mrever, in his use f maps and statistics, Snw transfrmed the way scientists study diseases. Fr this reasn …
    Discver artemisnin t treat malaria,awarded the Nbel Prize
    Father f hybrid ricekeep peple away frm hunger
    Despite the danger f infectin, devte t the research f COVID-19
    Further thinking:
    What qualities and scientific spirits d they have in cmmn?
    strng sense f scial respnsibility
    prfessinal knwledge
    theretical backgrund
    critical thinking
    questining mind
    lgical reasning
    research methds
    statistical ability
    Language Pints
    前缀 multi- & 否定前缀
    severe weather恶劣天气
    severe winter寒冬
    severe pain剧痛
    severe adj  严重的 extremely bad r serius:severe damage / a severe drught 严厉的;苛刻的:be severe with neself  严峻的;激烈的:a severe winter severe cmpetitin词汇拓展► severely adv 严重地;严厉地:a severely plluted lakeAnyne breaking the law will be severely punished.
    温故知新根据所给汉语,完成句子。I’m afraid I can’t ________________________(同意)the thery.
    / subscribe t
    subscribe t 是正式用语
    词源解读:sub- (underneath 在下面) + scrib (t write 写) + -e → 在合同下面签字
    subscribe vi 订阅(报纸、杂志等):subscribe t Time  定期交纳(会费);定期捐款:subscribe t a charity  认购(股份)subscribe t[正式用语]同意;赞成:All scientists subscribe t the view that the increase in the earth’s temperature is due t the burning f fssil fuels.
    《时代周刊》(Time) 又称《时代》,创刊于1923年,是近一个世纪以来最先出现的新闻周刊之一,特为新的日益增长的国际读者群开设一个了解全球新闻的窗口。《时代》有美国主版、国际版,以及欧洲、亚洲和拉丁美洲版,是美国三大时事性周刊之一,内容广泛,对国际问题发表主张和对国际重大事件进行跟踪报道。
    The laws I lve, the lawyers I suspect.—— Charles Churchill 西方人向来不乏对律师的揶揄之词。这句话译作“我热爱法律,但我怀疑律师。” 说到怀疑,我们很容易想到dubt,这里为什么用suspect呢?dubt和suspect有什么区别呢?
    suspect v [不用于进行时] vt & vi 猜想;怀疑 t believe that sth may happen r be true:The dctrs suspected cancer.She strngly suspected he was lying t her.She’s nt ging t be very happy abut this, I suspect. vt 怀疑(某人有罪)t think that sb is prbably guilty f a crime:suspect sb f (ding) sth:They suspect him f a theft. The pliceman suspected him f killing the girl.
    词源解读:sus- (under 在下面) + spect (lk, see 看) → 从下往上打量着看 → 怀疑
    n [C] 嫌疑犯;可疑分子:questin a suspect adj 不可信的;可疑的:a suspect package
    suspect:t believe that sth bad may happen r may be true认为某事会发生,尚缺少依据。 The pliceman suspected her f stealing the wallet.
    辨析 suspect,dubt
    dubt:t think that sth may nt be true r that it is unlikely不确定某事或者认为某事不可能。 I dubt if it will rain tmrrw.
    Teacher: Betty, yu made s many mistakes in yur exercises, surely yur mther will blame yu!Betty: Blame me fr them? Oh, n. On the cntrary, she is t blame, because it was she that did my hmewrk instead.
    vt 责备;把……归咎于 t say r think that sb / sth is respnsible fr sth bad:Yu’ve failed t d what yu were expected t and I’m afraid the teacher will blame yu. ① blame sb / sth fr (ding) sth:While we can’t change the bdy type we are brn with, we can’t blame ur genes fr making us fat. Once yu frm the habit f blaming smebdy r smething else fr a bad situatin, yu are a lser. 广东
    ② blame sth n sb / sth:Plice are blaming the accident n dangerus driving. 【常见搭配】be t blame (fr sth)(对某事)负有责任:It’s all my fault. I’m t blame. Wh is t blame fr the fire? n [U](对错误 / 坏事应负的)责任;责备 respnsibility fr a mistake r sth bad:take / bear the blame Where des the blame fr ur failure lie? Lts f peple find it hard t get up in the mrning, and put the blame n the alarm clck. 2019全国
    be respnsible fr
    handle由“hand + le”构成,词源义与hand息息相关,其衍生义也与hand有关联。动词handle的词源义是 “(用手) 触;碰;拿”,可根据英语释义中的with hands来理解该释义。
    handle n [C] 柄;把手:Tea in China was traditinally drunk frm cups withut handles. 2全国turn a dr handle
    handle v vt (用手)触;碰;拿 t tuch r hld sth with yur hand(s):Wash yur hands befre yu handle fd. Fragile. Handle with care!
    handle 的词源义,根据 with yur hand(s) 来理解
     vt & vi 操纵;驾驭 t cntrl a vehicle, an animal, etc.:Driving a car is nt just handling cntrls and judgingspeed and distance. 福建Priced at ver $120,000, the car handles perfectly well and has great speed acceleratin. 重庆改 vt 处理;应付 t deal with a situatin, a persn, etc.:We must learn t handle cnflicts calmly and wisely. 江苏书面表达
    Imprtant phrases (P2)
    Imprtant phrases (P2-P3)
    Chlera used t be ne f the mst feared diseases in the wrld, until a British dctr, Jhn Snw, shwed hw it culd be vercme.
    until 引导 ____________ 从句, hw 引导 _______ 从句。
    I didn’t g dwnstairs until the windw had t be shut.I stayed awake n purpse until half past eleven in rder t have a gd lk at the mn by myself.
    until 表示“直到……为止”,主句的谓语动词为延续性动词,主句为肯定句;nt … until 表示“直到……才”,主句的谓语动词为短暂性动词,主句为否定句。
    Imprtant sentences (P2 ~ P3)
    在英国医生约翰·斯诺向人们展示如何战胜霍乱之前,霍乱曾是世界上最令人恐惧的疾病之一。 (Para. 1, Line 1)
    He didn’t g t bed until he cmpleted his hmewrk. (对画线部分进行强调)
    nt until 用于强调句型中
    要强调until后面的部分:①需要把until部分提前 ②还要把nt一起提前
    → It wasn’t until he cmpleted his hmewrk that he went t bed.
    It wasn’t until …… that + 句子的其余部分
    It wasn’t until he finished his hmewrk that he went t bed. (改为一般疑问句)
    Was it nt until he finished his hmewrk that he went t bed?
    nt until 用于一般疑问句型中
    强调句的一般疑问句形式:Is / Was it + 被强调部分+ that +句子的其余部分
    1. The students didn’t stp talking until the teacher came in.
    2. The sprts meet will nt be held until next week.→ ______ ______ next week _____ the sprts meet be held.
    Nt until
    nt until 用于倒装结构
    → Nt until the teacher came in did the students stp talking.
    1. 直到比赛开始他才来到。 He ____________________ the game had begun. 2. 如果很多人都说一部电影不好,我不会去看,或者我会一直等 到DVD版出来才看。 If a lt f peple say a film is nt gd, I wn’t bther t see it, r I will _________________________________.3. 直到约翰进入大学之后,他才意识到时间的重要性。(倒装) ______________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________
    wait until it cmes ut n DVD
    didn’t arrive until
    Nt until Jhn went t cllege did he realize the imprtance f time.
    2. He discvered that in tw particular streets the chlera utbreak was s severe that mre than 500 peple died in ten days. 他发现霍乱疫情在两条街道上尤为严重,十天内就有500多人死亡。 (Para. 2, Line 5)
    s … that … 意为“如此……以至于……”,用来引导结果状语从句。
    3. It seemed that the wman liked the water frm the pump s much that she had it delivered t her huse every day. 该妇女似乎非常喜欢从水泵抽上来的水,每天都让人从那里打水 运到家里来。 (Para. 3, Line 14)
    1. It rained s heavily that we had t stay at hme.2. The questin is s difficult that we can nt wrk it ut.3. It is s busy a day that we dn’t g swimming.
    Observe and Find
    主语 + 实义动词 + s + 副词 + that 从句
    主语 + 系动词(be, becme, feel 等)+ s + 形容词 + that 从句
    主语 + 系动词 + s + 形容词 + a / an + 单数可数名词 + that 从句
    4. I have made s many mistakes that I must stay at hme t reflect n them.5. What a pity! We have gt s little mney that we can nt eat at restaurants.6. The shirt cst s much that I did nt want t take it.
    主语 + 谓语 + s + many / few + 可数名词复数 + that 从句
    主语 + 谓语 + s + much / little + 不可数名词 + that 从句
    主语 + 谓语 + s + many (much, few, little) + that 从句
    s ... that 用于倒装结构
    → The speaker was s nervus that his legs were trembling.
    → S nervus was the speaker that his legs were trembling.
    4. Accrdingly, he had the handle f the pump remved s that it culd nt be used. 于是,他让人拆掉了水泵的把手,这样水泵就用不成了。 (Para. 3, Line 16)
    s that 是从属连词,在此用来引导 _____________ 从句。意义为“_______________”, 可用 _____________ 从句来替换。这种从句的谓语动词一般要和情态动词________________________ 等连用。
    in rder that
    can / culd / may / might
    s that 引导结果状语从句时, 意义为“结果是……”,“以至于……”,一般不与情态动词连用,有时可用逗号与主句隔开,有时则不用。这种从句可用 s … that … 从句来转换。
    = It rained s hard that we had t stay at hme yesterday.
    Cmpare and Find
    It rained hard yesterday s that we had t stay at hme.
    5. The peple wh drank this water were much mre likely t get chlera than thse wh drank pure r biled water. 与饮用纯净水或开水的人相比,饮用被污染的水的人更容易染 上霍乱。(Para. 4, Line 4)
    mre than 结构可以由 far, much, a little, slightly, hardly, nthing, n 等词修饰,一般置于 mre than 结构前。
    (1) This little man was hardly mre than 1.5m fifty tall.(2) She culd have thught f nthing mre likely t please her brther than this praise f Maggie.
    I. 根据括号内所给单词的词性及英文释义,写出该单词的正确形式。1. This is a schl fr children with ________ learning difficulties. (adj. very serius)2. If anyne needs ________ f Prfessr Qia's genius as an inventr, this inventin is it. (n. a fact r piece f infrmatin which shws that smething exists r is true)3. We made ________ cpies f the reprt. (adj. very many f the same type, r f different types)
    4. A grwing number f __________ have at least ne cmputer. (n. all the peple wh live tgether in ne huse)5. We wuld resist any armed __________ frm utside in ur cuntry's affairs. (n. the act f intervening in a situatin)6. Oil is an imprtant ________ material which can be prcessed int many different prducts, including plastics. (adj. nt prcessed)
    7. We had truble finding a(n) ________ water supply. (adj. clean and nt cntaining anything harmful)8. Accrding t fficial ________ the disease killed ver 500 peple. (n. a cllectin f infrmatin shwn in numbers)9. Abnrmalities in the cells can be seen quite clearly under a(n) __________. (n. a scientific instrument that makes extremely small things lk larger)
    II. 用所给单词的正确形式填空。1. infect①All the tmat plants are ________ with a virus.②Exactly which germs cause the ________ is still unknwn.2. handle①She turned the ________ and slwly pened the dr.②Mst custmers were satisfied with the way their cmplaints were ________.
    3. link① The study prvides further evidence ________ smking with early death.② There's a direct ________ between diet and heart disease.
    III. 每空填一词,使每组句子的意思相同或相近。1. Let's settle this matter cmpletely and finally.Let's settle this matter _______ ________ ________ ________. 2. We all agree with the decisin adpted at the meeting.We all ________ ________ the decisin adpted at the meeting.3. Wh was respnsible fr the accident?Wh ________ ________ ________ ________ the accident?4. It was all a great success — because f a lt f hard wrk.It was all a great success — ________ ________ a lt f hard wrk. 
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