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    这是一份2021-2022学年陕西省富平县高二下学期期末质量检测英语试题含解析,共27页。试卷主要包含了 B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. 本试卷共10页,全卷满分150分,答题时间为120分钟;
    2. 答卷前,考生须准确填写自己的姓名、准考证号,并认真核准条形码上的姓名、准考证号;
    3. 选择题必须使用2B铅笔填涂,非选择题必须使用0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔书写,涂写要工整、清晰;
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    第I卷(选择题 共100分)
    1. Hw des the wman feel nw?
    A. Tired. B. Excited. C. Relaxed.
    2. Where has Jhn mved?
    A. In a quiet place. B. Near the schl. C. In the schl.
    3. What des the wman want t feed her child?
    A. Ice cream. B. Milk. C. Rice.
    4. What des the man tell Jane t d?
    A. Return at 3 ’clck. B. Meet Mr. Duglas. C. Put ff his appintment.
    5. Hw much will the man pay?
    A. $100. B. $80. C. $20.
    6. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In the hspital. B. In the z. C. In the man’s hme.
    7. What des the wman suggest the man d?
    A. Try anther cat fd. B. Buy a pet cat. C. Feed a cat.
    8. Why des the wman talk with the man?
    A. T invite him t the club. B. T brrw a bk frm him. C. T ask his pinin abut a bk.
    9. Hw ften des the grup meet?
    A. Twice a mnth. B. Once a mnth. C. Once a week.
    10. What can we learn abut The Kite Runner?
    A. It was mainly abut making kites. B. It was written in the 1970s. C. It was set in Afghanistan.
    11. Which part f the man’s bdy was injured?
    A. An eye. B. A leg. C. An arm.
    12. When will the man prbably g back t wrk?
    A. In ne mnth. B. Next year. C. This week.
    13. Wh is Mlly mst prbably?
    A. The man’s wife. B. The man’s bss. C. The man’s dctr.
    14. Where has the man been fr his hliday?
    A. T the wds. B. T the seaside. C. T the muntains.
    15. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. Mdern technlgies. B. Washing machines. C. Unemplyment.
    16 Wh des the husewrk at the wman’s huse?
    A. The wman’s father. B. Machines. C. The maid.
    17. What d the speakers agree abut machine teachers?
    A. They are bth artists and scientists.
    B. They will replace human teachers.
    C. They are useful but can’t replace human.
    18. What is the mst special part f the ty mystery bx?
    A. Its cllectible tys. B. Its packaging. C. Its value.
    19 What attracts millins f peple t bk the air ticket mystery bx?
    A. The lw price. B. The destinatin. C. The adventure.
    20. Why d sme peple think the air ticket mystery bx makes peple spend mre mney?
    A. Because f the uncertain date. B. Because f the unknwn rute. C. Because f the actual expenses.
    Theater is a big part f what makes New Yrk shine. This city is full f talent that even the yungest can appreciate and at the best Bradway shws, everyne in yur crew will be interested.
    The Lin King
    There’s a reasn Simba’s stry cntinues t draw in crwds year after year: It’s an amazing prductin with amazing sets and a mving scre. Seeing The Lin King live is smething like a ceremny fr New Yrk kids. Uncnvinced? Ask the 100 millin+audience members wrldwide wh’ve seen the perfrmance.
    Ages 8 and up.
    On a cncert stage, backed by an all-female band, the six wives f Tudr Dynasty Henry VIII air their cmplaints in the frm f mdern pp. The queens sing their heads ff, and the audience lses its mind. Sme f the stries are pretty dark, but the girl-pwer dance mves will make lder kids excited.
    Ages 10 and up.
    Based n nvelist Gregry Maguire’s 1995 adult variatin n L. Frank Baum’s The Wnderful Wizard f Oz, Wicked shws what happened befre the events in the children’s bk. The musical addresses cmplex themes, such as standards f beauty and mrality. While children five and up are permitted in the theater, little nes might be afraid f the flying mnkeys.
    Ages 8 and up.
    Cme frm Away
    One f the mre unlikely musicals n Bradway is an excellent chice fr the family: Cme frm Away is the tense but humane stry f an airprt in Gander, Newfundland, where 38 planes and mre than 6,000 passengers were frced t land n September 11,2001. It raises big tpics, but in such a way that invites thughtful discussin.
    Ages 10 and up
    1. Which musical cmbines ryal histry with mdern art frm?
    A. The Lin King.B. Wicked.C. Six.D. Cme frm Away.
    2. What can yu learn abut Cme frm Away?
    A. It features female dancers and singers.B. It leaves much rm fr deep thinking.
    C. It includes standards f beauty and mrality.D. It stresses harmny between human and nature.
    3. Wh is the text intended fr?
    A Musicians.B. Archaelgists.C. Astrnauts.D. Theater majrs.
    【答案】1. C 2. B 3. D
    细节理解题。根据文章Six部分的“On a cncert stage, backed by an all-female band, the six wives f Tudr Dynasty Henry VIII air their cmplaints in the frm f mdern pp.(都铎王朝亨利八世的六个妻子在一个全女性乐队的支持下,在音乐会舞台上以现代流行音乐的形式表达她们的不满)”可知,Six这部音乐剧结合了皇家历史和现代艺术形式,故选C。
    细节理解题。根据Cme frm Away部分的“It raises big tpics, but in such a way that invites thughtful discussin.(他提出了重大的议题,其方式值得深思熟虑的讨论)”可知,Cme frm Away这部音乐剧为深入思考留下了很大的空间。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Theater is a big part f what makes New Yrk shine. This city is full f talent that even the yungest can appreciate, and at the best Bradway shws, everyne in yur crew will be interested.(戏剧是让纽约大放异彩的重要因素。这座城市充满了才华横溢的人,即使是最年轻的人也能欣赏,在最好的百老汇演出中,你的每个工作人员都会感兴趣)”结合文章主要介绍了四个百老汇较为出名的喜剧。可推知,文章针对的是戏剧专业的人,故选D。
    When a stranger gave Danille and her husband Nathan a bx f nins which they later fund they didn’t need, she decided t pass the kindness n.
    Mindful f many families struggling t feed their lved nes, Danielle placed the nins utside her hme with a sign encuraging lcals t “take what yu need, share what yu can”. Nw, ne year n, their stand, called the “Waverley C-p”, prvides thusands f lcals with 500kg f fruit, vegetables, and bread each week. “Residents and charities dnate sme prduce, and we tp this up with $100 f fresh fruit and ther fds,” says Danielle, wh explains that thers began adding t the stand with their wn dnatins.
    “A cmmn stry we hear is that the items peple take frm the stand enable them t save a few extra dllars s they can affrd t buy meat that week.” Fr a new mum Stacey, it’d been the lifeline she needed t keep fd n the table fr her family.
    Last year, the 33-year-ld’s ne-year-ld sn Kaidan ran int a ht fire screen, badly burning his hands and frehead. Then, her husband lst his jb. With Kaidan needing urgent medical care in Hbart 200km away, the mther spent fur weeks at her sn’s bedside befre returning hme, which led t piles f verdue bills at hme. “Withut the help f the Waverley C-p, we wuldn’t have had fd r nappies,” says Stacey, wh discvered the vlunteer-led stand by wrd f muth.
    “It has been a blessing t hear the stries and meet the peple in ur cmmunity,” says Danielle, wh culdn’t be happier that a bx f nins brught s many peple tgether. “The invisible atmsphere f trust, supprt, and cnnectin—that’s been the biggest success!”
    4. Hw did Danielle deal with the nins?
    A. She let thers take them away.B. She dnated them t a stand.
    C. She fed her family n them.D. She exchanged them fr fresh fruit.
    5. What can we learn abut Stacey?
    A. She culd merely pay the bills.B. She stayed fr a year in Hbart.
    C. She was jbless after her sn’s accident.D. She heard abut the stand frm thers.
    6. What des the Waverley C-p finally bring in Danielle’s pinin?
    A. Abundant fd surces.B. Strengthened bnds amng peple.
    C. Mving stries f strangers.D. Increased cmmunicatin with lcals.
    7. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. A New Mther Saved Her SnB. Danielle Brught Happiness t Peple
    C. A Small Stand Made All the DifferenceD. The Waverley C-p Gave Peple Wealth
    【答案】4. A 5. D 6. B 7. C
    推理判断题。根据第二段“Mindful f many families struggling t feed their lved nes, Danielle placed the nins utside her hme with a sign encuraging lcals t “take what yu need, share what yu can”.(考虑到许多家庭都在努力养活自己的亲人,Danielle把洋葱放在屋外,并挂了一个牌子,鼓励当地人“拿你需要的,分享你能分享的”。)”可知,Danielle把洋葱放到屋外,让有需要的人拿走他们。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中““Withut the help f the Waverley C-p, we wuldn’t have had fd r nappies,” says Stacey, wh discvered the vlunteer-led stand by wrd f muth.(“如果没有Waverley C-p的帮助,我们就不会有食物和尿布,”Stacey说,她通过别人口口相传发现了由志愿者建立的这个站点。) ”可知,Stacey是从人们口中听说Danielle站点的。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“The invisible atmsphere f trust, supprt, and cnnectin—that’s been the biggest success!(无形的信任、支持和联系——这是最大的成功!) ”可知,在Waverley C-p社区,由于这种传递善意站点的设立,社区居民之间形成了无形的信任,支持和联系,这能加强人与人之间的联系。故选B。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“When a stranger gave Danille and her husband Nathan a bx f nins which they later fund they didn’t need, she decided t pass the kindness n.(当一个陌生人给了Danille和她的丈夫Nathan一盒洋葱,他们后来发现他们并不需要,她决定把这种善意传递下去。)”以及最后一段“It has been a blessing t hear the stries and meet the peple in ur cmmunity,” says Danielle, wh culdn’t be happier that a bx f nins brught s many peple tgether. “The invisible atmsphere f trust, supprt, and cnnectin—that’s been the biggest success!(能听到这些故事,见到我们社区里的人,这是一种福气,Danielle说,她对一盒洋葱把这么多人聚在一起感到非常高兴。无形的信任、支持和联系——这是最大的成功!) ”可知Danielle一个小小的赠送洋葱的善意行为,最终将善意传递到整个社区,强化了人与人之间的联系,是一个巨大的成功,所以C项“A Small Stand Made All the Difference(小小的善意行为最终改变了世界)”适合做文章标题。故选C。
    Glbally, tbacc is the king f intxicating plants, and nw we can trace its cultural rts directly back t the Ice Age.
    Recently, fur tbacc plant seeds fund in an ancient Utah fireplace suggest early Americans might have been using the plant 12,300 years ag. The finding makes the first knwn use f tbacc sme 9,000 years earlier than previusly thught. Researchers believe hunter-gatherers in the Great Salt Lake Desert may have smked wads f the plant. Until nw, the earliest evidence f tbacc use was a 3,300-year-ld smking pipe discvered in Alabama.
    Scientists discvered the millimetre-wide seeds at the Wishbne site, an ancient camp in the desert in what is nw nrthern Utah. There, they fund the rest f an ancient hearth that was surrunded by bne and stne artifacts.
    Their findings suggest the native American hunter-gatherers may have cnsumed the tbacc while cking r tl-making, the scientists say in a paper published in the jurnal Nature Human Behaviur.
    The tbacc plant is native t the Americas and cntains the psychactive addictive substance nictine. Tbacc was widely cultivated and spread arund the wrld fllwing the arrival f Eurpeans in the Americas at the end f the 15th century, which played a sacred, ceremnial, r medical rle amng the ancient Mayans and ther Native American grups, and helped bst the clnial ecnmy f the United States.
    “The tbacc seeds were the big surprise. They are incredibly small and rare t be preserved,” said Darn Duke, a researcher f the Far Western Anthrplgical Research Grup. “Tday, the Great Salt Lake Desert is a large dry lake. But 12,300 years ag, the camp wuld have been n a vast marshland. We knw very little abut their culture. The thing that interests me mst abut this find is the scial windw it gives t a simple activity in an undcumented past. My imaginatin runs wild.”
    8. What des the finding suggest in Paragraph 2?
    A. Americans prefer using smking pipes.
    B. Tbacc plants can easily be fund arund America.
    C. Americans have a lnger histry f tbacc use than we thught.
    D. Tbacc plants were intrduced int America 9,000 years ag.
    9. What did scientists find at the ancient camp?
    A. Sme animal meat.B. A rich farming land.
    C. A mdern hunting tl.D. Small tbacc seeds.
    10. What can we learn frm Paragraph 5?
    A. Eurpeans cntributed t the spread f tbacc.
    B. Americans started learning t smke in the 1500s.
    C. Tbacc was first planted in America by Eurpeans.
    D. Peple extremely cared abut the effects f smking.
    11. What did Darn Duke think f the discvery f tbacc seeds?
    A. Threatening.B. Amazing.C. Alarming.D. Satisfying.
    【答案】8. C 9. D 10. A 11. B
    细节理解题。根据第二段“The finding makes the first knwn use f tbacc sme 9,000 years earlier than previusly thught. (这一发现使人们第一次知道烟草的使用比之前认为的早了约9000年。)”可知,研究结果表明美国人吸烟的历史比我们想象的要长。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“Scientists discvered the millimetre-wide seeds at the Wishbne site, an ancient camp in the desert in what is nw nrthern Utah.(科学家们在Wishbne遗址发现了这些毫米宽的种子,Wishbne遗址是现在犹他州北部沙漠中的一个古老营地。)”可知,科学家们在古营地发现了小烟草种子。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第五段的“Tbacc was widely cultivated and spread arund the wrld fllwing the arrival f Eurpeans in the Americas at the end f the 15th century. (随着15世纪末欧洲人到达美洲,烟草被广泛种植并传播到世界各地。)”可知,我们能从第五段中了解欧洲人促成了烟草的传播。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“The tbacc seeds were the big surprise. They are incredibly small and rare t be preserved(烟草种子是一大惊喜。它们的体积小得令人难以置信,保存下来的数量也非常稀少。)”可知,达隆·杜克觉得烟草种子的发现是令人惊讶的。故选B。
    Bx jellyfish (箱型水母) are the mst pisnus marine animals knwn t man. They measure 3 meters lng and weigh up t 2 kilgrams. They are pale blue and transparent in clr, and get their name frm the cube-like shape f their bdy. Bx jellyfish have 6 eyes n all 4 sides f their bdy, althugh it is uncertain hw they prcess what they see as they d nt have a central nervus system. They als have up t 15 tentacles (触须) grwing frm each crner f their bdy that have abut 5,000 stinging (带刺的) cells each.
    Bx jellyfish can be fund primarily in the castal waters ff Nrthern Australia as well as thrughut the Ind-Pacific. They prefer t live at river muths. They d nt have any rgans t breathe, and will sleep n the cean flr frm 3 p.m. t dawn. Unlike ther jellyfish that merely mve alng with the current, bx jellyfish have develped a way t travel wherever they want t g. They will sht themselves in a jet-like fashin, reaching speeds f up t 7.4 kilmeters per hur.
    The diet f bx jellyfish cnsists f thing like fish, small animals, and even ther jellyfish. They use their venm, a chemical which causes heart, skin, and breath failure, t kill their prey. Since bx jellyfish have eyes, sme scientists believe that they actively hunt their prey, hlding the belief that bx jellyfish have develped a special set f eyes similar t humans that help them skillfully avid bstacles in the cean, while thers insist that they are just passive pprtunists that will wait and catch anything that wanders int their tentacles.
    Bx jellyfish are respnsible fr mre human deaths in Australia than snakes, sharks, and salt-water crcdiles cmbined. It is best t avid them as mst stings will result in death. Hpefully, humans and bx jellyfish can find a way t live with ne anther while keeping cnflicts t a bare minimum. After all, such a unique species f jellyfish deserves t live and grw just as humans d.
    12. Which f the fllwing is NOT mentined abut bx jellyfish frm the first paragraph?
    A. Its size.B. Its pisnusness.C. Its clr.D. Its hardness.
    13. What can we infer abut bx jellyfish frm the passage?
    A. They live in the deep sea in grups.
    B. They can breathe n the cean flr.
    C. They can decide the directin in which they mve.
    D. They usually mve alng with the current.
    14. The underlined wrd “they” in Paragraph 3 refers t ________.
    A. bx jellyfishB. scientists
    C. bx jellyfish’s preyD. bx jellyfish’s tentacles
    15. What is the authr’s purpse in writing the text?
    A. T intrduce sme pisnus animals.
    B. T describe a kind f animal under the sea.
    C. T illustrate scientists’ research int bx jellyfish.
    D. T shw the relatinship between humans and jellyfish.
    【答案】12. D 13. C 14. A 15. B
    细节理解题。根据第一段的“Bx jellyfish are the mst pisnus marine animals knwn t man. They measure 3 meters lng and weigh up t 2 kilgrams. They are pale blue and transparent in clr, and get their name frm the cube-like shape f their bdy.(箱型水母是人类已知的最毒的海洋动物。它们身长3米,体重可达2公斤。它们呈淡蓝色,颜色透明,因身体呈立方体状而得名。)”可知,第一段中没有提到它的硬度,故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第二段的“Unlike ther jellyfish that merely mve alng with the current, bx jellyfish have develped a way t travel wherever they want t g. They will sht themselves in a jet-like fashin, reaching speeds f up t 7.4 kilmeters per hur.(不同于其他水母只是随着水流移动,箱型水母已经发展出一种想去哪里就去哪里的方式。它们将以喷气式飞机的形式射击自己,速度可达每小时7.4公里。)”可知,箱型水母可以决定移动的方向。故选C。
    词句猜测题。根据第二段的“Unlike ther jellyfish that merely mve alng with the current, bx jellyfish have develped a way t travel wherever they want t g.(不同于其他水母只是随着水流移动,箱型水母已经发展出一种想去哪里就去哪里的方式。)”可知,第三段的they指的是箱型水母,故选A。
    推理判断题。通读全文,尤其是第一段的“Bx jellyfish (箱型水母) are the mst pisnus marine animals knwn t man. They measure 3 meters lng and weigh up t 2 kilgrams. They are pale blue and transparent in clr, and get their name frm the cube-like shape f their bdy. Bx jellyfish have 6 eyes n all 4 sides f their bdy, althugh it is uncertain hw they prcess what they see as they d nt have a central nervus system. They als have up t 15 tentacles (触须) grwing frm each crner f their bdy that have abut 5,000 stinging (带刺的) cells each.(箱型水母是人类已知的最毒的海洋动物。它们身长3米,体重可达2公斤。它们呈淡蓝色,颜色透明,因身体呈立方体状而得名。箱型水母身体的四面各有6只眼睛,因为它们没有中枢神经系统,所以我们不确定它们是如何处理它们看到的东西的。它们身体的每个角落都长出多达15条触手,每条触手上大约有5000个刺细胞。)”可知,本文主要介绍的是箱型水母这种海洋动物,因此本文作者的目的是描述海底的一种动物。故选B。
    Fur Rules fr Successful Plant Clning
    Plant grwers have tw chices when it cmes t starting new plants: grwing frm seed, r plant clning. And plant clnes ffer advantages that grwing plants frm seed can’t ffer. Grwing frm clnes, yu’re sure t have all females, and as lng as yu d the clning yurself, yu knw wh the mther plant is and hw yur clnes will grw, yield, and get yu high. ___16___
    Take yur plant cuttings frm a healthy mther plant
    Plant clning gives yu genetic cpies f yur mther plant. ___17___, yur clnes get the best start pssibly. Avid using mther plants that are sick, r that are plagued with pests.
    Mst plant clnes prefer temperatures slightly higher than yur ideal grw rm temperature, and they dn’t like a day and night cycle with a temperature drp at night. That’s why mst grwers rt their cuttings under lighting that stays n 24 hurs a day. The lighting itself creates temperature stabilizatin. Temperatures between 74—77 degrees Fahrenheit are the range yu want.
    Clnes like high humidity
    Yur cuttings need a humid envirnment in the 75—95% humidity range until they’ve created rts and are able t intake water thrugh them. That’s why many plant clners use humidity cvers. Yu need t wait yur clnes have functining rts. ___19___, they’ll die.
    Use sterile equipment and materials
    Yu already figured ut that yur scissrs, knife r ther tls fr cutting clnes has t be clean. But yu als want t make sure yu trays, clning cvers, and rt zne media are clean and sterile t. ___20___ Start fresh every time.
    When yu fllw these plant clning tips, yur clne success rate shuld be nearly 100%.
    A. If they’re in dry air
    B. Use kind LED lighting
    C. Give yur plant clnes cnsistent climate
    D. But it’s an art and science t plant clning
    E. Dn’t reuse clning cubes r clning pwders and gels
    F. If yu’re taking 20 clnes and seeing nly 10 f them survive
    G. If yur mther plants are strng, healthy, and have ptent genetics
    【答案】16. D 17. G 18. C 19. A 20. E
    根据上文“Grwing frm clnes, yu’re sure t have all females, and as lng as yu d the clning yurself, yu knw wh the mther plant is and hw yur clnes will grw, yield, and get yu high. (从克隆植物中生长,你肯定会有所有的雌性植物,只要你自己做克隆,你就知道母株是谁,你的克隆植物将如何生长、长成作物,让你兴奋。)”可知,看着自己亲自进行克隆植物会是件令人兴奋的事,D项“But it’s an art and science t plant clning. (但克隆植物是一门艺术和科学)”,D项与上文之间为转折关系,且有启下的作用,引出下文的四个成功克隆植物的规则,语意顺畅。故选D项。
    本段主题句“Take yur plant cuttings frm a healthy mther plant (从健康的植物母株上取下插枝)”,关键词为mther plant,上文“Plant clning gives yu genetic cpies f yur mther plant. (植物克隆为您提供母株的基因复制)”可知,植物母株对植物克隆会有遗传影响,联系主题句可知,母株健康,克隆产物才有可能健康;后一句“yur clnes get the best start pssibly (你的克隆可能会有一个最好的开始)”可知,这个好的开始必然是有一个好的先提条件;G项“If yur mther plants are strng, healthy, and have ptent genetics (如果你的植物母株强壮、健康、有强大的基因)”,故G项与下文为条件关系,对上文信息作出了具体的解释。故选G项。
    考查主题句。本段第一句“Mst plant clnes prefer temperatures slightly higher than yur ideal grw rm temperature, and they dn’t like a day and night cycle with a temperature drp at night. (大多数植物克隆体喜欢比理想生长温度略高的温度,它们不喜欢白天和晚上的温度下降周期。)”,根据其中的关键词temperatures可知,本段与克隆植物所需的适宜的稳定的温度有关,最后两句“The lighting itself creates temperature stabilizatin. Temperatures between 74—77 degrees Fahrenheit are the range yu want.(照明本身创造了温度稳定。74-77华氏度是你想要的温度范围。)”可知,克隆植物最理想的温度条件为稳定的74-77华氏度。C项“Give yur plant clnes cnsistent climate (给你的克隆植物稳定的气候)”符合题意。故选C项。
    本段主题句“Clnes like high humidity (克隆植物喜欢高湿度)”说明了克隆植物的湿度要求,根据下文“they’ll die (他们就会死)”可知,达不到湿度条件,克隆植物会死;A项“If they’re in dry air (如果它们在干燥的空气中)”,说明了湿度不够,空气干燥,会导致克隆植物死掉,A项与下文为条件关系。故选A项。
    本段主题句“Use sterile equipment and materials (使用无菌设备和材料)”说明了克隆植物时的容器、相关材料的要求。上文“Yu already figured ut that yur scissrs, knife r ther tls fr cutting clnes has t be clean. But yu als want t make sure yu trays, clning cvers, and rt zne media are clean and sterile t. (你已经知道你的剪刀、刀或其他用于切割克隆植物体的工具必须是干净的。但是你也要确保你的托盘,克隆覆盖,和根区介质是干净和无菌的。)”,上文列举了对部分材料的要求;E项“Dn’t reuse clning cubes r clning pwders and gels (不要重复使用克隆方块或克隆粉末和凝胶)”,E项承接上文,话题一致,下文“Start fresh every time. (每次都用新的)”,为总结句,呼应主题句。故选E项。
    One day, a prfessr entered the classrm and asked his students t prepare fr a surprise test. They waited ____21____ at their desks fr the test t begin. The prfessr handed ut the questin papers, with the text facing dwn as usual. ____22____ he handed them all ut, he asked his students t ____23____ the page and begin. T everyne’s surprise, there were n ____24____ just a black dt in the center f the page. The prfessr, seeing the expressin n everyne’s face, tld them the fllwing: “I want yu t write ____25____ yu see there.”
    The students, ____26____, gt started n the inexplicable (费解的) task.
    At the end f the class, the prfessr ____27____ all the answer papers and started reading each ne f them alud in frnt f all the students. All f them, with n ____28____, described the black dt, trying t explain its psitin in the middle f the sheet, etc. After all had been ____29____, the classrm was silent, the prfessr began t explain:
    “I’m nt ging t grade this. I _____30_____ wanted t give yu smething t think abut. N ne wrte abut the _____31_____ part f the paper. Everyne fcused n the black dt, and the same happens in ur _____32_____. We have a white paper t bserve and _____33_____, but we always fcus n the dark spts. Our life is a _____34_____ given t us with lve and care and we always have _____35_____ t celebrate: nature renewing itself every day, ur friends arund us, the jb that _____36_____ ur livelihd and the miracles we see every day.
    _____37_____, we insist n fcusing nly n the dark spts: the health issues that bther us, the lack f mney, the _____38_____ relatinship with clleagues, the _____39_____ with a friend, and etc.
    The dark spts are very_____40_____ cmpared t everything we have in ur lives, but they are the nes that pllute ur minds.”
    21. A. abruptlyB. anxiuslyC. merrilyD. apparently
    22. A. SinceB. WhileC. AfterD. If
    23. A. fldB. turnC. penD. grasp
    24. A. exercisesB. marksC. scresD. questins
    25. A. whichB. whatC. hwD. where
    26. A. cnfusedB. surprisedC. curiusD. displeased
    27. A. cllectedB. finishedC. markedD. selected
    28. A. dubtB. excuseC. exceptinD. explanatin
    29. A. displayedB. answeredC. returnedD. read
    30. A. alsB. initiallyC. merelyD. eventually
    31. A. bigB. whiteC. blackD. beautiful
    32. A. livesB. classrmsC. clleaguesD. studies
    33. A. bearB. keepC. shwD. enjy
    34. A. burdenB. pressureC. giftD. lessn
    35. A. reasnsB. timeC. freedmD. festival
    36. A. threatensB. assciateC. prvidesD. changes
    37. A. TherefreB. MreverC. AdditinallyD. Hwever
    38. A. cmplicatedB. clseC. specialD. stable
    39. A. stayB. disappintmentC. satisfactinD. cntact
    40. A. darkB. rundC. smallD. dirty
    【答案】21. B 22. C 23. B 24. D 25. B 26. A 27. A 28. C 29. D 30. C 31. B 32. A 33. D 34. C 35. A 36. C 37. D 38. A 39. B 40. C
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:他们在课桌前焦急地等待考试开始。A. abruptly突然地;B. anxiusly焦急地;C. merrily高兴地;D. apparently显然。由后文的“fr the test t begin”可知,学生们是在课桌前焦急地等待考试开始,故选B。
    考查连词词义辨析。句意:他把试卷都发完后,让学生翻开试卷开始做题。A. Since自从;B. While当……的时候;C. After在……之后;D. If如果。根据后文“he asked his students t ____3____ the page and begin”可知,只有在试卷分发完后,学生才会开始做题。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他把试卷都发完后,让学生翻开试卷开始做题。A. fld折叠;B. turn翻;C. pen打开;D. grasp抓牢。根据前文“with the text facing dwn as usual.”和空后动词begin可知,因为试卷是朝下的,所以此处指学生翻开试卷,开始做题。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:令大家吃惊的是,试卷上没有问题,只有在纸中央的一个黑点。A. exercises练习;B. marks记号;C. scres分数;D. questins问题。由后文“just a black dt (点) in the center f the page.”可知,试卷上没有问题,只有一个黑点。故选D。
    考查代词和副词词义辨析。句意:我要你们把看到的写下来。A. which哪一个;B. what什么;C. hw如何;D. where在哪里。分析句子结构可知,空格处引导的是宾语从句,从句中缺少宾语,句子表示“把看到的东西写下来”,因此空格处用what引导宾语从句,故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:学生们很困惑,开始了这项令人费解的任务。A. cnfused感到困惑的;B. surprised感到吃惊的;C. curius好奇的;D. displeased不高兴的。根据后文“gt started n the inexplicable (令人费解的) task.”可知,此处在说“学生感到困惑”,开始做这费解的任务。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:课结束时,教授把所有的试卷收起来,开始在全班同学面前大声朗读每份试卷。A. cllected收集;B. finished完成;C. marked标记;D. selected挑选。根据常识和空前“At the end f the class”可知,因为要下课了,所以此处指教授收了答题卷。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们无一例外地描述了那个黑点,试图解释它在纸张中间的位置,等等。A. dubt怀疑;B. excuse借口;C. exceptin例外;D. explanatin解释。根据后文“described the black dt, trying t explain its psitin in the middle f the sheet, etc.”可知,因为大家都描述了那个黑点,所以此处需用名词exceptin,表示没有例外。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:读完后,教室里一片寂静,教授开始解释……。A. displayed展示;B. answered回答;C. returned返回;D. read阅读。根据前文“started reading each ne f them alud in frnt f all the students.”可知,此处指教授读完了学生的卷子。故选D。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:我只是想让你好好想想。A. als也;B. initially最初;C. merely仅仅;D. eventually最后。根据前文“I’m nt ging t grade this.”可知,教授不想给学生打成绩,所以此处需用副词merely,加强语气,表示只是想让学生思考一些事情。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:没有人写关于纸的白色部分的内容。A. big大的;B. white白色的;C. black黑色的;D. beautiful美丽的。根据后文“Everyne fcused n the black dt”可知,因为大家都关注黑点了,所以没有人关注纸白色的部分。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:每个人都关注着黑点,同样的事情也发生在我们的生活中。A. lives生活;B. classrms教室;C. clleagues同事;D. studies学习。根据后文“Our life is a…”可知,我们都集中在黑点上,在生活中同样的事情也会发生。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们有一张白纸来观察和欣赏,但我们总是把焦点放在黑点上。A. bear容忍;B. keep保持;C. shw出示,展示;D. enjy欣赏。根据前文动词“bserve”可知,我们有一张白纸要观察和欣赏,但我们集中在黑点上。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们的生命是上天赐予我们的礼物,充满了爱和关怀,我们总有理由庆祝:大自然每天都在更新,我们身边的朋友,为我们提供生计的工作,以及我们每天看到的奇迹。A. burden负担;B. pressure压力;C. gift礼物;D. lessn功课。根据后文“with lve and care”可知,我们的生活就是给我们的爱和关心的礼物。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们的生命是上天赐予我们的礼物,充满了爱和关怀,我们总有理由庆祝:大自然每天都在更新,我们身边的朋友,为我们提供生计的工作,以及我们每天看到的奇迹。A. reasns理由;B. time时间;C. freedm自由;D. festival节日。根据后文“nature renewing itself every day, ur friends arund us”可知,因为大自然每天都在更新,所以我们总是有理由庆祝。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们的生命是上天赐予我们的礼物,充满了爱和关怀,我们总有理由庆祝:大自然每天都在更新,我们身边的朋友,为我们提供生计的工作,以及我们每天看到的奇迹。A. threatens威胁;B. assciate联系;C. prvides提供,支撑;D. changes改变。根据空后“ur livelihd and the miracles we see every day.”可知,此处需用动词prvide,表示工作给我们提供生计。故选C。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:然而,我们坚持只关注那些黑点:困扰我们的健康问题、缺钱、与同事的复杂关系、对朋友的失望,等等。A. Therefre因此;B. Mrever而且;C. Additinally除此之外,还有;D. Hwever然而,但是。前文说我们没有关注试卷白色部分,空后说,我们总是关注黑暗的部分,前后表示转折关系,需用副词hwever。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然而,我们坚持只关注那些黑点:困扰我们的健康问题、缺钱、与同事的复杂关系、对朋友的失望,等等。A. cmplicated复杂的;B. clse亲密的;C. special特殊的;D. stable稳定的。因为只关注到了生活中的黑点,所以此处表示我们和同事之间的复杂关系。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,我们坚持只关注那些黑点:困扰我们的健康问题、缺钱、与同事的复杂关系、对朋友的失望,等等。A. stay待;B. disappintment失望;C. satisfactin满意;D. cntact接触。因为只关注到了生活中的黑点,所以此处指对朋友的失望。故选B。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:与我们生活中所拥有的一切相比,这些黑点是非常小的,但正是它们污染了我们的思想。A. dark黑暗的;B. rund圆的;C. small小的;D. dirty脏的。根据空后“everything we have in ur lives”和前文故事描述可知,黑点和我们生活中的每一件事情相比是很小的东西。故选C。
    第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共50分)
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Sydney ____41____(cnsider) t be ne f the mst expensive cities in the wrld. But it is pssible fr internatinal students living n a budget____42____(find) lts f things t d. Fr students wh enjy physical activities and nature, there are many places t walk, hike and explre.
    The Blue Muntains, lcated in the ____43____(centre) areas f the Sydney Basin, ffers ____44____ number f hiking trails fr peple f all athletic abilities t take all-day hikes, r camping adventures. Students ____45____(draw) mre t beaches can d the Bndi Beach t Cgee Beach walk. This walk takes yu a little under fur miles alng the castline, prviding yu ____46____ a view f varius beautiful beaches and parks. Yu can als walk thrugh the Ryal Btanical Gardens, ____47____ is lcated alng the Sydney Harbur, ____48____(feature) public art and sculptures scattered thrughut the gardens. Students will als want t walk acrss the Sydney Harbur Bridge, which is the ____49____(large) steel-arch bridge in the wrld. The bridge was built n March 19, 1932, and walking it is a ppular chice fr bth lcals and turists. Walking the bridge gives yu a unique view f the bridge _____50_____(it), the city and the harbr.
    【答案】41. is cnsidered
    42. t find
    43. central
    44. a 45. drawn
    46. with 47. which
    48. featuring
    49. largest
    50. itself
    考查动词语态。句意:悉尼被认为是世界上生活成本最高的城市之一。主语与谓语构成被动关系,且陈述客观事实,应用一般现在时的被动语态,主语为Sydney,谓语用单数。故填is cnsidered。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:但是对于生活拮据的国际学生来说,也有可能找到很多事情去做。此处为句型it be adj. fr sb. t d sth.,不定式作真正主语。故填t find。
    考查固定短语。句意:蓝山位于悉尼盆地的中心地区,为各种运动能力的人提供了许多徒步路线,以进行全天的徒步旅行或露营冒险。结合句意表示“许多”可知,短语为a number f。故填a。
    考查介词。句意:沿着海岸线步行不到4英里,你可以看到各种美丽的海滩和公园。此处为短语prvide sb. with sth.表示“给某人提供某物”。故填with。
    考查定语从句。句意:你也可以穿过皇家植物园,它位于悉尼港沿岸,公共艺术和雕塑散落在花园中。此处为非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the Ryal Btanical Gardens,先行词在从句中作主语,指物,应用which引导。故填which。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:你也可以穿过皇家植物园,它位于悉尼港沿岸,公共艺术和雕塑散落在花园中。分析句子结构可知,feature在句中应用非谓语动词形式,与逻辑主语the Ryal Btanical Gardens构成主动关系,应用现在分词,作状语。故填featuring。
    考查最高级。句意:学生们还想步行穿过悉尼海港大桥,这是世界上最大的钢拱桥。根据后文in the wrld可知,应用最高级。故填largest。
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
    51. 假如英语课上老师要求同学们交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处错误。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。
    注意:1. 每处错误及修改均仅限一词;
    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    When it cmes t music, here is hw I want t say: Music is ne f the imprtant part in my life. The beautiful classical music nt nly helps us deal with stress, but bring me pleasure. Althugh sme sngs cntain rck-and-rll beats, but they still can make me feel calm and cmfrtable. I believe music is able t passing n all kinds f emtins. While prepared fr the cming day, I lve listening t music as my regularly mrning rutine. Als, I am planning t learn t play pian. Withut sngs and harmnies, my life will be cmpletely empty.
    【详解】1. 考查名词性从句。句意:说到音乐,我想说的是:音乐是我生活中重要的一部分。分析句子结构可知,本句为表语从句。从句中缺少宾语,指物,用连接代词what。故将hw改为what。
    2. 考查名词的数。句意:说到音乐,我想说的是:音乐是我生活中重要的一部分。ne f +复数名词。故将part改为parts。
    3. 考查代词。句意:优美的古典音乐不仅能帮助我缓解压力,还能给我带来快乐。根据上文可知,作者讲的是音乐给自己带来的好处,而不是给我们带来的好处,所以用代词me。故将us改为me。
    4. 考查谓语动词。句意:优美的古典音乐不仅能帮助我缓解压力,还能给我带来快乐。nt nly…but(als)…引导的并列谓语,bring应该和helps保持一致,所以用第三人称单数形式。故将bring改为brings。
    5. 考查连词。句意:虽然有些歌曲含有摇滚的节奏,但他们仍然可以让我感到平静和舒适。分析句子成分可知,althugh引导让步状语从句,连词but不可与althugh连用。故将but去掉。
    6. 考查非谓语动词。句意:我相信音乐能够传递各种情绪。be able t d能够做……,是固定短语。故将passing改为pass。
    7. 考查非谓语动词和省略。句意:在为即将到来的一天做准备的同时,我喜欢把听音乐作为我早上的日常。本句为状语从句的省略,当while引导的状语从句的主语和主句主语一致时,从句主语可省略,省略原则是将主语和be动词同时省略。while引导的状语从句的完整形式为:while I am preparing fr the cming day,故将prepared改为preparing。
    8. 考查形容词。句意:在为即将到来的一天做准备的同时,我喜欢把听音乐作为我早上的常规工作。修饰名词用形容词形式。故将regularly改为regular。
    9. 考查冠词。句意:此外,我计划学习弹钢琴。英语中,乐器前加定冠词the。故在pian前加the。
    10. 考查虚拟语气。句意:没有歌曲和和声,我的生活将是完全空虚的。本句为withut构成的虚拟语气,与现在事实相反,主句部分用wuld+动词原形。故将will改为wuld。
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    52. 假定你是李华,现在正在英国某所中学读书。昨天你和朋友们在当地的一家海洋公园(marine park)里游玩,但是工作人员的服务及园内餐厅的食物让你感到很不满意。请你用英语给相关负责人写一封邮件,内容包括:
    1. 所投诉的问题;2. 你的期望。
    注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    【答案】Dear Sir r Madam,
    I visited yur marine park with my friends yesterday. I’m srry but I have t say that I was disappinted with the service yur staff prvided and the fd yur restaurant supplied.
    When I came up t ne f the waitresses t ask the way, she was rather impatient. What’s wrse, she even laughed at me when I was abut t leave. Besides, the steak I rdered in yur restaurant was t tugh and salty t enjy.
    I think that the service and fd will als disappint ther custmers. I hpe that yu will take measures t imprve yur service.
    Yurs sincerely.
    Li Hua
    【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。假定你是李华,现在正在英国某所中学读书。昨天你和朋友们在当地的一家海洋公园(marine park)里游玩,但是工作人员的服务及园内餐厅的食物让你感到很不满意。请你用英语给相关负责人写一封邮件。
    采取措施:take measures t d →take actin t d
    此外:besides→in additin
    原句:I’m srry but I have t say that I was disappinted with the service yur staff prvided and the fd yur restaurant supplied.
    拓展句:It was the service yur staff prvided and the fd yur restaurant supplied that disappinted me.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] I’m srry but I have t say that I was disappinted with the service yur staff prvided and the fd yur restaurant supplied. (运用了that引导宾语从句)
    [高分句型2] When I came up t ne f the waitresses t ask the way, she was rather impatient. (运用了when引导的时间状语从句)

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