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    这是一份2022年高考英语新材料仿真模拟押题卷02(全国乙卷专用),文件包含押题卷02全国乙卷解析版docx、押题卷02全国乙卷原卷版docx、audiomp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共36页, 欢迎下载使用。




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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)





    1.(2022·天津市新华中学模拟预测)What will the speakers do next?

    AEat out. BCook food. CHave a rest.

    2.(2022·天津市新华中学模拟预测)When did Lucy get to school?

    AAt 2:00. BAt 2:15. CAt 2:30.

    3.(2022·天津市新华中学模拟预测)Where was the woman brought up?

    AIn India. BIn England. CIn China.

    4.(2022·天津市新华中学模拟预测)What does the man think of the movie?

    ADull. BInteresting. CScary.

    5.(2022·天津市新华中学模拟预测)Why does the man want to leave his company?

    AHe sees no future. BHe is always busy. CHis boss doesn’t like him.




    6Where is the accounting office?

    AOn the 4th floor. BOn the 5th floor. COn the 6th floor.

    7Where will the woman go first?

    AThe Thai restaurant.

    BThe accounting office.

    CThe shipping department.


    8Where did the man have a fall?

    AOn the soccer field.

    BIn the bathroom.

    CIn the restaurant.

    9What is the man asked to do first?

    AHave a drink.

    BCheck the injury.

    CTake a shower.

    10What can be learned from the conversation?

    ARobby had his dirty clothes washed.

    BRobby got caught in a sudden rain.

    CRobby's team lost the soccer game.


    11How long will it take Jenny to write her paper altogether?

    ATwo weeks. BThree weeks. COne week.

    12Which part is the most difficult for Jenny?

    AWriting the paper.

    BPreparing an outline.

    CDoing the research.

    13What does Stan think Jenny should do?

    ACopy his outline.

    BMake an outline before writing.

    CUse her outline from last semester.


    14What can we know about the man?

    AHe enjoyed the concerts in schools.

    BHe received no response to his CDs.

    CHe never played the piano in a band.

    15When did the man make a CD?

    AOne year ago. BFive years ago. CFifteen years ago.

    16What is the woman’s attitude towards the man?

    ADoubtful BAdmiring. CUncaring.


    17According to the dialogue, what is Simon’s job?

    ASending out radio signals to other countries.

    BLooking for life and intelligence in space.

    CStudying planets that move around stars.

    DEstablishing scientific organizations.

    18According to Simon, why are radio signals being searched for?

    AThey may prove that life exists in space.

    BThey can help find out how the universe started.

    CThey convey messages about life on Earth.

    DThey are used frequently by other life forms.

    19Why didn’t Simon believe the stories about people visiting from space?

    AHe makes up the stories himself.

    BReal evidence is lacking.

    CGravity stops them from visiting.

    DThe distance is too long.

    20What is the dialogue mainly about?

    AThe giants visiting from space.

    BThe planets in the universe.

    CThe work of an organization.

    DThe life in the solar system.

    第二部分  阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)




    2022·江苏南京·三模)Are you worried about the planet and tired of waiting around for things to change? Go ahead and take a closer look at the various options available to volunteer. for the environment!

    Sustainable Agriculture

    If you decide to volunteer for a sustainable agriculture project, you’ll definitely learn some interesting sustainable farming techniques. You will be learning these techniques from locals or teaching them to the local farmers so they can implement (实施) these techniques on their own.

    Best Places to Volunteer: Central or South Africa, India, Nepal, Indonesia and the Philippines.

    Marine Conservation

    Volunteers’ for marine conservation should naturally be attracted to water. It’s important that you don’t fear diving and have a strong interest in learning to dive during your stay. While volunteering, your task as a volunteer will be to help research, maintain and grow the unique marine biology.

    Best Places to Volunteer: The Bahamas, Cuba, Peru, South Africa, Indonesia, Spain and Italy.

    Nature Conservation

    Conservation projects are dedicated to protecting the natural environment of a specific location. Tasks here may vary greatly depending on the program but it will require volunteers to study the environment and learn about the local wildlife species. You’ll be monitoring the environment and retrieving data while taking action to preserve the local species of animals and plants.

    Best Places to Volunteer: Madagascar, the Maldives, South Africa, New Zealand and Russia.

    Renewable Energy and Water

    Projects focused on energy and water create ways for communities to access sustainable energy and water sources. These programs are dedicated to designing system improvements and creating a sustainable supply of energy and water. It’s important for conservation volunteers to evaluate the needs of the community and implement actions to solve these issues.

    Best Places to Volunteer: Peru, Costa Rica, EI Salvador, India and Cameroon.

    Requirements: With so many subcategories and such a wide series of organizations, the required skill set will vary for each program. English is the main language on all projects so it’s important that conservation volunteers have a good understanding of English. For projects in South America, you will find it helpful to have a basic knowledge of Spanish.

    21If you want to volunteer for three projects in the same country, which country is the best choice?

    APeru. BSouth Africa. CIndonesia. DIndia.

    22Which of the following statements is TRUE?

    AVolunteers can learn farming techniques by carrying out these techniques on their own.

    BVolunteers should assess the requirements of the community to solve the issues of energy and water supply.

    CVolunteers at different conservation projects can perform the same tasks to protect the natural environment.

    DVolunteers can sign up for marine conservation project even if they are afraid of the water.

    23What is required in common to be a volunteer in any of the above programs?

    AFarming techniques. BMarine biology.

    CThe English language. DData retrieving.


    2022·河北衡水·高三阶段练习)When Byron Thanarayen and his wife Melissa returned to their home recently, their 13-year-old dog named Chucky was completely wet. The couple assumed the dog had splashed around in his water bowl and made a mess in the house. When no evidence could be found inside, they turned to their security footage (录像).

    What they saw made the blood freeze in their veins. Chucky was walking near their backyard swimming pool when he stumbled (绊倒) and fell in. Since the dog is so tiny, he was unable to get a purchase on the slick sides of the pool.   Instead, he paddled around, searching in vain for a way out. After a few desperate moments, the couple's other dog appeared on the scene. Jessie is a 7-year-old dog who became noticeably upset when she saw her friend struggling to keep his head above the water. She began circling the pool's edge, following Chucky as if she was encouraging him not to give up.

    For 34 minutes, Jessie worked to rescue her friend. She repeatedly tried to grab hold of the smaller dog with her mouth, but Chucky kept slipping out of her grasp. Finally, after several failed attempts, Jessie succeeded in grasping Chucky's neck and dragging him out of the pool.

    When Byron and Melissa realized Jessie was a hero, they were unspeakably grateful for their sweet girl! “We still struggle to watch that video today, just thinking of what could have happened if Jessie was not there,” Byron said. “I'm really proud of her, considering she is the youngest.” The family now plans to install a pool cover to keep their pets safe. Thankfully, they have a wonderful life-dog on duty just in case anything ever goes wrong!

    24What was the couple's first thought finding their messy house?

    ASomeone had broken in.

    BThe dogs had been too naughty.

    CThey had forgotten to clean the house.

    DChucky had swum again in the swimming pool.

    25How did the couple feel when they found the evidence?

    AShocked. BScared.

    CExcited. DAnnoyed.

    26What did Jessie do to help her friend?

    AShe encouraged him to stay above the water.

    BShe circled the pool's edge to find a way out.

    CShe used her mouth to pull him out of the pool.

    DShe ran out immediately to ask others for help.

    27Which words can describe Jessie?

    AClever and inspiring. BWise and energetic.

    CNaughty and lazy. DBrave and loving.


    2022·四川成都·二模)With rounds of pioneering space flights that could set the stage for future space tourism, it is worth looking at what might be involved for the human exploration of Mars, though it's likely decades away. Technological challenges aside, as we continue to expand our exploration of Mars, there is a question: What might be the lessons of past voyages of discovery that we should think about?

    Human exploration has led to many extraordinary new discoveries, but it has also led to the exploitation of resources. Not long after early European settlers arrived at America, they declared their independence and created the constitution by which modern American society functions. However, this did not prevent the settlers from referring to native people as savages and taking away their rights to liberty, happiness, and even survival. Native Americans were quickly killed by wars and new diseases as the new settlers expanded their land. The natural environment, with which they had established a harmonious relationship, was similarly destroyed by the settlement.

    Mars certainly has an impossible environment for human life, but on Mars, humans will be the invasive species. Will our landing on mars break the ecosystem on Mars? It is possible that Mars has ideal minerals for future development. But apart from technology challenges, will the mining have a disastrous environment impact on this red neighbour as it has already had on Earth?

    The achievements of space exploration are certainly to be applauded. The contributions of the related researches on chemistry, medicine and many others are potentially limitless. However, as we look to exploring worlds beyond our own, we need to begin now to look at history to consider how best to engage with different life forms, cultures and environments. We may be capable of writing a law, but we first need to clear our potential invasive impact on another planet that may be completely defenseless.

    28What does the underlined word “this” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

    AModern American society. BThe creation of constitution.

    CThe settlement of Europeans. DThe exploitation of resources.

    29What's the author’s concern about the exploration of Mars?

    AHumans cannot survive on Mars.

    BHumans may bring new diseases to Mars.

    CThe exploration may destroy Mars' ecosystem.

    DTechnology challenges will make mining on Mars hard.

    30What's the author’s suggestion for future space exploring?

    AMaking relevant laws properly. BConducting more scientific researches.

    CPredicting its impacts on other planets. DLearning from past exploration experiences.

    31Which column is this text most probably taken from?

    AOpinion. BHistory. CTechnology. DEnvironment.


    2022·安徽合肥·二模)Bridges are a common sight in the Netherlands. But four bridges are particularly unusual: each 26-foot structure was fashioned from concrete by a giant robotic printer. They are part of a revolution (变革) that is seeing 3D printers move from the tabletop to the construction lot.

    3D construction printers work a lot like home-office ones, except instead of ink they spit out concrete. Nozzles (喷嘴) run back and forth on rails, with computers controlling the time and speed, so that a layer of concrete is laid down where needed. By the time the slow-moving nozzle reaches the end of its path, the layer has usually hardened just enough to lay down another on top of the first, building up, layer-by-layer, a home-sized wall. With precise pattern of deposit, the nozzle can leave spaces for windows, doors, and other design and structural elements.

    It takes about 24 hours of printing to build a 500-square-foot single-floor home. “The printing process delivers structure, wall-sheeting, inner and outer surface finishing, all at the same time,” says Jason Ballard, co-founder and CEO of ICON, an Austin, Texas company. “That normally takes 20 people representing five or six different trades working several days.”

    3D construction printers are also less wasteful. A typical home construction site generates about four tons of waste. Because the concrete used in conventional construction is applied uniformly, regardless of whether it’s needed for structural support in a particular area or not, about half of the concrete is wasted. 3D printers, however, can vary the thickness of a structure with great precision, using concrete only where it is really needed.

    So far, printed buildings have been modest, low-cost affairs. For instance, ICON printed a house in Austin, Texas, intended for families, at a cost of $10,000, and has a contract to print a total of six. Then it plans to take a printer down to Latin America to build 50 low-cost homes there.

    32Why does the author discuss the nozzle in Paragraph 2?

    ATo analyze why the nozzle is so important. BTo confirm 3D construction printers are slow.

    CTo explain how 3D construction printers work. DTo argue the precision of the nozzle needs improving.

    33What does Jason Ballard say about 3D construction printers?

    AThey are highly efficient. BThey are a little complex.

    CThey increase the building cost. DThey will replace builders one day.

    34How is Paragraph 4 mainly developed?

    ABy making a contrast. BBy giving examples. CBy describing a process. DBy analyzing causes.

    35W hat can be a suitable title for the text?

    APrinted Bridges Become a Fashion in the Netherlands B3D Printing Technology is Key to Housing Problems

    CYour House is Going to Be Greener in the Future DYour Next House May Come Out of a 3D Printer

    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


    2022·海南·模拟预测)Four Tips to Discover Your True Passion

    True passion is the emotion, feeling, and desire that arises out of love for something. It’s the force that magnifies (放大) your capabilities for the benefit of excellent performance. This is because it’s a powerful motivation for best performance and everyone wants to get there. ____36____ Finding what you’re passionate about is a long road that requires effort and the following are some useful tips.

    Search your childhood.

    The purity and truth of your being are in the early stages of life. To that end, going back to the things you loved back then is always an excellent indication of marked preferences. Did you want to be a doctor? ____37____ These are all clues that begin to point the way. While it’s true that children have several preferences in their early stages, it’s actually quite easy to figure out which they prioritize (优先考虑).

    Experiment and discover.

    Doing the same activities day after day closes any probabilities to succeed in finding your true passion. ____38____ This creates a trial-and-error scenario (设想) that promotes a positive outcome in less time.

    Focus to find your true passion.

    You must forget about the myth that doing what you’re passionate about will be easy and pleasant. This is because there’ll always be inconveniences in any activity you undertake. Beyond that, don’t lose focus on the fact that these are temporary moments. ____39____

    Remember that your age doesn’t matter.

    ____40____ Encouraging yourself to take the first step can be difficult due to some of society’s obsolete (被淘汰的) barriers. The truth is that you must allow yourself to achieve and show your tastes leaving aside any obstacles, especially those that are self-imposed (自己强加的). It’s never too late!

    AWere you interested in insects?

    BTake a variety of courses each month.

    CDo you know the meaning of passion?

    DAge isn’t necessary to find out your true passion.

    EBe calm while finding out your motivation.

    FIt’s vital to figure out what you’re passionate about.

    GUnderstanding this will make it easier to keep motivated.

    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)


    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的ABCD四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处最佳选项202江西·模拟预测)Some people are just bound to be failures. That's the way some adults look at____41____ kids. Bill Ware was made to feel this way in his school.

    By high school, Bill was the most____42____ troublemaker. He often got into lots of ____43____.Teachers didn't want to have him again the following year. Bill was moving on, but ____44____not moving up.

    I first met Bill at a weekend activity. All the students had been____45____to a community program, Bill Ware____46____.When I____47____,the community leaders told me: “Bill Ware is the boy with the____48____arrest record in the town.” Somehow, I wasn't the first to hear about Bill's____49____side.

    At the beginning, Bill didn't____50____ join in the discussion. But slowly, the interactive games____51____him in. The ice really____52____when the groups built a list of things that happened at school that year. Bill had some definite____53____. The other students____54____his comments,   which suddenly made Bill feel like part of the group. He was saying things that made a lot of____55____

    The next day, Bill joined the Homeless Project. He knew about poverty and hunger. The other students were____56____with his passionate ideas. Two weeks later, Bill led a group of 70 students to collect food. They made a school ____57____: 2,854 cans of food in just two hours, which was enough for the needy families for 75 days in the area.

    The local newspaper____58____the event. That story spread at school, where everyone could see it. He was being acknowledged.

    A bird with a____59____wing only needs mending. Once____60____,it can fly higher.

    41Atired Btroubled Cbored Dexcited

    42Aimportant Bnormal Ccareless Dcelebrated

    43Aquarrels Bdiscussions Cfights Ddebates

    44Asurely Bstrangely Csafely Dpartly

    45Aordered Binvited Cdemanded Dforced

    46Aabandoned Bremoved Chired Dincluded

    47Acaught up Bheld up Cshowed up Dlooked up

    48Aeasiest Blongest Cshortest Dcoolest

    49Adarker Bbrighter Cricher Dpoorer

    50Asimply Bslightly Creadily Dclearly

    51Atrapped Bchecked Ccarried Ddrew

    52Amelted Bfroze Cweakened Dincreased

    53Aimaginations Bthoughts Ctricks Dinterests

    54Aprevented Brefused Cwelcomed Ddeveloped

    55Aadvice Bprogress Cfun Dsense

    56Aimpressed Bannoyed Cconfused Dterrified

    57Arecord Bshape Cstandard Dsize

    58Aperformed Borganized Cchose Dcovered

    59Afolded Bbroken Cdestroyed Dfallen

    60Aupdated Bformed Crecovered Dsuffered



    2022·全国·高三专题练习)What is culture? Culture is the shared characteristics and knowledge of a group of people, ____61____ (include) their language, religion, food, social habits. music and arts. The word “culture” has ____62____ (it) root from the Latin “culture”, which is related to the meaning of “growth”.

    A number of historical events ____63____ (help) shape Western culture in the past 2,500 years. The fall of Rome cleared the way for the establishment of a series of states in Europe. The Black Death of the 1300 cut the population of Europe by one-third, ____64____ remade the society. Gradually, Christianity became the ____65____ (strong) of all religions in Europe. Then the trade between East and West allowed Europeans to explore North and South America.

    Eastern culture generally refers to the traditions in Asian ____66____ (country). Like the West, Eastern culture was heavily influenced by religion during its early development, but later it ____67____ (influence) by the agricultural development significantly.

    ____68____ culture differs from area to area, one thing is for certain: Cultures change. “Culture plays ____69____ important role in our interconnected world,” De Rossi said. “But it is no longer fixed. Culture is ____70____ (constant) moving and essentially fluid.”

    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

    第一 短文改(共10题;每小题1分;满分10分)





    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

    Our class visited the City Folk Museum last week. To begin, we searched for as more information as possible on the Internet. Feeling excitedly, we gathered at the entrance on Friday morning. Then a guide was showed us the exhibition of paper cuts designing for different uses. After that, we watched a digital film, what made us know our folk culture better. Finally, we go to the do-it-yourself area. We learned to make some paper cuts or painted a couple of fantastic mask there. We all felt it was a unforgettable experience and the museum was certainly worth a visit.

    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

    2022·山西省新绛汾河中学模拟预测)假如你是李华,你将于下周参加校读书节 “Books and I” 的英语演讲比赛,请你结合你自身经历写一篇演讲稿。主要内容:





    My dear fellows,




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    高考英语新材料仿真模拟押题卷(全国乙卷)02: 这是一份高考英语新材料仿真模拟押题卷(全国乙卷)02,文件包含高考英语新材料仿真模拟押题卷全国乙卷02解析版docx、高考英语新材料仿真模拟押题卷全国乙卷02原卷版docx、高考英语新材料仿真模拟押题卷全国乙卷02听力mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共45页, 欢迎下载使用。

    高考英语新材料仿真模拟押题卷(全国乙卷)01: 这是一份高考英语新材料仿真模拟押题卷(全国乙卷)01,文件包含高考英语新材料仿真模拟押题卷全国乙卷01解析版docx、高考英语新材料仿真模拟押题卷全国乙卷01原卷版docx、高考英语新材料仿真模拟押题卷全国乙卷01听力mp3等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共44页, 欢迎下载使用。






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