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    这是一份2022年高考英语新材料仿真模拟押题卷(江苏专用)02,文件包含2022年高考英语新材料仿真模拟押题卷江苏专用02解析版docx、2022年高考英语新材料仿真模拟押题卷江苏专用02考试版docx、2022年高考英语新材料仿真模拟押题卷江苏专用02答题卡docx、2022年高考英语新材料仿真模拟押题卷江苏专用02音频mp3等4份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共38页, 欢迎下载使用。


    (考试时间:120分钟  试卷满分:150分)





    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)



    1. Who will pay for the meal?

    A. The man. B. The woman. C. The woman’s sister.

    2. How will the speakers go to work tomorrow?

    A. By car. B. By taxi. C. By bus.

    3. What did the man think of the TV show?

    A. Boring. B. Normal (正常). C. Funny.

    4. How long will it take to drive to Portland?

    A. Two hours. B. Five hours. C. Ten hours.

    5. What does the man offer to do?

    A. Lend the woman some books.

    B. Help the woman with the paper.

    C. Drive the woman to the library.




    6. What is the man doing to kill time?

    A. Playing games. B. Watching TV. C. Reading a book.

    7. What happened to Bob?

    A. He had a car accident.

    B. He lost his money.

    C. He hit somebody.

    8. Why does the woman call the man?

    A. To get his car.

    B. To borrow money.

    C. To ask for direction.


    9. Why does the man ask for leave?

    A. To look after his daughter.

    B. To visit his family.

    C. To go on holiday.

    10. When is the man going to Australia?

    A. Next Tuesday. B. Next Wednesday. C. Next Thursday.

    11. What will the man ask Mr. Green to do?

    A. Participate in (参加) a new project.

    B. Hire a new assistant (助于).

    C. Keep in touch with his customers.


    12. What does the woman think of the man's gift?

    A. It's expensive. B. It's meaningful. C. It's just so-so.

    13. Why does Catherine want to go to the country?

    A. To visit her grandma.

    B. To celebrate her birthday.

    C. To play with her companions.

    14. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

    A. Friends. B. Brother and sister. C. A couple.


    15. How did the man get the parrot?

    A. From the woman.

    B. From the Pet Adoption Center.

    C. From his old neighbors.

    16. What do we know about the parrot?

    A. She's unable to make any sound.

    B. She likes to imitate others.

    C. Her name is Bingo.

    17. What are the speakers going to do next?

    A. Go to the clinic. B. Play outside. C. Adopt a dog.


    18. How much dessert do American consume per person per year?

    A. 5 kg. B. 10 kg. C. 15 kg.

    19. What shows the popularity of desserts in America?

    A. Desserts weekends. B. Desserts shops. C. Desserts websites.

    20. What does the speech mainly talk about?

    A. The origin of desserts.

    B. The dessert consumption in Great Britain.

    C. The status of desserts in America.

    部分 阅读(共两节, 满分50分)

    第一节(共15小题:每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)

    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。


    On the 100th anniversary of the Communist Party of China, red tourism has gained popularity among tourists who food in to visit historic sites with a modern revolutionary heritage.


    This is one of the most crucial and splendid chapters of history of establishing Red China as well a unique and wonderful ecosystem, which is covered with rich forest, rough peaks and several memorials to the Red Amy. The best time to visit is between April and October, with the most temperature timing April and May when the large azaleas (杜鹃花) bloom.

    Open: 8:00-17:00 (February 16 November 15) , 9:00-16:30 (November16-February 15)


    It is an old revolutionary base where the leadership of the Communist Party of China was stationed, drawing up the blueprint (蓝图)for a new country. A memorial hall was built to honor the memory of this site. The lake and the hill here add brilliance and beauty to each other and form pleasant scenery.

    Open: Tuesdays to Sundays 9:30-17:00 (Xibaipo Memorial Hall)

    The Nanhu Revolutionary Memorial Hall

    A new exhibition is held with updated display approaches, including phantom (幻影) imaging and oil painting, which are used to improve visitors’ experiences. The exhibition shows four stages of CPC(the Communist Party of China) from its establishment to its achievements.

    Open: Tuesdays to Sundays 8:30-18:00, closed on Mondays(except legal holidays)

    Former Site of the Editorial Department of New Youth

    New Youth started the New Culture Movement and spread the influence of the May Fourth Movement. The site was tentatively based in Beijing but moved back to Shanghai in1920 and also served as the office for the Communist Party of China Central Committee in the 1920s.

    Open: Thursdays to Tuesdays 9:00-11:30:13:30 16:30 (closed on Wednesdays)

    21. When can tourists visit Jinggangshan?

    A. At 5 p.m. on January 18.

    B. At 8 a.m. on March 18.

    C. At 5 a.m. on September 18.

    D. At 8 a.m. on November 18.

    22. Where could visitors learn about four stages of the Communist Party of China?

    A. Jinggangshan.

    B. The Nanhu Revolutionary Memorial Hall.

    C. Xibaipo.

    D. Former Site of the Editorial Department of Nero Youth.

    23. What do we know about Former Site of the Editorial Department of New Youth?

    A. New Youth started the May Fourth Movement.

    B. New Youth made the New Culture Movement successful.

    C. The site acted as the office for the Communist Party of China in 1920.

    D. New Youth was originally founded in Shanghai.


    You might think of martial arts movies when you see people performing graceful moves down the river, all standing on a bamboo strip, but actually it is a form of intangible cultural heritage: bamboo drifting.

    Over 2,000 years ago, the high-quality wood, nanmu, in Guizhou was in great demand by the royal court more than 2,000 kilometers to the north. With no better transportation, people had to stand on one log to drift down the river. Later, local people began to compete along the way and the game of wood drifting was born. In the Qing Dynasty, wood drifting became bamboo drifting because of bamboo’s lower price. Due to the skills it takes for one to master this act, bamboo drifting was included in the national intangible cultural heritage list this year.

    Yang Liu, a 24-year-old inheritor of bamboo drifting, learned it at 7. “Usually, the bamboo under your feet is about 9 meters long, and the bamboo in your hands is about 5 meters. If the length or diameter of the bamboo is not long enough, it will not float. Keeping our feet firmly positioned on the narrow bamboo pole is the key, so we should fight against the current by constantly changing the angle. I lost my balance and fell in the water many times while practicing. Once I fell, I gave it another try until I knew how to handle the most difficult part.” she said.

    The love for the ancient skill keeps Yang going. In the past 17 years, she has drifted all year round, in winter cold and summer heat. As hanfu culture has been on the rise, Yang started wearing hanfu while performing, creating a more beautiful feel. In 2020, Yang began to post her videos on social media. “I'm extremely proud to get responses from viewers that bamboo drifting makes the line between what is possible and impossible unclear. It’s my mission to keep it alive and known to more people,” Yang Liu told China Daily.

    24. What can be learned from the first two paragraphs?

    A. The martial arts movie is a form of cultural heritage.

    B. Nanmu was delivered to the north by land.

    C. Bamboo was costly in Guizhou 2,000 years ago.

    D. Bamboo drifting involves lots of skills.

    25. What is the biggest challenge in bamboo drifting?

    A. Finding the proper bamboo. B. Holding the bamboo firmly in hands.

    C. Maintaining a fixed angle. D. Keeping balance.

    26. What do the viewers think of bamboo drifting?

    A. Unbelievable. B. Impossible. C. Confusing. D. Complicated.

    27. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?

    A. Transporting Bamboo down the River. B. Intangible Cultural Heritage in Guizhou.

    C. Balancing with Grace. D. Yang Liu: a Creative Performer.


    People’s distrust of scientists arises partly from the blurring (模糊的) of boundaries between science and technology, between discovery and manufacture. Most governments, perhaps all governments, justify public expenses on scientific research in terms of the economic benefits the scientific business has brought in the past and will bring in the future. Politicians remind their voters of the splendid machines “our scientists” have invented, the new drugs to relieve old disorders, and the new surgical equipment and techniques by which previously unmanageable conditions may now be treated and lives saved. At the same time, the politicians demand of scientists that they tailor their research to “economics needs”, and that they award a higher priority to research proposals that are “near the market” and can be translated into the greatest return on investment in the shortest time. Dependent, as they are, on politicians for much of their funding, scientists have little choice but to obey. Like the rest of us, they are members of a society that rates the creation of wealth as the greatest possible good. Many have reservations, but keep them to themselves in what they regard as a climate unfavourable to the pursuit of understanding for its own sake and the idea of an inquiring, creative spirit.

    In such circumstances no one should be too hard on people who are suspicious of conflicts of interest. When we learn that the distinguished professor assuring us of the safety of a particular product holds a consultancy (顾问工作) with the company making it, we cannot be blamed for wondering whether his fee might cloud his professional judgment. Even if the professor holds no consultancy with any firm, some people may still distrust him because of his association with those who do, or at least wonder about the source of some of his research funding.

    This attitude can have damaging effects. It questions the integrity (诚实正直) of individuals working in a profession that prizes intellectual honesty as the supreme virtue, and plays into the hands of those who would like to discredit scientists by representing them as corruptible (腐败的). This makes it easier to dismiss all scientific pronouncements (声明), but especially those made by the scientists who present themselves as “experts”. The scientist most likely to understand the safety of a nuclear reactor, for example, is a nuclear engineer, and a nuclear engineer is most likely to be employed by the nuclear industry. If a nuclear engineer declares that a reactor is unsafe, we believe him, because clearly it is not to his advantage to lie about it. If he tells us it is safe, on the other hand, we distrust him, because he may well be protecting the employer who pays his salary.

    28. What is the chief concern of most governments when it comes to scientific research?

    A. Quick economic returns. B. Support from the voters.

    C. The reduction of public expenses. D. The budget for a research project.

    29. Scientist have to adapt their research to “economic needs” in order to ______.

    A. translate knowledge into wealth 

    B. impress the public with their achievements

    C. pursue knowledge for knowledge’s sake 

    D. obtain funding from the government

    30. According to the author, people are suspicious of the professional judgment of scientists because ______.

    A. some of them do not give priority to intellectual honesty

    B. they could be influenced by their association with the project concerned

    C. their pronouncements often turn out to be wrong

    D. sometimes they hide the source of their research funding

    31. Why does the author say that public distrust of scientists can have damaging effects?

    A. Scientists themselves may doubt the value of their research findings.

    B. It makes things difficult for scientists to seek research funds.

    C. People will not believe scientists even when they tell the truth.

    D. It may wear out the enthusiasm of scientists for independent research.


    Ever wondered how many Tyrannosaurus rex (霸王龙) ever walked around the Earth? The answer is 2.5 billion over the two million or so years in which the species existed, according to a calculation published today in Science. The figure has allowed researchers to estimate just how rare it is for animals to fossilize.

    Researchers led by Charles Marshall used a method employed by ecologists studying contemporary creatures to estimate the population of T. rex during the late Cretaceous period.

    The team used their estimates of the total range of T. rex across modern North America, combined with their estimates of the dinosaur’s weight, to calculate that, at one time, around 20,000 T. rex would have been alive on the planet. That translates to around 3,800 T. rex in an area the size of California, or just 2 T. rex moving around Washington DC. Calculating that T. rex survived for about 127,000 generations before disappearing, the researchers came up with a figure of 2.5 billion individuals over the species’ entire existence. Only 32 adult T. rex have been discovered as fossils, so the fossil record accounts for just 1 in about every 80 million T. rex. This means that the chances of being fossilized were small.

    These numbers suggest that fossils in general are rare, and that many species that were less widespread than T. rex were probably never preserved, says Marshall, who adds, “The fossil record is our only direct knowledge of these past histories of our planet.”

    Thomas Holtz, a researcher, says that “we always knew that the chance of any individual becoming a fossil was rare, but we lacked the calculation to figure out how rare”.

    But he says it would be good “to see someone ground-truth these kinds of estimates against living species to get a better sense of accuracy”. He’d also like to see comparable studies made on disappearing species with more abundant fossils, which might allow us to better understand historic ecosystems.

    32. Which of the following was used to figure out the population of T. rex?

    A. The method used by researchers to study fossils.

    B. The approach to calculate kinds of wildlife.

    C. The way applied by ecologists to study modern creatures.

    D. The system to compare various studies on disappearing species.

    33. How does the author develop the third paragraph?

    A. By making a comparison. B. By listing the figures.

    C. By giving an explanation. D. By presenting examples.

    34. What can we infer from paragraph 4?

    A. T. rex owns quite a few fossils.

    B. The fossils record all the past of our planet.

    C. Many species lived together in their whole life.

    D. Fossils of some species may never be stored.

    35. Which of the following could be the best title for the text?

    A. The Figure of T. rex Helps Calculate How Rare Their Fossils Are

    B. Scientists Applied Fossils to Understand Past Ecosystems

    C. A New Method to Figure out the Number of T. rex

    D. The Fossil Record to Uncover the History of Our Planet

    第二节(共5小题:每小题2. 5分, 满分12. 5分)

    阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

    Who do you count as your friends? From our BFF (best friend forever ) to a work mate, it’s good to have someone to chat with or offer comfort and support. ___36___

    The recent separation we have had due to the corona-virus pandemic or covid-19 has made some of us question our friendships. We’ve fallen out of touch with friends and acquaintances, ___37___but do we actually have to arouse every relationship we once had? It might be time to take stock and think about who you kept in touch with, who you missed talking to, and who you didn’t. In short, maybe it's time to reset your list of real mates.

    ___38___ Writing for BBC Worklife, Bryan Lufkin says: “While people have known for years that friendships are unquestionably good for your health, experts say it’s only natural for acquaintances and even friends to fall by the wayside as time goes on—and it’s nothing to feel guilty about. ”

    Of course, it can be hard to choose who’s in your friendship circle. This is what Suzanne Degges-White, professor of counselling at Northern Illinois University, calls our ‘friendscape’. She says, “in life, as we go through certain stages and ages, our attention shifts, and we want to be around people who are like us. ”

    ___39___ but we still need those special pals who’ve known us long term. These are friendships we invest time in. According to Robin Dunbar, a professor of evolutionary psychology at the University of Oxford, these are your inner circle of friends-your “shoulders to cry on” --___40___He adds that the friends that move away are mostly “friendships of convenience”. But the advice for maintaining a good friendship is to share how you feel with someone you trust - this can help strengthen your friendship as well as giving you both a chance to support each other.

    A. and it may feel awkward,

    B. So, changing friends is normal,

    C. Friendship is good for your health,

    D. There's no obligation (责任) to stay friends.

    E. It is important to share with your friends.

    F. and you have to see them at least once a week to keep them in that circle.

    G. But when it comes to friendship, is it more important to have quantity or quality?



    阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。On March 11, 2021, World Kidney (肾脏) Day, the actress Raisa wrote on Twitter: “I’ve kept my kidney donation process pretty private. However, I think I’ve got to a point where I feel comfortable in speaking about my experience...” Showing her ____41____, the singer Gomez responded, writing: “Thank you for blessing me.”

    In 2015, Gomez was diagnosed with a terrible disease and soon she became seriously ill. She even had to deal with the mental health problems ____42____ from her battle with the disease.

    Although she was then living with Raisa, Gomez did not tell her long-time friend about the ____43____ of her health troubles. “I hadn’t asked anything. I knew that she hadn’t been feeling well,” Raisa recalled in an interview. “She couldn’t open a water bottle one day. She then started crying, and I asked, ‘What’s wrong?’” That’s when Gomez revealed that she needed a kidney transplant (移植), but that the waiting list was ____44____ long. Deeply ____45____ about her friend’s condition, Raisa decided that she would get tested to see if she could be a ____46____ for her. Gomez immediately refused, not wanting to make Raisa put her entire career and life ____47____ for her, but the actress insisted, and amazingly turned ____48____ to be a match indeed.

    With physical and psychological evaluations (评估) taking place over the ____49____ of a single day rather than the usual six months, Gomez and Raisa began their ____50____ journey. The surgery was ____51____ successful. It wasn’t long, however, before Gomez’s new kidney began to turn around inside her body, which then resulted in a second surgery, ____52____ by a lengthy process of recovery. Gomez, now back to normal, is certain that she ____53____ her life to Raisa, a true friend indeed.

    Both Gomez and Raisa said it was their ____54____ that guided them through their emotional journey. The pair also hope that sharing their story can have a positive impact on others. “I don’t think what we went through was ____55____. I just hope this inspires people to believe that there’re really good people in the world,” said Gomez.

    41. A. gratitude B. generosity C. determination D. anticipation

    42. A. suffering B. resulting C. escaping D. hearing

    43. A. extent B. prevention C. meaning D. recovery

    44. A. violently B. respectfully C. hopelessly D. greedily

    45. A. curious B. fascinated C. excited D. concerned

    46. A. donor B. helper C. volunteer D. carrier

    47. A. in order B. at risk C. in doubt D. in vain

    48. A. away B. out C. down D. over

    49. A. duration B. procedure C. concept D. cause

    50. A. shared B. similar C. smooth D. safe

    51. A. gradually B. naturally C. originally D. instantly

    52. A. driven B. enhanced C. depressed D. followed

    53. A. owes B. contributes C. introduces D. devotes

    54. A. effort B. fortune C. faith D. bravery

    55. A. complicated B. easy C. realistic D. peaceful

    第二节(共10小题:每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)

    阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

    The Beijing Organizing Committee for the 2022 Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games sent a thank-you letter to volunteer applicants who were not ____56____ (previous) selected and expressed gratitude for their support in the preparation work of the Games.

    The letter says the COVID-19 pandemic ____57____ (bring) great challenges to many aspects of the preparation work, and the committee has adjusted requirements for volunteers in ____58____ (consider) of virus control and prevention.

    ____59____ you were not selected as a volunteer of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics and Paralympics, every applicant is ____60____ excellent promoter for the Olympic spirit and volunteerism,” the committee says in the letter.

    Many applicants said they ____61____ (move) by the touching letter and posted their replies online. A netizen named Joleen-kun said ____62____ (they) application had been seen, which was something to be proud of as they were respected by the committee.

    Another netizen Xiguali commented that their enthusiasm has been respected and the committee is warm to pay attention to details, thus ____63____ (send) a letter like this.

    According to the Beijing 2022 Organizing Committee, more than 1 million people applied to serve ____64____ volunteers and nearly 20,000 were selected, most of _____65_____ are from colleges and universities in Beijing and Hebei Province.

    部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)


        假定你是李华,上周你校举办了首届生活技能云端展示活动,主题为劳动创造美好生活(Work Creates a Better Life。请你为校英文报写一篇题为“The First Online Life Skills Show”的报道,内容包括:









    When I was a boy of nine, I used to help Mrs. Long, a retired art teacher who lived across my home. She paid me very little for the help, but she taught me how to paint and promised me, “When Christmas comes, I shall have a present for you.”

    I kept wondering what it would be. The boys I played with had baseball gloves, ice skates and bicycles. I hoped that Mrs. Long would buy any one of them for me.

    “But it would hardly be ice skates,” I reasoned with myself. “An old woman like Mrs. Long wouldn’t know much about ice skates.”

    I also ruled out the bicycle because she was just a retired art teacher in the local school and could not afford it.

    On my last day at work, Mrs. Long said, “You’ve been a very good boy. On Christmas Eve I’ll make a present for you. Please come to my house and collect it.”

    “Since she is going to have the present in her house, and since she will make it, unquestionably she is going to give me a pair of baseball gloves,” I thought. Actually, I became so convinced that I could imagine myself playing baseball with my friends in those gloves.

    A day before the Christmas Eve, I could wait no longer and presented myself at the door of Mrs. Long’s house and said, “Can I have my present today, Mrs. Long?”

    “I’ve been waiting for you,” she said, leading me into her house. She sat me in a chair, disappeared to another room, and in a moment stood before me holding a package which under no circumstances could hold a bicycle or a pair of skates, or even a baseball glove.

    I lifted it from her hand and found it was extremely light.

    “What is it?” I asked with disappointment on my face.

    “A kind of magic,” Mrs. Long said. “It can give you whatever you dream of if you have learned how to use it.”



    Suddenly, curiosity replaced my initial disappointment.


    It was not until some years later that I realized the real importance of the gift.




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