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    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 5 Learning from nature示范课课件ppt

    这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 5 Learning from nature示范课课件ppt,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了Ⅰ 课文翻译,Ⅱ 词汇拓展,evaluate,evaluation,withdraw,withdrawal,depressive,depression,depress,purity等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. ___________ /ɪ‘væljueɪt/v. 评估, 评价→ _____________ /ɪ‘vælju’eɪʃn/n. 估计; 评价
    2. ___________ /wɪð'drɔ:/v. 退出→ _____________ /wɪð'drɔ: l/n. 收回; 取回; 撤回; 撤走; 取款
    3. _____________ /dɪ'presɪv/adj. 抑郁的→ _____________ /dɪ'preʃn/n. 沮丧; 消沉; 抑郁症→ __________ /dɪ'pres/vt. 使抑郁; 使沮丧; 使萧条
    4. _________ /'pjʊərɪti/n. 纯洁, 洁净→ _______ /pjʊər/adj. 纯的, 纯净的→ _________ /'pjʊərɪfaɪ/vt. 净化
    5. _________ /rɪ'zaɪn/v. 安于, 使自己顺从于(做某事)→ ______________ /'rezɪɡ'neɪʃn/n. 辞职; 辞职信; 顺从
    7. ___________ /dɪ'skraɪb/vt.描述, 形容; 把……称为→ ______________ /dɪ'skrɪpʃn/n. 描述, 描写
    6. _________ /rɪ'dʒekt/v. 冷落, 嫌弃; 厌恶→ ____________ /rɪ'dʒekʃn/n. 拒绝, 抵制
    8. _______________ /kən’sɪdərəbɪ/adj.相当多(大、重要等)的→ ________________ /kən’sɪdə'reɪʃn/n. 仔细考虑; 必须考虑的因素; 体谅, 顾及→ ___________/kən’sɪdə(r)/v.考虑; 认为→ ______________ /kən’sɪdərət/adj.考虑周到的, 体贴的→ ______________ /kən’sɪdərɪŋ/prep.考虑到, 鉴于, 就……而言
    9. __________ /ə'pəʊzd/adj. 反对的; 对立的→ _________ /ə'pəʊz/vt. 反对, 抵制, 阻挠; 与……竞争→ ___________ /ə'pəsɪt/adj. 相反的; prep. 在……的对面
    10. _______ /i: z/n. 舒适, 悠闲→ ___________ /'i: zmənt/n. 安逸; 安乐
    1. be ppsed t _______
    2. fcus n _______
    3. aim t _______
    4. in return ___________
    5. reactin t _______
    6. 对比 _________________
    in cntrast t
    7. 顺从 ____________________
    resign neself t
    8. 从……退出 ________________
    withdraw frm
    9. 闲适 __________
    a harmnius relatinship with nature
    10. 与自然和谐的关系 ________________________________________
    While Tm’s very gd at science, his brther is abslutely hpeless.
    Cncentrating his attentin n his study, he didn’t ntice me cming in.
    Reading fr the details.
    Chse the best answer accrding t the text.
    1. Why did Ta Yuanming quit the service f the curt?( )A. Because he was an influential figure f their day.B. Because he felt cnflicted ver life at curt.C. Because he wanted t wrk the land.D. Because he liked living in a rural area.
    2. Hw did Threau feel abut his life in the frest?( )A. Pleased.B. Puzzled.C. Disappinted.D. Bred.
    3. What did Threau describe in his writings?( )A. Fields and villages.B. Chickens and dgs.C. Animals and plants.D. Muntains and rivers.
    4. What shuld we d if we want t attain persnal well-being and fulfilment?( )A. Live clser t nature.B. Increase material desires.C. Walk a lt in the frest.D. Share a respect fr nature.
    背景导学通过本栏目的学习, 经过比较、分析并联系自身实际, 积极探索自然和向自然界学习, 深化对单元主题的理解与认识。
    The Meaning f Struggle One day, a man fund the pupa f a butterfly. Seeing an pening in the pupa, he realised that the butterfly was ready t emerge. S he sat dwn and watched as the butterfly struggled t frce its bdy thrugh the little hle. Hwever, minutes passed and the butterfly still culdn’t get ut. The struggle was t hard fr
    its weak bdy. The man then kindly enlarged the hle in the pupa s that the butterfly culd finally break free. But instead f flying away, it just dragged itself arund weakly, then died. The struggle t break ut f the pupa was necessary fr the butterfly’s survival because it enabled its wings and bdy t grw strng. Withut the struggle, it was t weak t live. In the same way, we need struggle t grw strng and survive. We must g thrugh sme difficult things if we really wish t spread ur wings and fly.请将范文改写成一篇80词左右的英文演讲稿。
    1. 愿意做; 为……做准备 _________________
    be ready t d
    2. 对……是有困难的 ______________
    3. 打破; 冲破藩篱 ______________
    4. 同样地; 以同样的方式 __________________
    in the same way
    5. 变得强壮 ______________
    1. 今天我要做一个关于“奋斗的意义”的演讲。 ________________________________________________________________
    Tday I will give a speech abut “The Meaning f Struggle”.
    2. 曾经有一个人在蛹里看到了一个开口。他意识到蝴蝶就要破茧而出了。 ________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Once a man saw an pening in the pupa and he realised that the butterfly was ready t emerge.
    3. 他坐下来看着蝴蝶挣扎, 发现蝴蝶虚弱的身体挣扎得太艰难了, 于是他仁慈地把蛹上的洞扩大, 想让它破开, 结果蝴蝶就死了。 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    He sat dwn and watched the butterfly struggle, and fund the struggle was t hard fr its weak bdy, s he then kindly enlarged the hle t break it free, thus leading t its death.
    4. 蝴蝶必须努力挣脱蛹, 因为这样才能使翅膀和身体茁壮成长。 ________________________________________________________________________________________________
    The struggle t break ut f the pupa enabled the butterfly’s wings and bdy t grw strng.
    5. 同样, 我们也需要奋斗才能茁壮成长、生存下去。 _______________________________________________________________
    Similarly, we als need struggle t grw strng and survive.
    6. 我们要想展翅飞翔, 就必须经历一些困难。 _______________________________________________________________________________
    We must g thrugh sme difficulties if we want t spread ur wings and fly.
    1. 用时间状语从句升级句2。 _____________________________________________________________________________________________
    When a man saw an pening in the pupa, he realised that the butterfly was ready t emerge.
    2. 用分词短语作状语升级句3。_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Sitting dwn and watching the butterfly struggle, he fund it was t hard fr its weak bdy, s he then kindly enlarged the hle in the pupa t break it free, thus leading t its death.
    将以上句子连成一篇语言流畅、用词准确、逻辑严密的短文。 ___________________________ _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Gd mrning, everybdy!
    Tday I will give a speech abut “The Meaning f Struggle”. When a man saw an pening in the pupa, he realised that the butterfly was ready t emerge. Sitting dwn and watching the butterfly struggle, he fund it was t hard fr its weak bdy, s he then kindly enlarged the hle in the pupa t break it free, thus leading t its death.
    __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________
    The struggle t break ut f the pupa enabled the butterfly’s wings and bdy t grw strng. Similarly, we als need struggle t grw strng and survive. We must g thrugh sme difficulties if we want t spread ur wings and fly.
    Thanks fr yur attentin!
    假设你是李华, 你们学校要举行一个主题为“Nature is ur best teacher”的英语作文比赛, 请根据你对下图的理解用英语写一篇参赛文章, 内容包括:
    1. 简要描述图画内容;2. 概述图画内容对你的启示。注意:1. 词数80左右;2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    高分范文Nature is ften regarded as ur best teacher, s it’s nt surprising fr us t draw wisdm frm it. If we carefully bserve and study it, we will take inspiratin frm it. As the picture shws, there are tw birds, ne sleeping while the ther with a wrm in its muth.
    This presents a well-knwn Chinese idim: The early bird catches the wrm.The idim reminds us f the imprtance f diligence. Als, it is a metaphr that preparatin plays an imprtant rle n the rad t success. Opprtunities are always fr thse prepared minds. Only when we are well-prepared can we make achievements, attaining ur gals.
    高级短语及句式1. be regarded as 被当作……2. take inspiratin frm从……中获得灵感3. Nature is ften regarded as ur best teacher, s it’s nt surprising fr us t draw wisdm frm it. 大自然常常被认为是我们最好的老师, 所以我们从大自然中汲取智慧并不奇怪。4. Only when we are well-prepared can we make achievements, attaining ur gals. 只有当我们准备充分, 我们才能取得成就, 达到我们的目标。
    1. withdraw v. 退出Bth men were happy t withdraw frm cntemprary life, seeking a harmnius relatinship with nature in the quietness f their lives. (教材P57)两个人都乐于从当下的生活中抽身而退, 在平静的生活中寻求与自然和谐的关系。
    ① The general decided t withdraw his sldiers. _____________________
    ② He failed t withdraw his remarks and aplgize. _____________________________
    他既没收回言论, 也没道歉。
    ③ He was frced t withdraw frm the cmpetitin due t injury. _______________________________
    由于受伤, 他不得不退出比赛。
    ④ Yu can withdraw mney frm the bank at any time. _________________________
    (1) 从……退出, 撤回 ________________ 从银行取款 _______________________________ 收回发言 ____________________
    withdraw mney frm the bank
    withdraw a remark
    (2) _____________ n. 收回; 取回; 撤回; 撤退; 撤走; 取款
    ① Tell the men t withdraw _______ their new psitin.
    ② I’d like t withdraw 1,000 dllars _______ my savings accunt and put it in my cheque accunt.
    ③ He has made several ______________ (withdrawal)frm his bank accunt.
    ④ It is still unknwn hw many trps Israel ________________ at the current stage and when it will finish a cmplete _____________ . (withdraw)
    will withdraw
    2. resign v. 使自己顺从于(做)某事; 安于; 辞职; 辞去(工作、职位等) Live in each seasn as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yurself t the influences f each. (教材P57)好好度过每一个季节, 呼吸(新鲜的)空气, 畅饮(美)酒, 品尝水果, 尽情享受这一切。
    ① Wilberfrce then resigned frm the gvernment in 1825 and died in 1833. ____________________________________________
    ② My father resigned his psitin last year. ___________________________
    ③ In n situatin shall we resign urselves t ur fate. _____________________________________
    在任何情况下, 我们都不能听天由命。
    ④ The mther was unwilling t resign the child t the care f her relatives. ___________________________________________
    从……辞职 ________________辞去职务 ______________________________听任/顺从/只好接受(做)某事 __________________________________ 把……托付给…… _______________
    resign frm…
    resign ne’s pst/psitin
    resign neself t (ding)sth.
    ① I resign my sn _____ yur care while I am away.
    ② Yu must resign yurselves t _________(wait)a bit lnger.
    ③ She resigned _______ the cmmittee because she needed t take care f her disabled husband.
    (2) [2020天津卷, 单项选择] 单句写作④罗文博士的秘书两周前辞职了, 他不得不自己打字。_______________________________________________________________________________________
    Dr. Rwan, whse secretary resigned tw weeks ag, has had t d all his wn typing.
    3. ease n. 舒适, 放松, 悠闲 vt. 减轻(痛苦、忧虑); 缓和In tday’s mdern wrld, their ideas abut living simply and being at ease with nature may take us a step clser t attaining persnal well-being and fulfilment. (教材P57)在今天这个现代世界里, 他们关于简单生活和与自然和谐相处的想法, 可能会让我们离获得个人幸福和满足更近一步。
    ① The mst universal facial expressin is, f curse, the smile-its functin is t shw happiness and put peple at ease._________________________________________________________________
    ② My parents are retired and nw live a life f ease._______________________________________________
    现在, 我的父母都退休了, 过着安闲舒适的生活。
    ③ He wn first prize in English Spken Cmpetitin with ease.___________________________________
    ④ She is the kind f persn wh can always put thers at ease._______________________________________
    ⑤ The plan shuld ease the traffic jam in the twn._________________________________________
    舒适; 快活; 自由自在 __________ 感到/看上去心情放松 ____________________ 容易地; 毫不费劲地 ____________ 使某人感到轻松自在; 使某人安心 __________________
    feel/lk at ease
    put sb. at ease
    ① He handed her a cup f cffee t put her _____ ease.
    ② Nw he can put his mind at ease because he has passed the examinatin _______ ease.
    (2) [2019江苏卷, 书面表达] 单句写作③我们每天穿着校服感到轻松自在。____________________________________________________
    We feel at ease in ur schl unifrms every day.
    4. evaluate v. 评估, 评价A cmparative essay cmpares, cntrasts and evaluates tw r mre tpics. (教材P58)比较类文章比较、对比和评价两个或两个以上的主题。
    ① I can’t evaluate his ability withut seeing his wrk. _____________________________________________
    我没有看到他的工作情况, 无法评论他的能力。
    ② The schl has nly been pen fr six mnths, s it’s hard t evaluate its success nw._____________________________________________________
    该学校仅开办了六个月, 所以现在还很难估计它的成就。
    ③ Superirs wuld evaluate a plainclthesman(便衣警察) n his dependability._________________________________________________
    ④ The writer made the evaluatin f evidential matter in tw ways._________________________________
    (1) 根据……评价某人 _____________________
    evaluate sb. n/by
    (2) evaluatin n. 估计; 评价对……进行评估 ________________________
    make an evaluatin f
    ① We must evaluate her ability ________ her wrk.
    ② At present, there exist sme prblems in the evaluatin f teachers. Schls shuld perfect the means f _____________ . (evaluate)
    (2) 句型转换③We must evaluate the cnsequences caused by the fire.→We must ________________________ the cnsequences caused by the fire.
    现在分词作状语Bth men were happy t withdraw frm cntemprary life, seeking a harmnius relatinship with nature in the quietness f their lives. (教材P57)两个人都很乐于从当下的生活中抽身而退, 在平静的生活中寻求与自然和谐的关系。
    ① My cusin went t Shenzhen, hping t find a jb there._________________________________________
    我的表兄去深圳了, 希望在那儿找份工作。
    ② Hearing the news, they all jumped fr jy._______________________________________
    听到这个消息, 他们都高兴得跳了起来。
    ③ Living far frm the schl, I have t get up early every mrning._____________________________________
    由于住得离学校远, 我必须每天早起。
    ④ Scial psychlgy, strictly speaking, deals with the behavir f peple in grups.___________________________________________
    严格地说, 社会心理学研究人们的群体行为。
    (1)现在分词ding所代表的动作或状态与谓语动词是同时或几乎是同时发生的, 可以作时间、原因、方式、条件、结果、让步、伴随等状语。分词的逻辑主语与句子的主语一致。(2)有些分词作状语, 没有逻辑上的主语, 已成为习惯用法: cnsidering, judging frm, talking f, allwing fr(考虑到), generally/frankly/hnestly/rughly/strictly speaking, assuming that(假设)等。
    ① ___________ (assume)that it is true, what shuld we d nw?
    ② _________(rush) ut f the huse, he was kncked dwn by a car.
    ③ The child fell, __________(strike) his head against the dr.
    ④ In the last few years, the cuntry has had a hard time, ____________ (suffer) several killer quakes.
    ⑤ __________ (judge)by the directin f the wind, it wn’t rain tday.
    1. Lking at it ________________ (表面地), it is a gd deal fr the three parties.
    2. ________ (乡村的) peple stuck firmly t their ld ways and were suspicius f anything slightly different.
    3. Bllywd is a _________ (相当好的) refreshing replacement fr thse ver-stimulating Hllywd films.
    4. Newly-built wden ___________ (乡村小屋) line the street, turning the ld twn int a dreamland.
    5. In the ___________ (国内的)market, regins utside Guangdng shuld be paid increasing attentin t.
    6. Despite the pr service f the htel, the manager is ____________ (勉强的) t invest in sufficient training fr his staff.
    7. The train t Beijing will _________ (离开) frm Platfrm 3 in half an hur.
    8. The _______ (小路) is the bundary between ur land and theirs.
    9. The picture shws us _______ (在……顶上) a high hill.
    10. He ___________ (获得) success thrugh hard wrk.
    1. _________________ my previus impressin, the atmsphere here is nt tense at all.
    In cntrast t
    2. We can _______ sme lessns fr the future _______ this accident.
    3. I’d like t treat yu t a meal ________________ yur timely help.
    in return fr
    4. Yu can’t cntrl what happens but yu can cntrl yur ______________ it.
    5. Jhn ___________ frm schl a year befre he graduated due t the incident f his hme.
    6. All the trials yu _____________ will increase yur independence, teach yu a lessn and give yu a wnderful
    resigned herself t
    7. She was nt a wman wh ______________________ fate, s she gained respect frm thers.
    8. With the final exam appraching, we shuld limit ur time n the WeChat and ______________________ ur study.
    devte urselves t
    9. Venice has lng ____________________ ne f the mst rmantic cities in the wrld.
    been described as
    10. They asked him t leave; _________________ , he was fired.
    in ther wrds
    Althugh separated in time by nearly 1,500 years, bth Ta Yuanming and Henry David Threau 1._______ (share) an intense respect fr nature. Cnflicted ver life at curt, in 405, Ta quit the service f the curt fr gd, 2.___________ (express) his unhappiness in his pems, finding cntentment in simplicity and drawing pleasure frm nature. 3.__________ (similar), Threau wanted t live in a simpler way, fcusing n 4._______ (him) and his writing. While they did nt
    treat nature in quite the same way, their 5._______ (wrk) shw its beauty and value. Ta’s nature is a place f fields and villages while Threau’s descriptins f nature emphasised the beauty and 6._______ (pure) f the wild areas arund him. The calm and peaceful life Ta wrte abut is in cntrast t and critical f the depressive curt life. On 7.___________________, Threau’s writing aimed t cnvince peple that animals and plants had a right t live and prsper 8.________ we d. We shuld live with them in harmny and enjy nature’s gifts.
    the ther hand
    During their times, it tk great curage 9.__________ (reject) the easy and familiar and instead try t live clser t nature. Nwadays, their ideas abut living simply and being at ease with nature are still valued by thse 10.______________ want persnal well-being and fulfilment.
    1. Bth pwers withdrew their frces _______ the regin.
    2. White represents _________ (pure) in that culture, which is why a bride carries r wears smething white n her wedding day.
    3. The respnse f the audience varied frm ____________ (reject) t acceptance.
    4. He had t resign himself t ___________ (watch) the Eurpean Champinships n televisin.
    5. The functin f a smile is t shw happiness and put peple _____ ease.
    6. If yu understand hw ______________ (evaluate) yurself, hw t research schls, and hw t see the differences between ne cllege and anther, yur chances will be very gd.
    1. She is ne f the mst significant figures in lcal plitics. ______________
    2. Jim gave up the editrship f the schl paper. ___________
    3. We bject t cunting n a lucky chance. _________________
    are ppsed t
    4. Tday we’re ging t center n the questin f hmeless peple. ___________
    5. We target success in the examinatin. _________
    6. Their respnse t the jke is t laugh. ______________
    7. We must adapt urselves t circumstances. ______________________
    resign urselves t
    8. Cmpared with/t yur belief that we will fail, I am cnfident that we will succeed. ______________________
    In cntrast with/t
    9. He didn’t feel cmpletely cmfrtable and relaxed in the strange surrundings. __________
    10. Tell the men t mve back frm their new psitin. ________________
    1. 虽然汤姆有许多优点, 但他也有缺点。(while引导让步状语从句)_________________________________________________________
    While Tm has many strengths, he has his shrtcmings.
    2. 他们正力求使失业人数下降50%。(aim t d)_________________________________________________
    They are aiming t reduce unemplyment by 50%.
    3. 太晚了, 我们赶不上那趟早班公交车了。(t…t…结构)________________________________________________
    It is t late fr us t catch the early bus.
    4. 正如他在报告中指出的那样, 这种病毒的传播速度之快出人意料。(as引导非限制性定语从句)________________________________________________________________________
    As he pinted ut in his reprt, the virus spreads unexpectedly fast.
    5. 他有两个女儿。一个是老师, 另一个是医生。(ne…the ther…)__________________________________________________________________
    He has tw daughters. One is a teacher, and the ther is a dctr.
    [2020河南新乡高二期中] Des just thinking abut stepping inside a gym make yu feel exhausted? If s, here’s sme gd news. One f the wrld’s largest studies n physical activity has fund that ding husehld chres(家务事)can be just as effective as running r wrking ut when it cmes t cutting yur risk f heart disease and extending yur life.
    A team f researchers discvered that peple enjyed the same health benefits whether they were ging t the gym, walking t wrk r ding husehld chres. Indeed, perfrming 30 minutes f any kind f physical activity five days a week culd reduce the risk f dying frm any causes by 28% and the rate f heart disease by 20%. And, again, the psitive effects were the same whether smene was wrking ut, walking r ding chres such as mpping the flr r gardening.
    “Walking fr at least 30 minutes mst days f the week has a massive benefit, and high levels f physical activity is assciated with even lwer risk f illness,” lead researcher Sctt Lear said abut the findings. “By including lw and middle-incme cuntries in this study, we were able t determine the benefit f activities such as having an active jb r even ding husehld chres,” Lear said. He nted that 1 in 4 peple wrldwide d nt get 30 minutes f exercise a day, five times a week.
    Interestingly enugh, the Canadian study fund n ceiling n the benefits f exercise and “n risks assciated with extremely high levels f physical activity”, defined as mre than 2,500 minutes, r mre than 41 hurs per week. Lear said that thse wh spent mre than 750 minutes walking quickly each week lwered their risk f premature death by 36%.
    1. What can we infer abut the study frm Paragraph 1?( )A. Wmen shuld d mre husewrk than men.B. Ding husewrk may help t live lng and healthy.C. Peple with heart disease had better d less husewrk.D. Ding husewrk makes peple feel less tired than ging t gym.
    [解析] [语篇解读] 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了一项研究发现, 做家务和体育锻炼一样, 能够降低患心脏病的风险和延长寿命。【命题立意】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据第一段中的“One f the wrld’s largest studies… heart disease and extending yur life.”可推知, 做家务和锻炼一样有助于长寿和健康。故选B项。
    2. What des Sctt Lear say abut his findings n health?( )A. Sitting lng will take the health away.B. The exercises will make life meaningful.C. It’s a gd idea t walk less than 30 minutes a day.D. High levels f physical activity can reduce disease risk.
    [解析] 【命题立意】细节理解题。【解题思路】根据第四段中的“‘Walking fr at least 30 minutes…abut the findings.’”可知, Sctt Lear认为高水平的体育活动可以降低患病风险。故选D项。
    3. What is the study in the text mainly supprted by?( )A. Statistics.B. Vices.C. Examples.D. Experiments.
    [解析] 【命题立意】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据第二段中的“Indeed, perfrming 30 minutes f… frm any causes by 28% and the rate f heart disease by 20%.”和第四段中的“He nted that 1 in 4 peple wrldwide d nt get 30 minutes f exercise a day, five times a week.”以及最后一段“Interestingly enugh, the …each week lwered their risk f premature death by 36%.”可推断, 文章中研究的主要依据是数据。故选A项。
    4. Which is the best title fr the text?( )A. Exercise Mves fr Better Strength and BalanceB. Risks frm High Levels f Physical ActivityC. Husehld Chres May Be a Secret t Living LngerD. The Tw Factrs Determine the Benefit f Activities
    及全文内容可知, 文章主要介绍了一项研究发现, 做家务和体育锻炼一样, 能够降低患心脏病的风险和延长寿命。所以“Husehld Chres May Be a Secret t Living Lnger(做家务可能是长寿的秘诀)”作为文章标题最为合适。故选C项。
    [解析] 【命题立意】主旨大意题。【解题思路】根据第一段中的“One f the wrld’s largest studies n physical …when it cmes t cutting yur risk f heart disease and extending yur life.”
    深度解析词汇积累exhausted adj. 筋疲力尽的, 疲惫不堪的; 耗尽的 wrk ut 锻炼 extend v. 延伸; 扩大; 扩展 be assciated with和……联系在一起; 与……有关 determine v. 决心, 决定长难句分析And, again, the psitive effects were the same whether smene was wrking ut, walking r ding chres such as mpping the flr r gardening.
    再说, 无论某人是在锻炼、散步还是做家务, 如拖地或园艺, 积极影响都是相同的。分析:本句是主从复合句。whether…r…引导包含选择范围的状语从句。
    [2020河南高二月考] The days start t warm up and daylight lasts lnger. 1_______ Yu shuld, by nw, be seeing spring arriving in yur garden, with new grwth n yur trees and bushes. With the sun shining strnger, its warmth can be felt and the plants respnd accrdingly. 2_______ S yu need t make sure that yu remve them befre they take hld. Treat where yu can and dig up where yu can’t, remember that any treatments yu d
    use keep yur pets ut f the garden fr the crrect amunt f time. We wuldn’t want them t get prly! If yu have trees t plant then make sure yu give them enugh cmpst (堆肥) r manure (粪肥), t ensure the take t their new hmes. 3_______ If nt, yu can always head t yur lcal garden centre t tp up yur supplies! And why nt pick up mre flwers while yu’re there fr yur hanging pts r windw sills? 4_______ There are a variety f summer-flwering bulbs
    that can als be grwn in pts, hanging baskets and ther cntainers, t brighten up a rck garden. In fact, if yu plant yur bulbs in a cntainer that’s a few sizes smaller than lks cmfrtable, it’ll help them t burst int blm. 5_______ S, what will yu be planting ut in the garden? I have a few bulbs t get ready t g int the grund, what’s yur favrite flwer t plant at this time f a year?
    A. It’s a gd idea t try different plants.B. If yu nly have small space, dn’t wrry.C. If yu are nt well prepared, it desn’t matter.D. Sadly, the weeds are als beginning t cme up.E. Yu knw that means early flwers fr indrs!F. If yu are able t use yur wn hme-made-fertilizer then d s.G. Therefre, it’s time t get ut in the garden and plant sme plants.
    [解析] [语篇解读] 本文是一篇说明文。春天到了, 有没有在你家花园中种植花草的计划呢?具体又该如何实施呢?【解题思路】根据上文“The days start t warm up and daylight lasts lnger.”和下文“Yu shuld, by nw, be seeing spring arriving in yur garden, with new grwth n yur trees and bushes.”可知, 上文提及天气暖和了起来, 下文提及了树木发芽, 因此, 此处应是种植植物。故选G。
    [解析] 【解题思路】根据下文“S yu need t make sure that yu remve them befre they take hld.”可知, 杂草已经长出来了。下文中的“them”显然指代选择项中的“weeds”, 且前后句之间为因果关系。故选D。
    [解析] 【解题思路】根据上文“If yu have trees t plant then make sure yu give them enugh cmpst (堆肥) r manure (粪肥), t ensure the take t their new hmes.”中的堆肥和粪肥可知, 也可以使用自己自制的肥料。而且下文的“If nt”也给出了暗示。选项F中的“hme-made-fertilizer”与上文中的“cmpst”以及“manure”相一致。故选F。
    [解析] 【解题思路】下文提及的都是各种种植花草的地方, 因此本段理应是说明空间问题。所以选项B“如果你只有很小的空间, 不要担心。”符合上下文语境。故选B。
    [解析] 【解题思路】根据上文“In fact, if yu plant yur bulbs in a cntainer that’s a few sizes smaller than lks cmfrtable, it’ll help them t burst int blm.”可知, 上文提及花儿盛开, 自然这里谈到花儿。所以选项E“你知道, 那意味着在室内的花儿要早开!”符合上下文语境。故选E。
    阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。 Hlidays are nt necessarily fr fun r rest. Ding smething meaningful can als gain special pleasure. When the final bell rang, the students were reminded that there was n schl n Mnday-Labr Day. “Enjy yur extra day ff,”said the teacher t her class.
    An extra day f fun suited Kayla just fine. She lved breaks. She wanted t g ut t play with her friends. When the schl bus drpped Kayla ff, she ran int the huse happily. “Hw was schl, Kayla?” asked her mm. “It was great, Mm. I am excited abut n schl n Mnday.” “Yu just started back t schl tw weeks ag. Already in need f a break, huh?” asked Kayla’s mm with a laugh. Kayla slept in the next mrning. Saturday was her favrite day f the week.
    It rained mst f the day, s Kayla enjyed playing vide games inside. On Sunday, her friends came ver and they played basketball fr several hurs. Then it was Labr Day, yu knw, the extra day ff that Kayla was s lking frward t. But Kayla was awakened early that mrning by her dad. He tld Kayla that in hnr f Labr Day, the family wuld be cleaning bth inside and utside the huse. Kayla culdn’t believe it. This was a hliday.
    A day when she was suppsed t be enjying freshly squeezed lemnade while playing in her tree huse. As Kayla wiped her eyes, she began t wnder if this was just a bad dream. “Kayla, yur breakfast is ready. We have a lt f wrk t d tday. Let’s get a mve n, ”said Kayla’s mm. As she sat dwn at the kitchen table, Kayla asked her parents, “Are yu serius abut wrking tday? Isn’t Labr Day a hliday?”
    “Yes, Kayla. It is, ”replied her dad. “But yur mm and I thught wrking hard tday wuld make yu appreciate why Labr Day was bserved in the first place. ” 注意: 续写词数应为150左右。At first, Kayla felt disappinted at her parents’ plan fr the hliday.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    高分范文At first, Kayla felt disappinted at her parents’ plan fr the hliday. Hw eagerly she wanted t g ut t play with her friends! She was against the annying plan frm the bttm f her heart, but she had n chice.
    ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ But things began t change as she was ding the chres.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    First, Kayla was arranged t wash the breakfast dishes. After that, she was asked t give their puppy a bath. She knew it was a hard task, which needed a lt f tiring, careful and patient wrk. She has begun the wrk with great unwillingness.
    But things began t change as she was ding the chres. Brushing the puppy, she fund it was a lt f fun with s many sap bubbles.
    Then it was n t yard wrk where Kayla helped t pick up sticks. She pretended the small sticks were basketballs, and sht them int a large trash can. S the wrk was dne with great pleasure. Kayla felt prud t see hw much better the yard lked. When she finished her meaningful chres, Kayla enjyed relaxing in her tree huse. The lemnade tasted wnderful after a hard day f wrk.
    [解析] 深度解析确定故事要素
    续写情境推理Para. 1: At first, Kayla felt disappinted at her parents’ plan fr the hliday.1. Hw did Kayla feel?Hw eagerly she wanted t g ut t play with her friends! She was against the annying plan frm the bttm f her heart, but she had n chice.(给出的语言材料中有大量的心理描写, 利用情感线索推动故事发展。Kayla很抵触。根据续写的语言风格的同一性, 此处用心理描写。)
    2. What shuld Kayla d?Kayla was arranged t wash the breakfast dishes. After that, she was asked t give their puppy a bath. She has begun the wrk with great unwillingness.(给出的语言材料中有大量的动作描写, 利用动作描写给读者画面感, 推动故事发展。此处使用动作描写体现Kayla的勉强。)3. Was the task easy fr Kayla?It was a hard task, which needed a lt f tiring, careful and patient wrk.
    (续写第一段和第二段首句要合理衔接, 根据第二段首句推断出 Kayla硬着头皮在做。根据故事情节可推理出她在做家务活的过程中有了改变。)Para. 2: But things began t change as she was ding the chres.1. What did Kayla think f bathing the puppy? Brushing the puppy, she fund it was a lt f fun with s many sap bubbles. (续写故事要有积极向上的价值观, 体现积极的人生观, 所以和动物相处时要体会到快乐和乐趣。)

    外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 6 Nature in words授课ppt课件: 这是一份外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 6 Nature in words授课ppt课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了I课文翻译,II 词汇拓展,puzzled,puzzling,puzzle,puzzlement,knowingly,know,known,thorough等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 5 Learning from nature教案配套ppt课件: 这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 5 Learning from nature教案配套ppt课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了Ⅰ 单词分层默写, 单词拼写,architect,superb,frontier,pond,sow,wisdom,employ,attain等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 5 Learning from nature说课ppt课件: 这是一份外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 5 Learning from nature说课ppt课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了动名词短语作宾语,动词不定式作表语,动名词作表语,过去分词作表语,动词不定式作宾语,Ⅰ 单句语法填空,looking,to accept,staying,dividing等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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