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    外研版 (2019)Unit 3 War and peace课文课件ppt

    这是一份外研版 (2019)Unit 3 War and peace课文课件ppt,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了Ⅰ 课文翻译,Ⅱ 词汇拓展,academic,academy,aggression,aggressive,intellect,associated,rough,roughly等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. ___________ /ækə'demik/adj.学术的→ __________ /ə'kædəmi/n.学院; 研究院; 学会; 专科院校→ _______________ /ækə'demikəli/adv.学术上; 学业上
    2. _____________ /ə'ɡreʃ(ə)n/n.侵略→ _____________ /ə'ɡresiv/adj.好斗的; 有进取心的; 有闯劲的
    3. _______________ /intə'lektʃuəl/adj.智力的,脑力的→ ____________ /'intəlekt/n.智力,理解力; 英才→ _________________ /intə'lektʃuəli/adv.智力上; 知性上
    4. _____________ /ə'səuʃieitid/adj.联合的→ ______________ /əsəusi’eiʃən/n.协会,联盟,社团; 联合; 联想
    5. ________ /rʌf/adj.简单的; 粗糙的→ __________ /'rʌfli/adv.粗糙地; 粗略地→ ___________s /'rʌfnis/n.粗糙; 粗暴
    6. __________ /'fɔ: tifai/v.激励,加强→ ____________ /'fɔ: tifaid/adj.加强的; 防御的
    7. _________ /i’mεədʒ/v.出现→ ____________ /i’mεədʒənst/n.紧急情况; 突发事件
    8. __________ /in’veidə/n.侵略者,侵略军→ _________ /in’veid/vt. 侵略;侵犯;涌入→ ___________ /in’veiʒən/n.入侵,侵略;涌入;侵犯
    9. _________ /di’pikt/v.描述,描写→ ____________ /di’pikʃən/n.描写;描绘→ ____________ /di’piktiv/adj.描写的;描述的
    10. ________ /'ɡlɔri/n.辉煌的成就;荣耀的事→ ___________ /'ɡlɔ: riəs/adj.光荣的;辉煌的;壮观的→ __________ /'ɡlɔ: rifai/vt.赞美;美化
    1. 联合起来 ________________
    jin tgether
    2. 点燃;照亮 ___________
    3. 压制;限制;保住(工作等) ____________
    4. 奠定基础 _____________________
    lay the fundatin
    5. 交战 _________
    6. a great many _________
    7. serve as _______
    8. a sum f _________
    9. break thrugh _______
    10. track dwn _________
    It was nt until she tk ff her dark glasses that I realized she was a famus film star.
    It is n wnder that he failed his final exam.
    Delighted with her wrk,they made her the general manager.
    Abut tw thirds f the students are ging t attend the meeting.
    Reading fr the details.
    Chse the best answer accrding t the text.
    1. What caused Lianda t be frmed in Kunming?( )A. Thinkers’ academic struggles.B. Immense challenges.C. Japanese aggressin.D. Educatinal heritage.
    2. Hw did mst students get t Kunming?( )A. By bus.B. By air.C. On ft.D. By bike.
    3. What caused many students t jin the army t defeat the invaders?( )A. A sense f cmmitment.B. A sense f achievement.C. A sense f lss.D. A sense f trust.
    4. Why has Lianda becme the crwning glry f China’s mdern universities?( )A. Because f a prduct f the war.B. Because f its spirit f perseverance.C. Because f its cllective memry.D. Because f the hnur f the natin.
    背景导学 描写战争英雄。第一段:开门见山,点明心中的英雄。描写人物,即通过文字把人物的外貌、性格等呈现给读者。人物描写的特点是用语言描绘人物的外表、行为、心理活动等。第二段:具体讲述该人物的英雄壮举。发生在一个人物身上的事很多,写作时,我们要抓住其显著的、与众不同的方面,也要抓住体现人物性格的主要活动和事件。第三段:个人评论或祝愿。在描述中,要叙述议论相结合,要对人物做出实时评价,突出人物性格。另外,时态的使用要视实际情况而定。
    Yang Jingyu, an anti-Japanese her, was brn in Henan Prvince in 1905. He jined the Cmmunist Party f China (CPC) in 1927. In 1937 Yang became leader f the Nrth-east Anti-Japanese United Army and fught a guerrilla war against the Japanese invaders. In 1938, the Japanese army ffered a large sum f mney fr Yang’s head and a large number f trps surrunded his men.
    In early 1940, facing a critical lack f supplies, Yang decided t let his men break thrugh in small grups, but his wn sectin f 60 men was betrayed t the Japanese. After these men were killed, Yang fught n alne fr five days. He was eventually tracked dwn n 23 February by a large unit f Japanese trps. He killed mre than 20 Japanese sldiers befre dying in a hail f machine gunfire. When the Japanese cut pen his bdy, they discvered nly tree bark, cttn and grass rts, but nt a single grain f rice in his stmach.
    Yang’s death was a huge blw t his lyal trps, but they turned srrw int anger and cntinued t fight fiercely against the invaders. After the Peple’s Republic f China (PRC) was established, Yang was reburied with full military hnurs, in Tnghua, Jilin Prvince. 请将范文改写成一篇80词左右的短文。
    1. ________________________________ 对抗日本侵略者
    against the Japanese invaders
    2. ___________________________ 大量士兵
    a large number f trps
    3. ________________ 突破; 突围
    break thrugh
    4. ___________________ 缺乏补给
    lack f supplies
    5. _____________ 追捕
    6. _________________ 孤军奋战
    fight n alne
    1. 杨靖宇,抗日英雄,1905年出生于河南省。 ____________________________________________________________________________
    Yang Jingyu, an anti-Japanese her, was brn in Henan Prvince in 1905.
    2. 杨靖宇成为东北抗日联军的领袖。 ________________________________________________________________
    Yang became leader f the Nrth-east Anti-Japanese United Army.
    3. 大量的军队包围了他的人,而且他们面临严重的物资短缺,所以杨决定让他们以小分队突围。 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    A large number f trps surrunded his men and they faced a critical lack f supplies, s Yang decided t let them break thrugh in small grups.
    4. 他自己手下的60人被出卖给了日本人。结果,这些人被杀了。 _______________________________________________________________________________________________
    His wn sectin f 60 men was betrayed t the Japanese. As a result, these men were killed.
    5. 杨独自作战,但最终还是被追捕到了。 ________________________________________________________
    Yang fught n alne but was eventually tracked dwn.
    6. 他在一阵机关枪的炮火中死去,肚子里没有一粒米。 _____________________________________________________________________________________________
    He died in a hail f machine gunfire and was fund withut a grain f rice in his stmach.
    7. 中华人民共和国成立后,杨被按照最高军事荣誉重新安葬。 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    After the Peple’s Republic f China was established, Yang was reburied with full military hnurs.
    1. 用非谓语动词连接第1、2句。 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Brn in Henan Prvince in 1905, anti-Japanese her Yang Jingyu was a leader f the Nrth-east Anti-Japanese United Army.
    2. 用过去分词和介词短语修改第3句。 _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Surrunded by a large number f trps, Yang decided t let his men break thrugh in small grups due t a critical lack f supplies.
    3. 用非谓语动词整合第5、6句。 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Yang fught n alne but was eventually tracked dwn, dying in a hail f machine gunfire withut a grain f rice in his stmach.
    将以上句子连成一篇语言流畅、用词准确、逻辑严密的短文。(注意使用恰当的衔接词) ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Surrunded by a large number f trps, Yang decided t let his men break thrugh in small grups due t a critical lack f supplies. Hwever, his wn sectin f 60 men was betrayed t the Japanese, and as a result, these men were killed.
    Yang fught n alne but was eventually tracked dwn, dying in a hail f machine gunfire withut a grain f rice in his stmach.After the Peple’s Republic f China was established, Yang was reburied with full military hnurs.
    请你以My her为题,写一篇介绍你心目中的英雄的英语短文。注意:(1)词数不少于80;(2)可适当加入细节,使内容充实、行文连贯。My her_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    My her is Zhu Enlai, wh was the first premier f the Peple’s Republic f China.He was a great revlutinary wh had devted all his life t the cause f the liberatin f China.
    He tk part in the War f Resistance against Japanese Aggressin and the War f Liberatin. He fught bravely against the enemies in rder t save the peple in great srrw. He was such a man wh cared mre abut the peple than himself. He put all the peple in his heart except himself.I admire him s much thugh he has been away frm us fr a lng time. I like him best and believe that he will always be alive in the minds f Chinese peple.
    高级短语及句式短语:devte all ne’s life t 把某人的生命奉献给;fight bravely against勇敢地为……而战;the cause f the liberatin解放事业; in great srrw在极度的悲伤中句式:①定语从句:He was such a man wh cared mre abut the peple than himself.②让步状语从句:I admire him s much thugh he has been away frm us fr a lng time.
    1. emerge v.出现It is n wnder that many, if nt mst, f China’s leading schlars and scientists emerged at Lianda, including the tw Nbel Prize-winning physicists,Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengda. (教材P32)难怪在联大出现了许多(如果不是大多数的话)中国顶尖学者和科学家,包括两位诺贝尔物理学奖得主杨振宁和李政道。
    ① He didn’t emerge frm his bedrm until nn. _____________________________
    ② It emerged that they didn’t agree with each ther. _______________________________
    ③ He was a writer wh had emerged ut f bscurity(默默无闻). ___________________________
    ④ He emerged as a key figure in the campaign. _________________________________________
    ⑤ The gvernment has declared a state f emergency fllwing the earthquake. _____________________________________
    (1) 从……中出现或显露 ______________ 来源于 ________________ 这暴露出 ____________________ 作为……显露 ____________
    emerge ut f
    it emerged that…
    (2) emergency n.突发事件;紧急状态 adj.应急的;备用的紧急状态 _______________________ 在紧急情况下 in an emergency
    a state f emergency
    ① Several facts started t emerge _______ my investigatin.
    ② The musical frms emerged ut _____ the American black experience.
    ③ The Pacific regin has rapidly emerged _____ a leading frce n the wrld stage.
    ④ 事已清楚,这家公司准备售出。 ____________________________________________________
    It emerged that the cmpany was ging t be sld.
    ⑤ 这道门只能在紧急情况下使用。 _________________________________________________
    This dr shuld nly be used in an emergency.
    2. representative n.代表In 2017, representatives frm Peking University,Tsinghua University,Nankai University and Yunnan Nrmal Universitygathered t cmmemrate the 80th anniversary f its funding. (教材P33)2017年,来自北京大学、清华大学、南开大学和云南师范大学的代表们齐聚一堂,纪念联大建校80周年。
    ① The assciatin is sending representatives t the cnference. _________________________
    ② She is a sales representative fr a large cmpany. _____________________________
    ③ I’ll represent t him the risk he is running. _______________________________
    (1) representative n.代表;代表物为……行事的代表 _______________________参加……的代表 ______________________来自……的代表 a representative f/frm
    a representative fr
    a representative t
    (2)represent v.代表,象征,表示;作为……的代表represent t… 向……描述
    ① He was in n way a representative _____ dg trainers in general.
    ② He is a representative ______ a large steel cmpany.
    ③ The _________________ (represent)frm New Zealand spke at the Pacific Islands Frum.
    ④ When asked by fficials t select five __________________ t negtiate their demands,the crwd began t shut,“We dn’t want t be ______________ .”(represent)
    ⑤ 这个事例典型地反映了警方的态度。 _______________________________________________________________
    This case is a representative f the attitude f the plice.
    3. sum n.金额,款项;总数;总和 v.共计;求……的和In 1938, the Japanese army ffered a large sum f mney fr Yang’s head and a large number f trps surrunded his men. (教材P35)1938年,日本军队出了一大笔钱买杨靖宇的人头,大批军队包围了他的部队。
    ① The expenses came t an enrmus sum. _________________
    ② The appeal f this charming little twn is hard t sum up. _______________________________________
    ③ The ld man was ffered a large sum f mney. ___________________________
    ④ In sum, it is a great challenge t prevent and cntrl the pandemic all ver the wrld. _______________________________________________
    (1) 总结;概括 _________
    (2) 大体上;一言以蔽之;总之 _________ 一大笔钱 _______________________ 计算;做算术题 ___________
    a large sum f mney
    ① _____ sum, the tw cuntries are nw true ecnmic partners.
    ② She _________ (sum) it _____ as “the mst brilliant lecture I’ve ever attended”.
    ③ 我很快地算出了需要花费的钱数。________________________________________________________
    I did a quick sum t wrk ut hw much it wuld cst.
    ④ 他为这所房子出了一笔巨款。 ______________________________________________
    He paid a large sum f mney fr the huse.
    4. relevant adj.有关的,切题的Prepare a shrt presentatin n ne f the tpics frm Activity 2 r think f anther relevant tpic. (教材P36)准备一份关于活动2中某个主题的简短报告,或者思考另一个相关的主题。
    ① Museums shuld play a mre invlved r relevant rle in public life. _________________________________________________________
    ② These materials are relevant t the case. ___________________________
    ③ Educatin shuld be clsely related t students’ need. _________________________________
    ④ It’s s small in relatin t the strength f their friendship. _________________________________________
    ⑤ The secnd paragraph relates t the situatin in Sctland. ___________________________
    (1) 与……有关 _________________ irrelevant adj. 不相干的,不相关的
    be relevant t
    (2) relate v. 叙述;有关联涉及;关于 ____________ 与……有因果关系,关联 ________________ relate…t…把……和……联系起来
    be related t
    (3) relatin n. 关系;联系;亲戚关于;涉及;与……比较 _________________
    in relatin t
    ① Her appearance is nt relevant _____ whether she can be a gd teacher.
    ② It was all _____________ (relevant), but I didn’t want t interrupt him.
    ③ I have nthing t say in ___________ (relate) t that matter.
    ④ 并不是所有的内容都与你的品位直接相关,事实上,有些内容与你完全无关。Nt all the cntent will __________________________ yur tastes and in fact sme f it will ______________________________ yu.
    be directly relevant t
    be cmpletely irrelevant t
    1. nt nly…but als…不仅……而且……But it has becme the crwning glry f China’s mdern universities, nt nly because f its prminent prfessrs and talented students, but als because f the schl’s strng spirit f perseverance and dedicatin. (教材P33)但它已经成为中国现代大学的最高荣誉,不仅因为它杰出的教授和有才华的学生,还因为学校的坚韧不拔的毅力和奉献精神。
    ① The Americans and the British nt nly speak the same language but als share a large number f scial custms. _____________________________________________________________
    ② Light and bright clrs make peple nt nly happier but mre active. _________________________________________________________
    ③ Shakespeare was nt nly a writer but (als) an actr. ___________________________________________
    ④ Nt nly I but als Jane and Mary are tired f having ne examinatin after anther. _________________________________________________
    ⑤ Nt nly had the pr man been arrested, but he had been sent t prisn as well. _______________________________________________
    (1)该结构常用来连接并列成分,如两个主语、谓语、宾语、表语、定语、状语或分句,在意义上强调后者,其中als可以省略。(2)“nt nly…but als…”连接主语时,谓语动词的数遵循就近原则;当nt nly 位于句首连接两个并列分句时,第一个分句要用部分倒装,第二个分句不倒装。
    ① 他们不仅闯进了他的办公室,而且还撕碎了他的文件。They _________________________________ but (als) tre up his papers.
    nt nly brke int his ffice
    ② 不仅是你,他也从火中救出了那些男孩。 _____________________________ has saved the bys frm the fire.
    Nt nly yu but (als) he
    ③ 不仅学生喜欢踢足球,而且他们的老师也喜欢踢足球。Nt just the students but als their teacher _________________________ .
    likes playing ftball
    ④ 他不仅能准确地说英语,而且说得很流利。Nt nly _______________________ crrectly,but he als speaks it fluently.
    can he speak English
    2. It is n wnder that …难怪……It is n wnder that many, if nt mst, f China’s leading schlars and scientists emerged at Lianda, including the tw Nbel Prize-winning physicists, Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengda. (教材P32)难怪在联大出现了许多(如果不是大多数的话)中国顶尖学者和科学家,包括两位诺贝尔物理学奖得主杨振宁和李政道。
    ① It is n wnder that he was s punctual this mrning. _______________________________
    ② I wnder hw yu came t miss yur way. ___________________________
    ③ I wnder whether they will arrive n time. ___________________________
    (1) wnder n.惊奇;惊讶;奇观;奇人不足为奇;并不奇怪 ___________________________ 惊奇地 in wnder
    n(little,small) wnder
    (2) v.想知道;感到疑惑;感到惊奇想知道是否…… ___________________________ 不知道…… wnder+wh-clause/t d对……感到惊讶/疑惑 wnder at/abut
    (3)wnderful adj.极好的;奇异的
    ① It is n wnder _______ she shuld nt write t yu.
    ② I wnder _______ they call these flwers.
    ③ He’s ____ wnder with the way he arranges everything withut any help.
    ④ Sadly, althugh the Amber Rm was ne f the greatest __________ (wnder)f the wrld,it is nw missing.
    1. During the past fur years I have had a gd deal f ___________ (学术的) experience in cmmunicatin technlgy.
    2. Our factry was _________ (爆炸)ut at that time, but we sn managed t g int prductin again.
    3. Edwards in particular has been put frward as an authr f great _______________ (知识的) distinctin.
    4. Restrictin n trade amng different cuntries created bitter feelings and ____________ (扰乱)the ecnmy.
    5. Fr thse wh lack the right training and skills and supprt, this new wrld can be ___________ (令人畏惧的).
    6. A gd breakfast will __________ (加强) yu fr the day’s wrk.
    7. The rabbit will nt _________ (出现) frm its hle while yu are there.
    8. She was rejected by her _______ (同辈) grup.
    1. I ____________ a tur guide fr Beijing Internatinal Travel Service last summer.
    2. Which language is spken by ________________________ peple in the wrld? Of curse, the answer is Chinese.
    the largest number f
    a great many
    3. I knew that _______________ parts f the puzzle had t fall int place.
    4. While he was encuraged many times, he decided t _________________ .
    shirk his duty
    5. Hld n t yur umbrella s that it wn’t ____________ .
    6. Can’t yu understand that we are _________ with these peple?
    7. He can never ____________ a jb fr lng, because he is always late.
    laid the fundatin fr
    8. Educatin has __________________________ scientific and technlgical advancement and persnnel training.
    9. _________ limitatins n space, many tpics f actual substance have been left ut.
    10. These teachings _________ my mind, pinted ut the directin and gave me endless strength.
    1. Thrughut histry, the great thinkers have ften rather rmantically referred t their academic struggles as being like “war”. Hwever, their symblic “war” is nwhere near the real war, 1. ________ brings nthing but extreme suffering and immense challenges. In 1937, because f the Japanese invasin, China’s three great universities had n chice but 2. __________ (jin) tgether in Kunming as Natinal Suthwest Assciated University, therwise knwn as Lianda.
    The prfessrs and students in the three universities made an epic jurney, 3.___________ (cver) a distance f ver 2,000 kilmetres. Once they reached the remte and muntainus suth-west part f China, 4._____________ (cnditin) were little better. They had t pack 40 t a rm, like sardines. There 5. _______ (be) dire shrtages f fd, bks, and equipment. 6._____________________ , classes were frequently disrupted due t fierce air attacks.
    Despite the immense hardships and the daunting challenges, it was right in this place 7. _______ the natin’s intellectual heritage was nt nly guarded but frtified by the passin and belief f the wrthy academics f Lianda. 8. _________ (drive) by a sense f cmmitment, students at Lianda were nt ging t shirk their duty and a great many jined the army. Many f China’s leading schlars and scientists emerged at Lianda, claiming that Lianda laid the fundatin 9. ______ their achievements.
    Lianda is nw physically gne but it has becme the crwning glry f China’s mdern universities. The 10.____________ (price) cntributin f Lianda still needs t be reaffirmed.
    1. The president annunced that the cuntry wuld nt tlerate freign _____________ (aggressive).
    2. “That srt f thing makes me sick,” he said __________ (rugh).
    3. N matter when the ___________ (invade) cme, they will be wiped ut clean.
    4. Everyne has seen a ____________ (depict) similar t this ne in mvies and n televisin.
    5. Our ___________ (glry) trps cntinue t advance withut lsing a ft f grund.
    6. She wrked with great _____________ (dedicate) t find a cure fr the disease.
    7. D yu have any excuses t ffer fr frequent absence frm _____________ (cllect) practice?
    8. Fr a time, she dated Barl Miller, wh we heard was _______________ (rmantic) invlved with Eleanr.
    9. He is engaged in making preparatins fr the cnference n ______________ (educatin) wrk.
    10. Landslides cmmnly ccur in ______________ (muntain) regins f Nepal during the annual mnsn(雨季) rains.
    1. Yu cannt expect t cntinue aviding respnsibility withut smene nticing. _____________________
    shirking yur duty
    2. Suddenly, the dark theater was brightened by waving sticks, which were like stars in a dark sky. _____________
    3. Instead, there is awareness f lnging as he recalls the few times when he and his dad wuld sit tgether and watch ftball matches. _____________
    4. The metr arrived at the statin with passengers crwded everywhere . _______________________
    packed like sardines
    5. The success f the flight will be the basis f a series f future Chinese space prjects. _________________________
    lay the fundatin fr
    1. 你在五月可以看到这种花。(强调句型) ____________________ yu can see this kind f flwer.
    It is in May that
    2. 孩子们喜欢去农场玩是不足为怪的。(n wnder) _______________________ the children lve t visit the farm.
    It is n wnder that
    3. 被问到他为什么迟到时,他哭了。(过去分词短语作状语) ________________________,he cried.
    Asked why he was late
    4. 三分之一的人口生活在贫困线或以下。 ____________________________is living at r belw the pverty line.
    A third f the ppulatin
    5. 我们不仅应该身体健康,还要保持好的体形。(nt nly…but als…)We shuld ______________________,____________________________ .
    nt nly be healthy
    but als be in gd shape
    [2020北京延庆高二期末] Steven Stein likes t fllw garbage trucks. His strange habit makes sense when yu cnsider that he’s an envirnmental scientist wh studies hw t reduce litter, including things that fall ff garbage trucks as they drive dwn the rad. What is even mre interesting is that ne f Stein’s jbs is defending an industry behind the plastic shpping bags.
    Americans use mre than 100 billin thin film plastic bags every year. S many end up in tree branches r alng highways that a grwing number f cities d nt allw them at checkuts(收银台). The bags are prhibited in sme 90 cities in Califrnia, including Ls Angeles. Eyeing these headwinds, plastic-bag makers are hiring scientists like Stein t make the case that their prducts are nt as bad fr the planet as mst peple assume.
    Amng the bag makers’ argument: many cities with bans still allw shppers t purchase paper bags, which are easily recycled but require mre energy t prduce and transprt. And while plastic bags may be ugly t lk at, they represent a small percentage f all garbage n the grund tday. The industry has als taken aim at the prduct that has appeared as its replacement: reusable shpping bags. The strnger a reusable bag is, the lnger its life is and the mre plastic-bag use it cancels ut. Hwever,
    lnger-lasting reusable bags ften require mre energy t make. One study fund that a cttn bag must be used at least 131 times t be better fr the planet than plastic. Envirnmentalists dn’t dispute(质疑) these pints. They hpe paper bags will be banned smeday t and want shppers t use the same reusable bags fr years.
    1. What has Steven Stein been hired t d?( )A. Help increase grcery sales.B. Recycle the waste material.C. Stp things falling ff trucks.D. Argue fr the use f plastic bags.
    [解析] [语篇解读] 本文是一篇说明文。文章分析了几种购物袋的使用情况。使用塑料袋会造成环境问题; 纸袋尽管容易回收,但生产和运输需要更多的能源。环保主义者希望消费者使用耐用、可重复使用的袋子。
    【命题立意】细节理解题。【解题思路】根据第一段中ne f Stein’s jbs is defending an industry behind the plastic shpping bags和第二段中plastic-bag makers are hiring scientists like Stein t make the case that their prducts are nt as bad fr the planet as mst peple assume可知,塑料袋生产商雇用Steven Stein是为了证明他们的产品并不像大多数人想象的那样对地球有害,让他为使用塑料袋进行辩护。故选D。
    2. What des the wrd “headwinds” in Paragraph 2 refer t?( )A. Bans n plastic bags.B. Effects f city develpment.C. Headaches caused by garbage.D. Plastic bags hung in trees.
    [解析] 【命题立意】词义猜测题。【解题思路】上文介绍在许多美国大城市塑料袋被禁用,看到这种现状,塑料袋生产商雇用Steven Stein等科学家是为了证明他们的产品并不像大多数人想象的那样对地球有害。headwinds意为“逆风”,此处指塑料袋被禁用的现状,故选A。
    3. What is a disadvantage f reusable bags accrding t plastic-bag makers?( )A. They are quite expensive.B. Replacing them can be difficult.C. They are less strng than plastic bags.D. Prducing them requires mre energy.
    [解析] 【命题立意】细节理解题。【解题思路】根据第四段中Hwever, lnger-lasting reusable bags ften require mre energy t make. 可知,生产耐用且能重复使用的袋子需要更多的能源,故选D。
    4. What is the best title fr the text?( )A. Plastic, Paper r NeitherB. Industry, Pllutin and the EnvirnmentC. Recycle r Thrw AwayD. Garbage Cllectin and Waste Cntrl
    [解析] 【命题立意】主旨大意题。【解题思路】文章介绍了使用塑料袋会造成环境问题;纸袋容易回收,但生产和运输需要更多的能源。环保主义者希望消费者使用耐用、可重复使用的袋子。文章对这三种方式进行了对比,“Plastic, Paper r Neither”既能概括全文,又能吸引读者,最适合作为文章标题。故选A。
    深度解析词汇积累assume v.假定,以为 defend v.为……辩护;保卫;防守 reusable adj.可再度使用的,可重复使用的 represent vt.代表;表现;描绘take aim at 瞄准;注意到;以……为目标;批评长难句分析His strange habit makes sense when yu cnsider that he’s an envirnmental scientist wh studies hw t reduce litter, including things that fall ff garbage trucks as they drive dwn the rad.
    当你考虑到他是一个研究如何减少垃圾的环境科学家时,他这个奇怪的习惯就说得过去了,包括那些在路上行驶的垃圾车上掉下来的东西。分析:本句是主从复合句。主句为His strange habit makes sense,时间状语从句由when引导,that引导宾语从句,其中包含wh引导的定语从句修饰名词scientist, including介词短语作状语,其中that引导定语从句修饰名词things,定语从句中包含as引导的时间状语从句。
    [2020江苏省如东高级中学月考] Hw t Fight Laziness Lazy peple will never gain anything in life. Hwever, laziness can be defeated nce a few changes have been made in yur mind. 1._______ Many peple lack sleep cnstantly, since they stay up t late and get up t early t prepare fr wrk. These peple have little mtivatin(动力) nce they arrive hme. Laziness wrks hand in hand with a lack f mtivatin and a tendency t put ff things.
    By adjusting yur sleep schedule t prvide a few mre hurs f meaningful rest, yu can fight laziness thrughut the day. Anther way t fight laziness is t change yur mind frm passive t active. Sme peple treat their lives as if they were pushed frm task t task. Others take a mre psitive apprach, viewing each task as a challenge they must vercme alne. 2._______ Sme peple fight laziness by remving the temptatins(诱惑) that surrund them.
    A televisin in the living rm may prvide entertainment, but watching t much TV ften cntributes t laziness. 3._______ Cmplete a few tasks and reward yurself with what yu enjy, such as a gd dinner r a film. Laziness can als be a lasting prblem at hme. Cuples and children may all have different energy levels, but laziness can be spread if nt dealt with immediately. 4._______ Be the first t cllect and wash dishes after a meal.
    Others at hme may finally fllw yur example and perfrm their wn tasks. It is difficult t practice laziness when yu are surrunded by mtivated peple. 5._______ Enugh exercise and a balanced diet can help yu t develp a healthy lifestyle, thus enabling yu t have mre energy and help lift yur spirits.
    A.One way t fight laziness is t get enugh hw t fight laziness is fight family laziness, set an a reward system fr yurself, just as parents d fr a sets in when yu n lnger feel in charge f yur wn , taking exercise regularly can help yu fight strng determinatin, yu will be able t achieve yur gal.
    [解析] [语篇解读] 本文是一篇说明文。懒惰的人总是一事无成。然而,懒惰是可以被战胜的。本文主要介绍了怎样战胜懒惰。【解题思路】根据下文Many peple lack sleep cnstantly, since they stay up t late and get up t early t prepare fr wrk. 可知,选项A(对抗懒惰的一个方法是有足够的睡眠)与下文衔接最好,故选A。
    [解析] 【解题思路】根据本段中心句Anther way t fight laziness is t change yur mind frm passive t active. 可知,战胜懒惰要有一个积极的态度。根据空前的Others take a mre psitive apprach, viewing each task as a challenge they must vercme alne. 可知,其他人把每一项任务都看作是他们必须独自克服的挑战。因此,选项E(当你觉得不能再掌控自己的生活时,你就会变得懒惰)与上文衔接最好。故选E。
    [解析] 【解题思路】根据下文的Cmplete a few tasks and reward yurself with what yu enjy,such as a gd dinner r a film. 可知,完成一些任务,用你喜欢的东西来犒劳自己,比如一顿丰盛的晚餐或看一场电影。这些是奖励自己的方式,因此,选项D(为自己创造奖励机制,就像父母为孩子做的)最符合语境,故选D。
    [解析] 【解题思路】根据下文的Be the first t cllect and wash dishes after a meal. Others at hme may finally fllw yur example可知,此处是指要树立榜样,因此,选项C(为了消除家庭的懒惰,可以树立一个榜样)与下文衔接最好,故选C。
    [解析] 【解题思路】根据下文的Enugh exercise and a balanced diet can help yu t develp a healthy lifestyle可知,足够的运动和均衡的饮食可以帮助你养成健康的生活方式,因此,选项F(最后,定期锻炼可以帮你战胜懒惰)最能概括本段内容,故选F。
    [2020福建福州高二期末] 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 One Sunday mrning, Gerge Thmas, a baker in a small New England twn was walking thrugh twn when he saw a yung by cming tward him, swinging(挥舞)a bird cage in the air. On the bttm f the cage, there were three little wild birds shaking with cld and fear. Gerge Thmas stpped the by and asked him what he gt there.
    The by was happy and tld him that there were just sme ld birds in the cage. When the baker asked him what he wuld d with the ld birds. The by said casually(漫不经心地)that he wanted t take the birds hme and play with them. He wuld pull ut their feathers t make them fight. He wuld have a really gd time because he wuld enjy watching these. Gerge Thmas was shcked by what the by said. Hw culd a by be s rude t wild animals?
    S he cntinued t ask the by what he wuld d t the birds when he gt tired f them, because he was such a naughty and cruel by that he was sure t be tired f them sner r later. The by laughed and said that he gt a cat, which liked birds, s he wuld give the birds t his cat. The baker gt mre wrried and decided t help set free the pr birds. S he asked, “Hw much d yu want fr thse birds, sn? ” The by lked at him in surprise, wndering if the baker really wanted t buy them. He laughed and reminded the man that they were just plain ld field birds.
    They didn’t sing, and they were nt even pretty. Hwever, the baker insisted and cntinued t ask him hw much mney he wanted fr the birds.The by stared at the baker as if he were crazy and said, “$10?” 注意: 续写词数应为150左右。 The baker reached in his pcket and tk ut a ten-dllar bill.___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    He placed it in the by’s hand. The by grasped the mney firmly as if he was afraid that the baker wuld change his mind.
    ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The baker picked up the cage.__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    In a flash, the excited by was gne. The baker lked at the by walking away and shk his head. He wndered hw such a little by was s naughty as t keep the pr birds in the cage, which were s lvely.
    And he gently carried it t the end f the alley where there was a tree and a grassy spt. Setting the cage dwn, he pened the dr, and by sftly tapping the bars persuaded the birds ut, setting them free.
    The baker watched the birds flying in the sky, smiling. He tk the empty bird cage hme happily. Animals were friends f human beings. We shuld live in harmny with all the creatures.
    [解析] 深度解析确定故事要素
    续写情境推理Para. 1: The baker reached in his pcket and tk ut a ten-dllar bill.1. What did the baker d after he tk ut the bill?He placed it in the by’s hand.(给出的语言材料中有大量的动作描写,用动作描写推动故事的发展。根据续写的故事发展的延续性,此处用动作描写。)
    2. Did the by sell the birds t Gerge?The by grasped the mney firmly as if he was afraid that the baker wuld change his mind. In a flash, the excited by was gne.(根据续写第二段首句推断出 the by 把鸟给了the baker。)3. Hw did Gerge feel then?He wndered hw such a little by was s naughty as t keep the pr birds in the cage, which were s lvely.(给出的语言材料中有大量的心理感受描写,利用情感线索推动故事发展。此处用wnder体现Gerge的担心和不解。 )

    外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 6 Nature in words授课ppt课件: 这是一份外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 6 Nature in words授课ppt课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了I课文翻译,II 词汇拓展,puzzled,puzzling,puzzle,puzzlement,knowingly,know,known,thorough等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 5 Learning from nature示范课课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 5 Learning from nature示范课课件ppt,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了Ⅰ 课文翻译,Ⅱ 词汇拓展,evaluate,evaluation,withdraw,withdrawal,depressive,depression,depress,purity等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 4 A glimpse of the future多媒体教学课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 4 A glimpse of the future多媒体教学课件ppt,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了Ⅰ 课文翻译,Ⅱ 词汇拓展,agile,agilely,mechanical,mechanic,imitation,imitate,imitative,tightly等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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