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    外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 5 Learning from nature授课课件ppt

    这是一份外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 5 Learning from nature授课课件ppt,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了Ⅰ 课文翻译,Ⅱ 词汇拓展,architect,superb,superbly,frontier,front,respond,response,harmony等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1. ____________/'ɑːkɪtekt/n.建筑师→_______________/'ɑːkɪtektʃə(r)/n.建筑学; 建筑艺术; 建筑风格; 建筑设计
    2. _________/sju:'pɜːb/adj.极好的, 出色的 → ___________/sju:'pɜːbli/adv.庄重地; 极好地
    3. ___________/'frʌntɪə/n.知识/物理学等的前沿→________/frʌnt/n.前面; 正面; 前线 adj. 前面的, 前部的; 正面的
    4. __________/rɪ'spɒnd/vi.回答; 作出反应→___________/rɪ'spɒns/n.响应; 反应; 回答
    5. __________/'hɑːməni/n.和谐, 协调, 融洽 → _____________/hɑː'məʊnɪəs/adj.和谐的; 协调的 → _______________/hɑːməʊniəsli/adv.和谐地; 调和地
    6. ________/rɪ'nju:/vt.更新→____________/rɪ'nju:əbl/adj.可再生的 → ______________/ʌnrɪ'nju:əbl/adj.不可再生的
    7. __________/'sɪmələr/ adj.相似的→ similarity /'sɪmə'lærəti/n.类似; 相似点
    8. __________/ɪn’spaɪə(r)/vt.赋予灵感; 激励, 鼓舞 → ___________/ɪn’spaɪəd/adj.受……影响的→____________ /ɪn’spaɪərɪŋ/adj.鼓舞人心的→ ______________/'ɪnspə'reʃən/n.灵感; 鼓舞人心的人(或事物)
    9. __________/kə'lekt/vt.收集; 募捐→_____________/kə'lekʃn/n.作品集; 收藏品; 一批(人或物品); 取走
    10. _________/əb’zɔ: b/vt.吸收; 理解; 使全神贯注 → ___________/əb’zɔ: bd/adj.全神贯注的, 专心致志的 → _____________/əb’zɔ: pʃn/n.吸收; 全神贯注, 专心致志
    1. take…fr granted___________________
    2. be fed with_______________
    3. cnvert…int___________________
    4. in harmny with_________________
    5. stick with_______________
    6. 与……有联系_________________
    assciate with
    7. 习惯_____________
    8. 对……作出反应_____________
    9. 建立在……基础上__________
    10. 把……当作_______________
    We shuld be grateful t ur parents’ lve instead f taking it fr granted.
    It was in the lab that was set up by Mr Smith that they finished the experiment.
    Reading fr the main idea.
    1. What is the main idea f the text?( )A. Only the envirnment determines buildings.B. There are all kinds f buildings in nature.C. Many buildings get inspiratin frm nature.D. Many different buildings came int being naturally.
    Reading fr the structure.
    Fill in the blanks with prper wrds.
    was inspired
    less energy
    Reading fr the details.
    Chse the best answer accrding t the text.
    1. What has given us a lt f architecture inspiratin?( )A. Nature.B. Tiles.C. Umbrellas.D. Organisms.
    2. What can yu enjy in ArtScience Museum?( )A. The way nature wrks.B. The relatinship between art and science.C. A ltus flwer flating abve water.D. The building’s plumbing system.
    3. What makes the Eastgate Centre use less energy?( )A. Termites cnstructing their nests.B. Munds cvered in little hles.C. Traditinal air cnditining systems.D. Its surface cvered in hles.
    4. Why can the Algae Huse cst less t run?( )A. Because it is in Hamburg f Germany.B. Because it is pwered by the algae.C. Because the algae are fed with liquid nutrients.D. Because the algae capture heat frm the sun.
    1. In fact, we are s used t them ①___________________________________________________________②__________________________________________.【分析】①为_____________引导的结果状语从句, 其中介词withut后是动名词短语作宾语,②是由___________引导的宾语从句。【译文】___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    that we may even take them fr granted withut realising
    hw much inspiratin they have given us
    事实上, 我们如此习惯它们的存在, 以至于甚至我们可能把它们视为理所当然, 却没有意识到它们给了我们多少灵感。
    2. T meet the needs f tday ①_________________________________________ may be a challenge, ②_________________________________________________________________________【分析】②中______连接表示转折关系的并列句, 第一个分句中不定式短语T meet the needs f tday为主语,①为_______状语,②中hw t achieve this为宾语从句。【译文】 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    while prtecting the wrld f tmrrw
    but even the simplest rganisms can help teach us hw t achieve this.
    保护明天的世界, 同时满足当下的需求, 这可能是一项挑战, 但即使是最简单的生物也能帮忙, 教我们如何实现这个目标。
    Step 1 Questin Answering
    1. What d we think f the beauty arund us every day?_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    We are used t it, and we may even take it fr granted withut realising hw much inspiratin it has given us.
    2. What has nature inspired arund us?_______________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Nature has inspired many f the mst fascinating designs arund us, including thse in architecture.
    3. Why was Singapre’s ArtScience Museum designed like that?____________________________________________________________________________________________
    It was designed t shw the cnnectin between nature and the mdern city envirnment.
    4. What is Harare’s Eastgate Centre special abut?_______________________________________________________________
    Harare’s Eastgate Centre is a superb example f bimimicry.
    5. Where is the wrld’s first algae-pwered building and why d peple create buildings like that?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    The wrld’s first algae-pwered building is in Hamburg, Germany. Creating buildings like that enables us t live in clser harmny with ur envirnment.
    Step 2 Sentence Rewriting
    1. 用非谓语动词改写第一句。_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Nt realising hw much inspiratin it has given us, we are used t beauty and take it arund us fr granted.
    2. 用被动语态改写第二句。________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Many f the mst fascinating designs arund us have been inspired by nature, including thse in architecture.
    3. 用强调句型改写第三句。_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    It was t shw the cnnectin between nature and the mdern city envirnment that Singapre’s ArtScience Museum was designed.
    4. 用非谓语动词改写第四句。_______________________________________________________________________________
    Harare’s Eastgate Centre is the mst magnificent building using bimimicry.
    5. 用非谓语动词改写第五句。_________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    T live in clser harmny with ur envirnment, we create buildings like the wrld’s first algae-pwered building in Hamburg, Germany.
    Step 3 Summary Writing
    将以上句子连成一篇语言流畅、用词准确、逻辑严密的文章概要。 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    In fact, nt realising hw much inspiratin it has given us, we are used t beauty and take it arund us fr granted. Many f the mst fascinating designs arund us have been inspired by nature, including thse in architecture. As we knw, it was t shw the cnnectin between nature and the mdern city envirnment that Singapre’s ArtScience Museum was designed. Harare’s Eastgate Centre is the mst magnificent building using bimimicry.
    1. superb adj. 极好的, 出色的Harare’s Eastgate Centre is a superb example f bimimicry. (教材P51)哈拉雷东门大厦是极好的仿生学范例。
    ① The sprts facilities lk superb.___________________________
    ② It makes a superb filling fr cakes.___________________________
    ③ The car is in superb cnditin.___________________
    ④ The car is superbly engineered and a pleasure t drive._____________________________________
    这辆车设计一流, 开起来是一种享受。
    (1) 看上去棒极了______________一流的演出_______________________状况极好______________________
    a superb perfrmance
    in superb cnditin
    (2) 庄重地; 华美地; 极好地 adv. ___________
    ① He perfrmed ___________(superb)in the test.
    ② Cylinder bserved that the best hspitals did nt just have _________ dctrs. They were als ___________ rganised. (superb)
    ③ [2020全国Ⅲ卷, 阅读理解] 他们有一种很好的捕鱼方法。____________________________________
    They had a superb way f fishing.
    ④ 他医术高超, 在紧急情况下几乎无人能代替他。___________________________________________________________________________________
    His medical skill is s superb that he can hardly be filled in fr an emergency.
    2. inspire vt. 激发; 鼓舞; 启示; 产生; 使产生灵感Nature has inspired many f the mst fascinating designs arund us, including thse in architecture. (教材P50)我们身边许多最迷人的设计, 包括建筑设计, 它们的灵感都来自大自然。
    ① His superb play inspired the team t a thrilling 5-0 win.______________________________________________
    他的出色表现使球队士气大振, 以5:0大获全胜。
    ② Inspired by the sunny weather, I decided t explre the wds._______________________________________
    ③ King was a great ratr(演说家) and an inspiring leader._____________________________________
    ④ He draws inspiratin frm rdinary scenes.___________________________
    (1) 激发某人做某事_________________________
    inspire sb. t d sth.
    (2) inspiratin n. 灵感; 鼓舞人心的人(或事物)从……中吸取灵感________________________对……的灵感______________________
    draw inspiratin frm
    the inspiratin fr
    (3)inspired adj. 卓越的; 品质优秀的; 受……影响的(4)inspiring adj. 鼓舞人心的; 启发灵感的
    ① ___________(inspire) greatly by what he had heard and seen, he made up his mind t stand n his wn feet.
    ② In 2012, M Yan wn the Nbel Prize fr Literature, ____________(inspire) a hst f imitatrs.
    ③ Yu can als read an ____________(inspire) bk r watch a mvie t get the ______________(inspire) yu need t mve frward.
    ④ 我们在日常生活中遇到的那些小问题有可能会成为伟大发明的灵感。________________________________________________________________________________________________
    The little prblems that we meet in ur daily lives may be inspiratins fr great inventins.
    3. take…fr granted 认为……理所当然In fact, we are s used t them that we may even take them fr granted withut realising hw much inspiratin they have given us. (教材P50)事实上, 我们如此习惯它们的存在, 以至于甚至我们可能把它们视为理所当然, 却没有意识到它们给了我们多少灵感。
    ① He just takes everything his mther des fr him fr granted._________________________________________________
    ② We shuldn’t take anything fr granted.___________________________________
    ③ He seemed t take it fr granted that he shuld speak as a representative.___________________________________________
    ④ Granting/Granted that he said s, he may nt keep his prmise._____________________________________
    假定他这么说了, 他也未必会守承诺。
    想当然地认为……_____________________________假定……, 即使…… __________________________
    take it fr granted that…
    Granting/Granted that…
    ① They nw have their wn pinins; yu can’t take _____ fr granted that they’ll listen t yu.
    ② ___________________(grant) that this is true, what cnclusin can yu reach?
    ③ She ften tld me nt t take things fr __________(grant).
    ④ 那时她经常告诉我不要认为父母为我们所做的一切是理所当然的。______________________________________________________________________________________
    At that time she ften tld me nt t take what ur parents did fr us fr granted.
    4. cnvert…int将……转化为; 使……转变为The panels als capture heat frm the sun and cnvert it int energy that pwers the building. (教材P51)这些面板还可以吸收太阳的热量, 并将其转化为电能, 给建筑物供电。
    ① I didn’t use t like pera but my husband has cnverted me._________________________________________
    我过去不喜欢歌剧, 但我的丈夫改变了我。
    ② A pet is ne wh can cnvert rdinary wrds int a meaningful piece f writing._____________________________________________________
    ③ All frms f energy are cnverted int heat._____________________________
    ④ Tm suggested that we buy a sfa that cnverts int a bed._______________________________________
    ⑤ He cnverted frm Christianity t Zslam.___________________________
    (使)转而变为…… __________________把……从……转化为……______________________
    cnvert int/t
    ① Mdernizatin has cnverted the cuntry _______ a primitive sciety t a near-industrial ne.
    ② At what rate des the dllar cnvert _______ punds?
    ③ 那家旅馆将改建成私人疗养院。__________________________________________________________________
    The htel is ging t be cnverted int a private nursing hme.
    5. respnd t 回应……; 对……作出反应The building therefre nt nly respnds t its envirnment and uses less energy, but als reduces damage t the envirnment by generating its wn renewable energy. (教材P51)因此, 该建筑不仅能够适应环境, 减少能耗, 而且自身可以产生可再生能源, 减少对环境的危害。
    ① The female cnductr kindly respnded t my questin._________________________________
    ② The teacher respnded affirmatively t the questin that the student had put frward.___________________________________________
    ③ The prduct was develped in respnse t custmers’ demands._________________________________________
    ④ She made n respnse.___________________
    (1) __________v. 响应; 回应
    (2) respnse n. 回答; 响应; 反应响应; 反应(通常作状语) _________________对……(没)作出反应/回答_________________________
    in respnse t
    make (n)respnse t
    ① Did Mther’s leg respnd _____ treatment?
    ② He always takes the lead in respnse_____ the gvernment’s call.
    ③ On yur first questin, we have ____________(respnd) t it n varius ccasins. I believe yu’ve als taken nte f the respnse by the Ministry f Defense.
    ④ 她收到我的信, 给我回了个电话。She _______________ my letter with a phne call. = She _____________________ my letter with a phne call.
    made a respnse t
    1. s…that…引导结果状语从句In fact, we are s used t them that we may even take them fr granted withut realising hw much inspiratin they have given us. (教材P50)事实上, 我们如此习惯它们的存在, 以至于甚至可能把它们视为理所当然, 却没有意识到它们给了我们多少灵感。
    ① She’s kind and patient, and she explains English grammar s clearly that even I can understand it!_______________________________________________________
    她友善、耐心, 把英语语法讲解得清清楚楚, 连我都懂了!
    ② At ne pint we were s high that we fund urselves cycling thrugh cluds._______________________________________________________
    在某个时刻, 我们发现自己置身高处, 仿佛骑车穿越云层。
    ③ He was s flish that he accepted her invitatin._______________________________
    (1)s…that…表示“如此……以至于……”, that引导结果状语从句。常见搭配如下:s+adj./adv.+that…s+adj.+a(n)+单数名词+that…s+many/much/few/little(少)+n.+that…
    (2)such…that…表示“如此……以至于……”, such修饰的是名词。常见搭配如下:such+a(n)+adj.+单数名词+that…such+adj.+复数名词/不可数名词+that…(3)s that意为“因此, 结果”, 引导结果状语从句。s that还可表示“以便, 目的是”, 引导目的状语从句。
    ① He had s little educatin _______ he was unfit fr this jb.
    ② It is _____ gd a film that I’d like t see it a secnd time.
    ③ It was s fine a day that we went ut fr a walk.→______________________________ we went ut fr a walk.
    It was such a fine day that
    2.“make+宾语+宾补”结构Tday, architects cntinue t explre ways t capture the beauty f natural frms, t mimic the way nature wrks r even t make natural rganisms part f a building.(教材P50)如今, 建筑师不断探寻捕捉自然形态之美的方法, 模仿自然运行的方式, 甚至让自然生物融为建筑的一部分。
    ① She sat him up and made him cmfrtable._______________________________
    她帮他坐起来, 让他舒服一些。
    ② He dreamt that the Olympics wuld make it pssible fr peple f all cuntries t live side by side in peace._____________________________________________________________
    ③ His jke made us laugh ur heads ff._______________________________
    ④ The teacher raised her vice t make herself heard.___________________________________
    ⑤ We made Tm ur mnitr.___________________________
    (1)“make+宾语+宾补”结构中, 宾语补足语可以由名词、形容词、过去分词等来充当; 该结构中一般不用现在分词充当宾补; 职务名词充当宾补时其前面不用加冠词。(2)当不定式短语或从句等作宾语时, 多用it作形式宾语, 主要结构有:make+it+adj./n.+(fr sb.)t d sth.make+it+adj./n.+that从句常用于这种结构的动词还有:think, cnsider, find, feel等。
    ① The tw girls are s alike that strangers find it difficult __________(tell)ne frm the ther.
    ② We thught _____ n use explaining t him what had happened here because he didn’t care.
    ③ 专家们认为, 这种不间断的交流使英国人和美国人彼此理解起来更加容易。This nn-stp cmmunicatin, the experts think, has made ___________________________________________________________ each ther.
    it easier fr British peple and Americans t understand
    ④ [2018全国Ⅲ卷] 我们如何让他们养成这种习惯?______________________________________
    Hw d we make it a habit fr them?
    3. 状语从句的省略T meet the needs f tday while prtecting the wrld f tmrrw may be a challenge, but even the simplest rganisms can help teach us hw t achieve this. (教材P51)保护明天的世界, 同时满足当下的需求, 这可能是一项挑战, 但即使是最简单的生物也能帮忙, 教我们如何实现这一目标。
    ① Wrk hard while/when (yu are)yung, r yu’ll regret.___________________________
    少壮不努力, 老大徒伤悲。
    ② While (she was)walking alng the river bank, she was singing a pp sng._________________________________
    ③ Dn’t listen t music when/while (yu are)ding yur hmewrk._______________________________
    当when, while, befre, after, unless, as if, if等引导的状语从句中的主语与主句主语一致或从句主语是it, 且从句谓语中含有be动词时, 可以省略从句中的主语和be动词。
    ① If yu are accepted fr the jb, yu’ll be infrmed sn.→__________________________, yu’ll be infrmed sn.
    If accepted fr the jb
    ② While he was playing with his children utdrs, the father felt very happy.→___________________________________________ , the father felt very happy.
    While playing with his children utdrs
    ③ He wn’t cme unless he is invited.→He wn’t cme _________________.
    unless invited
    ④ [2018天津卷] 一天放学后, 当我在这座宏伟的山上探索绿色的森林时, 我差点摔倒在一截楼梯上。________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    One day after schl, while explring the green wds f this magnificent muntain, I almst fell n a set f stairs.
    1. Keep yur eye n this ___________(前沿); steam heat frm the earth may ne day help keep yu warm.
    2. This suggested that matter can be ____________(转化) int energy, and vice versa.
    3. Chinese peple regard the ________(莲花) as a sign f purity.
    5. The ____________(建筑师) was presented with a blank cheque t design a new city centre.
    4. Ideas will cme t yu easily and sme will prve t be _________(极好的).
    6. T ________(模仿) his distinctive ending fr many f his shrt stries, we will leave the readers t draw their wn cnclusin.
    7. The city’s 1,040 kilmeters f the _____________(滨水地区) gives it the largest harbr in the wrld.
    8. There Jhn built his wn split-level huse with electricity and ___________(管道系统).
    1. ___________ what we knw nw, yu cannt clne animals that have been extinct lnger than 10,000 years.
    2. It is s cld that yu can’t g utside unless fully _____________ thick clthes.
    3. Remember, I’m nt a beggar; I dn’t want t ______________ leftvers frm the rich man’s table.
    be fed with
    4. The reprt fund that yungsters felt their friendships culd be at risk if they did nt _____________ scial media psts quickly, and arund the clck.
    5. We must never lse sight f the fact that man must live __________________nature.
    in harmny with
    6. It was dark in the rm and we culdn’t see much at first, but after a few minutes ur eyes __________________ the darkness.
    was/gt used t
    take it fr granted
    7. Sme f us always ______________________ that ur parents r grandparents shuld take care f us.
    8. By studying ld phts f the previus Amber Rm, they have made the new ne ____________ the ld ne.
    1. We’re s familiar with nature that we seldm take 1. ____ secnd thught abut it, but sme artists take inspiratin frm it. Barcelna’s frest-like Sagrada Familia and Beijing’s Water Cube are gd 2.___________(example). Singapre’s ArtScience Museum is anther example fr peple t enjy the 3.________________(explre) f the relatinship between art and science. The building was designed 4.__________(shw) the cnnectin between nature
    and the mdern city envirnment in which it sits. Besides, Harare’s Eastgate Centre, 5.________ was created by Zimbabwean architect Mick Pearce while he was watching a nature dcumentary in which termites were cnstructing their nests, 6._____(be) a superb example f bimimicry. Als, the wrld’s first algae-pwered building is in Hamburg, Germany, whse surface 7._____________(cver) in panels that cntain algae and the algae are fed with liquid nutrients and carbn dixide t encurage them t grw.
    These buildings enable us t live in clser harmny 8._______ ur envirnment. It may be a challenge t meet the needs f tday while 9._____________(prtect) the wrld f tmrrw, 10.______ even the simplest rganisms can help teach us hw t achieve this.
    1. The signal will be cnverted __________ digital cde.
    2. Generally speaking, electricity is a luxury that we’ve grwn t take fr __________(grant).
    3. _____________(architect) have lng had the feeling that the places we live in can affect ur thughts, feelings and behavir.
    4. He was presented _______a TV set as a reward fr his service.
    5. In the late nineteenth century the _____________(cnnect) between music and painting was clse.
    1. Accrding t what we knw nw, yu cannt clne animals that have been extinct lnger than 10,000 years.___________
    2. It is s cld that yu can’t g utside unless fully wrapped in thick clthes. _____________
    3. Hard wrk can ften make up fr being shrt f ability.____________
    4. We must plan ur wrk cnsidering the new situatin and its needs. ______________
    5. We must never lse sight f the fact that man must get alng with nature. _______________________
    live in harmny with
    6. It was dark in the rm and we culdn’t see much at first, but after a few minutes ur eyes felt cmfrtable in the darkness. ______________
    7. Sme f us always think naturally that ur parents r grandparents shuld take care f us. ______________________
    8. By studying ld phts f the previus Amber Rm, they have made the new ne resemble the ld ne. ____________
    1. 刚才老师讲话如此快以至于我不能记下所有的东西。(s…that…)____________________________________________________________________________
    The teacher spke s fast that I culdn’t take everything dwn just nw.
    2. 他什么话也没说就走了, 留下我们在外面站着。(现在分词作状语)__________________________________________________________________
    He went away withut saying anything, leaving us standing utside.
    3. 我不仅对他谈我的感觉, 而且我还决定在博客上把它写出来。(nt nly…but als…)_____________________________________________________________________________________
    Nt nly did I speak t him abut hw I felt, but I als decided t blg abut it.
    4. 我们小组想为新华小学组织一场名为“分享书籍, 传递爱”的图书捐赠活动。(过去分词作后置定语)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Our grup wuld like t rganize a bk dnatin activity named “Sharing Bks, Passing Lve” fr Xinhua Primary Schl.
    5. 在等通往办公室的公共汽车时, 他看见一个男孩跌倒在路上。(状语从句的省略)_____________________________________________________________________________
    While waiting fr a bus t the ffice, he saw a by fall dwn n the rad.
    [2021河南高二期末] We see art everywhere arund us. In public parks, city squares, shpping streets and public buildings, we find mdern art bjects n display. Classical art, such as valuable paintings, precius statues and ther fine arts, usually ends up in the cllectins f museums, cmpanies r rich peple.
    Bth art and architecture have a histry f ages. All frms and ways f expressing the beautiful things have been explred. In the case f architecture, many buildings designed in the past have prven beautiful and served their purpses. Gvernments and cmpanies culd save millins f dllars by building r cpying designs f architecture f buildings frm the past. There are still many designs fr buildings made by famus architects that were never realized. Besides, sme peple find mdern architecture ugly. S why shuld we pay a lt f mney fr designing new buildings?
    The same hlds fr mdern art, bth paintings and statues. Many strerms cntain enugh art t decrate all public buildings and ther public places. There is n need t create mre art, and as with mdern architecture, many peple find new art difficult t understand r appreciate. Given these facts, why are architects and artists asked t create new artwrks? The answers have t d with the functin f art in sciety tday. First f all, the functin f art is t decrate.
    Artwrks make ur living envirnment mre beautiful. Anther functin f art is enriching real life. Art helps peple t learn t think creatively. In art things are nt always what they seem t be. Very ften yu can hardly tell what the funny art bjects are. Peple need such creative mments. Finally, art is ften seen as a way t instruct the audience. Statues f heres frm the past remind us f ur histry. Paintings and ther art bjects can als help us realise what gals we shuld set fr urselves.
    Because ideas abut sciety change and every perid f time has its wn taste, there is always a need fr new art. We can still appreciate the beautiful artwrks made in the past, but they are ften t valuable t be placed in public buildings. Besides, they als ften need special prtectin.
    1. Wh wn cllectins f ancient statues and paintings?( )A. Public parks r city squares.B. Shpping streets r public buildings.C. Museums, cmpanies r rich peple.D. Sme histrical sites.
    such as valuable paintings, precius statues and ther fine arts, usually ends up in the cllectins f museums, cmpanies r rich peple. (古典艺术, 如珍贵的绘画、珍贵的雕像和其他艺术作品, 通常会被博物馆、公司或富人收藏。)可知, C项正确。
    [解析] [语篇解读] 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了古代艺术和现代艺术, 以及它们在社会中所起的作用。【命题立意】细节理解题。【解题思路】根据第一段中的Classical art,
    2. What’s the writing purpse f Paragraph 2?( )A. T explain why sme peple find mdern art ugly.B. T intrduce the reasn fr the necessity f new art.C. T shw the benefits f cpying designs frm the past.D. T prve bth art and architecture have a lng histry.
    [解析] 【命题立意】推理判断题。【解题思路】根据第二段的主要内容, 尤其是S why shuld we pay a lt f mney t architects fr designing new buildings?(那么, 为什么我们要为设计新的建筑付很多钱呢?)可推测本段的目的是引出新艺术产生的必要性。B. T intrduce the reasn fr the necessity f new art. (介绍新艺术产生的必要性。)符合以上推测, 故选B项。
    3. Why can’t we use ld art t decrate public buildings?( )A. Because they need lng-lasting restring.B. Because mre peple prefer mdern art.C. Because f the changes and differences f tastes.D. Because f their value and need fr prtectin.
    [解析] 【命题立意】细节理解题。【解题思路】根据最后一段的第二句和第三句可知, 古老的艺术品太珍贵了, 不能被用来装饰公共建筑, 它们还经常需要特殊的保护。故选D项。
    4. What des the furth paragraph mainly talk abut?( )A. The functins f art in sciety.B. The functins f architecture.C. The reasn why art is difficult.D. The reasn why art is precius.
    (考虑到这些事实, 那么为什么建筑师和艺术家被要求创造新的艺术作品呢?答案和当今艺术在社会中的作用有关。)可知, 本段主要介绍了艺术在社会中的作用。A. The functins f art in sciety. (艺术在社会中的作用。)符合以上说法, 故选A项。
    [解析] 【命题立意】主旨大意题。【解题思路】根据第四段的主要内容, 尤其是Given these facts, why are architects and artists asked t create new artwrks? The answers have t d with the functin f art in sciety tday.
    [2020湖北武汉高二月考] We have all experienced days when everything ges wrng. A day may begin well enugh, 1 suddenly everything seems t get ut f cntrl. What always 2 is that a great number f things chse t g wrng at 3 the same mment. Things can g wrng n a big scale, as a number f peple recently discvered. During the rush hur ne evening tw cars cllided (猛 撞) and bth drivers began t 4 .
    The wman immediately behind the tw cars happened t be a 5 . She suddenly gt int a panic and stpped her car. This made the driver fllwing her 6 hard. His wife was sitting beside him hlding a large cake. As she was thrwn 7 , the cake went right thrugh the windscreen and landed n the rad. Seeing a cake flying 8 the air, a lrry driver wh was drawing up alngside the car, 9 all f a sudden. The lrry was 10 with empty
    beer bttles and hundreds f them slid ff the back f the vehicle and nt the rad. This led t yet 11 angry argument. Meanwhile, the traffic piled up behind. It tk the plice nearly an hur t 12 the traffic n the mve again. In the meantime, the lrry driver had t sweep up hundreds f 13 bttles. Only tw stray dgs 14 frm all this cnfusin, fr they greedily ate what was left f the 15 . It was just ne f thse days!
    1. ( )A. thusB. butC. sD. and
    [解析] [语篇解读] 本文是一篇记叙文, 讲述了在一天晚上的交通高峰期, 两场交通意外引发交通大混乱, 只有两只流浪狗从中受益。【解题思路】考查连词。根据语境可知“一天的开始也许很顺利”与“突然间一切似乎都失去了控制”是转折关系, 故选B项。
    2. ( )A. cmesB. strikesC. happensD. wrks
    [解析] 【解题思路】考查动词。空后表达很多事情刚好在同一时间出问题, 这是发生的事情, 故C项正确。
    3. ( )A. exactlyB. pssiblyC. practicallyD. prbably
    [解析] 【解题思路】考查副词。根据空后的“the same mment”可知此处指“刚好在同一时间”, 故选A项。
    4. ( )A. fightB. talkC. discussD. argue
    [解析] 【解题思路】考查动词。根据常识可知, 两车发生剐蹭的时候, 双方会相互指责, 发生争论, 下文中的“argument”也是提示, 故选D项。
    5. ( )A. learnerB. passengerC. driverD. instructr
    [解析] 【解题思路】考查名词。空后一句说她突然惊慌失措, 把车停了下来, 这说明她是个新手(初学者), 故选A项。
    6. ( )A. stpB. brakeC. burstD. quit
    [解析] 【解题思路】考查动词。上一句说女新手突然惊慌失措, 把车停了下来, 面对这种情况, 后面的司机自然是要急刹车, 故选B项。
    7. ( )A. upwardB. backwardC. frwardD. sideward
    [解析] 【解题思路】考查副词。根据常识可知, 急刹车的时候, 车上的人身子会前倾, 故选C项。
    8. ( )A. thrughB. verC. arundD. acrss
    [解析] 【解题思路】考查介词。上文说蛋糕从车里飞了出来。flying thrugh the air表示“在空中飞过、从天而降”, 故选A项。
    9. ( )A. pulled dwnB. pulled up C. pulled in D. pulled ut
    [解析] 【解题思路】考查动词短语辨析。上文说旁边的卡车司机看见一块蛋糕从天而降, 第一反应自然是停车, 故选B项。
    10. ( )A. ccupiedB. burdened C. laded D. equipped
    [解析] 【解题思路】考查动词。下文说数百个啤酒瓶从车尾部滑到了路上, 这说明卡车上装满了空啤酒瓶。be laded with表示“载有”, 故选C项。
    11. ( )A. the therB. ther C. thers D. anther
    [解析] 【解题思路】考查限定词。上文说两辆车相撞, 两个司机发生了争论, 此处是说卡车上的啤酒瓶滑到路上又引起了另一场争论, 故D项。
    12. ( )A. getB. haveC. keepD. take
    [解析] 【解题思路】考查动词。根据空后的“the traffic n the mve again”可知此处指“使交通再次畅通”, 故选A项。
    13. ( )A. emptyB. fullC. dirtyD. brken
    [解析] 【解题思路】考查形容词。啤酒瓶掉到了马路上自然是碎了, 故选D项。
    14. ( )A. benefitedB. suffered C. separated D. differed
    [解析] 【解题思路】考查动词。下文说这两只流浪狗贪婪地吃着剩下的蛋糕, 这说明它们从混乱中受益, 故选A项。

    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 6 Nature in words多媒体教学课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 6 Nature in words多媒体教学课件ppt,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了Ⅰ 课文翻译,Ⅱ 词汇拓展,week,weekly,inspect,inspector,inspection,insist,insistence,insistent等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 5 Learning from nature教案配套ppt课件: 这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 5 Learning from nature教案配套ppt课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了Ⅰ 单词分层默写, 单词拼写,architect,superb,frontier,pond,sow,wisdom,employ,attain等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 5 Learning from nature说课ppt课件: 这是一份外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 5 Learning from nature说课ppt课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了动名词短语作宾语,动词不定式作表语,动名词作表语,过去分词作表语,动词不定式作宾语,Ⅰ 单句语法填空,looking,to accept,staying,dividing等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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