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    高中英语Unit 3 War and peace优质ppt课件

    这是一份高中英语Unit 3 War and peace优质ppt课件,共53页。PPT课件主要包含了Reflection等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Develping ideas
    Lk at the pictures and answer the questins. 1 What kind f university d yu think it is? What d yu knw abut it? It is a jint university. It was famus at that time and it helped t save educatinal and intellectual heritage. 2 Hw is it different frm tday’s universities? It is made up f several universities.
    Nw read the passage and find ut what is s special abut Lianda.
    Thrughut histry,the great thinkers f the wrld have ften rather rmantically referred t their academic struggles as being like“war”. Hwever,fr mst f them, the“war” has been purely symblic. Real war is never rmantic as it brings suffering and immense challenges. In 1937,the aggressin f the Japanese army brught disaster t China’s three great universities:Peking University and Tsinghua University were ccupied by Japanese trps,while Nankai University was cmpletely destryed by bmbing . T save their educatinal and intellectual heritage,the three universities jined tgether in Kunming as Natinal Suthwest Assciated University,therwise knwn as Lianda.
    Prfessrs and students alike in the three universities made an epic jurney ver a distance f mre than 2,000 kilmetres,mst f them n ft. Their bed was the dusty rad and their rf was the pen sky,ften lit up by explding Japanese bmbs. Cnditins were little better nce they reached the remte and muntainus suth-west part f China. They had t live in rugh buildings,packed 40 t a rm,like sardines. There were dire shrtages f fd,bks,and equipment. Furthermre,classes were frequently disrupted due t fierce air attacks and ften had t be held befre 10 am and after 4 pm. Hwever,despite the immense hardships and the daunting challenges,it was right            in this place,ver a perid f eight lng years,that the natin’s intellectual heritage was nt nly guarded but frtified by the passin and belief f the wrthy academics f Lianda. It is n wnder that many,if nt mst,f China’s leading schlars and scientists emerged at Lianda,including the tw Nbel Prize-winning physicists, Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengda. “Lianda laid the fundatin fr every achievement I have made,” Yang recalled. He still remembers learning in a temprary classrm that had n glass in the windws. “On windy days,we had t hld dwn the paper n the desk,which wuld therwise be blwn away,”he said.
    With the cuntry at war,students at Lianda were nt ging t shirk their duty. Driven by a sense f cmmitment,a great many jined the army t resist the Japanese invaders and defend the hnur f the natin. In fact,Lianda prvided the largest number f student-sldiers frm any campus in China. Of the thusands f cllege students frm all ver China wh served as interpreters,ne tenth were frm Lianda,including the well-knwn translatrs Zha Liangzheng and Xu Yuanchng. Zha later depicted the cntributins f his peers in a pem: Sftly,n the hillside frgtten by all, A misty rain falls in a gentle breeze; There is n trace f the ftprints f histry; Where brave suls nce std,breathing new life int the trees.
    A prduct f the war,Lianda is nw physically gne. But it has becme the crwning Glry f China’s mdern universities,nt nly because f its prminent prfessrs and talented students,but als because f the schl’s strng spirit f perseverance and dedicatin. In 2017,representatives frm Peking University,Tsinghua University, Nankai University and Yunnan Nrmal University gathered t cmmemrate the 80th anniversary f its funding. Mre than eighty years n,the priceless cntributin f Lianda still needs t be reaffirmed. It has becme part f the cllective memry f the Chinese natin, with its spirit as the blueprint fr all universities in China in the mdern era.
    Chse the ideas that are cnveyed in the passage. Find evidence t supprt yur chices.
    1 Lianda was the best university in Chinese histry. 2 The stry f Lianda shws Chinese intellectuals’ academic pursuit and patritism. 3 Only under difficult circumstances can students succeed. 4 Lianda has nurtured many utstanding schlars. 5 Lianda was a great success nly because it had prminent prfessrs and talented students. 6 Peple tday still admire the spirit f Lianda.
    Academic pursuit:Hwever,despite the immense hardships and the daunting challenges,it was right in this place, ver a perid f eight lng years,that the natin’s intellectual heritage was nt nly guarded but frtified by the passin and belief f the wrthy academics f Lianda. Patritism:With the cuntry at war, students at Lianda were nt ging t shirk their duty. Driven by a sense f cmmitment,a great many jined the army t resist the Japanese invaders and defend the hnur f the natin. In fact,Lianda prvided the largest number f student-sldiers frm any campus in China. Of the thusands f cllege students frm all ver China wh served as interpreters,ne tenth were frm Lianda,including the well-knwn translatrs Zha Liangzheng and Xu Yuanchng.
    Lianda has nurtured many utstanding the tw Nbel Prize-winning physicists,Yang Zhenning and Li Zhengda.
    Peple tday still admire the spirit f Lianda. Mre than eighty years n,the priceless cntributin f Lianda still needs t be reaffirmed. It has becme part f the cllective memry f the Chinese natin,with its spirit as the blueprint fr all universities in China in the mdern era.
    Find ut what figures f speech are used in the sentences and discuss hw they help t express the authr’s emtins. 1 Their bed was the dusty rad and their rf was the pen sky,... Metaphr is used in this sentence. It helps t describe hw difficult it was fr prfessrs and students in the three universities t make the jurney. 2 They had t live in rugh buildings,packed 40 t a rm,like sardines. Simile is used in this sentence. It helps t express the hardships and challenges that they went thrugh.
    □ Learning t learn Similes and metaphrs are tw cmmnly used,but easy t cnfuse,figures f speech. Similes cmpare and shw similarities in typically different things. Similes usually use cnnecting wrds such as like ,as ,s and resemble . Fr example,He is as cl as a cucumber . Unlike similes,metaphrs make direct cmparisns withut using cnnecting wrds. Fr example,She has a he art f a lin .
    1 What difficulties did the prfessrs and students f Lianda encunter? Hw did they deal with these? They had t travel a lng distance t reach Lianda. Thrughut the jurney, they had n accmmdatin and had t survive extreme cnditins. Als, the cnditins in Lianda itself were very harsh. They did nt have enugh fd and studied in rugh buildings. Furthermre,their study was ften interrupted by air attacks. They had t adapt t these challenges, fr instance,by hlding their classes when they were nt likely t be bmbed. 2 What is yur understanding f the pe m written by Zha Liangzheng? Students’ wn answers.
    Think & Share
    3 What cntributin did Lianda make t the educatin f the natin? Many f China’s leading schlars and scientists came frm Lianda,including tw Nbel Prize winners. Lianda’s spirit has becme the blueprint fr all universities in China in the mdern era. 4  In what ways is the theme f war and peace presented differently in the tw re ading passage s in this un it? The passage n the D-Day landings fcuses n war as a military peratin, and n hw dead sldiers are memri-alised. The passage n Lianda fcuses n hw war affected China’s students and academics,and hw they were able t achieve excellence in spite f the great difficulties.
    Wrk in grups. Give a talk abut the spirit f Lianda. 1 Discuss the questins belw. • Hw can yu describe the spirit f Lianda? • What examples supprt yur ideas? • What can yu learn frm the stry f Lianda? Strng,persistent,determined and utstanding. Despite the immense hardships and the daunting challenges,they never gave up their dreams. Many f China’s leading schlars and scientists emerged at Lianda. Frm the stry,we can learn t face difficulties bravely and pursue the truth persistently.
    Wrk in grups. Give a talk abut the spirit f Lianda. 2 Cmplete the diagram with yur ideas and the examples that supprt them.
    Spirit:________________________________     Supprting evidence:______________________________________________    Spirit:________________________________     Supprting evidence:_______________________________________________
    Facing hardships and challenges, peple in Lianda never gave up.
    Many f China’s leading schlars and scientists emerged at Lianda.
    Wrk in grups. Give a talk abut the spirit f Lianda. 3 Give yur talk t the class. I’m glad t give a talk n the spirit f Lianda. During the war years,Lianda was brn t preserve the cuntry’s educatinal and intellectual heritage. Prfessrs and students in the three universities cvered a lng way n ft,under explding bmbs. In the schl,they lived in the crwded rm,lacking fd. All difficulties, all great challenges,failed t stp their thirst fr knwledge and their lve fr ur cuntry. They fught bravely at the risk f their wn safety. What a great spirit! It’s wrth remembering frever. Nw think abut yur perfrmance in this activity. Did yu actively participate and cntribute ideas?
    Read the intrductin t Yang Jingyu and answer the questins.
    Yang Jingyu,an anti-Japanese her,was brn in Henan Prvince in 1905. He jined the Cmmunist Party f China(CPC)in 1927. In 1937 Yang became leader f the Nrth-east Anti-Japanese United Army and fught a guerrilla war against the Japanese invaders. In 1938,the Japanese army ffered a large sum f mney fr Yang’s head and a large number f trps surrunded his men. In early 1940,facing a critical lack f supplies,Yang decided t let his men break thrugh in small grups,but his wn sectin f 60 men was betrayed t the Japanese. After these men were killed,Yang fught n alne fr five days. He was eventually tracked dwn n 23 February by a large unit f Japanese trps. He killed mre than 20 Japanese sldiers befre dying in a hail f machine gunfire. When the Japanese cut pen his bdy,they discvered nly tree bark,cttn and grass rts,but nt a single grain f rice in his stmach. Yang’s death was a huge blw t his lyal trps,but they turned srrw int anger and cntinued t fight fiercely against the invaders. After the Peple’s Republic f China(PRC)was established,Yang was reburied with full military hnurs,in Tnghua,Jilin Prvince.
    Writing abut a war her
    1 Wh was Yang Jingyu? Yang Jingyu was an anti-Japanese her,wh died in a fight against Japanese trps. 2 Why did Yang decide t let small grups f his men break thrugh the encirclement?Because at that time there was a critical lack f supplies. 3 What did the Japanese find when they killed Yang? They fund nly tree bark,cttn and grass rts,instead f rice in his stmach. 4 Hw wuld yu describe Yang’s spirit in yur wn wrds? Yang Jingyu’s heric spirit f killing himself rather than surrender mves us mst. He never yielded t the aggressrs and fught t the death. In rder t safeguard natinal dignity, Yang Jingyu led his trps t fight bldy battles,setting an example t the Chinese peple t fight the enemy with lyalty and curage,and shwing the Chinese peple’s heric spirit f nt fearing vilence and reslute determinatin t save the cuntry in frnt f Japanese invaders.
    Wrk in grups. Talk abut ther war heres and chse ne t write abut. Organise yur ideas by cmpleting the ntes belw. D mre research if necessary.
    Nw write an intrductin t the war her yu chse.
    Dng Cunrui was brn int a pr peasant family in Huailai Cunty,Hebei Prvince n 15 Octber 1929. In 1945 he jined the Eighth Rute Army and in March 1947 he jined the Cmmunist Party f China.On 25 May 1948,the battle fr the liberatin f Lnghua began,and the sldiers f the Chinese Peple’s Liberatin Army(PLA)flded twards Lnghua Middle Schl,the headquarters f the enemy. Six jets f fire frm a bridge blcked the path f the PLA trps. The bridge was a frtress built by the enemy,and the PLA trps were stuck under a small slpe. At the critical mment,they needed a sldier t blw up the bridge and pen a new rad fr the whle army.“Captain,let me blw it up!”Dng Cunrui said,and his request was granted. Under the cver f anther sldier,he rushed t the bridge,but culd nt find a place t put the explsives. Dng Cunrui then lifted the explsives in his left hand,lit the blasting fuse and blew up the enemy’s frtress.In ding s,he died a her.The stry f Dng Cunrui,wh gave his life t create a way frward,has been tld all ver China until tday,and has inspired thusands f yung peple t make sacrifices in defence f ur cuntry’s and peple’s interests.
    Make imprvements t each ther’s writings and share them with the class.
    Ⅰ 阅读理解 (根据课文内容选择正确答案)1. Why are the great thinkers’ academic struggles purely symblic?A. Their academic struggles are like“war”.B. Their“war”is abut academy.C. Their“war”is rmantic.D. Unlike real war,their academic struggles dn’t bring pain r great challenges.2. What’s the main idea f the secnd paragraph?A. Hw Lianda came int being.B. The aggressin f the Japanese army brught disaster t China’s three great universities.C. Peking University and Tsinghua University were ccupied by Japanese trps.D. Nankai University was cmpletely destryed by bmbing.
    3. What can we knw accrding t Paragraph three?A. Prfessrs and students in the three universities all walked t Kunming.B. Cnditins didn’t becme better at all when they arrived in Kunming.C. Prfessrs and students were quite safe n the way t Kunming.D. After they arrived in Kunming,classes culd be held nrmally.4. What did students f Lianda d when ur cuntry was at war?A. They tried t study at schl and escape frm the war.B. Students f Lianda refused t participate in the battle.C. A large number f students f Lianda tk up arms and defended ur natin.D. They wrte pems t shw the cntributins f the sldiers.5. Why des the valuable cntributin f Lianda need t be stated again?A. Lianda was a prduct f the war.B. Lianda desn’t exist nw.C. Representatives frm fur universities gathered in hnur f its funding.D. Lianda has becme part f the cllective memry f the Chinese natin and its spirit is the blueprint fr all universities in China nw.
    Ⅱ 语法填空(根据课文内容和语法规则完成短文)  Thrughut histry,the great thinkers have ften rmantically 1____________(refer) t their academic struggles as being like“war”. Hwever,real war always brings suffering and immense challenges.  In 1937,Peking University and Tsinghua University 2_______________(ccupy) by Japanese trps,while Nankai University was cmpletely destryed by bmbing. S the three universities jined tgether in Kunming. Despite varius 3____________(challenge),it was right in this place 4____________ the natin’s intellectual heritage was guarded and frtified. 5____________ is n wnder that many f China’s leading schlars and scientists emerged at Lianda,6____________(include) the tw Nbel Prizewinningphysicists.   7____________(drive) by a sense f cmmitment,a great many students jined the army t defend ur cuntry. In fact,Lianda prvided the 8____________(large) number f student-sldiers frm any campus in China.  Mre than eighty years n,the priceless cntributin f Lianda still needs t be reaffirmed. It 9____________(becme) part f the cllective memry f the Chinese natin,10____________ its spirit as the blueprint fr all universities in China in the mdern era.
    were ccupied
    Presenting ideas
    Wrk in grups. Lk at the pictures and answer the questins.
    1 What can yu see in each picture? In picture ne,a distressed child is crying in frnt f a destryed building. In picture tw,a dead r injured sldier is carried away by his cmrades. In picture three,there are many graves f the dead. 2 What d the pictures tell yu abut war?The pictures tell us the brutal nature f war.
    Think abut the tpics and cmplete the table. Add examples r details t supprt yur pints. D mre research if necessary.
    T prtect their cuntry.
    Deaths and injuries.
    Slve prblems peacefully.
    Prepare a shrt presentatin n ne f the tpics frm Activity 2 r think f anther relevant tpic. Cnsider the fllwing: 1 the structure f yur presentatin 2 useful wrds,expressins and structures
    Give yur presentatin t the class.
    Write a reflectin after cmpleting this unit. Cnsider the fllwing: 1 What is yur understanding f war and peace? 2 What text types have yu learnt abut? What are their features? 3 What wrds,expressins and structures have yu learnt? 4 What imprvement have yu made in understanding different cultures? 5  What imprvement have yu made in using learning strategies and explring effective ways f learning? 6  What imprvement have yu made in analysing and slving prblems?
    Language pints
    教材原句p.32Thrughut histry,the great thinkers f the wrld have ften rather rmantically referred t their academic struggles as being like “war”. 纵观历史,世界上伟大的思想家们常常以一种浪漫的说法把他们的学术之争比喻为“战争”。
    1 academic adj. 学术的;学业的an academic career 学术生涯academic subjects/qualificatins学科 / 学术资历the start f the new academic year 新学年的开始Being unable t use a cmputer makes it mre difficult fr him t dhis academic research. 不会使用电脑使他的学术研究更加困难。【单词积累】academy n. 研究院;学会;专科学院
    单句语法填空(1)Perhaps yu are nt ________________ academic persn but yu see the same kind f attitudein ther areas.完成句子(2)The students return in September fr the start f ____________________________    (新学年).(3)He’s been infrmed that he desn’t qualify fr the schlarship because f his ________________________(学术背景).
    the new academic year
    academic backgrund
    教材原句p.32Their bed was the dusty rad and their rf was the pen sky,ften lit up by explding Japanese bmbs. 他们以尘土飞扬的道路为床,以开阔的、经常被日军的炸弹照亮的天空为屋顶。
    2 light up 照亮;变得明亮;(使)流露出喜悦/ 兴奋New Year’s firewrks lit up the sky. 新年的焰火照亮了天空。At night the harbur lights up. 到了晚上,海港灯火通明。His eyes lit up when she walked int the rm.当她走进房间时,他两眼一亮。【学法点拨】( 1)light 的过去式或过去分词有两种形式 lighted 或 lit,但在通常情况下lit 比lighted 用得更多。( 2)若转化成形容词,作表语时常用 lit,而作定语时常用 lighted。The match is lit. 火柴点燃了。He was hlding a lighted match. 他手里拿着根点燃的火柴。
    单句语法填空(1)There was an explsin and the whle sky________________(light) up.(2)As the screen lit ________________,he typed in his passwrd.(3)Lily was frightened,with the ________________(light) match in her hand.完成句子(4)She drew back the curtain,and a brilliant sun_______________(照亮) their rms.(5)看到礼物的时候罗茜满脸兴奋。Rsie’s whle face ________________with excitement when she saw the presents.
    教材原句p.32It is n wnder that many,if nt mst,f China’s leading schlars and scientists emerged at Lianda... 难怪即使不是大多数,但也有许多中国领先的学者和科学家都是联大出身……
    3 emerge v. 出现The mn emerged frm behind the cluds. 月亮从云层后露了出来。She finally emerged frm her rm at nn.中午,她终于从屋里出来了。We emerged int bright sunlight. 我们来到明媚的阳光下。【单词积累】emergence n. 出现;显现emergency n. 紧急情况,不测事件in an emergency 在紧急情况下in case f emergency 万一遇到紧急情况
    单句语法填空(1)She was wrrying abut him when he________________(emerge) frm the lake.(2)In case f ________________(emerge),press the buttn and break the glass.(3)We tend t verlk sme significant events that emerged ________________ the net until mnths later.(4)Language emerges and develps with the________________ (emerge) and develpment fsciety.
    教材原句p.32On windy days,we had t hld dwn the paper n the desk... 在刮风的日子里,我们不得不把纸按在桌子上……
    4 hld dwn 控制住,固定住;抑制(价格等)的上升;保住(工作、职位)It tk three men t hld him dwn. 三个人才制住了他。The rate f inflatin must be held dwn.通货膨胀率必须控制在低水平上。He was unable t hld dwn a jb after his breakdwn.他精神崩溃后就没能保住工作。【归纳拓展】hld n 等会儿;别挂断电话;坚持下去  hld n t 守住,保住;紧紧抓住  hld back 阻挡;控制;隐瞒hld ut 伸出(手);维持,坚持   hld up 举起,支撑;耽搁,阻碍hld tgether(使)团结,(使)不分裂
    单句语法填空(1)A strng wind blew and he immediately held ________________ the bk in frnt f him.(2)The methd helps hld ________________ the prices f imprts,fr such things as il and fd.(3)I will hld n ________________ my dream and never give it up.(4)N ne can hld ________________ the wheel f histry.(5)I’d thught I culd hld ________________ till my dentist came back frm hliday,but the painwas really unbearable.(6)The rf is held ________________ by wd.
    教材原句p.33 In 2017,representatives frm Peking t cmmemrate the 80th anniversary f its funding. 2017 年,北京大学……的代表们齐聚一堂,共同纪念联大建校80 周年。
    5 representative n. 代表 adj. 典型的;有代表性的搭配:be representative f 代表……的a representative f the UN 联合国代表ur elected representatives in gvernment政府中我们选举产生的代表a unin representative 工会代表The painting is nt representative f his wrk f the perid.这幅画不是他在那个时期的代表作。【单词积累】represent v. 代表;表示,象征;描绘,展示
    单句语法填空(1)Is a questinnaire answered by 500 peple truly________________ (represent) f the ppulatin as a whle?(2)He is the ideal persn ________________(represent)ur class.完成句子(3)D remember that yu are the peple’s  _____________________(选出的代表)and yu ________________________________(代表) the peple.
    t represent
    elected representative
    represent/are representative f
    教材原句p.35In 1938,the Japanese army ffered a large sum f mney fr Yang’s head... 1938 年,日本军队用一大笔钱悬赏杨的人头……
    6 sum n. 金额,款项;总数,总和 v. 总结,概括in sum 总之,简而言之搭配sum up 总结,概括t sum up 总之,概括起来说a large/small sum f mney 一大笔钱 / 少量的钱The sum f tw and tw is fur. 2 加 2 等于 4。His speech summed up the present situatin f ecnmy.他的演讲概括了目前的经济形势。
    单句语法填空(1)He is saving ________________ sum f mney t buy a huse fr his family.(2)She quickly ________________(sum) up the situatin and tk cntrl.完成句子(3)If yu d that,yu will be fined ______________________(一大笔钱).(4)________________(总之),there are three main ways f tackling the prblem.
    a large sum f mney
    In sum/T sum up
    教材原句p.35In early 1940,facing a critical lack f supplies,Yang decided t let his men break thrugh in small 年初,由于物资严重不足,杨决定让他的人分成小组突围……
    7 break thrugh 突破;冲破It’s anyne’s guess as t when we will break thrugh.关于我们将在何时实现突破,这是人们猜测的问题。The sun brke thrugh at arund lunch time.大约午饭时分,太阳破云而出。【归纳拓展】break int 闯入;突然……起来(及物动词短语)break in 破门而入;打断谈话(不及物动词短语)break ff 停顿;断绝;(使)脱落  break ut 突然发生,爆发break up 破碎;解散;(学校)放假  break dwn 出故障;失败;分解
    完成句子(1)We hpe __________________(突破) sn in the fight against AIDS.(2)Our sldiers quickly _______________(突破) the enemies’ defence.单句语法填空(3)They had escaped t America befre the war brke ________________.(4)As she was talking,he suddenly brke________________,saying,“That’s a lie!”(5)If Tim carries n wrking like this,he’ll break ________________ sner r later.
    t break thrugh
    brke thrugh 
    教材原句p.35He was eventually tracked dwn n 23 February by a large unit f Japanese trps. 他最终在2 月23 日被一支庞大的日本军队追踪到。
    8 track dwn 追踪到,追查到She had spent years trying t track dwn her parents.她已经花了多年试图找到她的父母。【归纳拓展】lse track f 不了解……的情况/ 动态keep track f 了解……的情况/ 动态get ff the track 偏离正题,离题be n the track f 追踪……,追寻……be n the right/wrng track 思路正确/ 错误
    完成句子(1)Back pain can be a tugh mystery t slve,but with a dctr’s help yu shuld be able________________(找到) the cause.(2)We have been ut f tuch with each ther fr many years,and I find it difficult t   ________________(了解……的情况)my ld friend nw.(3)That’s nt the answer but yu’re __________________(思路正确).
    t track dwn
    keep track f 
    n the right track
    教材原句p.36Prepare a shrt presentatin n ne f the tpics frm Activity 2 r think f anther relevant tpic. 准备一份活动2 中某个主题的简短报告,或者思考另一个相关的主题。
    9 relevant adj. 有关的,切题的搭配:be relevant t 与……有关D yu have the relevant experience? 你有相关的经验吗?What we are discussing shuld be relevant t the subject,but nt ppsite. 我们正在讨论的内容应该与主题相关,而不是相反。【归纳拓展】“与……有关”的其他表达:be related t be linked t / withbe invlved in be assciated withbe cnnected with have smething t d with
    单句语法填空(1)In the exams,make sure that everything yu write is relevant ________________ the questins yu have been asked.(2) I’ve heard abut all the ________________(relate)anecdtes abut this great figure.(3)Health prblems are clsely cnnected________________ bad eating habits and a lack f exercise.完成句子(4)I dn’t think what he said________________ (与…… 有关)the tpic we are discussing.He has missed the pint.
    is relevant t
    教材原句p.32 It is n wnder that many,if nt mst,f China’s leading schlars and scientists emerged at Lianda... 难怪即使不是大多数,但也有许多中国领先的学者和科学家都是联大出身……
    It is n wnder (that)... ……不足为奇,难怪……It is n wnder that yu’ve achieved s great success.难怪你取得了这么大的成功。【归纳拓展】N wnder(that) is n wnder that... 难怪……It is a wnder(that)... 令人惊奇的是……N wnder that she misunderstd him. His spken English is pr.难怪她误会了他,他的英语口语很差。It’s a wnder that n ne gt hurt in the accident.令人惊奇的是事故中没有人受伤。
    单句语法填空(1)________________ was n wnder Lucy was s upset. She failed maths.(2)It is n wnder ________________ many retired peple are escaping frm crwded cities.完成句子(3)He is the cleverest and wrks hardest._________________________________________  (难怪)he is always getting first place in his class.(4)__________________(令人惊奇的是) he culd finish such a hard task in such a shrt time.
    It is n wnder(that)/N wnder(that)
    It is a wnder that

    外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 3 War and peace评课ppt课件: 这是一份外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 3 War and peace评课ppt课件,共55页。PPT课件主要包含了Reading,Founding,why ,how, Simile 明喻,blueprint,academic学者,academy 学院,“忙于 的”,light up 等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 3 War and peace课堂教学ppt课件: 这是一份外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 3 War and peace课堂教学ppt课件,共22页。PPT课件主要包含了Practice,Occupied,occuping,with,occupation,粗略的大致的,艰难的,崎岖的高低不平的,Usages等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 3 War and peace一等奖ppt课件: 这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第三册Unit 3 War and peace一等奖ppt课件,共20页。PPT课件主要包含了单元语法等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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