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    Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came (第5课时)课件(送教案练习)01
    Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came (第5课时)课件(送教案练习)02
    Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came (第5课时)课件(送教案练习)03
    Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came (第5课时)课件(送教案练习)04
    Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came (第5课时)课件(送教案练习)05
    Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came (第5课时)课件(送教案练习)06
    Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came (第5课时)课件(送教案练习)07
    Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came (第5课时)课件(送教案练习)08
    Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came (第5课时)课件(送教案练习)01
    Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came (第5课时)课件(送教案练习)02
    Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came (第5课时)课件(送教案练习)03
    Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came (第5课时)课件(送教案练习)01
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    初中英语人教新目标 (Go for it) 版八年级下册Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?Section B教课ppt课件

    这是一份初中英语人教新目标 (Go for it) 版八年级下册Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came?Section B教课ppt课件,文件包含Unit5Whatwereyoudoingwhentherainstormcame第5课时课件pptx、Unit5Whatwereyoudoingwhentherainstormcame第5课时同步练习docx、Unit5Whatwereyoudoingwhentherainstormcame第5课时教案docx等3份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共51页, 欢迎下载使用。

    D yu still remember what yu were ding when all the Chinese were celebrating the Natinal Day n Octber 1st last year ?
    I was cheering“Lng live China!”
    D yu still remember what yu were ding at the times f the fllwing imprtant events ?
    Lk at the pictures and title in the passage. What d yu think the passage is abut?
    The passages is abut eventsthat happened in the past.
    Reading cmprehensin
    Dr Martin Luther King
    D yu knw this man? What d yu knw abut him?
    He was making a speech with the title “I have a dream”
    Dr Martin Luther King Martin Luther King, Jr. (1929 –1968) was ne f the leaders f the American civil rights mvement. He became a civil rights activist early in his career. His effrts led t the 1963 March n Washingtn, where King delivered his “I Have a Dream” speech. In 1964, King became the yungest persn t receive the Nbel Peace Prize.
    Martin Luther King
    Intrductin t Dr Martin Luther King
    D yu knw the building in the picture?What happened t the building?When was the building taken dwn?
    The Twin Twers f the Wrld Trade Center were mre than just ffice buildings. They are symbls f America, just as the Eiffel Twer & Big Ben represent their cuntries. The Wrld Trade Center was a cmbinatin f seven different cmplexes (综合体) lcated in the Financial District f Manhattan. It was built in 1973.
    Intrductin t the Wrld Trade Center
    Read the passage and answer the questins.
    1. What are the tw events in the passage?2. When did they happen?
    Dr. Martin Luther King was killed; the Wrld Trade Center in New Yrk was taken dwn by terrrists.
    April 4, 1968; September 11, 2001.
    Reading cmprehensin
    1. When and where was Dr Martin Luther. King killed?He was killed n April 4, 1968 in the city f Memphis in America.2. What was Rbert Allen ding when he heard the news?He was eating dinner in the kitchen.
    Read again and answer tw mre questins.
    D Yu Remember What Yu Were Ding? Peple ften remember what they were ding when they heard the news f imprtant events in histry. In America, fr example, many peple remember what they were ding n April 4, 1968. This was an imprtant event in American histry. On this day, Dr. Martin Luther King was killed. Althugh sme peple may nt remember wh killed him, they remember what they were ding when they heard the news. 你记得你在做什么吗? 人们经常记得当他们听到历史上重要事件的新闻时他们正在做什么。例如,在美国,许多人都记得在1968年4月4日他们在做什么。这是美国历史上一次重大的事件。在这一天,马丁·路德·金博士被杀害了。尽管一些人可能不记得是谁杀害了他,但他们记得当他们听到这个消息时,他们在做什么。
    Rbert Allen is nw ver 50, but he was a schl pupil at that time. “I was at hme with my parents,” Rbert remembers. “We were eating dinner in the kitchen when we heard the news n the radi. The news reprter said, ‘Dr. King died just 10 minutes ag.’ My parents were cmpletely shcked! My parents did nt talk after that, and we finished the rest f ur dinner in silence.” 罗伯特·艾伦现在五十多岁了,但那时他是一个学生。“我和我的父母亲一起在家里”,罗伯特回忆说,“当我们从广播里听到这个新闻时,我们正在厨房里吃晚饭。那个新闻记者说:‘金博士就在十分钟前去世了。’我的父母都十分震惊!”在那之后,我的父母没有说话,我们默默地吃完了剩下的晚餐。
    Mre recently, mst Americans remember what they were ding when the Wrld Trade Center in New Yrk was taken dwn by terrrists. Even the date ---- September 11, 2001---- has meaning t mst Americans. 更近一些,绝大多数美国人都记得当纽约世贸中心被公布分子撞毁时他们在做什么。甚至那个日期—2001年9月11日—对大多数美国人来说都有含义。
    This was a day Kate Smith will never frget. She remembers wrking in her ffice near the tw twers. “My friend shuted that a plane just hit the Wrld Trade Center! I didn’t believe him at first, but then I lked ut the windw and realized that it was true. I was s scared that I culd hardly think clearly after that. 这是凯特·史密斯永远不会忘记的一天。她记得当时正在两座塔楼不远的办公室工作。“我的朋友大喊着一架飞机刚撞上了世贸大楼!我开始不相信,但接着我往窗外看,意识到那是真的。我是那么害怕以至于我几乎不能清楚地想起那之后的事。”
    Read the passage again. Are the fllwing statements true (T) r false (F), r is the infrmatin nt given (NG)?
    _____ 1. Everyne in America remembers wh killed Dr. King._____ 2. Rbert Allen was eating lunch when Dr. King was killed.
    _____ 3. Rbert’ parents were shcked t hear the news._____ 4. Kate Smith was watching a mvie when a plane hit the Wrld Trade Center._____ 5. Kate didn’t think her friend was telling the truth abut the event.
    Underline sentences frm the passage with similar meanings t the nes belw.
    1. Nt everyne will remember wh killed him, but they can remember what they were ding when they heard that he gt killed.
    Althugh sme peple may nt remember wh killed him, they remember what they were ding when they heard the news.
    2. N ne said anything fr the rest f dinner.
    My parents did nt talk after that, and we finished the rest f ur dinner in silence.
    3. September 11, 2001-the date alne means smething t mst peple in the US.4. I had truble thinking clearly after that because I was very afraid.
    Even the date — September 11, 2001 — has meaning t mst Americans.
    I was s scared that I culd hardly think clearly after that.
    Hw much d yu remember abut the events in the passage? Test yu partner.
    A: When did Dr. Martin Luther King die?B: He died n …
    September 11th attack
    On September 11, 2001, al-Qaeda launched a terrrist attack n the United States. They hijacked fur passenger planes and sent them t three lcatins. Tw were sent t crash int the Wrld Trade Center in New Yrk City; ne t the Pentagn; and the last t Washingtn D.C. The last plane was the nly ne that missed its target because the passengers n the plane managed t vercme the hijackers. The mst destructive attack was the ne n the Wrld Trade Center. That attack claimed 2,606 lives, including 411 emergency wrkers wh had turned up t help rescue peple and fight the fires.
    Make ntes abut an event yu remember well.
    What was the event?When did it happen?Where did it happen?What were yu ding?What were yur friends ding?Why was it imprtant?Why d yu remember this event?
    Preparatins fr Opening Ceremny f the 2022 the Winter Olympic Games
    Wenchuan earthquake
    What were yu ding when …?
    Write a shrt article abut the imprtant event in 3a. Try t write three paragraphs.
    Sample writing:
    An imprtant event that I remember well was the Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami that happened n December 26, 2004. The earthquake happened under the sea and caused a tsunami that killed many peple and destryed many places in different cuntries.
    When I heard abut the news f the earthquake and tsunami, I was hanging ut at my classmate’s huse with my friends. My friends were eating snacks and playing cmputer games.
    I remember this event well because my mther was in Phuket, Thailand, at the time fr the jb, and Phuket was ne f the places affected by the tsunami. I was s wrried and afraid fr my mther that I cried. I went hme immediately and waited fr hurs with my family befre we received the news that my mther was alive and safe.
    1 Fill in the blanks with when r while.
    1. ________ I was walking hme frmschl, I saw a strange light in the sky. But ________ I pinted it ut t my friend, it went away.
    Self- check
    2. ________ I tld my lder brther abut the strange light in the sky, he just laughed and didn’t believe me.3. ________ my brther was laughing, the televisin news reprted that ther peple had seen the light as well.
    2 Fill in the blanks with the crrect frms f the wrds in brackets.
    When I ________ (be) in the sixth grade, I _______ (jin) a pian cmpetitin. I _________(practice) fr fur hurs every day and my pian teacher ______ (cme) three times a week t _______ (help) me. Then the big day finally _______(arrive). I ______ (be)
    s nervus when they ____ (call) my name. I ____ (g) up and ________ (start) t play. While I ___________(play), everyne ____ (sit)still and listened. I played the sng withut any mistakes. Then I _____ (wait) fr them t call ut the winner.
    was playing
    When I ______ (hear) my name, my heart ____________(beat) s quickly that I thught I wuld stp breathing. I culdn’t believe it. I _______ (win)! It _______ (be) the happiest day f my life!
    was beating
    1.Kids shuld have time t relax and think fr themselves, t.孩子们也应该有放松,去想想自己的事情的时间。句式分析:句中Kids为主语,shuld have 为谓语;time为宾语;后面t relax and think fr themselves为不定式作后置定语。This girl has n time t g shpping.He has n enugh time t take care f himself.
    Language pints
    2.The tired children dn’t get hme until after 7:00 p.m.疲惫的孩子们直到晚上7点以后才回到家句式分析:这是nt …until… (直到……才)引导的时间状语从句。This girl didn’t g abrad until last term.直到上学期,那女孩才出国。He didn’t return hme until midnight last night.昨晚直到午夜他才回到家。
    3.They are always cmparing them with ther children.她们总是把 他们和别的孩子对比。句式分析:这是always 等副词与现在进行时连用表示褒贬等感情色彩,可以是表扬,也可是批评。This girl is always helping thers.那女孩总是帮助他人。The naughty by is always making truble in class.你淘气男孩总是上课捣乱。
    passage n.pupil n. cmpletely adv.shcked adj.silence n.in silencerecently adv.
    take dwnterrrist n.date n.twer n.at firsttruth n.
    … when they heard the news f imprtant events in histry.heard (hear 的过去式)Have yu heard abut him frm anywhere?你从什么地方听到过他吗? I can hear smene kncking. 我听到有人敲门。 She was heard t be a ck.听说她是个厨师。
    hear sb. d sth. 听见某人做某事hear sb. ding sth. 听见某人正在做某事hear f/abut sth. /sb. 听说某事/某人hear frm sb. 收到某人的来信hear +that从句 听说……
    2. Dr. King died just 10 minutes ag.一段时间 + ag (之前),用于一般过去时 A hundred years ag, Britain had a large empire. 一百年以前,英国有一个很大的帝国。He started wrking fr us three years ag.他三年前就开始为我们干活了。
    3. My parents were cmpletely shcked!cmplete v. 完 成 / adj. 完 整 的 cmpletely adj. 彻 底 地 ; 完 全 地I understand cmpletely.我完全明白。① I ____________( cmplete) believe in yu nw. I think yu are hnest in the matter.② They ____________(cmplete) building the bridge next year.
    will cmplete
    4. My parents did nt talk after that, and we finished the rest fur dinner in silence.the rest f ……其余的/剩下的 做主语 时,其谓语动词的数要与 the rest f 修饰 的名词一致。The rest f the eggs have gne bad.其余的鸡蛋都变质了。
    silence n. 沉默 in silence 沉默silent adj. 沉默;缄默keep silent 保持沉默 silently adv. 沉默地、无声地With the setting f the sun, night cmes silently. 随着太阳的落下,夜晚悄悄地来到。
    5. … remember what they were ding …was taken dwn by terrrists.remember v. 记得;想起Remember t write us when yu get there. 到了那儿记得给我们写信。I remember reading this bk.我记得读过这本书。
    remember t d sth. 记得去做某事(此事还未做)Remember t turn ff the light when yu leave the rm. 当你离开房间的时候记得关灯。 remember ding sth. 记得做过某事(此事已做完) I remember turning ff the light when I left the rm.我记得离开房间时关灯了。
    take dwn 拆掉;拆毁The machine gun isn't taken dwn easily.这机器不容易拆卸。take dwn记下,写下; 拿下He tk dwn a dictinary frm the tp shelf.他从书架顶格拿下了一本词典。
    6. I was s scared that I culd hardly think clearly after that.scared adj. 恐惧的Many peple are scared f snakes. 许多人害怕蛇。
    (1)scared和afraid都是形容词,意为“感到恐惧的”,都可跟在系动词be后作表语。常构成短语: be scared / afraid + (2)scared可置于名词前作定语,而afraid无此用法。
    scared / afraid
    hardly adv. 几乎不; 绝不 He is s excited that he can hardly sleep. 他如此兴奋,几乎不能入睡。I'm s tired that I can hardly walk.我太累,简直走不动了。He can hardly speak English, can he?他不太会说英语,对吧?
    1) hard可充当形容词和副词两种角色。用作形容词有“硬的,困难的、艰难的”的意思;用作副词,意为“努力地、刻苦地,猛烈地”。 He wrks hard nly befre exams. It is raining hard utside. Yu can't g ut. 2)hardly只用作副词,其词义 “几乎不”,表示否定概念。He wrks hard. 他努力工作。 He hardly wrks. 他几乎不工作。
    1.Recite the imprtant vcabulary and the text with key wrds.

    初中英语人教新目标 (Go for it) 版八年级下册Section B教学演示ppt课件: 这是一份初中英语人教新目标 (Go for it) 版八年级下册Section B教学演示ppt课件,文件包含UNIT5SectionB3a-SelfCheck第5课时pptx、UNIT5Period5SectionB3a-SelfCheckdocx等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共18页, 欢迎下载使用。

    英语Section A评课ppt课件: 这是一份英语Section A评课ppt课件,文件包含UNIT5SectionA3a-4c第2课时pptx、UNIT5Period2SectionA3a-4cdocx等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共33页, 欢迎下载使用。

    八年级下册Section A图文课件ppt: 这是一份八年级下册Section A图文课件ppt,文件包含UNIT5SectionA1a-2d第1课时pptx、UNIT5Period1SectionA1a-2ddocx等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共25页, 欢迎下载使用。

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        Unit 5 What were you doing when the rainstorm came (第5课时)课件(送教案练习)
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