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    外研版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Food for thought学案

    这是一份外研版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Food for thought学案,共13页。学案主要包含了语篇解读,参考范文等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    In the United States,30 percent f the adult ppulatin has a “weight prblem”.T many peple,the cause is clear: we eat t much.But scientific evidence des little t supprt this idea.Ging back t the America f 1910,we find that peple were thinner than tday,yet they ate mre fd.In thse days peple wrked harder physically,walked mre,used machines much less,and didn't watch televisin.
    Several mdern studies,mrever,have shwn that fatter peple dn't eat mre n average than thinner peple.In fact,sme investigatins(调查),such as a 1970 study f 3,545 Lndn ffice wrkers,reprt that,n balance,fat peple eat less than slimmer peple.
    Studies shw that slim peple are mre active than fat peple.A study by a research grup at Stanfrd University Schl f Medicine fund the fllwing interesting facts.The mre the men ran,the greater lss f bdy fat.The mre they ran,the greater their increase in fd intake(吸收).Thus thse wh ran the mst ate the mst,yet lst greatest amunt f bdy fat.
    【语篇解读】 很多人认为肥胖是由吃得多引起的,但为什么有些人虽然吃得多但仍然苗条呢?让本文作者告诉你答案吧。
    1.Based n the statistics given in the article,suppse there are 500 adult Americans,abut hw many f them will have weight prblems?
    A.30. B.50.
    D [数字计算题。由第一段第一句提到的比例可知,有500×30% =150人。]
    2.In cmparisn with the adult American ppulatin tday,the Americans f 1910 ________.
    A.ate mre fd and had mre physical activities
    B.ate less fd but had mre activities
    C.ate less fd and had less physical exercises
    D.had mre weight prblems
    A [细节理解题。由第一段第四、五句可知,那时人们吃得多但是仍然苗条的原因是干体力活多,走的路多。]
    3.What has mdern medical and scientific research reprted t us?
    A.Fat peple eat less fd and are less active.
    B.Fat peple eat mre fd than thin peple and are mre active.
    C.Fat peple eat mre fd than thin peple but are less active.
    D.Thin peple run less,and need less fd t eat.
    A [细节理解题。由第二段最后“n balance,fat peple eat less than slimmer peple”和第三段开头“Studies shw that slim peple are mre active than fat peple.”可知答案为A。]
    We live in a wrld where it's ften nt easy t find smene t trust.A smiling persn always inspires trust.Even ecnmists cnsider that smiles are valuable.A smile may increase ther peple's trust by abut 10%.
    Peple may als smile when they are caught ding bad things.Accrding t a study made by LaFrance and Hecht,this can in fact be t their wn advantage.We have a tendency t be kinder twards thse wh make mistakes if they wear a smile while being caught.Even a guilty smile may help yu get away pretty easily when yu make mistakes.
    We may als smile when we hear a piece f gd news.In this case,wmen tend t smile mre ften than men.Smiling can als be a means f reducing the pain caused by a trubling situatin.Even if we frce urselves t smile when we dn't want t,this may be enugh t lift ur spirits just a little bit.
    When we feel angry r anxius,ur attentin tends t narrw dwn.We can n lnger see what's ging n arund us and we can nly ntice what is in frnt f us.But if we smile,we feel better and increase flexibility f ur attentin and the ability t think.Smiling can help us fcus and understand better.
    “Keep n smiling,and the wrld will smile with yu.” One f the greatest scial pleasures is t smile and be smiled t in return,especially because this cmes like a natural thing.
    Peple wh smile ften live lnger.A study based n sme pictures taken f sme baseball players suggested that thse wh used t smile a lt survived abut 7 years lnger than thse wh did nt smile very ften.
    【语篇解读】 微笑是人类特有的一种微妙表情。微笑不仅融洽了关系,对于长寿也大有好处。
    4.The passage mainly talks abut ________.
    A.the benefits f smiling
    B.the ccasins when yu smile
    C.the ways f smiling
    D.the reasns why peple smile
    A [主旨大意题。通读全文可知,文章主要讲述了微笑的好处。微笑可以增加信任,缓解压力,甚至对健康都有好处,故答案为A项。]
    5.When caught ding bad things,peple smile t ________.
    A.admit their mistakes
    B.shw they are excited
    C.avid blame r punishment
    D.prve they are kind
    C [细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“Even a guilty smile may help yu get away pretty easily when yu make mistakes.”可知,被发现做坏事时微笑的目的是为了逃脱责备或惩罚。故答案为C项。]
    6.Accrding t the third paragraph,we can learn that ________.
    A.men seldm smile at a piece f gd news
    B.smiles can be helpful whatever the situatin is
    C.we shuld frce urselves t smile whenever it is
    D.in general,men are mre likely t smile than wmen
    B [细节理解题。根据文章第三段可知,当我们听到好消息时会笑,缓解困境带来的痛苦时会笑,甚至当我们不想笑时强迫自己笑,都会提升自己的精神状况,所以无论在什么样的情况下,微笑总是有好处的。]
    7.The underlined sentence in the fifth paragraph prbably means ________.
    A.if we smile,it is hard t be smiled t
    B.if we smile,thers will smile t us in return
    C.if we want t smile,the wrld will smile t us in time
    D.if we smile smetimes,we will make the wrld full smiles
    B [句意理解题。根据第五段中画线句子的下文“One f the greatest scial pleasures is t smile and be smiled t in return,especially because this cmes like a natural thing.”可知,如果我们对别人微笑,别人也会对我们报以微笑。]
    Cmpetitive eating has becme a big business.The Internatinal Federatin f Cmpetitive Eating(IFOCE) hlds events fr cmpetitive eating all arund the wrld.One f the mst ppular cntests(竞赛) is held every 4th f July n Cney Island in New Yrk.Nathan's Ht Dg Eating Cntest started in 1916 and the event has been dminated(占据优势) by Takeru Kbayashi.The Japanese cmpetitr set his first recrd in 2001,when he ate 50 ht dgs in 12 minutes and has wn the cntest six years in a rw.
    The main types f fd eaten in the cntest are fast fd.Ht dgs,chicken wings,pickles,crndgs and pizza are main fds f the cntests.The cntests usually last frm arund 8 t 12 minutes.Nw mst f the cmpetitrs are men,but there are als wmen wh take part in cmpetitive eating.
    Being large and verweight isn't necessarily an advantage in cmpetitive eating.The biggest advantage a cmpetitr can have is the ability t actually stretch(扩张) his/her stmach.Many cmpetitrs will drink plenty f water ver a perid f time in rder t achieve this.Apart frm having an unusually stretchable stmach,anther imprtant thing seems t be hand­t­muth speed.
    The IFOCE has very strict safety guidelines laid ut regarding cmpetitive eating.Cmpetitins must take place in a cntrlled area and nly cmpetitrs ver the age f 18 are allwed t enter.They als advise against any type f hme training.There has been much talk regarding the inclusin f cmpetitive eating as an Olympic sprt.Althugh the IFOCE has talked abut that with the Olympic cmmittee,it seems that they will nt agree t it at present.
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了竞吃比赛的有关情况。
    8.What can we learn abut Nathan's Ht Dg Eating Cntest?
    A.It has a histry f ver 200 years.
    B.It takes place nce a year in Japan.
    C.It is becming less ppular than befre.
    D.It has made Takeru Kbayashi famus.
    D [细节理解题。根据第一段中的“ by Takeru Kbayashi.The Japanese cmpetitr set his first recrd in wn the cntest six years in a rw.”可知,小林尊在美国纽约举办的内森国际热狗速食大赛上连夺六届冠军,这使得他名声远扬。]
    9.What d we knw abut eating cntests?
    A.Fast fd is the nly type f fd.
    B.They usually last ten minutes r s.
    C.Only men are allwed t enter a cntest.
    D.They are pen t cmpetitrs f all ages.
    B [细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The cntests usually last frm arund 8 t 12 minutes.”可知,竞吃比赛通常持续十分钟左右。]
    10.What is the third paragraph mainly abut?
    A.Hw t win an eating cntest.
    B.The histry f cmpetitive eating.
    C.Safety guidelines frm the IFOCE.
    D.The disadvantages f eating t much.
    A [段落大意题。由第三段可知,能够真正扩张自己的胃是参赛者能具有的最大的优势。为了实现这一目标,许多参赛者会在一段时间内饮用大量的水。除了有一个伸展性异常好的胃,另一个重要的获胜条件是手速。所以本段主要介绍了在竞吃比赛中获胜需要具备的有利条件。]
    11.What's the main purpse f the text?
    A.T reprt.B.T advertise.
    C.T intrduce.D.T warn.
    C [写作意图题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了竞吃比赛受欢迎的程度、比赛中吃的主要食物、参赛人员的条件、在比赛中获胜需要具备的优势、竞吃比赛的安全指南。所以作者写这篇文章的目的就是要介绍竞吃比赛的有关情况。]
    Once upn a time,when yu first attended a yuth sprting event,yur parents prbably weren't expecting yu t becme a prfessinal athlete.They signed up fr a basketball,ftball r swimming curse fr yu in the hpe that yu might learn lessns abut winning gentlemanly,lsing with dignity(尊严) and insisting n it when things get hard.Yes,playing games is gd exercise,but it is the life lessns that matter mst.
    Fr many f us,instead f lking t imprve ur minds and spirits,we began judging prgress nly by the size f ur muscles r the numbers n a weighing machine.The thught that athletic cmpetitin is abut greater life lessns and the building f character has been further undermined(削弱) by headlines abut prfessinal athletes.
    “And yet there's still strng evidence that sprts strngly imprve certain persnal qualities,” says Angela Lumpkin,Prfessr f the Department f Health,Sprt and Exercise Sciences at the University f Kansas.And that's true fr athletes f any age.Amateur sprts(业余体育运动)prvide a safe place fr cmpetitin.They als prvide a practice grund fr managing stress.
    The advantages f taking part in a sprt can seep(渗透) int yur prfessinal life,t.In basketball,fr example,“Getting everyne t play the right rle n the curt is the key t success,” says Alan Arlt,the funder f the Life Time Fitness basketball prgram Ultimate Hps.“That is certainly useful in the business wrld,where everyne understands their wn rle in the rganizatin.” “In athletic events,yu g thrugh gd and bad times ften in the perid f tw hurs,” says frmer NBA head cach Flip Saunders.“D yu have the calm manner t settle yurself dwn,r d yu ttally lse it and get thrwn ut f the game which hurts bth yu and yur team?All f that n­curt experience has a real effect n hw yu deal with real­life situatins.”
    【语篇解读】 参加体育运动不仅是为了强身健体,更重要的是为了提高人的智商和情商。
    12.What wuld parents expect when their children jined in sprts?
    A.T win as many games as pssible.
    B.T imprve their health.
    C.T make mre friends.
    D.T get thrugh difficulties.
    D [细节理解题。根据第一段的“ the hpe that yu might learn lessns abut winning gentlemanly,lsing with dignity and insisting n it when things get hard.”可知,家长让孩子参加体育运动是希望孩子在运动的过程中学会如何面对困难。]
    13.What can we learn frm Paragraph 2?
    A.Peple play sprts t build their character.
    B.Peple still hld the idea that sprts can keep us fit.
    C.Peple keep playing sprts t imprve minds and spirits.
    D.Peple pay mre attentin t the news f prfessinal athletes.
    D [推理判断题。根据第二段的“The thught that athletic cmpetitin is abut greater life lessns and the building f character has been further undermined by headlines abut prfessinal athletes.”可知,运动对人的性格的培养并没有被大家过多关注,反倒是专业运动员的一些头条新闻引起人们更多的关注。]
    14.Amateur sprts are mentined in Paragraph 3 in rder t ________.
    A.supprt Lumpkin's idea
    B.intrduce the next tpic
    C.shw anther piece f evidence
    D.shw the main idea f the paragraph
    A [推理判断题。根据例子内容可知,列举业余运动是为了证明Lumpkin的观点。]
    15.Accrding t the last paragraph,the sprts experience has a real effect n ________.
    A.hw t succeed in the future
    B.hw t keep calm in certain situatins
    C.hw t deal with real­life situatins
    D.hw t understand the rle n the curt
    C [细节理解题。根据最后一段的“All f that n­curt experience has a real effect n hw yu deal with real­life situatins.”可推知,赛场运动经历对如何处理真实的生活情境有真正的影响。]
    Keep happy and healthy
    It's very imprtant fr high schl students t stay happy and healthy.Withut a healthy bdy,they cannt study well. 16 Hwever,a healthy lifestyle is nt just abut eating healthy fds.Sme ther things are als imprtant t a healthy lifestyle.Here are sme tips fr yu t stay happy and healthy.
    Yu shuld eat healthily.Eating healthy fds and drinks will help yu stay away frm diseases and help yu enjy life t the fullest.This means chsing fds frm the five fd grups.Eat regular meals,including breakfast,t set yu up fr the day. 17 Als,eat slwly.
    18 Exercising fr at least 60 minutes per day helps develp a healthy bdy and mind.There are many ways yu can include physical activity in yur life.Fr example,yu can walk upstairs,walk arund the schl grunds,get active during schl breaks,and walk r cycle t and frm schl.
    Get enugh sleep every day.Getting enugh sleep is necessary fr yu t relax and recver frm yur day. 19 Befre yu g t bed,d nt watch TV r use yur cmputer.Instead,yu can turn n sme relaxing music and drink a glass f warm milk.
    Spare time fr fun activities every day.Yu cannt study all the time.If yu study all the time,yur bdy will get t tired.D smething fr fun.It helps yu get relaxed,which in turn can help yu study better. 20
    A.Happiness is all arund us.
    B.Take part in physical activity.
    C.Yu can als get supprt frm yur friends.
    D.Drink plenty f water and avid junk fd.
    E.It allws yu t get ready fr yur next day.
    F.S include smething interesting in yur day.
    G.Withut a happy md,they may nt want t study.
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。文章就高中生如何保持快乐和健康提出了几点建议。
    16.G [空格前一句提到“没有健康的身体,他们就不能好好学习”,G项“没有快乐的心情,他们可能不想学习”与前一句衔接紧密,而且呼应了开头的“高中生保持快乐和健康很重要”。]
    17.D [本段的建议是健康饮食,D项“多喝水,避免吃垃圾食品”符合本段主题。]
    18.B [空格处是本段的主题句。根据下文可知,本段主要讲的是参加体育锻炼。]
    19.E [根据本段的主题句“Get enugh sleep every day.”以及空格前的“ yu t relax and recver frm yur day.”可知,这里列举了保证充足睡眠的好处:让我们放松,从劳累中恢复,为第二天做好准备。]
    20.F [本段的建议是每天抽时间做些有趣的事情,F项符合本段主题。]
    I was visiting Csta Rica when I fund myself in a bad situatin: all my bank cards weren't 21 abrad,and I nly had $5 and a return ticket in tw weeks.Back then,there were n cell phnes r Internet.It was 22 wh came t my rescue t get me hme.
    I thught the city dangerus and decided t find kind peple in the 23 .With my remaining cins,I 24 t the bus statin and fund a cuntryside that I culd 25 .Five hurs later,I arrived at Santa Rsa.I went kncking dr t dr, 26 my situatin with my very pr Spanish, 27 everyne pinted me t anther huse.
    Finally,I 28 a Chinese restaurant.The wner was extremely 29 .She heard my stry and felt 30 fr me.She said her sn had a similar 31 .At that time,sme ther peple were very kind t him,and she remembered hw 32 that made her feel.She invited me in,gave me fd,and called the Red Crss t 33 me.I spent my remaining days in Csta Rica with the head f Red Crss.
    I realized that being able t receive kindness is a 34 fr ther peple as well.And kindness 35 mre kindness in small ripples(波纹).
    【语篇解读】 本文通过作者的一次经历,特别是一家餐馆老板娘所讲的和所做的,使作者意识到,善良是会传递的。
    A [很糟的情况是我的所有银行卡都不能正常运转(wrk)了。]
    D [根据后文可知,是一些素不相识的人(stranger)帮助了我。]
    C [与city相对的是cuntryside。]
    C [带着仅有的一点钱,我去了(head)车站。]
    B [身上的钱不多,只能找一个能承担得起(affrd)的地方。]
    A [我挨家敲门,用我蹩脚的西班牙语来解释(explain)我的困境。]
    B [尽管我努力解释,但是(but)每个人都指给我另外一家。]
    28.A.thught fB.heard f
    C.arrived atD.aimed at
    C [最后,我来到(arrive at)一家中国餐馆。]
    B [通过后面餐馆老板娘的行为可知,她心地善良(kind)。]
    D [听到我的经历,对我表示同情(srry)。]
    B [通过后面一句的叙述可知她的儿子曾经有过相似的经历(experience)。]
    A [通过本句中的“sme ther peple were very kind t him”可知,她感受到的是温暖(warm)。]
    D [她给红十字会打电话让其对我援助(rescue)。]
    A [能够收到善意对其他人也是一种礼物(gift)。]
    C [善意能够激发(encurage)更多的善意。]
    Ⅳ.语法填空 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Getting healthy is s simple.T becme healthy nly 36.________(require) yu t make little changes in yur life.Fr example,walk fr thirty minutes every day.This can 37.________(achieve) by taking the stairs t wrk,ging shpping n ft,and walking t lunch.Walking will make yu feel better,clear yur mind,and get yu the needed exercise fr the day.
    It's als a gd idea 38.________(change) yur attitude t fd.Dn't eat when yu feel unhappy r stressed.This is because 39.________(eat) when yu're upset nly leads t increased 40.________(prblem) f weight gaining and bad health.Actually,at this time,yu are suppsed t g fr 41.________ walk r jg,and in this way,yu'll feel better.What's mre,eat the main meals when yu're 42.________(hunger).Try t stay away 43.________ junk fd,especially sugary fds.Instead,eat mre fresh fruit r vegetables and ther fds 44.________ prduce energy and calries.
    In a wrd,walking and eating 45.________(prper) are tw simple steps t be healthier.Yu'd better have a try.
    【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。管好嘴,迈开腿;健康生活很容易!
    36.requires [考查主谓一致和时态。不定式作主语,且文章基本时态为一般现在时,故填requires。]
    37.be achieved [考查被动语态。根据主语是动词表示的动作的承受者可判断用被动语态;can是情态动词,后要跟动词原形,故填be achieved。]
    38.t change [考查非谓语动词。句中it作形式主语,后面应用不定式短语作真正的主语,故应用动词不定式。]
    39.eating [考查动词­ing形式作主语。分析句子结构可知,此处应用动词­ing形式作表语从句中的主语。]
    40.prblems [考查名词复数。prblem为可数名词且其前没有限定词,故空处应用名词的复数形式。]
    41.a [考查冠词。walk作“(尤指为了锻炼或娱乐的)步行”讲时为可数名词,且发音以辅音音素开头,故空处填不定冠词a。]
    42.hungry [考查词性转换。空处作表语,表示“饥饿的”,故用形容词形式。]
    43.frm [考查介词。stay away frm“远离”,为固定用法。]
    44.that/which [考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处引导定语从句,且在定语从句中作主语,修饰先行词mre fresh fruit r vegetables and ther fds,故用that/which引导定语从句。]
    45.prperly [考查词性转换。分析句子结构可知,空处应用副词修饰动词,故填prperly。]
    第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Mary想知道如何保持健康,请你结合以下建议,就Hw t Keep Healthy这个话题给她写一封信。内容如下:
    Dear Mary,
    It's true that everyne wants t be in gd health.I am very glad t give yu sme advice n hw t keep healthy.______________________________________
    Yurs truly,
    Li Hua
    Dear Mary,
    It's true that everyne wants t be in gd health. I am very glad t give yu sme advice n hw t keep healthy.
    Firstly,we need t keep a healthy and balanced diet.A variety f fd can prvide us with different nutrients that ur bdy needs.Secndly,we shuld als take exercise regularly.As the saying ges,life lies in mvement.Thirdly,we ught t get enugh rest and sleep.Have yu heard that early t bed and early t rise makes a man healthy,wealthy and wise?Last but nt least,we'd better keep a healthy mind.Dn't frget t laugh mre and cry less.Yu knw,laughter is the best medicine.
    Yurs truly,
    Li Hua
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    I sat at the breakfast table with my fur­year­ld sn,Matthew, trying t ignre the ache in my stmach.“Mama,want t play?” “Nt tday,baby.”I shk my head.These days I culd barely get ut f bed.I was still recvering frm a surgery.I hped fr strength and happiness.But the future seemed s hpeless.
    Suddenly,Matthew jumped up frm his spt n the kitchen flr.“Bird!” he shuted,rushing t ur curtyard.Sure enugh,there was a white dve seated in a rubber tree.It sat there fr a few mments,and then flew away.Strangely,I'd never seen ne in ur neighbrhd befre.
    When I dragged myself t the kitchen the next mrning,the dve was back.This time with a mate carrying twigs(嫩枝).“Lk,Matthew,” I said,pinting t the tree.“They're ging t make a nest.” The dves flew in and ut f the curtyard all week,building n tp f the rubber tree.
    Matthew culd hardly cntain his excitement.Every mrning,he'd run int the kitchen and take his spt by the sliding glass dr talking t the birds while they wrked.His enthusiasm was influential.As much as I was grieving(悲伤),I culdn't help but lk frward t the dves' visits t.
    Then it all went wrng.The curtyard was a safe enugh spt fr a nest,but the rubber tree's branch,thin leaves were far frm stable.One night,a strng wind blew,thrwing the dves' nest t the grund.I heard the twigs break apart.
    I surveyed the damage.Nthing gd ever lasts.I wuldn't blame the dves if they never came back.But they returned.And they paid n attentin t the pile f sticks that had nce been their nest.They started again frm scratch.Again,thugh,the wind destryed all their hard wrk.The next day,and the next,they renewed their effrts,as if nthing had happened.
    I knew I had t d smething.________________________________________
    “It wrks!The birds are back!” Matthew annunced._________________
    I knew I had t d smething. The white dve and its mate had given me smething t lk frward t,even in my darkest days.Nw I was ging t help them in return.I wke up the fllwing mrning with a plan.There was nly an hur befre the dves usually made their visits.I hammered a shelf int the wall next t the rubber tree and cvered it with leaves t make it lk like a tree.Then Matthew and I std by the sliding glass dr,waiting and hping.
    “It wrks!The birds are back!” Matthew annunced.There they were sitting n tp f the shelf,adding sme twigs t the new nest despite damage frm the strng wind.Three weeks later,we watched three chicks break free frm their shells.“Chirp,chirp!” Matthew sang.I held him clse and kissed him,feeling mre psitive and hpeful than I had in mnths.I realized all arund me,life went n.And it was filled with wnders and surprises that I culdn't even imagine.

    外研版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Food for thought导学案及答案: 这是一份外研版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Food for thought导学案及答案,共11页。

    外研版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Food for thought导学案: 这是一份外研版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Food for thought导学案,共13页。

    外研版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Food for thought学案设计: 这是一份外研版 (2019)必修 第二册Unit 1 Food for thought学案设计,共4页。

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