小学新版-牛津译林版Unit 2 Good morning教案及反思
展开Unit 2 Good morning ! (一) 知识目标1.能听懂、会说日常问候用语:Good morning/afternoon要求发音准确、语调自然。2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇:morning, afternoon3. 能听懂课堂用语:Stand up、sit down..4.能熟练运用日常问候用语:Good morning/afternoon/evening/night。5.能听懂、会说、会读词汇:morning, afternoon, evening, night、woof.6. 能听懂、会说儿歌:Good morning.7. 完成练习(二) 能力目标1. 能听懂、会说日常问候语:Good morning/afternoon要求发音准确、语调自然。2. 能听懂、会说、会读词汇:morning, afternoon3. 熟练掌握词汇的读音:morning, afternoon.4. 能正确运用日常问候语:Good morning/afternoon/evening/night。5. 能听懂、会说、会读词汇:morning ,afternoon, evening, night、woof. 6.掌握儿歌:Good morning (三) 情感目标本单元的主要教学内容仍然是“问候”和“自我介绍”。教师在教学中要多创设一些与生活接近的场景,让学生在实际情景中学会使用这些日常用语,并养成经常使用英语问候语的习惯。同时教育孩子做个懂礼貌的孩子。多使用这些礼貌用语在教学中,要引导学生听懂、会说本单元中出现的单词及句子,帮助他们准确、熟练、流畅地演唱本单元的歌曲。 [II] Aims of per lesson 单课教学目标III Discourses of the unit 单元文本内容Story Time文本IV Aids 教学准备: Discourse , pictures,video V Teaching procedure of Period 1 分课时教案 教学日期__________Teaching procedure of Period 2 分课时教案 教学日期__________学习任务语言知识语言技能学习策略情感态度文化意识第一教时完成Story time部分的学习1.能听懂、会说日常问候用语:Good morning/afternoon要求发音准确、语调自然。2.能听懂、会说、会读:morning, afternoon能听懂、会说人物姓名Liu Tao Yang Ling 能听懂 Miss, Stand up.在语境中视听结合利用提供的学习资源完成学习任务能听懂课堂用语:Stand up、sit down..让孩子学会用英语进行自我介绍,增进彼此的了解。第二教时完成Fun time& Song time 部分的学习 1.能熟练运用日常问候用语:Good morning/afternoon/evening/night。2.能听懂、会说、会读词汇:morning,afternoon,evening,night、woof.能听懂、会说儿歌:Good morning.进一步巩固本单元的单词和句型,能简单运用到会话中。 激发学生学习英语的兴趣,帮助他们建立学习英语的信心通过趣味性的游戏让学生互相用英语进行简单的自我介绍,激发孩子说英语的兴趣。ProceduresContentsMethods PurposesPre-taskpreparationStep1: Warm UpT: 同学们,我们要开始上课了。大家要一起说stand up——起立。(复习stand up)T: Class begins.Ss: Stand up.T: Hi, boys and girls!Let’s sing a song :Hello.Ss: Hi, Miss... ------ (引导学生自己称呼老师)T: Great!I’m Miss Fan. And I don’t know your name, can you tell me ?Ss: Hello, I’m ---.(教师逐一与自我介绍的学生打招呼)T: Now I know some of you. Do you remember her ?Ss:Yang Ling.T: Let’s say “Hello”to Yang Ling.(复习四个人物)Step 2 presentation1. T:Yang Ling is a polite girl. She always say “Hello” to others.Who does she say to today? Let’s watch the cartoon and choose.(杨玲是个懂礼貌的小女孩,总会主动与别人问好。今天她与哪些人问好呢?)Ss: Liu Tao, Su Hai, aunt, dog and cat.2. T:You’re good. How do they greet ? Let’s see picture by picture. First, what does Wang Bing say ?(点击录音)(齐读、指读、男/女生读、火车读)T:How does Yang Ling answer ?(点击录音,各种方式读)T: Great ! Now I’m Wang Bing,复习四个一下第一单元的四个人物,以便于本课的顺利进行时教育孩子做个懂礼貌的孩子。多使用这些礼貌用语。告诉孩子除了用hi, hello在特定的时间里还可以有其他表达方式。。让孩子对第一单元进行复习,开口说英语,激发孩子学习英语的兴趣。巩固操练While-taskprocedurePair workT: Do you know why they say “Good morning”?(点击钟表) Because it’s eight o’clock now.(引导学生说)It’s morning now!解释morning 及good morning3. T: Next, what does Yang Ling say to Su Hai? Good morning? Ss: No.T: Let’s listen.Who can repeat ?(跟着小老师读、大声读、小声读)T:What does Su Hai say? Can you guess ?你能试着猜猜吗?(说对的学生给予奖励)Pair workT: Why do they say “Good afternoon”, but not “Good morning” ?(点击钟表)It’s twelve thirty. It’s afternoon(解释相关知识)4. T: Now Yang Ling meets aunt, the sun is down, what does she say ? Let’s listen!(跟读) T:What doe aunt say? Let’s guess!(在前两幅图的基础上让学生猜测,猜对的领读) T: What about the dog ?Work in fourT: Why do they say “Good evening” ?(点击太阳讲解evening)5. Now Yang Ling is on the bed.She wants to sleep.What does she say to her cat ? Listen and repeat!可以让学生放松开来,边做动作边打招呼。6:00——12:00上午主动权放给学生自己12:00——6:00下午介绍新的任务分角色朗读,教师加以指导。学习新单词巩固知识点在语境中教学新单词。指导学生学会听的技巧。Post-taskactivitiesGuess!What does the cat say ?Pair WorkT: Why does Yang Ling say “Good night” now ?(点击出现钟表讲解)Step3 practice1.Quickly responseT:We learn four words about time,can you read them quickly ?2. Read and orderT: Can you order ?老师和小朋友们一起学习了四个时间名词,你能根据时间先后排列正确吗?请学生到前面用电子白板操作。3. Say a chant:T:Let’s say a chant.4. Read after cartoonT:Great!让我们与杨玲一起做懂礼貌的小朋友,跟着动画读一读课文!5. Act in roles 师生表演, 生生表演复习操练总结本节课的内容。Assignment朗读storytime部分的内容。On theblackboardNotesProceduresContentsMethods Purposes1.Pre-taskpreparationStep1 Warm UpT: Class begins.Ss: Stand up.T: Good morning,boys and girls!Ss: Good morning, Miss--- T:Sit down,please!Today we’ll go on learning Unit2 Good morning.Ss: First, let’s play a game: Brain storm(快速读出单词、短语及图片内容)T:Great !(大拇指)Step 2 presentation1. ReviewT: Last class we learned story time, who is in the story ?上节课我们学习了课文,课文中有哪些人物呢?Ss:Wang Bing, Yang Ling, aunt, dog and cat.T:What do they say? Let’s dub!(分组配音、个别配音)T: Which group can act it out ?请小组到前面表演,并加上动作,适当奖励2. Fun timeT:You all did a good job!So Miss ----want to give you a prize:play a game!呈现图片背面用第一节课所学的内容和学生打招呼,复习前一课时的内容。奖励机制的设计激发孩子学习英语的热情。复习巩固i通过复习上节课内容,复现旧知,帮助学生巩固知识。2.While-taskprocedureT: I have some cards about time. Can you guess ?利用猜测游戏呈现四张时间卡片示范游戏规则T: Now I want some of you to play game with me ? Who can try ?Ss: I can !T: You choose one card and say out the phrase:从老师手中抽出一张时间卡片,并迅速说出相关问候语!小组内操作游戏T:Now take out your card and play with your partners. 第一课时已布置学生制作卡片3. Rhyme timeT:Are you happy? Here’s a rhyme for you. First, let’s enjoy!T:Do you like it ?Let’s read sentence by sentence.(呈现儿歌,逐句跟读)T: How do you do?也是问候语,用于初次见面,答语也是How do you do ?T: Can you read now?学生挑选自己喜欢的方式朗读T: Can you make a new rhyme? Work in your group.表演对话指导朗读的技巧游戏环节巩固本单元的知识点。学生接龙操练。教师示范朗读,纠正发音,学生练习读教师总结。3.Post-taskactivities4. PracticeT: Great! Here are two friends for you.Can you greet with them in different time?拿出钟表显示不同时间,让学生根据不同情境表演!跟磁带学唱歌曲在游戏中交际。在交际中练习口语。Assignment1. 熟读课文的内容2. 会唱歌曲On theblackboardNotes
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新版-牛津译林版一年级上册Unit 2 Good morning教案: 这是一份新版-牛津译林版一年级上册Unit 2 Good morning教案,共4页。
新版-牛津译林版一年级上册Unit 2 Good morning教案及反思: 这是一份新版-牛津译林版一年级上册Unit 2 Good morning教案及反思,共9页。