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    湖南省师范大学附属中学高中英语 Unit5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero 新人教版必修1教案
    湖南省师范大学附属中学高中英语 Unit5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero 新人教版必修1教案01
    湖南省师范大学附属中学高中英语 Unit5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero 新人教版必修1教案02
    湖南省师范大学附属中学高中英语 Unit5 Nelson Mandela-a modern hero 新人教版必修1教案03
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    英语必修1&2必修1Unit 5 Nelson Mandel -- a modern hero教案设计

    这是一份英语必修1&2必修1Unit 5 Nelson Mandel -- a modern hero教案设计,共20页。

    Perid 1: A sample plan fr reading
    T talk abut peple’s qualities
    T read abut enable peple’s life stry
    T study The Attributive Clause (where, when, why, prep.+ which/ whm)
    T learn t write letters
    I. Warming up
    Warming up by describing
    Bys and girls, this mrning we’ll take up Unit 5 in which we’ll learn t describe peple. Nw let’s describe urselves first. The questins in the warming up part will help yu find ut what qualities yu have. Then tell me what kind f a persn d yu think yu are. D yu think yu have the qualities t be a great persn? What qualities d yu think we shuld find in a great persn?
    Give the students ne minute t answer the questins.
    Ask sme students t talk abut their wn qualities accrding t their answers.
    Have a discussin with the whle class and help them t sum up the qualities that a great persn has.
    (Suming up: A great persn shuld be determined, hard-wrking, unselfish, and generus. He shuld fllw his ideas and never lse heart when he is in truble. He usually gives up smething t achieve his gals. He shuld be willing t d public service wrk withut pay, be active in scial activities, gets n well with thers, and help thers, etc.)
    Warming up by brainstrming
    Bys and girls, in Unit 5 we will talk abut Nelsn Mandela, a great leader wh fights fr the rights f the black peple. When talking abut a persn, what adjectives can yu think f t describe his r her qualities? What are the qualities yu shuld find in a great persn?
    (Adjectives fr describing a persn: kind, hnest, brave, lyal, happy, wise, smart, friendly, warm, cheerful, ppular, generus, hard-wrking, diligent, weak, stupid, lazy, dishnest, mean, tense, cld, unkind, miserable, dull, strng-minded, determined,)
    Warming up by expressins
    Bys and girls, we are ging t learn abut sme great peple in Unit 5. Can yu name sme great peple? Nw discuss in grups f fur: Wh d yu admire mst? What kind f persn is he/she? What are the qualities that great peple have in cmmn?
    II. Pre-reading
    1. Nw, lk at the six peple in the pre-reading part. Can yu recgnize them? D yu think they are imprtant peple? (Yes. Because they have dne smething really imprtant t benefit the wrld r a cuntry. ) But d yu think all f them are great peple?
    2.Speaking task: Students read the infrmatin f each f the six persns and discuss in pairs t find ut whether he is a great persn r nt accrding t the criteria they wrked ut in the previus step.
    Remind the students t use the fllwing expressins fr giving and asking fr pinins:
    A sample dialgue:
    A: D yu think William Tidal is a great persn?
    B: Yes. I think s. He had a strng belief that all peple shuld be able t read the Bible fr themselves. S he translated and printed it int English althugh he was nt allwed t d s. And later he died fr his wrk.
    A: Yes. I agree. William Tyndale went thrugh a lt f struggles and difficulties and even sacrificed his life t realize his dream. He is a great persn that everybdy wh picks up the Bible must think f. Nw, let’s cme t Nrman Bethune. What d yu think f him?
    B: ….
    III. Reading
    1. Skimming fr general idea
    S far we have talked a lt abut great peple. D yu want t knw mre abut them and learn frm them? Well, this mrning we are ging t read abut Nelsn Mandela, wh was cnsidered as a mdern her. Nw pen yur bks t page 34 and read the title f the text. What kind f writing is the text, can yu guess? … Yes. A stry is usually a piece f narrative writing. Nw skim the text t get the general idea: What des Elias tell abut in his stry? (He tells abut his life, hw Mandela helped him and hw he supprted Mandela.)
    Listening and scanning fr detail infrmatin
    a. Listen t the text again and d Cmprehending 1.
    True: 2, 4 False: 1, 3, 5, 6, 7, 8
    b. Scan the text and d Cmprehending Ex. 2.
    3.Questins fr further understanding
    Discuss the fllwing questins in grups f fur:
    Hw did the white peple stp the black peple frm being treated fairly?
    Why did Elias supprt Mandela?
    Why did he supprt vilence when he did nt agree with it?
    IV. Clsing dwn
    Clsing dwn by discussing
    What d yu learn abut Nelsn Mandela frm ELIAS’ STORY?
    D yu like the way Elias tells his stry? Give a reasn.
    Clsing dwn by retelling
    Retell the stry accrding t the fllwing clues:
    intrductin f Elias’ prblem; Mandela’s help; Elias’ supprt
    Clsing dwn by an interview
    Ask the student t d an interview in pairs. A jurnalist is interviewing Elias with the fllwing questins:
    When did yu first meet Mandela?
    Can yu tell me mre abut hw he helped yu?
    Can yu tell me abut the prblems that the black peple are facing?
    Hw d yu like his idea f peaceful fighting?
    What d yu think f him?
    What will yu d t supprt him in the future?
    Perid 2: A sample plan fr Learning abut Language
    (The Attributive Clause: where, when, why, prep.+which/ whm)
    T help students learn abut attributive clause intrduced by when, where, why, and prep.+ which/ whm
    T help students discver and learn t use sme useful wrds and expressins
    T help students discver and learn t use sme useful structures
    I. Warming up
    Warming up by discvering useful wrds and expressins
    Turn t page 35 and d exercises N. 1 and 2. Check yur answers against yur classmates’.
    II. Learning abut grammar
    1.Reading and thinking
    Turn t page 34. Read the text f ELISA’ STORY and find ut all the attributive clauses.
    Think ver this questin: On what circumstance d we use when/ where/ why t intrduced an attributive clause? (“Where” is used when the antecedent refers t a place, and “when” is used fr time. “Why “ is used when the antecedent is “why”.)
    2.Cmparing and discvering
    Turn t page 36. D Ex. 1. Then cmpare the fllwing sentences and find ut why we use different wrds t intrduce the attributive clauses while the antecedents are the same.
    The gvernment building where we vted was very grand.
    The gvernment building which/ that we paid a visit t yesterday was very grand.
    The gvernment building in which we vted was very grand.
    In sentence a), a relative adverb “where” is used because it refers t “in the gvernment building” which serves as the adverbial in the attributive clause. “in which” can als be used as in sentence c) because it als means “in the gvernment building” in the attributive clause. While in sentence b), a relative prnun “which” is used as it refers t “the gvernment building” which serves as the bject f the predicate “visited” in the attributive clause.
    Cmpare anther three sentences:
    The date when I arrived was the 5th August.
    The date which/ that he tld me was the 5th August.
    The date n which I arrived was the 5th August.
    In sentence a), a relative adverb “when” is used because it refers t “n that date” which serves as the adverbial in the attributive clause. “in which” can als be used as in sentence c) because it als means “n that date” in the attributive clause. While in sentence b), a relative prnun “which” is used as it refers t “the date” serving as the bject f the predicate “tld” in the attributive clause.
    Read the fllwing sentence and find ut
    The reasn why I gt a jb was because f my hard wrk.
    The reasn that/ which he gave fr getting the jb was because f his hard wrk.
    The reasn fr which I gt a jb was because f my hard wrk.
    In sentence a), a relative adverb “why” is used because it refers t “fr this reasn” which serves as the adverbial in the attributive clause. “fr which” can als be used as in sentence c) because it als means “fr this reasn” in the attributive clause. While in sentence b), a relative prnun “which/that” is used as it refers t “the reasn” serving as the bject f the predicate “gave” in the attributive clause.
    III. Ready used materials fr attributive clause
    Definitins: Attributive clause: An attributive clause is a clause mdifying a nun r prnun in a cmpund sentence.
    Antecedent: The wrd being mdified by an attributive clause is called the antecedent.
    Relative: The wrd that is used t intrduce an attributive clause is called a relative. There are tw kinds f relatives, i.e. relative prnuns including which, that, wh, whm, whse, as, etc. and relative adverbs including where, when and why, etc.
    Nte: Relatives plays three imprtant rles in an attributive clause, i.e. intrducing an attributive clause, replacing the antecedent in meaning, and functining as a sentence element in the attributive clause.
    e.g.: The girl wh is talking t Mr. Li ver there is my sister.
    In the sentence, The girl is the antecedent and wh is used t intrduce the attributive clause as the antecedent is a persn. It (wh) refers t the girl and functins as the subject in the attributive clause.
    The chice f the relatives is the mst difficult in learning the attributive clause. Hwever, there are sme rules that can help us chse the crrect relatives. Usually, which relative t chse depends n what the antecedent is and what sentence element the relative functins in the attributive clause as shwn in the fllwing chart:
    Nte: relatives can be mitted if they serves as the bjects in the attributive clauses.
    If a relative functins as the bject f a prepsitin in the attributive clause, the prepsitin can usually be placed befre the relative. In this situatin, we use “which” fr things and “whm” fr peple, and they can never be mitted. Hwever, if the prepsitin and a verb frm a set phrase in the attributive clause, they shuld nt be separated:
    The schl (which/ that) he nce studied in is very famus.
    The schl in which he nce studied is very famus.
    This is the girl (wh/ whm) I went t the Great Wall with.
    This is the girl with whm I went t the Great Wall.
    The sentence “This is the watch (which/ that ) yu are lking fr.” can nt be changed int “This is the watch fr which yu are lking.” because “lk fr ” is a set phrase.
    Nw turn t page 36 and let’s d Ex.2 and 3.
    IV. Clsing dwn by ding a quiz
    T end the perid yu are ging t take a quiz n attributive clause.
    Chse the best answer:
    1.The weather turned ut t be very gd, ____ was mre than we culd expect.
    A. what B. which C. that D. it
    2.After living in Pairs fr fifty years he returned t the small twn ____ he grew up as a child.
    A. which B. where C. that D. when
    3.The huse ______ we live is nt large.
    A. which B. in which C. n which D. at which
    4.Recently I bught an ancient Chinese vase, _____ was very reasnable.
    A. which price C. the price f which C. its price D. the price f whse
    5.He lived in Lndn fr 3 mnths, during ____ time he learned sme English.
    A. this B. which C. at which D. sme
    6.I will never frget the day _____ he came t see me.
    A. that B. which C. at which D. when
    7.The visitr asked the guide t take his picture _____ stands the famus twer.
    A that B. where C. which D. there
    8.The students ____ department Ms King wrked ten years ag lk dwn upn wmen.
    A. in which B. in that C. in whse D. whse
    9. I dn’t like _____ yu speak t her.
    A. the way B. the way in that C. the way which D. the way f which
    10. I had neither a raincat nr an umbrella. _______ I gt wet thrugh .
    A. It’s the reasn B. That’s why C. There’s why D. It’s hw
    Perid 3: A sample lessn plan fr Using Language
    T help students read the passage THE REST OF ELIAS’ STORY
    T help students t use the language by reading, listening, speaking and writing
    I. Warming up and listening
    S far we have read a stry abut Elias. D yu remember why it was difficult fr him t get a jb? (because he hadn’t a passbk) what is a passbk? Why is it imprtant? Let’s listen t a shrt passage and find ut.
    Turn t page 37. Read the questins and chse the best answer after listening.
    Discuss the questins in Ex. 2.
    II. Guided reading
    1. Reading and answering questins
    As we knw, in rder t supprt Mandela, Elias helped him blw up sme gvernment buildings. Can yu imagine what wuld happen t him if he was caught? Actually, he was caught and put int a prisn n Rbben Island. Hwever, he was lucky enugh t get help frm Mandela even when he was in prisn.
    Turn t Page 38, read the passage quickly and find ut:
    Hw did Mandela helped Elias when he was n Rbben Island
    Hw did Mandela help Elias after he came t pwer?
    2. Reading and ding exercises
    Read the passage again and d the exercise n Page 38.
    3. Task (a text dialgue)
    Nw we have finished the stry abut Elias. Next we are ging t d a grup activity. We will d it in grups f fur. Suppse ne f yu is Elias and wrks as a tur guide n Rbben Island. The ther three f yu are turists wh are very interested in the island and Mandela’s life and asking the tur guide the fllwing questins. Elias must answer them.
    III. Guided writing
    1. Preparatin fr writing
    Imagine nw Mr Mandela is in prisn. Yu are ging t write a letter t the President f Suth Africa asking him t free Nelsn Mandela. D yu remember the frmat f a letter? What shuld be the main cntent f this letter? (The reasns fr freeing Mandela) Hw wuld yu try t persuade the president? (Yu must make yur reasns persuasive.)
    2. Writing a letter
    Read the infrmatin abut Mandela. Discuss with yur partner and cllect ideas fr the letter
    Writer dwn the ideas and put them int a gd and lgical rder.
    Write the letter.
    IV. Further applying
    1. Finding infrmatin
    G t the library t read r get nline t search fr mre infrmatin n Nelsn Mandela. Take ntes f yur finding and d an ral presentatin next perid.
    2. Writing a descriptin
    Write a descriptin f Nelsn Mandela using the infrmatin yu have fund.
    V. Clsing dwn by sharing
    Share yur letter with yur partners and make necessary changes.
    Share yur letter with the class by reading it alud.
    Part 2: Teaching resurces(第二部分:教学资源)
    Sectin 1: A text structure analysis f ELIAS’ STORY
    I. Type f writing and summary f the idea
    = 2 \* ROMAN II. A tree diagram
    (with key wrds f each paragraph placed in each bx)
    black wrker
    difficult perid
    law firm
    infrmatin f Elias
    Elias’ life befre meeting Mandela
    six leave nt pay gld mine passbk wrried abut
    Elias’s prblem
    tell help crrect papers frget jin
    Mandela’s help
    Elias’ stry
    n rights vte
    live jb prest areas
    nt grw fd
    black peple’s prblems
    Elias’ life after meeting Mandela
    psitin accept
    fight peacefully blw up
    put in prisn realize equal
    supprt t Mandela
    = 3 \* ROMAN III. A retld passage f the text
    Elias is a black wrker in Suth Africa. His family was s pr that he had t drp ut f schl at the age f eight. Later n, he was able t wrk as a gld miner in Jhannesburg. But as he hadn’t gt a passbk which was required if ne wanted t live in Jhannesburg. He was wrried abut being dismissed. Hwever, he was lucky enugh t get sme help frm Nelsn Mandela and managed t get the crrect papers. After that, he began t knw mre Mandela and his plitical ideas. He agreed with Mandela’s views n the unfair laws against the black peple and his idea abut peaceful fighting. He als knew that all Mandela wanted t d was t fight fr equal rights fr the black peple. S he supprted him heart and sul.
    Sectin 2: Backgrund infrmatin n Nelsn Mandela and thers
    I. Nelsn Mandela
    Nelsn Rlihlahla Mandela, (brn 18 July 1918), befre becming President f Suth Africa, was ne f its chief anti-apartheid activists, and was als an anti-apartheid sabteur. He is nw almst universally cnsidered t be a heric freedm fighter. He spent his childhd in the Thembu chiefdm befre embarking n a career in law.
    The name Madiba is an hnrary title adpted by lder male members f Mandela's clan; hwever, in Suth Africa the title is synnymus with Nelsn Mandela.
    II. Curtrm qutes by Nelsn Mandela

    = 3 \* ROMAN III. ANC and ANC Yuth League
    The ANC is a natinal liberatin mvement. It was frmed in 1912 t unite the African peple and spearhead the struggle fr fundamental plitical, scial and ecnmic change. Fr nine decades the ANC has led the struggle against racism and ppressin, rganising mass students resistance, mbilising the internatinal cmmunity and taking up the armed struggle against apartheid. Membership f the ANC is pen t all Suth Africans abve the age f 18 years, irrespective f race, clur and creed, wh accept its principles, plicies and prgrammes.
    The ANC Yuth League was funded in 1944. The league prpagated “Africanism” and its mtt was “Africa’s cause must triumph.” It was radical and militant. The members f it rejected the idea f “freign” leadership and argued that black Africans must prvide their wn leadership and rely upn themselves.

    Sectin 3: Wrds and expressins
    I. Wrds fr warming up
    n. smething typical f a persn r material: Kindness is his best quality. She shws qualities f leadership.
    adj. ready (t d sth.): Are yu willing t help?
    adj. able r ready t take actin: Althugh he is ver 70; he is still active. An active member f the club is sure t attend every meeting.
    lse heart灰心,丧失信心I used t wrk in the garden every week. But I lst heart when all the plants died. Dn’t lse heart; yu still have mre chances.
    lse ne’s heart爱上,喜欢上 She lst her heart t him as sn as she saw the handsme sldier.
    truble n.麻烦:in truble 有麻烦,处于困境中;get int truble 陷入困境;make truble 制造麻烦;ask fr truble自找麻烦;have truble (in) ding sth. 做某事有困难
    II. Wrds fr Reading
    v. t tell what ne thinks shuld be dne:advise sth.; advise ding sth.; advise sb. t d sth.; advise that sb. (shuld) d sth.; I advise waiting until the teacher cmes. The dctr advised a week’s rest/ taking a week’s rest. I advised (him) that he shuld take a rest. I advised him nt t drive/ against driving. What d yu advise me t d?
    n. pinin given by ne persn t anther n hw that ther shuld behave r act: give sme advice t sb.; five sb. sme advice; fllw sb’s advice
    vi & vt. g n: cntinue t d sth/ ding sth; cntinue (with)sth.; g n ding sth. / with sth. / t d sth. The sprts meet cntinued fr 3 days. He cntinued t study/ studying as if nthing had happened. We must cntinue ur jurney until we find water.
    n. & v. t be r make anxius:wrry sb.,wrry abut…; bbe wrried abut…; Yu dn’t have t wrry abut yur health if yu keep a balanced diet. Our parents must be wrrying because we are cming back late. Her sick students wrried me. What he said added t her wrries.
    n. a perid a in a curse f events; the raised flr n which plays are perfrmed in a theater: stage directin; stage directr; put sb. n the stage; at an early stage in ur histry
    v. & n. t express ne’s chice fficially frm amng the pssibilities ffered ; an act f making a chice r decisin n a matter by means f vting: vte fr/ against sb. Mst students vted fr Jim as they thught him capable and hnest. Mst peple vted against the frmer leader because f rumr abut him. I gave my vte t Li Ga. The new leader was elected thrugh a secret vte.
    n. the place where smene r smething is r shuld be; a particular place r rank in a grup: What I knw abut him was that he is in a high psitin in the cmpany. Can yu tell me the psitin f yur city n the map?
    v. t take smething ffered willingly
    v. t get: I received sme rses frm Jack n Valentines’ Day but I didn’t accept them. Have yu accepted the jb they ffered yu? He received many presents n his birthday.
    n. use if bdily frce t hurt r harm; very great frce in actin r feeling
    adj. Vilence in the media has influenced teenagers a lt.
    as a matter f fact: in fact; actually: As a matter f fact, he discver the truth quite by accident. As a matter f fact, I felt extremely nervus when I was giving the speech.
    v. blw up: blw up the building/ bridge/ dam; blw up the tire; blw ff; blw ut
    n. a place where criminals are kept lcked up as a punishment
    n. a persn kept in a prisn fr sme crime r while waiting t be tired.
    put in prisn: If yu cntinue ding thse kinds f things, yu will end up in prisn. They were put in prisn fr blwing up the gvernment building.
    adj. the same in size; number; value; rank; etc.; having enugh strength; ability; etc.: All men were brn equal. Cut the cakes int three equal pieces. Wmen demand equal pay fr equal wrk. Bill is equal t the jb f running the ffice. n. persn wh is equal ( t anther r t neself): The teacher is ppular because he treats the children as his equals.
    III. Wrds fr Using Language
    v. t frm (a picture r idea) in mind: imagine sth.; imagine ding sth.; imagine sb. ding sth.; imagine that …; Can yu imagine life withut electricity? I cannt imagine Lily cking dinner fr twenty peple? Yu cannt imagine what life was like n Rbben Island.
    n. plitical pwer; super pwer; cme t/ int pwer; in pwer
    n.( terrible adj. terrrist n. terrrism n.) She trembled with terrr when the thief pinted a knife at her. She screamed with terrr n hearing the explsin. The murder case was a terrr t everybdy in the small twn.
    n.& v the feeling that ne has when danger is near; t be afraid: fear sth; fear t d sth; fear that…; fr fear that…; fr fear f
    v.& n. find a way ut; get ut; the act f escaping: a narrw escape; fire escape; escape death punishment/ being punished; escape frm prisn / reality; escape ut f a burning building. The bird has escaped frm the cage. The bird has escaped being sht.
    n. He passed the exam and finally gt his Master’s degree. The temperature tday is tw degrees htter than yesterday.
    n. (sth. given r gained as) return fr wrk r service: The plice are ffering a reward fr infrmatin abut the rbbery. v. t give a reward t: He rewarded the by fr bring back the dg.
    n. a punishment fr a criminal fund guilty in curt: The sentence was ten years in prisn. a heavy sentence; a life sentence; under the sentence f death; serve ne’s sentence v. t give a punishment t: He was sentenced t three years in prisn. be sentenced t death; be sentenced fr thief
    Sun Yat-sen (Nvember 12, 1866–March 12, 1925) was a Chinese revlutinary leader and statesman wh is cnsidered by many t be the “Father f Mdern China”. He had a significant influence in the verthrw f the Qing Dynasty and establishment f the Republic f China. A funder f the Kumintang, Sun was the first prvisinal president f the Republic f China in 1912 and de fact leader frm 1923 t 1925. He develped a plitical philsphy knwn as the Three Principles f the Peple. Sun is uniquely admired by mst Chinese. Yet, his life was ne f cnstant struggle and frequent exile as few f his visins fr his cuntry materialized.
    William Tyndale (smetimes spelled Tindale) (ca.1484 - Octber 6, 1536) was a 16th century priest and schlar wh translated the Bible int an early frm f Mdern English. Althugh numerus partial and cmplete English translatins had been made frm the 7th century nward, Tyndale’s was the first t take advantage f the new medium f print, which allwed fr its wide distributin.
    I think/ I dn’t think…; in my pinin; I’m afraid…; I agree/ dn’t agree…; I prefer…; What’s yur pinin? Why d yu think s? What d yu think f…?
    Suggested answers:
    1940—Elias was brn. 1948—Elias left schl.
    1942—Elias was tw years ld. 1950—Nelsn Mandela pened his law firm
    1944—Elias was fur years ld. 1952—Elias was 12 and met Nelsn Mandela.
    1946—Elias began schl. 1954—Elias was 14 and encuraged by Mandela.
    Suggested answers:
    Thrugh unfair laws.
    There are three reasns fr this. Firstly, Mandela nce helped him and he thught Mandela kind and generus. Secndly, he agreed with Mandela’s plitical ideas. Fr example, he agreed with his explanatin f hw the black peple were nt treated fairly. He als sided with him n his view f peaceful fighting. Thirdly, he knew that what Mandela fught fr was t make black and white peple equal.
    Because their attempt t attack the law in a peaceful way failed. They had t answer vilence with vilence.
    Suggested answers:
    a. I knw that Mandela is a great leader wh fught fr equal rights fr the black peple all thrugh his life. He rganized the ANC Yuth League which fught against the gvernment. He is in favr f peaceful fighting. He is kind, helpful, generus, brave, and determined.
    b. Varius answers are pssible. Fr reference: I like the way Elias tells the stry. Elias is a black wrker with nly a little educatin, s he uses sme simple and shrt sentences t describe his experiences and his cntact with Mandela, and thus makes the whle stry mre real-like and clse t the readers. The quted speech in the stry bjectively reveals Mandela’s plitical views thrugh which sme aspects f Mandela’s qualities are shwn clearly.
    Fr reference:
    The time when I first met Nelsn Mandela was a very difficult perid f my life.
    The schl where I studied nly tw years was three kilmeters away.
    This was a time when yu had gt t live in Beijing.
    The day when Nelsn Mandela tld me what t d and helped me was ne f the happiest days f my life.
    We have reached a stage where we have almst n rights at all.
    The parts f twn where they lived were places decided by white peple.
    The places where they were sent t live were the prest areas in Suth Africa.
    Sentence element
    wh that
    subject bject
    which that
    subject bject
    which that
    subject bject
    when prep.+ which
    which that
    subject bject
    where prep.+ which
    why prep.+ which
    Turist: Hw did yu get t knw Nelsn Mandela?
    Elias: It was in 1950. I was wrking as a miner in Jhannesburg but I hadn’t a passbk t live there. S I went t Mandela’s law firm t ask fr advice.
    Turist: Can yu explain t me sme f Nelsn Mandela’s plitical ideas r beliefs?
    Elias: Yes. He fund that we black peple were nt treated as equally as the white peple and he wuld fight fr ur rights. Hwever, he said that we shuld fight in a peaceful way. Only when this was nt allwed did we decide t answer vilence with vilence.
    Turist: Hw did he help yu thrugh yur life?
    Elias: First, he helped me t get the crrect papers t stay in Jhannesburg and keep my jb as I mentined abve. Then he taught me t read and write when I was in prisn. This is very imprtant t me because it enables me t get mre jb pprtunities. Later he gave me my present jb.
    Turist: What was life like n Rbben Island?
    Elias: Miserable and cruel. The guards and sldiers treated us badly, beat us vilently fr n reasns and insulted us in different ways.
    Turist: Hw did yu manage t study n Rbben Island?
    Elias: We studied during the lunch breaks and the evenings when we shuld have asleep. We read bks under ur blankets and used anything we culd find t make candles t see the wrds.
    Turist: What kinds f jb have yu ever dne?
    Elias: A miner, an ffice wrker and nw a tur guide.
    Turist: What d yu think f yur present jb?
    Elias: I like it very much. And I am prud t shw visitrs ver the prisn, fr I helped t make ur peple free in ur wn land.
    Type f writing
    This is a piece f narrative writing.
    Main idea f the passage
    Elias describes hw Nelsn Mandela helped the black peple thrugh his wn experience
    Tpic sentence f 1st paragraph
    The time when I first met Nelsn Mandela was a very difficult perid f my life.
    Tpic sentence f 2nd paragraph
    Sadly I did nt have this passbk because I was nt brn there and I was wrried abut whether I wuld be ut f wrk.
    Tpic sentence f 3rd paragraph
    The day when Nelsn Mandela tld me what t d and helped me was ne f the happiest day f my life.
    Tpic sentence f 4th paragraph
    The last thirty years have seen the greatest number f laws stpping ur rights and prgress until tday we have reached a stage where we have almst n rights at all.
    Tpic sentence f 5thparagraph
    We first brke the law in a way which was peaceful; when this was nt allwed … nly then did we decide t answer vilence with vilence.
    “I have fught against white dminatin and I have fught against black dminatin. I have cherished the ideal f a demcratic and free sciety in which all persns live tgether in harmny and with equal pprtunities. It is an ideal which I hpe t live fr and t achieve. But if needs be, it is an ideal fr which I am prepared t die.”
    “Why is it that in this curtrm I am facing a white magistrate, cnfrnted by a white prsecutr, escrted by white rderlies? Can anybdy hnestly and seriusly suggest that in this type f atmsphere the scales f justice are evenly balanced? Why is it that n African in the histry f this cuntry has ever had the hnr f being tried by his wn kind, by his wn flesh and bld? am a black man in a white man’s curt. This shuld nt be.”(Finlaysn 84).
    “Out f the experience f an extrardinary human disaster that lasted t lng, must be brn a sciety f which all humanity will be prud... We have, at last, achieved ur plitical emancipatin. We pledge urselves t liberate all ur peple frm the cntinuing bndage f pverty, deprivatin, suffering, gender, and ther discriminatin. Never, never, and never again shall it be that this beautiful land will again experience the ppressin f ne by anther... The sun shall never set n s glrius a human achievement.”

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