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    必修4Unit 10 Money

    Ⅰ. 细品味经典文章
      It was just after sunrise on a June morning. “Nicolo, ” whose real name cannot be exposed to the public because of Italy’s privacy laws, finished working the whole night at a factory in Turin. As he often did, he stopped by the “after work auction(拍卖)”run by the Italian police where things found on the trains were sold to the highest bidder. There, among many other things, Nicolo spotted two paintings he thought would look nice above his dining room table. Nicolo and another bidder battled until Nicolo finally won the paintings for $32.
    When Nicolo retired and went to live in Sicily, he brought the paintings with him. He hung them above the same table he had moved from Turin. His son, age 15, who had taken an art appreciation class, thought that there was something unusual about the one with a young girl sitting on a garden chair. It was signed (签名) “Bonnato” or so he thought, but when he researched it, he only found “Bonnard, ” a French painter he had never heard of. He bought a book and was surprised to find a picture of the artist Pierre Bonnard sitting on the same chair in the same garden as his father’s painting.
    “That’s the garden in our picture, ” Nicolo’s son told his father. They eventually learned that the painting they owned was called “The Girl with Two Chairs. ” They studied the other painting and learned that it was actually Paul Gauguin’s “Still Life of Fruit on a Table with a Small Dog. ” The family called the Italian Culture Ministry; the official confirmed that the paintings were originals and worth as much as $50 million.
    Ⅱ. 按要求完成任务
    1. 写出文章中与金钱有关的单词。
    auction, run, sell, bidder, buy, worth, million
    2. 你认为金钱在家庭生活中的作用有哪些?
    Money is not everything, but a life without money is absolutely nothing. All the necessities of family life need money to buy, so money plays a very important role in family life.  

    Ⅰ. 重点词汇
    1. determined adj. 有决心的
    A lot of people are determined to become a millionaire.
    (1)be determined to do sth.    决心做某事
    (2)determine vt. 确定, 决定; 使下定决心
    determine on/upon (doing) sth. 决定(做)某事
    determine to do sth. 决定做某事
    determine sb. to do sth. 使某人下决心做某事
    determine+that/wh- 从句. . . 决定……
    (3)determination n. 决心
    with determination 坚决地; 果断地
    (1)“决定做某事”的常见表达方式还有: make up one’s mind to do sth. , decide to do sth. , make a decision to do sth. 。
    (2)determined为形容词化的过去分词, 常作状语, 类似的词语还有: (be) lost in, (be) faced with, (be)
    dressed in, (be) absorbed in, (be) buried in, (be) devoted to等。
    【语境速测】 单句语法填空
    ①Mary is a determined (determine) girl and never gives up easily.
    ②Johe shows great determination (determine) to become a teacher in the future.
    ③Determined (determine) to carry out the plan in time, they will make careful preparations.
    ④I have determined to teach in the countryside after graduation. (determine to do) 
    ⑤I have determined on/upon teaching in the countryside after graduation. (determine on/upon) 
    ⑥I have determined that I am going to teach in the countryside  
    after graduation. (determine that. . . ) 
    The one I respect most is my aunt, a middle-aged nurse, always wearing a smile and a determined look. 我最尊敬的人是我的阿姨, 她是一位中年护士, 脸上总是带着微笑和坚定的表情。
    2. concern vt. 使忧虑; 与……相关n. 担心; 关心; 关切
    Some millionaires continue to be concerned about money when they become millionaires. (P8)
    有些人成为百万富翁后, 还在继续为钱而烦恼。
    (1)concern oneself with/about sth. 某人关心/担心某事
    (2)show/express concern for/about. . . 对……表示关心
    (3)concerned          adj. 关心的, 担心的
    be concerned about/for/that. . . 担心; 关心
    be concerned with 与…… 有关; 涉及
    as far as. . . be concerned 就……而言; 依……之见
    (4)concerning prep. 关于
    concerned作定语时的位置: 表示“忧虑的, 担忧的, 担心的”, 作前置定语, 如 a concerned look“担忧的表情”; 表示“有关的, 涉及的”, 作后置定语, 如the authorities concerned“有关当局”。
    【语境速测】 单句语法填空
    ①As we all know, the reforms are concerned with the teachers’ income.
    ②The report expressed concern for/about continuing high unemployment.
    ③The President is deeply concerned about this issue.
    ④Let me see all the official documents concerning (concern) the sale of this land.
    ⑤The large color decisions in your rooms concern(concern) the walls, ceilings, and floors.
    ⑥I was concerned(concern) about my safety in the jungle.
    I am writing to see if it is possible for you to provide me with information concerning the interview.
    3. aware adj. 知道的, 意识到的
    I was a millionaire, but was aware there were a lot of hungry people in the world. (P8)我曾经是百万富翁, 但意识到世界上还有许许多多忍饥挨饿的人。
    (1)be/become aware of/that. . . 知道/明白/意识到……
    make sb. aware of sth. 让某人明白某事
    as far as I’m aware. . . 据我所知……
    (2)awareness n.意识, 觉悟
    develop an awareness of. . . 培养……的意识
    【语境速测】 单句语法填空
    ①It is necessary to make people aware of the importance of protecting environment.
    ②It is important that students develop an awareness(aware) of how the Internet can be used.
    ③As far as I’m aware, nobody has done anything about it.  
    据我所知, 尚无人对此采取任何措施。
    ④Everyone was aware that they were in danger.  
    4. balance n. 平衡; 天平; 结余; 余额, 余款vt. 平衡; 权衡
    The soil contains materials to keep the natural balance of the area. (P12)
    (1)keep the balance of nature   保持生态平衡
    keep one’s balance 保持平衡
    lose one’s balance=be out of balance 失去平衡
    keep a balance between. . . and. . . 在……与……之间保持平衡
    (2)balance sth. against 权衡; 斟酌; 比较
    (3)balanced adj. 保持(或显示)平衡的
    keep a balanced diet 保持均衡饮食
    【语境速测】 写出下列句中balance的含义
    ①Try to keep a balance between work and relaxation. 平衡
    ②The balance of $500 must be paid within 90 days. 结余
    ③As long as you keep a balanced (balance) diet, you can keep healthy.
    ④You should balance the advantages against the disadvantages before you give up your present job.
    ⑤On balance, the company has had a successful year.  
    总的来说, 公司这一年是成功的。
    5. replace vt. 代替, 取代; 把……放回原处; 替换
    Teachers will never be replaced by computers in the classroom. 课堂上电脑永远不会取代老师。
    (1)replace sth. with/by sth.   用某物替换某物

    【语境速测】 单句语法填空
    ①I took the place of Bill while he was away.
    ②It is not a good idea to miss meals and replace them with/by snacks.
    ③Our monitor will replace our class teacher to attend the meeting.  
    6. comment v. &n. 评论; 评价
    Comment on the object. (P11)对这个物品做出评论。
    (1)comment on        就……评论
    Sb. comment that. . . 某人发表评论……
    (2)make a comment on 对……进行评论
    【熟词生义】There was a lot of comment about his behaviour.
    对他的行为举止有很多的批评。 (n. 批评; 指责)
    【语境速测】 完成句子
    ①The king refuses to comment on the election results.
    ②Many people like making comments on others.  
    ③He commented that it was an excellent film.  
    7. contain vt. 包含, 含有; 容纳
    The soil contains materials to keep the natural balance of the area. (P12)
    侧重“整体内有”, 指在一定范围或容器内能容纳某物, 意为“含有, 容纳, 里面装有”
    强调“包括(作为整体的一部分)”, 意为“包含, 连……在内, 计入, 算入, 包括”; 常用其现在分词和过去分词短语作插入语, 起补充说明作用(contain无此用法)
    【语境速测】 完成句子
    ①Her new book contains ten chapters.  
    ②Many people enjoy playing table tennis in China, including me/me included.  
    在中国许多人喜欢打乒乓球, 包括我在内。
    Each lunar month in the Agricultural Calendar contains a major solar term.
    Ⅱ. 核心短语
    8. drop out退出; 退学
    Charles Gray decided to drop out and has discovered that having only a little money makes you free. (P8)
    查尔斯·格雷决定退出, 他发现仅有少量的钱财可以使人自由。

    【语境速测】 单句语法填空
    ①Boys, meanwhile, are more likely to drop out of high school than girls.  
    ② Two years later, earnings from the stocks had dropped off by nearly 50%.
    ③Be sure to drop in on me when you can spare a moment.
    ④We cannot afford to drop behind our competitors.
    ⑤If they drop by, I’ll make a delicious supper.
    ⑥I’m sorry to hear from you that you plan to drop out and find a job away from your parents.  
    我很遗憾地听到你说, 你打算辍学, 找一份远离父母的工作。
    9. give away赠送, 捐赠; 泄露(秘密); 颁发
    He made the choice to give all his money away. (P8)


    【语境速测】 单句语法填空
    ①We finally had to give way to his persuasion.
    ②He is such a determined person that he will never give in to any difficulties.
    ③For another, bicycles are environmentally friendly because they won’t give off waste gas.
    ④Scientists have found that all kinds of plants give out VOCs when being attacked.
    ⑤The headmaster gave away the prizes to the winners at the sports meeting.
    ⑥Cinemas have gradually given way to the rise of the Internet and cellphones, and the ticket price is on the increase. 随着互联网和手机的兴起, 电影院逐渐被取代, 票价也在不断上涨。 
    ⑦In some sense, he is virtually a beacon of hope, encouraging us never to give up.  
    在某种意义上, 他实际上是希望的灯塔, 鼓励我们永不放弃。
    Ⅲ. 经典句式
    10. If so, it is time for you to think again. 如果是这样的话, 你需要再考虑一下了。 
    ①If so, you are a true child of fortune.
    如果是这样, 你真是个幸运的孩子。
    ②He seldom, if ever, goes to the movies by himself.
    他不会, 即使有也很少, 单独去看电影的。
    if so是if it is so的省略形式, if 引导省略的情况还有:
    if any 如果有的话
    if ever 如果曾经有的话
    if possible 如果有可能的话
    if not 如果不的话; 否则
    在表示时间、地点、条件或让步的从句中, 如果谓语中含有be动词, 主语又和主句的主语一致或者从句主语是it (有时是there be), 常把从句中的主语和be动词省略。
    【语境速测】 完成句子
    ①They think she may try to phone. If so, someone must stay here. 他们认为她可能来电话。要是这样的话, 就得有人守在这里。 
    ②If accepted for this post, you will be informed within a week. 如果你被接受担任这个职务, 将在一周内给你通知。 
    ③If possible, I wish to go there next summer.  
    如果可能, 我希望明年夏天去那里。
    ④While walking on the street, you must be more careful.  
    当在街上行走时, 你必须多加小心。
    What if your first choice is wrong? If so, just give yourself a second chance.
    如果你的第一个选择是错误的怎么办? 如果这样的话, 再给你自己一次机会。
    11. They are very practical and easy to wash. 它们很实用且容易洗。 
    (1)不定式修饰的名词或代词和不定式构成逻辑上的主谓关系时, 不定式往往用主动形式。
    (2)不定式和它前面被修饰的名词或代词构成逻辑上的动宾关系, 又和该句的主语构成逻辑上的主谓关系时, 不定式常用主动形式。
    (3)在There be结构中, 当说话人考虑的是必须有人去完成某件事时, 不定式用主动形式, 如果说话人强调的是事情本身必须完成, 则用被动形式。
    (4)某些动词(let, blame, seek)的不定式与be连用时, 常用主动形式。
    【语境速测】 单句语法填空
    ①I have many difficulties to overcome(overcome).  
    ②Patients with some knowledge of medicine are easy to convince(convince).  
    ③You are not to blame for what happened.  
    ④I’ll show you the right path to take.  
    1. exist vi. 存在, 有; 生存, 幸存, 活下来
    Two thousand years ago, English did not exist. (P5)两千年以前, 英语还不存在。
    (1)exist in       存在于……之中
    exist on 靠……生存
    (2)existence n. 存在, 实有; 生活, 生活方式
    come into existence 成立; 开始存在
    【语境速测】 单句语法填空
    ①The idea exists only in the minds of poets.  
    ②The company came into existence at the end of the 1980s.  
    ③A group of young men brought the Communist Party of China into existence(exist) in the 1920s.
    2. bargain n. & vi. 交易; 便宜货; 讨价还价
    Which of the following do most British people bargain for? (P10)

    【思维拓展】bargain在此作不及物动词, 意为“讨价还价, 商讨条件”, 常与介词about, over, for连用。bargain还作名词, 意为“买卖, 交易”。
    【语境速测】 写出下列句中bargain的含义
    ①The car was a bargain at that price. 便宜货
    ②They had made a bargain to tell each other everything. 交易
    ③She bargained with the fishmonger over the price. 讨价还价
    ④These shoes are a real bargain at such a low price.
    ⑤In the market dealers were bargaining with growers over/about the price of coffee.
    ⑥They prefer to bargain with individual clients, for cash.
    What’s more, the candidates sometimes make a bargain with voters secretly.
    更甚的是, 候选人有时会私下和投票人做交易。
    3. annoy vt. 使烦恼, 打搅
    If the person says “no”, she is annoyed. (P10)
    如果这个人说“不”, 她会很恼火。
    (1)be annoyed with sb. at/about sth.
    be annoyed to do sth. 颇为生气/恼火地做某事
    be annoyed that. . . 恼火……
    (2)annoying adj. 使恼怒的; 使生气的; 使烦恼的
    (3)annoyance n. 恼怒; 生气; 烦恼
    to one’s annoyance 令某人生气/烦恼的是
    in annoyance 生气地; 恼怒地
    【语境速测】 单句语法填空
    ①My English teacher was very annoyed with me about my carelessness.
    ②To our annoyance(annoy), they decided not to come after all.
    ③Her most annoying (annoy)habit was eating with her mouth open.
    ④All his friends were annoyed that he didn’t turn up on time.  
    4. appeal vi. 吸引, 引起兴趣; 呼吁; 恳求; 上诉; 申诉n. 呼吁; 恳求
    Well, if buying a bag of candies or cookies doesn’t appeal to you, how about buying a tree instead? (P12)那么, 如果你对买包糖果或甜点不感兴趣的话, 买棵树怎么样?
    (1)appeal to sb.        对某人有吸引力
    appeal to sb. for sth. 呼吁/恳求某人某事
    appeal for sth. 呼吁某事; 请求给予某物
    appeal to sb. to do sth. 呼吁某人做某事
    (2)make an appeal to sb. for sth.
    make an appeal to sb. to do sth. 呼吁/恳求某人做某事
    【语境速测】 写出下列句中appeal的含义
    ①Organizers appealed to the crowd not to panic. 呼吁
    ②The company is appealing against the ruling. 上诉
    ③The design has to appeal to all ages and social groups. 吸引
    ④The Harry Potter books appeal to readers of all ages.
    ⑤He made one last appeal to his father to forgive (forgive) him.  
    ⑥They’re appealing for clothes and blankets to send to the disaster area.
    5. behave vi. 举止, 表现
    At that time, women were expected to stay at home, take care of their husbands and children, and behave like ladies. (P13)在那个时期妇女被期望待在家里, 照顾她们的丈夫和孩子, 举止像淑女。
    (1)behave well/badly     表现好/坏
    behave like/as a gentleman 举止像绅士
    behave oneself 表现的得体, 有礼貌
    well-behaved 表现好的
    (2)behaviour n. 行为, 举止, 态度
    【语境速测】 完成句子
    ①They behaved very badly towards their guests.  
    ②Behave yourself, or you’ll not be allowed to take part in the party.  
    规矩点, 否则不允许你参加晚会。
    ③His behaviour towards her was becoming more and more aggressive.  
    6. advance vi. & vt. 前进; 取得进展, 改进; 提升, 晋级
    They were determined to take the opportunity to advance across the river. (P13)
    (1)in advance       在前头; 预先; 事先
    in advance of 在……前面; 比……进步; 超过
    (2)advanced adj. 先进的, 高级的
    advanced English/maths 高级英语/高级数学
    【语境速测】 单句语法填空
    ①He worked so well that his boss advanced(advance) him to a higher position.  
    ②It’s necessary that you book the tickets for the meeting in advance.
    ③People were taken from the coastal regions in advance of the hurricane.  
    飓风袭来之前, 人们已经从沿海地带撤离。
    Besides, filming technology has advanced and more quality films are on offer.
    此外, 拍摄技术已经进步, 更多高质量的电影正在出售。
    7. be made from由……制成
    The cleaners are made from good quality material. (P15)地板擦由优质材料制成。
    be made of     “由……制成”, 表示从成品中可以看出原料
    be made from “由……制成”, 表示从成品中看不出原料。
    be made in 在某地制造
    be made into 被制成……
    be made after 仿照……制成
    be made up of 由……组成

    【语境速测】 完成句子
    ①It is well known that cloth is made from cotton.  
    众所周知, 布是由棉花制成的。
    ②Many products in this country are made in China.  
    ③This box is made after a new pattern.  
    ④This working group is made up of ten members.  
    8. There are certainly no signs that Charles was a rich man! 当然没有任何迹象表明查尔斯曾是一个富翁!  
    ①I have no idea when he will be back.
    ②I heard the news that our team had won.
    ③I had no idea that you were here. 我不知道你在这里。
    (1)从属连词 that 引导同位语从句时, 常跟在某些抽象名词如: fact, hope, desire, thought, suggestion, idea, news, problem, possibility, chance, plan, question等之后, 对前面的名词起补充说明的作用。
    (2)同位语从句也可以由连接代词who, what, whose, which; 连接副词how, when, where, why或从属连词whether来引导。
    在某些名词(如demand, wish, suggestion, request等)后面的同位语从句要用“(should) do”表示虚拟语气。
    【语境速测】 完成句子
    ①The news that our women volleyball team had won the championship encouraged us all greatly.  
    ②The story goes that he failed in the College Entrance Examinations again.  
    ③The question who should do the work requires consideration.  
    谁该做这项工作, 这个问题需要考虑。

    Ⅰ. 单句语法填空
    1. (2020·全国Ⅱ卷)Scientists in Louisiana were so concerned(concern) that they decided to pay hunters $5 a tail.
    2. (2019·北京高考)Earth Day, marked on 22 April, is an annual event aiming to raise public awareness(aware) about environmental protection.
    3. (2019·天津高考)We are determined(determine) that our training should keep pace with the current development in education.
    4. (2019·全国卷Ⅲ)If there is truly a concern about a professor’s professionalism or ability, be sure to use online course evaluations to calmly offer your comments(comment).
    5. (2018·江苏高考)Some change their behavior(behave) in real life to improve their image on the web.
    Ⅱ. 语法填空(黑体词为本单元重点词汇)
      My sister is a caring girl. When she heard the news that many children dropped 1. out of school for lack of money, she was 2. determined(determine) to give 3. away some of her money. She was 4. concerned (concern)about those children who put 5. off going to school or even dropped out. She had a firm belief that what she did could make more people aware 6. of the importance of helping others.  
    To her relief, her kind behavior 7. is appealing(appeal) to more and more people to focus 8. on it. Even though she was wearing some 9. bargains(bargain), she had no regrets. In a word, she can keep 10. the balance of her life, study and work while doing charity work. I really admire her.  
    Ⅲ. 短文改错
      Mr and Mrs Zhang all work in our school. They live far from the school, and it takes them about a hour and a half to go to work every day. In their spare time, they are interesting in planting vegetables in their garden, that is on the rooftop of their house. They often get up earlier and water the vegetables together. They have also bought for some gardening tools. Beside, they often get some useful informations from the Internet. When summer came, they will invite their students pick the fresh vegetables!

    1. 【解析】第一句all→both或者去掉all。考查代词。因为此处指张先生和张太太两个人。both指两者都, all指三者或三者以上都。
    2. 【解析】第二句about后的a→ an/one。考查冠词。hour以元音音素开头, 且是可数名词, 所以表示一个小时用an/one hour。
    3. 【解析】第三句interesting→ interested。考查形容词。interesting有趣的; interested感兴趣的, 修饰人。be interested in对……感兴趣。
    4. 【解析】第三句that→which。考查定语从句。which可以引导非限制性定语从句, that不可以。
    5. 【解析】 第四句earlier→early。考查副词。此处没有比较的意思, 所以不用比较级。
    6. 【解析】第五句去掉for。考查动词的用法。buy用于buy sth. 或buy sth. for sb. /buy sb. sth. 。
    7. 【解析】第六句Beside→Besides。考查副词。beside在……旁边, 是介词; besides此外, 是副词。句意: 此外, 他们还经常从网上获取一些有用的信息。
    8. 【解析】第六句informations →information。考查名词。information是不可数名词, 所以没有复数形式。
    9. 【解析】第七句came→comes。考查时态。本文整体用一般现在时, 描述现状。此处主句是一般将来时, when引导的时间状语从句用一般现在时表示将来, 且从句主语为第三人称单数, 故应用comes。
    10. 【解析】第七句students后面加to。考查非谓语动词。invite sb. to do sth. 邀请某人做某事。

    Ⅰ. 话题与阅读理解
      Money with no strings attached. It’s not something you see every day. But at Union Station in Los Angeles last month, a board went up with dollar bills attached to it with pins and a sign that read, “Give What You Can, Take What You Need. ” 
    People quickly caught on. And while many took dollars, many others pinned their own cash to the board. “People of all ages, races, and socio-economic (社会经济的)backgrounds gave and took, ”said Tyler Bridges of The Toolbox, which created the project. “We even had a bride in her wedding dress come up to the board and take a few dollars. ” Most of the bills on the board were singles, but a few people left fives, tens and even twenties. The video clip (片段)shows one man who had found a $20 bill pinning it to the board.
    “What I can say for the folks that gave the most, is that they were full of smiles, ” Bridges said. “There’s a certain feeling that giving can do for you and that was apparent in those that gave the most. “Most people who took dollars took only a few, but Bridges said a very small number took as much as they could.
    While the clip might look like part of a new ad campaign, Bridges said the only goal was to show generosity and sympathy. He added that he hopes people in other cities might try similar projects and post their own videos on the Internet.
    “After all, everyone has bad days and good days, ” he said. “Some days you need a helping hand and some days you can be the one giving the helping hand. ”
    【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。介绍了美国洛杉矶的一家公司组织的一项特别活动。组织者在联合车站竖起布告板, 请参与者自愿把自己的钱钉在上面或者拿走自己需要的数额。活动引起了强烈的社会反响。
    1. What does the expression “money with no strings attached” in paragraph 1 mean?
    A. Money spent without hesitation.
    B. Money not legally made.
    C. Money offered without conditions.
    D. Money not tied together.
    【解析】选C。词义猜测题。根据后句It’s not something you see every day“这样的事不是每天都能看到”以及But后面的内容“立起了一个钉着一些钱币的布告板, 旁边的标牌上写着“尽你所能, 取你所需”。可知此处指无条件地提供急需的钱。故选C项。
    2. What did Bridges want to show by mentioning the bride?
    A. Women tended to be more sociable.
    B. The activity attracted various people.
    C. Economic problems were getting worse.
    D. Young couples needed financial assistance.
    【解析】选B。推理判断题。根据第二段People of all ages, races, and socio-economic backgrounds gave and took, ”可知活动吸引了各色人群的参与。We even had a bride in her wedding dress come up to the board and take a few dollars是对前句的补充说明。故选B。
    3. Why did Bridges carry out the project?
    A. To do a test on people’s morals.
    B. To raise money for his company.
    C. To earn himself a good reputation.
    D. To promote kindness and sympathy.
    【解析】选D 。细节理解题。根据第四段Bridges said the only goal was to show generosity and sympathy可知布里奇斯说他唯一的目标就是宣扬慷慨和同情。故选D。
    But at Union Station in Los Angeles last month, a board went up with dollar bills attached to it with pins and a sign that read, “Give What You Can, Take What You Need. ”
    分析: at Union Station in Los Angeles last month作状语, a board作主语, 谓语是went up, with pins and a sign 作方式状语。that引导定语从句, 修饰a sign。
    翻译: 但是上个月在洛杉矶联合车站, 立起了一个钉着一些钱币的布告板, 旁边的标牌上写着“尽你所能, 取你所需”。
    【微技能点拨】  挖掘隐含信息 破解推理判断题
    本文中第2题为推理判断题, 根据策略解题如下:
    Step 1 原文信息关键词: People of all ages, races. . . even had a bride
    Step 2 正确选项关键词: attracted various people
    Step 3 两者对比, 弦外之音: 尝试解答B。
    money, dollar, bills, cash, project, socio-economic, generosity, sympathy
    attached to, catch on, be full of, what引导主语从句
    folk n. 人们
    project n. 活动; 事业v. 投射
    pin n. 大头针, 别针vt. 钉住; 压住; 将……用针别住
      Last month, at Union Station in Los Angeles, a board went up with dollar bills 1. attached (attach)to it with pins and a sign that read, “Give What You Can, Take What You Need. ”People 2. quickly (quick)caught on. And while many took dollars, many others pinned 3. their (they)own cash to the board.
    “People of all ages, races, and socio-economic 4. backgrounds(background)gave and took, ”said Tyler Bridges of The Toolbox, which 5. created (create)the project.
    “What I can say for the folks that gave 6. the most, is that they were full of smiles. ”Bridges said. “There’s a certain feeling that 7. giving(give) can do for you and that was apparent in those that gave the most. ”Most people 8. who took dollars took only a few, but Bridges said a very small number took as much 9. as they could.  
    The only goal was to show 10. generosity(generous) and sympathy. “After all, everyone has bad days and good days, ”he said. “Some days you need a helping hand and some days you can be the one giving the helping hand. ”
    Ⅱ. 话题与写作
    假定你是李华, 给你开网店的美国朋友Jack写封信, 请他代卖你爷爷制作的工艺品(工艺品自定)。要点如下:
    1. 描述工艺品外形、材料等;
    2. 介绍工艺品的特点;
    3. 告知工艺品的价格。
    注意: 1. 词数100左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。
    Step 1 写作技巧
    How is your online business? Could you help me?
    →How is your online business? Could you do me a favor?  
    ②句式多变 (非谓语动词及宾语从句)
    For example, Chinese people like Guan Yu, and they think that he can drive out evil spirits and keep people safe.
    →For example, Chinese people like Guan Yu, thinking that he can drive out evil spirits and keep people safe.  
    With various facial expressions, the clay figures are very true, each enjoying an interesting story.
    →With various facial expressions, the clay figures are as natural as though they were living, each enjoying an interesting story.  
    Step 2 妙笔成篇(尽量使用本单元所学知识点)
    Dear Jack,
    How is your online business? Could you do me a favor?
    My grandfather is a well-known craftsman. He is an expert at making traditional Chinese clay figures like Guan Yu, Jiang Ziya, Nezha. Each figure painted in different colours is made of clay, 2 inches in size.
    With various facial expressions, the clay figures are as natural as though they were living, each enjoying an interesting story. For example, Chinese people like Guan Yu, thinking that he can drive out evil spirits and keep people safe. I will write an introduction of each figure and pack it in a beautiful gift box.
    By the way, I can supply them at $1 each, and you can sell them at a proper price. Hoping it will benefit both of us. Thanks!
    Li Hua
    【加固训练】 阅读填句
      A housewarming party is a special party to be held when someone buys or moves into a new apartment or house. The person who bought the house or moved is the one who throws the party. The party is a chance for friends and family to congratulate the person on the new home.  1  And it is a good time to fill the new space with love and hopefully presents.  
     2  Some people register a list of things they want or need for their new home at a local store or stores. Some common things people will put on a gift registry include kitchen tools like knives and things like curtains. Even if there isn’t a registry, a good housewarming gift is something to decorate the new house with, like a piece of art or a plant.  
     3  This is often appreciated since at a housewarming there isn’t a lot of food served. There are usually no planned activities like games at a housewarming party. The host or hostess of the party will, however, probably give all the guests a tour of their new home. Sometimes, because a housewarming party happens shortly after a person moves into their new home, people may be asked to help unpack boxes.  4   
    Housewarming parties get their name from the fact that a long time ago people would actually bring firewood to a new home as a gift.  5  Now most homes have central heating and don’t use fires to keep warm.  
    A. This isn’t usual though.
    B. It is traditional to bring a gift to a housewarming party.
    C. You can also bring food or drinks to share with the other guests.
    D. If you’re lucky enough to receive gifts, keep them in a safe place.
    E. It also gives people a chance to see what the new home looks like.
    F. The best housewarming parties encourage old friends to get together.
    G. This was so that the person could keep their home warm for the winter.
    【文章大意】该篇文章主要讲了乔迁派对, 这通常是人们迁新居时会举办的一种聚会, 介绍了这个聚会的重要作用, 以及参加聚会的人通常会携带乔迁礼物表示祝贺等内容。
    1. 【解析】选E。细节理解题。空格前讲述的是乔迁派对的好处: 这个聚会为朋友和家人庆祝他人搬入新居提供了机会。空格后说的是: 这也是一个用爱和赋予希望的礼物来拉近彼此间距离的好时机。这两个都是说乔迁派对的好处, 前面提到the party, 后边用到代词it, 由此可知, 空格处应该也是说的乔迁派对的好处。故选E“它也给了人们一个参观新家的机会”。
    2. 【解析】选B。段落大意题。根据空格后的内容, 人们会在当地的商店登记他们添置新家需要的物品清单。人们会把一些常见的东西写在gift registry上, 比如厨具之类的。即使没有登记, 一件装饰新家的东西也是一份好的乔迁之礼。整段都是在说乔迁礼物, 因此B项“带礼物去参加乔迁派对是一件很传统的事情。”符合段落主旨。
    3. 【解析】选C。细节理解题。空格后讲的是: 这一点是值得赞赏的, 因为在乔迁派对上不会提供很多食物。其中“this”就指代前面提到的东西, 而空格后的内容是与乔迁派对上的食物有关的, 因此可以定位选项C“你也可以带一些食物或者饮品与其他宾客分享”。
    4. 【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据前面“Sometimes”可知, 这种情况是少见的。偶然情况下, 人们迁新居不久, 就会举办乔迁派对, 所以新居主人可能会请参加派对的人帮忙拆行李箱。因此选项A 符合语境。
    5. 【解析】选G。空格处为过渡句, 空格前说乔迁派对的名字由来, 是很久之前, 人们会把柴火作为礼物送给移居新家的人。空格后说现在大多数家庭都用中央供暖系统, 不用生火取暖了。由后边内容可知, 之前送柴火是为了家中取暖, 而选项G“这也是为了人们在冬天能保持家里暖和”符合语境。

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